Journal of Molecular Structure, CD Elsevier Scientific Publishing 30 (1976) 145-149 Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands AN AB INITIO STUDY OF INTERNAL HYDROGEN BONDING AND CONFORMATIONAL PROPERTIES OF GL YCOLALDEHYDE HARALD H. JENSEN and HARALD M<l>LLENDAL Department of Chemistry, The University of Oslo, Blindern, Oslo 3 (Norway) and EDWIN WISL<l>FF NILSSEN Institute of Biology (Received and Geology, 26 February University of Tromsø, N-900l Tromsø (Norway) 1975) ABSTRACT Ab initio calculations have been made on glycolaldehyde in order to investigate structural and conformational properties of molecules with weak intramolecular hydrogen bonds. It is found that the structural parameters not belonging to the hydrogen bond are well simulated by these computations while a larger discrepancy exists for the D-H bond length and the C-O-H angle. Isomerization energies are found to be too small, and this disagreement is in faet worse for the largest than for the smallest basis set. INTRODUCTION Glycolaldehyde has been studied at this institute by microwave [1], IR [2] and Raman spectroscopy [2]. Theoretical calculations by the CNDOj2 method have also been performed [1]. The spectroscopic studies [1,2] revealed that the preferred form of the free molecule is stabilized by an intramolecular hydrogen bond similar to I of Fig. 1. No evidence was found for the stable co-existence of additional forms by these spectroscopic investigations indicating that the hydrogen-bonded form is at least 1 kcal mor' more stable than any other rotamer. The substitution structure showed that the alcohol moiety of glycolaldehyde is considerably different from that of methanol [3]. The most important differences are that the O-H bond length is about 0.1 Å longer and the COH angle approximately 7° smaller in glycolaldehyde than in the alcohol. These structural changes are presumably largelya result of hydrogen bonding [1]. Recently, efficient computer programmes for ab initio molecular orbital calculations have become available. This method has hitherto been very Httle applied to internal hydrogen bonding problems and we thought it would be interesting to investigate if these calculations can simulate the structural changes resulting from such weak interactions. Furthermore, we wanted to examine the conformational behaviour of the molecule in order to predict the energies and conformations of high-energy forms. As will be shown, these goals were partially achieved. 146 H o o ~ o c ko H,H' H,H' c H I C C H ~ J-<'H' O H O III Fig. 1. Observed (Il and Ill). METHOD conformation (I) and possible high-energy forms of glycolaldehyde OF CALCULATION The calculations were carried out using the programme MOLECULE [4] which solves the Roothan-Hall equations for a Gaussian type basis. Most of the results were obtained with a (7s3p/4s) basis contracted to (4,2/2) as described in ref. 5. Calculations were also made with a (9s5p /4s) basis contracted to (4,3/2) [6] as well as with the same basis adding a set of p-functions to the hydroxyl group hydrogen atom. For the hydrogen atoms, Huzinaga's exponents and coefficients [6] were utilized in all computations with the exponents scaled with the factor 1.25. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In glycolaldehyde, rotation about the C-C and C--o bonds gives rise to a very complicated potential surface. A full calculation of this surface by ab initio techniques is an extremely comprehensive undertaking beyond our present computational facilities. Instead of this, we had to restrict ourselves to performing calculations for a limited num ber of possible stable rotameric forms. Three conformers, all with Cs symmetry, were considered to be of special interest. The observed, energetically favoured form I of Fig. 1 was selected to see how well ab initio calculations simulate small geometrical changes presumably caused by internal hydrogen bonding. Rotamers Il and III of Fig. 1 were selected because they are considered to be likely candidates for stable high-energy forms of the molecule. Computations were first made with the (7s3p/4s) basis. It was found that extensive geometry optimalization was necessary to obtain a lower energy for conformation I than for form Ill. The C=O, C-O, C-C and O-H bonds, as well as the C-C=O, C-C-o and C-O-H angles, were varied for the three 147 rotamers while the C-H bond lengths and the H-C-H, and C-C-H angles were kept at the values determined experimentally for conformation I. The geometric parameters were varied one by one and the corresponding energies ca1culated. The energy minima for each parameter were then found assuming a