%!' l»i £$« ,^i: X l' IK «W of the Naval re*»tot*>fl» wfak*ltf«-j »";"; ^ 4tei»*ifcabr tl^corrf hibita officer* cwuuiiun«i*tintf % i»t«r* Mr J &<Mk:IlxbUaberof the Mtm* —^*—^ 'u 1 *** **lU0M ^ viewer ^hemke, any &g:»jggpt#»«r atBrueten. & %., my*. •*** wuriy yeah* tint Ittmwfcaatotmimfctiahtas erttWsai of «»ny iteparUm-ut uf tsha two ihe ^*^li*««itt»afCb«intoBfHn*JteiB FriMilUla County Democrat. - gyiW|jiM»ttt r « ^ r , ,Jh*i **»> arttet* » .#*e* A ftnr auraaatt UMH wrtt*r w*» ettttrt-«i«rtW i*~u»'*»aveit« wat wee* to awffi^ii* fft«n a bow*) trouble and re , «M*ri$»ajir^i*»^-w|tfch dW notf try - "Medical 1»-H**"««* KWWIU*T.""»*I*M» finally be-tried Chsai < : nkttAUCAv MOOWD mwTiMC cbia&* atS3e~bFAdartral M.*de. The twwiSkajfcMp-t WUn.'* Cootie Cholera and l*airh**»i A N D l » U « U » H I N C OO. j»r*jBalj«lHilariiy of the hot headed, totPWJ V »IK> t * 0rtWMWt.d k l t h e tawhwwJN1 but brave and tf»*t»ett»us Admiral, way eheefcta*- Ur~J>v&i&&$^^¥>^-mb<i at, be sofTkietu to k<«ep ~tfv»"Trim- t*AagBentley't New P TK*M»i euurt taartiaW -but *re»ttW any <.>Wk»r ,.*t e e t>[ the »AVJ auk* fY'ruiaJ eottipiatiit - Hark*.. Ajirs!, «wth l««W A M Jt.V*pTMwS. MK'W again*!,'hlat-the i*r*i*id*».it would 'be Til M'r«M(gi< /waJKraayr f >x. $MU*t<M ,>/»•> ' r «lMKTi»r |jf ^ ^ * ^ * _ ^ jjm»t compet!*! t» either u n k a court-[ ^ j e ^ , ^ M, w W Tavkrfv *» the Slid T T M W I Mwwd BMWMp.1 *w**"w*wl^^TfiiTlTarT^^~TIirapratii «f M i u M M ^ a- "ifoto* t'tmilMt'' itu-utai responsibility *;»f Admiral Meada 8w(».*MI*i«l**«i to *ay It «tte»t t | M « M t i « r y , K. Y . M*fr*rat m f**t-e*** ** i^mtmnvmy m mmt lt.-to uMknloMl tlutf ftet-roJarr H«»rt»it^q l)ltaw , Vw|tft>pt ^ ^ ^ eerttfljAt* TM t ba* w t e i hJBo f**r au *>xi>laaaitau ; l i m J u*> in aajr iB,«R!*r yfx» «*• prog^r *w STANDARD HIGH GRADE 14-* Ex ikmgrejwHiaii Van<x. t»f Obki, »ay»! " " iJtwjuwptfttlly, WHEELS, 1894 MODELS, of bi» pulftkal >Itu»tk>» in hi* Statoj -"" ^ MH,A RAV Hnmcfc. V: U,r»tk'iL jI H«*dach«» and Fluttaring H««rt. FRIDAY, MA^ H, t8». "l>»Hit>cr«tte i»Ei««»*ni !»i>cw«l.-H(atiwt»iy j _^--. M l M M f l l 4 l « W M W0 t«^lW0tljr Id UM •••-Sir WiJ««j,. trx frMtm&aw, Bt»- Js; Thn >frv*it^t tiar>ptai*» *>f tlu« yi>an • LVHW in am!" f****^ t h # « i . I JM lim fav»r of the tiuwitwtkw of Ex ; Ctv«-k. K V w«*««» bndly aAWUNl w i t h ^ wottbotUood^temipwrtU^thoocbwwn lutv*' it s*t«*rv full,and m»»n» earning. H»i^p(|1!i?