PFC/JA-83-2 HIGH RESOLUTION X-RAY SPECTRA FROM MOLYBDENUM IONS IN THE ALCATOR C TOKAMAK E. Killne, J. Killne and Robert D. Cowan Plasma Fusion Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 January 1983 This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Contract No. DE-AC02-78ET51013. Reproduction, translation, publication, use and disposal, in whole or in part by or for the United States government is permitted. By acceptance of this article, the publisher and/or recipient acknowledges the U.S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper. High Resolution X-ray Spectra from Molybdenum Ions in the Alcator, C Tokamak E. Kllne and .. Kllne Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Cambridge, MA 02138 and Robert D. Cowan Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, NM We report on measurements of the X-ray region 87545 line emission in the wavelength X = 4.3 to 5.3 A from molybdenum in charge states between 28+ and 32+. The experimental results were compared with calculated line spectra (also presented) which facilitated the identification of many of the principal 2p-3d, 2s-3p 2p-3s and transitions. contributions were also found. the dominant ones. charge states for Some indications of weaker line The principal 2p-3d transitions were found to be In particular, Mo3 2 + gave stronger contributions than our plasma condition of T e = 2.5 to 3.0 keV. other 1.0 to 1.5 keV while available calculations of relative ion abundances have predicated Mo32+ to strongest at T satellite be relatively Page 2 Introduction impurity Characteristic X-ray emission from highly ionized plasmas is a source of information elements for instance, can reveal the relative Z elements rates /1/. while importance of competing transported limiters molybdenum, of the High Z fully observe for vacuum vessel, impurities, such with Z = 42, will be only partly stripped of their electrons at electron temperatures (T ) of a few keV, common in tokamaks, more to into the plasma core, undergo successively increasing ionization mainly through electron impact collisions. as in the due to a strong Z dependence in the dielectronic recombination Impurity ions from the walls and being hot The emission from high Ionization-recombination processes which otherwise is difficult low in on the ionization stages present plasma and is a means to diagnose the plasma conditions. Z atoms stripped low Z elements. in contrast to the The high Z elements have a large total excitation cross section and the subsequent radiative de-excitations can cause large energy losses and eventually lead to major disruptions of the plasma. stability and energy confinement of the plasma is therefore highly sensitive The to the amount of high Z impurities and the atomic properties of the species present /2/. In order to estimate the overall energy losses due to impurity modeling of the plasma radiative available atomic cross sections /2,3/. different ionization is not well known. equilibrium has it done using the best of the and excitation processes to the ionization stage build-up Furthermore, the general assumption of a plasma not is been the relative importance of However, in coronal been verified by experiments for tokamak plasmas, nor has the assumption that heavy impurities will Therefore, has processes radiation, utmost importance be to in ionization identify responsible for heavy radiation losses in the plasma. the equilibrium emission /4/. spectra Page 3 The spectra of heavy, partly stripped ions molybdenum at temperatures of a few keV, of high are Z ion can be calculated supporting experimental spectroscopic with of some confidence only if there is available high Z relative complexity of the spectra requires, energy resolution elements first in plasmas of all, spectrum in order to separate and identify individual emission lines. consists of (bremsstrahlung) simultaneous since background emission resolvable calculated spectra. concerning allowing For these cases, line emission identification important with conclusions on spectra the be help the ions are of reached the major ionization and excitation processes of these ions embedded In this paper we measurements of the X-ray line emission from molybdenum impurites in the plasma of the Alcator C tokamak /10/ in the which can on for However, /9/. in the hot plasma usually consisting of hydrogen or deuterium. report the emission from several successive characterized by closed shell atomic configurations, the experimentally The experiments with high ionization stages which produces quasi-continuous features superimposed continuum recent /6,7,8/. Even so, all cases are still not amenable to spectral investigations measured as The line spectrum of This has been demonstrated in some information. investigations such composed of lines from many multi-charge states each having a complex level structure. each elements covers strong n=2 to wavelength region 4.3-5.3 A, n=3 transitions from molybdenum in neon-like and adjacent charge states. 