'rntGd»~ ~;,:o: 1$47 br ta~n: eaoLm: .MAVItO ·~-~ ... -..~ oauo~· ... tltJIJ COtJ..U!t . ,..., 1D p&r'fJltl lultillau.m ot th• Hp1~q to~ t.he · B.USII <1 BWOAftOI JU. .:J.947 •. !t~'o'ill .r.. 4' j ,;, . •r:ar - . 0;,;.: ~" •uoa.' G-11-0n ;.., ~~....:. ":X ......,..,.. u bt tJ " 'j) - [Jf ~ &,I P J~llt . ;:ii. . . JIIl * ' 11! ' / 1· I .il'. -, Jlil JrNHI . ,-r , . Iii - ~a IM I c , Jl - j ' P@fiP 1 f~UJJffl ... ®l~Oi S'l'Ltts 4 ....,.4 .._.tot' looe,tt-.1 ·.l'tJJI tnro~t1'0Q ~ ~--, lttab:Uabael'lt •t Sp•ot-.1 4uoatt&n hho~lt 11 flmlWt .UD tlUnAm A 5SU GMt~ Tht h.cl N.l hoj•o' ar.. . '• Gut4a• , . . , . · ttl: r. Jtqohom•~rt. ~tloq ous..­ · ~» msnxt. ,,,, .,. :1.94) "Vu.toh Uuol_.., nan .._. l.o l iGl' ~~-•1 tt•'l•a Pro&'• t4ustble. 4~1~1• ~o 1-.tl••• f1ntt ~4 Orsud,satt-• . . llotb Admlld'C--tloa Projeot elo••• Sotlool t)ia'V10t 011~U·at ·• the x.bor•ifo.,­ Jtop••• tv 1Ssn»o AS A» At i !l'Q ·C«ltlla!U· G hea•ut ~•t1~f5 P,o&1J'G a.t-.traJ. nu Do•lo · at ot tp.,_ool '-•t 8a.t\ef'ltt• tt•''~a& rr....-- ......,. lete.blt-.-.t ot GeaaRll4u:ctat1caa1 .~..Jo·opn~at ·•• l'Qttna ten• A4fat%)1•'-i'•a f fD!ml. ADD llBU~t ~"11»8. tb• Put ror ' iJ tlt!lft)iO AID WlnA.IOI liPOR-~ ltJ$·•1941 - ..,..,.._t -· ..,...,. ~ •~&lv _..._,, •• rapi4 .b «uaVlal.J.a•"• ot -.ay act ~¢ twe• of 14uoat:1•• Oct• ot ~.. Wbto& 1M to noatloatl ttoual kltot~~tatlu · aa4 tr•l•S.ns t.n4 ftobl-., ••• ~:t ~ tw .-pi.-• u ,.._ -our ~· .. ,.._ _..• ._, of' •toh ..., tn the tteld ot ao.bul•..a!RUOill ot i.ndu•tr'7 :tP"i.:.Usa~on ,.,..._._4 tt'3 nM4 ,.,. --.. pid-. .n4 ft4attoual •duoaru•, pnpan.~loc. tb4t~• J.a•t Mlt -.t 1•• • • ·a n tmrnt.• l» th• •<Jhool _. · ~oltmtt»tt u-c th6 #OU.P ••• no 1Qng• a ul•otlw one. b aOh«HJla It\ ~P :at t.mpt \6 ~lt· s-c• •tth \ttl• i n4utrt.:M.:l IJlug• pHont.ct t~r h1gh tohool 'fh.-. 'ftt ttu~at• wt\1\ A ~l4eria& urq ot fi\lu3•ct ohcd"•• a OOltlJ>led.t , ot YO'Qat1oa1 eb.dNI 1ft~ little· w no Wor­ ••on •n<leral'l; tho.. tw- •htel\ tbe,- •ipt be b••t fU»wa. Ulp lobool ~·-• 'fiho hat no .,..W •••Uor~al -..tatnc tountl tt ttt• tloult • ~ :P1aot4 wb.il• tho• w1 th • • • - ' t.Nn1na vePJ oftn toua4 ~r J*l"tl-.lar fteJ.4 ot -~ •onool to tt. ¢tl.ln• ~tp IJ'I'Q': r•dfd• lt • • tt..•• atUe•t• &)qn 'b;y ttu:t•t Sat'-lattw ot pritl-otpal• u f'tW ~ I"MfOilli'bUUV u.r. " ' ~1 .....t17• •o.boo-1• .., l:etv l •,p lr to t..D4t•4Ml ta.oher•• b n • • m; OJ"ptda•4• ••11• I ,,.... . ,,...... :. tbl• ,..,... ' " ..,., ~1· .rill - •1...-11\ .r '\eetlts' u • '*'' Pt ~·· ..... tf•t" lulfa• Jt'flt.,_• ~4- • • ·• 11 . ,_. lM1Wl..S cml7 t..a tO IN~ •• S'b IJ'~ - a• or it N&ti l>f ··~· f!;l p1~d• Wpldl•d autttMoe \\eptt to &PJ4tiiP ta tht ....t wa OMlWJt• abcNt 19.l 0t Nld ., 191ft bt.4 •PNad 'WGuehO\l\ tn. u~'" ltm•• b 1911 t--..$1 •t4 _, «l•• too 11Alr••• S.• vvJ.•• o&tt••• ~Ui4.- th:ta WZ~Wm•t ~· t~t ~~ Mafly all t!W -• o . · 1• ...,.. to. tll4l1r ~ttemp~ M. ••hoo1:t •14 -.., ~1~ puttl•• dfte1o~~M il.l ultr •• VoM~iohl hl·cl&cos ll'Olllt4u4 ln 19&• So r-ap14lf • • to.pr...t• ,_. kS.tul of tJufi'ft<hull '-U.•4 telt 11bo :n.-4 bt ac pl..-..a\ 11ht• .Ullion ot tld· -.n\1 •ll·i''* lthetol •tldt'a hi\4 . . - IWtao ot vOtm:lt.-..1 •1-..n~ tic~ .,,..~t* tort.._,. ltt thel.l" •ckoatlo-.l. pl\U..oao­ .gu1.&m• t1a bf •av ot • Y-.tlcm.t 14\lati• tw••* 1M· ttra1J •'-P .... takel!k au tllt­ •t Vooat1-.llduut4oa• whloh '-llll u • .,PN•• tlOHhlp •••l• •• liJtald.lllhM Ul ~-. It •qMIH lnu t~ 41• 'f'l•t••• ..,_••u.-.s., , ••,.,...,. watDUic. all ptd..., ·t,.ia!~•· .u4 pl......, .. h •••n« atcp th&~ n t _..4 av· ua ttt• Pfl' 19ei• • • t.M. ,~~t ot a."'"b ••• ••t.ttl!*t4 w ••Clr the a.'JJ1a1 •~•n~. l.$tt~ \bit • • !llvl-4«4 t.t~to tiM Pt~t tl huv~t• 1M tlrt'b 1»o ibl m ,._ ~nt •f ~at t.ar.iateti1~4 Obil·d '•HtO'h 1.1.1« &tu4t·• • &lUi ~old tnt.l11.etn• .....-&& ••bo-01 p ·pul&ttsoa'* ..,. A.t . tt •••"•,. ..a dhle....,.ofl ••• · • •ta.tl•ttoal -.v~•· thf •oCQa4 a,.J"t!Mu• ,_.,_ witlh. in4l'f14ual ._....... a~aal ·~• a t!llo• wtt)) -.Jtot.a1 titftOtJltl•• J --~ fbr•loal• or -..'UObl• .. ·a . ......... •' tht• '1• •• .. •l•••:tv7 ~· ..... lb.• a-.1 t.ardtlil tiOD Mbool · ·tu4Mt.• . lq*l. .iOUI ~tf the - - f e .r S.41"'4Ul dttr.nao•• e.M ~& )t'O't'l•lou. tor lh• A\h4fOI"J' tbla n• t<l\toa:ttoael _....,..._. ._hMJ. aa4 th• Gitll ,.••, •••.,.~ :sobtol•· oae . -·• •• tu •• .,..,. au4 o• lJ\ "*• GJ.rk .! '• Myg~t• '! •ctu•tt•• 8*"1• 1aw Sohool. . . , .. ,... tfo· •~ ~ ...._.. ••t.~.Nily Xa 191i6 tba loaJI!4 bad o~S..4 hlv'*•s• &aMl .·'/·': ad 8chtb _._. fllpll;l who_... flQ t•IW1h4 W lG ~ . I IPf­ ••ta lltbe4 ·., ,-.o'h.t!.oarr llp the htttt1' $C}b0lutblp Bicb ~1 . •• tt$lW ld.&Jl aobool• tatltq to . _. ·two wed1'\\# pel" tw~Ntftw ._...., nr• aett~ot4 "to ~ R th!1 MbOOl• "~ 'to 'hfftf" "'»'1• itt ~ till" W. tilla •4hoo1 'tO .ate 'UP tMI.Jt t•tlol._ •••• • •'*'' wu • • ,., <m~• '* ·•'-" ·ot ) the h tm• •.-ta••• to bl 19a"'t· ,._ rr......t...a. flol:lool lo•4 ••tldU._4 ttl• SoJ• ,.OOpt..­ ·~ .....iou• •• fQJ1tOI...... , . · h•lp ·t u• ppll• &•t _....., to 41•wt•• hlp PM-~1••· -~· ••h-•1 •• ---••tt•-.1.• \Mat th• JN~tl.MP ot 'bop a\~btl outn~ ,.. flt'lt lty ttN.r • • • • Ia 4....,. 1956; iih• lor:• lft•Vo•\tonal tto&:ool wu &blo~ bf _.. ~ Se.ll!lNM.p lip 81JhM~, .U •u tfJOlUOff4 the lcQ.._. St.a tftl' IA.p B•b.ool. filth thl• ""'"" tb taUt of ~ to slt1• 1n.,....•4 ­ _,.,..a.,tttlJ at.s to "•• IF ..,._,... 19)6 ltt - . tt•41U4 to •••h.U.Ih a Glrla 141 ~1. .la b tNi· '-1• rohh1• -- Girl• • ..,_..• .- u thl• .., aho.ol . nn •••t.FM 1UJ - .•• tU. Pn-Voet•iiS.ou1 · ohooJ. wu sa.. 41l th1• taa praoti.U, til .~._.,, •ol\oola "ct:auee ot .._ t•t1un tu •l._.w, ,. • Mhool • of h hiP: eobool.t GruU.Il1t1 thll J1M • • •P•roeat by • • Ft'-M·• 1\lpU.• hoa tNt .._nth u4 uahth plohe wbo ·nte«-4 &l'fttt.l t'lelp"" • '·" -4 tut4 • • idt•• ••bo.Olt• 1\lplll tlad~Dc 'h• ,... of~ Othttf' ~Mil' bi$b lobMJlt U,M\d.M4 tl) ta ·~ ~ .,..,. tlh4ti'lt. :who ... lA •t tllhoo1 •f41wtJr• &4Wtft4 JM~t• whloh Mt · t••••' ·~ a.ta ~u.s tr• ·+.h• whol• :or tb•l." "'~'"*'•~•• 4t the ot.t:y l•t\~Qt ot PO.Itl~d u wt11 •• i1ttrto• ®"itt• •t P•14anch lb.• ptr•tu .,._ fh• ·~l• tn~•~'·••W tutt•...4 tn. "" or :pr•a.tlo~ --~•• . . ._, ••-. ·t.a 'fteat1eel ooQ.P-Ha• 1. •U . ...~h•4 1' ltd . _ t•l't •~1• ..-..to 1Jt. tt~ • '" . _ 'WtlU ·t hq · t:ht•~ u-.,,--.4 .,....,. . ·•w•1•wl'llflh -.it.-4 tblttl' ,._ ttut •• ,.,., •t\1~ ...~ *-• w,t:•1 tt tc:w•· their •'-«.nt• s.aw ._ aoW Qt a. •taatat'4 omt•~• 1~H a. ~P .