COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Curriculum Committee August 23, 2005 2:00 p.m.

Curriculum Committee
August 23, 2005
2:00 p.m.
2005-06 #1
D. Wunsch (chair), W. Cummings, D. Docking, L. Neeley, K. Judson, G. Aase,
M. Salmon,, L. Marcellus
Members introduced themselves. Student representatives have yet to be
Mission/Guidelines for
Members received a copy of the College Curriculum Committee Mission
Statement and Scope of Duties. Also brought to the committee’s attention
were the guidelines for curriculum revisions.
Faculty Asst Chair/Secy
Bill Cummings volunteered to serve as assistant faculty chair and secretary for
the 2005-2006 academic year.
Catalog Deadlines
Deadlines for submission of materials for both the Undergraduate and
Graduate Catalogs were announced.
CUC Representative
It was announced a College of Business representative is needed to serve on
the Committee on the Undergraduate Curriculum for one year (completing C.
DeMoranville’s term).
English Proficiency
The committee continued its discussion from last May regarding possible
modifications to the current English proficiency requirement for graduate
study. Representative from the Business graduate programs will meet to draft
a proposal to be submitted to the committee.
Ethics Task Force
It was reported the Ethics Task Force subcommittee will be meeting August
26. A representative will be invited to give a report at the next College
Curriculum Committee meeting.
UBUS 310
The committee approved a revision to the credit hours for UBUS 310. (See
page 1 of 1)
ACCY 370
A proposal to change ACCY 370 from S/U to a graded course was distributed.
Further discussion will take place at the next meeting.
Phase One
M. Salmon asked department representatives to request their departments
review graduate Phase One courses for assurance they are adequately preparing
students for Phase Two course work.
BS in Bus Adm
As BS in business administration majors have no home department, committee
members were asked to consider how the college could better service these
The meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.
Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 6, at 2:00 p.m.
Minutes approved: September 6, 2005
William Cummings, Assistant Faculty Chair/Secretary
Copies to: Vice Provost; Undergraduate Curriculum Committee; Director of Admissions; Graduate
Council Curriculum Committee; University Publications; Community College Relations; University
Archives; College Curriculum Committees; Student Association; Registration/Scheduling; College of
Business Faculty
Curriculum Committee
August 23, 2005
Page 1 of 1
2005-06 #1
College of Business
Course revision: Page 68, 2005-2006 Undergraduate Catalog
UBUS 310. BUSINESS CORE: LECTURE (3, 6, or 9). Introduction to the three primary
functional areas in business (finance, marketing, and operations) as well as general principles of
business management. Emphasis on interdisciplinary application of the business principles, and
the cross-functional relationships between functional areas in business. Offered for 3 or 6
semester hours of credit for off-campus B.S. in business administration degree program only.
PRQ: All 100- and 200-level College of Business core requirements with a C or better in ACCY
206, ACCY 207, MGMT 217, and UBUS 223, a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75, and junior
Rationale: Offering UBUS 310 for 3 or 6 credit hours is no longer applicable.