this the811J 'tor aeee-ptallft by the Jronora Proeram ot Ball stat. tJnlft't1i'T toY grduatloll aal hODD'N. I recotl'mO~ )&:h~~~q~· ~atotArt Ms.y ,.: I / I /.'I ;1 i ! I , 2i, '1.970 'rhe RofDrat1on, DUrer ~ am! ~ ~ ", : I ., '2f{C!1 1ftI' SIS )....1-> ~ Il,~;> .:c it [3,(0 , .Nf3 I. J I. Introduction I \ A. Background of the Reformajion movement ~ B· Relationship of God and man II. Lutheranism in Nuremburg A. Iconoclasts and Anabappists 1. Luther's reaction to art and the radicals ---~ 2. Durer's reaction to the radicals ~ B. ~: \0, The "Godless painters" III. Durer's religion and art A. Durer's attitude \ ; ~; to~ard God B. Durer's attitude toward Luther ..I c• ... I ! \ Durer's religion rerlected in his art -!'I. The Four Apostles , . ,., A • Forerunners to the painting \ B. \varning to the "worldly regents" --- c. The insc'ription D. .. I~terpretation V. The heritage o~ of the work Durer A. The Four Apostles--a proclamation or unity B. ~ !2.!!!: ~,~~ r I!> , ( '3 JY) • ~;t,,;h p. ,~- I "l Apostles--the moral and the ideal. r'&.!t a\ t.+4 \I:\\',.~\M F ~'-' I. Introduction A. Background of Reformation movement B. Relationship, of God and man ~ Durerl.~relig1on --H7. and\art) A. DUrer's attitude toward God B. Durer's attitiude toward Luther ," ( C. : Durer' s l?e];ig~(jib.":JI!efl:eeteai:1n his art '---....." IH-. Lutheranism in Nuremberg A. Iconoclasts -and Anabaptists 1. Luther's reaction to art and the radicals , 2. Durer's reaction to radicals B~ IV • The The "Godless painters" ~ Apostles A., Forerunners to the painting - B. Warning to the "worldly regents" C. The inscription D. Interpretation of the work V. Conclusion:-the heritage of Durer 6. -------===-------- J f.l ' .. 'I.~ . j' .," , .~".~ ...,./t.:,."'t, UNIVERSITY PRINTS. IIOSTON THE FOUR APOSTLES ALTE P'INAKOTHE"K. MUNICH DURER. 1471-1528 GERMAN SCHOOL -'I- List of Illustrations' 1. Husical Satyr and Nymph ~ Baby, 1505, En~raving, 116 by 71 rom. 2. Apollo and Diana, probably 1505, Engraving, ll;-Oy 73 mm. 1. ~ 4. Antwerp Harbor, 1520, Vienna, Albertina. Drawing, 213 by 283 rom • . Madonna with a Multitude of Animale, aBout 1503, VIenna, AlbertIna. Drawing, ,121 by 21+3 mm. 5. 6. of ~ Walrus, 1521, London, British Huseum. Drawing, 206 by 315 mm. The Last su~er, probably 1523, Vienna, AIDertina. awing, 227 by 329 Mm. St. Phillip, 1523, Engraving, 122 by '1bmm. *Al1 illustrations listed are found in Erwin Panofskyls ~ Lite arul. ~ QL Albreebt D\irer. (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1955) I 10 the (lutU'ID.n, 1526, the tmm council of Nuranberl raC!elTet1. tbe follcv1ns l.ct-tet' trOll or-a of ita le~1ng c1tizoclI. Prl,;.dent, hor.roruble, vise, dear l·t1ptars. I CnV'e been, ret' a long tin:e pwt, to show res~ct :fer your Uisdol!'8 by the i?rc;sentatioo GO~ humble ~1ctura of mine B8 a re~mbranc£J but I MV'O boen prevented :from GO 401ng by the imperfection and lnsign1:r1cac.C!e my ,:t)l.'kE;, 1'01" my or at I felt the.t w1tb such I could net voll eta.r..d before :mur wisd O\t8. Now, however 1 that I have just Ihinted a -psnel utl<>n which I bestm.-e4 llIore troublG tha.o 0_ ttny painting" I eons~ored nOtiO mora vortb7 to ~ee'P it as a rGmitdsceoco ths.n your Wiac101118. Therefore I pre.ent it to your V1adoms nth tbe bUDlbla and urgent l'1'ayel" that you will favourably and graciously receivo It, and Yill be and continue'lu 1 bave tound you, fIl1 kind and c1ear Muter•• The autbor of the letter, Albrecbt Durer, too. otterec1 hla -painting !h!. ~ Apostles Durer inteOllec1 the gift U to his native cit)" of Bur.uberg. a tokeo or Perba18 hOllB88 to tbe civU authorit1es for tbe succes.ful and relatively peaceful religious rft'olutioo tbey had acbieved io the .14.t of the struggles of the Reto~tioo. F",,· Durer anc1 bla contemporaries J the vorlc1 appeared to be fuU of uucertainty aD&J strife c1uring tbe reYolutionary )"ear. of Pl"ot••taol Reformation. The atDloa-pbere vu charged with lat.r1Bl anO uter'aal c1laruption io which there vu a violent club of relig10us. social, and 'POlitical ideas. 2. The whole era pre.ented vast contrasts in tbe attitudes of tbe -people. While there was the fear ot tbe approacbing Day of Judgment, there was alae the bonor of heroism on tbe battletleld. Thea. vel'. the clays of the lnat 1m1Zhto ana tbo first city Rlel'Cha.nt5. Peo1}le shelt.;:!red in cathedrals llbU.. others, like J... t!:hel'l 11114. baH tri}l8 lnto heretical 8-ph!Jres of thO:..lg!lt. Inside tlur vall o~ the citl.. , tbe praletariat murmU"l"edJ outside, the peasants shoved oigm of unrest. In thill perioa of " ••• svUtly :.urrinS, c1arlG-'l'otUJ tlma,,.2 presented in his paiuting !2:. ~ Apo"tles Durer an ideal of Erlirengtb &oil seal. Not only does of !!:!. ~ !ioutbs confirm the -per.ona1 attltUlle Durer in tbe religiOUS atrugglea of his tlu, but it alao Ul-'natea the sp11'ltu&l situation Yhlcb ex1atec1 1n GeraD1 rneal1ngly. The IlIti'oruation IIOVOMut which forced Dunr and thousaD4a or ctbera intn agonising spiritual criBG. bs4 besun eourteouely, piously, and ratber unwittingly. For tbe bogillning.s of tbe (Jerman F.eform.tion, one muat tirat turn to RDm, tben tbe center of Cbrl.ltu.ulty. Ther., in 1511, the full papt.l cotters Pope leo X bad tnberltec5 trom Julll18 n were nearly empty. Son ot Lorem:o the lbgn1tlc:ent and the thll powerful ~41c1 family, leo X wu a poet, 8c:bolar, am head of gentle_Ii. Whua vbia te baG laUy wasted tbe church fund. on 80mevbat questlo. . . . poet. and art1ata, the .... tv. bu111c& 'Plan- IUl4 bacun b7 b1e 'Predecessor Jul18a II . . been -slMW. 1m., D .. qu1a~ becoll1. 