The Hino Hybrid Truck Experience in Australia By – Bram van der Schaar TRANSPORT ENVIRONMENT CHANGE Between 2000 and 2015 the freight task will double in Australia Photo ‒ KD Cowell & Assoc. 2005 BTRE estimates a 46% increase in Vehicle Kilometres Travelled from 2000-2020 Vehicle Population and Fleet Age Fleet Age Heavy Commercial Vehicle population >3.5T:! 502,919 Vehicles! Rigid trucks: 421,702 (83.85%)! Articulated: 81,217 (16.14%)! NSW Vic Qld SA WA Tas NT ACT Average: Rigid Artic 14.0 10.0 17.1 11.2 13.7 10.2 16.7 10.2 17.1 11.7 16.7 9.4 12.6 12.1 10.9 8.4 14.9 10.4 Source: ABS, Motor Vehicle Census Mar 2009 Vehicle Development & Fuel – Change Drivers Energy suppliers Customers - Vehicle lifetime cost - Preferences - Profitability Environment - CO2 - Clean air - Acidification - Over-fertilization - Noise - Development - Production - Distribution $ Technology producers - Development - Patents etc... $ Availability & Security of supply - Market/Price instability - Shortage $ $ Public opinion - Congestion - Information - Media $ Government - Visionary - Regulations - Tax and incentives $ Transportation efficiency - Good roads - Intelligent transport systems - Intelligent laws Hino approach towards the ultimate Eco-Vehicle Fuel Cell HV Diesel HV Gas HV Gas to EnergyLiquid Security Biomass Petrol HV Emission s DPNR D-4 Lean-burn Gas Diesel DI VVT EV What is a Hybrid ? • A hybrid vehicle is a vehicle that uses two or more dis4nct power sources to propel the vehicle • A Hybrid Vehicle has a unique advantage to recover and minimize energy losses. In the future Hybrids could u4lise: • LPG • Ethanol blended fuel • Compressed Natural Gas • Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric motor Hybrid ECU Diesel Engine Battery Unit The History of Hino Hybrid Vehicles 1989 Exhibited in TokyoMotorShow Transit Bus Production 3rd Gen. 2nd Gen. 1991 First in the World 1st Gen. 1995 New Bus sales begin 1994 4th Gen. 2001 2004 BlueRibbon City Hybrid sales begin New Bus sales begin 1993 2004 2001 1981 'HIMR' R&D Begin 1997 Bus for National Park (Nikko) S'ELEGA R Hybrid sales begin (Kamikochi) 2008 New Bus sales begin Hi-Power sightseeing Bus (Tateyama etc) 1993 1976 1995 Exam. Series Hybrid Medium-Duty Truck sales begin 1973 New S'ELEGA Hybrid 2004 Marathon relay vehicle 1994 Ranger hybrid 2003 Electric Bus Field exam. 2008 5th Gen. 500 Series hybrid 2006 Garbage truck Dutro hybrid 300 Series hybrid Pros & Cons of Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) Advantages of HEVs • Op4mum Engine Opera4on for Fuel Consump4on and Exhaust Emission • Energy Recovery during Decelera4on • Confirmed Reliability of Main Components • No Special Infrastructure • High Flexibility Disadvantages of HEVs • Weight and Cost • No Australian government incen4ves Potential of Hybrid Electric Vehicles Emission Reduction Energy Saving Energy Recovery Smaller Engine HEV Alternative Fuel CO2 Reduction HEV has high potential as an Environmentally Sustainable Transport Engine Load Reduction Optimum Engine Operation A Commitment to the Environment • In 2004 TNT Express made the decision to conduct a 2 year field trial of the Hino Hybrid, this was carried out in conjunc4on with the NSW Roads & Traffic Authority. At the successful end of that trial TNT Express purchased the first of its Hybrids for its delivery fleet. • The hybrids were purchased in following with the company’s global commitment to the environment. This is paramount in TNT’s “Planet Me” global project. • Today there is no purchase incen4ves (Tax incen4ves) to help bridge the cost differen4al between a hybrid and a conven4onal diesel truck. Real World Testing TNT - 2 year 45,000km trial Results 90 % less PM than a conven3onal diesel vehicle. 