parabolie dependenee of the energy on the bond length or angle under consideration. The results of these rather lengthy computations are collected in Tables 1 and 2. Inspection of Table 1 reveals that the calculated structural parameters will simulate the micrawave findings with twa important exceptions, viz. the o-H band length and the C-o-H angle. While the other structural parameters are calculated to be within about 0.01 Å and 1° of the experimental anes, the computed O-H band length is approximately 0.06 Å shorter and the C-O-H angle is off by more than 5°. Obviously, the structural changes brought about TABLE 1 Structural (7s3p/4s) parametersa basis for various Structural parameter Form I exp. C=O 1. 209 1.437 1.499 1.051 122.7° 111. 5° 101.6° 1.102 1.093 115.3° 109.2° 107.6° C-O C-C O-H LC-C=O LC-C-O LC-O-H C-Hald C-Hale L C-C-Hald LC-C-Hale LH-C-H conformers of glycolaldehyde; Form I optimized A A A A 1.211 1.436 1. 509 0.989 122.1° 110.8° 106.9° A A A Å calculations made with Form n Form nI optimized optimized 1.204 1.436 1.509 0.982 123.4° 107.7° 109.5° A A A A 1. 209 1.441 1.505 0.981 121.9° 108.8° 108.8° A A aThe last five structural parameters of this table were not optimized but assigned the values appearing in the second column. in the computations T ABLE 2 Total energies in a. u. for the optimized conformations Rotamer Basis (7s3p/4s) (9s5p/4s) (9s5p/4s)a alncIudingp-orbitals -227.37644 -227.65306 -227.66705 on hydroxyl group hydrogen n III -227.36802 -227.37544 -227.65300 -227.66640 atom. A A A A 148 by weak intramolecular hydrogen bonding are badly reproduced by these calculations. Moreover , the stabilization energy of the hydrogen bond seems to be underestimated too. As seen in Table 2, the energy difference between forms I and nI is calculated to be only 0.63 kcal mor l. This is certainly too small because of the IR and microwave results which strongly indicate that the I conformation is favoured by at least 1 kcal mol-l. In order to investigate the influence of basis enlargement, computations with the (9s5p/4s) basis were then made. In this case the O-H bond length and the C-O-H angle were optimized for the I and In forms with the other structural parameters kept at the optimized values found with the (7s3p/4s) basis. The results are indicated in Table 2. The energy difference between these two forms is now found to be as low as 0.04 kcal mori and the minimum energy geometries of the two rotamers are identical with the results of the smaller basis set computations. Finally, calculations were made with the larger basis including a set of p-orbitals on the hydroxyl group hydrogen atom us ing the same structural parameters as in the previous case. As before, the O-H bond length and the C-O-H angle were optimized. This time the energy difference between conformers I and nI was 0.41 kcal mol-I, which is certainly too low. The O-H bond length was 1.010 Å and the C-O-H angle 104.0° differed about 0.04 Å and 2.5°, respectively, from their experimentally determined counterparts. In conclusion it can be said that better isomerization energy is found with the smallest basis set than in the other cases. Moreover, the hydrogen bond geometry is unsatisfactorily reproduced by either basis set. There are perhaps two reasons for the shortcomings of these computations. Firstly, the d-orbitals which have been left out can be of importance. Secondly, the correlation energy may play an important role for these weak intramolecular interactions. It is interesting to note that our results, to a certain extent, parallel re cent findings for glyoxal. Elaborate calculations by Skancke and Sæbø [7] have shown that better isomerization energies are found for this molecule with a small basis than for large bases including even d-orbitals. Lastly, a few words should be said about form n which is computed to be 5.28 kcal mol-I less stable than L The former conformer is not stabilized by hydrogen bonding and there should also be more repulsion between the lone pair electrons of the two oxygens than in rotamer L These two effects are expected to result in a fairly high energy for the n conformation in agreement with the present calculations. 149 REFERENCES 1 K.-M. Marstokk (1973) and H. Møllendal, J. Mol. Struct.,5 (1970) 2 H. Michelsen 3 R. M. Lees 4 5 J. AlmlPff, USIP Report 72-09, B. Roos and P. Siegbahn, Theor. 6 S. 7 205; 259. and and P. Klaboe, J. Mol. J. G. Baker, J. Chem. Struct., 4 (1969) Phys., 48 (1968) University Chim. of Acta, Stockholm 17 (1970) 293. 5299. (1972). 209. Huzinaga, J. Chem. Phys., 42 (1965) 1293. P. N. Skancke and S. Saebø, J. Mol. Struct., 28 (1975) 279. 7 (1971) 101; 16