2Vllbela Vaetlo14t, lluI'er ana b1a 'l'1mas (lmI4oot PbaJaon PUbliabft. 1950), p. 29. hoy.~ver, ,\pp.lrent, that the old st. B!teZ"s nuU1c&vas beyond re18U' ....tbing would baTe to be done 1JIllDaCUate~. Ieo'. 18181 a4viaor'. ptr.uac1ec1 b1Jl tbat to allow the buUic& 110 r • •1u unt1uubecl would cert&1n~ be a du8l'&Ce to tbe Church, 80 r.luctant~ 1D Mu'ch, 1511, Popt leo X promulpted &n indulgence otter in, 1t to all tboa. who walt contribute to tbe coat of completion or the abrl_. Albrecbt, Arcbbt.bop of Mt.i11J' 1n Gerauy, tbe "!atribution of intulgencea 1n lIt.gISebul'l 1IU &ppointee! to _ ..... ana BolberaWt u wU .. Albrecbtl prtnct'P&l agent tor tbe 41atr1buttou tbl'oulbout tn Mai11ll. tbu te1"lltory vas Jobann 'l'etse1. A 8old.ntcau trial", 'l'etsel bad ac- quired & cmain aWl aDil rep1'tatiou .. & IIODey ra1aer tor, .lnce 1500, bia -.1n occupation hIIAl beeu tbat of 4UlJOll1ns of 1ndulpneea tor tbe Churcb. lIIil18 h1a lmpreaab., ptrtecte4 fonula, '1'etul would bestow a -pl.eua:ry lutulaence 11o th•• vbo wou1c1 ani! contribute, accordi11l to tbeSr pnl1tellt~ 'MaU, ooutea. tbelr .1ae to tbe buWlna of a .., ~. Peter'a. BacJ ""'zel uot &pproached too tbe V18e, Elector of MoncJ by & SaO~1 cloae~ to the lal1ll1. of FrecJ.riek probab17 be woulJ1 baTe etlcaptd bt.t01"7. reluctance 110 let tbe 1IOU87 of Saxo~ _cape anl1 p8rbaPi by ~zel 'a 'by'perbolea, Pn4ulck ba4 torbad. tbe preacbiu, or tbe 1n&1ul.puce in b1a tenttoJoy. 'lets.1, hCMINl", ".. too ahrewd to torlo tbe chance of aua-nt1t28 t_ Church t'rttuU1"7 with tbe 1IOIle)' of tbe WMltb7 cltlseua of tbe SaxoU7 proylnceJ ao be .,..1Itund, t_retore, ao el08e to the frontiers ot Suo~ tbat tbe peopJA of Wltt.nberl ana tbe aunountl1nc countl"1WW. could Cl'oea tbe bord.r to obtain tbe ln11ulpllOU. BaTiql'.aelftt tbe 1a1u1p__ , anwnl V1tteubeJt, bur.ben WOUl~ ,... "latal latten· , •• ,...r.u_ of ,..,..., 1. tbe Wit.u... uniYersit:~r re~uest\n~ hill to'.~jtest to their o!1:f'ticioney. 'l'he professor, MArtin Lutbor, rerusotJ '.retsel HdlJondec.'l by "enounc1ng In'bar'a 1'8':.&1. 1J~tbe't '. pur~o.e WI olel\l"~ only '\9 ret'ute the lIX't'J.oawssnt claims mae tor :lrulu1g4locea ar.G to QOn'eat tbdl tl1\graat abUSQD -.le in their .s1atl'Ibu11on. Certainly, aa a t01"Y'81l't CatbolitJ, be bd no ,\housbt ot upsetting tbe"ohJ tar Intbe1". 1"abelU.OIl" fez mn agains'\ Ostbol10 organization ana y1tusl ~nthBr thau cburah aoc'\r1ce. '10 1&Ie his Ueaa claarly knotlU and un4e:utoocJ J IMthtl' ¢ompoaec1 w:inet:rt1ve thell" t\ncJ nail.tIt thell to tbe aOOl' of the n." coua1t!tt'!' the.e H., 'Y .0. lte.1)ly '1"b4~ ~blullklrob. }JropCllSlt10. heretical, uoJl were '\be,. tattl'" bu al'pmtuts "oulf 'be Yf.k~ tma«r.tcOll, Imber wo peJl&l'ei .. Gnna'O translattcra fit h18 tbeses to 'be cirel1latea I_a1&'tel:r. it 11tet'ate tbe ~rlOO:OY. pe(lt~ in Witt.libarl_ Sp}leUS, 'l'bo.-aucJs bat! IJ.Itbn'. the __ beca:m the 1la1t~ U\C!1' ,be ta..n tor such e. 'Protest &OI! .Dtic1ertoalSeIi 01 pueratlona tb:rUW at hlw1nc • fit w••• T01ce.-' '.rbe uU1lber of boo. pr1nW in tbt ~r_n atates I'flIe 'trOll 150 tn 1516 to 990 in ~24. ~ of' tbe•• book fl.'YOrttt t'hG Prot.stant Retorllattoll IIJ:OTel!!8Dt. If. The boob YeN 1014 evel'yvbel'e. W whole pravince. mueh .. Edt Frle.lana, SU.IU., ~ Sebl..1uiq-HolBte1n went over alJnOCt \laaui- to Pl'oteatantiBt'I, olftrly C&.tNl1c1sm ba'! becorat moribund. IrlDUIIly FrOID tbe seourity otret'e(l by the CatholJ.o ChUt"oh, Inthttr challanpl men to brine thea face to race Got1. With a leap tl1dentan41tl8 the nalme8s .,. ~5. or lien, tbe ~1Gva1 ror ohUl'cb '-' pray1aea anJd.~ in hSa 3W1l1 Durant, Ii'be Moruation (..., York. Sbmft at!! 8ctmater, 1951), It . Ibid., .,. ]68. or Ormations, eon:tetJfl.l(1tl, .a1nts t.\· me.nB ast1Bt~ ftlwmer. 1"1r,ht1r.r, tt'P1n:t~rr. !d t~e him o'f all 1~ al1oy1nl their tears. th~ h1el'f!.rchy or ~1!Lt(lrG Ybol\'1 t'eslJOm1b1Utj t" the ectlSolAt1or.; _n Maut's~ 8~ belief i.n tbe n'JO t'*utance, the church W!'l"cy' o'f Gc4. ~.. Lutbe1"atl re-form 1t'111"1~u.l lIt'tS ten tieprlv1ll1 uft ..lone v1tb hi. forcing mu to turn to GO!!! e.n! by eon- fining the 4ects1vs rel1f;tous proeesges to tbneelTe!" Lutbe'r va r"taro- tug to tb.~ belter!: of Ceran ~tlotsm. L1.a nn1'!Y re1rolut1o'tluy .er1es of' -pbe,, vb.1.oh by tlieu 1l'"l8ta.~ee., 4lle1lll.~ into 8. too teonoel:l.stbrll, e01:l1lu~l1srll, k~$r.J 1'C~1ea~ tberetor~, ftl'et to fin:1~ by 'Durant, -- a~ :t eo't1Vents vere justification or sC!crts e.n!! ntW ff'l':11B of 'te.tth at the eel!t~l•• , aU !etM'rDtlOn aot"e tUrGQ'tl,. tban an the Cburcb,' but ftel"lft' tbe 10ft. SOJa! that J'el1g1nU3 srt temvt8l! -psoplJ! to vorabi'P tbl! effeat ."yon" 1111,... fJ.'tm'Jugb. nine ..':XI in s \'O~yga~. ~luttem.r.r h~l!l', ~l )i)MStel'W as, among tb1!.1P, ani! of tbe to all 8..;ree, l"!'c:duc~ ra.1~lbl) 'N"PGUe~, a~, eounter revolut1oll:".l7 'Posit1.t.m.. "n'A the F.efol'ma.tton ita sutypOl"terl aUt toree4 its fO\\D!er IntS'rpoeted b;r 'l~~4 'Iro'V'O~Vl'C.ts, cit., ,. ,. til EU2."