J U LY / A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 Information Bulletin Communicating with our members and stakeholders this issue... Annual safety trends published Annual safety trends published.........................................01 Rail industry safety performance improved in 2014/15, against a backdrop of increased passenger numbers and record levels of investment. RSSB to play role in encouraging tourists beyond London..............................02 Rail industry safety performance improved in 2014/15, against a backdrop of increased passenger numbers and record levels of investment. For a record eighth year in a row, there have been no passenger or workforce fatalities in train accidents on the British railway, the longest sustained period on record. In 2014/15 the number of passenger journeys rose by 4% to 1.66 billion; the last fatality in a train accident occurred in February 2007 when a passenger train derailed in Cumbria. where harm was recorded and where risk needs to be managed. The ASPR was supported by the findings from the Learning from Operational Experience Annual Report (LOEAR) which enables the industry to understand the listening and learning opportunities. The data is taken from investigations and intelligence from railways and other industries in Britain and overseas. This year, the structure of the reports has been improved so that each section The Annual Safety Performance Report (ASPR), which was published in July, forms part of the robust evidence base that the industry uses to develop and drive targeted safety improvements. . Transforming the rail industry’s systems for safety reporting with SMIS+......................................03 RSSB Future Railway programme sponsor Rail 2015..........................................03 RD&I Quarterly Summary available.......................04 Innovation funding could deliver over £70m benefits........04 To download Railway Group Standards and other shared industry standards, as well as find the latest updates, go to http://www.rssb.co.uk/standards-andthe-rail-industry For details of forthcoming dates for RSSB consultations on standards and associated documents, please see: http://www.rssb.co.uk/library/ standards-and-the-rail-industry/ forthcoming-standards-consultations. pdf or search at www.rssb.co.uk Although rail remains one of the safest forms of transport, no one in the rail industry is complacent; the report highlights the areas You can subscribe to Information Bulletin on the RSSB website. subscriptions page FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB'S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK RSSB THE HELICON 1 SOUTH PLACE LONDON EC2M 2RB WWW.RSSB.CO.UK © 2015 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS BOARD LIMITED Page 02 Continued from page 01 is relevant to a specific industry group, allowing them to manage the risks that concern them. These groups exist to allow industry to collaborate on shared safety concerns, and form consensus on collective industry decisions – using the approach outlined in ‘Taking Safe Decisions’. o Twenty-two people were fatally injured while trespassing on the railway, the same number as in 2013/14 Key statistics in the report include: • Taking into account the growth in passenger journeys, there was a 6% increase in the number of passenger and public assaults. This is the first increase in rate since 2008/09. Assaults in station and train locations both increased. • Thirty nine people were fatally injured in accidents connected to the railway during the report year: • At 293, the number of suicides or suspected suicides increased by 15 on the previous year. o Three passengers and one member of the public died in accidents at stations The findings were briefed to the national and trade media. This gave helpful, balanced coverage, and care was taken to encourage responsible reporting of suicide issues, making reference to crossindustry work with Samaritans, as well as Samaritans’ media guidelines and their statement on the figures. o Ten members of the public died in accidents at level crossings; two were drivers whose vehicles were involved in collisions with trains o Two members of the workforce were fatally injured in road traffic accidents and one worker died in an accident in a train depot Normalised workforce fatalities Normalised passenger fatalities Industry was briefed via a webinar with RSSB's Director of System Safety, George Bearfield, which is still available to watch on the RSSB website. All the reports (the ASPR, LOEAR and a Key Facts and Figures document) can be downloaded. EU - 25 average (23.7) Train accidents with passenger or workforce fatalities 120 4 Fatal train accidents 80 67.6 60 40 25.6 20 1 14.3 12 France Austria 11.5 9.8 2.9 Spain Poland Czech Republic 2 Italy 0.7 0 87 19 /88 88 19 /89 89 19 /90 90 19 /91 91 19 /92 92 19 /93 93 19 /94 94 19 /95 95 19 /96 96 19 /97 97 19 /98 98 19 /99 99 20 /00 00 20 /01 01 20 /02 02 20 /03 03 20 /04 04 20 /05 05 20 /06 06 20 /07 07 20 /08 08 20 /09 09 20 /1 10 0 20 /1 1 1 20 1/1 1 2 20 2/1 1 3 20 3/1 14 4 /1 5 28 3 Germany Sweden Netherlands United Kingdom 19 Fatality risk per traveller as a multiple of rail (km) 100 0 Average number over preceding 10 years 5 110.5 Go to the RSSB Website for more information including regular safety performance reports summarising some of the key data and trends on a monthly, half-yearly and annual basis. RSSB to play role in encouraging tourists beyond London RSSB has been asked to run a £1million ‘Rail for Tourism’ innovation competition as part of a 5 point government plan to improve tourism across the UK. The competition was announced in March by Prime Minister David Cameron at a breakfast reception in Cornwall and was attended by RSSB CEO Chris Fenton. It will be run by the Future Railway programme. Chris Fenton, Chief Executive, comments: “We’re delighted to be working alongside the Department of Culture, Media and Sport on the new plan to encourage tourists to visit the rest of the country outside of London. This competition will allow organisations from many other industries to propose new ideas and solutions to improve the experience of tourists when using the railway in Britain.” Although the scope of the competition is yet to be finalised, it is expected to be launched within the current financial year. Winners of the competition will receive funding to develop their ideas and carry out trials. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB'S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK RSSB THE HELICON 1 SOUTH PLACE LONDON EC2M 2RB WWW.RSSB.CO.UK © 2015 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS BOARD LIMITED Transforming the rail industry’s systems for safety reporting with SMIS+ SMIS+ is a substantial programme of work which will affect anyone who has a role or interest in their organisation’s safety management system, including reporting safety incidents, close calls, and tracking investigations. RSSB is aiming to modernise safety reporting services to the rail industry, starting with an integration of the Safety Management Information System (SMIS) and the Close Call system into one safety management enterprise system. High level requirements for a new system have now been signed off and suppliers have been invited to submit their proposals. SMIS is the rail industry’s national database for recording safetyrelated events that occur on the rail network in Britain. The Close Call system was launched in June 2011 to enable the rail industry to record and manage conditions and behaviours that, under different circumstances, could have led to injury or harm. This information is used to mitigate risk and understand broader safety issues. Page 03 By moving into one Safety Management Enterprise system, industry will have access to additional functions reducing or eliminating the need for organisations to purchase their own systems. It will also bring about a step change in the way companies can collect and manage safety data and investigations, where analysts can access all the relevant data via mobile devices. The underlying purpose – to support the industry in how it manages its safety data and uses information to make informed decisions – remains the same. The new system could be implemented in late 2016; however, the schedule could change if the rail industry needs to take more time to take decisions and provide approval, or if the successful supplier isn’t able to deliver against the draft implementation plan. You can find regular updates about SMIS+ on the RSSB website; you may also hear about SMIS+ through the business change lead in your organisation. For further information please contact the SMIS+ Programme team via email at SMIS+@rssb.co.uk RSSB Future Railway programme sponsor Rail 2015 This year’s Rail 2015 event, organised by Rail Alliance, will showcase the RSSB Collaboration, Ingenuity and Skills hub. The hub is designed to showcase collaboration in the industry and focus on the importance of improving research and innovation capabilities through combining the skills of academia, SMEs and the wider industry. It will allow RSSB to demonstrate how innovation and research programmes are contributing to the improved performance of the railway and stimulating increased innovation in the supply chain. The Future Railway programme, run by RSSB, will be the main sponsor of the hub, attending alongside the Rail Research UK Association and a number of invited academics and innovators who have been involved in funded projects over the past two years. The long term goals of the Future Railway programme, a partnership between Network Rail and RSSB, are directed by the Rail Technical Strategy. Its aim is to see innovation embedded as part of everyday business within the rail industry. The RSSB Collaboration, Ingenuity and Skills hub will show how the goals and aims of the Future Railway programme are being met. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB'S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK RSSB THE HELICON 1 SOUTH PLACE LONDON EC2M 2RB WWW.RSSB.CO.UK © 2015 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS BOARD LIMITED Page 04 RD&I Quarterly Summary available The RD&I quarterly summary, which illustrates RSSB’s work in research, development and innovation, is now available on the RSSB website. Highlights from the last three months include projects on the Rail Technical Strategy and the forthcoming Health and Safety Strategy; and a focus on customer experience, rolling stock, infrastructure and enabling innovation capabilities. These programmes encourage suppliers, operators and academia to collaborate, sharing data and knowledge and finding solutions to whole system challenges. This will enable the industry to continue to improve and strive towards the railway of the future. Research, Development and Innovation quarterly summary Q1 2015/16 Innovation funding could deliver over £70m benefits The three winning projects from RSSB’s Train Operator Competition 2015 (TOC’15) could result in over £70m of benefits to passengers and the industry. The winners are developing schemes to deliver real benefits with a strong focus on their customers: Arriva UK Trains intends to develop and trial a “buy now pay later” ticketing scheme; Govia Thameslink Railway is looking at solutions to crowding; and First Group intends to improve disruption management and empower passenger during delays. Launched in March 2015 by Transport Minister Claire Perry, the £6m collaborative innovation fund is for projects which support the Rail Technical Strategy (RTS) and contribute to the 4C industry targets (improving Customer experience and Capacity whilst reducing Cost and Carbon). FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB'S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK RSSB THE HELICON 1 SOUTH PLACE LONDON EC2M 2RB WWW.RSSB.CO.UK © 2015 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS BOARD LIMITED