259 Journal of Molecular Structure, 16 (1973) 259-270 i&JElsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands MICROW AVE SPECTRA OF ISOTOPIC GLYCOLALDEHYDES, SUBSTITUTION STRUCTURE, INTRAMOLECULAR HYDROGEN BOND AND DIPOLE MOMENT K.-M. MARSTOKK Department AND HARALD of Chemistry, M0LLENDAL The University of Oslo, Blindern, Oslo 3 (Norway) (Received 6 November 1972) ABSTRACT The microwave spectra of 13CH2OH-CHO, CH2OH-13CHO, and CH2OH-CH180 are reported and have been used in combination with previously published data on other monosubstituted glycolaldehydes to determine the substitution structure of the molecule as r(C~O) = 1.209 A, r(C-O) = 1.437 A, r(C-C) = 1.499 A, r(O-H) = 1.051 A, r(C-Hald) = 1.102 A, r(C-Hale) = 1.093 A, r(O... H) = 2.007 A, r(O... O) = 2.697 A, L(C-C~O) = 122°44', L(C-C-Hald) = 115°16', L(C-C-O) = 111°28', L(C-O-H) = 101°34', L(C-C-H.1J = 109°13', L(H-C-H) = 107°34', L(O-H. . . O) = 120°33', L(H. . . O~C) = 83°41', and L (O-H, C~O) = 24°14'. The intramolecular hydrogen bond and the other structural parameters are discussed and compared to related molecules. The dipole moment is redetermined to be Jla = 0.262:1:0.002 D, Jlb = 2.33:1:0.01 D, and Jltot = 2.34:1:0.01D. Relativeintensity measurements yielded 195:1:30cm-l for the c-c torsional fundamental and 260:1:40 cm-l for the lowest in-plane skeIetal bending mode. Computations performed by the CNDO/2 method correctly predict the observed cis hydrogen-bonded conformer to be the energetically favoured one and in addition yield some indication of the existence of at least two other non-hydrogen-bonded forms of higher energy. INTRODUCTION The structural properties of glycolaldehyde in various states of aggregation have in recent years been the subject of several investigations. Michelsen and Klaboe1 studied the molecule in the vapour and crystalline phases and as a melt 260 using infrared and Raman spectroscopy. Thom2 has maae solid state X-ray diffraction studies. His work is now being continued by Dr. Berit F. Pedersen 3. Proton magnetic resonance examinations of glycolaldehyde in solution have been carried out by several workers4-6. Moreover, Zeeman studies 7 and mass spectrometric8 investigations have been reported. In the vapour phase glycolaldehyde has been shown by classical methods9 as well as by infraredt, microwave spectroscopic10,11, and mass spectrometric8 techniques to be a monomeric et-hydroxyaldehyde. The infrared1 and microwave studies10, 11 revealed that the free molecule has a planar HOC-CHO skeleton with two out-of-plane hydrogens, and that the carbonyl and hydroxyl groups are cis to each other allowing a five-member intramolecular hydrogen bond to be formed. It was shown that the observed conformation is the dominating one1°, but, unfortunately, the rotational constants of glycolaldehyde and four deuterated species of the molecule were found to be insufficient to uniquely determine a complete molecular ro structure11. This was probably caused by the fact that no rotational constants of heavy-atom isotopic species were available for the structure determination. In the present work, the spectra of 13CH2OH-CHO, CH2OH13CHO, and CH2OH-CH180 are presented, and the rotational constants of these isotopic species have been used in combination with four previously determined sets of rotational constants to determine the complete rs structure. This accurate structure is considered to be of interest because the et-hydroxyaldehyde group is a constituent of many molecules. Several of these compounds are important biochemicals, e.g., the carbohydrates or "sugars" of which glycolaldehyde is the simplest possible member. EXPERIMENTAL