Journal of Molecular Structure 485–486 (1999) 163–173 Structure and conformations of 1,1,1-trifluoromethanesulfenylamine, CF3SNH2. Gas electron diffraction, microwave spectroscopy and theoretical calculations M. Asimus a, S. Schühle a, D. Christen a, H. Møllendal b, C.O. Della Vedova c, M. Lieb d, H. Oberhammer a,* a Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie, Universität Tübingen, 72076Tübingen, Germany b Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Blindern, 0315Oslo, Norway c CEQUINOR (CONICET) and Laboratorio de Servicios a la Industria y al Systema Cientı́fico (UNLP-CIC-CONICET). Departamento de Quı́mica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 47 esq. 115, (1900)La Plata, Argentina d Lehrstuhl für Anorganische Chemie II, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 44780Bochum, Germany Received 30 November 1998; accepted 11 February 1999 Abstract The geometric structure and the conformational composition of 1,1,1-trifluoromethanesulfenylamine, CF3SNH2, were investigated by gas electron diffraction (GED) and microwave spectroscopy (MW). In the MW spectra transitions of two conformers were observed. Rotational constants of deuterated species demonstrated that the more intense transitions belong to the anti form (nitrogen lone pair antiperiplanar to S–C bond). From relative intensities and dipole moments an energy difference DE E syn 2 E anti 1:1 1 kcal mol21 was derived. A joint analysis of GED and MW data resulted in the following skeletal parameters (rz values with 2s uncertainties): S–N 1.673(5) Å, S–C 1.836(5) Å and C–S–N 101.8(8)8. These parameters and the energy difference are well reproduced by B3PW91/6-31G* calculations. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: 1,1,1-Trifluoromethanesulfenylamine; Gas electron diffraction; Microwave spectroscopy; Quantum chemical calculations; Anomeric effect 1. Introduction Anomeric effects are known to control the conformational properties of many compounds which contain atoms with electron lone pairs [1]. Originally, this effect has been formulated to rationalize conformational and structural properties and chemical reac* Corresponding author. Tel.: 1 49-7071-2976907; fax: 1 497071-295490. E-mail address: (H. Oberhammer) tivities of oxygen containing hydrocarbons, especially of sugars. The extension of analogous stereoelectronic interactions to compounds containing other atoms with lone pairs, such as N, P or S, has been termed the generalized anomeric effect [2]. The influence of this effect on the conformational and structural properties of sulfenylamines of the type XSNH2 (X H, F and Cl) has been studied theoretically by Reed and Schleyer [3]. The dominant stereoelectronic interaction in these compounds occurs between the nitrogen lone pair and the antibonding S–X orbital, n(N) ! s*(S–X). This interaction favors the anti form 0022-2860/99/$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0022-286 0(99)00089-7 164 M. Asimus et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 485–486 (1999) 163–173 Scheme 1. Side view and Newman projection along N–S bond for XNSH2 compounds. relative to the syn form. Anti and syn describe the orientation of the nitrogen lone pair with respect to the S–X bond (Scheme 1). According to theoretical calculations [3], the parent species HSNH2 prefers the syn conformation and the anti form is higher in energy by 0.53 kcal mol 21 (HF/6-31G*). Apparently, the anomeric stabilization n(N) ! s*(S–H) is too weak and other effects such as steric repulsion between the hydrogen atoms dominate. These calculations reproduce earlier microwave spectroscopic investigations of this compound where both conformers were observed and their structures and relative energies (0.25 kcal mol 21) were determined [4]. The situation is quite different for FSNH2 and ClSNH2. For these two compounds the ab initio calculations predict that only the anti conformer is a stable structure and the syn form does not correspond to a minimum on the energy surface. This result has been interpreted in terms of a strong n(N) ! s*(S–X) interaction, if X F or Cl, which stabilizes the