-ra12•• u u.u..,.l · ~,. ·Ot 1Mt •f -•pl• t.u •euntv• 1~ whO _.. ._ .tt.-11, ~•'-ill•• eel whe ha.'M lf"lld tr40l .ool•• pl~ • • ' t» .P&r't &4 ~-~ • ••hculll <It ~ • .w..ct .,. ,.... ...... ••t 'bt ot who • ·to ae:t, .., t.• ~ 1tahln& -..-, ·~·4 · Nt.•• ~t b trtJnM to :• •'t thlt tu~t•l" fio ~ .. pHM••• t).$ fw:l.-11t-.. a. 1 l• IU'id-- ' ld•&l •lt.w •t.tl,on •OUltt btl oue 1u •btoh • • p.pll •ouU l'l&"' on por•ou · wh• M • • • . . . tor help &ad ~· ,_... •hotal4 .._._ •• muoh tJ•ot.p~C •• pon1.bl• ool'lotr-ntn; thf lb u~ et\l~nt., tme •••t• the o~.U~ttU\lla *"' ,._ ~·.,....t •t :uvtne M t.t•: toh-l• ·b fA t:o u~ep t• dn4 th• »rok'bl• '"" 1oul c4 •oot.le*lo ntta.Uou whiob ~ Jllfll• ll0ll14 ftll• ·l h• -.l.lM1~r•• jolt 1IU to ~~- ,ttt. ·~J:lt» ~tt,-lOWlJ &I aU-~ •· . ,.,.•..,.. -.dlu•tat""• h - "hltl:p bla .f.a W.• OO\lu•1N" •••~ b -.t wtim J"ltll.tll"•• '·1 ' uti If• al.tS.ltt:lt•• •• tU,: r•lt.,• « to the t•4l'fi<hld*t ap~1tu••• ~ ~~ veoa,ti91fal. su.14attea -.a ._, twtuM to1~$• ••••'loil•l pt~ t• -- "'"'~' of •••tati•a _. 11141• Ylflttlil to Vhoo•• an OtGltltatl•• ,..,_.. rw,· •..,_upon, act pt-oet••• Ut ltt .I~ .lit •••-'•' prtmarllf .t.th helf­ tn& i'ntil'l'id.'G&lllll&b ·a 411l8t . , •W.I iaYOl-..4 J.G· . h~~ tlulalq • eoS.aet au ~14i•s a ._...,.,....os.•t•• •4 ...~. . . .,.:l tPWttf 'ftOa\ibllal ra..,- ta. • , 3Uii';Nrl."b.- t~ · 4o tb• -.,.. '4)h• ---t or «OU:ta.Xor hd to M a\}1• to ~ qt.l&lJl' ' " ldnchlal with • wt.a. taflWJ ..,attOD.I'" h J•' tmll to • • 'bh~~t:l'e had be-. • -- ' 1lltMhfll' llOl' • . ot W._Uor.l •••rtl'kls .._ prbri.tl... .m.U• to bf.i q •btl uy •·.ff(.lt,. ad• t tNu t~li•r• to hQ.. 41• . 1,., Oetu-tmtJat •t btta &t\ttt•• ~ t,l*ota1 -·......... , . , ldu'•*•• ••" ~.. . api.II'._Dtlt htt.tl ,_,~ ~-~QP.. ~~ lo 19J6 • to\U\4 ttw t.Unt•a pl.otur•.• -.. v.....-att of . •••• .·, }. •••,1•• Jitl*"tmft1> ., ~--·~a ....-.-. t~ ttu••n\t '- .act -. · ta ..,.,..,,.__ ·t htl ohll4 ul • • -. ...._.. htr.Yl•t ,,.-.1 Jt'dtt:&..-. Tb• pro'fltlaa • • ..t .thl' tltW t()r 'bbiH •t\18nU ble1U,4 ot•1 hif;ll a.nooltt .. _ t~J.,.t' 1;he ··~blt~la..' sa.,. lllth ~~1 ~or _..., Slt.ld,fl ~- a•oolt ~<t - . lili..m lt.• ~~ool oaUe4 .W. 4.W.. t · l;r' n .ln ·ll) J' ; 11 v.. lilt.~)\. Jthool.~: •t W\\ .,._ · •• 'Whlo~ ··~ t• $1..1• ~- . WMl• 1M ••._.1 .,_.._ WU> t••lln& tta 'ftcal•• • ftfttl-.1 D~M ill-·· -...v Ia \he .Wq ot f.a4l•· tpt-4Uiu ,.._.. ••• lwta; .._l.o»-4 frM .aotber ~if'• .tbrt;DS, the tprgUOil with tM •wre ,...._ la of __,l.,.at• th. c •~' had un·41tr11akh • to · t\ tlda UMSPH7MI'lt ll....~$3• h P"O •• Mtiu.l ,_,_ WJ"fJ ••tabU.att. , ,_. W'o1'b,... ftll 44ad~1•tf&"-~~~ f01t ~ at\\ltt t.tSd ~ lat4(tll&l !Ol)r I Adad.nlttJII«tiOl.l fel'' tllO ,_,.., ID 1t\e o&ty olp_.•J.NKt th• 41ft4~ .S:td.l+ira'bto• t.a4-. lattoual toutb · ot the Tforb fro t~t•trt.ttoa fttWfl•o thtl, ••~1• ttl' Ud 1a tlfAI, •••1oplle'b Of a _.• .,_"• 1M pre,_ Wbt•b to a ..t.o, ••• a ••• A4• t_,. obo" •••ttl\& 1•b0f!&tol7 ** -..., wta•d ~h• ·tiM~tlt · o .MWt ..... Pft·I"Ut· •• ouUU•il wa1 to '- t.dtdld.wt.N4 ~0\ip \U P~1Cl4 h\t11o ••ol• .ad wu \t!.'be tben ..-. _., •k• ~'-d by r.4•&1 J\m4a. ~·•• A61ttlitW'a.'l.Oft pHje..-. llm•tlut4 \hr'ou.p the l\trt1u4 Jubllo tcm"l• •a•tt.aan that but h•n .. _ 41•-.•at• W$.11 b• Utd.wa to 1M ••t1111 klJor.\oJ? au p1U.. •• tt' atteotMt4 •,.. .tt•••a ­ .-• tur•'th&• A.'b tb11 j\U,.\4tAWe the ~1. &taizd.IV&tel l'elt tbt.• .._.,... tb4tf ./ ( -1 of a tt·•••c .ou14 4.._101' . . . plo t• FO'flde to, ~ ~., FtJW t••patlcm ot thla , _ . l'h• ani~ ._ f•cw.l. to • ~~o'\'ltle ••• th• t•••J.Ds ••sr• ••ta1>11~t o.....,..u, ,.... 1ftlU.Illi . ployMnt •••.a tar &4ulta 1# bh• pN',_ t•r blp ot 1d. tk "ht ~ ~~ ~tblq lP•••t", teboo ·~• ,-..Hl aohool pr.. pnv-.• ' ' .ft.~ • ••tin.; &ll4 OOOGf&tl-.1. NHtrOh tfOPftJ"•• • • ft8a\lot~ltl_ ual•'•" to.r dtftl_..ll'b n•lft tbla feclUal tiJ1aJl•1t.l . .,.. OtNtl • J.O.n._,. .r ._,_,.,, ••••••• Rl t• k · u•4 .. I! ••mora .W.oh woulel 1d.cl ·t a thet,. '"~•ti<>a:L ple.o~t. · Pla--.u.t ot tbt•• ll'"-trt• wu to b• t~ napontlb1U.ty. ot ~ Or•PJII:' J:WiC ifM lu...tory 11 ••t• hpl.o~<t 1...-riu. lr.a. • wa• 1ntet.&&t4 taq '10'1' JOWl! . ..-;tam•a t..t 'btl &.pl~t •~•• atJnnttMtlllp Ht~~ i*O.tl• btttMMtl 16 Md •••vlt• .or tth411•• ,...,., mool ""•"• -..4 Mt••• 1b.t u.~ pftplt •••• oillsl:lJilel uci nootW .a l<;u t.with _...to •1.4 'bh• oo.aelot't la lMtd#• 70\lth• to "'"~tlOJW. ol&•••• ot••••• o,. a-.,.. •• '••at ,.,_. a.....,.,• u ••• tr•1'1ov.l1r •ta'H4, •• tohool. 4J.atft >t ~1••4 tbav ' ua4e~~ ' tblt PJ'"O,_ tbt1 th.Ultl lh•J.•P a to C.tlW tit. -..l~NJ& :~, ' . 1dAM pro_. U ol'4e : MD*tl' ffom tllf pl"tt~\a 1b ~Ob of •.Jl!l'ltlDtiQ~ • DJ~•Otor ot· tr. ~to17 ••• a •ohoo;L ,..,on.avtll.. Ia •~•''­ ,_,, 'tlht• ,__.•• 1;MJ fl1t tbq lhcwc14. •~• ,..,_. • • •<J\114 •" •• . .__.••tor ot •• La'boft~ e4 el•~ Wt.ui•• :U4 4t:J~•ot • fPllcS&M~ ~· .,... ~. Bu&•"• A• ~4 wat ••1•ohtt to till -... podtl<mt a4 ._ok .,rrtoe to B•P'-"'" l9J7• In •t.v'-4 u the hip ·•.aool.•• 't;ht S~Willt ot 19J8• GOtaa:t••l1tt& -· PqohOIMltrl• k'bf#e.toey ••• opt~u4 .... ~, 8 -..aa..d fQJ> t1ahctol pur:po•••• »r, k~d•• ~pve.ts.on tt# the ••tf.b11. Gh~~Mmt ot a &UI4PH pro. took,._ torm ot . o • · l"i•• ot -~ e of bigb aohool p~taot.pal•• • •l....ntf41r •• •1 pJri oipa1t. aliQ •1dl-th .,.. t~•• W&t t9 •OqtlUDt ••lD; up • ~ with · • tlltl.G•JbJ' u4 tetlml9.1a to Jro.-• or. ~i~GM at aa4 ta •• ew1)" t..ls., M• t~a th• tD.t· rrt.ot»d• ot •Dhool•• •• .~o" · "* Ut•4 lD ~Ill· the , . _ '*' ht._ ••oot.• •.,ot•W •• to als ot'Mr tea ·eN •• «mntt.lO!'• ( th1t~la to toll) t4W- th* otb• 1tua»'• in 1h• bl&n auool.t • lh• oouttael~r-waoherl w.-. .,.,b ,.•.U.efttd of otae· h~ ot t.o}d.qt ·· "'~•~ -ot .51 oouaHl.OI'• fN the olty l•· a.p~-1¥ oM..tittit'Of ttu41.r4. prao~io•• 'IFM.Ob 1• 00\\D••llns. hwro t ···~ . SO aut• ,... ••wiMlor ' •ter•<mll g.J.Ya 1e ,.,.,..,........ ot ·~ . ' i;a the · :pH"interitS•»' th• lol• th••• oo\UI01ortt lJtum•• &214 J' talk~ ' . ~ '*' httltUJ4 ,.. Jl9 •twt·-~·2 u•tt:•• t-\ wu ...... 60•-.•••• ut1021a i.s hw ~rt Dr. koa.ard 1:Ml1& • ou to tsqc . •t• ~&hO~t till •ta ~o~fqlw · outil1-.. lllblt.oiftpM.••• t.Ghat._.,. .~,. Wh'l ~··4·(a) · ;rot.a•1-l tu AWalatt•tto:o bulla• • 1~ _.ltbtvie••· •r. bg. (b) ~ 1ohoo11., • .d. l1btu1•• -of 19 ·· oUt;p •tala •• tOI • ...,. 00\lll. .l ... ~ •sta.ti• or tM. a001'4ft at t'Jae.,·tsr•ti tt.• hUbclJ'e4 u4 tm• n..., .,.._ ,5h'O\latJt«,, _ l ;P"Itlf to - . •• p.,-._.'Wf.o t.atl ...-. .._,._.., \o -. -.unnt.-., t•.