||ltlpy- ,U»*t brtter' tim«» tfe*r*roor" CaaipWEl. H* w r»r w>sitwl j Utwunuilhnt UMII *W » M unty «bb* IM 1 to wm*»u d«y 1 emtM •*• itjr ««wti £\ a r t «9fn>»elliBk. Ttw pfogrw* to WH moMyV wad trt»uM maise (be bwrt raw c»o (xjt.i.i. ar«*a»*l'»Wtih usw**1*, atwl wv«utlm4; tepratwottt. LMl»priacIb*4lt<i(1*««c mpM. 1M* on. «uw *«o«w twyr be aU aoruattl of his, pvm.nml |s>puhuily »J«i |it, e»ui*<d b i, n g n m t {*»!«• -After tt»4ajir * baiiibrrtlo » M Balm h*> w w *«* n> j r b • tfew WMW *ttr«> Hur.in«*» men ax* not <>iw ««t«<.*.ni<l-bHiMl "ilartford. i n > * t f « t r u n n i n g urtl**rf • 3 i « « » t o . t&ktof <i««p*f»t* chanoM. , Ttwr arv draw bwth «*enw?u*«f »>f tb* party »w»»4 :[ H# ^ r s tht* tintoM-ht^M him mureK*KX* m^.»«M*l fraw »h)M b«irt>r h i MI it h*di l Mlctnc$ i a '** H / my* l W i bniu» t>t ^ H him proceedta* with fautioii, and tbis to tb*> bim. t h e jrflvrr ** weli a* t h * »t»«tid I ttru h a e «IJ <j|b»r" H»«aJdi*wi w»d t w w a a w t mi b-tt^th^r, for mm »l 90 «*»!» jwr • J « M « l « l f t l n « a ^ a M l t e B / l H u r i h M t One I^idii^" mnx»i«l h;m4 C r « k * i i t , •.'!*.* caah. tMwi gtianuit** fur *ati*f»clt.ry pn* tatmey.iWM. Of wmraw th« party &(»!#•{{««« boute »c n««t«a«jr'»X^PnMK««««» • pcrlty Tberv will bcpjEM> mMfetoa t»t)Na t * M ; « u l » K l w > * b « . bot u ^ | boi Msteiso, M*y Jrt. l*aa. Tbe hnproTeott^fit will b*» gradasl ^inl M d i m *re fttOKet all <<•* w-'UrnS money I. iMHI HMMflt ItWft tMVMlWBa t l a # MaMMMMlftSSSi VJT» \ " \ " • -•-•— V-AW^ .X x ! V X l L » lt«p«fort> beAltbf ui. aBK»o« t& txmptioim butns hUm-U-.- L il>w«0il/ iro*^ .&i«yr ('V, <*I. Ltmi*. 3ftt. ( 'ia^-|BI>lt»»TTalTO>»5niaJ,ft*Uti> m S—T— BICYCLE M m * "> ISO and $60 Hood's Cured Me Tharauwi Jfr, cluirauui of l b * Hbrte th>-ttil#mmi--~'W* ,MitNan»t», Mr, W liitHbMpd t> M»HI. S R aSH^wd's A tUutUag atciry cora«« from Albany -Jiwutrv* «>a»Hiiu«?«, a o d a«»r«'fiiJ7i*fKy r w y •>!• A|«rii, t « t t . « "HuOMi ttmtf< puritta t» ik* #ftwct tte»LJo«r **wtablyawm lor; bun iMottug th* Ht*u< tiv«jr I QIMJ : 1C«IIJJV. » o 4 «f» ptalMMl V) M | !t tfl .'*•»• * . J * % % % ^ ^ TW-* ,f*raftaM* -- , y « at " •dfcB&fcgw^gjjcjgjjyj^* gttfti Jan.«« t h « i t h * Wgr w e » »^f th»* {Kirty « c r.