* baa been it18'Ptrai nt~!,JI ea'ba\tli.ael t~ 6. ael"fu, t~ t~d eb.urob uo long\tf dt1'l1!aoae4 the .sat!~..s lIubJect. "Ifhl.h bad *11 JIIllnsta;r ot med leT&! u'. Durflt's OVll 121t7 of ltUl'e\1buti bad 'Pt'o.spu:Eld 5iUC:II WOOl'. crllftoUllil'l at i'lealOUd Cilllt.~ 4 WlttW tlour1:lbed. gold:3:l1.tb, like the otllet arafumen 'Ilat2 tl8do CQSt17 a ].)urerJa fatbll", v:ue~ a.nd Qhurch Tha ehUl:' ha.tJ bficc::;lQ repga1tcl"1es muaeuma .hurche~. art. 1420 u ~ Since eve'tY' "uW cr }lrcsperows fa.rd.l1' crotIWI.1$a1oDd aema work O't beut1' "be .brlM of a pltron a:dut.6 tOI" One can &aia a better uDC1erstaD11n; c:t to. wAatOQ 4.natatloll in the 4eacrl'pt1on ot tbs activities at tba ec:onoewts in Zlalo11 1• .rm:., 152~. ~ery etlttld hI! stat1!8 'W3 remcved from its 1''! OJ' 'its b~e &114, tog~bt~1" nth l.;;!!..!:e, ~keD (Jnt cf t~ church. It va." t~n ~itb:tr brean trr ••• it tw.i(! ryf .tn'Q~ r:tt -pl!l.tter.t or ~.lrood if' r1!.6e of voc-l. Every -paintir.s W!13 te.kcu it01tF11 from the a1t~rs ~n5 burne~ outsi!e. All m~ala Y~re chipped! tLv'ff;f Qr s crapea off too lmlli. The eJ.t~,r$ vere strl''1'.}et e,.'!: all 1m!.~e3 !t.u4 Yeasel..!, all native were let la-lin a't...a meltad outs1Qe~ &.00 i l l crucU1%e. "'er~ rell1O'VcIJ. E\-en the carvel chair fitalli Yere tabm up and burned. !l!hen the \falls Wf:re whitnrl.bel so that no tr&ces vhats~ver ~t8tbe oli lecorattonl l..aDrr.,. aut a.ppottItmouts m14;b:t be Seot!. To tu. ~leD1Ytlcal. statesmen 'iC'bo felt tbe.1; myths Wft'e vttal to moralltr, the use of art eee;ma reasonable, havner, 1tben the ntythl, lib 'PU'tgatory, wre anlpul.ated to t1:aance tbe extn.TapI'lCea aua abUM8 at the church, rei'ClI'1!'Itra rebelled !JCI!.illBt the ;a1nt1Dc iIDI1 .cu1p;un 6Duraut, 1oe. clt., ,. 298. 8Cla1"laa aa18Y., Yale Valwnlty ""., b., _ . . !SQ. tbe 5:!.L (lin' liafta ... i966), ,. • r.aI_. .an._ tbey telt • ••• lnculcat.. tbe 1J1tt.."7 lea4er. ot tbe Prote.taut corruptionJ tTast~ tbeir ~onu_w~, bela all a..uua1ilou ot -117 8'PUttual an to be 811l0~ wtth an . . wholeaaI. aal 1a&tu- ftt.t_te. ~ber hu.elt, ho'tN'ftr, vu .aerate, 1t alJPMl"8 1_ tbe _twr of l'eUg10U8 bBgery, certainly be reJect.a tbe iDYOC&tloll 1Iflj. . . r4 t.labll". attltude 18 obTtOWl tn h1a lett.r•• I (!AlthaI') do not hol4 tlat; tbe ac.peIl. ahou14'fP all the art" sa certaln 8uprt.tit1o.. tolk be1.tne. OIl 15be C011tr&l'7, I would faln ... all art •••aentus ~ who ball or.teet t . . aul g1.,.... tbell to \II. H1a ."inI of art an neu .ore clear17 he_ wheu he 08.1 led upna h18 toUOftI'I to • ......aU the ••• UolatOl'll of tbe Roau ADtt..chr18' by ..... of 1I&1111;101 • .lD Be1'OI'Mn lM. ~ tbaD tabu, bon,. . , preferred to quote tbe law of _ ..ll, '_e1»7 oatl&Y11a1 nlJc10Ul -patutlq aDl1 acal.¢u.n altoptbU' ani ccapl.ete17 olaart. tbe olaaro. ot all oroa.eutJ truth bub.... MutT" aD tutthl. Da:rft attacbcJ thale who ac. . . . an of ..Mas ...tbardall ...... II witee_ ,bit It bal'Ptne otten, becauae of tnterference tbe uncouth ¥ho would l1D to .tat» out an, tbat _n who p l . ' llobla pui.. an l.1lr8via Inuttet out. A aoG&1 ChrutlaD Sa 1M) .ore lUlll~ be l1111uceG 1_0 Uol&trr watuts.... aul pte'ure' tM.D a ,so. _ Sdo ...... _ of '''qb '0 1Durant, !!!!... ctt., ,. 810. 'Dun.ut, l.oc. att. ~,a· !!l. n... IO~. 8. tbe mere fact that be 'Wears a ewo1!d at his aide. Indeed, he must, tn t~utb, be a stupid lout uh~'noUln '!]ray to a thing of paint or wad. Not only the iconool..dte but alao the Retorattou the other 8pl1nte~ ..,...n1I .boa. . ana anprea lNre'r. sec'ts of 111 all OOD- .'Nett..... '---Gt. bad ",0 ooai.. to 'fI'"-' tbe real. Sd_la of tbe ..".e.nt apinet tnternal l'IUt,. dta•• nalOD aDII to al.,.. '0 tbe P.etonat101l that peranent fora tat tl"Ulfcma 1t troa ,_ re1J.g1o_ -polJ.t1c&l .we- .at or ,be revolut1ona!'y yaars voult1 l)e OOtrle tM lvans911cal CbUl'ob. lAcJt1:Gg bomogenlly :rr0il tbe ..,.ry lMs1nulns, W'I'ltob -prompted It. d18l. .- sratton, tbe Imbenn ___ned . . appropriate« b7 tbe JIl&pllace tOT tbei~ ova -purpoII •• &111 ... De&l'~ ~111_ 1I'1tb their exc...... Fr.. wtll ....rted 1taMt aplnat the autborlty of tbe 1&V vblle tbe ll111yU..:a. or bouW bta r18btl .. l'l'lded to tboee of tbe oo.malty. 'l'be c1t1 of !fuYeuberg vita.... ita lbue of retonatory, aaS n41ca1 cOIalaSat1c SAl.... a1ltl-018~loal., In l521, the Tra1lOolliu ctty'Vlla troub1eCl b7 tbe ac:t1Y1t1ea of a tbeol.os1U Joan. . DeH, Re~OI" of tbe Selnldaa School, Deuk the d18car41ns Be preacbet a .tUrea up trouble b7 atIYocatlus ot the 1e1iter of tbe BtblAt 11l taYor of 1. luner _niDI. una of ••1t..taenttfica1l101l vlth aa1, cons:l.t1ena tbe Ute ani teat" of Christ an ezapla ratbet' tbua a VOl'k O't redetlt*loll, &all Pl"OIIpte.1 auabUptUlJl. ADaba-ptsau auI by call1ng otbll' taua'1c8 oout1'" to l1P1e' tbe ,,110 . . . for tbl UoUat.tnt at aU .,..lft....OlItrv. Iu 1_, u lualDee}lor :trOll Volrtl m.1 a 010\.....,·• .,.,.-.,... wn ....W SD Bure.nD"I tor inciting the peasauta ana bUl'gben to tr.. ' .... 1ft8 t 1l"~1 'fila to JaY no tJ tgi: 1IOl'. taxe_ aut to rebel a.ga1t1Bt all forms of 11Dpostol"S Inv·,ldl'!; tl~.) ao*l~la sua Blb16 >is a eoolJ ot loclal lay to l".t01'll "13 RteTonymo~ An4raw, or~ of Durer's OWD coll&boratorl, va. imp- ril10netIJ tor 1111 conn~ct1oul Yith the TOTOlutS.ouuy ~t.Sante .1" In 1525, tbl'ee artutaot Dur&gr '. on a"hoot lIeft lMmtabeG flooa BUl""Ul"1 tor queltlon1ns 4tvlue autbonh1p clf tb4 Bl'b1te. 'rbel't in tbe cit7 sa yell eo "'1'. otbel- antn. t.n4.. to apocalyptic, -t&u.'tc,1aa, ••cbl'tu, anabapttatry, &d cc:mnuutstlc 14"J ADree11t DlIrU, tbl ukDov1elpcJ lad. or tbe anti,,!!! tn.terulty iu lIu:'emb\l'f'8 tel" '\be t1p1t;y of bi8 'POItt1ou e.n!! !If bSa nltgtoll . . _1"01 tuntabel by the 801Il.1t"l of .uob n41calA. 'I'M l'ttl1tr1oUl m!le tavel''''' "'- 1iba .ost s3t1evt1A1 still !!Cble .l.ems"t 11l 9.,11:1t of b:1s qt I DtJrer'. aba'ra.crW1:. ftS tbe l't becall8 tbe unUyta, eHment 111 hiJ nat\lre h01l vh1ch hil gauiua could ....1op. In aU tbat .. 4td, Durft telt bbMlf to 'be UlIIIJel' the 41J.oeotlq PMlr of Qoc1. In a lfttGr wittem retUl"ll to CJe1om-q .... YUu aoa . _1I.tiODI be vU1 aaoOl1pl1ab Ii ~0Il 'Ieu1eG, tNro\' aQ)'8 tbat be wU1 be1pa (b1m) boM. w1, In bia 'taBt ~ • •••If CloG "Ul. ttl6 taU7 .. ]:'01' E'S Duror too ptc,bl.em rtf ~1s s4l1v..,.U.on 00 "'pprnf'.CM~ bi~ ft.1"t1"t'.., b6rt1::'J1.Y tl1 tr.tenee ~ fee.~ WRB lna1~ that he h1:J siSht aQ\! sJdll, Darer .oqgbt n~'s ut, .. '.rho f1e14 on w1r.h. GCI1lc1 be quetttoaea, 'r.s bt16 to fO't'l'i'Taltlte be !'l"ft d1lJen.t1d'tecl vtt'l bte eld faith. tbo (Safety or his tnDre-.... 11'1g in Ul'S81MSJ' 1.519. 11 atuce be bad an an!l 1IOl'. tbe ,.tbo& ant -.y of aa.lvattw, s~bemc: ~tl"f lfC'..3 t~c 8t'l'ue.Sltn& and t(lme~te4 90ul WRI! fou.gbt blr08.1M a.~t It 1a in 1:l18 ot hi. coacept1o" ~ poytt'C to M'tiet10 !.'t!11g11.'It) o:ea of ba:t'tle of' bi. Y«n"lrBb&p. ~ ••18 Dnt'ft' 1\1.80 heade ult1flltta ailn of _tetel2c*, th~ 8Bt1sfy bi.~1I'Jt!lf. !ra belt""S • ••• 11 w'I"k (ff DuPe!' 1'el" b. would ~ an knew tbat "G~ r,t'antetb eYe at _oJ .19 tbc\"~tol'e I be t'!cu14 " ••• ne'l1!t' 'FitS btrns~l.f' feelif'{; he' Mo! befm 'called'. dO Jt~gcef!t. new that Dttr~ trXpt'OOu.s bta ~Oj e.~ fft·'l"I. Durel' couli ~T(,:t' 'f'hclly fa well pleA.Ging to tl or ~e88ec1 by tl18 f~ of 1101: tlehie'ri1lS, lrmb1e to aMW., fr>-r bta 1fV.1t'lm at tbe tut it be ftt'e not to lOon create A momumental wrk, be 11M eerta1a he 1tollU! be ~e.r~ttea to ]fell. On 3atl1$l'Y 12, 1,19.. the Emperr.'l' ~n !1ea. Ire bOA! been .. Hunyena gl»eroll8 _ploye-r ILl 1TeU ... a ftJATd tor DIll'ft. '1'0 »urI", bb 'eatb oee.a t ~ ewrpwtsa eTell tltttbe-r bU tJ'ft1 approaobtllC • ..,. 171achU1 ID'\'cy, D\ln!1!'.(trev "forka W.Y. Borton ami 19Q), op. 93. 1.3eotlWa7, 1!s.- cit., ,. m. 19CoI1ft.7. It)Q. ~., ,. 152. eo.etzotatI ltlc. cit., p. lc6. of c.rlq. laM., ., 11. ftcm1l1ng. Dul".r' . . . . . .t frieDl, VillibaH Pll'akhet.l' 1lOUI III • letter written two . . . attu tbe . ..,or '. " ....h tbat DaJoer ... • ••• in bI4 .bapt. wll Durer'. c118tr... c1urll11 tb1l l'ftlol . . .p1rltualJ cl.earl;J It . . 01' ~lcal. IIa tbe Iptlna aaI1 • ...,., 1519, .. bet...,.. • _nOUl r ••tlu..... Yb1ch appears to beU' out his trt.enl'l coacen. Abal' econc.1cal _'0, J)mtel' . . . pl.aa lu tbe to lean b1a bOI8 In KUI'eDlburl tor Bqlaul ani Siai1l, _at to Slrtthl'laui on aD Ral'nbUl'S. Sconl la1 l14T1ce autl i.tructton, By 1520, hOll'eftl', tbe hoped baftt'ftl', t_hi. b,. Ybich Imbn' bd to CO to otbel" IBl't. of ~O\1f1le1, be 10Uac A1I Va 8aonl Soonl toWlll la1II bepD .0 p'eocoap!et witb "be to .t1l' t_ wrH ,bat • l'I'~" a.r-.~. Durer aouU look back uI 0WIl .,.u of'bft .. c1U'h'eI.1 " • .au wh... JIOftnJ.' be 'lUbed to c1rav .. & laItlua ...,rtal. Sf Our.'. a1.ts.-te~ to taD I4ftataae of Durer ' • .ntats.. _'0 who ba4 bJtoupt h1Il out of ar'" taint echoet of ,.t 1519, tapractica1, tut:S.le vip. When Durer . . ret.oed troa b1a __ to .,..loa O't tbe7 .... _,. Althoup 0DlT Iptrltual ..tau • • ~bt, tbe p'ob~ ani uuoel'taiutl.. of .alfttlou vblcb . . batlatet bia &'PP'U' to ..,. ben .olftC1 through tbe ao.ptla Vb10b otftl"" his ~ & noll: of tatth tbat nile V'ban l'eYHl..a b7 bltbel'. 'lbat W;bel' 'a 1101"8 11 beaW b7 faith 18 tbe ...uruae vroalailllt 111 !!!!. Freec1_ !!. C'bl"18tuu *11, publ.1a-" III lS2O-tbe ,..... ot ~ fouI1 tu Iatbft'. aabSe....ntl JMn1"1 GWI1 bea1 1111_ Awu'eu'ly In rel1sioll what be la lOUSbt 111 an-tlaal olarttiaatto. &1111 11IMtntloD• ... It wall for t\11a be ba.\t aona to Ital.1, bad .tUobed 'brouala 1»oou, acd meu. hI" tbU, be bmI medltatea ba4 que.tl0ue4 Ul1'U be .\~ ~ on \be bodeI" a.~ HAUl b... ',atne of a.pte •• loa. .trength O'l Du:re't'. taith 1. W\bel" la nY.a' ta ,be toUcnri1al ........ talIau from h1I !liar,.: ••• be (Luther) b:!a .utferel for the trutb . \It Christ and b~cl\~ e ha relJuk·t'('J t~ un .. cbl'iat1ao &.-pac1. which strive. nth tt. lwavy lad o't hll'Xltt li.11a against the reaemptlon of ebrlst. ADa if be ht\Ii eutf.rei ,~.. '• • c; '1:.:,.