••· ot •• -....--:,1i41... .. ., ' ••41•• •. ·· ·~· · .. .oo.-• I I• ~4t~ . 14Rll• Au ,. ............... lld4J~ •••n••·trom ·MOh· td:tfib ••hool !JI!!:'ol, . ,f!t!U;'-'i'. .t# 19J9• 9 prO,.WHI 3:,,. to -Mk• a•Slable - JOUtl\• neb ltttoftl&ttea &I will M•t ...,., 'hett' ha»»r Dei ltaGD.IItul- d~•taiellt to llf•• ' " e. to .t4 J«auttll t · • t\lU.•r aDd._.. aoour•~ t.owled ot tau" ta, etapa»1tl••• Md: a,ti~t tor- &OOliJ*tloDN. th.lt~ lU•• J• To · u •"""1• 1• tr ,..• .-pr•h•aaiM •« ap•ot.tto S to . ;ttoa red' 1na; o ou~tload o~~ttmi~S•• dd n ut"• Q!l\.t,, tJ"of•aalOUl •4 1D4JJI'Vlfd t.a o•tupatlotlll tb• t.ttl 4b.-u u.r•• tor th• 'Nif.rmi~ ~Mad•• ot 8l14 DWi ~lioa\1 th• l•bot"t.to.ey otMlltt4 ot fttt.en nl.l lmoen to-tta • Pre11~ S•ntor C1a•tlt1o&tt~ Pftatq hnli»r V••lf)'S.ua o•cozmoro · al.ttb. '""' ·1at7 . .....-. fntU.a­ •a••ota b'r Glm.al Wor-.r• B•a-r 'Ht.tloa.l 111-ftl, llrNC'tOl7 Voct.tt.~ '-•~ hl.ee c ~••tiOiUUdn i).iW . . . .bo~ l4'1i h~ J.fi=teo-. ,, ••.__, u•'blr •tau•ta a--.t *-l'lV atene, 141tJMIO-I)pe.t1.U Ral.att.ODI o•c~or ....... o•conn:oP Plu&•r O.• tel"ltJ · o•a...- «t~ Jlook .nt1APat 'i MMhcud.td Apt! tuft SU~t1y a.fta~4 tJW . . Bea~t Stebo toU-. .sa, ••ts• wrt d~« auc­ -.,boH lueS.• ~·••• . u.to taro--.•t ' . Ori ~~ 6, 19J.9 .or• tt.et•·.,.,... lnolu._4 tn tM ••• "•'i-f'J't 8\dk Ia t.lb u ud Appr.o1atton •"- Vlw.&l ·A•ut'f9' B•tt• Oolw iiactn.et Uaoaon '"t.tiont,l lo-.,, tor lla.CtttW.. tnlna 11atb't0ae te.aoaau&• tltf.e ·a.u lnaul:»V ""'' Ol...toa u4 tn1at~tP!n& '••• WC~~Rtt:l. . ot i!•~iial Ab!Uty 111. V u !pt:f.tuu r.at toP '-'••• t.Mui.iotl, aoe . *" GJ'Oupl . .... liD4 lunt ApU talC~• '-•t ~ bath& a._. 10 At ·tbt• ~lme 'bh• '· l•$ Qu-ti~t4Ht De\Ntt -·~-~ Ap,t.tuO• \hur•<CO¥W ~tnv &nd Slaaltaw• S-t•~•tap: ._• ._ ""- dropa-ll• \\lr4J •l*.tll tett• tot' u•• bt 1~4-l:fldU.t ••••• · pa-tal tl .V1at..,.nt feat tott lat.,..~ ••re aM•u~t txl4 the · o.ou"" 'fa Al.t,. ~•u._.l" ~:1 P•:rtt> v l*l• WAtcit7•. In - . ofl.ctDAl ••t.up ~ popl• ..... , lor•<t u ,.,, atlldnt•• tlrattr•• lr ftlJ~, l.9J9• a tftt'.J. 6t ~,i, l~k• tl:t>Xi Allut.t lluO&t!.OJ) wor-u~a ._. "'••••• ~t.nl•'"-~ ttAt•ed •• '~qolu*•tt'to t.•ttt•· d ·8 0tl'tlrh ar&4 tw'o 'VOl'UtaW.t 1t0r'klre ftn _.dntll U Wl'f*tl· U4 Al.le\lt b.St th had bail • · 1t11i»lf~• ••~'• ot th• WOl"ft'ra to at t•m.r b14lw~ Me~ •ohool t•~h•r• ·U ifl ott ot ...ot.tS.oa. ~7 ••r• not V&tud .-.. On th joh thlntq 'fdth th• --1111. or •ht tlt8tt &e • ttra• IWP WU th• .P"Ifd tf#· tralaq - · u WOf'fmi'e, Stt<Q'fi • • don, tl:\e ·t b6 HOt•ttt~ •••t .t .dmitd &bra.~ alao ba4 • · ••• •••h ~· te•th\t nuias oou,.,. 11l tse)a ot t•att.n&•. lb.-. e>ttlott.;. • Hal".,. e. A'b•ltn.s u•a -. _.,..taey to.- •ll tb• -.r:k>l!a•. _., "• At'kU•ob SclllOG·l • l• •• •••J.t'Md -.r to~ holoMl toutib .4llbt.tttattcm gt.r1• ~·· ••te-4 •• MotPtloDlat• tt:>r &pproaattlr 1. 800 J~ people best4et ttut.Wt)lns ~ reoordet '""~~' ·tm ,( t •• -.ud 4o1ns 1lU1J\erw• routtn• oM• job•• .uttr .. to• month• ··-·· period~· l••Ntory had ctwu tht tollntaa .. ,. ••• ·t t 11 oor4 ~~ ••t• nr• maitt oontdntns ••_... Qt atl the ~-a ·ru.ed ~~ c _,.. toom, •••• p•r•on• ~ -~ 1l\ .tbt· h.bt~•to'f ott!.-•• . ftle ...,.. J.nt•pNte4 tol' the hllh •obool oo~••1ot"e, lmplo)wnt knt· u4 oth•l' e.pno-let Mfi\l••ttng •oar1t't • .AU gr.an•tiq 41•lr . ttw Mr'ft•• •4'11..-4 u IOU ln eecio~ wwe t\liden\• ot 'flhe f<n-t1e.n4 Rlgh toJlot1•, who te1~ ao tnat thi!J' ·t .to fU'tUl'e bpl(),._.t,. ~ola• 1hwo 'by tha tut tH w th.•tl" t••• thq hAc! t ~ ~..1.4 t.U4 · . tn• hOP· • • to plaM tt;u ·f"*OI JM'Nt t~t•n•t•• AbtUt.i9h en4 attUs••• ._, -.u. AtlO't h.r' JhAI• :Ct ~. l.eetaat-d'l OO'dl.}la end f)l1~h pl.U ea].t w1 th •oooupa.tior:lal R•nu-t.m• .. ~oh ifWOlft p-thw'int ad •1aott)1:~1 ot <d)~t1oxm1 ,_·-.eut .Qt "' .&Wa, I"••• tSoa. h1to Voe(lti~.>nal w. ~. l'button Purrt.- ~ th• lttucetftoa• ••lr.•'-4 b.y MPe . 'lauoy latekl: U.• ~<I Sml.tb. Md 'b!a W:OI"k• 'lW.el• p.reone &a tJh• Worb PH• ~ntttra,tton. aud th• N•t!~al. ~~~ A&lhlilvation wn th1Ge4 u !Ji'.tonl__.. and ritW.ra "'" ~aiQtJJ't ot data. A oa ata• Wp;nta•• whtoh aowwed ''6" ta4tvl:f~al b•••• R•port o~n•r•• 'U4 •••r ,a,,, 4U1'w•nt 1m• was <liltt'Ut\\tltt •• •• • ~~• fit hlu~• ttble .,..r• 2•J91 ll\dlridU41e, ad $0•91~ i.talt~t A i_., 9t· Bl•CJ•t~l~ to...-l~; 762 tatti'\ddual..• • ·• t.lao one · t 1M ftto'•t o~ttoa• em whloh .-.~~h ·••• <:loa•• ~rou• _.,.t~• w1 t.h •OIIIUttaM _.. ,,... unto11•• •n.tt o t••tou•. ou)e w•M ,.._,,•.,. to alaftble ·\ h !'lM•d tu •• ...nS.atl'a"on ot ·uw wov• at • 4•'-­ n•1• It • IAOilU"4 h•« -.., ••l*t'd•o17 Mt1'V'lt1•••· .s a. ot tbtl" ••r.• .....u ..na ad tta$.oing or •• _,___, · ~~·~ evlo tct•t!a& ud t:~ -..mdott of all hta.cl•• .u,...nnon or .U OOft.p &tio.U f'~~tP:U'th an4 ti'UDtn' Of tM 4•,.rtm.en~l •up•'ti~tS.on •t pog del. V&lo" ot h•a4 •t •oa.t'$fl*1 Oou.n••lor-~_.,J ~d hl~ ·•'-'Peni •Um .f it th• ~0\Ultet.itt pro IOhool•• ·• ••1 W1.tb th• a3() l · ttatt1ot, ~na !\or-~ rtu.di•e ot ~. t..-t.td t , (a) CWaf\lat.e <>t M$h tdhOtitit At~~ 19~• ••t•• .{o) l'lt"•t 1000 who too ·, 'h« t.•t•• (b) PU-•t f()O who to9k tn. (a) stu41e·• ot fa<th hip •lJhooi ct~~»lP tibllt t~o«k ,,_. tettl• ln th• euDinatty 4h at th• tlttat ~ JW!\C peO)l• '\ l••WA d t~ fq. .'Vic kbot-atory* Dr.t teo,...d' .ef.l(!t •(1) th ·1; ~ Rl"e U<Ma •'""- • in tnfmte.l •1orrtn••••· . h•w a._,. ftr.stt· na1Jt._ atU1t;y il) tM .. fo rdlllatlon •• in41oatt4 bi th• ••~tow te•t•f (I) 'h'J .,.. below ~· lu lh• 1•Al"ll8'd' 'ftusabta1~J~ ant tM )ift"''' l"t_.•••• of tts• ot•rlo-.1 tteldt•..4 nr. teO»ar<t redp .d 1'Q the $prlna t l9:59t . Atw¥'· Dr• apv~• th•,_ •• t¥o dil'to• pot~••t 11t Miaa froao•a' .: .p• hfJU.l lu tht ~t'fJr ~4'• the t tal proat• -~11 tbt .,.,_ r.u. ot 19Lf.i.; !M'IU!t 1N-• tawna ttw lt.boratot'Y ••• n.tt. "• a ·~• ·e tr>pnta•ts.• with · 11 ~tl.• Qr·• t>.taot wt th • oounte11nt proP" • fh• ,,d,41Jio. ,roaru q t....,.4 oo•••1ft4 tt ,.._ l.W'" '" • ·~Mt1ona1 l'lldM • Ylw tlOt•t M4 1l&l J.lOt \Ultlet' t't1J Y00t.t1onal • lbtaa-.tm 4•,_rtfl.ent 1.1 Jltythoraewto X.bontoey. · WM • •• u ..-.11 •• wtllttdU.1• ftl: nu. Gu~«••• thoa~t•-' !» 1;'be •t*"n · .,..t1an4 IUga &ohoo,_ hJ ~ .tb• Junlot' Plat.-tr- UHu.- s.,._..,., 19J9+ wld~ -..ma•r •1 tor• \tit• ._. ••t«bUtih•• tb Jll.l'oh 1929 WM the onl.J .-c-t••<~ ·a.stuoy tl\at 4ealt With youtl'b ~•1 P"* '-4Yl" • n• to qpl:r tor worlr, •• ftl\ •• &teiata.no• tn tM 1••• \i.e et jolt• for- •••h ~th • • • • 16 acd 15 eo Hsi••"' tor' ·w•rk. !hi.