2. The experiment was performed Alcator C located at MIT /10/. Experimental at the high field, density tokamak The magnetically confined plasma is physically limited by two molybdenum rings (radius 16 cm) inside X-ray high the vacuum vessel. An spectrometer views the plasma along a central chord at one of the limiter Page 4 ports with an instrumental vertical aperture central part of the plasma. window tokamak and of the cylindrically to -5 cm 60 cm from thickness 0.04 mm at the slit spectrometer. The spectral the plasma the separates the vacuum ot the analysis cylinder axis. The photons is done electronics. a proportional counter PDP11/30 computer. acquisition system shots. and The useful bandwidth or the full wavelength region X = 4.3-5.3 appropriately the positioning at the In this way an extendea spectrum can be recorded simultaneously for individual plasma discharges and partially between parallel A multichannel analyser stores and displays tne spectrum before the data are transferred to the common data using a with are counted with a position sensitive detector consisting of a 10 cm single wire tokamak A curved, (R = 58.5 cm) Bragg diffracting crystal (pentaerytnritol, horizontal standard the center. PET, 2d0 0 2 = 8.742 A) which disperses the photons along the direction to of The incident photon flux is defined by an entrance slit (0.2 mm wide) which is located about beryllium corresponding analyzed -s.h such spectrum is about 0.4 1 and 1 of the spectrometer detector. was covered by Other details about the experimental set up have been discussed in earlier papers /11,12/. The X-ray emission in the 4.3-5.3 conditions however, of the main plasma 1 region can be parameters. The studied under molybdenum is measurable only under rather limited plasma conditions varying line emission, because molybdenum we deuterium. The impurity concentration is therefore controllable but found high for only density N C). observe low is an ambient the impurity in the plasma of hydrogen or to be densities and seems to rise sharply with decreasing electron (or increasing Te, since Te and N are inversely correlated in Alcator The impurity level of molybdenum ions seem to have a different plasma depend- ence than has that of low Z impurities, such as sulphur (see Fig. 1). Thus, the Mo line spectra measured here represent a rather narrow band of plasma parameters, Page 5 namely electron densities of Ne interferometer 1.5 to 3 x 1014 cm (as determined from laser a 1.0 keV to 1.5 measurements) and electron temperatures of T keV (as determined from the X-ray continuum measurements). The plasma current, electron density, over a period of' some were measurements as conditions and parameters as such plasma electron temperature are essentially constant 100-200 msec electronically constant part of the discharge. by characterized in the middle to gated pick of the discharge. Our out the emission during the Hence, the time scale of observation was long compared to typical ionization-recombination times. An example of the time history for a typical plasma discharge is Figure 2. Here we can compare the time shown in dependence of plasma current and electron density with the signal from the integrated (hv >1 keV) X-ray emission Our signal for- this discharge represents largely the time and our X-ray signal. dependence of the Mo line emission over the wavelength region 4.5-4.9 X. of The time dependence of the X-ray emission over the wavelength band detector (A = 0.4 X) was recorded for each discharge, with a time resolution of typically one msec. the molybdenum current. where As exemplified in Figure 2, the temporal emission was generally found ohmic to follow the of However, at the time in the middle comparison of the so-called for used, instabilities. msec) (T ~180 Mo line An interesting observation can Another sawtooth instance, temporal to detect feature of the the made we in total (broad-band) X-ray the and emission be The total characteristic plasma emission m=1 discharge instability with a time period of some 10 ms. is plasma is the The presence of this instability is