«r ,'' -mfirt! mti*tm*tknt tb* U-««*f««^,,lfe^-*?Jl^^ -^Bw c^firftiJiJMibjgrM tjlcfak "IBBDO" fo rnmlmm^^xtst Sflite'oimjv«>Kth*n wit! -wi *)b>r svot'isT; - - "'^^^^Ts^HVWil'l*, i • » W > * > t*x»< *PP»- aOMiul» bill beffwt* the k»«l»i*l uns in lb*t h o o f f t su' fc-!af» Jti^tf A* f<»r t h * ! M*«v H A S W U K , i btt«r«8ts of, ic*> deafen* oa th*> Hodsn* IB aanrtf BnoA^i fl»ntieiniit eased •M>" TTtw Now ¥«*» Tribtmg »ay» that [ PUfiwbtimw, they will pfbubly a*l.?t*t a - Hatn aisJ bon^««t»'lto »ttlt er#>ry am-; Mm Rut* Jnrmnm, QwMwbwry, M. T. OT*f, Mil of thrfuwr ladietod ar# Bepublk*aa«, resojotum reffnrt'bit tb* whol«? uutttn- u+ t i i l f a E s S o i i t h * w [ A t o i i 1 mav %a» *»» the vstikme* mat&vfy that the tnroatteir K*pubHcan «Vngts** Sua. X V . Apr«-3#frh; I*** ' th* flatt l ^ r » l a t u r ¥ o 0 ^ r w l » a ats. t ueaiorra i«*Hw jkt-lfim BI%M<}<? ( **-. St JtMft4^-M* "IftM* *»d a dfarrwdlt to the- fr«at »tat* jtk-a takwi by s»sw»t * liary cmi'A-rtiitijj [ (Kinfj*'fijf«-«i -W<' ^tttrrhaaed *>f jroor t,.i 1 »jiewiaaB. Mr T i y a i a a Murphy. • <u> t h e "oTSfew"TOHE. " ' ~ ""~ f-ttert-aib'twt wlw-tt»n -< Ml^l _ . •_ «» ——• '' h» a t'tilUil SUt» , a ^'te-S U s e I t a i w * hetNH hUl a» atB«ade«i baM[ i v ^ w ^ i r T T ^ l ^ S u i l v a . * T l c paaHori t h e Senatf. T h * aaw»t!meft*»' umi Im'.ww wttb him :h.-t* - n a d e ^ ^ i ^ ttSRS!Mc x « ! i i r i r t | t * s » r t w ^ ^ ^ Hn—mi cwt>*r4aj_;^.rtn-iibir .4iitu^fe>kiI.lIE 4-4NtauraeS»r ut \hi& Ml It <*tifl..nBa»*-». t h e UHteraJ* f(>t<;u barusin rourst»*r ti.r l«rchas**r-!fl3tH* aiwi rhwlctr-a -<>ffl uf tb«? ^trPhitoie »Tt>i *ff»>r»Hn< «.«s«r»i;< •>• i jjor«'ba*?r tb.if th*> ai».4>f hav.>. S.— Uf«rr*«i. It. xiill r»-t.->tBH f.b«' j-r<'* abiilL-iljiBir a w i atw><»Nttif all rum 7 bytrsUoP U'i- Sl'>—^r<^*'^^^£-. *?f _}v.ic^it^. "cabaiyatwu. !n .i w.»rl ]r U_^!^ saocfevry «>f btillut T>-(i<mi iw-it !i atMOK-heeiL - '"off" F;:to^*r *• Elegant Jackets, FUB iHrflSBB ,; : f| -kfy* pbtAv^Vt t i - • » . * I? ifl<ms «-fsiirv> iiatfasfiiFti'jn -"ThH_t>»kftTr(»"atis jf.tst r.*« !,w Ut ctnv SUWitW'F ?«« t.rw|*;r K»^ ! ,rt-tr«nv, 1 Waists—all pric^. 4 Handsome f. .A + ^ * V tf-t+n f*' fvt-i-i^'u^ HI- thii^- ;f',*«• Sfru«-^, s*"inl si ii»r#** ^^-^-tHT^-H+T-W'-iBili 'tTr;ifr f->r Stmr* Wnt-f^. - YHHP S. Hfc.V*»Tf-- ~-~HJta_^iaKfeJLjy*i3LJSIL__L W Fafr D e ^ t t n f 4 , G o s t i Ooct-ds ttnti Moderate Price* Ladies' Otfert Ties KKOI:WS. w T-"J*H> tb(><Sie>r n u t : ; ^ r . r y in i b r - * t h a t wf c l w «-p»i,:|.«ri>iU-r's. >-'ftu-<> /• tu-.> ~r''-;',k\iiix - hajitateil tfaar- tli*> K«-iJub!U.-at. ux r.ri\ -u>l N'^w «";•? '•"• t; this y«sar wtrlTtt> far fr=nu !,t*)«tf u Jf">v, . j "Writ, telf **•.»