• fla.,..at BuHau wat ctteooa'tiaued 1.::. Aupat l9'fl• jutt prior to t1w ope111ag ot .,.. ~be Ptyoh.-Wto :t.~• !1\t, pt daM Wt>f"k .....4•.• lattatact •a•· 41Mo\lt ~~ tta:. •~P•~"vl•ioa ot It • t1 . w• lup$l' ' . . .. .. . btch acmoo1 ·bOUJStelor t ..... MJP®•S.'b.l • ~.the ·attd._a '-tl tu.,.tlntentt•ct !lll'Ciltt._.• or t4\lo..tto~a1 p0r1M.J .ootupaitlotf&l and wcra~toau &QtdeN wu un&tr tha 3tn"l•dto• t1oa of' Uar~•rtttt C<mkUa, 'ftbtl f t t s.~ 1)}1e· .h,P4trintentent•• 11tt1o. :u4 n~tl'b1• ~• t • u•1•tu1l ~pet1EJ.'beft-t• 'he •ll.loa1)iona,l ~d.~ 'fl•n· •• o.r~a•i la tM tall ot 19-'f t4l1.-d • ...-¥~· ' " 19,:!6 ,1., ·~• .._....... ••l•aftd oa• 1M otNtl••l.,- who 6fltllP •ttl ~· '9lo•.,rtaoiplll M.d 4•-.n ~~ tft~li&' pert.o4 tor oouaMUilt •~4 '~ til.lfd term etuAe-t oo~•tnu•a ~atton• UeuaU, •• 0.1\)U:alol" atf'lt JVPO"•• ri tb tb&• h&4 .&heat .150 or JOO . I del" hia aupWYtJiotl• Dtl ot lhe ajor th_. fi'At. h• ·JU!tt •ar• ot ..tt•tvt•a M• moqtn •~l•t,'• 1ilhe ato .. pro eu Ot\:lltlllot'• • \tutttt lo ~with th• i4Mlt 't Mtt , .... twtoldt · to ... tb&t he ~ fl'hat ~. 1 boo1 ta&tl to ot•~ ~· e\ulent• and to Q -..,. atu4ent w ue that hO l>Aloau ot ••tt. et'MtoJ'U.y adju•tH lo M. t tta• tohool boi)h ly &nd IO.t.al..l )'• tcb.Ol&ltl the l"&tfat ooouiaticmal a43u-.n ten to th•S:t atu te 1• to wnooV.n.p unu ~•• taa' aohoou _. • .., 'tlh tU ftV to »lp tb•• With wn tewr taolll'tl•• _,- ,._ ·•UJ to aooo.pU.ah We aou• lh• c•rm t u 14ea ••t h.,.. bM. ln t;h .. a1lwa ud th~ pro'ria th• baok ot ·h •rtnt•~t MMI• f.uc4al••• aln4 •• be lau:nohed • ti1P'WJ to tlu« ou what the teniort la ~·• •l•wa !il&b lthoOla tM ha4 o-.l;y 'tlbl .l'~tt\and •:• 1•• ad " j~t. ·l~lbtttti t<i• t.a-.. tinde •r· ••••« u•ID•••• · Bot.aq olr..\ had -.1-.,• l:leen l.n'\iweetttd ill .._,,.. ~· Portland• 1 ptdan betnc aw d:. th.ey we" ...-. • SUJ:*-ria~nd•#~· ~c4&1• PJ'Het.4 • plc to. tb• llotaey voup at • -.h..-m ••ttea •W.•tlc;; th• taot 'bbl.\ MD7 nlc;h aobool ·1\uatlta 414 aot ru..w uao J\lft'toiqt . . . tt.t ' atonaa~ 00 ... ,.,_ nt.ob w ioal inr.,..ts.oa build • t l • w.n ~- .,., t ,.og•• U• aohooll - . . , .&ft, •-&• tlb -.lk ·to ..- eut ew.~•••l'lllJ • *1 fi1h ueh jot.••., bat: gone thn~ th• · 111 ud hpfti~tna.nt ot Jft . llltohu\tnl•a to La..,. ia IOMOI!l• wbt'l ld ·' • • o~ ,_14fl• t«i d, -. do•• boy• "*- •'-" What f.~ . hilt .,... 1.\i,.t-ta~t ttld talk Uh taikft to &•t at~d hold • as,ul• UJla1oe4J tl••• tu•,.•• J . ng,•••· •·UD&tr·•tUld ._aa·t.1•' ·_..· l•ttl:Miatat•• • M« tha:'i they *21h• thai; ._ •o.r1« •~•t U..Utt~ ••m•• ftn• ort.r ._. that ca(lrldlt4df 'Wtl1 to uy., x• 1• a _... lua to . - t r:tt tbb1 t on• they han .,_ 4oft.4 lt, if ,_, h&'M . . . puth .. p$J'&.O Mll _., tbq wt.tl •" • job:••o lhu• ._. . 'l'll ~· ·~tO. U:QoJ•~ )lath fh• ~...... w-.t at_, 4 to Ci:t'l \a'btu•« 1afonaatt• t . tho• ltho ~oupt 1t. . ·the 600 'bu:tn••• .U prot.••s.-.1 ..... . . co5.nt) - . pll't ,.,..~ la.ttr pr'lh \Q·~ . . tlt"e-~ tft l!l,- l"'flWI wer• fla:lluH• AI th:e. boY& ••"' ill &t h t.o uk th• t'1pt. q~o~el'tiQltlt. .... •• unul• Tk•.-. •• evS.4tlnoM t Mtf.•W:ly t~u~ nHt tOP .,,.. ~•J&t.t.ontl ,,d.ttuoe .b1 •• t<Ohoo11 ~ 'f'l•• to the lntemw. . A ' ooQr•• ln Oowpa1:t· Ill A<ljt.letln•"-' na tn lud4h! .t .n blttoty olu•••• Afte~ th• ti'tudeut h.U mor · ~~~•• ...m.t he war tt»t ••" ._e&,l·ta'h propttr lnt~n& tU:ld jolt t..bm l! t l) ' j j 5- ~~ S~ol Ulh untor Qaaliti•U•• tU\4 pportu11d••' 1Zl>,... proftl••l<m• o.•npe.ttona wet'• ftaiN•••d • Ul'd th« 1¥'tWN.ttld tat u4 wh•t.· qul.1flht1 u e.uthoP! tlet tttnt wu t"-f.t l•n M• Qt" he P~•••••4 tttn& h®.n!qu.e a ~t~nbe1".a to w r• tatoru.w "~ t •e•'• fqlv, frank ••• •~>ortlc4'• 60G ~Mtob Vn.ol•••* a...a., 19Uo· ,. 109~ 6. :tz p, 111 • 1 ,-.o!.t•• .~. J . UJU • '·~· ' ! - " ( " 16 ~ a pi"4lpat'a:tor;y ~:ro.,• Uoatt~n of bttt•t ~o#apha oll to tb,e .•ftlt.• P•.p l•· lh4J ltftt:d• Club ·ba.-4-. ~Qh froJttt f&n4 'tMnt ou tt.p 1\l'Mah•r- whom tiler-~· a ~n, ptotur.. ·•aow T<J ut ror A Jr.t •" .b thit l\0"9te Portl.ud b08« u4 •hll'ftl W'i·t h 1ooa1 blalrutaa 1l'lt11• ....._tat-.\iq tho oorr• t ..na '6!1"1• b'om eaob Mcb aohool·••M ~'1 RH· ah J.no~>rr•et.t< a.kbc t•r work . o~ , m•·· ·• • tb1t pt.ot~ bfJt<ti"o h edUtd em a \\udn••• A .,.-. ot ~ t..nlor and wa• to l'Qdl• •••1•• •• atpoltttafft'fl• tor 'b• &f"du•tsuc hlah toh~1 to b• arl'Dcri• CUJA• ..,. 4lawt-utei te th• pttop.le at tb• 01\ll> ti!JP ._.h • her tso •1if.'l• ·• ••• oer4• ••r• ~p+; i» »t•• fiOUli-.•• ufl ob1,r •• •" bV ......_ , M.4 •••••• "o the ru.... •• ott14• :awctut•, .'aoll•••·• ~ pt!nol,U• l!t& :no' )Ia.- the-.... e~.Dl)04fbt.a •• tU.• • 111 ,_._, •lev t• haw thte bQ.t1•4 tty • •••m1 oftio. tna-..4 •t b7 t.tlct1'ri4ual. . ~•• or tn4ivl-\lutl tokoou. tb•n'b7 &ftitba d.\lf11oa.t.a Utl Ofi!IUoJU&al JMt•t•rh • · Btn.ultntt ...,.., Ootltaot•d oa• a n•k ot ~'-· pro. . . ••" iAlria& 1mt1 irtU. tht dftbtt.se• C:.lUI Ud f<tNJ Rft ~· ht.• ot lntemw ba~kVO\UI4t 4i&Qi.httl wtd,Ob, 44tai••<~• I• in a fl10\lP p14u0. o>.•• • tb., a.:t1,P~J14 • pr•••m..a to tlU••4 .• , •w .-~•tt.aa nt to a ltut.t.••• taott ta r•_.4 'k abiU.tJ' u4 e. uA • •ohool wwe t ate• 1ato oolllia.re.tlo~. t• -. --. 31i1Jttl4Qlt to AAl appo1tltwtm ••• m&ch oa a d.oftntte _,, a'b a 4efld e ttm. 4u •ttotntmeAt e&f<'d ,.. m.U•4 ctl'JU flo • • IOhMl Ot a ..otill' '0· tM rut ••• to r"•tort. t~tP hte 111\t'l'~• hi$h a.nool ~1~. u • ownt•l.,.• ~ :~t• ,. Wfl•·• ttt hOM# Jlvi..ag tbt t.!R tba• the &1"4a • • " nturne4 ,t o till 111;. ••hoo1 .appot ""one ~&Oh•r \'0· " ' te•••r• bt\4 oalf t. w.pe 14o, •• to jOb ret\linw ••nt•• •o lNdc••• nnt t1ro bflt!.Mttaa-. -...k. , ,o ,,_114 tt.• •ftti'IIOG 11 with th1l .tiny ~aohere attipd to 4MOh th• boyl and 1rl• tOf' •h•tr :tatentewe., ~ entire *~toh \Jnat•• procr• 1fU f!eaerwfl flor g&.<luattog ·• •• t.or• who __.. ta.ot.D th• pJ'Ollle •t •••urln' work. (U.rle 1teJ"e •• l . .rt ·~ oluct..ct la the plan ulltll ~ th• tlr•t y•Dl"• u4 th•D th•y " " ,,_. •a.me <Joachln& •• tbe 'bof•• lt at aot unuw•1 llfi1l7. u t~ ••••dlnaly t.rsp't •tuct.m;• to uk tot' •• tttt.• i:n\\.,.vl••• tu $-~terr.t•w tU 't.l•a 1.1o ~lt• V&ti.a ttutlent lo•t loW.t\ 1~ tt.eld•• tU4 ~~ atat' ~oupatt•• au tc•tt;tal be ••ld OCiil• "* and •at\1"* hla utUti•t ad ioteN.o'U,. ltftf7 aw4•nt ••• oautlOl\N 'IOf to • " M• .. ~- 'tfnol•" tor a ' nl h1m4r"•tt ._... ott•nu •tu«-.-t - . t!.iM• wu . "*' ...... •t•t • ...,t ttvn•th 3•• "'**• •• 4•al ~ ctt tit • •• w.U. •• t. indl,.:ld\lt.l u.W.