- '- • i.... 1s that va my Ct{3t1n be robbed ana su-i'P'PII of tbe 1'l'u1t of' our blootl ana SYftt, tbat the 5~.lI)iJ _y be shn;rJtfully and a~\~!J.louBl.y"tt~ by 14le-goicg folk, ville tbe J)OOI' ana tbIJ siC\: taerofcre aie ct hunsur. }Jut th1.l; 18 abovw all meat &revit'UII to _, tM.', mayhQ~ CJoC1 vill stlff.r us to reme.1u atill l.Ooger utl4c tbetl" falc., bl1a1 'octr1ne, 1uveute4 an4 u'P by the mn above vilom "lilY ot.U Patben, by whoa elBo tbe prec10ua Vol't a1' CJo4 18 in ~-p.laceI w~ ul*1l1" or utter~ Cl.ea:r~ 16ncrra1 ••• Durn'" nflact.. in bS. an. •",.le, aner 1520•• oounniOil troll CatbolJ.e18a Protouaa~ '0 Proteatanttaa 18 l_J1NIlt,. lMtberaDS8a, Du'ru' • taupc1 trOll b1a eulJ.e1' .-,lealO'f ..DI tneaoa to .. Itroncl1' blpullo_ aaaterl't7 Wbere be attat_ a auu.uUl. araa5e•• :tDonulO1~ b1a tuter..' aVP8are1 to dater Ul'OD • IUlot17 ....opUcal tu'" tOllU't Ge-r.n an _un, t . "l1I1-- lub.1eot. of Barel' ..... ' - tee1 tbia ... b1a a1ll1 Pro,,-tat .ub~cU. l.a 'OM -.ore tla1l ~ ello to t lfoIr lNru, no tbe lIoftberu 1101'14 with "be tn. IV1rl1i at pap.u ant.qulV, (tip. 1, 2) alaDIIt 1;_ au ~ abaa4-.1 .ub3Ht _tter __'" to'I ••s..t.tto 11luItratl.-, iiraft1eJt'. no"., aaI JOItratiian. (fS8I. 3,'" "tbt ltr1ea1 .... ...tIto.rr :_"(1. .;t 2 Apollo ~ Diana .). .' ~ · I ,. , .' ' . t--: ,t '. ~ JI, '~t,~·' 3 ~ 2! .! Wall'Us ~, 4 Antwerp Harbor 1'-. eletrent va. SupprEs8ea in tttrcr of' a scr1ptural. v1rllity vb.1c\1 \Ut1ma.te17 t(,lMlltet5 cnls" the -l'PCstles, tbe Evangelists, o,:OG the n...aton at Cbrut • As ev14elXe or Durer'. tliIal.lg8 of atyu., tnp. is ana II. J.Raonna~!. OUQ ..., 00IIpU'e two of h1a 41'SV- tIlltitude £tAn~. (til. 5) ~cutQd about 1503, Hlt:rUculoualy" 4ete.Ued, elabonW trawlns. SarrouQllec1 b7 antala dOtio ~S'Jtatton, tlvl r1ohl¥ draVJCI Vira1u 11 dart.. by Oel"laU laaJ8CU~. HowvClr, tu !e2.~ Suii!9X 1523, the apace 1a without ••taU at evel')'day r.aUty. hoe aweat' to ounauco the atlOt'll.'lll1lt; (ria. 6), Durft cuts ~ lIimplo ~ tbe YU't a cJn.vtUl of tbD tiawao1;l1l1 dravslle:S am1 rec!uc.. table ••- mon\1IlleatQ.U.t~ of •• t~ t~ ~ 4etena th8 :Lutheran 4oct7ine (t'.8 weU ~ tho boDor fit 1l1I aplUit 4Dd tauat1cs ])ural', irltusoQ witl:a & _.t1oll) new "11110. tftYfll, eDterec1 tbe hay vtth 'Pi.ctUl"v8 e.lJIJ wtitten ward. Durina t~ ttma of CliGot't1er in vol'kabop an I.ft!compl.eted alt&r}Jiece. Ifur. .url, DureJ.l . . in hia !be or1&1nal. 'Ji«oJect bEIiIi1 Virgin" With e1e;bt satnt. in the ceater ;WW1, St. PbUl1:p wing, Nld OIl o.w tbu tbo 1"18111; st. J&mea tber tesaor on the 10ft dDS. hcNaYot, it fa1lec1 to IBt(f1'1alise, 8pp!ll'ently due to the pol.1t1cal aDS rcl16;ioua cd1t1oa& 1D l'lut.tlIb~rrfI. AI the oity ~ rs.1Jid~ of U'beTaJ. theologians, buuauiata. l8t*1oiac.s, ,he ~t toward ana JJ.xtba~1I WISer 'tho auUa. . the orerwtclm1lli ..,OI'i'tl' of certa1nq not auap1c1oua t_ ,be tba dccSlaat1DD of • ....era convereasione." App11'ent~ Darftl", 'beref'ore, . . little uteuU.ou of nel' complat- lng the altar piece Vbe. itl tbe 8iC'ibC or 3525. lIUntmbUl"& 1M ,'- ~ 5 Madonna ~ ~ Multitude 2! Animals , ~~ ~ '~,:j~~~)~~'~~'-~~~~~~~\I}~ij~)Wj~~ffff!!f~fff(f::!rrt~~::;}{!£~:F~t:~_:;i (~:~ 'ls,/" ~/1~_-!!.'" <"~.~'·_,;'~~?,~~~:~i ~,0:r~*;~TI\i~'f~t' ......... >, . . ,'..~'. .... -,":--:::-",-'-::.-~> .. • ~Aala!'1.nB ttl Gel'lnany a~' for !Jlthlr tn of'f1.etall:r ,iving "leave to tbe t'c t)fJ • "t"Dm:oer I nCfVat' ~\Iltriu6 1.0 hiD loyally to Luther ani staunebly oppcset to thQ gel~ogte j1ti11ecta a&e thoSQ miehty t1h-ufe8, Eanlngl.ees E.~ 'Ilef;t;~r~ra ~ith ~re at the 1l"w-.rCfuberr, red ico.1:s, a.eialtt'! to to tlAulr.ea a .,s.cture, of "flut be believac1 to be the eG ~cezdea beralta of thines to corous26'u:i'ora tbqi'1Q a.s hrm13es" ..,reacbe1'., aDi Dtn'01." 'ttf312 'l:elB.1n1Ylg ~oau80 ~e "'1')11 tbe .calA of ,be bEl ba4 «one of tbe lIal~t t1.'..ns<l(Jn~ElI1 1favlna tioca1"4e4 the 14Qa tOl' tbel YCHllc5 &'Cl eul!eI' alt~1ooe, l>tn.'c~ that Proteitatttll 1teJ:d _~ fOllud he c1'_, ,. 138. 2~t.014', lot.- l~d svultual lath'll' of a&1lGG Paull.- b:r trle'" aDS toe !4Pl.nOisky, lor.!. ott.., p. 23~. S!5M18Pd, l.oo. PbSlUp .to~""ou IIO"'IGlD8\ft. B'\ul, ;'\OYtlVOl', WIUI ''0 un1vt!1.'al~ acJoepte4 8G tblt &liM • • fJb08eU 1;0 . . • • also neec] t(\ aAAase tlw ta.ntlty ot 311. Phl111, for l'b111111 Protd~"t 1." Vbou 11'l11tatiotltl of a eMU -ptitlt. left \10 vrtttcll t't!oorda 'Whtch youU aupport the st. in tblt 014 l\(Jl'nea of tnrrtet"1an1ty $pea~ OQCe uot'e. contem}) the "o~a. convar.a.sione" DtnfeT Md ,he \lings I huIDul Since the oarlieut be31nninss o-t Wtnt.mllfC!tal. Christian arl, the a.pvs1i1lll llf.In been of tor a cootes131o':1 of taitb_ Durer chose to t"epre8ent 011 tbe pt.nelB four apoatles. tratlttio'D by l1V:llrlnt& beeam 'ruth. the hapo thnt ...hey lIOuhl serve as true dell co~ue1i ••• ~ and OD OM 1ltM' o,t_, 'f. 169. 7 ~ Phillip tblr.t01"., . . trauton.d b7 Durer ldO a •• 'rbe 8\. Pb.1U1p, Paul. 'rbe b~by bead nth tt. abon, I,-.:re NaI't pn _., to tbe tl'a41tloaa1 type of Baul, a balA ImU, fiovlua u.... '.rbe Jllul.. CIl'0II1 LtD tbe ~, ani aquiline - ataft of st. fbUlJ.p".. npl.ue4 b7 tbe ..