Safety verification of non-linear, planar proportional control with differential inclusions

Safety verification of non-linear, planar proportional
control with differential inclusions
Hallstein Asheim Hansen Department of Technology
Buskerud University College
Kongsberg, Norway
Abstract—A mathematical model of an embedded control
system will rarely exhibit the exact behavior of the system, but
one can still capture this behavior by including some measure
of uncertainty in the models. Physical systems are also often
influenced by embedded controllers, adding to the complexity of
the models. To verify safety properties of such systems we must be
able to check reachability, that is, whether the systems may end
up in some undesirable state. A Generalized Polygonal Hybrid
System (GSPDI) is a restricted form of hybrid automaton where
reachability is decidable, unlike hybrid automata in general.
By over-approximating a system given by a complex class of
hybrid automata by a GSPDI, we may still verify the safety
of the system. In this paper we give a new algorithm which
over-approximates a restricted, yet powerful, class of planar
hybrid automata where the behavior can be non-linear, nondeterministic, and with different dynamics for different parts
of the state space. We also show that this class of automata
is expressive enough to model embedded proportional control
Keywords-embedded systems, formal methods, control theory,
hybrid systems, safety verification, model checking
An embedded control system consists of a controller designed to alter the behavior of a continuous dynamical system
[1]. When represented mathematically, the model of a controlled dynamical system includes the state of the dynamical
system, its behavior, the influence of the controller, and some
measure of uncertainty inherent in most physical systems.
The presence of uncertainty in the system introduces nondeterminism, which can be modeled using differential inclusions [2]. Also, different differential inclusions may govern
the behavior of the controller based on which discrete state
the system is in.
A hybrid system combines both discrete and continuous
behavior and is commonly represented as a hybrid automaton
[3]. Hybrid automata can exhibit both non-determinism and
varying system dynamics, making them good candidates for
describing embedded control systems.
A common analytical problem for such systems is that of
safety verification, which can be proved by answering the
reachability question: Are there any undesirable states reachable from the initial configuration? Answering this question is
particularly challenging when system dynamics are non-linear.
Over-approximation, and in this particular case hybridization, is the process of transforming a system in one representation into another system with a different representation
yet containing an abstraction of the behavior of the original
system. The approximation is thus conservative. The state
space reachable in the original system must still be reachable
in the transformed system in order to prove the absence of
safety violations.
The reachability problem for hybrid automata is undecidable
in general, but we can hybridize our models into subclasses
of hybrid automata, such as the Generalized Polygonal Hybrid
System (GSPDI for short), for which reachability has been
proved decidable [4]. Earlier we have implemented the tool
GSPeeDI [5], [6], which checks reachability for GSPDIs. This
tool also demonstrates how an implementation may hybridize
autonomous systems of two first-order differential equations
using an approximation algorithm [7]. In the algorithm the
over-approximation can be made as precise as desired by
approaching the deterministic behavior of the original system,
except in an arbitrarily small subset of the domain of the
system. We prove that the algorithm is sound, which means the
produced GSPDI includes the behavior of the original system,
and complete in the sense that it approximates the original
system to some measure of precision.
While systems of non-linear differential equations can be
used to model many physical systems, they are limited in that
they are deterministic and so cannot model uncertainties, and
in that it is not possible to represent a discrete change of
dynamics. In this paper we extend the class of systems we can
hybridize into GSPDIs to planar continuous non-overlapping
hybrid automata where the system behavior is represented
by systems of first-order time-invariant non-linear differential
inclusions. Continuous non-overlapping hybrid automata is
a restricted class of hybrid automata where the continuous
variables of the automata cannot be reset, and where the
valuations of the variables uniquely determine the location of
the automata. Despite these restrictions we show that among
the systems we can model with these automata are systems
augmented with the widely used proportional controller [1].
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
introduces notation and some mathematical results needed
in the subsequent text, and defines hybrid automata and
GSPDIs. Section III presents our theoretical results and the
hybridization algorithm. In Section IV we survey related work
before we investigate possible future work and conclude in
Section V.
In this section we present notations and definitions needed
in the rest of the paper. We assume familiarity with Euclidean
geometry, in particular vector operations. In the following we
assume that, unless stated otherwise, vectors are normalized,
so that two vectors are equal iff their directions are equal. The
unit circle is the circle with center at the origin and radius 1,
and a vector x specifies a point on the unit circle. Henceforth,
x refers to a vector as well as to the corresponding point on
the unit circle.