generally detected in the broad band X-ray emission, here of that of the plasma discharge emission, both measured along the central plasma chord. commonly dependence heating is applied the Mo-emission shows a strong rise compared to relative moderate rise in current. the the and demonstrate that this can be seen also in the molybdenum line emission Page 6 (Figure 2). to the Moreover, since the-sawtooth instabilities are believed core region of the plasma -inside the m=1 surface, line of sight (limited vertically to the central 5 cm important contributor profiles. While the sawtooth instabilities are seen highly ionized to the molybdenum, measured they are of broader spatial profiles belong this portion of our the plasma), is an emission from the radial impurity ion not as in of these our apparent helium-lik'e ions (such as chlorine or sulphur), which expectedly to is ions. emission from the hydrogen-like sulphur (having a higher signal from the in the emission from consistent with the Yet, the time resolved ionization potential) again shows a time behavior with sawtooth instabilities; the X-ray emission from S and C1 has been discussed earlier /11,13,14/. 3. Theoretical Calculations Previous experimental work on the X-ray line emission in molybdenum has led to the identification of Mo XXXIII lines at 4.415, 4.630, 4.804, 4.982, and 5.207 A /15,16/. These identifications are reasonably firm and can be used support interpretation of the of other lines in Mo spectra with the aid of theoretical calculations employing the Slater-Condon theory of atomic /17/. that effects. and structure One-electron radial wave functions were computed via the HFR method /18/, which uses Hartree-Fock equations with inclusion terms in of mass-velocity and provide first order corrections for (spin-independent) relativistic The Hamiltonian matrices were evaluated using these radial diagonalized to give eigenvalues (energy levels) and functions, eigenvectors (N-electron, intermediate-coupling wavefunctions) in the usual -way. purpose, all Coulomb radial the Eav) a scaled down For this integrals F , Gk, and Rk (contributing to matrix elements through terms other than were Darwin by configuration factor of center-of-gravity 0.93 to allow for energy weak configuration-interaction effects and thereby improve agreement between computed Page 7 and observed wavelengths; the Blume-Watson spin-orbit radial integrals C were similarly scaled by a factor 0.98. Configuration the near interactions of the type 3s3d+3p2 are equality energy in of the important because corresponding configurations, of and were included where pertinent, as in calculation of the transition arrays No XXXII 2p 63s - 2p 53s3d+2p 53p2 and Mo XXXI 2p 6 3s Trial 2 - 2p 5 3s calculations unimportant, 2 3d+2p 5 3s3p 2 showed other configuration interactions 2p-3s, and 2p-3d Ne-like to Mg-like molybdenum are listed in Tables I and II. given in configurations, [, the coupling representation excitations in Level designations two-open-subshell for and in the 2 3 11 for three-open-subsbell cases. best (especially Ij2 the (L2 3 S2 3 ) representation are be and most of these were neglected. The principal lines computed for 2s-3p, are to possible where ones 3s3d+3p2 to use, Although basis-state configuration mixings these representations mixings are usually large are present), and level designations must consequently not always be taken literally. Calculations were also made excited states satellite-line in Al-like transition for and arrays analogous Si-like produced transitions molybdenum, as the and result of collisionally for the following of dielectronic rec omb ina t ion: No XXXII 2p 6 n1 - 2p5 n13d Mo XXXI 2p6 3sn1 No XXX 2p 6 3s 2 n1 2p5 3sn13d - - 2p53 s2 n13d (n1 3s,3p,3d,4s,4p,4d,4f) Page 8 - 2p5 nl3s No XXXII 2p 6n (nl - 3s,3p). The results are too complex and voluminous to present here, of relatively little and are in any case importance in interpretation of the strong observed lines. The above results for Ne-like through Si-like molybdenum have been used synthesize spectra, using dielectronic-recombination including Doppler and III, results. IV, methods of computing excitation and rates to obtain intensities of the various lines, and instrumental discussed elsewhere /19/. Tables siml1e to line broadening. Some details have been The results of these calculations are presented in and V and in Figures 4-8 for comparison with the experimental Computed wavelengths are accurate to about +0.1 percent, so that identification of observed lines can be considered fairly