Pointer• Stevens Point, Wis. 1898. CC>N''T'El:N''T'S. l.tn:n.\u,L'artu!Tul . ··Captain's <;o urn~c~ ·u -~·· Ultl ~h nol Book~ . The Comin!C nf Winte r The A•Ivantag!•sn f A!tC - · ~. Assodation o f hl•·as in a Dog . . What Are t lw Wild W:L•·e." Sayin;r. .. l':l)C\'•111 toll "' "' ij ] :i~ .. . t: II':STit' ll.: Arulrc+•'s E X)M'o litiou Jo lilt' Surth J'n h•. . Wh y Nu L . l.oc" '· .. .. ... , , ,, !':II(C tt4 ATIJU:Tit:.~ T he l.aw rcno·(' Buy, Win lh s kcthall t,; :\lout:!. :'< ·u nul. THE NORMAL POINTER Volume I ll. S T EVENS PO INT , W IS., M ARCH, 1 ~. . C A RT O FFEL. I lirst mt·t ,Jim i n tlw ,,.,.,,J,.. u c:u· tlu.• o ld r:lilw:ty •·nc. just whe re t he tna~·k . aft t·r a )t l"t•a t S t\'CI' pi n~-: <'lll'l' c , straigh tt•ns ont fu r the h"ll ll'~t rddt t o t!tl' t' illag:c :<tat i•m a m ile :t ml :1 h a lf awa y. Bin ln,•s ti nj.( ltcrc w it h a b<Jy t·o m panion u thl liuc ,.tllll llWr a ftl•rnuc: n. m,l' o•yc~ o n the s ha rp lookout. I sndtlo·u ly spic•J,Ji m sk u! ki ng alun )t unolc r the h:azc l hru:<h . a nd re alized t h :ll t l ' t ' ha<l fu unol :t prize. ··By J twc :.. I •-ricd. ·· hcrt•'.~ iJ youn,:.r t•ro w : t;e.,: t WO o f ' c m :··- ;u ul in g rc:ll cxdtt•nHml we ~taro• t·h:t-"C. scr:unhli ng thrun).!:h tlw h:tzd :t w l w ilol h!:u·k iM' IT)' b us hc,;, stn m loli n)t ot·cr .~t ., ne,;, s•·r.l!d ting: our hatuls anol fa ce;;. b n•a kin j! n u r ,.;lli u ,. a n d a •:u i ng our tr.,u.~ · Cl~ - wlm t we n • the,;t• t rilk~ tn us . wit h twn !lcd}!li n,.c c r ows fluw•rin).! jn~t u u t of rca d 1 ahead ~ "~a~·. a in't th ey chu ulio•"'" ··lm,·klt••l Bi ily. wlll'n :11 l:ll!t w e o·:u uc t n~t:cthc r. pan t i n~: h u t. trinnqJhaul. to c umparc •·:•ptin•." l u 1ru tl1. bd11g hal'< l l~· l>~•yund t he callow ,.;[:l)t:l'. t hey ,,.,.,.,. 1wn :L" !W I~Iwn y. ra)(gc•l. tlirty· blac k. tli~n·puw.hlt• louking I.Ji rd~ : L>; a m nt hc r c r o w c r er pus hed o u t of :1 Ill'S! , hu l t o <Hlr im:tgin:l· t ions. :~lirreo l by a ret·•·nt n:adiusr uf " 0 :uupic r the Buccanee r. " t hey wert• p reduu s : L>; d un b lt)vns. p ieecs u f e ij.!hl . :111 rill' guld rm l<>< of n f tiJC Spanis h :'II:! in. He re w a.~ huu ty enou ~:h for o no• t'XlH..'Ilit ion. and taki nl( Billy "" a olvh·t•. we " wore ,;hip" anti ;;.ta r tcd fu r hume J,L'IOati n~: like t he pir.UC>S we <lrt•amctl o f. r it·hc r t han ki n g,;. J im. w hn ft•ll to m y ~o~h an•. tuv k h is <':iplUrH philn ,;oph it·ally. li ke rlw wist• h ir•l he wa,., :t.tc :1.:1 ma ny m ea ls :1 day :1 ~ I t•ou ld lind ti me ' " fct:tl h im. anti ;;uuu ~:re w t:u no:cun u}!h tu lltl :lll"'''t•d fullliht•r ty. He •~• p· id ly o u tg rew hi~ ga wki nt·~~- p ut o tt a hc a u tiru l s uit o f !JIIIUJ:Ig c. ant! l~e<.·:uw • t he adminu iuu u f :11l m y e nvious .-ronie<~.. lru ll•e•l. as lw ~tr111ft.•d gral'ely n p au• l tlo wn tho wal k , t he s un light gl:u l<'ing JJ: rccn a nti p urv le o n his ;;IL-ek bla•·k feat her.~. ,Ji m was a , ig ht 1\'l•lt W11rt h !<Cei ng.. A n e ~ ·t·onfedcrat•· •·:tp t.1 in. up f,·om 1\e n tll<'ky I.Ju y in g s hee p amo n,e <~111' fa r llll'l'"· d eclareol t h:H •·ompared wit h ,Jim :1 tla r key d an•ly o·o mpe t in_c in the t•:tke· w:dk ll'llS un thi ll}! lmt a t ra1up. But ,Ji m ll':l! 1w me r e tlrliHI,V. He c u t hi:~ wi ~tlum tee th early. if u ri!' may ~pcak S•) nf :1 t 'rn\1', rln•l c:1111e to know m ore t h:t ll ·""lHI' me n : bu t :L~ he 11-~etl hi~ h r.ai n» p rhwipa lly iu thc eun u ·h·i ng "f miM·hi<•f he soo u fe ll intu ill rc p ll\(" tl' llh the family :'11,1· ~ont l :m ot. CSI>edall_\· . rc~:arded hi m wit iJ ~:olol oli;;f:l t·u r It w:~ no wonder llo• pllllt·•l 11p h_t' t he ro>~ltl! a ll t he Number 6. nc w·sct plants in hm· lltHI' CI' Jtru , lc n : ht~ !Otnle he r t hi m ble: l11• Stn• wed t he l' Un \ i'll t S o f h('l' bu tton-box Lrontl· t·a,:;t rl\'('f' t lw .~ i ttin}! n m m lluur : lw llt•tt' t!l thl' top o f t ho• harn with llt:l' ;;p~:et :ll'les: l1e pullt•t l dnwn a mi lonoke lm lf tlw hril- ·:a· IH~IO' om t ht• u)d -fas hinu ed " w lmt· 11111" h,t' l ll)tgi ng a t tlw ~ lwl r·o·m·e r fr inges : he un· wmw d t ilt' t h r~:arl spn11l~ :wtl y:1rn h:llls iu he r work ha~kt·1 a wl i uto;fi\'C!:n ·etl a nd i n tt•rtw i~t etl 1111d eri ~­ t• rus.~o·d tlu:m i n to hopeless inextricnhility . In s hort. he d itlthe t r it-ks l' ' h ich a ll Jlt't o· row ,. o r nny s p h·it o r enu· q u·isc tlo. :uul :t numUet· i>t"s i ~:s o f his o wn fe rti le inren t io n. a ll w ith ~11.-11 u. mysterio us, almost p r e te rna t u ra l g r:ll'il)' t lmt m y aun t <IL>t·larcd h illlJIOSSCSSt.'d vf a u e•·il s pi ri t. If h is t· ri nu.:>~ h:1d fn llo wt.>tl close, o ne nJKll\ t he ht·cls o f the v t hc r. his game wo n ltl hnve hcen up. I con\rl tUH'er h:11·e s:\\'ed his neck from rho a ,; . But :lS I h:l\'(: hc foro remarkt~l. J im wa.s a knowing hh~l. He u ntlerstotJtl as we ll :1>1 a ny one th:tt it l!e\'t'r pays to pla nt il<letltoo t h it·k in tho ro w . Ue t w ~·uu .Jim anti Ca r tofTcl t he t·e was. no \o r o los t. Ca r tolfc l wa:t t he c at. lle r nanh: \l':lS t he last link in :1 r.ulwr •·n riuu~ e'min o f 1·e r hal e r u lution. S h e w:1>1 ti f':!il Kill.' '· t he •" !,..:a tty. t he n <.:art.y . the n Cart. 1\ntl tinally--1 w:ll! j us t lw.gi n ni ng licrman a t. the t imo<.:artvlft•l. . !-She was :1 gray ·and · wh itc, a t rifle umlc r· si7.\..'< l. be a utiful ly bui lt. :1 famous mouser a ntl dea r g r it from t ho ti p o r Iter lmttlc -sc:urcd n ose w th o e nd «f her tai l. She fean:d not ••at, d og , n o r man. n e it her ma lice d o m cst k n11r for e ig n le ' 'Y· It. w:LS nn ins p i r in g sigh t to ,;ee he r :;ally o u t w lu:n a iltr.ange d og e n me i n · t« t he y a r d - legs :~t ifT. ba c k hu mped . eyes a/ire. fur hri.:~r \1:. 1 in CI'Cry direc t iun li ke lixcol lmymtet>~. nostri l!! hrc:u hi n g u ut thrcalt• n ing:~ _rwJ .~1:1111-(h t cr..:.to eject thti iuu·uclt•r f ro m the premiSI::~. S hl' Je•.mcr.llly d itl it.. Occ:l..iio n a ll.t• :-the fu nntl tho tlug tpo hig :u11 l w:u fon)t.>tJ to re treat up 11 t ree . But thi:-t t \' :1.'1 n o t lltlt':IIISC :~he wn>~ afraid.. t.:a rt u iTcl W:Li no fool. She knew w he n 11h c was 0\'t' I' Whd mi n gly OUl 111LnJl)Ct'C•I. ami like any g oo d gc ne rnl. mule rstoud perfec t ly tlu: n~:cessi ty in " 111'!1 cases nf Jl l'otect inlo(' he r !lank,., It wa<~ ch:ll~lete!'istic of <.:a r tu!Te l tu ha \"U decid ed upininns aw l to e x press the m w ith d g ur. She wo u ld ha ,·c m:tdc 11 l}llfJI' politic ia n. but :a s ple n•lid s tatesman. l·ler b:u·k bonc was Uis nmrc k ia n. Site km•w he r righ L1 :~uti pr<•1msco l ' " g e t the m , nnd nfte r g e tt i ng tiJo m, tu kt•e p the m . Whe n she ;;u ·erehcd herself o u t in t he mid d le o f the ki tc he n ll uu r y uu o·ou ld wnlk a r o uno l or ste p (>\'cr. slw <litln't •·are wh ich. Slm held her fa t·or · itc c hai r 11111il ynu fairly s a t tluwn <Ill he r If y u u lift· o•tl ht>r utn. s ite - . ·pug ht t l1e l'll!.lh ion awa y i n he r o•l:lw~. If )'" II we r e s itti ug in it w hc n ~1 10• e nt c rc• l t he rt)fl lll, ~1"' w a lkctl IIJl nud «nl•·rl'd )'«II «Ill. ~umctimes 111ilolly. ,;n uw t iu w;o i n l:III J,l: ll:lj.!<' w hid1 p lainl.1' l t'<jllin'<lt•'ll llllr· ~:ll iun 50 Ti lE NURl\1.'\.1. POINTER . With all lrcr· 1-'<JlLL~Lj.!'<' :111d •'Lii'l')t,\' t ':u·tutlo•l l t' a.; a motherly t•nt ., iluh•l'll, till' Ill"'' tnutlwrl~·. :molthr• tuu~l fnll(UCn tl.)o' nm'thcrly nu I •·• ··r -aw \V ell,Mf lr:tl'c"ai• l. rlrt'l'l.' wa ... load hh""' h•: l lto•o·n .CartofTclruul J im ,Jirn wa" tlw uri)::illal :t)t)::l"t'''"~'· Carto!Tclu:sed tu oli n l' "111 .. r a tin oli·h ho•-iol o·llw WoHHI· 1hed anti it wa.'!t .J im' ,. o·u·t•nrr ru lr: rpJII'II :arumul at meal time. iller\) w hat lw ,..,ulol aud I'""'' ir •luw11 a tTl" · tain c rnck in tlw IHoar·ol <tall. wlwr•·lu• ... ,,,,., .,lrhirr).'~ :E:~;,,:. ;::.s~· ,:::::~·. :::::;:.~:::::~::.::,:,\::::::F·:~:::·~;:\::;: bea k amljrick it frum nu•l•·r twr t ' o·r·,l' 1111 · •· :->rr·au]!o· to say. the t':H ,Ji,J nurh ill)t l'erh:qo• -lw wa~ ;a liHio• da.sh cd by J i m 's my~h·rinu" .l!l~ l t' il,\' l lo· h:lol : 1 lll"~l n ru::lnn y was uf l'udd ul-( lri .. ho•:ul "" ""'' ~iol.- durin~ t he sid ling prm'l'S... a~ if iu ''"IIIIIIUIIi"u w itl• ~"me evil cun·i ne spirit II<· 11 ,,~a ~tr:H r )t•' IWW ~uri nf .-n·atu n!. She had ht•ll•·•· nut n wo l.llt• with hi m yt•l. lmt IKI WC d ay - ~ h <l lkk t•d lwr o•J r,.p~ awl tiH· J.('n•••·l d o•o• pe ned in he •·tlm>:lt .l im "11 l• i ~ par·t IM•I"I' nu mali•·•·· ~~;~ ~~~ t1:1111dt ::e.