An arc ∠b
a is a portion of the circumference of the unit
circle, bounded by its end points, a and b, where a is assumed
located clockwise of b. On the unit cycle, the length of an arc,
written |∠b
a | is also the angle between a and b, measured in
the interval [0, 2π]. We write x ∈ ∠b
a if vector x is located
clockwise of b and counter-clockwise of a. If both x ∈ ∠b
and y ∈ ∠b
a then we say that ∠x ⊆ ∠a (if x is located
clockwise with respect to y), and so forth.
While a differential equation is on the form dx
f (t, x(t)), t ∈ R, x(t) ∈ Rn where f (t, x(t)) is a point in
Rn , a differential inclusion [2] takes the form dx
dt ∈ F (t, x(t))
where F (t, (x(t)) is a set of elements from Rn . If for a
differential inclusion F where the input x(t) gives the output
F (t, x(t)) we have that F (t, x(t + δt)) = F (t + δt, x(t + δt)),
we say that the inclusion is time-invariant.
Definition 1 (Time-invariant differential inclusion system):
Let e represent uncertainties from some interval E ⊆ R,
x(t), y(t) ∈ R state variables, f and g first order,
time-invariant, ordinary, possibly non-linear differential
equations. We define the differential inclusions F and
G as F (x(t), y(t)) = {f (x(t), y(t), e)|e ∈ E} and
G(x(t), y(t)) = {g(x(t), y(t), e)|e ∈ E}. A time-invariant
differential inclusion system (TIDIS) S is a tuple hQ, F, Gi
with domain Q ⊂ R2 a convex polygon, and
∈ F (x(t), y(t))
∈ G(x(t), y(t))
The possible behaviors of a TIDIS S at a given
point (x(ti ), y(ti )) is the set of vectors F (x(ti ), y(ti )) ×
G(x(ti ), y(ti )). For reachability, however, it is relevant only
whether, not when, some point is reached, and so the length
of the behavior vectors are irrelevant in this case. Thus we can
normalize the behavior of a TIDIS as follows:
Definition 2 (Normalization): Let X ⊂ R2 be equal to the
unit circle. Then the normalized dynamics of a TIDIS S is
given by the function N : R2 → 2X :
N (x(t), y(t)) =
{(f (x(t), y(t), e)/r, g(x(t), y(t), e)/r) | e ∈ E, r 6= 0}
r = f (x(t), y(t), e)2 + g(x(t), y(t), e)2 .
The function is undefined for r = 0, that is f (x(t), y(t), e) =
g(x(t), y(t), e) = 0.
ẋi xbi
System behavior
System state
System behavior with behavior limit vectors
Fig. 1.
System state, behavior, and behavior limit vectors.
To simplify notation we refer to the point (x(ti ), y(ti )) as
pi = (xi , yi ), the set of normalized dynamics of pi as pbi
decomposed as xbi and ybi , and one normalized dynamic vector
as p˙i = (ẋi , y˙i ), p˙i ∈ pbi . See Figure 1-a) and 1-b).
Given a TIDIS S with state pi where (0, 0) ∈ pbi , then pi is
an equilibrium point. If pbi = {(0, 0)}, then S cannot change
its state from state pi . We denote by p+
i and pi the upper and
lower behavior limit vectors of pbi , the vectors in pbi such that
for all other vectors p˙i ∈ pbi , we have p˙i ∈ ∠pi− . See Figure
1-c) for a visualization. If pbi contains one element only, then
the behavior is deterministic at point pi and p+
i = pi .
We illustrate these definitions using the damped pendulum:
Example 1 (Pendulum): A damped pendulum of mass m,
length l, and gravitational acceleration g, can be modeled as a
non-linear differential inclusion in two state variables, namely
the angle θ(t) and angular velocity dθ
dt of the pendulum, see
Figure 2. The damping, due to friction, is represented by a
constant c with a deviation e drawn from some interval E ⊆
R2 . If we let x = θ and y = dθ
dt we can model the pendulum
by the following TIDIS:
∈ {y(t)} ,
∈ {−
y(t) − sin x(t) | e ∈ E} .