anti conformation. To our knowledge, aminosulfenyl fluoride and chloride have never been synthesized and presumably do not exist as stable compounds. Since the strength of the n(N) ! s*(S–X) interaction depends primarily on the relative energies of the lone pair and antibonding S–X orbitals, we considered CF3SNH2 to be a suitable candidate for studying the influence of the anomeric effect on the conformational properties. In this compound which is easily accessible to an experimental study, an intermediate n(N) ! s*(S–X) interaction is expected. The first synthesis of trifluoromethane–sulfenylamine has been reported by Emeleus and Nabi [5]. In 1994 this Fig. 1. Experimental (dots) and calculated (full line) electron diffraction molecular intensities and residuals. Fig. 2. MW spectrum around 30.7 GHz with Stark field of approximately 0 V cm 21. M. Asimus et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 485–486 (1999) 163–173 165 166 M. Asimus et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 485–486 (1999) 163–173 compound has been examined in a theoretical and IR spectroscopic investigation, primarily focusing on the properties of the halogenmethanesulfenyl group [6]. The quantum chemical calculations (HF/3-21G* and HF/6-31G*) indicate the presence of two conformations with the syn form less stable by DE 0.7 and 1.5 kcal mol 21, respectively, but the IR and Raman spectra revealed the presence of only one conformer, showing Cs symmetry. It was assumed that this was the anti conformer. Our aim was the structural and dynamical characterization of CF3SNH2, combining the techniques of gas electron diffraction (GED) and microwave spectroscopy (MW). The GED intensities provide reliable values for the skeletal structural parameters. Because of the weak scattering power of the hydrogen atoms, however, they do not allow for the determination of the conformational properties. Therefore, in addition to the GED experiment, MW spectra were recorded for the normal, as well as for the singly and doubly deuterated species. The experimental analyses are supported by new theoretical calculations. 3. Theoretical calculations The geometric structures of the anti and syn conformers were optimized with the hybrid method B3PW91/6-31G* [9]. This is a computatioanlly very efficient method which includes electron correlation. The vibrational frequencies were calculated for the more stable anti form. The experimental frequencies [6] are reproduced with a mean deviation of Dn 26 cm21 ; except for the two N–H stretches which are predicted too high by about 170 cm 21. The cartesian force constants were transformed to symmetry constants and parallel and perpendicular vibrational amplitudes were derived with the program ASYM40 [10]. The contributions of the low frequency CF3 torsion (61 cm 21) were neglected for the perpendicular amplitudes of interatomic distances which do not depend on this torsional motion (C–F, F…F and S…F). 4. Microwave spectroscopy 2. Experimental CF3SNH2 and the deuterated species were prepared by the reaction of CF3SCl with NH3 or ND3, respectively [5]. The purity of the samples were checked by IR (gas) spectroscopy. The electron diffraction intensities were recorded with a Gasdiffraktograph KD-G2 [7] at 25 and 50 cm nozzle-to-plate distances and with an accelerating voltage of ca. 60 kV. The sample reservoir was kept at 2 308C and the inlet system and gas nozzle were at room temperature. The photographic plates (Kodak Electron Image Plates 13 × 18 cm) were analyzed with the usual methods [8]. Averaged molecular intensities in the s-ranges 2–18 and 8–35 Å 21, in steps of Ds 0.2 Å 21, are shown in Fig. 1. The MW spectra were recorded at a temperature of 2 308C with conventional Stark spectrometers in the frequency ranges 8–18 and 30–36 GHz. Further measurements were performed with the very sensitive radio frequency–MW double resonance spectrometer in Oslo. Finally, MW–MW double resonance measurements were made in Tübingen. The microwave spectra in the lower frequency region (8–18 GHz) showed obvious m b type Qbranch-series with high J as well as clusters of— albeit rather weak— m a-type lines separated by approximately B 1 C according to the model calculations. But even so, no obvious assignment was found at the beginning. Instead, realizing that in the near prolate rotor CF3SNH2 (k 2 0.83) the otherwise asymmetry split K2-states for high Ks approach degeneracy, the higher frequency range was searched for the m a Rbranch transitions J: 7 ← 6 and 8 ← 7 at a Starkfield of practically 0 V cm 21, utilizing the extremely fast Stark effect of the degenerate states. These spectra, although still surprisingly rich in lines, revealed the typical pattern of the R-branch K2 < J transitions, not only, as it turned out, for the vibrational ground state, but also for several excited vibrational states (Fig. 2). In order to confirm this assignment, a radiofrequency–microwave (RF–MW) double resonance experiment was performed with the very sensitive instrument in Oslo, pumping the transitions between the asymmetrically split J 2, K2 2 states (RF) Fig. 3. RF–MW-double-resonance spectrum of the J: 3 ← 2 MW transition. RF-Pump frequency: 7.2 MHz. Torsional states are connected, the d (CSN) and r (CF3) states are marked individually. M. Asimus et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 485–486 (1999) 163–173 167 168 M. Asimus et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 485–486 (1999) 163–173 Table 1 Rotational constants (MHz), inertial defects and inertial defect differences DD with the ground state (uÅ 2), asymmetry parameter and number of lines included in the fit for different compounds under study v0 vT 1 vT 2 vT 3 vCSN 1 CF3SNH2 anti A B C DJ × 10 3 DJK × 10 3 DK × 10 3 d J × 10 3 DK × 10 3 Inertial defect DD k N 4530.3400(30) 2294.6984(15) 2094.0307(15) 0.4088(29) 1.9960(28) 2 1.4497(66) 0.0523(14) 2 2.2587(56) 2 90.4486 – 2 0.8353 249 4530.4458(69) 2287.4743(35) 2094.6357(35) 0.6438(159) 1.6467(106) 4.3581(884) 0.0398(44) 2 1.9536(155) 2 91.2112 2 0.7626 4530.828(11) 2280.8685(89) 2095.4354(89) 0.7606(865) 2.0478(304) 1.774(128) 0.0430(7) 2 2.3537(524) 2 91.9337 2 1.4851 4531.254(18) 2274.424(18) 2096.351(18) 0.2823(1765) 2.2642(218) 2 1.115(263) 0.0461(3) 2 2.4834(201) 2 92.6564 2 2.2078 4540.0727(15) 2294.4405(10) 2090.6594(10) 1.3226(84) 2 1.0026(55) 1.9048(73) 0.1405(3) 8.9981(9) 2 89.8450 0.6036 CF3SNH2 syn A B C DJ × 10 3 DJK × 10 3 DK × 10 3 d J × 10 3 DK × 10 3 Inertial defect DD k N 4528.694(957) 2308.488 (28) 2105.413(29) 0.9396(910) 0.3401(2370) 2 1.9770 a 2 2.0018 (163) 2 2.2439 2 90.4928 – 2 0.8324 37 4543.393(4480) 2301.259(59) 2105.710(66) 0.8159(2394) 1.0877(5638) 2 1.9770 a 2 2.2092(7348) 2 2.2439 2 90.8388 2 0.3460 Deuterated CF3SNH2 anti CF3SNHD anti A B C DJ × 10 3 DJK × 10 3 DK × 10 3 d J × 10 3 d K × 10 3 Inertial defect, D k N v0 4456.157(76) 2250.480(52) 2052.120(53) 0.4067 a 1.8280(164) 2 0.6121(230) 0.0513(7) 2 2.0613(213) 2 91.7040 2 0.8350 83 a 146 26 116 4528.826 a 2295.406(288) 2105.234(331) 0.8363(2560) 0.4632(2467) 2 1.9770 a 2 2.075 (1656) 2 2.2439 2 91.1702 2 1.2095 19 CF3SND2 anti (A 2 C)/2 v0 1201.778 DJ × 10 3 DJK × 10 3 DK × 10 3 d J × 10 3 d K × 10 3 Inertial defect, D k N 0.407 a 1.991(18) 2 0.486(300) 0.054(1) 2 2.366(26) 2 91.7040 2 0.8411 75 102 53 4538.071 a 2308.089(153) 2101.476(175) 2 1.5928(3255) 2 0.6967(4963) 2 1.9770 a 2 12.1543(9130) 2 2.2439 2 89.8359 0.6569 18 Not refined in the least squares fit. while searching for the K2 2 components of the J: 3 ← 2 m a (MW)-transitions. This spectrum (Fig. 3) not only showed the ground state transitions of the anti conformer surrounded by satellites from excited vibrational states, but also saw the pattern repeated at higher frequencies and reduced intensity. Thus, for the first time, the presence of a second conformation of CF3SNH2 (syn) became obvious. The assignment of the high frequency pattern to the syn conformer was later confirmed by the M. Asimus et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 485–486 (1999) 163–173 Table 2 Estimated vibrational frequencies of the lowest lying vibrational states t (CF3) d (CSN) r (CF3, a 00 ) d (CF3, a 00 ) a b v 1,2,3,4 v1 v1 v1 80 ^ 10 cm 21 186 ^ 50 cm 21 233 ^ 50 cm 21 226 ^ 50 cm 21 Ra a: 89 cm 21 Ra a: 205 cm 21 IR/Ra a: 315 cm 21 Not observed b Ref. [6]. 303 cm 21 from B3PW91/6-31G*. analysis of the 7 ← 6 and 8 ← 7 transitions, which at a low Stark field also appeared in the 30–36 GHz region to somewhat higher frequencies than the corresponding transitions of the anti conformation. The fit of the assigned m a-transitions for both conformers led to improved models and quickly allowed for the assignment of the m b-Q-branch transitions. The recorded transitions—measured with an experimental accuracy of 100 kHz—are available from the authors (DC) and have been stored at Strukturdokumentation, Universität Ulm, Germany. The rotational constants (A-Reduction and IR Representation) are collected in Table 1. A look at Fig. 3 reveals many populated excited vibrational states. A thorough analysis was possible for the spectra of the following states: CF3-torsion (vT 1,2,3,(4)), CSN-deformation (v 1), (a 00 -CF3rocking (v 1) and a 00 -CF3-deformation (v 1)). The assignment of these lines could be checked by MW– MW double resonance spectroscopy concentrating on the confirmation of a common origin of R- and 169 Q-branch transitions. An evaluation of the relative intensities of transitions belonging to these excited states yielded the wavenumbers shown in Table 2. The ab initio calculations predict large differences in the magnitude of the dipole moments for the two conformers of CF3SNH2. It is therefore of great interest to determine the dipole moments experimentally. The very crowded spectrum made it extremely difficult to follow the Stark-shifted lines at different Stark fields, but the analysis of the m a components from the J: 303 ← 202 and 313 ← 212 transitions of the syn and anti conformations, respectively, as well as the m b-component from the J: 313 ← 202 transition of the anti conformer, yielded the following values (with the B3PW91/6-31G* values in parantheses): ma anti 1:3 0:73 D ma syn 3:1 2:80 D mb anti 1:2 1:63 D mb syn – 0:15 D The knowledge of the dipole moments allowed an estimate of the energy difference between the two conformers based on the relative intensities of the DR-spectrum of the 32 ← 22 transitions. The energy difference is 370 ^ 30 cm 21 (1.1(1) kcal mol 21). Thus, the result of the B3PW91 calculations (0.8 kcal mol 21) is in good agreement with the experiment. After the transitions of the normal species had been assigned, the assignment of the strong m b-Q-branch transitions of the mono- and dideuterated isotopomers was quite straightforward. It was hoped that this Fig. 4. MW–MW-double-resonance spectrum of the J: 918 ← 827 transition of the monodeuterated species. 170 M. Asimus et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 485–486 (1999) 163–173 Fig. 5. Experimental radial distribution function and residual curve. Important inter atomic distances are indicated by vertical bars. assignment would provide a unique opportunity to experimentally decide whether the anti form (as predicted by all quantum chemical calculations) or the syn conformer would experimentally be more stable. The size of the m a dipole component, however, prohibited (using conventional Stark spectroscopy) an identification of the R-branch transitions that are needed in order to determine all rotational constants. This is very unfortunate as the values for (A 2 C)/2 and k were predicted to be quite similar for the deuterated species of the syn and anti conformers. A search for R-branch transitions was therefore started, involving MW–MW double resonance spectroscopy, pumping already identified m b-Q-branch transitions and searching for m a- or m b-R-branch transitions for both deuterated isotopomers. Only one line was found, however, the 918 ← 827 transition of the monodeuterated species, as shown in Fig. 4. This signal was predicted to be the strongest in the available frequency range, thus the elusiveness of the other transitions is consistent with the model. Nevertheless, even when a double resonance provides more certainty than a single line, we had hoped to locate more transitions in order to ascertain this assignment. The fitted rotational constants have been collected in Table 1. The values of the rotational constants of the monodeuterated species prove the more stable conformer to be the anti conformation in agreement with the ab initio calculations. 