firm provided computed and observed wavelengths agree to within +0.005 A. While it compare in computed and observed intensities order is necessary to identifications based on wavelength, quantitative agreement cannot because of the rough collisional excitation rates employed /20/, to corroborate be expected neglect of cascades and autoionization effects, possible non-equilibrium effects, etc. 4. Results Figure 3 shows an example of the X-ray emission observed from the Alcator C plasma in the wavelength region 4.3-5.3 A. which represents the similar plasma full shots (normal) were used In order to produce this spectrum, bandwidth of the spectrometer, several with three different detector settings. The plasma conditions were chosen so that the Mo emission was favoured although some characteristic emission from sulphur and chlorine impurities is also visible. The spectra of helium-like chlorine and sulphur, and along with /1.1!4/. of hydrogen-like sulphur their plasma diagnostics implications.have been discussed elsewhere Page 9 Here we shall concentrate on the spectrum of from Figure 3 that lying in i.e., 2s-3p, 2p-3d, and 2p-3s. the respectively, is obvious Mo impurities in the plasma produce numerous lines in the region 4.3-5.3 A, the identification of which we transition, It molybdenum. wavelength regions shall by type of These correspond to predicted lines 4.3-4.5 A, 4.6-4.9 A, as summarized in Tables III, IV, and V. are shown in Figures 4-8. organize 4.9-5.3 A, and The measured line spectra Each of these spectra covers part of the. wavelength region 4.3-5.3 A so that the 2s-3p lines appear in Figure 4, the 2p-3d lines in Figures 4, 5 and 6, and the 2p-3s lines in Figures 6, 7 and 8. Figure 8 shows the results where the spectrometer was adjusted to reach 2p-3s lines beyond X = 0 5.3 A. A. Below we discuss the results in more detail. The 2P-3d Transitions Figure 5 shows the 4.6-4.9 1, experimental containing 2p-3d and calculated transitions in ,spectrum is from a single detector setting, similar plasma discharges to spectra molybdenum. and was The temperature of Te -1400 eV. Mo 32+ an /21/ and Each distinct peak in the measured assigned a letter and is similarly referred to in Table IV. excitation temperature T. = 1.2 ieV. coronal and transition at 4.804 A /15/; wavelengths used for calibration been collisional The plasma cm- 3 X = 4.726 and 4.731 A The theoretical spectrum shows the relative line intensities the twelve 0 2p-3d has over To fix the wavelength scale we used the are marked with an asterisk in Tables III-V. spectrum 1014 region experimental provide better counting statistics. H-like sulphur resonance transitions Is-2p at the the accumulated conditions were characterized by an electron density of 3 x electron in equilibrium, but and determined by dielectronic recombination rates for a plasma It was assumed that the the as relative plasma was principally in population densities of the different Page 10 vlarge states as predicted by the coronal approximation had match better (see intensities experimental our to be The below). lines of the calculated spectrum are identified by numbers which also are used in Table gives IV a summary wavelengths and relative of the experimental intensities and each line IV. Table theoretical results on and is to shifted identified to as ion charge state and as to whether it is a resonance or satellite transition. From the comparison see of experimental and theoretical results in Figure 5, most of the observed prominent features can be understood in terms of that Of note is that the only strong lines that lack 2p-3d transitions. counterparts, i.e, the lines is within theoretical accuracy of 0.1 about 5 mA, percent. The wavelength agreement for the It may with the expected consistent i.e., be that noted the predicted of the spin orbit components seems to be systematically slightly too separation large for each charge state, so 2p integrals that the theoretical HFR values. HFR spin-orbit radial should have been scaled down by a factor 0.97 rather than 0.98. For comparison, non-relativistic hF values of than theoretical doublet at 4.73 A, have previously been identified as the Is1 /2-2 p3 /2 1/2 doublet of H-like sulphur. stronger we C2p are seven percent smaller The experimental data clearly provide a sensitive test of the theoretical assumptions. At a more detailed level of the line identification, we make the following observations. Among the prominent lines of the Ne-like spectrum of Mo3 2 + transitions at 4.630 A and are 57gure 6), states in line 