A particular example is the system dx
dt ∈ {y(t)}, dt ∈
{− 100 y(t) − sin x | e ∈ [−1, 1]}. At point pi =
(1, 2) we get pbi ≈ {(ẋi , y˙i ) | ẋi ∈ [0.834, 0.827], y˙i ∈
= F (x, y, E, umax )
= G(x, y, E, umax )
(a ∧ ǫmin < ǫ < ǫmax )
(a ∧ ǫ ≥ ǫmax )
(a ∧ ǫ ≥ ǫmax )
(a ∧ ǫ ≥ ǫmax )
(a ∧ ǫmin < ǫ < ǫmax )
= F (x, y, E, 0)
= G(x, y, E, 0)
(a ∧ ǫmin < ǫ < ǫmax )
= F (x, y, E, kp ǫ)
= G(x, y, E, kp ǫ)
(a ∧ ǫ ≤ ǫmin )
(a ∧ ǫ ≤ ǫmin )
= F (x, y, E, umin )
= G(x, y, E, umin )
(a ∧ ǫ ≤ ǫmin )
Fig. 2. The damped pendulum dx
∈ {y(t)},
sin x} with a trajectory starting at (1, 1).
[−0.562, −0.551],
∈ {−(0.25 +
)y(t) −
x2i + yi2 = 1}. Any potential behavior
p˙i of the system at this point is bounded by ∠pi− where
i = (0.827, −0.562), pi = (0.834, −0.551).
If we choose two points, pi and pj close to each other, we
would like their behaviors to be similar as well. However,
this is not always the case: For the pendulum example, if
we chose the points pi = (0.00001, 0.00002) and pj =
(0.00002, 0.00001) which are 0.000014 apart, their behaviors
are still separated by a distance of 0.5 according to the
following definition.
Definition 3 (Behavior distance): For points x, y on the
unit circle, let x − y be the length of the shortest arc between
them. Let A = [a, a, ] and B = [b, b] be arcs on the
unit circle. Then the behavior distance d [A, B] is defined as
|a − b| + |a − b|.
Lemma 1 (Metric): The behavior distance is a metric.
Proof: For a distance to be a metric the following
conditions must hold, for arcs A, B, C:
d [A, B] ≥ 0
d [A, B] = 0 ⇔ A = B
d [A, B] = d [B, A]
d [A, C] ≤ d [A, B] + d [B, C]
(Triangle inequality)
The conditions hold because:
1) The behavior distance is defined as the sum of two
absolute values.
2) We have that |a − b| + |a − b| = 0 if and only if a = b
and a = b.
3) We have that |a − b| = |b − a| and |a − b| = |b − a|.
4) The triangle inequality holds on R, so |a − c| ≤ |a −
b| + |b − c| and |a − c| ≤ |a − b| + |b − c| leading to
|a − c| + |a − c| ≤ |a − b| + |a − b| + |b − c| + |b − c|.
With a metric for the image of the normalized dynamics pb of
a point, we define what it means for the normalized behavior
of a TIDIS to be Lipschitz continuous.
Fig. 3.
(a ∧ ǫmin < ǫ < ǫmax )
Proportionally controlled TIDIS
Definition 4 (Lipschitz continuity of TIDISs): Let P ⊂ R2
be a convex polygon. A TIDIS S is Lipschitz continuous (or
just Lipschitz for short) on P if there exists a constant K ∈ R
such that for all points pi , pj ∈ P
d [pbi − pbj ] ≤ Kkpi − pj k .
We will only consider systems where the normalization
function N is Lipschitz on all subsets of R2 except for
arbitrarily small neighborhoods around a finite number of
(isolated) points, the non-Lipschitz points.
In addition to the continuous evolution of the systems, it is
often useful to add discrete behavior to a TIDIS. For example,
in Figure 2 the pendulum spirals towards an equilibrium point
(0, 0), losing velocity and amplitude and eventually (in the real
world) halting. If we wanted to prevent the pendulum from
halting, we could alter its behavior with a controller device.
By adding a controller to a TIDIS we can end up with
a system that cannot be described by a set of differential
inclusions alone; the system will have a discrete part. Hybrid
automata are commonly used to capture such behavior [3].