CH2OH-CH180 was produced by dissolving commercial glycolaldehyde in about 20 per cent enriched 180-water. After several days the water was distilled off at reduced pressure. The mass spectrum indicated that glycolaldehyde had been about 15 per cent enriched in 180. The microwave spectrum showed that only the oxygen of the carbonyl group had been appreciably exchanged with 180. The existence of CH2180H-CHO was not detected in the microwave spectrum despite careful searching, and we feel quite sure that concentrations exceeding 5 % of the total of this species would have been identified if present. Unfortunately, no economically feasible route to its synthesis is known to the authors. The 13CH2OH-CHO and CH2OH-13CHO species were measured in natural abundance (about l %). A conventional microwave spectrometer described briefly in ref. 10 and a Hewlett-Packard 8460 A spectrometer were employed. Measurements were performed at room temperature in the 12.4-36.3 GHz spectral region. 261 MICROW A VE SPECTRA AND ASSIGNMENTS The assignment of the strong spectrum of CHzOH-CH180 was made in a way analogous to that reported for the main 10 and the deuterated species11. The spectrum is shown in Table l, and the derived molecular constants obtained by least squares fitting the measured frequencies to Watson's eight parameters formula12 using the perturbation expression and computer programme MB071O, are presented in Table 2. TABLE 1 MICROWAVE SPECTRAOF 13CH2OH-CHO, Transition CH2OH-'3CHO Observed freq. (MHz) 13CH2OH-CHO O O O 1 O 1 1 O 1 2 1 1 3 O 3 3 3 1 4 1 3 5 1 4 7 1 6 8 1 8 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 7 8 1 1 1 2 1 O 2 2 2 2 1 O 2 O 2 4 2 3 5 6 23049.88" 13203.87 32895.99 35063.83 17745.89 35871.56 31874.22 30992.77 32844.81 36194.18 CH2OH-'3CHO O O O 1 O 1 1 O 1 2 O 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 O 3 3 1 2 3 1 3 4 O 4 4 1 3 4 2 3 5 O 5 5 1 4 6 O 6 6 1 5 6 3 4 8 1 7 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 1 1 1 1 2 O 1 2 O 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 O 2 1 O 3 2 1 4 3 2 4 4 3 5 4 5 6 23183.93" 13334.85 33033.02 15025.39 35503.12 23245.00 17815.65 33838.45 35688.61 21958.14 32301.92 29895.80 27660.07 31374.90 34967.4 7 31498.37 27761.12 36222.39 ANDCH2OH-CH'80 Obs.-calc. (MHz) Centr. corr. (MHz) -0.09 -0.02 -0.05 0.15 -0.07 0.12 -0.06 0.12 0.08 -0.02 -0.10 -0.13 0.06 0.12 -0.10 -0.08 0.03 0.01 - - 0.06 0.10 0.12 0.13 1.03 1.07 0.33 0.53 2.47 0.89 0.01 5.59 2.11 0.32 4.19 0.02 14.64 4.85 262 TABLE 1 (continued) Transition CHzOH-CH'80 O O 1 O 1 O 2 O 2 1 2 1 3 O 3 1 3 1 4 2 5 1 6 O 6 1 6 3 8 1 8 3 12 6 12 6 12 5 14 7 14 7 14 6 a :1:0.25MHz. O 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 3 4 6 5 4 7 5 6 7 7 7 8 9 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 11 11 13 13 13 15 1 1 1 1 2 O 1 2 O 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 7 7 4 8 8 5 1 O 2 1 O 3 2 1 4 4 3 5 4 5 6 8 5 4 10 6 5 10 ObservfJd freq. (MHz) (MHz) Centr. corr. (MHz) 22865.52b 13308.62 32422.46 14900.37 35660.02 22051.87 17517.04 34051.49 34124.11 27459.99 31512.75 33570.38 31439.34 24138.11 35374.16 25033.62 28995.11 29004.08 34035.29 31717.86 31719.75 34830.33 -0.01 0.11 -0.08 0.04 -0.02 0.02 0.05 0.07 -0.06 0.09 0.14 -0.11 0.10 0.00 -0.10 -0.14 -0.08 -0.07 0.10 0.13 -0.03 -0.03 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.07 0.19 0.69 0.27 0.28 1.52 4.51 1.12 4.46 0.82 - 13.06 3.99 7.03 9.78 9.71 - 54.27 18.24 18.21 -103.56 Ob,. --ca/c. - b :1:0.10 MHz. TABLE 2 MOLECULARCONSTANTSFOR ISOTOPIC GLYCOLALDEHYDES Species Number of transitions a (MHz) CHzOH-CHoa 49 0.089 CHzOD-CHOb 65 0.071 CHzOH-CDOb 38 0.068 A B C 18446.410:1:0.026 6526.042 :1:0.008 4969.274:1:0.012 27.39698 :1:0.00004 77.46748 :1:0.00009 101. 