Statute 3.2.1 - The Vice-Chancellor and President Made by the Monash University Council Version incorporating amendments as at 20 December 2013 1. In addition to the functions, powers and duties conferred or imposed upon him or her by or under the Act or any other Act and by the Council, the vice-chancellor and president 1.1.1 may on appointment if not already a professor be appointed a professor; 1.1.2 shall ex officio be a member of each committee within the university and subject to the precedence and authority of the chancellor and deputy chancellor, may preside at any meeting of such committee; 1.1.3 shall subject to the Act, any statute or regulation or any resolution of Council be responsible for and have the superintendence and management of the academic affairs, administrative affairs and any other aspects of the operations of the university, and in addition to being the chief executive officer shall be the chief academic officer of the University; and 1.1.4 may require from any officer of the university a written or oral explanation or comment in relation to any matter concerning an alleged neglect of duty, misconduct or inefficiency by an officer of the university; 1.1.5 may delegate his or her powers as appropriate to senior officers of the University. Note: The Act designates the vice-chancellor and president as the chief executive officer of the University generally responsible for the conduct of the University’s affairs in all matters. 2. A reference to the vice-chancellor in any statute or regulation is a reference to the vicechancellor and president. 3. The Council may make regulations for or with respect to any matter or thing necessary, expedient or permitted to be prescribed for the purposes of this statute. End Notes Table of amendments from 1 November 2011 (as incorporated into this version): Amendment Sections Amended Commencement Date (Promulgation) Statute 1.4 – University Regulations (No. 7 of 2011) Section 3 inserted 17 February 2012 Statute 3.2.1 – The Vice-Chancellor and President (Amendment) (No. 7 of 2013) Section 1 20 December 2013