Definition 5 (Hybrid automaton): A hybrid automaton H is
a tuple
(Loc, Var , Lab, Edg, Act, Asg, Inv , Init, Guard ), where
• Loc = {l1 , . . . , lm } is a finite set of locations.
• Var = {x1 , . . . , xn } is a finite set of real-valued variables,
and { dx
dt , . . . , dt } their derivatives.
• Lab is a set of labels.
• Edge is a set of tuples from Loc × Lab × Loc.
• Act is a function that maps continuous functions (timeinvariant differential inclusions) on the variables to the
• Asg is a function that maps discrete variable assignments
to the edges.
• Inv is a set of invariant conditions on the locations.
• Init is a set of initial conditions on the locations.
• Guard is a set of guard conditions on the edges.
The state of a hybrid automaton is the current location and
current valuations of the variables, (li , x1 , . . . , xn ).
We will focus on a class of hybrid automata that does not
have assignments and where the valuations of the variables
uniquely determine the current location.
Definition 6 (Continuous non-overlapping hybrid automaton):
A continuous non-overlapping hybrid automaton (CN-HA) C
is a hybrid automaton subject to the following restrictions:
• The domain of Asg is ∅
• The state of C is the current valuations of the variables,
(x1 , . . . , xn ), and the current location of C is given as a
function of the state.
The second restriction of the definition means that the valuations of the variables uniquely determine the location of a
CN-HA. In the following we will assume that Var = {x, y}
for any CN-HA, and that the valuations (x, y) ∈ Q where Q
is a convex polygon.
Definition 7 (Border): For a CN-HA C with domain Q the
border β(Q) ⊆ Q is the set of all the points p ∈ Q such
that for all neighborhoods neigh(p) of p there exist two states
(l1 , x1 , y1 ), (l2 , x2 , y2 ) ∈ neigh(p) where l1 6= l2 . A convex
polygon P ∈ Q is a border region if it contains at least one
point from β(Q).
Since the borders between locations are one-dimensional,
the area of β(Q) is 0. See Figure 4-a) for an illustration of
the definition.
A commonly used controller is the proportional controller
Fig. 4. a) A border region with a curved border between locations l1 and
Definition 8 (Proportional controller): Let S be a TIDIS l2 , with example behavior vectors. b) The resulting behavior in the region
and let the constant kp represent the ability of the controller a hypothetical GSPDI.
to change the state of the TIDIS (the gain), and let the
constants umin and umax represent the limits of the range of
influence of the controller. At time t, let (t) be the difference increasing the acceleration of the pendulum as it descends in
between the desired state SP (t) of S (the set point) and one direction, i. e. a = (x < 0 ∧ y > 0). The locations of the
the actual state P V (t) of S (the process value) such that resulting hybrid automaton are illustrated in Figure 5-a), and
(t) = SP (t) − P V (t). Then a proportional controller u is an example trajectory in Figure 5-b).
defined as
We check safety properties of proportionally controlled
0 if ¬a
TIDISs by approximating the system with an abstraction in
umax if a ∧ (t) ≥ max
which reachability is decidable, namely a GSPDI [8], [4].
if a ∧ min < (t) < max
p (t)
Definition 10 (GSPDI): A Generalized Polygonal Hybrid
umin if a ∧ (t) ≤ min
System (GSPDI) is a pair G = hP, Fi, where P is a finite
where a is a boolean predicate on the state variables of the partition of the plane. Each P ∈ P, calledSa region, is a convex
polygon with area area(P ). The union P of all regions is
system, min = umin /kp , and max = umax /kp .
From this definition we can give a formal definition of a called the domain of the GSPDI and assumed to be a convex
polygon of finite area itself. F is a function associating a pair of
TIDIS controlled by a proportional controller.
Definition 9 (Proportionally controlled TIDIS): Given
a vectors to each region, i.e., F(P ) = (aP , bP ). Every point on
the plane has its dynamics defined according to which polygon
S = hQ, F, Gi, a proportionally controlled TIDIS it belongs to: if p ∈ P , then ṗ ∈ ∠aPP . The diameter of the
S = hQ, F, G, Ai is a hybrid automaton A restricted to smallest disc that contains a region P is denoted diam(P ).