- ;-: tt"S- SfrKViMiJ-•» tn»*Ser-i*e "is»« reanii Uttfb-waU^r taarW , pujwuwtSii'S i.rt'tt :f-».;u ^> «ntl lie the higti^t in jwtrs ir-nr (•,.!- r,i*'i-U»- f s ; ^ * — > '•>' ptjKeihie ye". £«•> iu;ik<* an tj)S}vui(!i<itt[>i»;» ; — •^'%^%^^*-^-%ia>^Ma^h%<ay«» -iiiail, hut iu.*idy ^HitUouUta* p«'irit t» }»l»,ui " ^ luiirfct- ^ ^ T l^iMMmd i'liiliratf tbinl It will be rrr»- il",'»u;'iit }--<-n A.; •••; hiMrbt»t d«<»« IN*», a*, wbteh time the j rjVjjiTvrot'w - W«- i-nrehast^L «>?»?«: # r ^ ^ a H h ^ B ¥ a l , » o ^ D l p g I g I l t ^ b r ^ c h j ^ ' ; ' - ; a W a a n - M? "thr.mz* StiTp^y # o f tlM* kifi»tatur» aint the »«>v»'mt»r. Kt^TT:Hir*Ia^r^rirniBr!T:^^H*&^^ paWif4B w.jiiomy i-i pvifUHitly a» t-iii|>ty ! furl " Itoii^t- .tr^i j.rv |>ts-»tF*»-»I t'-» « y "lili?«Sm"'»a Hs'^aWifiiJi rvfuriu .ui-d n*< | £,>;,'» »*ntin.> ».it;*f:.4rt5'.r\ Tbi- fvrUti<*atc puWii-iut h*>o*»l>—— 1 J-.NU t^ui um< !»• .uij—ttuHft»?r y<> !.;«>*[»••- tfuiiy. -~* c WA»Hf^«Tf*s i r n t i t Asti^"*' M MjtWiH'T, >?IM A M * a w M. V.'SCK*>JT Waahinirton. Ma? !3tb. \#VS \ /:.•«•*.,••.• I } e a k e ih* SI i< iri>e ,! hUnti >tt ^ W ^ t t W - 4 w ^ x t r » i - - • H t ^ ^ - 4 4 t ^ T * t H ^ * W i « t - + * f -44* Base_Balls, "^ — -^Bats, • '— rr*>»ldent Cleveland sa Uktagr t h i n g s \ _jHBgfjM^sJoxiii«ja«»^elijsht^^ Tlw e n ^ n r j d bert ..f W |,« *A!X j S a | » a l h l » » a b » r t » B l > e o W , o o l y i-'iounKibut w^ J t ^ ^ ^ i i A I l i * ^ ^ F w ^ r f e i * T l a s o t h e W h l t e H o o a e o n OaWnet <lay». i ^ ^ . u „ j b.j.*i» ** « » « , N«w Y » « * | ~jjwr. the flm. Unw In aMtgj-_j^alfel^5L f Ckttfat» 1 f i l . « e , w h e e l s of the g o v e r n m e n t are moving — W 11 firflins h;t» dU|)UHixl «>f W"l i TTiOiciut a i;tr. Ait the tfcreateniriK BdUt ami f m l IHWIKIX ar 4 4*i»iO"« SJi .5* foreign compitattkiru* h a v e been peacv yarly^jg-U^-Eutrnt <»f *U >riii5.-it»!whnif ar . # *Wy «raight*'U«l em, « r ha?e reached.. lir-T"*^* <r a atage at wbieh t h e y are no k>oirer ^ ' a , i t ! * W e kee|» a»W*«'fe all t h e threaterrhttr: and o u r dotueKtk- affairs) — !lat« tTS«in»*i whi'»- yi.