2p-3d 4.804 A which are the predicted lines I and 16. These lines always appear in plasma shots showing any Mo emission at third the all. The the 2p-3d array, predicted to be at 4.855 A (line number 22 in could contribute to the observed peak (n) although other charge (Mo30+ and Mo 31+) might be even stronger contributors in this wavelength region (cf. Table IV). The presence of Mo 3 2 + in the plasma, however, is in no Page 11 dowbt and it is further corroborated transitions as discussed below. Ne-like No spectrum, the by the Besides these theory predicts observation three lines principal contributions satellites (lines No. 3,4,5,6, and 7 in Figure 5). of strong 2p-3s These from of the dielectronic appear on the long 0 wavelength region for of the 4.630 A line and near the 4.804 A0 line. side In fact, the X = 4.806-4.900 A contains a number of obse'rved peaks (i,j,k,l, and instance) which each may contain one or several of these satellites. potential satellite lines in this region are usually weaker than short wavelength the calculations. many resonance part those m, The in the of the spectrum, which is in qualitative agreement with However, besides these dielectronic satellites, there are transitions of lower charge states of molybdenum to consider as well. The emission from Mo3 1+ produces a more complex spectrum since transi.tion seen in 32+ Mo can be split into several for Mo3l+ two sets of peaks and together according higher atomic state. Again, to Indeed, 4.804 X, we (b,d,e) and (j,k,l,m) that match up well to the predicted lines (2,5,6) and (17,18,19,20) (Figure 5 and Table IV). group 2p-3d components. corresponding to the two strong lines seen in M032+ at 4.630 see each the the 2 p1/ 2 and 2 calculated These lines p3 /2 spin-orbit separation of the spin-orbit separation for this Na-like spectrum is systematically slightly greater than what is observed. Finally, emission from Mo3 0 + is evidenced by the peaks at 4.680 at X (f) and 4.854 1 (n) which we associate with predicted lines 7 and 21 of the Mg-like spectrum (Fig. 5 and Table IV). claimed The latter identification, however, be with the same certainty due to the multitude of predicted lines and the rather vague experimental peak profiles In this region. notm cannot that the line f at 4.680 1 It is interesting to is always observed to be one of the dominant featares in the spectrum of molybdenum emission, along with the two strong No32+ Page 12 lines and 4.630 at 4.804 A. besides Moreover, the three main ionization stages, Mo3 2 +, M031+, and Mo30+, we see contributions in the wavelength X 4.685-4.800 and 4.880-4.950 I could be attributed to emission from which lower ionization stages as indicated in Table M029+ contributions are mostly very regions IV. However, Mo2 8 + these and weak compared to the generally dominant M032+ lines. We have thus been able to firmly identify the presence of , 32+, Mo3l+, and The fact that Mo32 + dominates the emission for our plasma conditions is go surprising in view of current equilibrium calculations /4/ which predict that No32+ should be the predominant charge state only at temperatures of T = 2 to 3 keV, i.e., considerably higher than the diagnosed temperature of 1 1.5 for Alcator the C plasma. rates used in the calculated ionization of states states, the equilibrium the work we have corrected tabulated abundance abundance ions In conditions. for ratios the this and are ratios rates are are too for used relative the higher too high or that the charge distributed not low to according coronal atomic calculations presented in the present apparent discrepancy adopted semi-empirical between observed abundance charge predict the relative intensities of the emission from different we keV Our results therefore suggest that the ionization recombination molybdenum to and ratios to states: abundances of .08, .13, .20, .25, and .17 for Mo 28+ through 32+ whereas the coronal equilibrium model at a temperature of 1.2 keV gives .18, .27, .13, .07, and .005, respectively /4/. The relative intensities given in Table IV have been normalized arbitrarily to the line at 4.804 X. Page 13 L 2 The P- 3 9 Transitions region Figure 7 shows the X-ray emission in the wavelength where 4.9-5.2 A of spectrum He-like sulphur, This part of us with the wavelength calibration /21,22/. provided here n=1 the Mo line emission spectrum is always dominated by the peak at 4.982 A. peak is identified with the calculated line 1 (i.e., a Mo3 2+) as shown in Table V. and 5.163 1 2p3/2-3s1/2 2 This p1 / 2 -3s transition in Except for the two peaks clearly observed at 5.155 most of the weaker features can also be correlated with calculated 2p-3s transitions. The peaks at 5.207 and 5.217 transitions in 1 can be accounted for as 32+ Mo , the latter being of the magnetic quadrupole These two lines always appear together in our spectra, type. This we expect major contributions from 2p-3s transitions of molybdenum. region also contains the well known n=2 to which of but are observed with varying relative intensities from one discharge to another. 