A trajectory is a singular “run” of some system through
domain Q and with Act = {F, G} for all locations l ∈ A, as
that system’s state space, given as a function on the indeshown in Figure 3.
pendent variable, often interpreted as time. For a GSPDI,
Example 2 (Proportionally controlled pendulum): We
trajectories are determined by their direction of movement.
would like our pendulum to move about the equilibrium
(0, 0) in a circle of radius 1, (t) = 1 − x(t)2 + y(t)2 . In particular their tangent vectors at all points should stay
By setting umin = −2, umax = 2 and kp = 3 we get within the bounding angles ∠b
aP (per region P ). For a hybrid
min = −2/3 and max = 2/3. The controller operates by automaton a trajectory is a sequence of adjacent intervals with
Fig. 6. a) Prefix of a trajectory of a GSPDI. pa refers to a single state
(xa , ya ). b) Prefix of a trajectory of a hybrid automaton composed of three
trajectory segments, which obey the dynamics of locations l1 , l2 , and l3
respectively, and where the dashed lines represent discrete resets. pb refers to
two states (l1 , xb , yb ) and (l2 , xb , yb ). c) Prefix of a trajectory of a CN-HA.
pc refers to a single state (xc , yc ), where location l2 is implicit.
Fig. 5. Top: The locations, {min, proportional, max , off } of a proportionally controlled pendulum hybrid automaton. Bottom: Example trajectory.
a continuous trajectory segment in each interval, where the
intervals represent the continuous part of the hybrid automaton
and the discrete transitions take place at the end points of the
Definition 11 (Trajectory): 1) A trajectory of a GSPDI
G, written ξ ∈ G, is a continuous and almost-everywhere
differentiable function ξ : R≥0 → R2 s.t. the following
holds: whenever ξ(t) ∈ P for some P ∈ P, then its
˙ ∈ ∠bP .
derivative ξ(t)
2) A trajectory of a hybrid automaton H written ξ ∈ H [3],
is a run of the automaton represented as a sequence of
intervals {Ξi | i ∈ N}, where Ξi = [ξ(ti ), ξ(t0i )]), t0 = 0,
ti ≤ t0i , and t0i = ti+1 . For each point in time tj , ξ(tj )
is the state (lj , x1 , . . . , xn ) of the hybrid automaton. For
each interval Ξi the automaton H is in a single location l,
and each trajectory segment ξ a function ξ : [ti , ti+1 ] →
R2 .
In Figure 6-a) and 6-b) we show the differences between
trajectories of GSPDIs and hybrid automata. By resolving
these differences we can relate CN-HAs and GSPDIs through
the following approximation relation [7].
Definition 12 (Approximation): A GSPDI G = hP, Fi
approximates a CN-HA C (written G ≥ C) if ξ ∈ C implies
ξ ∈ G.
We can sort the regions P ∈ P into two sub-partitions PL
(the Lipschitz regions of G) and PN (the non-Lipschitz regions
of G) of P, where P ∈ PL if C is Lipschitz on P , and P ∈ PN
if not.
In this section we will first show that proportionally controlled TIDISs are a subclass of CN-HAs, and that it is
possible to hybridize a CN-HA into a GSPDI. Then we
introduce measures of precision which enable us to compare
the respective precision of two approximating GSPDIs. Finally
we give an algorithm which takes a CN-HA and precision
bounds as input, and outputs an approximating GSPDI that
respects the precision bounds.
Lemma 2 (CN-HAs): If a hybrid automaton G is a proportionally controlled TIDIS, then it is also a CN-HA.
Proof: The lemma follows directly from Definition 9: A
proportionally controlled TIDIS has Asg = ∅, and the state
uniquely determines the current location of the automaton.
The trajectories of a CN-HA have the same properties as those
of a GSPDI.
Lemma 3 (CN-HA trajectory): The trajectories ξ of a CNHA C are continuous and almost-everywhere differentiable
functions R≥0 → R2 .
Proof: The trajectories of a CN-HA have, since the
locations are redundant in the states of the automaton by
Definition 6, R2 as their image, and time, R≥0 , as their
domain by Definition 11. From Definition 11 we also have
that a trajectory of a hybrid automaton consists of a sequence
of intervals, where the trajectory is continuous and almost
everywhere differentiable in each interval. Since by Definition
6 we do not have resets in a CN-HA, the trajectories will
also be continuous across interval boundaries and, assuming
non-zeno behavior, almost everywhere differentiable.