-m1 ot BtJ Phillip, st. ...... ,he ta••r, vho WI to ba.... tUW tbe lett ,..1 or1g1nal.l.7, .... uo lpecSal ISculttouce for tbe fmberu refora ." • •\1\. ~ 1l1teM.. l-ae of st _ Jiua8, 'ber.for., be. . . at. Johu tbe BYaugel.1lt. ,...tb17 Durer c . . at. Jolm becaua. he . . tbe favorite naup111t of Ilatber fa1IU1ar with OM of the .arUe.' of Lather, FrSU Be1ur1ch 'Y01l ~.1t. aa1 __, art... .,auttc Jr'e"-rbactb, who bat Pr&etlclert !!!!.!!or Mrler B1bel lu ... Jolm tbe EYangelJa' u Proba'-q Dar.r .... alIo ope" IU'ppOrWn bta Prac1;en 1523 ea1ltuc upoa " . lU1 wit.l. f . &DI ~ber'l oauH. Altboagh Dur. . . wJ,aunel in bU ....... ooanr...lo.. - to .e o~ OM ttaure lu _b -pauel, be ... coueel..... tbe taea .f orCNItus tO\1l' fipr.. luto lda oC*(d1t101l. , . foUl' . . ,be buta of u ort.r~ "be ace of Durer, tbe au..... 111 btIlaIlceJ tbeN wn tov ooas-u po1llt;1, &all to• .,.tlca1 ....01W, foUl" r&eeII of _u, 1'1ft1'1 1n lV.. lIe.IT !boup tbe crt _ _ oolaW foUl' Il-wr wt.'b "be nUllber fO'eR ani tbJ'oqb tbe vrltlast of tour a,."lAII JNntt MUenI be aoaIt :r.tbft reWol'C4I bta a'PPl&l tar the Gblenuoe of nuoa .111 aeratl•• Sa tr01lbW J(urellibel'l. !he tft laluta ohoMa ~ Dunr to oo.pla'te lata oOllPOllltl_ _1'. st. Peter ani st. JUk. _Ulna "be pH.u 1DQa, ft_ Peter SII, ..........utatl.. of "be ..... Catb01S.o Charob. IW . . . . , tbe of . . . ., aoe,.l III ., 17. St. MLl'k was -particularly -powertulJ he 1t ......... 11Ye .. U it bad band. and t ••t • ..28 Tbta vu the pMtr lNrer taanaa1ttec1 lnto the gloving featur.. of bta at. Mu'k ani Into tbe .ublltanee of tbe r •• ultant -paint lng, ~ ~ Apo! t. lee • Altbougb the foUl' apoetl•• are aU bo17 _n coun7ins tbe . _ •••age witb reePict to the proble_ ot tbe 4a7, tbe7 are auterent ltl character and, trOll the 1I01nt of Yiev of a conaenatl.,. b1tberau, In -- bUlBn and religious _rit. 29 Durer antec1 to lUll ... t1...t Wbe lour AeilA:ls voul.c1 be lnternete4 1n a .PloUla 'W:I tbat the _ • ..., of tbe aptle. vou14 be cl.ear17 unc1er.tooc1. Tblretore, to eacb -panel, be atttxed • • trlp or tabl8t ntb a len,toby lnecr lption. own 'Xhe t.ext of the lnacrlptlona be&a" with DaNr'. _rning to the .ecular POW" s 'PI"~tory rulers in theee c1anserows tiMe that they reel'twenabt hUlII!Ln mU8u1c1anae "ror the woro of Go4, tor All wor~ IIbou~ t;i•• good hee(1 rrOt'l will ha"" nothing &daet1 to H18 Wor~ no!' taken tro. it. Bl!tar theretO!'. thea. tour excellent IIIIIn, ~ter, John, Paul, a.ntI MLrk, their warn1ns... 0 Durer then }1l'oc.ecle4 to quote part1nent JIU..... tr_ the w1tl. ot tbe tour boly _n ,ortra)le4. '!'be7 can be beRt IllfttahlO1 ,be pnMrtul oenan of wtber'. 8eptnberb1bel ...l_t "tal8. 'PI"Oibeta," "t....ble 28rranc1a Rus •• U, '.!be World of 1'00., 1967), p. D. - "Panotak7, loc. 'o..•• U. !!1.. ,. 2]It.. ~po.ett., ,. 159. I!!!!!! (~71-1528 ( . . '101'1:1 . , . , 18. ber.'tes,"31 and tho•• who "believe every 8PtrltJ·32 &galaat tb•• 1nner. "ha"in~ a tor. of Pu.P". but a.nyinp; tbe 'PO'Rr tber.ot,"33 and ....108' the "'c1'ib•• Ybo lema to "1'bt places ••3" "0 in long c1othln« ana Perba1l8 tbe lIM..... lon .alutatlou. In the .aual ant .....ctartan ratber tban antl-catholtc. nw.rtbe1eaa, tbey wer. _11t to cuttpte radicala ancJ -pa'P1ete alike. Rejecting the .,1.",. of U.leg1tl_te tollonn, tbe pY.apa H1'ft to ohaat18. tb. rebelsJ bowneI', the poIIitt..,. coutent ot the loacriptlou abo b1'eathe' the ."bit on Ch1'1at as ~ or IArtbe1'antaa. The1'. 18, fir.t, an ~buU l1"carnate, re.,ealios Durel" '. faltb ln tbe U>rt " ••• wbo hall acbtnec1 our 8&1.,.t10n ••35 Alao a~Dt In the 1naar1lJ&;lon t.e the unsbaJaLble Wtberan attltuae toward the bOly, })Ure GoII,.l ••36 hO~ Bert""... .. tbe •••• ~_, ~ l!!!!.. ~RO!t~,. haft to 40 vlth tbe unpenertea wort of God pro'Pbe.~lII tbat tbe tall. teaob1na wUl be . -The moat CJOMplete, tborough iU'f'eBt1g&tt.on of tbe Wcntl"ptlon baa been .ada by Carl Noamnnn.37 He .1"&va attention to tbe tJtab&nolQ' _twen the 80nUllllutal attltull. of ,_ tia-tloul'tabea ot tbe lnaarlptl... MS. J)urft'. ana tbe ca11SpaPda· l'OI'Wdtl,38 'bia tat ., 31II Fater 2,1-3. 321 John _I 1..... 33 11 Tba. 3 :1.,. 34Mark 12138~o. 35Waets014t, 36 Vutsolclt I !!?2.. !!l., ,. 169. !2!.. !:!1.. 37liaets0l4t, 100. ~., 'P. 172. 38l'Lnoh~, loe. alt., Portrait CJt Ulrtoh Ya:rnbular &all fol"trat.t !t cardlnal Albrecb1i 2t &anl.Db"1 (ttl. 301, ). ,66, ---_ _---... 15 not inserte<l 1n tha for.n of au orOl.lUellt the veta of tbe pain'lng. Pat~lEr, 1t 1.8 c11spro}lOrtlonat.~ the feet of the four men. 8_11 aorl confu.adJ i t appear. unau The letterins etyle of the c1raper5.I't(ll by " eh{'lt~e or oertalnq 18 11O~ aulte4 to t_ .,nUD8ll1ial 1"00000n le'ti'tiue, tOI" it 18 the &oal1 ''Pranktur'' or ('.othic .cl'ipt.39 Due to the choioe of letteriog, Durer .__ to fore. hta ."CU.• DOe to eome ol08el' to l"eM the me.eage conveyed by the paint!",. ""1'. interlll1ri for the lov-ceiling 'l'be . .nell of tbe Rathau or town ball of 'I'00Il decle 10DB yit&! to the tuture or the oo.-nity 1M" . . . . . aureq to. goy.l'nlng regellt. . . . t baY. t.l' tt. 1JDpre•• lve ettect of the panGla Rnd ira th"tr M tbe1 worked J tor aga1P.t t!leU cluk baak8l'ouDl, narrow tl"UIe8, the tOUl' larger tau ut.. s.. 