HSBC - IBA Busines Compeiton TEAM ApOCALY PSE Case Overeview BOCHK · Hong-Kon based bunk Sertor Sueeess in Groth Areas Sustainable "green finamce Jren dop1sib Promating with ih themed yeen bond. Smart iring " green lo|ns .ES$-relatad bamd undrwtm Task at hand prabetb "inearparate sushhabiliky ite othe Ovenview Situaton Analyuis §ssue Henifeatin Alternahve Gnsidmations "Costs Edhe Bnplenentahon Spack hdusthy Analysis Top Global Trend Amang Sustainable derelapmen mBaking such eompeition aggresinty BOCHK prmtin (HSBC ireen Finamce producbs "depsis " loans "bonds The impact of imate Banks commitmen Investa Demand gutement T meat reala disclooe Situat on Aralgis BOCHK) Hang Seng) (Stoadard ehatd Change . Qustomer Pefemce ONenview BankinySacb ssue Shendheion Market to satainabi Atrncive Boykrentahion Sorpadt BOCHK pramiy Sustainability 2Green finanee. set susans ble targetb blishe suslatebility reprb Since 2015 2021 Grem Bond pool. Ataeted a laree învestor subscrithen ; RMB 6.8 bn Tote times "(_sue Siee meremsed: 4.5 ghd Series 1 Series Overiew hatn Analgin Shunhfcoho Mtennahvey Fing/ Ordee Book : HKD 6.5 bn times "Issue Siee: 3.25 hrotgn Snplerentation Compay Analys Marlsoge Market Market for completed Uhib 22.2% HS8e M.52 5.9% units Market a unfinisked Boe HK Bo CHK Poshon: Byiim: Market Leader Ovenview Sihuato Analgsis Ssue Sduntiicaion Atecnaives ghd nplementah Srpat SwoT Anayso levemye shang market pssike BOCHK, is t he frefhat prmohg suti efinANe eutomer ba "Ere new inifizies frastuch Maket Posihm Suceessfl in issuiry rem bnds . Lack o arihy on how Sukakty tyt be W achieed. . Rsk d lasing cutomo imvesfey net. dveview Suatin lentticahow Aftenahve ShaBty Orplensahahon Cypad Investor Persoma Family Gug . 1ife qoals Hiah Net Warth Sinancing anily bild aa Srouth . Intevest in swtainability . Key tait Modrate-high eAn Se ne w 4chmologay Covenjence dyives heir deision Oyevie legacy Shuatii Arayis Sssue Jdenhficato Atennalives Care data based deision making . mo derte-heh toleance Stategt foY loved ones Moderate tigh- very hyh Comprchonibilby ompambility Bavier Reted indivdal Individuel k does not we Social nedia influenced by Word t mouth Comprehenibilcty and Aecessia lty Jmplemenakton Peoblen Idankfation lou PrDgress in Achieving evinonmena Irsuieiet inconporaon of subinbilhy in no-grasn peoducts taryets Coye Issue Limiled vphe ot green montganes compane to othar othar groen finanee produts Lack of imerovenent in erns SUstinb:y perrmanee Limited Aworene6s of Guehinabiy Concapts Irodeqye commiakien of suetinalaliy inihahives to Customens Oenve Sihahon Ssue Sentcato Laok aliqpmant behean BocHK's Sustinabilty fort and shomeg denands Atunnai ves Japlerenhin Plon A Alterenatives 1. Promottng sustainabi lky with intemal proeess es only my Ros : easy to implemant as it does not iole educating eustomers Cons: does not externals Oiervien Shuabon uplift tt image Shenthaiov AlBennahives of sustainable lbank to rplenentaa bpot AlHematives stategy sustainabilty comprehnuve Develop 2 clear, defined ision for the organization promoe brand image of sustainable bank Pros: Cons: - dittieult to implement in cost Overvies mcuvred Situalig Aatysis 6dentfaioN in Vavious Aternatves a short time phaces rlenantasen Idear Big 3I Modet Integrate Invest Snteqrate Es factorsPomoting investors qise banking touard1 Sustainale developmet Ovenvis Situaton Initiate hitote mew green product