~ ;:~·,:p, :~,.:.' '',;:::; ·~,: lo:: 11f~···;;,:;::; •:,~:::~ i :,i',',','-~~ trous loill IHid l 'a n" ITel l•adn ' L wh.1·. .. , m11o·l1 tht· worse for C:rrtoiTt•l :-'• · lw ~r·o·r'r· fat :uul "1•·• •1. and 1he storohouiMl un•h: r tht• \\:til.. '" ••rtl••w•·•l " ' it lt J> lo•n ty . Mea n while C..:a rtH ITt•lullr--t·d Iter IIT:ttl1 and waito·d (,.,. th o day o f n•c k q n in~ Tbing:. wenl frum h:t•l to 1\'llr~•· E r·o•ry olay ,Jim·,. robberiCi! grew 111•\•h•r arr•lln• •n· t llltrar.: • ·•·u~ :trul ( 'at·to lfe l'll !lnJ.('e r lmrrll'd h i~ ho• r 'l'lw 11111':111ny f••••li n~o: gnulually wo re otT nn.l .f i111 of tlw dt·\1 1'"" .. l•illlot•J.('all to tind ILneeessa ry tu ,J,"IJ.:•' a tly inJ.(' l!:tlt' ll r•r J.tl'owt at su e h t imi'S W:t:l tlu~lllllltr ' l ,fa J,::tllwr·il1)t ~t••rm . lwr eyM g\OWI..'<: I lwhirul tho•ir lit!~ Iii.:•· tht• ~ n ·o• n tlatl ll' t hrou~th the d onr.o of :1 ''" l' l"'r fu nra•···· ht·r t a il w •~ simply Ullllpt.':lka hlt! l'a•·tutTd'~ tai l 11':1 .. a rrr:1rn·l , f expressi\·enea..of. It W:t-" lo n)t. Htlw :uul cfa,.ti<-. and • n rcbarged fro m tip t" !.:1~" rrith tu•t·r·ou~ ••nt•qty. wblch cscuped :rt the cud in t>t'l'fM·tu:il writhill)t~. like steam fro m a h i~h pn·s:•u n · l~·ile•· T in• Wt•atht·r lmrea.u w ii.S not mun· l •r· •~ll•h t k;~l . I f tlw IIHITio•n we n• 11 \o w :uul gent.lc it nw:ull - w••ntlu•r .•1·n ·n••. no t a 1'\nnd o n the felluu hori zto n - i f it •••·r.: •11 1io·k ... lmrp :ln•l ne•·\'Ous--locnl thunder ~tu rm if t'o•ry ~harp and .. ll ll pp_r·. with \lt.tlc oxp\•ISit•t• twito·lt··~ :u t lw tip - \ \",.,., ln ol ia hui-rica ne . ' So. knowi ng till' si"na t... I watdlt'ol tin• wa.\' thing:~ were g oi ng. a ud ~n·w mnn• :u uln~t~ n · :III Xinu" \\' h,• n eYer I 1..'011111 I drul't! .Jim away. a nd 1\':l nw.r him that troubl e WIL.i llrewinl(. Hut. like many annt lu•t' lrl'i~ht young fello w. J im ktii'W it ~,11. Yu11 o·uuld u ' t tt•ll him aoythln•(. H e had lw:rrd •·nonkinJ,: IM· fure Tb6 end CZIIIIO I II WXJ~'l'to•oll,\' aftt•r :t1J lhll' day ( 'a r• to lle l was jus t s tart in~: fnr till' haru ~r· lwll .l i rrr •I I'VI'JM' d •ileolly beside thl• path iu fr.,nr. :auol will• tlw .. a~y insolen ce o r un l•ht.'t·k~.~l aJ.('ltn·--i .. u. · 1•'1 '1"''1 a I"" I! '"w:, n l h e r . Carto!Tel'!! •·Jf· ~ lt•a l" '' ' wilh rl:w"''''"11" j.t'rl'•·n : t he l! nllrled nnd kept "tt':liJ,(ht 1111, .~il+' llt . omiuou,•. Iter· fur hri11tl ing. he r t:ril ~wi·hinll' :uul 1\\'i tdtillf,( with dea.d ly m c na('f'- ll lh·in !! l,o•,\do·n l~ , u••r,\' , tre mlolitiL( " " the brink Of I!Xpl uiiil'+' •li--dl :ll"f,(t' :-"Ito• haol a ! rn.,~t pused. when Jim, in :1 "1"'"''111 u f waoltlr·~~. ju,"t :t .. lll'r t.a.iJ whipped tbe 11ir ill fr0111t ufl1i .. l,.•ak . .....-br.l•d it :L illi ga\'ealllntrp bite . It W;h ti•··· t" I ~•W•Io· r '""' wil• l ."!t l'ick. 11th' ,.. ,,ittin g. hissing ll n:< h u f g nry 1tn d w h itt! fu r. and ,fiu• l:w on t he g ro u ud, t h res hi ng luriou:~ly. with l':artuiTd 's ~~· l titti teeth :oml c ur\'iug t• la ws SCL deep in hi" hl:"'k thnmt an ti b•·•·:rst Th ree minutes mo re and all wall u n::r P"OI' Ji111 limp a11d mot ionlCi!s o n t ho IJ\oud -staitll'<l :rr:L..". ('artoiTcl \mil cro uc hed aml · grim :tbm·c him. her j:rWII s till d u tc hL't l o n tho lifeless II I..'Ck, lwl' 1riumpha nt Jail w:wi ng hig h nr·c•· 1111 like a battle· tl:ag o>\'et· a ''"IIII IICI'l'l l t·it:nlel. 1; , I.. T . "C APTAIN'S COURAGEOU~." If 1·um il1)t Jt• ' twrat iu u ;~ shoulrl Ct'l' l' look htu•k u po n " " ~' ti 1 n c.~ :a;;; ll('i iiJ.(' prolilic of good lit.cnrturcs. th ey will t·n u m the name of Hmly:rrd Kipling amo ng t he hl'il-( lt lellt i ntU c pr·otlue ti o n o f t h:rt.l ite r':ltu re. Altho ugh Kiplin g i" •1u ltc dm.:lt iedly Englill h, A m eric:lll:l c l:liru l1i111 a,; p:ll't ly rlu-ir ow11 : for he lms gil·en r ~>t gli m p!WS 01 f u m·life •pritt• as tru~ and jlr:l p hi c :L.'I till )' fru m t im !"'"" uf u u r own wrill: r.o. Suc h a s to ry is (.;aptain'.s ( 't~nr~l),\'eiiU /! It j, a ~•·a talc fru m opening to elusc. nn d s:wo~ o f t ilt' ..:lit,\' f ..g~. :uto l :III:IJIJii Ug gales of th e NtJwfv umll!liLll Ban k~. in ,.r·e ry dmptct·. It i.s imit l t lnlt be loro ho un •krt.,.,k tu write tiiiJ ~ tory , Ki pling 11\)0II t ll SeMon in ti s h i n~t at the " llanks ;" ami o ne w h o rends the story t':\11 h:u··llr hcli•·•·e it 111herwiso. fo r the d escr iptio11s a re I<H' Jtl;l1niue. :lllol t lt c n11r1·nth'Ci! too si n cere, to htL\'O l~t•t•n writtcll from heur-.!!uy o n ly. T his feeling o f truth len• I.. an arlrli•t l in terest to th e tale. 1\ tll oulJ i" tht• sce ne A111cricun. b u t t he dmrac tc~ an· tlisti uo· t il'u\y riu. In ti m U]lC iliiiJ.(' ehnplor. ll ttr vcy t 'lll'nw. 11 11' so n of n W ester n mil w ay ki n ~. hi st:u·t ing fur ~:urupt· iu .:nmp:my with h is mother. They arc ahoa r.t :111 ol\'c:ln li ner. Tlw I.Jny. loy hill insolen t. ma n· '""'· as well :t.'i by hill precocio us :Ltlai nm ents i n t he umtt •·r uf ;;m :Lll •·h-~.~- r e nd eMJ him ~~ell ohnn:.:io u:~ to l hc men in th e ··aloin. Fi nall y one o f the m gi\·cs h im an u nn" llally "tuUJ.('h " t·i gnr. which Han·cy fe:r rl ell~l,\' pro··••c.t" tu .;ruu ke . It prU\'C:I tnu mu c h fur h im : hut a~ h:mH~tl w he ~ Ce ll sick. lit' goeii aft a nd lie!! d o wn "" thc tlce·k· lie ber·omt!ll utwo nscio ns. t ho \'e&'le l ~t l'ikc:~ :t ~ •n·ll. anti he roll" oiT into the wnt'oi!l, while th e " teame r· •·nt" r:rpiolly JLway from all rcal'l1 o f h lm. Fo rtumm•ly fu t· him,- as it isso apttohei n :.wri ~. ­ hc h:r:o g one u•·e riM:tnl nea r :l llcet uf li:~ hing crnh s, a nd lte is p i<·kL~I up hy t r\'tJ li!lhcrmcn in a ··~ mllc k. '' who ]Jr•ta•t•• l tut:r kc hirn ' " tlwl r !!hi p. whO!IC cnptn l n ill t he hunc<!t ul1l " Bi,;t·u " ll•·n.· ll:rn·(•.r· timls t h:a t lw hM lus t m ·er a hund red olull:\rg llo· wil,o Ui;wn uf i t. rh:mnnd il tlurt Dise·o IKmrr h hi s me n fut· il . an d in :~ i st.S o n hci ng t:aken a s ho ro w he ro he 1·an l'<>llllllllni•·ate with his Jrco ple. The si m p le- miudt•d tisherm:w ~co rn s ll :t.n;ey's s to ries o ( his f:u he r 's we:•lt h. ~ n u l payJ; nu ntt c nti un to t he ]JromiSI-IJ th a t if he ta kf'-" lltu·•·uy home he will rccei\'O " lo ur time~:..,; 11111~h :l.i hi:~ w ho le ou t lit i.11 wu rlh . " - Hut I' ll "'"Ill hai'C told )'Oil th e sto ry. Rear\ il ym tr:.!t'lf. S 1wml n ~e.:l...;w n w it h Kipling tlt t he cud !is h · · •·ril'-"· :1u d ~o:et hettcr :lt'I]Uaintt..'tl with th e a n th o r who i~ 11uw :Htr:ll:tmg the tlltcntion o f the wn rld . ror OLD SCHOOL BOOKS. An old hook CMC lill C• I wit h I!C hool hooks! Wh a t s tu r ies en u J, \ they telll f th ey cou ld only s peLLk ! Wb:tt t nl~" :\re l"l'C.!urolt.'l l o n their p:age!J! H e r e l!l an algchrn. I ~ pcncil-mnrkc~l. THE NOR:\I t\L POIN T ER . lc:n·c~ d og e ared ami The fly t•ontain m:u ry interesti ng facts in both JH'OS~· and put · tr~·Among these · is t he d oggerel tcl!in~ wh:tt to,],, in t imes o f tlootl. "For refuge thither tl y. Fo r H the wot·l·l s houlol all be we t, Thi s hnuk wonltl still he ,h-_,._.. XL'\ I to the :t lj.tchr:.t S I 311Lls :1 McGuiTe.r's ~ixth Hc:tdt· r·. Its p:tges bc:tr tho ma rks o f dirty and ink -staillo!d till).!'t'f" T he picture:~ h:n·u nil hce n t•olor·c• l On Hilt' 1'-11:•' a \ \'iili::u n T ell. h r ilH:unl,v olro•s~t"l h hluc . c:r<.!• '" and yellow. staml;~ hnlt!in).!' iu h i , h:o ·u l a lll•:uu if ul "r:lll).!'t' appl e. ~] S('whcro.: in the loon!.: ll 1: wa t ha i .~ .~huWI I with cnoU;!h war p·1i11L tu 111ak.: .:•·en th<J lw:1rt M :111 l n,Jian glad. Abu•·e an: a ( il!nnwtry and l.:1t it 1 lirammar. Both ;;how s iJ.t:ll" of we ar :tn .l tl!ar. Snult• the"rcmJS look a~ tho" th ey had loccn me~i >' t.'IH'< I with t.-ar.~ Latin dcdcnsions and t•nu j uj.t:atin n ~ ar;• mi ~sin2 from the Gr:uum:u·. On :t hij.t:hl'r s hl'U i~ an Enj!l i~h t ir:tm· mar with lcan•s turn and I.Jimlin)!" lmokt·u On rh o• tl.1· le:tn:s :u·(l writte n <]II CS tiuu~ whio·h arc lalwlt·d ··.\ hum· inai.Jle E:oo:tms·· and anwn.r: tht·l ll we tin• I thi ." old fri,·Hd. ·· (,; it ria-In to ~ay. ·I knew it w:t""' him ( <>1' lu· ]' " ·I kn e••· it t.u l:c him (o r h e ) ~ ·· S.•ar h.•· i ~ an ,\ ritlllllt'tl\As in tlw f'a.se nf the Alg:chra tlw wri ter ha..; n·..;urlt•ol tu rhym e a..; the li:.o >'t me ans of c :oo:pr· ·s ~in~t hi..; thun:.rht ··Addition jg \'cXation. ,.nht r ac tion i~ as ha•J. T he Hul cofThree. it tr-• u"J.•.,; nw ,\ nd fr.ll:tiun s drin: me mad . "" At the h1u:k are tl1ese w n rol.