70017 :1:0.00025 - 27.14:1:0.54 -73.22:1:0.72 88.3 :I: 1.4 5.648 :1:0.096 -3.40:1:0.12 3.13671 :1:0.00027 17490.806:1:0.015 6499.754:1:0.006 4882.969:1:0.008 28.89381 :1:0.00002 77.75306:1:0.00007 103.49762:1:0.00017 - 23.83 :1:0.61 -65.04:1:0.48 84.2 :I: 1.1 4.87 :1:0.13 -4.137:1:0.094 3.14920:1:0.00019 17151.310:l:0.Q31 6362.975 :1:0.021 4779.018 :1:0.010 29.46576 :1:0.00006 79.42443 :1:0.00021 105.74893 :1:0.00022 - 23.4 :I: 1.8 - 54.79 :1:0.66 61.4 :I: 1.3 8.28 :1:0.43 -2.32:1:0.11 3.14129:1:0.00031 (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) la (uA Z) lb (uAZ) le (uA Z) dJ (kHz) dJK (kHz) dK (kHz) dWJ X 106 dWK X 106 la+lb-Ie (uAZ) Conversion factor 505376 MHz uAz. The uncertainties represent one standard deviation. a Taken from ref. 10. b Taken from ref. 11. 263 The assignment of the two 13C species, present in a total of about l per cent concentrations, was quite difficult for the two following main reasons. Firstly, the molecule has a fairly dense microwave spectrum with absorptions occurring every few MHz throughout the entire microwave region. Secondly, only b-type transitions have sufficient intensity to be observed. Because of this, all intense transitions depend heavily on the rotational constant A, whose absolute value is much more difficult to estimate accurately a priori than in the case of B and C. In order to assign the weak absorptions originating from the 13C species accurate estimates of the rotational constants were essential to avoid excessive searching in the spectrum. By considering reasonable structural models it was found that the rotational constant C could be predicted within :t 3 MHz for both 13C species. Plausible values of B were then chosen at intervals of 3 MHz and the corresponding A's obtained from Ia+lb-Ie = 3.135 uÅ2 (refs. 10 and 11), which was expected to hold within better than 0.5 % because the substitutions take place in the symmetry plane. The resulting sets of rotational constants were then used with Kraitchman's equations13 to calculate the substitution coordinates for the two carbon atoms. From these coordinates and those already available for the other substituted atoms, the C~O, C-Hald' C-C, and C-Hale bond lengths were computed and compared to the expected values of approximately 1.21 Å, 1.10 Å, 1.50 Å, and 1.09 Å, respectively. This procedure proved very useful and the B's and A's could be predicted within :t 10 MHz and :t75 MHz, respectively. A search was then made for low J transitions which were found within the expected frequency ranges. The assignments of these transitions were confirmed by their CHDOH-CHOb 55 0.077 13CH2OH-CHO 10 CH2OH-'3CHO 18 0.086 CH2OH-CH'80 22 0.082 16987.977 ::1::0.031 6385.521 ::1::0.007 4843.832::1::0.017 29.74907 ::1::0.00005 79.14402::1::0.00009 104.33389 ::1::0.00037 -29.9::1:: 1.3 - 58.35 ::1::0.80 18126.88::1::0.10 6487.47::1::0.07 4923.03 ::1::0.05 27.87614::1::0.00015 77 .90029 ::1::0.00084 102.6554 ::1::0.0010 18259.524::1::0.051 6472.328::1::0.017 4924.556::1::0.020 27.67738::1::0.00008 78.08254::1::0.00021 102.62362 ::1::0.00042 -10.0::1:: 1.8 -313::1::53 -433::1::113 18087.032::1::0.026 6242.805 ::1::0.009 4778.491 ::1::0.012 27.94133 ::1::0.000 80.95331 ::1::0.000 105.76052::1::0.000 -17.1::1::1.6 -268::1::26 -396::1::64 73.4::1:: l. 7 6.38 ::1::0.28 3.45 ::1::0.30 43::1::9 -3.54::1::0.17 3.1210::1::0.0013 3.13630::1::0.00047 4.15::1::0.27 35.2::1::5.2 3.13413::1::0.000 --- 264 intensities, characteristic modulation, Stark effects, which we were able to resolve in a few cases, as well as their positions in the