As an illustration of the lemma we show an example
trajectory of a CN-HA in Figure 6-c). Note that, compared
to the trajectory of the general hybrid automaton in Figure
6-b), the locations do not overlap, and the CN-HA trajectory
never ’jumps’.
Lemma 4 (Approximation): Let C be a CN-HA, and G =
hP, Fi a GSPDI with a region P ∈ P. For all trajectories ξ ∈ C
˙ ∈ ∠bP , then
and all points ξ(t) ∈ P , if it is the case that ξ(t)
G ≥ C.
Proof: The lemma follows directly from Lemma 3 and
Definitions 11 and 12.
In the following we assume for all regions P ∈ P that ∠b
is the arc with the shortest length such that Lemma 4 holds.
If we make finer and finer partitions P of the domain Q of
C, we can generate GSPDIs whose behaviors become more
and more restricted while still being approximations of some
Definition 13 (Refinement): Given two GSPDIs G = hP, Fi
and G 0 = hP0 , F0 i, we say that G 0 refines G properly, written
G 0 < G, if P0 is a sub-partition of P, and furthermore |∠bPP00 | <
|∠aP |, where P and P with P ⊆ P being Lipschitz regions
for G, resp. of G 0 , i.e., P ∈ PL and P 0 ∈ P0L .
Obviously, there will be some limit to how restricted the
behavior of a GSPDI may be and still remain an overapproximation. If we consider the behavior of a single region
P , the following definition is useful:
Definition 14 (Minimal behavior): For a CN-HA C with
domain Q and a region P ⊂ Q, a minimal behavior point
min +
min P is a point min P ∈ P such that |∠min P− | ≤ |∠pp− | for
min +
all p ∈ P . The arc length |∠min P− | is the minimal behavior of
We cannot have an approximating GSPDI where |∠b
aP | <
min +
|∠min P− |. This lower bound on the normalized behavior does
not decrease as we partition P :
Lemma 5 (Increasing minimal behavior): Let C be a CNHA with domain Q, P ∈ Q be a region, and P 0 ⊆ P be a
sub-region of P , then |∠minP− | ≤ |∠min−
|∠pp− |
Proof: By definition |∠min− | ≤
for all p ∈ P , and
P 0 is contained in P .
The lemma is illustrated in Figure 7 and forms the basis of
the following definition:
Fig. 7. As we partition region P0 , we see that the difference in length
between the minimal behavior and the arc ∠b
a is less in P1 and P2 than in
P0 .
Definition 15 (Measures for precision): Assume a CN-HA
C, a GSPDI G = hP, Fi, G ≥ C, and two disjoint sets X, Y such
that P = X ∪ Y. Let θ : R2 → [0, 2π] be a function that maps
min +
a region P ∈ P to |∠b
aP | − |∠min − |. We will overload this
function symbol and let θ : 2R → [0, 2π] and δ : 2R → [0, 1]
be functions such that
1) θ(X) is the maximum θ(X) for all X ∈ X.
2) δ(Y) is the relative weight of the regions of Y, area(∪Y)
area(∪P) .
Let Θ ∈ [0, 2π] and ∆ ∈ [0, 1]. We say that G obeys the
bounds Θ and ∆ if θ(X) ≤ Θ and δ(Y) ≤ ∆ for partition P
where P = X ∪ Y.
Before we show the existence of approximating GSPDIs for
any CN-HA C while obeying some bounds Θ and ∆, we need
the following lemma.
Lemma 6 (Vanishing sub-partition): Let ∈ R and let X ⊆
Q be a set where area(X) = 0. Then there exists a partition
Y of Q where each Y ∈ Y is a convex polygon and X ⊆ ∪Y,
such that area(∪Y) ≤ .
Proof: Since the area of X is 0, X is a collection of
one- and zero-dimensional entities. We let the partition Y
be a closer and closer approximation of lines and points
respectively, until area(Y) ≤ .
For a CN-HA there does exist a GSPDI that obeys any
precision bounds.
Lemma 7 (Existence of approximation): Given an CN-HA
C and bounds Θ and ∆, there exists a GSPDI G = hP, Fi,
G ≥ C such that G obeys Θ and ∆.
Proof: The lemma imposes two conditions on the precision of G.