~. ··Tht• m e l:uwhul _ 1· da _,.,. h:n·e <'O rllt'. t he saddes t of the .l"l':tl" ·· ··Xu1· :!:J. tiu :d e:oo:a m inat ion . Stno.l lit!. "" ··Tiw IUil l,;: ,,f tht• I-:'"'~ grind ~lowly - .. The lowf•r part nf the bnuk c:t~t· i.~ tilled with p:.rt.'lllf ut!lt"r ",.]"~''] I>Ook~ . ;l pill' of '""l'Y lxlok~. comt.o.;;itions. other mant1 ~1·ripz.~ ;an.l tlw r,.m ain~ (>f :1 petwil hux. Old !;<!)IIW)I l.><mk~ ! Of little usc :11101 nf no •·ahw' Many h:lpT>y :uul use ful hnun h:l\"" loct·n " ]!-CUI ul'<'t" you. but uow the h•ss .. n .~ ]{':lrtll'ol Hlll""'l lw put intu pr:wt.iee an.-1 .\'on lit•, tlns t_\' anti dt•~t·t·teol in tlw old hook Calle. ·n.':! (~I. ASSO C IA T ION OF IDEAS I N A O OG. W e o nce hrul a bra-e hl:u·k .~!J:llli<:l whtJ wa..~ :ut t"'i: · Jll!rt in t·atching chiekell""'. Whene1·cr \\'t' wau t•·•l :1 r ou;oter we woul• l ju ~ t point him "'H tn Brll<"l'. a nd til<' •log wnuld nc\'tJ r i!lnp until ht· had that run~tl'l" U u t• fall w e h:~•lmore chicken!! than we ~:o uld d o an.vthin).: with. and sn t~ \'Cr_\' Sunday . tim on ly da.\' we wer•• all :11 ho me. WIJ \\'tJU]fi kill tWO " f thrt..'l' fnr •!inner l"lw Sabbath h:ul ah<in)'o!o lx..-cn :1 S:.t.o l dull .-by fur Urw·•• : het·ansc. like all )!<><><I farnw r.~. wo ,;lept ,.,.,_\" lat•· '"'u n· day mornill}t.'l a nd Bru f't' !IJ!-CIII the li uw whiuin~ armuul. lonesumc and drea ry . Hut thi s t•hit·k•·n •·:H•·h· i nJ(' made it the day of th e week fur him llo• •·:>lil t" tu look fo rwa rd tu it :t.'l a ."llll\11 '"',\' •Ill(·~ to tiH• Frnrrth .,f Jul.\'. O ne Snmlny morninj:. whe n wt• had " '''1'1 la~o-r· tha n u:mar. mother wa;; awak e nc• l hJ a J!r~•a t '""111'11''· tion ;;omcwlwre in the h!u-k ,\":\NI. T ht•r•• wa.~ :t loud e:tekling o f ht·U.'!. :aud now :'Uul tlwn :> huar-"•' b:u·k fr.,m Bnrce. She hurrietl nuL tu the h:~~k purl"11. :uul tlll"n' wa.s Bru ~e. t·m·ering up :'l great tlot·k uf !l~:t ro•d awl tlut tcri ug diil·ke u .~ . u ~ \\':1!1 IKobhing from "ne ,;:j, ],. '"the othe r. not le tting one e,;;t·apc \\' ith gn•a t wa:t(tin(t uf his tllil, and :Jiau g h in hi" eye. he lnok l'ol up :tL m .. t lwr all mut·h :LS to ~ay : ·· H t• n· llw.\ ' arf'. ~ ~ .. ~ H .Jn~r point one o ut tu nw. an• I he'~ yo u r~ I knt"W yun'• l I,.• W3uting one. "t•a!!sc it";; ~nnday . ~-"" i'c•' " s• THE CO M I NG OF WINTER. 'l'hL· tuornin).(' wa.~ mild. dnudy . .i]Jringll kc. Mr. If n•umrked al hrcald:t,;t th:u hu Uclie ,·L~ I wo wm"() ~~;~,'.',~k''' h;~,~~~;, ',',J; 1li:;::·, 1 ~;~ n1,::','~;· ,h·.~·t;;~~- ':~::~~~~~~~~~ e1:~~~~~ )!1"1':11. ;;uft. h•athcrJ llakt•S hurrying downward fro m a ~ mulllh .r:>·a,\" ,;: ky. All oluy long tl:i.k.c nfter Jlak e. m.ni: ul." nf 1\akt•,;:. ha!!TCIL <'<I carthw:trd to tleepen t ho )!"r.. wiu:t , ]rirt:; :1"1•1 at l'l'l'llill).! the g lowi ng f(nll.Jen "" " =<.:t out l.: w•: a lttmutifu l fair.l" lan~l nf Ct"ys tal tt-ees :In• I ,;: h r ul1s u;:ain;;: tl w hla ~: k ··lund .; r c ll1.'atiug en~t­ <l':ll'd . I lu ll' I cnjnyJ•< I gazi u){ at the s n uwy foliage uf woutl :11111 thit-kct as it s pa r kh•,] in th e glnwing li~tln But it ll':t""' '"" hc antirul to la.~t. . Night settl co l. :\lnt·ninj! •·aurt: agai n. an<l :1g ain tho snow fel l. 11111 tid~ time in litllc frns ty. biting !lakes 1\rive n I.Jy :1 kn•11 wilul wllit•h to rt• frum bra uches atul Lll'igs nil 1hd 1· h~·antifnl ruhcs auol left them h:lr~ and s hive r in): in the h],·ak air. O ltl \\' i n ter h:ul begu n his reign iu t•:u· ru·~t At.TA !'Y.II:It\". THE .A b VANTAOES OF ACE. I ha•·e :l lin I•· n"pht·w at hmne . now about th·e yean~ "'" II•· •·•·rtai n ly ha,;: an ulll head fn r s uch a younJ{ d1ap. auol hi,;: hahit o r tlrawllua- otH hi-s words g i1•cs kintl of h~tlit·ruu'l !<t: rinu s ll t..'"SS,l'OilSt..'l ]llCnt:c, antl>l .!ICI188 "r pnuderc•l jud,.:: mcut !n all lit! says: a uoJ, ind ut.'"\1. he lm,;: sur pri ~•·• l ~~ ~ w ith c1·ide ncl'S <l f well Ctlllllt..'C lCt l dmiu,. ,,f n·a~·•uin,.:: Ouc tinll'. wh••n h•· anti ~e ruwl-1 u u. were l~ft 1ll the 1:1 lrl e alnnc, hi s II IUti\Cr s aill, ··(;r:mdma, won't yo u ha1·e «• m•· mon· tc:< .,.. En 1·inus ly. !Juugltl.'! watched th e ll"illptin)!" t ea a,;:~it went. iutn gmwl-ma's cu p. a n•l in hi ,;: u~ual .~ luw ,.uwolitatii"t: w:1y. he a s kt..'ll: " Mapwm. when I _r:t·t to he ulol likt: 1-(r:UJtl -ma is. Ill)' uame 'II Ue IJ ij:){lt·~ ju~· 1he ~ a me. wo n "t. it ·~ ·· ··Wh.r . ~· ~· ~ . uf t·uur:.J!. t!car Why •lo yo u as k ~ " 11 h ~ ~aiol. Wt>nol••ri lilt at 1 he <]lll'tJ r qn1~-~ tiuu . ·· \\",·11."" said ht•. aflcr a lo ng th<.H I){htful pam1c. a nll •·:u"efully 1\"t•ij!hinj! 1•:wh won!. ··:\layllo.J wheu I get o;d, ~·un"ll ''"Y '" 1111:. IJ iJ('){lc~. wonltln"t )"1<11 li kt: ~<11 11 0 m ure tt•a ~ .. S. llron~ la~ J.!""t tlw le a : t• " WHA T ARE TH E WILD WAVES SAYI N G?" 01' M s -: ·· Jf,. i..; a ~n·aL "h~cn· ,: r . ·· :\Jay I t,.. tht· n • tu ·· H lt·~ · i ll).!"' ~• -c ·· lit!ht •• n him who• lir.~l iiii'C nt c•l siCI! p . ·· ·· \\"i1h 1•>:\l ls ,,f h~ an u•ol lumbe r in hi,; he ad ."' Too:\11! t l t' ~ l u 11 - : ··A li nl•• lo·arui ll~t i~ a oha ll![tll"h U..; . t hinJ(. " Tu Js ... rH t '<" Totc~ : n•ar tlw tl!ndcr thought. To t•·ad1 tlw y uunj! iflca hHw tu s hoo t :· · oPtc ·· U~·Ii)!htf ull : l."k: t<o Tu THK :'t "ll llttl.: ·· A o·hi•·l·~ :uuou~-: yc l:tkin).: uottJS. ..\ nol fa itlt.lw'll prentit." TII F. i\OK\ IAJ. PO I NTI· K. 5' TH.E .NORM AL POI.NTE.R.. ~ l AR C H . 181}8 . uad~!~~ ·:~f:..":t>t!i!•~:.a:~~:~~c:r.~~~~lc~~· r~.·:t W\'~~~~~. ~~~ ''"' ,·.::::~, 'i~o::·::i ::::";; s~',•;:~: ~- •; ::· ;:•,:::: !'r~:::r;: :~:: ::~·r llll~;.~·,l: ·u;~~,: "'' '" ::..,.-~ up ~wino whit :1 sp r ing i~ no v hilu•u Jrh cr, o r hi• :t llenti"ll Jm~ not heeu cli rcc tt'll Ill th:ll ;o u bjCf't." !All t hi- 1~. •JI cu u r·.;;e. t·cry f:OOt l : bu t ho w d o y u n thiuk till' o) ,,..t .~ r wo u ld gn up·i!~ tn irtl if he h11tl :m S u'•·lod. and "' a~ iu ti n• 1\a.""-' IIICIIL w hen the hell mug ~) Kalered a t t ~e t •ouoflic~ a t ~wvcu e l'o nu, W to , a • O<'i:OIUI t bn •:otu or- 111-t:~ld l. TDI A WH II.Iti.OI:II C . H. ftOC!"W l.hc ratY t.: M1nr ~rl~01tll~ l'dltor . Wu,LIA III UK.. III"'IIII Kuhnl!t' ~:rlllor . l.uull'dltur Mlllctlf'l!<lhnr :llnole ll'khno1Kd11or .. Ha•lll~u )la11a~c r k UTII Ro•sll,.,. A L • OLDI, , U io.I,L J o u !OI•..:••- ~ ~LU I K . :o;!KI,.oO!f II . O . )I AlO'l ~::~: f.~~~~:.;,., t . A.. I o ll ~t ll a o hlf~~ ~ IUI:" ff l' . l,. I' I Htl .. ,, II 0 . :\IA !fl: , , lti> ITU II AJO AI:IIIII ,, ddr~fl all ba oln~u I~ hi th e Ua•lnu • Ma naiH. Corrupond~ II UI oo llehcd from form er ollldl!a l • . Hu dero aodo ab.a rl be .. arc rc•I"'CIIIIIIJ rcqac •l cdiO I••••onbt' OII PidU rl ln ... EDITORIAL. J ,J it ill :1 p r hwi ph! it l :uhlelit'll 11 ~:•1 ln n11:. n tild tr:1iu iu:: for n l'O II to·~ t Jo~ locllo• r thl\ n h:&ro l tr:&in hl l( o f ~ hurt olur:&· tlo n . Till' tr ut h i~ :al mu:.t :u:io 111:11io• "' Wt' may wri to• Q. E. () wit huuttlw oh•t ll' •ll" ln&tio n n nol p ut oluw n :t" a t"Oro lllllY th:1t t ill' !!:I IIII' tlwu n.' HI n pplit'i too tl11 • t r.l ill itll( fo r li I(I":VI n:&t lon th• !li!i ur fn r a n u r:t tnrkn l o·u t uo · ~ t In t he \o n!( r un t ht' p n• p:& m t ion i n th l'~' o·:a~·s will !11• :t ltn· gc thcr tunre Jll r':l.i.' llll aiid h(• tw lil'l:&l U IK•I(IIII a ,\'l·ar rath e r th:tn a fe l'l' munt h!l ho•fore th e t im e. Th<'re will the n be 1~ wo rry s ml leu m o nn tomy. t wn things wh ich 1\ n' th e h:t n c o f com est s. A few m nnt h!ll-:annut OI'Crco me m ruuu!risms in d e lh·cry: 11 fe w m o nt !'" f'lt.Jt not gh·e t im e fur •lel ibe r.t.t in n no r is it lo ng 1' 1111111-:'h to g et 11. b r01u l. dt_'f' l' i;t'OI)t) nf thuu,~~:ht a lu ng au y line . T herll tare n\WIIJ!t t hn·e w :1y~ to h&•,~~: l n tu ~-:'' '' n •:u l_\' ; 1. · -ru ht•,l[i ll om t inw tl nol jlCt t he re Hll t linu :.!. T rt l wj~: l n - pro ·tt y nt' a r 11 11 t im t' and Jlt'l th t•rt•J)rt• ll .~' tlt'lt r u n t ' n w . a. T n ! ~gi n nut om t illll' a nol Jlt't there nn t o n . tinll'. Anoltllf' he:tn ty n f the t hi ng i~ t h:ll Y"ll h:&l'c y o ur t•!w it·e o:of rit lll'r n f t he t hn.•c w:'.'"'· \' 0111 at·c m :I.S· ter n f tlm ,o~ itmttion l' rulra hi.l' t h i~ SO IIII II,oi r.1.t he r ".-\ ~ l'oo r lt k h:&nl ~:&Y"·" hut we n-:a\i:t:t• wit h ~h:akc• JI<.'an• thllt " if to .In were :L.; t•:a;;y 11:0 t n ktrflw w ha t tu ''" etc ." \V c'op m tc tlw ln llo winjC lrn m n n n rl if-h• in " '"' nf unr \e lidi ng m:aga1.inea. wir h tim hn jit• that it w ill ni• l .onme o f o u r nu m ~ r wh o S<.>elll lO lll't'll :1 li tt le a. h -kt• un the 111Lj(!