5. Structure analysis In the first step the geometric structure was determined from the GED data only. The radial distribution function (Fig. 5) was derived by Fourier transformation of the molecular intensities. In the least squares analyses the intensities were multiplied with a diagonal weight matrix. Overall Cs symmetry and local C3v symmetry for the CF3 group was assumed. A tilt angle between the C3 axis of the CF3 group and the S– C bond was introduced. The H–N–H angle was set to the theoretical value. Because of the small scattering M. Asimus et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 485–486 (1999) 163–173 171 Table 3 Interatomic distances, vibrational amplitudes and vibrational corrections (without nonbonded distances involving hydrogen) Values in Å. Error limits are 3s values. For atom numbering see Fig. 6 Distance N–H C–F S–N S–C F…F S…F1 S…F2 C…N N…F2 N…F1 a b Amplitude (GED) b 1.01 1.33 1.67 1.84 2.15–2.16 2.58 2.62 2.72 3.04 3.88 0.071 0.046 (2) 0.055 (5) 0.061 (3) 0.076 (7) 0.089 b 0.161 (23) 0.093 (22) Amplitude (theor.) a Dr ra 2 ra 0.071 0.045 0.048 0.052 0.057 0.075 0.069 0.089 0.219 0.076 0.0331 0.0016 0.0023 0.0011 0.0014 2 0.0001 2 0.0008 2 0.0010 0.0012 0.0015 From B3PW91/6-31G* force field. Not refined. amplitudes of the hydrogen atoms, the GED data do not allow a clear distinction between anti and syn conformations. Least squares refinements for both conformers gave a slightly better fit of the intensities for the anti form (R50 0.049) than for the syn structure (R50 0.053). R50 is the agreement factor for the intensities of the long (50 cm) nozzle-to-plate distance. This suggests that the anti conformer is present or is at least the predominant form, in agreement with the result derived from the MW spectra (see the preceding discussion). Since the GED intensities are rather insensitive to the conformational composition, its determination was not attempted from GED data. In the subsequent step, the GED intensities were combined with the rotational constants. The vibrational corrections for the interatomic distances Dr ra 2 rz (Table 3) and for the rotational constants DB i B0i 2 Bzi (B i A,B,C) (see Table 4) were calculated from the theoretical force field. The uncertainties of the Bzi constants were estimated to be 15% of the corrections DB i. These uncertainties are considerably larger than those of the B0i constants. The weight of Table 4 Experimental and calculated rotational constants in MHz B0i (exp) Bzi(exp) Bzi(calc) 4530.3400(30) 2294.6984(15) 2094.0307(15) 4531.97(24) 2.29360(17) 2.09380(4) 4.53209 2.29354 2.09378 the rotational constants relative to the electron diffraction intensities was increased until the calculated rotational constants reproduced the experimental Bzi values within their estimated uncertainties (Table 4). The combination of GED intensities and rotational constants clearly demonstrates that only the constants for the anti form are compatible with the GED intensities. Combination of GED intensities and rotational constants for the syn form leads to higher agreement factors. With the constraint of C3v symmetry for the CF3 group it was not possible to fit simultaneously GED intensities and rotational constants satisfactorily. Therefore, the symmetry of this group was reduced to Cs and differences between the C–F bond lengths, DCF (C–F2) 2 (C–F1), and between the FCF bond angles, DFCF (F1CF2) 2 (F2CF2 0 ), were introduced (atom numbering is given in Fig. 6). The rotational constants B and C are rather sentitive to the difference, DFCF, and this difference is well determined in the joint analysis. The difference between the bond lengths DCF was constrained to the B3PW91 value and an uncertainty of ^ 0.003 Å was estimated. The results of the joint GED/MW analysis are collected in Table 3 (vibrational amplitudes) and Table 5 (geometric parameters). 