• 1tbltt 'n th• 'ftl"lll o~•elor ve•t. <leal r•uiY6d or aa.,- eOI!l~u.tl'On ·t~y • •• ln• tor M• •1• r••pon•• a4 &-•nutM -.,t"eot.&tlon ot ,..he etud•a.'b., •• hlp ~ . ool ~.aatt».s uul<tll"l ""• lno1u4•4 ln the "*•'liJ' fro,_ tllll.~ 1\tl tt. JPc170bo •trt• La~~ · · ll\ e-.mlaias; tbetr- 8114.\l•• ~•'b1w aa~ !h.ti.J~ • • ' Nnlta · iot:ttre•t• •8• ~tt•a "'"' 'b._.. w:r.t ....,... ot oooupt.'b1 ·· a.l poobtt.biliU••• le JatwU"J' 1940t wtttt the 'b•~iltd.lilJ ot tb• ~.$.ng. "'""• ~ tt•t­ IA& »rev• ... ••••tel'ft4 to -. tilth · t • .._.. x; •• tatt tha.'t. - · tlttb kft W!U a.ttnlte·l 1 .. tf'.-l:tie p•M.;o tor th\9< etwt••t •d a k '-' ;tel" ptct..no. pro ·• •n!or ~.,.. . would ••••J.t lt a-tu4Rte ""• -.t•4 pdcr*" to tb• the •u•elort woul,d t.ve llhl"ly two yell'• tu tthiob to 1m.• t.et n.W. ta ttl afi'ri It~$ . wt·t h ·t tw fO\Ul u•• peo"l.• &114 l•lp!.n& . _ to th~ the1%' tohool pro cMl t.nd vt;,.cf.tti.cml\1 in.l"eflt pattorn.. ' lh• stu• ·4 nJi f.t ~lt.t tlM • • •au-r t• l•an"·abOut w•a·bt.O'Ilt·• .A _ ou.p ot ooua• ••lore d•~l&H4 *bat th HA4J to tttcJh()lopoall.y ret.ta •• aMf'ar.- h1th I<Jh~o:l atude:nt wu tlo\ riifOl.tO voor.\~tmal pHbl•• in tn• f'1nh • · · t.i•tb• ud an~ath t.l"lUa nt beo.-e ~ toh _ol h•d Nl•<f ~o J>:ropal'• '. ' ....,.. o•rC.iG ag..•nte wb.t•ll tht lltb.Otl tttpaf,'~ent bl." l!lt.d«•· ft1t O.Otl• !;' ntd~ ot thtt. pu:~t • • d~ . ot .fl.\~41• ln th• M.th - ~•hvol •o 4"""hh The b1G;b 141\ool '' ob-tdntid be.tote ay ttte-til:t&­ htA. tQ • tb-. fifth teN ttuciQ"tjt ~thfl" p~pt.l ,, ••t• tiO 'bt 1Hit•teo U •ul~ biJi 'k,t•d (U!ftilJUUtlor it tbw & '¥' lh pt\~t.l Ofi' AiJ¥• tobool ln ooflt&t-enoe wi'b th•· et\lclttl'1'\ •h.l'* ••'• .,.,. to ~ admitt.l.$~d• l:ta tbla t.ntemw tht: o.ow:u••lor twad out. the t••to••• hotbl••• lnt.•r••t.•• &114 abiUo"'' 'th••• ol\\oa b•lptr-d in ·u l•ot.ia •1*•'-•l 't-ea~ tor tl• •tu4ont•• OnlJ t • pn•m \lt.t-tof7 of t.au wa• to \Mt gt,..a tu:U•.. 4Hlp~4 ou a a~ltt•<~ oar4 other• ••,.. tequ••'*'• a. ile-t~ta ,,..,.. to b••, •• o•con,. al11»olu4e4; . Cla:••tfloa~c.n ~llp1ah ._,. 1"4t'lt'Jlq Vootl>W.fli'7 lJith* BqU,.t h Uwap Mtnno•ota ~•t ~aota hnuAl :&.tllrlt¥ o •f.ton~ tw••• PWlV tor Ol•rt~.t ~t.~• o•eouaor Ftn r V.xtettty 8•tte•l.,.toae Vieue.l Ao'l;litf· · lepmtt Vootioaal lat.rut­ ln at41ttOD to 'tine alJow •••• boy• ••• •dmitd.amlt<l "h• Meobu1o&l ••••'blf t.•t ..c4 •• o•c•~o.r· Wl &l-7 us.-..••• Jl•*• . It 'be•u•• ot apeoitl ~in& or i~ter••t• w ftee« ror ttarther ta• forati-ott 1t l!lt&14 -.dn••bl.o,. the rotl•iag tettl ...... .....u.a'ble:J ' . >­ 19 Sttl'lJfl s•ll~~ Shorthand s.-a typlltc 8fee4. Shor-tlland lne»tt•f' Art .lb11ity Mt1,e r.sea.tho:H AJ-t .Judpeta:tr lnln•wrtN•l• · o•• ·and i unt urd.n, pt1 tua Cleeton :Uld on Voea\lona1 tp.ttbAe feet hr t•obnioa.l -.»4 uwtiu Ab11tty fa Allp Oowpats.oaal Pl•ilffMila" ~ 8e~t.r P•rtOll&lity. lnwmtoey Set••• .~· ·r &eultJ' ftM mt.11wtd to the •ehool wheH th"1 the ewtt.-''• ~m~~t ~"•~•• n.• a.tu&tnt bu~ • p«<"t 'h• l'otul"fled r.- a •••ta<l oollttrtM• -~ ht:~ oounaelor. ftl.J.• U . l\la tett l"'uult• ••~• pPeted t~.- - pl..,.-.t eni;oe an« ., o.t ....._ an4 ftl dC»ae tor toutn -~-rtw •ee .:u. a""'tla'bl• t:bo ,_. ••ni" tor 'the , t*'Pl• 1Httwet:n th• ••• ethel" JOU ,...,.."' X. ttw· toll.Wittt; btUd.••• ~dmi':'~tretion, ~ttt••• oot#~Hlbt; u4 n .... •mJ ~G&tl<m·fll o C~t'-•• Lt•'tf• \•etiq htioaal l®lll l••tt' ...~ett•n &e•ootatt.,., 01-d.U.u OtWS• ••rftt11oa eorp, o7s ill thtt .,....,. 4-u9atl• Oouf"t, Ret\ipt tater• hi•• th• Portlud ltieh $oboole alao ~n1or tt IAu'• Rae. 4m• ' Bqe' ad tl!t'l·• M4 SoGt•tr• OlottsOD lien al. ly&1•• ltet:t&UJ'Ut Sohool., L1bbJt , $f.U..- a=d Llbbf• Soo1•tf ot tb• V~lte4 Statt•• lquita.bl.e id.te l~UNrn• C-o •• Vleltll\$ T•.-hW•t ~-~ Wfllker lueb••• Coll••• ho1tlo Jt&•t~•••· Ooll.,.. fadfttt ltu•!n••• Colle.p.- Burne e<t•t-al R•eene llallt• fh.all\on~ Qo , tmd Oollei•• iaftlt ot Oatstotn1a., fi!Ol'!'tila!.\4 a,qQb of Suat~a••• •iel" qd. hank Ceu out ~t¥t"' ft d Od Oo ., • C~aoUcmte4 Yr•tib~•~ the Paoifio t•kphoM and 'rel•&H-:Ph ~ tadivt1\Qt.l Uf.1J.'1Ui -.n~: . Oi) ldr 11• 19blf th" Worb ,.~....•• :&dtdnlstrdlcm Pt"O~••t 1thie bti.cl pr4'ddtrd nrb:r& .tot: •• P•yobq.wie t.t.bCJrtttoJ7 olo•d• A~ 1lh•' •r• etno•n Worka ~•••• •4adnil'tt'&tloa ~·• wo lr.11 t1 • th•r• w11a\ tt. lobo!'• OO«tt, who • • hea4 ~ ...,_P ot p,t.-®• Yotkin ~ ot the lt.bor&tol'J• . 1.1\e ....,.._ bel btoa two:PA'ty-ont• Wl ~ the. ......... tl·cm ot ted'tftl '-4• alf _.,, ,-opl•· ritb •~•• tobal .ftttftiM _._.t111d at th• labot"atort_.r. patd "1 thtt no.•, wbo _,._.twd ta 19J9• .an •••tate.nta u4 • .._..te.ry• •i•t&li• Su,..S.~ttmdet in ,._g• of Vooa.. lt • • tel~ by tho tt-.1 14\toatttm that tf th• to:Jwlol 41atrtot oottld tu.mtth tb,.n ctn WOI'bl'$1 • •, hertcU.eap,.4 ·~ .-p ot ._. P!\Jtf.M1 41qbll.l ty.• that ·t . te•t1a4 prtgU~. t0\\14 ~ ••rt~ <m and p•hapa •• llluoh aoe.,lt•~• •• 'rith t1ut alto. t.1 t u~ WOl'b P~-ov •• Adrdr4.et.h.i;iori ..-k•••• ~t. c:n. &~ tk t1114 k «$ompl.1.-n.4* " ~· ttu,.rbt.t ~• th1 oo~l4 hour• a 'WMlb !he ~ ork1t ~·•• A~i:rd.•trt.tten · tA li'W'k•l'l ' " " $1tt•4- ,:rb in only ·t bltty h._.• a _.k. whU•• #ohotJl o.t••tot plop•• pu'b la tOJ't;r..t«>ur 1\t)\Wt hJte ability 1• re~ul~ I. •1tloun& t.tote had hf.tl ptr• ·~ l!«r _...k. to a ~~.-~,. ••"*' tbtm to aoon ~hwi• pe~>tllUlel, ttt• .-,.rtnttmont •aid tht.t All t.ndl'd. QC . .ritnce in t:t:stb& fbOUld hau h&<l a mlta.lmtm1 ot tO\ll" , ~ y.art oollt*S• tt«ht.!tl$• f'o'l' tb.aa-. b1.$b •mool 1:0~., l\'n lndt'ft41Utl ntef not. haw • " e4u~at1oA,. ~~ tht:y lh~Nld tta• •P•ttt&l t.ttt~td.od at>tuv. ey•t · and t t •oultt h:a.~ 'b... • etttv btl tw.u-d tor tlle tebool ~atrlot. to tail ~ pr•n... fw'lt. tt. --~ tta •~"•~•• 'lbe ~" q:tu• 21 ot .1a teat11l prop-UJ t.o h1&h aoho 1 atu 'e tlta ..,. obdOUIJ ot •1•t.4 t11a to aaleot t..l'leir our•• lhOitn by tott Raultl.. Pul"l~ti ~ • eh®l ctudente ••r• to- te ·• 'Jbe.;oe • ~ov ltnlttiu& 1¥1 bde4 \lpon 1n4lot.t10»I 1941..wa totLo•l ;r~tu. 2,69-1 bll)l ftt t•i •no. or the 1mportan • ot oneidtrt o.o • . • like lttota !'ir ·ta. Ool it. Air Or.t• ~ tb•v . ~ & , latH» otfulra who &vailtd tbe aelvea ot tb. ••t-'ri!Mla of P·ol"Uon4'a tet\1UB lal;u>n.tory. 'fh(,l o»~~~"••~•4 tbelr buein••• tor thCt:aG •atabUe~t• profit fo.t t th-.t tn ua1n ~ lihtJ t.att, a better . e1eotion ot •~plqyHI tot' apeotflo job•• t-n ti'o'fl 0%18 oompaJ:l1 .0Qnd.ftre.d the toaUD emplOJ••• for t;$.. · ••11 a. the ti 1n oone~d tt.kit~ 10 valut.