(' t : "UIIt m11 y. in goi nl( HJI :tl:l lno. n JWr,.u n tn•a• b o n th e ha11 t\ l h i~ foot in t :~k l nl( t•:ll'h ~"' I ' Thi;o i ;~ ve ry tlre•nnw n n•l Wl':lrinJl o tt tl w mn'"'dt'". whilt• it d oet DOl .Ji~tribUt ll !Ill' Wt•il{ht ol t ill' hot ly o'• Jll:l ll_l' a desi ra ble l'ultd itio n ito t·ither wa lki njC ur dlm hi ng ~t :til'll. Yo u honlo l in w:alkin l( u p ~ ! :l iN. pl:u -.• you r lef•t .!lt"JIIIIor"ely uu th+• i!l te p. he..•l and al l. :1111 1 t ht' ll th1• wurk i! IHnt lo.l bt• Jl+'rlur rut'll •lu"'l_\' auol<l o·li!J+•r:t!t•l.l' In thi"' " A ~uwlll o ·:tk t ua ~· si nk :t jCrt•:tt llld p ." T lw 11h i p we a n · tl t iul.iu~: of;~ tlw tlw:uro • ha t (II ne wl y coint'l l wurd of tlu- ni n.-to·o·n tlr o-.•ntnr_\' ): the lea k w n~ '< prung :&t.the lll•t.::i nu inl{ ••I u n r lt_•ctn rc o.•onn-e. :wo l, true to !he o hl :oo l:tl{t'. ).t t,.,hmlly th e J)l'uwl ~h l p w it h iH s k y-p it• n•i ~t g m :,~t- . !!••1'1.1:• ·• •1t ~ l•attner>~ :&n•l nm•:-il't' sails. lm!l s unk IK•I uw tho• horit.u n T lw b•t lf!1·tun- uf th e t_'OIIf'O.e p re· :.~•n!f-. 1 a ~utfHotl\, u n hruken ~en UJ)OII w l1io.· h tin• '" J>C:t.kc r ,·unl•l o ·:t~t h i~ '',\'c , l't• rh:tp ~ t lw l'I'C n t i-1 nut hi ng to c·rult :tl ou tH . hill wt•'\'o• nr:u h• :1 IM•j!i nu in jt'. :t nt! I 'C illl'lll · lll.'t'tho• to•\1 :tiM oUt t lu-,.111:tll do itt j! tlw ;.: ro.•:\1 . O u r l' u r· 1n:t l h a -~ "' ' "' till' n• pmati u u u f lto• lu ].t l'Uih:c l t he p lace wJu-n• WH UWII IIIII ~\ t:t ki• fl lf th t.!i l' )mtii. l't•o!JabJ y utht•r in~tltuti" ' '" will ;;lril·o· tu o l e~er\'+' tLIC Ctom plilncnt. :md t hu.o. :r.hhunJ:: h ap pa ro•n tl.)' iu~i ~o:nili t·a ut . we may ht• :t lao·t " l' in wu r kl nJ.!: ti l(' lllilo{ h ty rcnolu tio u ••ltidt lw tW• 'IItit•th h ' ll tnry t·h·ilh::u\vn pro m ise!! to n •nllt.•• . ir.~tlu :tll,l' !he ·•·houl i!l bei ng c m lll"llls h(.-. 1, ns it - hoonloi iH•. lo_l' \\ork" to f :art. The e m pl y t•ur r h lo n :ami lol:tnk wall~ will ~<H> ll IH• n oo th i n~-t h u tu n •o-ollct·t iV II IIIId a tl n •:1111 Tin • •·1111111-(ll lm ~ ' "'' ' II Wt'fllll( ht nl nru.~ t w lr ull y hy th•· to•:tdu·r~ a nd ~t wh: u u, ru u l th i ~ l:wt n m kt •:o~ t ho m a~t • ' l'] • io·o·t"' :rll ti ll• mo re t• njuyn hlc. ~ il tt'tl w !w n w e J.,,J,. Ill"'" tll•' m Wt• • h:tlllh iuk of utr rsdv e" !l'i ha~· i n g 11 haml in tlw tn:lltci-. a nd nu~ 111 r egc n l!l. IJU:tl'd tuccl · in!J;:~. pt• t i t i"n~. <'It' :l-I nc h credit l!J 1lne t<Jt hc mi il!in nll ril'~> : !he ~ pirit i ~ 11 righL un e . Tht• lliOI'('tn Cn t illt-er· winl,\' rrph dt l hy u-;otJ,ctit~·. n m l nr orc th:111 t lmt. lty s.·i etwc. lo r j)~y chol~tg y teac hes t hnt. :> n ggt~ii ti o n n nol c u l' irt;n mcn t are pote nt factol'll in !!Chool wo r k. II h:u ao· Hmlly ht•r•n Jl ''~~'' ''" IJ)' c "'pc r lmc nt t ha t n ne t-n n d o lll.· tt•· r wu r k i11 p l t •:l ~ nut !'urruuw li ii J,:S t lm tt ut hc r w i!IC, nl tl uo n,~t h tmlll)' IC r•• a t u wn lm•·c l'isc u fro m th e un :~t lu r no -. l lul{ •·:th in A" T l w l'nin lo•r I~ prium ri ly a p:t )Joe r n f t he " lm lc nL'I, fu r t ilt' ~lthlt• n H. :1111 1 h)' t lr~· ,otu !l t•lll~. it i.i \'c ry seld o m th:&tl ht• J ln., h u·ti ou~ uf nl lll' rll :t l'e l'lt.'tl ll IIJHIII ill p:t.gt!!l. T ill' pa':T i~~lW.-i lr:n·c IJet: n - willt hn t lew t•.<cL'tl jJt io n tlelltlt·•·l~· l n onr tlu: Jll'll" u f t he .;; u u lcnu : bu t feeli ug t ha t nil oo tt r rc:u lt' r " wuult l cnjuy 1111 art ide by o ne o f the f:!l' ll il_l' . Wt• p uiJli.ill in t he ll tcr·a ry tlc pa rtm c n t " Carto ffl'l. " lty :'ll r . T ee ple . ---- Om• 11f t l1c ed itul'll lm ~ l'(.>ctl rrlly tli llt•o•·crctl th e remar k:t hlc f:w t th:tt cn:ry ~l ttol u rr t in the s c· ho(,J lull! tn OJ I'I' wurl.. I•• do t han e\·c ry otht•r tl tmlc n l. W e wo u ltl h11mhly :.ugges t !ha t 110\llO o f o ur ex· the mor:tl t•ITect protluce. l by ll fe w t heir :a< h i•rti,;cme ntll. d1:ni)CI'~ ''"ll~itlt:r <~f Hu ~-.,u know t he Scniur t:nlo l'8 ! H :we you !§CCII l ho :-l-t•niur .-I :L"~ 1•in ~ ll:t\'c ytm hc :t.rtl t he Sen io r y e ll ! TilE NORi\1:\1. POINTER . SCIENTIFIC. ANDREE fs EXPED I T I ON TO THE 5J new,; or our a nina' !K>trlt!ll'hcre: :111ol if not, if yo u IWI'i'r ltt':u· rrom ns. ot her;; will follow in our w:~.k c, unt il the nnknnwn regi o ns uf the uunh hnnl Uoo n surn·yed ." NORTH POLE. The mus t iutere~tinJr nnd tJO\"cl expo•o litinn whieh ha-. set out fo r tlw }lurth Pole in the p:: ~t few )'C:Ir.<. is till' one on which lle rr Amlrt!t' st:~.rtet l last smJtnwr. Ou the lith o f July. with two\ o·umpanmn,., h,• ~c t nut in a balloon on a !light whh-h he cxtx.·d .. will o·:trry him o\'Cr the North Pole. Th i~ itlca of a O:illoun CXJ·•••Iitinn is ~:\iol '" han•l~t'l'll •~ntf' rtaim....J by him a s ear ly a" 1~:!. when lu• S Jk'llt tlw winter in Spitzho.Jrgcn with a "t·icntilit· <'Xtw•liti .. n. l..:uer he m:ule SC\'Cr:t.l l'Xpt;•t·imcnt:d trip ~ whidt J, d tu histliseon•ry of a $lll'n~sful nol':J11-" uf ,.,,.,.,·in~ a lo:tllunn by the 115\l o f jl:llitlc ~""\"'" ami sail.-. It w:l-" nut until 1805. howc\·cr. that he lai•lltis matureol trl:m bt•f.,n• tho• Swedish Acati!!1UJ of :->cit•m·e. l.att·r in rlw ·.- arlit' yo•ar he >I J>Oke lxofure the lnt••rn:uiuu al (;'-'"J.:nqohi•·:d t ·,ngress in J.•nn dol n o n the :~ nloj<"<'l : anoltlw fullowinj! yo·:lr m:t.dc 311 atte mpt tu put hi~ piau iruu l'.>:l·•·uti.,n. hut f:ail cd. owinl.! to t~nf:l\'"r.lhle wiml ~ !'-lothin!l <l:mntefl hy thi~ f• ilun•. J,. iru mt•o liato·ly 11\'gnn nmking pt..-!Jl:tmtio n,; foran otlwr trial . Tho• trt•t'<'"· Sl\r)' fund s were soonl>l't"ure.-1 thruug:h the lil.,.r:alit)' .,f King Oscar :and <)!her~ . T he onl)' e~~•· nti :rl t·lmnj.!<• in the pre)J:tmtir<n.1 of the CXJ»eolitivn from thu;;o• of the year before w:a;~ thl' cnhaq,::ittJ,: nf tlw <':IIJ:I<'ity of the balloon hy thn..oe hurrdn:tl t•nhio· mNo •~-,< . ,\ hout tlw middle of ~lay. 18U7. tlw t''l:pt•oliti"u :<1'\ out (<II hoanl one of the~weolish gun·IKrat.;; forSpitl'.ht•I'J,:en Arr i\·inl.!! there, they foun •lthe ba11n•m·h•msc wl1io·h wa~ a ••iro·tr· br st rncture al>O ul ei!l iLiy-lh't• ft•o•t hi~.tlr into•rrolcol to shelter the bu11oon while it was IH.•iu~: hrtlat•·•l. s ti11 s tanding. nlthough it !mol IM·t·onru S<llUllW I<at twistL'1..1. After aOOtH Lwo wuf·k~ work. thu darna~,_. to tim hal loon-house wns repairetl and th,_. h:alluun plao'L'<I in.~idc . The n hegan the work uf li lling the httll"url with lry•lnrgen, which tuuk t:iJ,:Irt}'·niuf: hours. ,\fto•r thi~ was coru plewd. sc\·cral day:< wt·n· .~Jmnt in cxanri nin)l: the surfa('C!, b)' IIJUans of c/rcmicall~· IJro•p:wcol doth. in search o f lcakn}tc.<~ . U)• the tir"t""r ,Jui,\' t•\·erythinJ.: w:t" in readinCSll for tbe !Hart. anti o n ly tlw llL"-'~~ars Su111h wind was wanting. lh.y :lft<·r day ,.f m"1mtnr1ou s and im patient waiting follow uol . durinj: which 111:111)' cx•·ur· sious were math~ into tim intcriur fur tlw purp.,s•· uf m:tpping it unt. Finally. on ,Ju ly \Itt.. :a sll·ou).: anti ;;te:u.ly south wind ll\:gan hl,.win)!. Finai. JlrC p:tl~ ttiurr ,; were immco liately tml<ll•, ami at ex:wtl)· :?::tu in tht• nfternoon Andree (•alh:tl ntH with a t·:tlm ami "ll':td_\' \'Oicc, --cut o ne. two. thn.'l'" The rntws p:art1·d :nul the b:dloon I'IISC sl ow!~· :tllll IICgan iL~ northw:trd journey. Q,•er hnlf a year has p:ast ~ill'-''-' tloi" olarin~t man anti h is two comp:mions start<>tl un tht:i l' "!light int" thl' unknown," anti :lS )'<>I nothing hall IJL-t:n !1'-'ard fr••tn them . Uut this is no rea.s<•n for thinking that 1l1e)' arc lost and will UC\'Cr be hc:ar•l rn-nn : f•lr. ,\ udrl'f•. lrim'< t·lf. when a!k(..~l how soon we nright C'(plll'l to l1ea1· frnm h im said ; " At lenst n ot heforc three munthi : and one year, pcrha))!l twn yt•:lr-". tu :1/ c l:lp...~.! bdoorc Y"" hear from us: and yuu um.1· •>11c •h.\' h· -~•u·pri~•·d !r.\' WHY NOT ? ln;,;te:ad o f -~ IM' nding S•l much time iit<l erwrgs each yc:lr i n cx:tnlininJ,: the s wolent.s' eyes and tinding out tl1e olt•ft:t'l.'! . why nnt do "' "uNhinJ,: IOWIIrds dmngiug the '-'"ndition,; whid1 pruclncc th•!sc tldccts ! It ia a well kuuwn f:u·t that hl.wk is the worst t-olor i u the wnrl1l (or the o·ycs: and Y<ll we 1'0\'t:r rmr ,;elmo!- room wall .~ \•·ith " hlack- boartls" and oblige the ,;tutlcnt.s to :<Jtl'll<l cuns iolcr:able time in workiulo(' 1111 them. Under th,_.-;c '-'"ntlitinn:!