6. Discussion A B C The combination of GED and MW techniques allowed the determination of the conformational 172 M. Asimus et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 485–486 (1999) 163–173 Fig. 6. Molecular models with atom numbering of syn (left) and anti (right) conformer. properties of CF3SNH2 in the gas phase. The assumption made in the Introduction that this compound poses an intermediate case with respect to the strength of the anomeric effect can now be tested. Whereas the lp(N) ! s*(S–H) interaction in HSNH2 is too weak to stabilize the sterically less favored anti conformer, the analogous interaction involving the s*(S–C) orbital in CF3SNH2 Table 5 Experimental and calculated structural parameters of the anti conformer S–N S–C (C–F)mean DCFy(C–F2) 2 (C–F1) C–F1 C–F2 N–H C–S–N (F–C–F)mean DFCF (F1CF2) 2 (F2CF2 0 ) F1–C–F2 F2–C–F2 0 Tilt (CF3) c S–N–H H–N–H GED/MW a B3PW91/6-31G* 1.673(5) 1.836(5) 1.331(2) 0.007(3) b 1.326(4) 1.334(3) 1.012(8) 101.8(8) 108.4(3) 1.7(2) 108.9(4) 107.2(4) 2.0(13) 115.3(20) 111.3 d 1.692 1.824 1.342 0.007 1.337 1.344 1.015 102.9 107.9 2.0 108.6 106.6 2.8 113.4 111.3 Here rz parameters in Å and degree. Error limits are 2s values and include possible systematic errors. For atom numbering see Fig. 6. b Not refined, but varied within the estimated uncertainty in brackets for estimating possible systemetic errors in refined parameters. c Tilt angle of CF3 group in CSN plane and away from nitrogen. d Not refined. a leads to the preference of the anti form. The syn form is present as well and higher in energy by 1.1(1) kcal mol 21. Going to the other extreme, FSNH2 and ClSNH2, theoretical calculations predict only the existence of the anti form. The experimental energy difference DE 1.1(1) kcal mol 21 between the two conformers of CF3SNH2 is reproduced reasonably well by ab initio [6] and density functional calculations: 1.5 kcal mol 21 (HF/321G*), 0.7 kcal mol 21 (HF/6-31G*) and 0.8 kcal mol 21 (B3PW91/6-31G*). The calculated geometric parameters (Table 5) are in satisfactory agreement with the experimental values. In addition to the conformational properties, the lp(N) ! s*(S–C) interaction also affects the geometric parameters. From the corresponding nobond–double-bond mesomeric structure F3C 2S N 1H2 we expect lengthening of the S–C bond, shortening of the S–N bond and an increase of the C–S–N angle. The S–C bond in CF3SNH2 (1.836(5) Å) is indeed longer than in other CF3SX compounds with X H (1.800(5) Å [11]), X Cl (1.824(6) Å [8]), X CF3 (1.819(3) Å [8]) and X F (1.805(3) Å [8]). Only very few gas phase values for S(II)–N(sp 3) bond lengths are known in the literature. The S–N bond in CF3SNH2 (1.673(5) Å) is appreciably shorter than this bond in HSNH2 (1.719(4) and 1.705(3) Å in the syn and anti conformers, respectively), where the conformational properties indicate a weak lp(N) ! s*(S–H) interaction [4]. The angle at sulfur in CF3SNH2 (101.8(8)8) is larger than that in other CF3SX compounds [8]: 97.3(8)8 for X CF3, 98.9(4)8 for X Cl and 97.1(7)8 for X F. Thus, the skeletal parameters of CF3SNH2 are affected by an intermediate anomeric effect. M. Asimus et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 485–486 (1999) 163–173 173 Acknowledgements References D.C. thanks the Department of Chemistry at the University of Oslo for their hospitality and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for financial support of this cooperation between Tübingen and Oslo. H.O. is grateful for financial support by the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie. We thank the Fundación Antorchas (República Argentina), Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung and DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Germany) for financial support and for the DAAD–Fundación Antorchas and Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung–Fundación Antorchas Awards to the German–Argentine cooperation. CODV also thanks the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas y Técnicas (CONICET), and the Comisión de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (CIC), República Argentina, for financial support. 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