~l• tha1; they pidd d tn add1~1 oa to th1• .Ud 19~ • o~p !be hip ••hOo'l tott11)£ th• ptovam prou••••d• but the.re ••• a perio4 •ooaatix. . el.c>n&"' wtthout a "'•t•ortn, , • t ti.dia1u1a r1 Jt-.ainlkl. ~ .,.n ~hat labota~Or'J' bMGe hta't'l•r •• th• la.bo!'atoey ill n Ni" • Wt.t Ga.ta l•tt, onl7 ey h dlt<l thtt te•t.Ul an tbe OO\Ul•elt.n; • • done 111 th• 4ohool• or by t;b• • • oi • tertal•• 1;b.t %ottl~&• the aohool 41atrtot ... _.a tull r••P 111)111 ty fort t.b.e il:l tb.o J'.flll o£ eil' 1n oin to aGd trcmt tho la'bora.tcJry • the· t••·t a't aOhool dtatriot a ret tor tho th• t.t u• nt th• H• 4 f~Qy '-•W.»a pl". _ :t• w11 • W0!>~1•• bu' 1t 9bn 1t 1t .w t.14 to a otmnat1ln pr 1• ot . •at.tt wl.'\1• · •~ fef' -.ny put ftttb but tbelr o:ow.taelort ..,... not th11le4 1n tt1• :tn~r'01;&1tl~an of thoN te-at•• Sn tb.e. f.Il ot l911h• With the -woi ~tot us.•.-~N.ra"• oGU.1 u b,.nl.OJ! ot <N14ao •• a pto..,_..... •t-kttd out wbweby 'be _,.. ~-tt~ b•'tWHil U ..,.,l.J •• J.J40,. tU a.Ch4olt hplll\ 4 ola•••• 'but tho~• · and tb• t eting prov · • •~ool but no ..- ab• tir-t t b th• tutlll& ·and ~ i~•1•4 ·• .. QC!t Oll ftOf.\'tiOn• ill ·t ruf te•t ll\ltl>n!$ ten na- &olng into M'llf trosr ..... u O'fa1uaUon ot the -t.l atuAaP4i,t.ttd of acbnlntt·t'tattotl pr'Q••«t~•• • a.o a ••r• d1aON"4•4 U.l4 fll• ino1udt.uc eat <lA"- em ~ tt. •4fa1n1u_,.tt •tl tht labor•tory, with ·"'~4 teil 'tVlU.tity t1ti•.o dAta 42" 'tM at\\derttf• t.t bMn tto eafNletl.on be1lne tnt• Ut'&lt: t.~•r• QGUl,d hMdl& •'•t J..u O®Zlftlbti ct ••• wou-14 y new Pd te1ta re1tabtllt.7 ff~Atl· wttb l11~f• ~•ta "~"• ~84• A •'ftr1 ttttt \1&84 tn •ild.tar testtnr; la:bon.. tort a i:a t...w MuntryW.. ••t&'bl1'tl\OJh hopl• ln the achool bad to be ·traS. •d to lnt rpret the•• .Q th• tecond job ln't'Olvsd a VUllS.Jl& pt'OP"*JSl• ~·· !he tra1n1n$ Ql Ot W0 !he eehool couneelorf be.d t o b1t tl"ai:ned if.l teohlli que, of d teat tntorpretatS~ · eU.ng wtlioh fJlclu th · .W<l•nte to chooa vocat1ontJ bowr > 1J O.QU.tl.• 'Itt• · nt:U.•b. 4 teac •r• n~ 1'1"'* ut vooatd.on&l lttfo t!tmJ and hQw to bttttrpr t t•at scooree tk.t r lttted to wcs.tloa•, lltth w•t•• \':e&Chera o~Cltf to th• 1-bor'ato.ey tor .f!l. lt~WJ day to ~k& the ~•t• and to t•t ua.1 att.no• in theS.r S.nttrtwetat1·cn • A olaaareont Ubn.ey tor th• EngUeh 4 un1t w • field• ot teatin"' -.nd veral profeaeional booka t.n e tabUehed, U.ng er OG\ll\1 in tho oollocti.orh 'l'h• 1-ohool •pproacb nOW' wo._ itulividuaUaad. and ao tollowed. the· pro~ a11 tho ot th• t4Uitll'l£ labort.tor'f• . lt ha.d ee.n t. to""r poU cy to c1W t.att to eaoh 'udt v1<1tUt1 r•rertf d tf, th• lsbor a.to'ey • pr cttca oht.nted to • . " :r ·t •ate r• ••leoted to tS.t tluJ t.DcU•i • !be t e.e ert ad bMJn ttoai ed in te t eel•o.tton u4 wea-• ual OA • • oh ok th• atudent•• ref\ t't61 laoh ,.ek on• m.-nber of tlhl •11pa tor •r11 tptt.oia.l le.t-o~>atorr ·a •rr tet~Jtinz had the taek &Oher • Jk~ •dd tlon 1 epe9ial tea • A MW plu ft# ntt:J.rr•l tt 4 unS.t tbt.t tl\e n;;lieh elae• She pla:c bae miutlttrf ~a d. iCN:ta 'flfU ~• re dtetd•4 dedt:tc.h. ot· <J!UIJ<lld.!lr; s1tlh 4 • ,..terral tUpe trhtoh the 11~ente btoupt tr>ota t.ltetr lngltth ihlt up~ at that t~ . etudent• wu oJ.-.o. worked ·o ut. 'lbf •tt.t&er ed a't four wMk ba~• ao could 1M tttete:d bile the unlt ••• be1ns 'Uau· t . be•• the tollma • th• waober 1iltro4u the 1\lder Pr fete11oe ieoord tr · . • w:al t ., &4• wtteh the •w4mta J\• .S. a ptt•f1l• ot tmtir in luaraw,. tt>:l' 'l' tt•• Ali~ the the •tuttent wero rot •r!' aptitude wetd.»i• tb• •ttA<!Ottt!l 5:ater••t ••• ed t..... thtr ar-w••« ta th• ••tct.c t4ea. ae ~.«entt bmr bto tntorl!tta -.nd aptS.tudea wout4 . lab l"t.toey' •en Cla1 .f0 tb& · y the •n4 ot t t bact lM•n t.Jsted • !be 4Jtu4•*''•• testa ••"e ·•~nd JJ,1'ld a proftl• oqd r-e·t urnod to hit S"M• mw 'Mtho4 b~wg,l'rt abou~ a •loa.e r world.J1~ rtlat! on&h1~ ~•••:a th• Snglilh .. 4 t•a.ol'\ttH and the fOY.\:rotn term oountft.lor4t ud O\lll\inated b ~a.bl• t.a~et""change ot infti'm!\~t.on ._,out ttu40t•• l'h• p~eunt ttlttl.ug <~I hip ••ho.Ol atuden'h• tl!l.ket pla.o• e.t ~h• fovtb ~ 1• e.11 sohoo1t •=-ltt f.U•n•otb A. tra.u•ttlo• per1od ~omee a\ ~• 10\U'~ tfl'S i boy• lt tbelf' eduoa.tiona.l pl.a.n and. •o ·tl\.9 · plet.d th•t1' third tt-m. s,.ol~ t.wt ~~tsrtea wo~ dewlopod ttf' t't\1-B'tUW tate. a. ee;Qotral batter;t ot tfs.stJ; plu• Mn•d by ·t;Mt.r toaefhoz· •tatt ~ '£he w tin4 $t onacm . <lP <:sot.Uaaelw OJ' "''"uu eonoolth Ul «ll)f e.-~&1 teste ret~ r•o~\1414 \ly a 1a.bo~t01'1' ber.• ~eal t •t• .:Whioh ...-. p I n to all ttu4tn'• tr . C .. aroe/1 11» a Grtlntl JettV,QtU l.inalltltl, ar•• Q·t ta t.•t ot Uantal iQOit\" 1 • &nd. Wae in t® i.S:p · · o~oola A: !litr ~14• Raa~ VOQebnl~ · 1!1nlleeotA Ol.W'1oal 1!~-.ot-. Form oa.rd o•· c~nn~· ftnpr ~terl tr O'Connor !we•&•r ~rttr Uell lnwntory lh -.u~llti.on to th• abcnre, all. 'boye ~ tiel\-• the ~M~t.t"l"ifll Ke.obdta.l S,plt1al te•t• that thao a"-uct•~t · ana:r rota.uett &rot eitr Soa.thore Art Jud.p•nt lhl.we.a~ h&auH of lu•1oal !.:let v.at lw:oain& . . ." Ked't.Uliw e~r•htll•1Wllnl••ata. Spati&l · elation• o•Connor Wi&~ !look l,.cP~1al. ...oht•Yomdt.t ,.~#&U$. \7.- uti irttell.ir;eno• te~;ta ft1lah1.e 'to-, ua• i~ or.aee wttera t. 4-etlld:b!l' pr~b'l tnto ·IU'l,t &• l• •PP~•Ilt atz~ ....,. Uc.m. i'l. ct•81red. 1'h• follCMin& v• than tn• tn. ;~et-&l 'te&1J 'bo..tt•riet f()r ltal\ool• o r •b~ aentione~t Ot.te tee'h ot ental Ab!lity · d• l.t~ Vooa~ulary ut=-•ota Ol•rt u lilnna ot.. o•o~or J'o~ rt» &r otr4 xtGr!ty 0 1·0--1' \Weea-er :.xte"t1t y ·l 9oll lmatory t&,o,f4.ua;rJ<ie Keohlmloal lli~ne-o:ota S~a.tia.l Rele.t!on-i,t 21~1! ..~Qlt¥~niO,l ~· t1 oh.me 1 ar• the auo e th., !fen· Wl 'il~G1) • G,J"OUP • om! t tln& the 3 &o~;utrr1.• .1u« Ad4a1!$1 Gtie ~ct of ·••ntal Abf.1ltsr Wta 8:•&•· Vooabul~Atf *itm:uotr1 Olerloal . Q:toauJ> _Pt11. . &utelit, O'CO~I" t:re•.aep ~&l"'ity &ell !rtnttW?r t=-aota 3Jatt'&l Relation• lu4•r Pre:hl'ace* '"lot •-•••l•.:m la~u.sa-~• .·wt... R&ngit 'fOAlmltU'f ••" Mta••• 01.-.toal •tnn•aQta For-m ~oa~d O<•Ocmttor l'S.n v !)f,ltteri'tf o-•\loMor · ;ttorlty :iWote.r s·e lt .In••w'"7 ..... ao~:r _: rle · .ech•nio 1 ..,.,.~-10 Mlnu•aot-. 6pt~t1&l tria'••· two h1ld tf~l tt•latton• l:ae~ra Deg•••• tw-., lla.obtl.or io~Ntt•• two ww Sohool •~u-tee. and ~o had. Me two anti ono• h&lt ,_...,., ,o f ool• 1•,•• . l'h• 1944-47 t¥let1n(; PJ"O~ 1noluod payoholo&i4!U t a 1u a wid.e•ran _4 of a.pt1tud toet.a. t.:oh1ovomant teats-. interest a.n<t p.raolUU• itJ ..,t~h wttte~J> or Pa¥Oholo~1.ce.l tt.J~tini i~ill.udt. ~rfonuuloe ~up _wet•• At thll ttl'!ltt the or 1ndl'Yi~ual 't4tltl_. lab•at~ l\t.4 tw· &•. hi!er ia I!WD 'to &Vft'o.g• W kb..W a'dl'&$f lntelltQf%1.. . b ttlttte11t T••t it~ sol <st&d on tm tn4lvtduo.l buta if t."le t.Q. 1• 90 or 9. 