- \.i it :wy \\'111111'-'1' th:1t thcdcrcct~ in t·ye '<i,.::ht :u·•· im·n•asiug r.api<lly ! But, )'1111 will ask, hull' '-':l\1 th i" 1,._. heiJJCtl ~ You t·c rt:aiuly can nul do :twa_\' with hhll'k -bu:artl drill ~ l'nw. we ca n not tlo aw:ty with theolritl. yet we •·:an oloaw:ay with tbehlack· hoards. :111d suh:<tittttc in their pl:11·e '-'-'<Crdsc lwanls o f a 111"1''-' hygielt(,. l·olur. It w:as st ated in last. month's issue. those whu ha \·c m:Hic :1 spcci:tl s tudy or this .~nhjL'I'I ha•·c fouud that tht~ best •·olur for s uc h boartls \.; ~m1 c !Ohatle ul ••re:un white. with ct-a.yon or n clcrar s ky blue t:ulvr As the X'oruml St·hools :aru UXJ>ecU:d to t.:ake the lead in the prumnlgati o u ur i•le:as of reform, why uoL give. these "White huanl;o" :1 trial ! Til<' i:lll!-"!lr crup of th e world amounts in thllll\'Cr.lg1! yo·:a r It• ahou L l'I.OOO,OOO tuus. of whidt n larger part, :1hout -UiOtJ. UOtl tun.o. t·urucs from beel'i, and t he balnnce a_r,OtJ.OOO tons froui' s ugar nut(' . In the production of het:t ,ug:tr l: cr~ :any :uul r\u:;tri:a comu lirst. each with a WuL one-t h inl of !i11J world's erop. In regard tn the t•ousu nrpti nn or sugar , it is a curious f:t t: t th:1t iu tht>-"<> ••om rtrics wlwrc the m:aritintu s piritth'-' spirit o f n:a\·igatiou. L'H mrnercu :and tr.n·el- is ~~ ~-~ ~~~~. there i~ a trrtu•h ~trcato:r t•nn!I UiliJitiun per capita than in ~·o untri•~" who•rt• t hi~ spirit is not sn ~trong. In England. the ).:1"\':lh.' lll .,f maritime matit>IIS. th e con.;umptiorr is I'IU pouruls a year fm· e:H·h i11hnbi tan t. In Uo• rrm:trk it i .~ .Jr, : in Holland :11: ami ~o it r:a nges cl .. wn till' :<.~· al <.~ until in ~ e rda whe n• tl1c marit.itne ~ pith i~ n•ry wo•ak. tlw t·"iiSIIllltJti"n i.~ unly -1 po und11 JH"r<·apita. The fullowin~ pruphe~y i.o matl u hy :t Philadel phia lh'\\':!JiaJJe r :as tu th e J)()S!Iihililie-" nf the luLure: -- T ht! ~·ity of t h<J future. and II<J \'cry d i!ll:llll future, will ha•·e no tr~111 cy polc.~ or wirc!l. a1ul nu hor.!Cs. All ru"n:rrtt:nt" will IKJ 1111 rail hy .iile nt :ur motors or Oy lr,r;oclc.'!S t':l rri :t~o: us C< l'lally llilcttl . ,\ II p:avcmcnts will he a~phaiL l:nlimite;lliJCht wili iJC 1111 c heap ItS unlim · itt·.! \t':I\Cr is to-day. );'u t•nal will IMJ d el h·cretl aL pri 1':1\ c h u rr~·~. (lltt l nn ashc.i taken I rum them . \V ilh 110 ll(on>e,;;. no coal. and tHI :t.;Ju•!!. !<Inlet dusL and dirt will be rt.'<l m• tt l ttl :a nrini11111111 . \Vith no fa ctory lire!'!. lllltl :J'.~ :ii~~:~~:~ ;;~ tt:;~;~~:J~~:~~- '1~~~~-:i~·il\iil:n~ ~,s ct'!~c~1 ~ l1ntr~t·.'l IMJ w:tr nred :mo l lighted :IS ell..~ ily nml chea ply 11.~ they are tr<<l\' !<u pplie• l with water.·· ,\ project ha-1 re•·crrtl)' t~ecn l:litl IJCfore the gove rnmerit" uf :->p:1in and Mnrot't'tl for the <"UII.'IIrm·tron o l" tun no•] trntl t•r the Str:lit~ nf fiih r.J.It:r.r The lc:l'ler in thi~ proj<-~'-'l i~ .\1 Uc r .icr a wtJII known en,~t"inee r. who i~ tlu-in\'('llt· •r o f a IH'II' 1/Wthnd of ~uhwrrn n ca u borin)C. T il E 54 NOR ~IAI. I)O INT E K Tilt' lit•\ io•w Hc:1din$: t:bM. al th o uj;th l'rofcasio mll. is fur ~~~~~~·· n·a~un or ut hl.'r. \"Cry IJU:trroi!IOtu c. The •·ritit-:al fao· nltio>« t herein, arc CXIVL'<.Iingl y k ee n . .\l i·~ t 'arl"it• T r nn sln t iOtl in Rlh 'Jitl t"t'<l La tin " ~ )I!' JuuqM•• I al~otH herself.·· Cnrric Cult! well h:.._., slck nes..'< o f he r brothe r llith•lr:tW IJ oon :ao·o· •IIIII A N>nio r ,;ecing ll f>IJll fur tlw tiJ't ti n t• • ··:0::1y. t he Jln>Sid cnt'li mite hm: ~·· o•f the i~ 111 th:ll l'l:l inficl. l. Tc:whc r- •·Huw •I•• you ")ll'll Auro •ra •·· Stude ut-·· A-n-a-ro.'\r- r-a.·· ( ;OOtlwin K it t lt."!!I!l, who W:l i ""' ~p:u..-., 1 olnrinl! th'-' mcru~le ~:t.SO n . i~ :11ll\in :11 work Mi AA J.Airm Snll:ton htLil hccn ah~t' ll l h.,.•lll ~t· huu\ a nd ~li ~ ~:O.Iith llnmnc ke r tilled Fuurth \\' at·d -du,,.J uf t h ist•it y; but a rc a g niu at wo rk . A l.:awn:>nti:w. pi1·king 1111 a s t rny P oi nte r , r catls tl thert'frum : ··:->:ly, \\' h:l.t '8 th c jo k e to thnt ! i· it in tho• joke couhu n n !"' S u p reme sile n ce Jla~·:t ).:'e W h~· Mautl ami Huy Hc!l!'ll har .. withd l':l ll' ll a 11tl ro •tuntl'ol to the ir hu ru c ~ ki n rw r tho · t o • H t pnra r~· r:~t·:utde:t left in til e li nn g n ul u .ol the for 8CI'C m] oby"' 0 11 IHTO II III of ill ll t';<.Oi Flore twc l' rny lm~ rt•tnr uctl I rum ~•·•·•·ml '' o·••k,.' o·i,.it wit h hcr s i :o~tcr II den tat l\l ar,; hti<'lol The Jun ior~~. ch•, nre .. trn~otJlliuJl '' ith rlu-ttorkals. t ho Scninril with 1ni ti n)C !IJi plkath.u.• lo~ t clln Muir. whu u•:t dtc~ ':II .\u lmrnol:tlt•. t-:tmt• d ow n rct·e ntly to \'i;~it frit•nd.; at tlw :Xurnml J o hn I~;; un tl II. 0 ~ l :m 1. haw• rt 't'tl \'t ·r•~l ft·u nt a illeg o of t he utca.~lc!l nn<l nn• !IJ.(nin at ~dt uul P. L. l'e:L'IC left hb p lcR~Ult hu nw '" '"l"'nd a ft•W day1 w ith h is friend.,\ . 1•. Larki n at -'I'J'Io't"n Prof. Sanfonl gr\\'c linal cx:u n in:lliun~ in t'h·it l it~~­ c rnme nt. U. S. ll i~10 ry rUld ( icucml ll i·tnry Fo•lt :.~1 Ag m•s Dignum h:ts rL't'<> l'c n •tl frnm tlw I"'PIIIa r a t :x .. r ma l. tar k o f m eulell ttnd lmi-1 rc.~ untct l wurl. :II tlu• A wo rthy Senior in cl:as11 IHL'(' tin $: ·· I ~IIJ.:'I.!t"~ t t hat wu p i"C>Kl nt a Jlict m-e tn th e sdt ool :L~ a nwmur:uulum o f~~~-· · Prof. -• ·So ~;ou St.>e 11'1'1'1\nuut lul")(t'l p•y•·hulnlo(it"!l.lly o r phy ~iol og i ca ll y. lmt u n fnn un:nt'l.\' 11"1• ··:111 11 r:u·tiu 11y ." The d e m:uul fo r mo n • du: tk rnu tn ha• ' ""I' ll met h\· t ho athlltlou o f two m o n • >~~· ! ~ .,f l• ,.. k•·r.. d own s t:tir.. i;t t he ma in hall. Tho Method s cl:uli. wbidt nu m bt•l'll :t ht.o u t tt.U thi.'l qmute r. b tl.il been o l ~n·i rt ~o: fur "'"l'cml ol:tp•. in the mOtle l d CJlft rtiiiOII t. The th inl IJU ilrter d rawinJt l'l:,.,._.. hn\'o• dnn n ~_.~t t ho:i r clay- mod e lling a p ru n:1 :u u l n n • takin" :u h a uta lo( l' ,.f th e fa.c ~ that mud i:1 pla..it il·. Mr. A. - " \\' htt t k i nd nf n t inlt' olid yuu lt:ne w hl'tt yo u were aick !'" · M r. L .-··Oh , a lllf'll:lly time ·· At a m oot i ng o f th e \\'o ma n~ · ( 'lui• "' thi~ o·it.1·. ~ l:ln· h Gth. Mi 811 Tanne r ll l)l tkc o n paintittJ.(. •·•dtiloiti nJl tlltl p ictu res s ho wn a t th o ~ o rm nL llc gc n t.!l Ch as. l'ltt lckow o f :'oli lwn u h o· am i F 1·, ., . 1111111 H . lA rd o f Hi \'Cr Falls ll"l"rt"lll the l' oor•w•l a fo•w ll"et· k~ ago o o 11. ge n e ra l inspec·tion trip. G e ne ra l tate o f a ffa i r~ in Jt .. ~-:,·w c;,.,.l(ra p h_.\' •·T ··II me w hat you kn o w abo u t Fnuwt· .. S tude nt- · •\\' h y. a li i k nnw, it",; nnrt h uf tln-••• JU:llur... rl'ign~ All:t u l' rn1' lt• h hi .. ~t.• ho4•1 11l ~l et l fut't.l . and •·nmc do wu wit lt hi~ ,;i~t cr ll clc n wlt u ii'l in th e lligh Sc hool nt :OI:t r:. hticlol. w -"JM"tu lthci r fath cr·'9 bir t h ·d :ly. March 5th. :11 home It b; rumu n 'il that a plaC!\nl w ill soon he pM ted in tire lilmu)". IJc:tring thi~ inkri ptio n : ··No a tlmittnnce t" ~tttt l t•nt~ :un l tc:u· her>~ wea r i ng 5t:JI1 CRk y 8hoe!1." \'u n:..~ s•: ~ .l:ty S ll :unilwn. wlto WtLS etlit or-in ·chicl o f th e l'••iull•rdn r i u ~: t he ti r- t lm lf y e ar Hf i ts cx iHU.m ee. will rt•p r.•-l• nt th t• S upt' ri •t r :\"orma l in th e 9tatc o ntto ric n l l"OIIICSlat l'l:attc\"illt•. l'ruf l.h·ing:•tu u l m~ hce n lmsy fo r the JIR!It mo nth. with in~tit m c wurk li e ··undnct l'r l m eetings a t th e f.,J1nwi nJ: p l:t•·•·~ : l'lm·cr. Kiugston . Pitts t•illc, Tomahn llk, \ 'irw 1u:t. ant i Ll' nt ra lla . .\ lt "'S tl" ,\t . Studcu t l( i\'t':i :l le w s trains o f iiO me difli · •·ult .. nlu II i .. rrH•m·nm te : ·· ~:ty , yo u"t·u bt..oc n in mtt s lc: yo u't·c lc:t r m ..~t wha t :t n '!tt i ~t: gh·c n" n ne . " l' rt·~itll'ttt l' r.t y ;. poke. Fe h. :!li. before tlll.l G ree n Hay To •rwh.·.-..· l! t ~ tit u te u n •he s n!,ject o f Arithmc t it·. wha t I ll tt•:w h :uullmw to tc:u-h it. He ruror l.'!t fll\'O I'Ubly o f utwnml ~dr ool intluc nce In t hat lfeC tion o f th e !Hale. Tlw ••yc le~ts at the ~ o rm :ll hanl l ~ecn re·lnll tll lloll t hruu~: h the cnnrtesy o f Pmf. Swift and Dr. Alcorn . All t he new Sttt< lciii.S hnn• l ~ n cxaminctl : and phrn•L"' lik•· "':!ilygtn:& ~> pin · · nnd ·hy peris m. •• arc freq uent. T he a pp:tn•nt ly i twxh a u:~t i hle s uq1h U1 N!atli ng room ftu u l l11 ~till oln inJ.( its mi Mtin na ry wo rk. A beautiful. l n n::••-sizo..~ t .~ t:ttW.l uf IIc ht• brighte ns t ho npfWRnmcU of t lr t! m ai n ltull I.N tlw ~-:uod work go on . l'edestnhr a n •ulw:ty!l rc:u l.\'. I n the mu ~i•· •·1:\1.