spectrum, and in the case of CH2OH13CHO, their fit to Watson's centrifugal distortion formula with the results shown in Tables l and 2. Owing to several overlapping lines originating from the main species, not enough transitions belonging to l3CH2OH-CHO were measured to allow ameaningful centrifugal distortion analysis to be carried out for this species. The rotational constants given in Table 2 were obtained by taking into consideration the probable centrifugal distortion contribution of the measured lines. Due to the weakness of the l3C lines the spectral accuracy is no better than :!:0.25 MHz. ENERGlES OF THE TWO LOWEST FUNDAMENTAL MODES Michelsen and Klaboel have made tentative assignments for gaseous glycol- aldehyde of fifteen fundamental frequencies located above 400 cm-1. We have now perforrned relative intensity measurements of the two lowest fundamentals assigned in ref. 10. A value of 195:!:30 cm-l was obtained for the c-c torsional mode of species a" and 260:!:40 cm -1 for the lowest in-plane skeietal bending mode of species a'. These values were derived by averaging several relative intensity measurements perforrned on low J transitions following closely a procedure prescribed by Esbitt and Wilson14. The lowest in-plane fundamental of 260:!:40 cm -1 is in disagreement with the observed frequency of 550 cm -1 suggested for this mode in the infrared workl. A rough value of the C-C torsional fundamental may be calculated from (J) (cm-l) = 67.5/A (ref. 15) where A = I/+l+Ibv+l_Ic"+l-(Iav+lbv-IcV). Substituting a value of 0.408 UA2 for A taken from ref. 10 a torsional mode of 165 cm-l is found. There is agreement between this rough estimate and 195:!:30 cm -1, obtained above by the relative intensity method. The rotational constants of the second excited state of the c-c torsional mode have now been determined as A = 18480.99:!:0.15MHz, B = 6439.60:!:O.10 MHz, and C = 4961.09:!:0.1O MHz. By comparing these rotational constants to those of the ground and first vibrationally excited states of the same mode it is seen that they vary almost linearly, indicating an essentially harmonic C-C torsional frequency. In agreement with this, the intensities of the rotational transitions of successively excited states of this mode were seen to decrease steadily. DIPOLE MOMENT Due to improved equipment we are now able to perform measurements of the dipole moment more accurately than previously. A redetermination of the dipole moment of glycolaldehyde has therefore been undertaken. A d.c. voltage was 265 app1ied between the Stark septum and the cell, with the modulating square wave voltage superimposed. The d.c. voltage was measured with a digital voltmeter having an accuracy of 0.025 %. The electric field was calibrated using the OCS 1--+2 transition with Jlocs = 0.71521 D (ref. 16). Stark coefficients of the 00,0 --+11,1 at 23415.72 MHz, the 21,1 --+2z,0 at 35903.29 MHz, and the 40,4 --+41.3 transitions at 22143.02 MHz were used to determine the dipole moment. Stark splitting rangings from about 5 MHz to about 35 MHz were measured. The 00,0 --+11,1 and 40,4 --+41,3 transitions were found to have the usua1 second order Stark effect within the measurement accuracy, whereas a marked fourth order contribution was found for the IMI = 1 and IMI = 2 Stark lobes of the 21,1 --+2z.0 transition. The second order coefficients for this transition were determined by plotting !wjEZ versus EZ. The measured second order Stark coefficients and their standard deviations are given in Tab1e 3. The theoretical second order Stark coefficients were calculated by the computer programme MB04 (ref. 17) using the Golden-Wilson formula18. TABLE 3 