'PC'ft1' ana ttcvee intellectual .1gn1t1oance tbat O'Yertlon ~ ltlBC'1'1~t1oCl, vb1eb .a4 In lAtter We, proteaslOt*l oall1srapber, Jobann real~ft4I1' WOM •••I's... or .bon ' In htl book, M lR'lte. hies of Ihlre1llburg Q't1llta. _sea. '0 ttle eloqueoce of tbee. fta... , "'1'. wr1tten 1n Durer'. yorkahop by a lteUIJorUer. tl~ ban • ,bplcal tba~ !!!!.!'.2!!: Apoltl.ea l'epru8utad " ••• p-operly &peak1n«, a. aangu1na) .. obolerle, a 'Phle8Jll&tl0, and a Mllaoholie, ..... 0 tbe tour humcra tor one'. health arMI .u,a.ltlon. ." _n 4onas.tere4 ..... poa.~la l:t bU '-•• D .uob as Dt.trer VOUt.a """1" taft aiel tour bo~ tf.sul"el .. au aouae to pt'l'ay1ng tbe tOUJ!l t ....r_u1;.J De".'bele.. , " of a to tatally dlaeazot 'hle ..., 100. 01t. -- .all U'pea "bat. areat U'1;Sat '1; 18 .u.q Jap»a11tl.e wbo ...........0 .l_.~ 10. at What Pel'ba.,. D1Il'el' cSid 'the op~1te .. 1na 'tbe 1ibitory of "tb.3 tOUI' "t.~l'B.Mnt., 80M or1tlca "'rgue who i'uuduental 1.a-pol'knlZe tOI' bla atXJ bta age ne8d 110 100" tNt at'l'n80a, tOt' of holy aan. tOUl' a cJ1tf'el'enc8 10 Tbe tbaOI'Y of ~~toal "be :r~... ,he aMrao'Mrtaatloa WlIptn...u of bu.Jl" iNpl.1eI &04 paycnoloabal ,u&llt1ea aua also J'ol'tuaat.~ eUO\l8D bH'l'arcQy of Y&la... bJ & 1& knowu of iibe -pby81eal aall 'PIycbologlcal CI'Ual'1a of 'tbll four DWIOl'. aaJ abo.t theU u8oelatioa. With tbe tour 8aaaona, to\l1' of clay, anet tour e,aes wnt(!h t"'lllperamen'l; belen.. _a. to \ell to each mau. It &'PPMI'I tbt.t tbe t1&are. ot oOllpOBUlonal -pol1ft of rlftll teJ&per. .nu. ot U. ~ul alii Jobn, iOld.Dau1i tl'GIIl a WO re-preaeutatt.,... of tlle DObleat . st. Jobu, Wbom Chruil leftl1, elelll'17 111 l'el1l' •••"ta.t1Ye of tlw langu1ne. Durer tJOTtTaj" at. Jobn u .. yoatlg man of .boot Wveut,.""'1". Bu I'U4cJy cOM'Pl.e%lon, eOlAl'OIIed a'Oll leTl"'-W, ywt 1nd1cate. the presence or the e..ugu1ne hU~J cona1dere4 the '.ll&U1ce tbe . ., l:NI.laucet auri ~utle and k1nU.y, cmel'qlOr_ _ of Dan!" t •• uabl.e ~t, ana lome tel.t lt au been tbe innocent condition of man before the hU. BILnouloua nth tbe ra1l4QQ1l5 of the sa.wbat bOftCl spil"itualU8C'I I bloui YOWl bed of at. Jobn ia tile III1ted vemillou of hia cloak 1.iU1t4 111 tMt ~U~ ill ~dul told. cmt. b1a .elasec1 -p'limoe. lIb1la at. JObu artatll!. .elaxecJ, Repr••ent.a u a au 'bnlNeu aus'lieI'.. ~u. at. Paul ttttr atMI aixt7, in con'til'nBt, '1a 1'laJ.a. be 18 c1ca1nee1'1aa aaa Pa.a1'. gleaming eye loaD outart, a a inn ion unu",,'" tonall7 b,. a whit. .~ on bU b&l4 .1aI1l. !be ooU Wbl_ 'ba wan re4 of ft. Joba'a 'neII to ,btl ...d ... sa 111 op-poalt1ou to .tane. ta oppult1on ~t or Ida olaak .. Ida . . . . ._at 11. Oinu to at. Paul. IJlrPtOli of u tbe face _utlOD1C1 'N1JNWd17 .. a &el'a b1le., tba Uautlf"1D8 btl turpr_ut .. tbe _laucb.oUt. Bll'o of a uev Ol'eea, Paul wu ,.rba~· oboe•• to be .laDabol1o Itnee .la'Ocbol1 WIll WO tbe l!goUlcatlt . i p of a un buau 'ne canee ..ut.. Aptut tbe.a two atr... of attltule U'e tbDIe Whicb b7 cOllpU'lIou, U'a aetlc1eut elthel' 1'0 tenor 01' -polle. tbe J&tieat relip- _tlOll of Fete atlll tbe tanatcia. of Mark. st. Mlrk, • ap, bad lI'eenUb .Jd.u, .... b1q t ..tb, .a1 roUt• all of ld4ale .,.., wh10h .bar",- ertse hill .. tbe cbolel'lc. Clutcbius a .croll of II&'P'r, MQ"k 18 IVbeI 1n tark blue 11nk1q bill 1111:0 tbe black p.cq.,ouDl1. BIt II t ... parten nboc1t.nt of tbe ¥Orbau "boae l'PUlt bU beea It1n'e4. h1I .,.. .... to nub stana,. .. it 01l suart _lUI' nnally', tbe teaprn.1It of tbe Patel', tbe oldeat of tbe bo17 gou,. lIUIeI1l d• . . . , I . ,~-'lc 18 111111_t" lr1 8\. be baa a J&llY, tleIq, .at tlnd count.naoe vltb .ovncut .,.1. Bol411l1 tbe pUSea . , . to 1,.0110 of p.p.l aatbor1t7, PeteI' 11 tbe !nat tnmi-ut ot tbe flcul'n. to ,.W bOl8ge to tbe o~u BI awean B1ble hell b7 at. Johll, tbe 70Uaplt of tbe tour _n. '!'be l U I . upon nlcb st. iWtel' eoncntr.t.. II tbe opelllDl linn ot st. Jobu'. 001,.1 11l tbe L1I1iben.. t'fallilatto.. IDtel'••tlasl1' Durer "loo1&tu tbe 'PblIt_tlo, ,he . . . . . . . . . . .tl1l1 wltb Catbol1cilm aul "Ioaiates tbe laap1De, tbe .l.ugSabDea., ~u1; luaatlac , ... b.,.,., nth bltbel'&DUa. III ".1tlon to tbe theory of thl \ t01l'f baIM)n, ,be ae41eYal cod tbe two p&1n ot _u .bGl'll 1n tbe wauela. ... Mel' .111 "'. Jobu an \\ COQHruec1 Y1tb tbe .t"7 of tbe .trt_ ft. . . . _u.t.. ,. ,be .ar1pU'l'''. 1ft. 1Ul ... M. JlWk, ll....... , an ........ Wi'" tbe , ~ I~ \~ 22 • . aetenae or tbel. tl'utbll . . lnat alabelJeTen, laorterl, ... tbol. . . wouH 1ftII _n ..tray. The nadine I •! ani tbe t ...tUlcatlon of belief' tb:r01llb "-,IUS, tbe tlytta eoU't.wrplatln", 11 npbuUea U 8Y01'I1, tbe "rita actin." tl'S.tW ntb " ••• no .on It_aal7 U tbe thl'eat of tbe It 18\ tbat tbd. tbaft 1mbe., bu.ea _n no au 81'. Iln to 'be 'DOt belltat. to "TOCa'te l'.. or1I to tbe 8V01't ¥hen tbe Vod WI 11ft .IlGUlb.'-1 one can nen Ie. ill Dural"l paintitlS to\l't ....,.n. of 1ft. _a or I.IItbe~ FerbaJl bt.elf. tbe Bible 18 repr•••1rtet by John, tblt tlalGlDtr, '7 Pet..,. tbe 1ee4el', by Paul. ani tbe fislrt.