~ : -· ·:\fn'l.:&rt W fl.il a rc mnrkl\ble man : h~ t·nulo l wri te IIIU!!il' wh it• h no 011e w:u 1\blr. to play, whc u IW W:l.il u uly fu ur yen. n1 o lll . •• :'ol r . ll ~ ~ w t h (i nu ut'l' lltly)-··Why. Lhat' tJ nothing : I t••m ld ha t'l' tl n nc t hat my.o«JH ·• T ht• .r\thl•·t it· ,\ ~~udati o n h:ur 111 last d ecided upo n t ill' lo ng· nmu:u·L..I m in!ftr cl 11 ho w . whic h will c,.-ome off proh:tltly IH.l tUC ti m e i n ApriL The committees are t:mr rv o•ti•:nlly Jltblr iltlo( th o p rojt.oct. und e vide ntly inte nd to ma kr: H 11 lo( ra n<l Rffn. ir. Ue\'e lo pme ntJI will te ll. On t he l:?t lt u f Fclm m ry. Model otch ool pupil rushing np tu h is ~i.'l t e r- ·• Uitl yu u kn o w to -day wrtJI Mr. Lar· ki n'" hirt lula,· ~ ·· ll i~t :~bner-"· · Js i t! II o w fiid y on know !" Her IJnlthcr-"\\' hy. o nu o f my te a c he n 111.ld that toti ny WM t he lti rtlulny n f a g n:o.t man wh088 lnitillllll Wl'rt• A . 1... a: tl o f counc tha t" ll l...tt.rkin ." T he lo nl{·hol)l!(l-fo r adtllt io n to o ur othe r wl.c com· plc t.e gy nm:l!l inm i.t IU last rcalh·.ed, naruuly, two large · THE NORMAL POI NTER. ('lcctric chandeliers. The locke r k ey fu nd dcscr\'e.~ the credit. " M<lhr' Iicht" will now uo u wn.l he t he lmttlt• c ry o f reception conuni tteCil and b:t:okct\J:d l tc:uns . A t n W a.shiugton's hinhday \Jauquet gh·cn by the Epworth League o f the :\1. E. l'lum·h i\li ~s Lo uise Du\·e spoke o u " Wo mau in Hdunu " aud Miss 1-Alith 1Ja.,·is on " W oman in the t.:hun·l•" and i\li~s Et hel S m ith rcsl'Qnded t o t he tu:1-~t on " \Vomau in Li te 1~1t nre." T he Geogra phy Lyceu m -slei~o:hing being g •)(){i- ll'e n t on an ul>scn·ing and sound inj.! cxpetlitiun tu l 'lon: r. February 2i th. e n mnsse. Good r o:.ads ami grotl<.l time are rcspccth·ciy the ;;(•ientitie :uHI S•~t·i:til'CJl"rt. M rs. E lliott Ueiug ill. :\l r. and Mrs . :\l et.::lski ll :1eted :1.s c h!!.peron.;;. Pnof. C. H. Syh ·este r. h is many fl'ieml" at the s ehoul will be gl:ul to hear. i.'l. gaining st rength cnutinn:lll)' and !IJl'CI..'< Iily regaining h is fnruwr he alth ,\t pn ·~·nt he i!J :It llaulc C reek. i\lit-higa n. whe re lw intend"'" stny unti l snme time in Ma rcl1. whe11 hclca1·cs fu r his hnmc :at 11os~u001. Wis. At a n wcp tion gil·c n by the Epwnrth ).(·ague nf the M. E. C hurch. March 3 rd. the following prngrnm was r endered. whic h, :IS wiiiiJll seen~ wa;; tll..~idedly ·-:Surm:d istk" in the talen t Jlrcseut: Qn:lrtet ... :\l isscs i\li ller. Let•. and i\les;;rs.t.:u wlcs.. l'u tz Hccitation. . . . . .... :\li;;:-~ Xuzum Hecit!l.tion .... . . . .. ..... .. ... .. ... ... ... i\l r. :-lel:<on Solo. . . .... . . .. .. . .... . ... . . . ... :\l i:os :\I iiier ~~~~:~~~·tiO;~·.'.' · ·tl~~~ir~:·i~·; . .. .' ·:.·:. .'i\·l·r·. Hedtntion. . . .. . ... . . . . i\l bs Ogdt:n W e puhlish the fo)J[owiug " jnw cxo:rt:isi ng ~tuiT" from the :\lcn ~ha l~ress: "St e1·ens l'oiu t is a bout to stnrt a gum factory. We SllpJ>O!IC the p resen ce uf those Xo nn:.l school girl :~ make s n d1 a d e mand fnr tutti·frutti, pepsin. spruce :Ultl other 1Jrnnds u f t he jaw exercis ing stu ff t hat it can only l>e met hy lmdng a factory right i u· town. " Where the :\lc nas ha l'1cSS g et.3 it.s autho r ity we tlo not know. l':tkc thcir Sl a WlOCO! :at what it';~ wort h. rem e m OOr ing t h:1t it t:1kc.:; e n · ergy both to t!l.lk ami to d ttJW guru . An :~t.h·anl..'(.'<l class i n ccon u ruie aud industrial his· tory of t he United St:ltes ha!t htcly llt.>eu organi 7.c<l. Li hr.1.ry refcrcncc work wi th the :aitlnf topica l vutli llt!S form.'l the ha.sis o f t he s tutly . :\!any of t he :lth·au•·Ctl stude n ts are :1\':liling thc mseh·cs o f t he OJIJ)(Jrtuui ty tu study this muc h uegleeted phase o f o ur nation:1l hi"'tory. Owing 10 the fact that t he " vrogt'tlm cuu ltlnut 00 tt.d juste<l," the cl:l5s is fon.-erl tu meet Wcd rw~ l:ty ni~th t.s at 3:45 nnd o n Satur<hys from 10:30 :1. m. tu 1:!. At pre§Cnt t~ey a r e eugaged in.Jiscussi ng the Cl..'unumic and JlOl•ial conditions o f the Engli~h t·olnnics The Lawrence ha i k etb:tll gntuo o 1·er. t he gy m un.o;innt are na W :IS t'leare<l :~.rid t he lost h:ISkct throws uf t he home team pus h(l(l a.side to m:~ke room fo r the re('t~p­ tion c hni rs t o w hic h tim entire :llldient•e were in,·ite41. Ret:e p tion write-ups generally begin with :1 d i.'!-ocrt~l tiun o n t he receil·iug committee, \.Jut for w m e uu!l.ct·uu nta· ble ret\Sun tha t dign ilicol Uody di41 n ut nmkc its ap()l•ara.nt.'C, and the c r o wtl streamed in u nrcceh·c41 ~ut ­ with.'!tanding this ami the fat'! that thcr<• ,,·cr·c sm ne rather cre..tfa llen o;er p:·e,·iou;~ cir•·arn,.la un ;,, a ll we nt .'llllOOthly-co nl'cri ation. h:~rul ·llh:tkes. jukes. 55 "'•ui]l', , laHj.!hh·r. waft·rs :uul ,....·u:i Whe the r t he wort lty l'il'lur~ t• rrjt~_\'l'41 t he 1'\'l't'ption :Ill well :IS the g:une i~ tlu uhtful Thc:o-· ll'l'ft' a p ll':ts au t S\:t o f hoys. anti it i..;hvJII.'< lm:l,\' bt•Wilh Ui' :tj.!:tin ~udt a l.k:udi,•ia l••d ucatiuna l ft•:tturc {IJoth to tenche r :1nol p upil ! :1s the rhctur i4·:1ls uf t he faculty. cnnnot long rt•tnain th•rman t. Ajtaiu .~ h:11l the ro.~t rum h!;;ouud with tlw l'ni•·••S uf till' [,•a rnl..'t.l. Miss T aunt.r·,. w :t::< t he initial numhe r - rl tnlk on T ltc El'othni nn u f Paintinj: as an Art . l-ler lil•scriptio u nf how it a dl':llH'cd. fru m the r ude etTurU o f t he Jl'CI"roclltl'tl t.:lrri~ti ans in the timo• nf Diucletiau. thrnugh the :\liddlt• Ages up tu the presen t time. ll'!liol i ntc.-esting ; and esw•t·i:dl,\' .~n .~ im·o• s ht• cnultl ~how Jlii•turc!l whic h ilhr ~tratc tlw oliiTt• rent it leal~ iu tli!Tc n•nt nrtiSI.s. T ho pictures r·o•f('t'n•d tn were s antple t·npie:t ,;ent by t.he puhlisher~. su that LWtt might lx• o•huscn. whirh will hi! holtj.!h t h)' tlw n•:ulirtg r~wm fu nd. Proh:t.hly. before lun}!' t hey will m:okt! \ heir 11JlJ)C:IfrlllcC on t he wnlls. By :t \"t•tt• uf tlw whules.._·hnnl the followinjt two we resclo•t·tcol :1-" lir~t :tnrl St.'\ !011<1 t·hnicc: "The Song of the l.:lrk.'' !Jy Juh·s Bre to n. :rn•l •· Hahy S tnnrt, •· by \ 'an'uyk<:. Ft•bnm ry :?1 ll':lS :1 tiuing •wca.sinu fur the lecture loy Prof. Fr·eetnan. sin•·•• the fullo wi ng tlay commciil"raw,. uut utrly LIJtJ birth uf " 'ti..Shington but also the tll•:tth u f " T he Las t C..ir·ea t lle ro o f the C h·iJ War." T ill' :l<i4lt"Cs" 11· a~ ·" "mewh:H c nlogi;uic in it§ nature, uft,•n r i.-;inl{ t" diott:IXCS or i mpassiuttL'< i o mlory whic h wet·c :1ppl:uulctl hy a,n appre1•iati)'e audience. l-Ie S[wkc 111. lengt h ,..,,,.•crning the <"utHiilinns whil'h lt-d u p tu t he w:1r aml"'lw I{:II' C a l' i,·id idc:l jt.Jj grea't s ij.!nilica ncc. Tlw ll'clllt'll<l u us amou nt o f energy e x· pc no lc41 hy the thuu,.amls of .~ulol ier'!l could ha1·c nUl· c:lolami7.eol all t he highways uf the UnitCtl Statcll. S p•cakitt}!' l'lllogistit·;dly of tilt! wurk uf FrnndH E. Wilbnl. he )Jrtll'ccdcd wi th t lw IJiugmphy o f \V IIIinm Tc•·um~h Sht• nn:lll. telliug vf his rc!iigna tiun from the J.nu isi:tna S t:Hc :\l ilitary Academy, uf h is nnswcr to l.inculn 's •·all fur t he th rl•C-,I'C:ir \'olunteer'!l, o f his wurk p rior his ruenw•·able m:~rc h to th e !k::l. Jle ( 'U ill· pan:ol ~he nuan with lir:.nt. showinJ! hnw ho th ttrget he r •lid the wu r k whlt-h u dtl tcr cuu ld t'lnim :~:o all hio:~ u wn. L:r:ltlt W :l>l " luw and per~isten t. Sherman •]nick :uul intcllccltla l. This o'u!u hinatinn o f •1u:ilities when brought t••gcthcr in the two 111e u !l.:l l'cd t he t'tmnt ry nnd aet•uunts fur the hrillianl e arnpaigns " if e \'cr ngain I h;ul to p l:we m y !He in t hchands n f nny man tn be uscd a t hi~ (·unm1antl. frum among all the hur~t lrc• ls of gen erals of tlw d1·il war, I s ho uld c house (;c ncl':ll She r · man " i~r,,r Frce m:u1 sp;1ke t•mplmtk:illy o f hill huro'11 magn:ln im ity as shown hy his unscllis h le tters t<J Gen e ral t i r.1.nt. aud u f h i" refusal u f the pre~iden•·y nn t he grountl l lmt if :111y ~herman wa..;; to rct·ci,·e the honor it sh.,ultl be hi~ lu·uther ;;tatcs mau. ,Jo hn She rma n. nuw ..c•·re tary t>f ~t:1te. :\1 r. Fn..c m:lll g:n •u 1111 exct.'(.·d· ingly l"i\'itl and s p ir itC41 olcSl'fi JJtiou of the b11ttle o f A ltHonn. whet·c S he rman wrote his f:lmo nil laconic mes· s!lg~. He al:kl tleSt·ribctl the taking of Ft. Altoona which rc tnu i'C41 the las t barrier n nd t he march to the !'l!;l w~ a t riumph " Hc:ul t lw litory u f \\'. 'f. Slu rmau w vnnr l'hild.-...u It will fill t hem wit h in:iJJirll tinn to ht.~"me :u great ano l un:.cllis h in patrinti~ ru a." WllS ~l,..nuau hirw"·lr ·• Jr TilE NOK~ I.'\L I'OIN T EK . c:: : :::~!~:~E~~~~::: J l'+II ' S+I •t•::CA t·'r ,\ tS. (.'O J.OII.i.. 1\:~tl~t·rs ............ l lolt ... . Pu rple !'hi U1•ta J' .. j . . . .. !"mith .. .. White U il·al~ . . . . Tiu >lllil ....... . . . . ...... . . Go lol W hito ·~.. l'o rtl'r.... ... . . . .. .. ..... Wh itt• T HE LAWRENCE BOY S WIN . Aho ut :1.;,0 pcuplt· ~:Ill' tho· I.:LIIn'IWo' l 'nill•r"it,l' buketball Hl LUI ddo•at tlu· ~t o·1o·u~ l 'uint ~unu:d in the Kornm ! ).t'.\'lllll:l~i um Fo•h ~'.! T lw )::IIIII' ••a~ ;Ill e xci ting 0111' from th•• IM•~tiuniu\.( h wa~ a \.("'"' l''l:hi· bltio n o f IJ:,,kethall with "'I"Y \i u lo· ruu~odt ]lh~' HIJ,:: olurw on e ither si tlc O ur huy~ pl ayo·ol a ~tn•UII,' lf!lllle , .. ..,,j,J . e rlug t ill' tiruo• th:11 tlwy ha\1• 1M'1'11 in pr.wti.-o• :mo l :tl~·• con&illcrintt tlw f:l<'t that it wa~ thc lir~t ~o:auw 1.,.,.,. playc.l ag:tiu~l :an +>Ut~i•l1• to•a111 Tho• l.:t••n·nn• '"'Y~ ShOWed th eir tr:&illii!J,:: It~' IIUI 11\.'t'UIIIiiiJ,:: tin:o\ :1,_ ~IMIII their o]JjJollll+'lll~ AI tlw ho•~:inuinJ,:: .,f tho• ~•·o·un•l half Sprinjler tcMok llu lt ' ~ plowo· ;uui J (.,,,.J~~;•rry C u h ·er · , potlitiou. A f t•W llll llll~tll~ hl'fon· tlw o·r~tl of 1lw Jl:-11111' Brem m er L~tul. Jt.,,...lll.'rry · ~ pto3itiun. tlw l:llt•·r t,.·in~t d iSJLbled . ,,, , IA•t• wa~ till• 't:trp la y o•r ooft lwo·lo' Uin).:. mak iiiJC t h n•o• ol i11i•·111t loa,.k o ·t~. o11+• fr·"m til+' o•o•nt•·r "' the lic ltl. J ollif!c an•l H••y•l Jti:L,\ 't•t l a •tn+n,L: j.:tllllt' tH tho• ho me wnm \\' :uerlom·)' awl ll "huau ,,, ..,.,n··· ··~tM·o·iat m e ntion Sprill).:<'r pl:&y••ol 11 •trttii,L: ~o:auu• in Ill+'.,., .. o m! h111f. Tilt' to•nm, lit~•·• I up :t~ r.. u.. w .. : u LAWtU:SCf. ~i't(~ .' .' .' · t ' S t\ ' ~: li.~ITI SUII\I,\I -~ 11 · ···r· ,,;,:,~.;;~·t~ J;·,~~.:I~~··rr)·: · J-i.,Jt, n~~:;1 1 t•;::.'; Lee.... .... . I fur11:tn l . . ,, \\':uo•rlmn· J oiii!Te. C:t pt .. r lmt·k . Spri11~o· r . l 'ul\t;r Hubbard llo;ll'k . Smith. t':q•t Sub!I- J.:iw rcnc•t•. 1\ l'llu~~:~. 1-:t·nn., : S .. rmat ~. Sptiu~.: er. Hosel.lerry. Urcm nwr. :\l unndl Referee. :\l l'C.':t-' l.ill . umuin·'· ,luhn ..,n. Enms. til •.,.· keepers. Jfickul.. l't":a:1:: ~•·nn•r, IA'I' ~ IJasket..;l from till' tid.t. l..t••• ·,, Hnyol 1. ll nll l. W ato• t'• bury 3, llolmnn ·~ : loa,.ko·t~ lt'ttlll l!'f>+• thrttw~. l.o•c ;,, H o lt 1. Smith a. A return ~e:mw will ito• pbyo•tl in l in• l!t'ltr ln1H rl' BASKET BALL. Uaskel U:.ll wt•ll "'"'t.' rn·~ tlw ~np]M+rl il h :t ~ n·•·••in~ t In th is llf'h11ol th(• p:LM wlu to•r II i~ +~Ill' "' th t• lto·•t g&lllt!6 fo r dt.•n•ln pinJC th o• j+ll)'!lit •ul s ido • .,f 111:1n . whilo• It hu none of th e ruu.~:h :uu l dn!IJlt'r•m;j ft•n tlln ·~ thllt oome with i!OIIIt•uther Jlltllw,, Tho• Jt"!Lmo• ""Jilin·~ •pt!t•k d ecision, :'\ !ltt.•:ul y. +'+~<•I mioul. :&11+1 •tn io•k ol t•o·i,il't• actions. A J)l.: r ~u n 11111~1 kunw th o• l••st t h in ~~: tu ''"· and be n b le 10 oln it . Th i~ t'lllllt·~ l :a r~:• ·ly l oy l"~"·tit·•· 'There aN fou r yo unj.( ln olit·~· l••am~. ltlld fum·~:•·ntlo•· men's team.c In thi~ ~d, unl Tlw pi:L)'iii)C .,f :Ill tl w t.eam8 h ll..!l IJCf'll 1''""1. ant! ha' olr.1wn I:Ul(t' o·ntwol.' whenever tu t upen Jl3111+' w:l.~ ann .. unn~t The unly oul.llde tenm tl mt ll' t• han• nwl t h u~ far wa~ l.:twro·n•·•• University. Our team uhlu•ugh +I wa" olo•feau••l mad e a goc>t l !l h n w in ~-: a ~ot::t in'l t lu• mw·h 11111r•• o•..:pt•rl· COoed tr"UDI . On account o f our nut h :win~t a •·•o:w h. 1111r •lf•1·1·1u ]•· meot bu been n\lll+'r .. \.. w Tbe oamf!fl o f the t•·:ttll~ . tl!t'ir o·apt:lin ... an t! ,. •lnro, are u fo llo w!!: TOUMO LAI>IV~ . 1 ' .\l~r ,\1:-, t ' tll .t tl l~ . }1nt Team .. . .. :\lartt•n• Second Team ... llu n··· .. l'nrph• . . (i nltl . Hetl W hitt· Third T eam ...•..... rark1•r Fourth T t:ru u . . . . .. \ ' an ll u,kirl. The ll ij:h ~·hnnl ttllol the Fi r.~t No nnal b:t"kflth:t\1 game Frid:1y. Feb. ~::wh te:u u pln)'t.'11 a fr~s t, s nappy game n nd \'e ry ft•w fvuls W1•n• mad f' o n ••i t he r side. '!'Ito lin e- up wus: tt·am~ pb~·o -.1 a do•M! ami cxciti n j.( 11'1 lllt:tt ~' llo+UI- N't) tOIA ~. Jvhi!M+II . . . . . . . . . . . . . l"t' ll ter . .............. 1-! olmnn .Juhn so n ............ r fon,•unl ., .... ......... . B o iL t:a,h lu . . . ....•... .I fnrw:1nl , ........ \\ aterhnry ;\ll'i' lla il r h:u·k .•.....•... . C uh·cr T a roliff ... . ............. 1 hack .• . . . . . . . .•... S mith ll o•fcro•i•. M d.':•~kill; mupirc.••· (.'a!ihin . Bn1dford. lla ~ kt'ls fro m tielol. _.fo hn•nn 1. W :\ter hur.v I. ll o lt 1: frttlll fn~ thl'<l\\'ii, J n hnso n !'i. II tilt a . The lh llj:el'l!l :uul the Wh itt~ playt.'t. l an exc·iting h:t"ko•t l ~ttll jlrH!ll' tim :11te rn uo n f tf March !'i!h i n th e At lin n:O!I th e jlttrn e W/l.il ftt" t ttritl well p l:tyl-.1 : lm t nnn1• o f the pl:1yen1 gnnnk'll their 111011 ••nniiJlh. 1-fnlnmn played the best ga m e. Bremmer al3u olio I g<ll.lll jJinyi ng . The ."f'<ln! WM 2.'i (II 13\ n f~n·o r n f !he H:u ij.(CI'l'l. The li ntJ up wns: 1\,\!I+ ;V.II,.. Wili T J:s. ll•tl m:1n ......... ( 'f' nt ur ... . .. Bt'Cilllller llult. C':tpt . . . . . . . . . 1.. fn rwa r<l .............. J.uno n Hu,...•IJC rry ... It furwnro.l P orter, Cn pt . IO' III U:l.~iu m . ~;:~~::~:·: ..... .. .... .. :~{·. ',~.·;.~ ::::: .· :::::·::~: ~~-~~·~~k Hcfo•rt•u .\ l c(;!L'!ki\1. l..:mpi rl:it- HHtchkhl!l rtm l I A~ii. Tiuw·k(•t• JH'r Muntw ll . Tho• yu nn jli:lt lll•s' thiril and fu nrth l~ ket IY.'IJI tCIIIII~ pia ,\'+~ I :t 1·\o;;t• :111d itJ!er est inJt: game Satun.l!l.y, M arch!'i. :\ I the enol of the lint t h~tlf lhe lK'Ore was 3 t n 2 in fa · ,... r nf tho• Funrth tt.'l llll. In thtJIK..'t.'O illl half tJR.d t tenm mad o· a h:as kCL fr,mth elit•lll. 'l'hc ll nnl lll•or e stuotl !'i 111<1 i n f:ll'nr "' the Fn urlh team. T he li n e up wn.s ns f.,lluws : ··ot' tfflt Tl: A.\1 TIIIIIU TV.A)I . \' nnllniikirk. ( 'apt ... Cent er ... ........ l~nrkor. (;a pt.. l\nw m1•n .......... .. 1•. f11rw a rd .............. . Da,•\!1 ~~~·· ·r. Fim•h . H. furwnro.l . . ........ D11wes lii18t·rt..wn . ......... I •. hac k ...•. .. •.. M ee k :\Ie h ne lt. luu·k ....... . ...... . ..... l ..t.oe ... l!~·fo•N.oe :\l t'(':t~ ki\1 .. Umpires-·1-fnli•hki!lll nm l Lees. 1 ,:1~:~~~~·-~~~·;,,n~~J:.';,•;~·~:Jj,n-cr 1 I: Uo wnu:n I : J>:n ·is 1 : Fr"'u fn •t• lltrt>Lt'S·- V:IIIIlus kirk 1. Two '' '1·ilinl( ~eamell u l lta.<i ke t ball weru pl:.yetl Feb. l!l. The li r~~1 !(:lint' wo..<t between tho lirrn a nti th ird Jtirl H:nms. M ~ :\13rtens and l'ar ker bei ng captain!l " ' ti l+ ' re~pt.'N h·e teams. The li Mit LCam w o n hy tl scoro o f ~ tu 2 The SC!t•o ml gnme WAIJ be t wee n th e Phi Ue t11 l'!<i :u u l ~nrm:tl~. ~•nilh nod Po rte r be i ng captlllns. Tlw !k'Ore w11~ 12 tn fl in favor o f the Phi Beta Psi . Tlw Superiur :"i'ormnl Athl e t h· AMoclation hllll ll.'lS IIIII~'1 1 lh t: tle ht ineu rrt.'t.l by Mo mn, who was l n ju~ l in thl' S ut"' ri o r- S tc \•e ns Poi nt foot hall Kllm O Inn fRII. A.~ till' olebt i~ large. the h om e Athletiu A•sociu.tlon ha\·e <l c tcrmin ~.l to give a miru trel JMlrformance. th e pro· t•t.'e\Js tu a:o W the S uperior Atbl el ie Associatio n w help o l f.' fnt~' their CX JJCII ;;e. THE NORMAl. POI NTER . Appropriately enough. c:mdles nml IJDUIH.ng went out. of fashion tnget~--" Two men have faih.'ll from <lcfcct in morals where one hns failed from defect iu intellect.·· He who rece i\'CS a good turn should ue \·er forget it: be who does one should ncn!r remember it. The e xpressio n " I don't t hin k," i;~ true ninety-nine tim{'s out of a hundrod. Most- people don't think. To the Gmmopho ne: "0 watl llome pow'r the giftie gie us . T o ;;t.'C oursel.s WI otben~ see l1.6. •• Tr.t.te Prof. -"How d11n, you s wear before me?" Stt!tlc nt- ··1-lo \\' tlid I know you wanted to swear tirst ~" According ro t he latest dclinition, 1:1 hlK'hClor is a man who IJas lost the o pportuuity of lll!l.kiug a woman miscmble. A ~ood ma n is like a lighthou;w. The lig hthouge doesn' t have to toot 11. horn and ring a bell. The light. te lls the llto ry. " Education is need!.."<!."" 1111.1d a local prea.ehe r In the west of Engl:uul, ··to e nable o ur rough diamond!! to reach their full foli_, •g:_•·"__ __ A New York pape r want'l to drop the letwr •-Q" from tho alpha bet and subs titn t.c "Kw: · ThAt would make some wordll look kwite kweer. A unique movemen t has been stan&~ iQ Boston in ~he way of "Don' t Won·y·· eirclt!S. lluJ. 'ol' on 't the me mbers wo rry for~thcy" l \ worry! Curly (io the :let of denying imputatiOnll). removes his artificial teeth from his mouth, holds them before him and exclaims in a tragte voice · .,.fhCly are false. " ------ The self-made man W:l.