'b1e Oftlit.otni - . »•11 la-v•ntor1 .. 10, $• toil-tn t..at ot hraonallty 1• a w ;a, ho~. Mlw. "·•• aubtttt:U.ted tor 1·.· ,.,._.tf'l•t• wh-. o0\114 ..-l.f.tttfl tb.t &tafttortt"" lut a4 th• B•Ufth> W••lhl•r l•4t:dd\lal S.nt.lltc-o. t.tle-·• Mp acm..ol etude•• •lou•• All Uul:' r.ttl.llf;.••• tJOt O.Dilll•t to t~4utti'J ttt<til•c• ••ift•a••nteU.aa pHtr••· priw.t• '•'*•-.rs hht..•l l~oa-tt-.1. ~·1~P«*l' '•••~ ·~· Veutua llthabi:U.t-.ttol~t ••••• .,_oltl 1ttttla , l'oo.,ti&~tal llbablllh.ti.on pl~\ S:tttYiOU i at t!~~ 1 b)- tM ttoe newlf ~·• ut;~tt '' c..-... Ia S•~•b•r itU. la\Jwe.:\t:tPf •••,•••na..t ~ '.h• ..,._.,..,,•.-m.a~tt.e, •• St.• r•••• dul'a* u d tritt••vt" PJ44 ~1'&1 ld.\:ioa~1ed. Mitt «drdlllt'e.Pe4 Vou•nllril •• 11Mte4 Statet SSpl.,_.2at ~........- u« ttt~ht th• e•tt.tl Sta.t4tt l :m. httl 'dl't· ~~ of G•l'-• ~ ~b• ·~e.~.- ~4 Y9oa't1oul ~llt-. t••. • wtera takl.Qa •h• 'hw1.,.._t • • • to'# bleb ~~ 41!>1..- who n• Pt • tormet IW4•n' ot· t:bt P•.-tlud ao!ltto11 tut wtlolk• toftftr tobo•l ••rllfteet•at troU14 .V*"' M.• o. tt.p 1.- oa the '-*-1l "'"1t• ..... •wsttll • r.. tt>P !eat tlt.1twl.•t aet.at.•--.4 to blljl-• ot ae.tl1*'-oto17 thll t•~u•a• ~ e.4ti1 t. q-wp, V•teJo!act Jl~ab1U• Mt1u .ad Vooattoaal hha.l>llttat i • tl'clwt.d th.• f'ollwtng .-ril '-•'•• t.n a..., ltltan•aott. Ol•rtHl ~. 'Ita ·' If ~-'*' Altlll'J Vo~&lt\llu, · U-.n•••• l'on &.-.. 4 tex:tet"t t;' QtOO#COJ' F1nJ4tt' o•ocmn.w .....,. llhm•t\')ft Spa~t;a1 !.tldttrl\1 b1atl4JJ• Jlae<!uvn• •••hw~ ll•mr-••~•~'" taw•UrF X\il4er bttte.-.o• f•••••U,t, a,..tal t•••• ..... ••llt,llll• ~• Ill tuin& ~ •bo,.. batt.l'f up• r..-•t of' it 1a4toa-.a bf t.Btv••·' • •• ro11w1ne ..... . ·t Nt •rt•• to-r ottwr •p•o.tal , . . , tltiH at O.D'Wr t.•tt•a Labor•'-171 'tl\11 hl~• act ._,, ' - ' ­ Cotah•U,oc as ·"e•• ·.~ ~,~., ~ta•• <*• ••' of It~ AhlU'J JU.~me••~• Clenul n••o• Spats.al · hl•t1•t JaeohUtloal !U.. Xa~arrte lhtft:ift\l-1!" ,.,.• ...u tf'· lu.4t., Pr•tw•• a_.... M•. Uttoal. Ae...,.bly Purtu• F•.p o.ra ~. **'" ot l•attl Ab1l1"' o:•~• Fln~Jr .» f$1'1'-Y o•~or ••••• n.•t•1tr as.-..--. uam.u tumtnc ltmu"fttef' le-aonalltf ..... ,......,.,. ,.....,., ·-C~--l~ -- $~Jur•l•• h.t~t ~ _· _ · .Qlllt;q· · ~ ••--~•l•• .~ &q' Te•t •t uuw AlJS.l1\J'· ~"V•t•s. '''" w.ct. '-•"·-· ~-~· $:oat of a.ohant~ tompr.Un•l• l._.tt t rM& foo..1t1onal l11t.ha' au~·~. ~!!!l.~~tt.tz• Ottl !att ot !'eA"-1 AbUt,, wt.a u-. 'foot.b\tltq" K-..<ia.nt:• Jt•obtU'l.toa1 ,.,.,....ter hrt~#all• Hqt:. hr•lul hlt4M h&'bhl'4 01lla ~'••t ot •••t~al AbUt., w •• ,.,.,.•• hJ'IU"euter :Pet'H&Ull tt lnv-.lltory Uni"*d s•••• M'Ud toro.e Jut,ltute T••'• ot ~al 1®~•'1•-.1· •4 JrtuloPf*l'tt \1) haUih IQJ"el:aloat (I} ·~ hu4t••• {J) lat.u1"ti tot•D$1•• (u) t.ttk.,_, J.ta.t.ri&ltl {!;) ••~fliAtt. o•• .._ h-.4a ot ••4•'• ul;ed 8gaoial th tift· the tA tfa~ la•~•t•• &a4 ~ ·S....'ri.a91" whf.\ 41tt6ren ,....... 1-Ui;&tiJ~t~ "'U:lu ot ._. two hoQt tal •tdt• ••"ottd •••• 1aal~7 'kata &drd.at•t.r•ct thtlr o. tepta"JJi· Ut allo" ••• p.t low ~ ot WOllf.n to ® too••• abow tb• SQ'th Sprua · .t 194J• &$ntf'&1 for btrJ.Dc ~946• th• re.f1e•d w•t "'t•:ry opuaa~loat ••U t"·ip· •.,..,., tltt ~· 'W'OJ'ikt Jfli'Mitl~U.• lo 'the ._. oqn•lltnd tf>.- tht• parttANl~ Xa tb• aau: Ml· b.M ING041.. tul •ployM~ 1~$,...,. Xrt:m fit'. . . U8& ~tor thtf. ·~••Uon ~•• · tb• tn., p.~O(l Of~-·· lrlittlq ill•• OYet • . - ~,., ti:te h t •' th•lr at\&clet•• "" 4t•ld04 up• bttwQa 1;be ho•p1W 1tatte ~ulaao•• t.nd. p-.otl~ wotkt ._. aa'dt:as "~•tr '"• -.u ••t ba.lt•,.i•••· t;ut ~ tht ••~ouo ••*l• ·ot •••tq ~ct. tha\ tnt.atllll ot at. Only: thoo 4•1ltt8!'1'b7 ••t l•"• tl\41 Ou14Mo• u4 <JOUJ)..llo& e.n'MP 1!t1Uq kbO.ftt orJ • • -• 1•o"d "' the Wit· lt.l\-p..- Comtd.ttt• u the &$~MOJ 1a ~· aS.tJ to •atniat.r their fJpctOlfl,l ap~t\'l4• ObOMVI.at• at. - . l.-.boAt_, w•t• atwa ttut iattley• i. ehort a&atnt•••~ trat.nl~l '-*''*• •~t• ••w• PlY• 111 the 1fv la-ttpowe• pqp:tw f'Ollw•d betwe i:he lttd't •otNA11y tbat• teet• to - . Ctttt.4 N•• :'-• .t~r.u• t. •••k •• -St••• ~lo~t s.ni4• ut ••,.<~• t.oP the r.t•r• w_. Kop•tr Hte.-ral•• u tb• ttata 414 not fit into the r®ti• toll-.« tn • unu !be tntettrtac ttw t••t ba.tw.,-• •• o.to-..:r ,..,. ..,., ...............,. ih• •.•_,__,. ~· ~, ~-- SRoOl su~an ·. u *• ortt.•t.al ·tent.as .oepta~ tw •• .,._, 11lld.tV..td.OII4 ot tbl Untt•cS ltawt .,_,4 l'vo•• lcdltutt: . ••aJ. 1®-.tloo"'- tlaftlo,..-t-. "'ul~,_nte J'OI'tltF ww••• Wbo oou14 ....,t •xt•tittJ llJt· tet14coy and PNt .. . . t.ote ._,._ ·Hoosmn•tlod tort aoh:oo1 4tJ10-It tbtt lll'ViM .Wbi4h 'Wt.J ••lU,ItY•l.J' for •._.1 ~••tdant• wa• 1•1MW •:.ct.«tt4 to: hoiude a:t210• woultl .l••• htm a &ploma• b&ati.t e ••t~•laoti_, f4tOpl• t'ra 4GU~ -· ooa•t ._. a~t.'4c ~bU.o' lOhool '-''* ot 0.• ·. •w~ t••' hip ,_.,l.U pu'bU.o who,. to,..., •ob•ol n.. IOOI'tl t • Tho• outa1$a th• ~ "tl1Ul4 nrf cw•a ·• toe ot t1,.;so · •• ht£1\ tohool .l•v•l • • • ••• Of11$•tS to· ·--~ ~o ril:e~ tloaal ••l•Pil•n' ud to 4e·tenatr..e to "~t ••l')'t one bacl tn• lqJAlw.• l•ct ·o.r - Uboral ol' non•t.Obtd.-.1 bifll ·•obool. duatiO'th •tl,_._. '-•.. of G•n•U. 14\to-.tioau ••••• • • th• •~'hl1tut o n.wlo~t 1ma• theu •«uoatl~ ot ._, ot utt Mp •ohool gadnat.ea •c:ml.d oU.tr cU.r•otl.y 1'0'1' • btlb Mbo<Jl 4t p1.,_. ·wt tbeut dJ oountiaa of ••.uta ill •J•oltlo •ubje"•-. •t~ 1a r•---ndM tu.t a ~dUf cchool ~ ..ett • ·. 8ploa. l f . . UM·1~• ·aa,latt•• •1 ttl~• (aot ••••a~1ly both) ot tu to110'ril\i, nqut.f l-.nt-. pl'o-1'1~ ~t l•i&l "''~''•• AUtt ot lo,tal •tnvi'J hAft baa ••• _..e. a.. ~.~"" u• ••• . - ••~.-~~ .t-.ctara 101#• 91 ~5• or em th• tift t••t• 'lo ·-. \lat.ttt,.,..•ll •lCeld•• . lll fb• ·ba• •~•• •oore ot ''•, or .._...._ •• neb ot th• tt'" wete t:o th• 'batw'f• t.bo'P# •• -..t.u tounon. ttat.d ttsa:\ QJr«U•wlr ao -to 85 ,_,oa~ the ·~•t• tt11• ••• ~U.& ~- pubUo hl:P aob<Jol• thro~pct\1~ th.• oo.utJ? woult. meet ott• ot ~ •1tai'Dati'ft raqut,..euta• 1 u4 2• t Poftlat.ld•dopt.4 th• plaa .o f t'eq'lli"loi.·tM ot ~· •bt~w ._t1oM4· .r •qutnr•t• t~l,.."t t the v~t\!;rau .ucrt b~w •--~!''"otor;~tz , c;ompl••~ • tuU . ,._~ k J1 ••t ~tf1( plu.a th• toll.•loc .-..tt•ut at te»ded -. l.~oal. ~•· . hl&b •ahoo1 an4 · us.n •on.l ·cour• ot on• w · wnlo t• lPterpr.eted .