« v* ,iit at are all ltt. a [jr<>aii*iug w»nditk»o. w * i M r H (iouhltrutV Chamoia ^ t M a a i t i i t g ' t h v aaU»_tt.BW put in by _ M * « » ^ r a f n - n i s « « . u a V »t S - ^ •orae p«*pte In w w o r t t n ^ aeBs»t!oi>ai | Y<„k ,^Miini( fi,,^*. i jitorJ«t abwut^the condiU>.H> of the Trww-1 n u r y ^ a l T t h e " " w r « S E ^ ^ I B ^ ^ l W W ^ ; - f " ^ ^ ^ w , * ' ^ r 1 * h?r A ! v " * * resignation frtna the Cabinet. If tbiaj pmUyA of Qnietnei*(» la*t:s It ia prtthahJe j - W e tfuaran'i«i u v , Bkajr t4> 'i^teanM that the P r e s e n t will acconipariv Mr* i ^ e r r o o e . A. l e e s & t o 1 a&Bi^rTLEY Everything &^*h aad ^ 4 | new, and will be sold on its merits. i \ KKKP T H E i A f f i i t e t I T'HJAtJltM IN T O W S . b.w p r Litf!.- C i r t v i > - r - ^f.. f.'f -.••-.': • ; : . : CAN t E R T A I N L Y M'VT % _: —" | '., i H .1 .mi. i in thf ii*>fih>-l I <; a Ker-vjey U D. E. SEAIU;RIL_4. : rHATllAUU.W Kt,..;. '.-. :i, . ^S^X;,-<f- S!f»«»r«»5, S3. SO UJRWARO. • V . t l i*-ly f y'i|M"t. iiti* N V t t ' t f T r t W ' - , fUf-^Jrf'Ti*}* \f!,!l->" V,,T"rn ft-..:, *-n"K\Mi-: A B.F.M r y:- Now The Climax Koofittir. A r*"iNT r x t ! ' Dufly B r o a T^Tre^^pm^^E^ ftOUOLAS, o l : V l L 1 X M' -1 <J-:K • ; • -r! " OJt! •<>f*, f^rro^r' * '-.ht-*!*- H.-imx. ;• it.d-* .-.f r-rfifA ! - . n*-.T't»'- V; il known itiiiit^ f--r a'i fct T po;.;;. .!. i'it* -Inayai fff " i-- f JtrfliOor.-i ."if-'' !' ' ihe st.v-ntn - s ' ! ^ l « f rtM l ; \'OV P E A K E & SIIARPE. .Shorl J;t<-kt>t*. Maitj- fcihaj*-?i. BIa« k a.n«l O M s , "*«, :; At M O » . T OFj *i ' r t<t<~ ' i tba: ;.'- bj.- TJ-. -i;~TH't:!.-•. --1- LINE Y * m M respt., ! *- I t«> do all klrais **f POKTlKUSs 'ficii, W e ar»> Uwflniwy to sltij>tmt*»iall th#« IH:W Utinf$H.w'«kart> fm* j j«tr**«.l t<» nflVr you, Imt pl«a**r« n>rii«> a n d ju<lg^< for yrmrw^f. t TgssnES^KFarasirsncBs—- f«.ar;^-2f • i''i* '"> ' 3l ;r ;i i" r.-ar ..•-'t'i. rt f ""L'': '''•'^J^' rr»-^.-' BtKit.* arMi Sh***?*. ('in-* A S f > SO ^ M I T^aTngfi^Tg" A'h'L,ir*i M - i i d ^ LACE ( U K T A I N ^ GB0CHHS4T PEOYISIOHS. . « n > NCiT * Y E A N D ^ Y £ S|n"yja.l aj C a q e ' U , Kti^*4, J»i4 a n«w lin^.if W.^il I'ajwr Xt«> Fai*-n«iK Si.r m.iktng ni«l ch.ur*. ami !*»tm^*-H 3««>k n m r . MEATS, <'ail .aud *•«-HH- J» wrtl hr a»y cm»ta.nt aitn k» -*el!.. y- >M t h e \mmt jrawft* t h a n ^Isn he «bj*itt«i a t rea st"«aWe pri*-t*k . Set-retary curiwl.- is U i u u d-loRed ! ~ _ i U n r f ) a t r ( m k w f l j f IB ,i u - W i t t s Ltt | I am ur»>iian4 With inviuiti^n.s to rmritif financial.'tie Eariy Kisem a safe and rpUafM*-rem ' gpee<'l*.s lit. K v t i t w k y . imi !>• ba*t..»tyet : « l y f'.r .:.>n^.lf*vt,W*. d y ^ i e ^ i a mi lir^r ~S~^r,—f—T—n 1 , i •'.•rot-daint*', <»_^j_ Heutiev ' i ; finally df^'idwi how m.inv •jji^'he* Tw ] "' 1 will be abU* tv «iah>- l:i J, -'i' si.t!