STARK COEFFICIENTS AND DIPOLE MOMENT OF GLYCOLALDEHYDE The uncertainties represent one standard deviation. The standard deviations of the dipole moment components obtained from the least squares fit were half the values given in this table. Transition !1V/E2 (IMHz/(V/cm)21 xlO5) Observed Calculated 00,0 -+ 11.1 M=O 2.54::1:0.04 2.53 21.1 -+ 22.0 M=l M=2 1.36 ::1:0.03 3.62::1:0.07 1.34 3.64 40.4 -+ 41.3 M=3 M=4 1.48 ::1:0.02 2.60::1:0.02 1.47 2.61 !l. = 0.262::1:0.002 D flb = 2.33 D fltot = 2.34 ::1:0.01 ::1:0.01 D A least squares fit using a diagonal weight matrix was performed. The weights were chosen to be (J-z, where (Jis the experimentally determined standard deviation of the second order Stark coefficients appearing in Table 3. From the fit, Jla = 0.262 D and Jlb = 2.325 D with standard deviations of 0.001 D and 0.005 D, respectively, were obtained. However, by taking into account possible systematic errors, these standard deviations are probab1y too small, possibly by a factor of 2. As the final result, Jla = 0.262::1::0.002 D, Jlb = 2.33 ::1::0.01D, and Jltat = 2.34::1::0.01 D are given. The uncertainties quoted represent one standard deviation. The high accuracy of Jla results mainly from the Stark effect of the 21.1 --+2z,0 transition 266 being strongly dependent on this dipole moment component. The present result is at variance with our previous one10 now considered to be inaccurate. Calculations perforrned by the CNDOj2 (complete neglect of differential overlap) method19, 20 yielded 2.45 D for the dipole moment in reasonable agreement with the present experimental value. STRUCTURE Determination of the molecular structure was perforrned by the familiar rs method21 which is ideally suited for glycolaldehyde because no atom is closer to a principal axis than about 0.5 Å. The substitution coordinates presente d in Table 4 were, with the exception of the coordinates of 0(1) of Fig. 1, calculated employing the effective moments of inerti a in Kraitchman's equations13 for a non-planar asymmetric rotor using CH2OH-CHO as the parent molecule. The a and b coordinates of 0(1) were computed from Lmpi = Oand Lmjbj = O,respectively. The standard deviations shown in Table 4 are derived from the standard deviations of the rotational constants. The resulting substitution structure presented in Table 5 was computed from the Cartesian coordinates of Table 4. The standard deviations appearing in Table 5 were derived from the standard deviations of the substitution coordinates shown in Table 4 and are thus only a measure for the precision with which they are determined. A model of the molecule projected in the a-b principal axes plane is shown in Fig. 1. TABLE 4 SUBSTITUTION COORDINATES FOR GLYCOLALDEHYDE CH2OH-CHO is the parent molecule. The uncertainties represent one standard deviation calculated from the standard deviations of the rotational constants. Atom' O(Ob 0(2) C(l) C(2) H(l) H(2,2') H(3) Principal axes a (A) b (A) -1.3586::1:0.0004 1.3388 ::1:0.0001 -0.6841 ::1:0.0003 0.8049 ::1:0.0003 -0.5485::1:0.0004 -0.9804::1:0.0002 1.3857 ::1:0.0001 0.5612::1:0.0005 0.5487 ::1:0.0001 -0.7072::1:0.0005 -0.5367::1:0.0003 1.2308 ::1:0.0001 -1.2811 ::1:0.0001 -1.4733 ::1:0.0001 c (A) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ::1:0.8818 ::1:0.0002 0.0 'L.m,a;b, = 0.0297 uA2 1,0-1a' = -0.502 uA2 lo°-lb' = 0.409 uA2 leo-le' , See Fig. 1 for notation. b Coordinates calculated from 'L.m,aj= Oand 'L.mjb;= o. = -0.410 uA2 267 b 0(1) 0(2) a H (3) Fig. 1. Projection of stable conformer of glycolaldehyde in the a-b principal axes plane. TABLE 5 SUBSTITUTION STRUCTURE OF GLYCOLALDEHYDE The uncertainties represent one standard deviation. They are only a measure for the precision with which the operationally defined substitution structure is obtained. See text. Bonded C~O C-O C-C O-H 1.2094::1::0.0003 Å 1.4366::1::0.0007 Å 1.4987 Å 1.0510::1::0.0005 Å C-H.ld C-H.le 1.l021 Å ::1::0.0004 ::1::0.0003 1.0930::1::0.0003 Å L c-c~o L C-C-HOld L c-c-o L C-O-H L C-C-Haie LH-C-H LH-C-O 122°44'::1::2' L O-H, . . O L H . . . O-C L O-H, C-O' 120°33' 115°16' ::1::2' 111°28'::1::2' 101 °34' ::1::2' 109°13'::1::1' 107°34' ::1::2' 109°39'::1:: I' Non-bonded O...H 0",0 2.0069::1::0.0004 Å 2.6974::1::0.0004 Å ::1::2' 83°41'::1::1' 24°14' ::1::2' o Angle between the O-H and C-O bonds. Possible deviations of the rs structure from the equilibrium structure were estimated by increasing all substitution coordinates of Table 4 by (jx = 0.0012/x. This empirical relation was obtained by Costain22 from available experimental data. The estimated difference of the rs bond lengths from the equilibrium structure are -0.003 Å, -0.003 Å, -0.003 Å, +0.002 Å, +0.001 Å, and -0.001 Å in the 268 C~O, C-O, C-C, O-H, C-Hald' and C-Hale bonds, respectively. The substitution structure should therefore represent the equilibrium structure within about 0.005 Å. Another effect that may influence the structure determination of glycolaldehyde deserves comment. Crystal studies2 3,24 have shown that for "strong" X-H, . . y hydrogen bonds the X . . . y distance increases by between 0.001 Å to 0.04 Å upon replacement of H by D, but no change or a small contraction has been observed for "weak" hydrogen bonds. Arecent microwave study of gauche 2-chloroethano125 has shown that there is probably no, or very little, change in the pertaining O... Cl distance when hydrogen is replaced by deuterium. Although the data for glycolaldehyde is a bit incondusive with regard to this isotope effect, it is expected to be small because of the relative "weak" hydrogen bond the observed conformation possesses. In keeping with this, no unusual effects have been detected in the structural parameters of the molecule. If the rs structure of Table 5 is compared to the partial ro structure ofref. 1] it is seen that they agree within approximately 0.03 Å and 3°, or better. As shown in Table 4 Iao-Ias and Ieo-Ies are both negative presurnably mainly as a result of the low frequency in-plane bending fundamental at 260:1::40cm-l. DISCUSSION It is evident from the microwave data that the most stable conformation of glycolaldehyde is the one shown in Fig. 1. This form of the molecule is stabilized by a five member intramolecular hydrogen bond which is very non-linear with LOH' . . O = 120°33', r(H' . . O) = 2.007 Å, and r(O . . . O) = 2.697 Å. The latter two non-bonded distances are about 0.6 Å and 0.1 Å, respectively, shorter than the sums of the pertinent van der Waals' radii26. The angle between the H-O and C~O bonds is 24°14' from being parallel which would probably be the most favourable arrangement if the hydrogen bond was solely electrostatic in origin25. LH' . . O = C is 83°41' or about 37° smaller than the pro bable direction of the sp2-hybridized lone electron pair of the carbonyl oxygen. LCOH is about 7° smaller and r(O-H) is approximately 0.1 Å longer than the corresponding structural parameters of methano127. The simultaneous O-H lengthening and the decrease of LCOH of glycolaldehyde as compared to methanol result in a doser proximity of the hydroxyl proton and carbonyl oxygen in the former molecule. The rather long O-H bond is difficult to explain from a purely electrostatic model of the hydrogen bond and probably means that some covalent character must be invoked. However, this weak covalent effect does not manifest itselfto a noticeable degree in the structural parameters of the carbonyl group, e.g., the rs values for the C~O bond length and the C-C~O angle are very dose to the corresponding ro parameters of acetaldehyde28, and there is really no significant difference. 