1) For the first condition we will consider a Lipschitz
region P ∈ PL of C. Definition 4 of Lipschitz continuity
gives d [pbi ]pbj ≤ Kkpi − pj k for all points pi , pj ∈ P ,
where K is the Lipschitz constant of P . The upper bound
on kpi − pj k is diam(P ), thus d [pbi − pbj ] ≤ K · diam(P ).
If we make diam(P ) → 0 we have d [pbi − pbj ] → 0
since K is a constant, and in particular for some minimal
min +
behavior point min P of P , d [pbi − ∠min P− ] → 0. Because
of this, and as a consequence of Lemma 5, the behavior
angle of P approaches that of some minimal behavior point
min P as P shrinks, i. e. ∠b
, and consequently
a → ∠p −
θ(P ) = |∠b
| → 0. If we repeat this for all P ∈ PL ,
a |−|∠p−
we get θ(P) → 0 and subsequently less than Θ.
Algorithm 1 Construct a GSPDI from a CN-HA with bounds
Θ and ∆.
1: Input: CN-HA C, Θ ∈ [0, 2π], ∆ ∈ [0, 1]
Empty queue PBAD , and empty collection POK
PBAD .insert(Q)
while area(PBAD ) > ∆ · area(Q) do
P := PBAD .remove()
aP := P .getAngle(P .locations())
min +
|∠min P− | := P .getMinimalBehavior (P .locations())
min +
if |∠b
aP | − |∠min − | ≤ Θ then
POK .insert(P )
{P1 , . . . , Pn } := P.partition()
PBAD .insert(P1 , . . . , Pn )
end if
end while
return POK ∪ PBAD
2) The Lipschitz condition holds in all of Q, except for the
arbitrarily small neighborhoods of the non-Lipschitz points,
and the border β(Q) (see Figure 4-b) ). We know by Lemma
6 that there exists a PN with area(∪PN ) ≤ ∆ · area(Q), that
contains the non-Lipschitz points and the border, since both
have area 0.
Lemma 7 guarantees that there is always a GSPDI with θ(X)
and δ(Y) arbitrarily small for sets X, Y, trivially by letting
PL = X and PN = Y. To actually arrive at such a GSPDI,
one can iteratively partition the domain Q finer and finer with
diam(P ) → 0 for all P ∈ P. For that purpose, we assume
a function partition, which when applied to a partition of Q
produces a sub-partition of convex polygons, for instance by
splitting one particular polygon of the current partition. In the
following we will assume that we are following a breadth-first
strategy, but other strategies might be employed.
Lemma 8 (Partition): Assume a CN-HA C, bounds Θ and
∆, and the breadth-first strategy of applying the partition
function on Q. Then in a finite number of steps a partition P
is generated such that there exists a GSPDI G = hP, Fi with
Q = ∪P, and where θ(PL ) ≤ Θ, δ(PN ) ≤ ∆, and G ≥ C.
Proof: The lemma requires application of partition iteratively such that θ(PL ) and δ(PN ) get smaller than the given
upper bounds. The breadth-first strategy, where each polygon
is split in two equally-sized sub-polygons, guarantees that the
regions of the partition of the domain of G get arbitrarily small,
and so Lemma 7 will apply.
In Algorithm 1 we present a method for realizing Lemma
8, adapted from [7]. The earlier version of the algorithm
only allowed GSPDI generation from systems of differential
equations, whereas our extended algorithm accepts CN-HAs,
a broader class of system. The algorithm takes a CN-HA C
and bounds Θ and ∆ as input, and yields as output a partition
P which forms part of a GSPDI G = hP, Fi with G ≥ C
and where furthermore P can be divided into two sets, POK
and PBAD , such that θ(POK ) ≤ Θ and δ(PBAD ) ≤ ∆ (cf.
Algorithm 1).
To maintain the successively finer partitioning of the given
domain Q, the algorithm uses two collections of regions POK
and PBAD . As loop invariant of the while iteration, the union
of POK and PBAD is a partition of the initial convex polygon
Q. The collection POK contains regions P where θ(P ) is less
than or equal to Θ. The collection PBAD , on the other hand,
contains those regions whose angles are yet to be computed.