\1 s peaking. He said: ··My fRt.her wall a rnist:r o f hogs. The re wru~ u largo family of us- ·· ami then IWI l'oict! was drowuOO by applause. Dartmouth college hru~ the honor of ha,·hog issued the lirst college paper in the United StatC.\1. nnd the grcm.t hono r of h:~xing Danie l Wcbilter fo r its editor-inchief. He r s mile Wl\.'1 most be witching. As beside him 1\own she sat: And s he made a grc:lt iwprrssion. 8111. s he m:u.le it on bill hat. liiUl.IOJIT's PRY...C.A.UT10S. -Bridget (to Mike who has just set up a ne w s LOve): " Don't build 11. foiro in it till Oi throy th" o ve n. fe r if it don' t bake we ll Oi"ll ho1· it s int back.' " T ell us not in u tlix>ught numbers Ufe i! but au empt..J.dreaw. Think of all our broken lllnmhers &l.iting •s not wh.::_'tma:; see:n ··What's the first ~t~p in the digestitl!t of fon.l." " 57 as ked the tc:tdter. Up went tho h!lnd of n. black-haired little fellow who e.-:c l:llmod with eagernO&al. '"Bito it olf! bite it off ~" Hre!lthcs thc;:;;-nuu1 wit h !«>tll l!O dead. Who lltl\'tlr to hhusulf (!) lmth sltitl, As he Sl!tbbcd his too agains t the bt.~l "--:--!~-- !!~--~~! ! ~ " Lh ·us of grcut men nil nnniud us W e curt do the illlmu as they : And, departi ng. lca1"0 bu hind us All we cannot t.nko aw11.. 1" SoliiO<JUY of l\ young man in :1n ~pple orchard). - - - - -- ··Doctor, <"nn you tell m u wbut iii the matter with my child"s nose!'" " Yes. mam: it's prolmbly an irritatio n of tho gastric mucous membr:mc. communicating a sympathetic titillation to tho opithcdinnu of the ccoerinh." " Thoro now, tllf!,t' ~ jus t what I tho ught. - -- -- Among the periodicals on our s helves. aro two 11laced thero through the kindness of nwmbers of the 1-'R.Culty. One. ··The Public Ownui"l!hitJ Uevlcw," by M.r. 8 W"ift; the other. ··The Voice." a weekly magazine. by Jd"r. Collins. Let us 11how our llJJJirecitttion of their kind· ne8~ by making go1.1ti use of these mag~t.zln611. Ha\·e you hu.d a kindnC~~>t~ahown. l'.a&i it OJJ.. 'Tw.:u uot gi\·en for t.hle alone l,llSSit on. l..et It travel-rlown the years ·if~~ ii~ h'.!k~e~~~~tl(j~ ;ars, Pass it ou. Few people remember the word~ of otbe~ but they watc h their lh·c.s. 'flwy are cuoou!Jlgt'Q. or depressed; li\·e butter or worse lh·c~. a!l they ljud embodied iv thei r euwplelil t.b.e livivg lacL!! Qf life. No Ul:ln Pall &b.JI:t himself off from the w<Wld 11.od do or be riab.t. mm·h 1MB eao a man win his fellows by mo ring among thew bot retaining a forbidding e;u:lusiveneliiS. 'PJle atudco.u who d.et;im to help LJ.wir a.uociat.e...pl.U.~t no.t tWJni.JI7Al oo ...-hat tlu:!y m~ght them.tfoCI.r~ tn luw~ dmla, but wuflt. do noy,• along the broadMt line!! •h~ t.bef wou ld lulve t heir followe l"if t.lo.-Ober lio Rel'i.ew. · Oue ot tba be»t of our .ex.cbnng~ is lbe "\Villiii-IWIO.U J..ite." The mott.oe!J ab<H·e tllc dHii'rent departometli.ll are aU good : but two o f them uro especiaily Jtlt~y. au.d &Jlpe,al lO Oil bc<·uuse we know ~omct:hlog about e~bTI.Ie .6rsl, "4 l.o ul J.UUSt now ;~.!)(\ then be right by chance." hiLS a truth back of it for uo. If e\·eu t.be fflol !nay happen w strike by t..•hance tiOUlet.hing he can do well. sure ly students with wl"ll dereloped braiua. though t.bey thh1k tb&y ha\'C no lilemry taltou.t. cau coutribute something worthy o f beiog read to tla.c se.bool paper. Try it, aud see. 'fhesecood. ··.Mark what ills the acholar's\i{e usails. ·· cowua w.ore direcLiy ho111e w Ui tba.u !.be other. We are baviog experience along thi>~ lioe 11.11 the tin~ ; 110 we hilly &ppt"et;iat.e the truth i n it. MO!it o f the i1111, bowc,·er, li~ withiu oursclns. aud the 110011er we g~t into t he true •tmk.nt »pirit and go to .tbc bottom of things. ~ SOO!ler will the ills besetl iug tbe riola.r'1 life di!;ll.l>pc:tr ss TilE NU IO!i\ 1. POINTE R. Teachers Wanted! UNION TEACHERS ' AGENCI!S OF AMERICA. (i i<A:\ I :\! 1\H Douglas at th e K ing's Cnm c s . Finn com es t he an·hcry iu wlz io·h Hohi n II<M NI :md all his wen tztkc p:trt . II t~ kill. DougliL'I !!h~}li! Afli•r tlw,\' h:l\'t' ~lz u wn tho·i !' REV . L . 0 . BASS , D . D ., M G R. l'ittd<•~A·· l'.o. T•r~•l••. an•l hil s tlw whilo• zu :zrk iu tlw W"'''"$'~"• center : a nd th e !IC•·omd nn~•"' ' Pn t~ tin• !il-..,;z "lH ' in IWO. The n Doug Ius tnlws a .~ilw• r <brt fmrn llw k in!! Then. th e Wret!tlinA: nmto•h l ~t·~in ": awl t wo• wiu azul call fo r bcuer e nmni<•s. l)omj.,!'lll" o·ouw" uut :mel mal.•·• one lame. and t im nthcz· in;;cn.;ihl••. T lwu !w t:tl,, ... a gold ri n J( from thl' king. Then, tho men throw th" bar uf iz·,u ;\r ut who•u :zll th o rest h a ,·e 11hown tlwir >< kill. IJu u~:l : t" rak {' .. an o·:zrth · f ll.l!t stone nnd thrnw.; it n r11.l IH·y•md du· farrh .. -.r mark . The n th e ()oufll:l.~ hll.':l tu tnkl· a J<llf"'' nf J.!"lol : hui he dist r ibute!! it a 1w on'g t lw o' l'•)wol Then t he d eer islet fun h. :mo l tlu• hHunol~ jt l.J aho •r It, l.u fm amo ng them . Uut [,ufm ]o· ft tin• lu omuls anol caugh L the d eer. A ud just tho·u "no• .. r tlw kiu~: · ~ huntameu comes U]t :1uol .i lrlk•·>~ tho: ''"lt T ht•n l ><•u)!la.a g oe11 up to him zuul ku " ''""" hitu m·,.r. do•aol St N ow the people ri ~W in'proto·~t :IJ.C:Iill~ltht• kin~t DougltLS speak!! to the m.anoltlw:v while he goes to jnl l. becau se he I lik t• lloiiJ: I a~ wM 11Lron g. hMa\"o•. n .. Llo•. kiud . auo]J,._\":1 11" bls country. He Wll!lStronjt wltt'll lu- tnuk part i n tlw games. Uo was bnn·e. nohl tJ anol wlu-n h•· ll"o•ut to g ive hls llfe in th tl court fo r I(04Ie rick. 1-11! wa.,; lu.l"al w his country wh~n he sto p)-.etl tho mob frnrn li jthtiujt fo r him n.gninst hi s c; untry . \\' ,U. Kt:u S ,\SM!ons kino! Minneapoli s ns a Trade Ce nt er~ u t•ity nt'ar St l'aul Mlnnmapolis is lanz:c in;\limw· ::':iin~~:!:;:~ .t'J~ ~i::i~r:~·u: ~~~;;~·:;(,;:;. 't~~·~i;~~·;:t ~~:::,~\ Is about tcn m ile~~ from Min ncal}flli!l. :w•l lhPy a rt• •·:diP• I th e twin eitic11 IIO!IIc t.i m e!l. l:.et·au!'c l lw ,\" ~r"''" up al abou t the sam e t ime. St. l'aul wa~ hu ih a l ~oUI t•i,~rht r,e~h! i:~1:: otr~l~e ~.~~~~e~~,,~~~~~;~':•rl~~~':n~~-~·::'i'~l~;'i,~ ated bette r tlum St. l't111l : tm ol a lso ht•t·n u ~· t he falls gi Te It better ad1·nntugc. St. An t hon Y Ftlll!l furn i ~ hf'~ grl'a t II"IIH'r pnwo•r : a ut! tberefo ro whi c h ~ aw thf' pi1w lu ml wr aro• ~• ·t up mil s ;~~:§ ~~.e t~:~~~:~~:; ,.;~~;c·:~ ~;;'.':,::!:·:;-~ ~r;;.. c;;..,~:..- are c ut a nd tri mmed and down llt l' rit·er in •~tft .. Sometimes they llont on th ll s urfa rt•. ami nwn al't! o· m· ~~ent r:~~hei~~ sf'!~~ ~~~~~~~~~~;en~rh~"~:u":r!':~.::~;kr~\" ::; drivers. and they luu-e tu j u mp on 1111' f,,.,. ,·•..II• ... ••I/Jo nu .. , CH . Tl>c"·~ • ~ '""" '""d• ul vo• ltlon.t" ~>e 1\ILed. We ll&d ovc rH.OOO Juo •n:: tlo o• I'K>I • ~•• on . l' UIJUIIilied fllellltlc• for pll ~l nft: •~"he ;• lu c.-.·rr 1'~ •1 o•f •ho· U. ~ . ond l'&!ll dl . One fe<~ '"''"'~'" 11111ltoo:olll••e• ,\tltl rl'-... n ll lll' l' llt·oo U<ut • •ol'ln ll•l.te r ac , P a. •·•e •nd ~· The Fisk Teachers' 4~ency ,· a c an c i t:~ N r titic.:o.; tt"':tchcrs of and R F.COM ~I EN DS th em lui\ )(",.If'" rh.. irh"ull'~. W il Y I I. IKt: T lll il t: IIAIIA C..'T I-W n.:..~-r ("ot <t., .\""" Orlt'""• /.• .. N ,.,. );,rA-, N. 1' ., '-'· C, :;,.. F r,. <tdu<>. (',,f. Cllir»pt, Ill. lnr~t•·~ t lnjl.~ :md F ]I St ·.lt' I. I11 St:. 378 Wabash AYe., :\l:t n:ll-(t'l" E VER ETT 0 . F ISK&. CO CHICAGO . NORTH &. WEST TO ASHLAND, DULUTH, ST . PAUL & MINNEAPOL.IS. .. . VI A ... WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES F~~~~~~~~"~:n:t~~ ~~~·~·r"~~~~-:C}~~:-.:· ~::l ~~~:· t'i~~~:: f rom llli ppillJt from th e Wl't lull"~ C: n•al r:~fts aro• "''" ' down to cook the menl!l o n . :u u l t hf' mt•n ~ t al' nu lltr· river all day som e t im e!!!. · The mill!! that snw the ~e lou:.~ :u-.· nm hy ll' :lll•r Jlllll' t•r . and a large wheel culJ<..,J the "tt"atcr· wlteeJ " i~ Jli:H·t'f l at the side o f t he mill or untl<'r it All tl w \t' zUer r u.,;lw"' d o wa th e falls It run 11 1111t lcr or O\"N thi s wlwcl and cau.!IM It to torn . Rnd thut in turn r111111 lhc m:u·h int·ry ia.s.lde of t he mill. 1 141~11' t he ouill IU W cya nwt•~ta ru n In thl.sway. My un cle ow n s the m ill. anolwlwn I wo•nc there be took me through it . ·n tt' wh~d in t hi!i ru ill i,. u n der iL The mill l!t o n :tn i~bntl. 111111 :111 artitidal dam Is built. and the ri ve r rn n1 muiN1 tlw m ill 1 ,\S ,I \ (;1 "\ I ,U : II . F AS T TR AIN S TO MILWAUKEE , CHICAGO A NO ALL P O I NTS SOUTH &. EAST .JAS . C . PONO, Gl, P . A ., MIL.WAUit • • .