96% less visible pollu3on Hino Hybrid 6,500kg GVM 100 kW Diesel engine 36 kW electric Motor Real World Testing TNT - 2 year 45,000km trial Fuel Consumption -14% CO2 Emission Annual CO2 saving: 1,600 kg Projected CO2 Emissions by Road Vehicles in Australia BITRE - Greenhouse gas emissions from Australian transport: projections to 2020 The Hybrid in Australia • Hino Motor Sales Australia, was the first manufacturer to offer a Hybrid commercial vehicle in Australia. • The Hybrid was market launched in Australia late 2005, with the first deliveries in early 2006. • To date 100 plus units have been sold. • Even with an average fuel saving of 600 to 700 litres of fuel / year, customers s4ll find it hard to jus4fy the extra cost for the product. The Hybrid in Australia (continued) • The Federal Government has created the Green Car Innova4on Fund but it is not open to Commercial Vehicle manufacturers “only cars”. • Some manufacturers have opted not to offer their hybrid product in Australia due to lack of Government incen4ves to encourage market par4cipa4on. What’s Needed? • Trucks are different versus passenger cars! – Technical concept similar; business case, volumes, components & technology availability very different. – Increased environmental benefits per truck due to annual mileage. • Industry and fleets could benefit from; – Support for R & D – energy storage, applica4ons. – Enhanced commercially – focused purchase incen4ves. • Purchase incen4ves needed, provide assistance to broader range of fuel economy and environmental benefits. – Industry ideally need up-­‐front purchase cost reduced to encourage procurement. Congestion vs Economy & Environment Lesson’s from Japan Average speed down from 40 to10 km/h affects on 3E 5.3 billion hours loss / Year 42 hours / person 2.5 times the deterioration in FC 12 trillion yen / loss / Year 100 thousand yen / person 2 times the affect on the environment JARI – Masahiko Hori 2006.3.31 BIMS Air Pollution Improvement Strategy in Japan Ministry of Land, infrastructure, Transport and Tourism – Yosaku Oda Air Pollution Improvement Strategy in Japan Air Pollution Regulation EU USA JPN etc Traffic Flow International Harmonization Inspection & Maintenance Monitoring Domestic measures Vehicle Technology Fuel Specification Lead, Sulfur Lower Free JARI – Masahiko Hori 2006.3.31 BIMS Air Pollution Improvement Strategy in Japan Ministry of Land, infrastructure, Transport and Tourism – Yosaku Oda Air Pollution Improvement Strategy in Japan Ministry of Land, infrastructure, Transport and Tourism – Yosaku Oda Air Pollution Improvement Strategy in Japan Ministry of Land, infrastructure, Transport and Tourism – Yosaku Oda Hybrid Vehicle Incentives in Japan • Due to the addi4onal components, a light duty Hybrid truck today costs approximately $10,000 AUD more than a conven4onal diesel light duty truck. • In Japan a Hybrid vehicle investment premium is offset with both hybrid vehicle rebates and green vehicle tax breaks. Today's Situation Hino Hybrid Summary • Hybrid vehicle development has been ongoing for many years and is a proven and reliable technology. • The operator’s ini4al investment premium is a hurdle to hybrid & alternate fuelled vehicle uptake. – Rebates & or Green incen4ves are proven to work. • Hybrids are an effec4ve way to reduce the amount of fuel used to perform the freight task, no maker which fuel is used – Reducing the amount of fuel used directly reduces emissions & CO2. Hino Hybrid Summary (continued) • Hybrids have high poten4al to reduce air pollu4on in city and global warming. • Hybrids have the poten4al to be an intelligent vehicle for the environment. • Weight and cost reduc4on is the challenge in near future. Thank you