269 The C-C and C-Raid bond lengths of glycolaldehyde are also very dose to their counterparts in acetaldehyde28. A difference is found, however, in the C-o bond length being 1.4246:t0.0024 Å in methano127 and 1.437 Å in glycolaldehyde, but the latter value is not too different from the rs length of 1.431:t 0.003 Å found in trans ethano129. The strength of the hydrogen bond of glycolaldehyde and the stability of the stable cis conformation of Fig. l is of considerable interest. Almenningen et al. 30 have in arecent electron diffraction study evaluated the energy of the .:I hydrogen bond of gauche 2-chloroethanol to be 3.8 (+2.0, -1.0) kcal mole-1. The O-R bond is about 0.04 Å shorter in this molecule25 than in glycolaldehyde, and it is therefore probable that the energy of the hydrogen bond is higher in glycolaldehyde than in gauche 2-chloroethanol. A hydrogen bond energy of 3-6 kcal mole-1 is therefore suggested for glycolaldehyde. Conformers other than the cis form of Fig. 1 have not been found experimentally1O. In order to obtain indications of the existence of additional rotamers and their energies the semi-empirical molecular orbital CNDO /2 method 19,2o has been exploited. Glycolaldehyde constitutes a difficult problem for such calculations because rotation around the C-o and C-C bonds each may produee distinct rotamers. In addition, other geometrical parameters of the molecule may change as the dihedral angles are varied. A complete mapping of the resulting potential surface is thus an extremely lengthy process and has only partially been carried out. Our calculations showed that the method correctly predicts the observed conformation to be the energetically favoured form of the molecule. Indications were obtained that conformers I and Il of Fig. 2 are stable and of 1.4kcal mole-1 and 1.6kcal mole-1, respectively,higher energythan the observed cis form. If these indications were correct, there should be approximately 10 %of I and 7 %of n, respectively, present at room temperature if Boltzmann distribution is followed and a statistical weight of 1 is assumed for each of them. Our micro- o C / H,H' o c c c H H o Il Fig. 2. Possible high energy forms of glycohildehyde. CNDOj2 computations indicate that I is possibly about 1.4 kcal mole - 1 and Il app~oximately 1.6 kcal mole - " respectively, less stable than the observed conformation. Both forms have planar HOC-CHO skeletons with two out-ofplane hydrogens and are not stabilized by hydrogen bonds. 270 wavestudyl o stronglytends to refute, although not completelyrule out, such high concentrations of other forms than the identified one. Although the CNDOj2 proposal of the possible existence of stable rotamers such as I and Il seems pro bable, it is felt that this method yields too low an energy for them possibly because the method underestimates the strength of the hydrogen bond. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Fil.Kand. Hasse Karlsson and Professor Carl Lagerkrantz of the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) are thanked for making available the commercial spectrometer used in part of this work. Financial support from the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Il 12 13 14 H. MICHELSEN AND P. KLABOE, J. Mol. Structure, 4 (1969) 293. E. THOM, personal communication, 1968. B. F. 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