32+ Having observed Mo Mo3 1 + lines, one would expect and Mo3 o+ just as for the 2p-3d transitions. manifestations also X Peaks at 5.063 and 5.065 ,may contain some contributions from predicted 2p1 /2 -3s transitions in Mo3 0 + in wavelength region, whereas the corresponding transition in Mo3 1+ predicted this at 5.024 1 is very weak in our spectra and generally not detectable. A spectrum bridging the wavelength regions of 2p-3s and is from shown in Figure 6. identified as discussed before relative intensities of 2p-3s and 2p-3d broad features appear ascribed to transitions Table IV). transitions The keys in the figure refer to Table IV and Table V for the (2p-3d) and (2p-3s) transitions, respectively. been 2p-3d in from the the region lower All the major peaks have and this spectrum essentially shows the transitions. of Other X z 4.93-4.94 A ionization stages rather weak and which could be Mo28+_ 30+ (see Page 14 in A special effort was made to search for the predicted 2p-3s transitions 30+ Mo No and 31+ in the a there this wavelength region fo3 1 + Another peak appears at 5.274 A and beyond this is a broad structure extending to the -experimental cut-off at about 6 A 2p 5.31 A. 0 > 5.22 A, which is at the end of the peak at 5.259 A which is very suggestive of the predicted clear 2p3 /2-2 s1/2 line at 5.256 A. peak k of Figure 8 shows the result for spectrometer bandwidth. with region questionable -3s line in Mo 30+ is predicted at 5.304 A but it is highly Thus, this broad feature and the that this weak line is observed. 5.274 A peak in the measured spectrum have not been theoretically accounted for which is true (Fig. 7). 32+ No , also for the peaks (c, e, and f) at 5.049, 5.155, and 5.163 A Of the predicted principal 2p /2 -3s1/ 2 and 2p3 / -3s1 /2 transitions in 31+ Mo M ,and 30+ we have counterparts to the transitions C. 2 not been able p1 /2 -3s 1/2 in Mo 31+ to localize experimental 30+ and 2p3 /2 -3 sl/2 in Mo The 2s-3p Transitions The observed spectrum in Figure 4 distinct groups of line contributions. already been 4.40-4.55 A /11,22/. identified contains as the in transitions molybdenum. in The this The region peak labelled are attributed to 2s-3p a can be identified with the 4.412 A, while the 2s1/2-3p1/2 seems to have no obvious experimental counterpart or is hidden under the ls-2p lines from Cl 15+ . .ransitomws in Mo Peaks b and and c can the presence of be accounted for by 2s-3p there may also be some weak traces in the observed spectrum of Figure 4 of the predicted lines 3 and indicate two X >4.60 A have molybdenum. region predicted 2s1/2-3p3 /2 transition in Mo 3 2 + at transition in shows lines of the He-like spectrum of Cl1 5 + known The remaining peaks seen 4.3-4.7 1 The lines in the region 2p-3d .transitions well X = covering M . However, the 5, where Mo the and Mo latter would lines have Page 15 observed intensities relative to Mo also note 32+ that are much weaker than predicted. We that all 2s-3p transitions are observed to be quite weak relative to the 2p-3d transitions which always dominate our emission spectra for molybdenum. 5. We have shown that molybdenum of calculated charge states emission spectrum in the observed, sometimes emission from other, is that the Discussion 2s-3p, 28+ appearing and as Some of quasi-continuum the the dominant principal transitions many regions, lower ionization states of molybdenum. in small could peaks indicate Another possibility ionization states are 28+ to 32+ but with contributions from dielectronic recombination excitation besides the determing 2p-3d to 32+ can account for most of the observed 4.3-5.3 A. X -range 2p-3s, transitions. collisional excitations We have thus calculated the 2p-3d line spectra for Mo2 8+ to Mo3 2 + to obtain an estimate for the effect of contributions of doubly excited states reached through dielectronic recombination which can be considered as the satellite line spectrum. contributions from dielectronic Table VI gives a VI) are first compared with the upper spectrum states In contribution to the