-.. hartum .fi l*ned a. mlai~ ot t.ul' orttit•;. .All' •q;e~t _. \aM_.~ 4uJI'i:Ql the . 1~ IOM01 ,,_..,. \o tWt\\a.tct tbCJ ~t•~ telitln' f1'1>V~&• qa.dllu~-.d in ttl• Ia~ Who iftt"• to k ttt ·~ tm. a'\'lnt.ot"'tt o()uld f oep.a_...a 1d tb 1 1947 "'1e••••·• o"a ma.d• by ·•obOO.l •ho had bHa . · . atM: dlpl · •• bf . Btvolo~ plan. wu to 'teat tt. ltnitl'6 ·raum tht aoolte '•term• trcm. tl'tei:JO atl• ot tho: tl.aeral uo..t10M1 "•t•• $neral. ot· the hlp aebool .ot tbt$l" toftnr prob~ lU'i~olpala eo~plune4 tma.t • a1N«-*lQ wh.o ..,...,.. ul!utu.o.n etlt:Jl wh.tle :~4 ~.11 ,_., hi.$h •ott"l ba4 oM"DI:d their 41J:t10lftM by uaa. ot t.he Otul•l"d S4t~oatl.o~ ~wl*etit ••••• tee !he prS.ttoiJa).e hN 1ntff&lw4 b thlc FOJG•tl t th•ttt • ntor• who wwe .tQ ~ gantltj \t\111" d1ploaa on th• ba.•1t .: ~ •re4lta ...,._4* •• ~e.ru.ta ._.4 '\lhat. tb• "'•"'•• at a ~r•» MD ••v•• t.bow ·•• •••tH: p•roe•te. ·• .t ft ll;t-'" • • AMrlOQ Q.ounCif.l. oa 1\tuoattu. . •• ttr.at. lt6Pa -,;-.. ~t th• P9ftla4 . t.t.d~te.a• u4 • teeto4 • hat.P tb• nnl.te ·thaw that &7Jd; ot .t hMl*H"• •wral ••1•att•~• •aftlt~A wen e.-, the fu\ a®4 ·"or•• ia •·••••tt· r aot •t ~ •U:l~i• 1:11 ~lwh•• they wr.t lotot. or· ft.Ot.or• ln tOO'i.:J., Ofl •ooArM\10 U,ftf m&7 Mft latlU'Uiif# h " _, ht.w· bMa tb.a' t'Ol"mt1" pnhl• •'INd.••t• bad ttt••• 'ttt1lt• haw~ ot CJ un••Uua ~lr- h-.. Olltlt.l'tntte4 tO thdr ,p oor thOWf.B&• oov-••• •uPt.d 1\t llltlv•no• la • ch4U1&;• wblob fttd;.d J.tltl\leoet tbtf' ••rS••••• ot t!h.tr ot attltude •A>'•• ,., th• \hta. It • • to1t tNi.t the 41plor. 1 t .-alP htaot j\ll lftoa~ion chfe.~n•4• l.tld ther. .,.,-.. fOJ> call'b (t f. t a •,.._.. 41»1-..• J•• 1946 t~ Aprll1941• a ot $.0hh ,ertozaa,... lwo · ,Jl;,o&a ••t• aii Wt• h t - . an4 OOWtt~liu& c.uw ••tl~:te 1-.hon.ton• F~ tf.ltal ~.,,o .w~.-~ •• th• ·!rJ! of r..ot · ·. · .·. 'i!tn r · r 1 ·.. C••"~' tlloltl._ . • · •, Aohl• .,..ta.s At•t.tua lnwlU • • lateNatl P&ra-oa&11'J ••• .!rJ! ~f !1'-~t l.c1a1ntrt.H4 AobieUBn' · 1•7" 1.466 lat.Ute•ao• 169 POJ'tUUitJ ·l.n iih• .Mal.-t~ '-•tt.Dt Pro..- '*- t•r•ou tetwd. . .,.. i:Q. th• fol• lonna ct-o•Jt:• ,,.t,. Cl'Sd.l. lerfi 10lUlt411l•& lval~ , . . .,. hi'••• lnca.t>trtea JUJoM Tra.l:otaa .&.ppl1..._ $oot-.l ~0111 Uftl\tJ4 •~•te• hfl.-n' s....n.o. V•t.• •••las (Otnerel 14\\~'1-.1 .DI• •lo,..nt .f••u) ' Vft&ti-.1 eh:Gill.tatiOJ;I ientM '~••'- •~~Ain1atttre4 '"'~'t b4lYS.¢aA1 a.a•o.t•tt ~ur.s.zaa ,..~ tor· otb., ••·t• ~· C•ll•p Jt•t•.rr6~ as ; t••~ •r• •1e a4minl•tore4 lil tbe hl&b t0hoo1~e ;y t.t\ 0~ 41• l'lat•••• '~•r• baa bfJq ••"•blill\04 til eaon ~~ l!tCJMol .ne p l"IOD who . hu b•eu tftined b,- Mana ot .nop at tbe fluidan o Centot • t.t) b•leM• ,.._ovu ~•• ,._t m e. Gu14anw Wwk• Co-at'c!inatofo:t •• ~ ot th• OO\alll•lln: pro&;rt.fil 1u the htjl ,r cn.l. haa <~®• the •peoi4 ~•til1S "fi~1r.4 bJ ol)UI)..l,otta• 'ali,• um.:J.1,- 1coluC.4 tthttb& thot• who •'b••at a.t l"flt~as" wetln& 't im•t •11 tu f\lb:j6o'b tleldl ecm a o.ttfVJ• ftH. tt• .,<tainitt<ratiQn of apeoJ.al te•t• feS~tt 11hea adml'tdater04 >tble put J*• v•Hi 4oh1. . . .nt Xatftl:.lt.c••• Perao~it:f ~- \1t.tk •'""* tlte ,__., o.t ~''"~ 6.4a4 ,_,.on• h44 "P ot sg,6;6 teat• • On 8•»~~_. ua R tin4 tutf!l -~ tho lU..rat~· ~ ha:4 taketl a \otal th•JA,O~ praOil pu••d tlu'~ tu '-•tina l•bv&tQ.l7 •t th• Gut4cl• uti Cw.uae11~ Oe.$t.tt.. ' ,' lt l9ll0• 24t 1945, tbe ,o,oootn .-r•on ••• t••-«J a.,- 15" 1941• n'7 tnthl la.._.. ••t on - It\ tttbg ·h d alftyt 'bo1ta fur -.bt~aa ot gut .no • f.Ocrtl-4 peoull4\l" V:O.tb tn tbtt t:tOUMl a •l•b•,..__. ttu.tu:n, pli'<!'IJ"d •·• A<binl·t tratlM Ptoject no ~ tta. tin• te•turet waa ~tutt Of p,teacnmt .~ ~SUl~oe., .b ut provt4• tGr+ omt ~ A g\ddMd procr- with at th• ,_. tiM but ._, not oe.rrt•4 tht*o..tih• U l.on _. ""• t,•<mar4-. 1:n tltttra, fdtkO\It• ••tlab11th•<t.na .th• · orte PAIN•• ••t u» ttl 19J8, beg~a trom 2'h1 wh1tn au P~la~ pro~ l•"• the tohool .,..tam 41\t 4lr•otv to bt.:dle .bo-\1\ ot teett.na proa;t.a and th• th• mata.n . ~ot 'h•a• . de~nt•• ptogr w.t . til• 1Mt'l \Jl\4•~ dl.tf'vftt ueie~t ~!#rwD~•n•• e.l~cc tllr" u.Q'i ln th• IJJ.ll ett 1944• fliee ft-P'Mc ~· lo$1,1-.a appoln"a lu~•..- or· Out0atut4h . a... j:tlJ A•ti •11 ooaO.J"l!i~· the ~Jald.tlnO• propUt in the ••hocl ty1ta1 but ~10 - . 3ob of diHO..,. 111 1iht •• •U• • At. thlt polut th• l.•bQntot7 ba\l & t*r' p.wpon. •• ~l"~ll.\t.tioa tKt fqob•trto 'Ttlltln& Lt.\>Qratory ~--· I • tho bt,..fl\ th• *--'1•s 11114 ooua••Uca ot thtt ••ttne P~""'F .I-A))u14 'be' ot geaw1t ftlu•• lb.9 lo.-t.torr uo loa&tF c.oannftl tt••lt •••tbl& a;J4 f~rtb 'til · ~· • • htgb •ohool. prla~n,- wtth · Yo~-.u~ ,,tu_uc.t•·• ..,.. weN rNrAb••l••• t.nat:nd:\t.t ••t~w• by the ~OW'ln1w• of awctentt aeedt.•s •Jto1al h•1P• . ·ew .,p. th•t,- trdbt~~ OO\U'ae• tlb• •~••lor• bad o«a• to undft'•taa4 how •••• o.ou14 belp the to utuS~W•tan · thtlr ••· t'M tn-.r;r of ot ~t<lance hd .,,.,., "f'QOllitiq&); .,_danM to ao the t-oo.t1nt; pi'Of&l' ••ar tr• the ..-r• o{)•o.t-t th•· llf"..S o~nMP' had toU-.4.. '' •t\ldellt•• •t w:ut•rt~4ln~ th6 tldld, fott~ th• ·pil. . . pri)gtUO. !t ••• Hl-Nd to !:nclud• ~ .·the ,t lret gaO. ~hnN;b. dult 4duaatt«l u<t th• ttetiJ;tS. l~oratoey hu $4'..-.a !tt•lt "• ~••t the llMda .o t· tM co~u•tlo._.• I ln o-.r.t)"1na ·•~,\ 'hl• ·•~olut1'f• pro&r•• fhfl la'b•atot7· b&l· r.~ r•ar• h.-.'Hroa a -..1.\t. oetul4 bet &00 1\ t. b•~ta ~i"}f ho\l#8dt Jlu.t ow t;o-. l&lJt Addu• So-oel oda~4 Wlth. &Nt.'tv •an U' ·ib6r t~..- · \M hll~g• .tt~u· ·4>0lU81J. Ut~t•t the taOU7 -. •4d aore pafllb••,ifir1fttt llld p,otttb1J m.ottl tO\U1te.l ot• -to Ute la'boft.• toq n..~t, . •n thi Y &.¥ the tol.\1~& lab~rator, wo.ul.4. tis eL'bl• to. afllia• 1twr Mre: •peota.l. t.te14t.t 7thlilh in · trwr.t would W ' httlJ}inl the ®@•tlot't , l 'lll tb.IS.r Lnto.-vt.•• w1 th tllelr fl'IN.d,nt ··• tn. Gui.t!anoe u4 GouaftU.itg ' AlJUh Yd. th ~ tnore•ees!\ .-If• ~$r , co\lld · ap.iJJ. opet th•lr raot.U.tt•·• Leot\&Pll. 1\l_.nie Lermv ., h. .aS.• •• tt ir-•t !)00 ftttect• ·• ~WabtUi =-opor"C• 19~• t to Suptl'in . ~4ent41 • u.t~pu.bl.l•htd t"oport. l9J9 lu ts-.,•UF•• ,_.J.o~, ,,...k i•• •~:o,W.u4*t 6otS • ' • O:aet.t••• ......,..! ~-~••• lli17 l.-07-lU.. , . ~f.tlnoi~lea ~d. ,~~~~ii•• of V~c.,'i.DD 1 Gul~o.,• I • fork~ . _ ~ii[1 Sa ~- Jf'f PP•• M.,...,, Oeora• 1~. ~- 3 . I I 1 , I • lldff•d St$.w• ~d FQ.ro•a lJletit\l~, ttout.a. ~ Evaluatlo• ot lduo•tit>ilt.l lqtrt••• in~ A . •a hf"ri•••• Aliltl'loaa CO\ll1tU. on i.~u-.-.uoa. 1~. 19~5· ~­ / t