The collection PBAD keeps the regions in a queue, and
during each iteration, the first region P is removed from the
head of the queue. For each region we compute the angle ∠b
min +
and the minimal behavior |∠min P− |.
min +
If θ(P ) is small enough, i.e., if |∠b
aP | − |∠min − | ≤ Θ, then
P is considered finished and moved to POK . Otherwise P is
partitioned, and the sub-polygons P1 , . . . , Pn are placed at the
back of the queue PBAD . The while loop is executed until the
area of PBAD is less than or equal to the desired threshold,
∆ · area(Q). The return value is the union of POK and PBAD ,
which is a valid partition P of Q, satisfying both Θ and ∆.
Note that the algorithm does not compute two sets of convex
polygons where the underlying CN-HA is Lipschitz in one
and not in the other. Instead, these properties are implicitly
used to allow the computation of two sets POK and PBAD
where θ(P ) ≤ Θ for all P ∈ POK and where the area of
PBAD ≤ ∆ · area(Q) (cf. also Definition 15 which gives
the measures of precision). Note that for a pathological system
whose behavior is nowhere Lipschitz, the algorithm has an
exponential running time, and will not terminate, while for a
system with ∠b
a ≤ Θ for the entire domain Q the algorithm
terminates without partitioning.
Theorem 1: Algorithm 1 is sound, complete, and it terminates.
Proof: The algorithm is an extension of the one presented
in [7], and the original proof still applies here as we have
adapted the underlying lemmas, and proved the adapted versions of the lemmas. To be precise, the algorithm has been
min +
extended to compute the minimal behavior |∠min P− |, and both
the computation of the minimal behavior and the angle ∠b
take into account that P might be a border region and so have
different behavior in each location.
Since ∠b
aP is computed we know that all the trajectories
of the CN-HA are also trajectories of the generated approximating GSPDI (Lemma 4), so the algorithm is sound. The
algorithm also satisfies that θ(G) ≤ Θ and δ(G) ≤ ∆ (Lemma
8), which guarantees completeness and also termination of the
The chosen method to analyze dynamical systems with
non-linear behavior is over-approximation. To ensure that the
results of an over-approximation are truly conservative, the
numerical computations used in an implementation must also
be conservative, which is guaranteed by interval arithmetic
[9]. Methods for over-approximating the flow of non-linear
dynamics include interval global optimization methods [10],
and interval solvers for ordinary differential equation [11]. In
general, making finer partitions is the way to produce overapproximations that are closer to the original system behavior
The HyTech+ system [13] is an updated version of the
HyTech analysis tool [14]. HyTech+ extends the class of
hybrid automata accepted by the system from linear to nonlinear dynamics, and analyzes the input using interval ordinary
differential equation solvers.
The algorithm behind the HSolver tool [15] overapproximates non-linear hybrid automata by a system of discrete states, splitting states to achieve closer approximations,
and solving interval constraints to prune unreachable states
An approach similar to ours for hybridization of non-linear
differential equations into piece-wise linear systems is given
by [17] and [18], where the conservative approximation to the
system is computed based on computation of the Lipschitz
constant of the system. The advantage of our approach is
that in a GSPDI we are able to accelerate any cycles that
commonly occur in a reachability search [8].
In this paper we have defined a restricted form of nonlinear hybrid automaton, the continuous non-overlapping hybrid automaton or CN-HA, and shown how the commonly
deployed proportional controller may be modeled using this
representation. CN-HAs can be over-approximated by a class
of hybrid automata, the generalized polygonal hybrid systems
GSPDIs, which have simpler dynamics. We have presented
an algorithm that takes a CN-HA as input and produces a
GSPDI as output, obeying bounds derived from our precision
In the future we would like to develop an implementation
based on interval global optimization methods [10], and integrate this into the reachability checker GSPeeDI [5], [6].
We can investigate whether other kinds of controllers, such
as the Proportional, Integral, Derivative (PID) controllers, can
be represented as CN-HAs, or whether a CN-HA is expressive
enough to model switched systems. To facilitate the analysis of
TIDISs regulated by controllers that cannot be represented as
CN-HAs, we can look at extending the definition of a GSPDI
to a hierarchical GSPDI [19]. We can also investigate whether
the algorithm can be extended to higher dimensions, i.e. where
both the original systems and approximations have states with
an arbitrary number of variables.
The author wishes to thank Martin Steffen for many useful
discussions on the paper, and Dag Samuelsen for introducing
him to proportional controllers.
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