These results due to collisional excitation only and hence (Column especially for n=3 spectators. A). We thus note that spectrum from dielectronic Although the main spectral there is a recombination, features observed to emanate from radiative transitions from the collisonally excited states there are other complex spectral features, particularly on the side Mo3 +. case the spectator is limited to occupy n=3 states (column B in Table singly excited seem and and in the other it can occupy either n=3 or n=4 (column C). significant of recombination to the 2p-3d transitions, where we consider two cases of occupancy for electrons in Mo2 9 +, Mo 3 0 + the comparison of the No line at 4.804 X. long wavelength The relative intensities of these spectral Page 16 features are found to vary between different discharges, while of the identified resonance transitions remain largely unchanged relative those to each other. from considerably Vhiee An example of this can be found in Fig. consecutive single discharges. 9 which shows spectra These intensity variations could be attributed to temperature changes which would show up most strongly in the relative intensities of the satellite lines. In this context it is also interesting to consider the relative of importance the dielectronic recombination radiation as part of the total X-ray emission from the molybdenum calculated ions in this 4.3-5.3 X study, cm- 3 with Nion molybdenum range. As an illustration, An=1 transitions in the wavelength region 102 cm charge 3 states .20, .25, The ionization (Mo2 8 +, Mo2 9 +, Mo3 0 +, between contributions from dielectronic recomb-ination. the = 0.8, states It is found recombination is appreciable for the for distribution abundance Io31+, the o32+) we take to be were .08, The results are shown in Table VII for and .17, respectively. three different temperatures (T of assumed the electron density to be Ne = 1014 We independent of temperature and as given earlier, i.e., the fractions .13, we the radiative power from dielectronic recombination relative to that due to collisional excitation for our energy 1.2, due that and 2.0 keV), to collisional the influence distinguishing excitation of and dielectronic An=1 transitions at these temperatures and must be considered in determining the energy balance of the plasma. With regard to the information on the X-ray from experiments previous we note line spectrum the ours in fifteen counterparts molybdenum the studies of laser induced plasmas /8/. These spectra, which also cover the wavelength range 4.4 to 5.3 to of X, are similar that the same transitions are found to dominate in both cases. Mo lines found in reported our from the laser work there spectra to all but two of the lines. are Of matching The lines at Page 17 4.461 and 4.689 I corresponding to Mo3 2 + 2s-3p and Mo3 1 + 2p-3d transitions the latter can not be ruled in our spectra or too weak to be detected; missing out since the relative line intensities are not always the same the laser and tokamak plasmas. not previously reported experiemnts /16/. in are in spectra of On the other hand our spectra show many lines either the laser studies or in exploding-wire Of these lines we mention the magnetic quadrupole transition at 5.217 X for which a relationship to plasma conditions can be identified. The fact that this line is missing in other than the low density tokamak plasmas can be seen as a manifestation of collisional depletion of the metastable upper state laser for plasmas of higher densities such as those produced by irradiation. 6. Conclusions We have measured wavelength range the help of strongest characteristic X = 4.4-5.3 computed I are is theory typically 5mx spectra which observations could be or better further relativistic Dirac-Fock calculations natural part of the theory. are molybdenum also The wavelength agreement while splittings tend to be systematically too large latter of presented. .ran be calculating mechanisms referred line to the intensities. the The the relative investigated where spin-orbit calculated to observation. The by comparison with fully spin-orbit the experiment between interaction is a With regard to relative line intensities we do observe quite large differences between measured and computed spectra part in to be 2p-3d in Mo3 2 +, Mo3 1 +, and Mo3 0 + along found with 2p-3s and 2s-3p transitions. and emission and interpreted the observed line spectrum with Hartree-Fock transitions X-ray rather It crude still excitation seems that rates additional which in employed for population might be needed since differences between experiment and theory tend Page 18 to occur also for the principal transitions of same ion charge states for one would expect the line intensity to be determined by the ground state excitation rate and hence simply by the oscillator strengths. also suggests This experiment that the ratio of ionization to dielectronic recombination rates for neon-like molybdenum and possibly other iso-electronic ions are larger expected based which on the than observation of Mo3 2+ at temperatures of 1.0 to 1.5 keV compared to the predicted relative peak abundance of Mo32+ at a factor two higher temperatures. 