lines investment potent Atrnahves Smpkrentahn rpact Jmpact Aceount A A cuent account hat on ’> provides advica up to bte abut aseses account holden's (arbon foutprint. budg hng e savig inihahives cornnunity bui lding monitovs & benchmanks hares Gldoal wenue poten kal $50- 60 billion Nervicw Shaho alis Jssue Shenifcaia Atennahvey Srplementati Sopact SNE Banking Plattorme ’ Online and tlioe benehicial ’ Benchmank fnaninl senvice to pentuumane data to tagctter Communiy d and show purrpose -driven SMES Yeceive. busines avic the 1mpact o an SN, sustainabil1y inhahves ike min ded Compames rvenue potenhal $60- $l00 billion Global Ovenies Stuahon Analgsis Jdutheakor Aternahves renbatan drpact Gireen Snvestment Customs Capitalize fur qren Aoelstat e Ovenvieu) Suahor wth BOCHK inves hin g and acces to drúven ’ Purpose Neus Platfonn to gree on roaing fnance transitioyL the sostainalle futun Sdent hicaho Ateanafives "estr înveti ng hanciad mankets ivestoY to and low cao en denand Consume Cconomy and hplemenhahon Shpoct Data Bia AJtomion and ell bots Using ’ Ceeate Shuetior Cugtom ue senhfcahon baheior wpond to internd to dah and Taapt than with Overiew Custmer Hhese Aternah IT aceass dashbawra's da Snpat Jmpadt &m-plementako Altunatve ssue Beobt retil prachee balding they i Tedyced loana poratcenteres. e cor impact t einonnental Situation qreen pracics ondonmental linked loar abel bank es ns G-|Es White Aate and dato Jheludes har the Sustinability| B0cHK's Operaioral Stver Ghold meral their reduce -|Plahnum ters dRfecunt hcah Slenh Suaher impact context card with sactioru ran Logalty Oveavie to enhanee eredit Support pr)ects environmenta to poinst reuands Praga f footyyint cand credit Green and Cand eredit Cimate Eco- Seruihzahon Scheme oning arngement tor evinonmantal projeets client toto tran ten gunantor a lowing client ’ BoCHK veprtenonb ’k Yisk to bank back Oveaview Shuaban Jdeatheain Secuiti es Atenatve &nplaratahen Awaeness Theovah Geanikeain There is danond foe Laenone the demand awra Svstainale banling Oveniow an dgitd enienes nd inegyrae garing piss epenieneas aaming epenianee wil) Hele Ps the conwr gaing cueormene undenstand Suainable Shuakor Aralysis fenifeio Altennahves Smplenantahor Srpact lnthod1cig rea Credt Card BeneRts Imylemadakm will be Garem credit card the comitment Reondny Inerne penetatim vte. mtrodced vevirds . Offers cakbak or porha) rindly envimnest (or the suppost or Demomstrate v eyronmeatal ase. fo Year-1 Anwual fee fee waiver (to mcatie ewtmry) # eack purhae male Aparentye A ’ Oyonvie) Siheaton hrdyois to NGO Saenth cahon AH ennahvey Shstegy Orplemantdion Grpadt Social Media Media Hang for Sil media Gleay prenee Inpnoe cugona ’ShouAS ’ Uplesd bose stonies SwecesS eplaier videos to inpliy the connpts gruen banking Ovenview Shaiar Arays Slenbkeatan Atennah ves hçlenention i) Snplartao Atemahves Jdenhfcaion Pesne, fees. Penalhs Pymet swtunbilt Anone. vehide. ehwe indy oko. suhiubity Shaio Oveview lower Promatu ntes indoed Encourag to eco-fiendly Erpands bwer pndere D. menufachrers Oferhy thBrreri at y Car aren Loàns cowith loplemndte hahoduchg Smpa c Business Grout onereoned >Suytainailiy -drven praduct & sevies ’ improved vepdaher Gun d bran d tmase conscn tallg ren environ and ble respansi ’ Socalg bank -) inereoned profitabiu Ptonanee Ovenview Shuaio Aralyis ’ cout sovigs ’ ineod Sanhfoai and Aturneives `tatys nplen-entatian Jmpat