~, b7 lUk. Although one can Mthe'r idel"P'et tbe P.1atul a:!!!. !!!!". Aetlel in 1I_I'Oua 1Ia1I 41'arinc at1ieutlO1l to ,be tut.r.lloel In .... , apt.llon, &nIJ cbaracter of tbe a.,..tlea ani to .,uolJ.e fOUl', l' 11 4etl1.d.te17 olear tba' eacb laterporiatloal of tbe n~ fiam'. GeIlP11t1e. hUian _tare at ,be beish't of Ita poweR a1ll1 l'eUc1o- tal1ib at tbe bell" of lta UIUl'&1IOe &nil lut.... lt,.. Pe~.ot JOU'h alii aiauUtAa ylrU1t,. ttn1a 'POI.... a IIn'18, Jet anlbalrable 4notlon ani It.~n, yet ••If.'POS....ea .t~euath. Perbapt Idt voul4 ..,...., tberetOl'e, ,bat Darer tl'te. III !b!.!2!t. Apo!tle. to 11Q17 I'.&tttrm tbe unit,. of all _ll, whet_ CathoUc O~ Proteltaut, III an era of obaoeJ fOl' ,_ tour ImIIorI _ " oODay.rea to be tn perfect balance on17 ¥bill f . . . toptbft. ot a COIIl'pUI, AI tl. outl-.1 VOl- tbel'afora, tbe u1l1"7 of aakf.aI • •UclAe • ...t_ DeitY, Who ttl at tbe l11Y11tb1e a.1w..tao14t, ~. aente~ of 'bia tt.1P'7ah.' -'I !!t., v. l69. IaIs•V• AMon, 1111';: of Art ( .... l'DI"k liII'r7 •• Ara., IDa. aiiliitfroe-.u, ~DI BIIIlftHI1 euttal IDe., 1966), ,. 391. \ .. ~ yean DuJ'el' diet. !l'- u aft.l" tbe eOllpldlou of Be bad bo~ ~!'!!!L Apoatle.,1 Albnobt to 1n1t!ate a Proteatant art 111 Qena.ny .. the Cathn110 art 111 Italy. to tile 8'P1ritual lea4en of tbe b Ref'ol'Stiou Who loolllea upon .W!b noU.Dna vtth 1nftutat"ence ani m.tUlty, hia ae.1'fe l"e&1d.n anfulfilltn1. l'tJ'nrtbe1e •• , Dural' contluue4 to bl11ArN tbat " ••• on1y through telntlng have _n\t"tle4 to of the earth, 111111 .... , ana stat'•• ..-3 rortunate~ a.nan OII~ a fte.lth ot -pietorUl tbeoreth1ca1 tiftu ftN s1nt1t to e:tt peateI' a!!t \Mn"e 1mpcl'tant tor the a -.oTal. Due to Du-ter, .ocin,. ttat al.17tnc: it.elf nth a ant ttl -pcnre1'. an Cet'1lla1l m1.,.., .ace 'tcam. a .... bl'eaking 80111tb1llg fu U'Ylug U ...~ aft., trca tbe .U cbn7eb &tl 14.&1 or ,n_ucth ana tbe !d'otllll..t1on et'fur,gle wlth b1Jl tour .) !be tI1IIlObl1.e by rtSOl' of eqrr..clon catl110t '"' 'find tlo. a a••a!. c_l 111 .1p1tJ .tin"', .ballow epace u4 ulatea oll17 of 'hue flgu'l'eS 'PlaeetS 111 an • tM 'Pl'1at~ or It va Du:rer ~elf ftO or.aW point, it lint &ftft ot Albrec" Durer .... 1ZOH "fU'''' 'eolm1ca1 lI'ocn... , uI b7 Dm'el', ,ut alIo ,,,per an tbe tt. Duret' to anne the bftitage be be,ueathea • lfot a~.beral ""17 antbe\to .\&Qt .. ccnaU'1"&tlcm 111 lJ.g'tR of :D\zret". cnm pn'SonaUtT uaI c, a'P1l'it of tbe aay. In au O'fa ft.e12 • thcu8aut fol'ces .. I'OUt1oal, eaaleetutlea1, .1111 80ala1 nre comerging, ~ l2.!S:.. A'PO.'lA. .taD!. o&at ,be tart1ac of ,be -.,.. When tbl Whole extlteuoe . . .tun. . nth t_ nup_ iapal.e_ 43 H.T. -PlI", 1953) v. 43. AlbI'8Cb\ "vUbela VMtaoWt, . Darer (...., T"kl IIaft7 .. ' - - , l!L- el'., ,. Ia1." art. - ....----- -,--- 24. '1'hlI ]Pour ~tlee has • f)8cuUar .,.th., the ta'attestation If au , ..... st,..ngtn ..mtob aiitaiaet tile 8Mlla ,he lMttas eoU. 1"Y whifth 1''''_ .u.olTMI tato . . . .1111 I. rw.. wblta r. . of I . .iatalaot ... t4 • au. god lMt11et• ..,. _be BIBLIOGRAl'RY !!1 Jaiutou, Iblal"..c1 R. ttnurel' 9.\14 Lu'\hdl' as tbe M1~ at So",,,., tt Dl'.U.t 1;. XXIV (DecellllJer, 19~1), 272. ", otto. 'l'lle Art (If the Ran&ullmoe in Northern EUl'ope. Connacli~utz rha-rroV-Publi9bard, fnc.,-,r96~. Er&bIU, .Ulan. Du'teT. Lon"'oDs Spring !oOD, h"ion, tarael. German D'l'.uti':1g. Gl'eI1'lYlob,· 1965. New YOl"kS Unlverae !ool'A, Iuc., Chr1at.anaen, Cnrl C. "Dutetl! "FO\lt" Apoat1es" an" the Form l·t net19.Uea.nee- Art atl'C>n!I.&e," 'neua181t.n=e 1m. Dc~\catloll &8 ~Uer,teTl1. XX a ".-~ ... ~.,,;;, ....'" (autumn, 1967', 325-3\. Commy, ~Ul1aDl l-L tea.). 'rh~ '!,rUinr. Fbi1oso,1:1ca.l L1bruy, 'Iiic., 195 • 2t Mnecbt Dav1ason, MIr.r~ll D. (eGl). 1964), 16-31. Dure~," ttAlbteobt ~ .. F.e..,f...".. D..a ...t...i_Q_n.. Durant, Vill. Oa18 taa, Chules I f1r. Z~.r1n 1 t.'nivereitr Pft•• , 1el '.~. litnr York: SSaon a ~ ~. lora. 1930. Albrecht Ie" Yo~lU norizno. VI ana (s~~, SobUliteY, Ntltl It&nn ft." 1957. tDnaO!U Yale .. Grimm, E!.rola U. The R!:fordlt1on Er~ t 1500..1650. 1954. -'. lJaa'h, Ric hara :Dul'.... ~er. Rev York; ~cMll1t.n, . 1'elh!'.lI, JIfe1r Yon I l3ri4 s-n PublJaben, Holt, Elbabeth Gilmore (ea .. ). A Docu.mental'Y Bhtory (Jf.Art. Volume II. Oar4en ott1', ~;ew Talks noubleaay an! C~1IJ1 Inc:;~. 1inf Yorks WOl'la Pub14ah1tI.!J C01lll*ny, 1~. 11011' 1t1blt1, ling James Version. Janaan, H.W. Altt'&QIS, nstor:z of Art. New York a.'DI1 EnGlA'IOOtJ al.U':t'8 a lJan"y If. Ino., at'laPrellt1ce BB.U, Inc., 19f>6. . " York. W.W. Jorto!l allIS Compluy, t.ftY. Mtc:bael. Du'rG!. IAltbil', ~'ht'tlft. fl'ht'ee 'J.'rt,at1.e.... Ina., 1~. Pht.l.dUpbta I FoTtre•• Prea8, 1960. J.fu'rn.;y, Lirla" hi Pe'er. DictiO~ of Aria an! Artl!u. PftIlerlcrk A. !'raepY, ~;iJ5r.I .." Yorka --Pit', 'l.I!. Albl'aob.t Dl1l'a-r. Pa~cfvk:r, Irwin. New YOl"k, 1l\1'r".f 11. Abr&tIIS J ItlCt., 1953. !2!. We ~ ~ 2!. Alb':ogbt 1955. ~iv~8tty Pres6, ~I!el~ l.I'rftt\~~. ~. ~ ~?! ~ ~I ~.6'~. Pl."inaetonr Pr1ucn_ lint YCI'lu 'l'!.1ae, ID4., 1)IV1. Waa".e,ldt, 11111»111. . .l1O., lSl50. ~'.71"G1" m!!!. '1!.T1IiIQ. Ineaoul !'baUoll" !'ablJlbltn, \?erne\" I Al1\"d. -A1b1'echt DurtJ'r, r,tJ.ater at Cbrllttau A1"ttat. Dn (Dlaember I 1961), '!~. Art,· ~Jean ., I. ---- -...---,- --~---=--=--~------=---::....---