^ iinr ;if i — I h a v r iw«. **f-i<n>J h.-in/J hi*-. rj*~ I ~ w h a i pla/:es or'titn** tht-y will 1»- made | will **[| fheap. .»r>- I:v5'e-i an<l'*»iL«' ai-nhi t i s p r o b a b l e t h a t )>»» > i j ! rr'iru the I r, \\\ F«,i«ter. >If-mf>hi-' Houn-'l JU'MI-';. I -•-Sji-k h('a<lM'-lii-' nr>n-i>i|ia»r«-n :«-«'! -I K-;.ru-'«i >lit'-*ti'/n riff •l'}WW'iJi-*-^<"l t'T !>• V. 'f* i - . t b m*rt>- ai.d ^ -tn th»' ntitttieiti-of Iwtr^.un* w^- will o;'fe'r__%AiiL FRESH OR SALTL- Sprmg is Here I -Ule* K^yiieiLjLy:«L w a»^*riy_?nm?TJ5 Standard Fami l§tti& Cieveiaaid and the children when t h e y ] BeJtoont Ce»0re. May tot, 1*96 f o t*> G r a y O a b U * tot the | u a » » e r • j Wrrwght trtm Rttngt C».. Si. Umim M<> , The S a p r e m e Court hae decided the.j «ientlemen —W> porehMMwl of yosir Income t a x cases, but tli* nature of the j salesman, Mr W P Mutt, o n the £?nd det'iattih will m>t be ku«>w-n untti next d a y « f April; !•«>, a H«>ioe O n i f o r t week, unless s o m e enterprising r>icw» Range, and are pi>«MHi to any it irlv,* paper mac fiudsa w.ty to get at it befnr»» entire satisfaction. Thde rertiflr*te yo« \ it ta-offlriaiiy atmounewl, a» w a s dopf ran a t e In ai»T manBer j*m swe prnn»r R^eyect£alty, wHtrtJw fimf deebdoto. IPhere are *ur I fiice tedirations' that J o s t i r e J a r J * * » l Ma. A S J > J | » < . 5MI-TK.S FkiutT ^JS^e&j^^u^^e^e*^^^^ukUtf -uii ^ ^ the law. ifin-'Vfite w a s praftically^th* ' Br>yd'« n t h e 0*Bada )toe. Ftw fartJwr U u [ <(edaii)a, airieaw- ttwre has been mm*> | particulars enqaire at t h e Bank o f ("bat c l i a n ^ ainon^ the other eitfbt jastif^c, t ••ao(f,iy w h o were etjiiaily divwi^i ** to the fttftotbnaUtv of the u x w h e n t h e first j - H n e , *pftwe and eetlar *hi»ffle N 4 e c W o n w a s m«fV, "I ___ " r,or'H-*%. ! -f+ A44 m»*tiK»"" MtuH-fc <ff j*i»»(*ljt jii^t r*t*>ivi«ii !>»«tu ){)-»- -V*'fk, t'ofrw1 laiit^^niTnF^^ —th, f*>-fi,u^<,t1s.,nt m)^ n«»k»* y"ti!>»4f ;t-t hofn*» Y«»ur «-j.il] will !•»• sr.t>!n3*"1ivf* m , wi^l .tf. j«r^^fit.^^I# t« v«>n. " " ; For Here is \vhereaJMlanlm*s I k m l i l e ^ r v l w TZZ^^ Sponges, ad!.,il.I'-V-.iT;...IT.T:Tlrt >•»' .•:'» AT Sanimocks, ih)^fi»\ *h«^J; ri|* T^OTCTCrBBQS: Fishing Tackte, ^ r ^ « £ i = ^ ^ U n d e r wear 6FP u j y i ,.-5uuJ^jeSi., * • « ^!^ft^M444lwii4i^44i^ limuL Mrt ^T'/iT .S .ifr ..:. .. - f t«f" l5*» ' '!):.' tvr«j«i i \ N.;<4. 4_-l-^#^ViuJy.^aBiLllJH>: