TCS SMOV-3B Review Purpose and Description J.Piquero 01/23/01 TCS-1: NOBL Thermal Monitoring Purpose: Determine the impact of NOBL installation for Bays 5, 6, 7, and 8 through and past the SM3B/SMOV period. (Requirement- J.10.4.13) Description: The Bay 5 temperatures will be monitored after NOBL installation for a preliminary determination of impacts. Bays 6 through 8 impacts are expected to be small, perhaps visible during trending. Bay 5 is expected to have greater impacts due to changing the heat rejection characteristics of the bay. The verification of heater systems and thermal impacts will be done on an ongoing basis because there are no HST verification periods dedicated to remaining at certain attitudes and equipment configurations for thermal verification. HST temperatures will be trended periodically, catching the cold and hot environments as they occur in the science mission schedule. Since trending prior to and post SM3B will be done to determine any thermal changes to the vehicle, a specific onorbit engineering test is not required. J.Piquero 01/23/01