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Nuclear Data Tables, Table I - A () Mo Calculated Wavelengths and gf Values for Mo 2p-3s Transitions pf and Classification Classif ication 2s-3p 4.412 0.46 Mo 32+ 4.458 0.17 Mo 32 4.425 0.18 Mo 31+ 4.450 0.68 - (2s1/2 , 3s3p 32 4.479 0.21 - (2s1 /2 , 4.500 0.12 - (2s1/ 2, 3s3p 4.477 4.523 0.44 2s22p6 1 0 - (2s1 /2 2p 6 3p2 + - 2s22p63s 2 1/2 (2s1 /2 2p6 3p1/2 1 3 - (2s1 / , 2 " 0.16 1 - (2s1/2, 3s3p 1P 1 )1 /2 2s2 2p 6 3s2 1s Mo 30+ 4.482 Mo 2s-3p s3p 3 1 1/2 P1 )3 /2 3 p / )1 3 2 - (2s1 / , 3p 1/2) 1 2 " - (2s1/ 2 , 3p 3/2)2 - (2p 51/2 3s1/2)1 - (2p 53/2 31/2)1 - (2p53/2 (M2) 2p-3s 4.980 5.204 0.09 mo32+ 2p6 1 0 "t 0.12 5.212 to 5.024 0.048 5.256 0.091 5.064 0.060 Mo 31+ - (2p 53/2 *2 3s 1/2 63s 2 1/2 2p6 3s3p 3p2 5.067 0.057 5.069 0.024 5.079 0.042 5.111 0.054 0.16 3 0 p i It 0.044 0.103 3s 2 )3/2 - (2p 5 11/2 3s2 3p 3P 0 "o 3p 1 2 / . (2p 511 /2 3s2 31)3/2) 1 - (2p 5 11/2 3s 2 3p 1/2) 1 - 5.305 5.311 (2p 53/2 - Mo30+ (M2) 3s1/2)2 - (2p5 11/2 3s2 3p1/2)l - (2p 5 11/2 3s2 3p3/2)2 - (2p 5 3 /2 3s2 - (2p5 3 / 2 3s2 3p1/2 1 -(2p5 3/2 3 p3 / 2 ) 3 3s2 3p1/2)2 Table II Mo - Calculated Wavelengths and gf -Values for Mo gf 4.627 1.71 4.802 1.84 " - (2p53 /2 3d 5 /2 )1 4.855 0.001 i - (2p53/2 3d 3/ 2 ) 1 4.628 0.74 4.659 1.15 4..665 1.36 4..693 0.09 4.813 0.78 Classification Mo32+ 2p6 1 S0 - (2p5 1/2 3d3/2 )1 Mo31+ 63s 2 1/2 - 0.65(2p 5 1/2 3s 3d 1D2 )3/2 +0.31(2p 51/2 3p2 1D2 3/ I - 0.98(2p 51/2 3s3d 3 D1)1/2 of I it " 0.81 of " 4.834 Transitions 2p-3d x 4.819 2p-3d 0.46 - 0.86(2p 5 /2 3s3d 11 D2 3/2 - 0.28(2p 5 /2 3s3d 3Dl$, 2) 3/2+0.69(2p 51/2, 3p 2 1D2V 11 1 3/2 1 3 5 2 1 3 - 0.48(2p 5 /2 3s3d D2 D3 ) 3/2+0.49(2p 3/ ,3p D2 , P) 3/2 2 3 - 0.74(2p 5 3s3d 1D2 '3D2 )1/2 +0.20(2p 53/ ,3p2 1D 2 3 /2 2 )1/2 - 0.20(2p53/2 3s3d " D3 ,1D2 )3/2 +0.76(2p 5 / ,3 p2 3 2 1 3 2 3/ 2 0 4.842 1.18 - 0.52(2p 5 /2 3s3d 3D3 ) 3/2+0.44(2p 53/ 3 4.860 0.36 - 0.66(2p 5 /2 3s 3d 3D2 '3D1 )1 /2 +0.29(2p 53/ ,3p2 1D ' 1 2 3 2 4.674 1.30 4.688 0.05 4.696 0.06 Mo30+ 2p63s2 0.13 of 0.74(2p5/2 1s,2 2 D3 2s 3 P0 ) 3 / 2 2 1 /2 ) 3s3p2 2 )1 2 2 2 2 0.91( 2 p 1/2' 3s3p 2 1 2 P /2, P3 / 2 ) 1 / ' 1 5 it it 0.80(2p 51/2' 3s3p2 " 4.752 ,3p2 1 0 - 0.77(2p 5 1 /2 3s2 3d3/2 )1 +0.16(2p 5 1 /2 , 3s3p2 ", 4.726 2 0.13 1/2,2D3 /2'2 1/2)1 2 0.79(2p 51/2' 3s3p 2D " 2 , 4.850 0.95 4.866 0.74 0.40(2p 5 3 /2 3s2 3d5 /2 )1 +0.45(2p 5 / , 3s3p2 2P3 /2 )l 3 2 4.939 0.09 1 /2)1 0.50(2p 5 3 /2 2 3s 3d5 / 2 ,3/2 )1 +0.27(2p 5 3 / ,3s3p2 2p 2 3/2 )1 0.79(2p 53/2' 3s3p P5 /2,2D5 /2 )1 Table III - A comparison of Experimental Wavelengths and Intensities in the X region o29+ 4.4-4.6 A with predicted Mo 2s-3p transitions from Mo Mo - 32+ Distinction is made between states excited by electron collisions and dielectronic recombination. Ionization Stages Figure Keys x exp (A) rel exp Figure Keys rel ,, th , th , 4.418 100 4.412 100 32+ 4.424 47 4.426 28 31+ C115+ Us2 4.444* 4.450 4.458 110 37 4.468 135 30+ C1 4.497* 53 4.500 20 31+ 4.510 35 29+ 4.523 41 30+ *Calibration lines from Refs. 21, 22. S0 -ls2p P1 ) 32+ C115+ 4.478 diel. recomb. 31+ 4.464.: 4.503 diel Coll) Res. trans. 2 1S 0 -is2p P2 I (1s2 1S0 -is2s 3 I 1) .% -4. 0. (,44 0 0 '-4cy CV C). 0l 0 0 +nCl m cn ) 0> M4 M(n (Y) M. ,c C4%0 %0I 1 0 4lJ 0)0 C;) 000 00 ce) ( C--iCN PL4 P -1 - p4 C4 0.40.1 N 00 CYcv cn' 4.- -4 .0 coco C6 04 -- 4 L0 f 990 740 H-i W E CN4CN 0 0 4 (n '-4 +e+m -- C;N 7 CY) '-4 4-'4- 10 0 ' M4 M r4 a) al) -1 11%. -P 0 w5 m + 4 +I .4< * ++ _I 4-J IN 00o~-~a.o~ ++ ,A4-4 M C(P) Vl) N Cv' Lr LA C1 $4 m a)<t 4- a) c 00r- ON 4 -4-4 ~ ~ 0 m v r- r-4 0-L m 0 c' m~ NY n CYN 1 N mC1 N C, N a 0 '-40D , .o l) -T C') . 0 .c4 C14 m' mO -',ci.c o~~ 'r-40 -1 .4 o m w 00 i-s 4 co) Ln %0 co 00 -4 + 0 . 0cl 0ML ~ -tmmO a Lnc 00 1 MIDM0MN0L -mL - 0 Q) E p x 0 LA -4 a) 1 1 V tL)%0 r 0(O AC4C)t - r cc Li-c D c c r-4o ,4 cMrt o%0.--oco mC 1; 0 5 0. 0 C4 rX4W 44 a)r-OC p10) 0 ~ 0 r m cn C 0 ,-4 C) C4 '0 -CV 1 - - 10 N 0 ~l-tC) It~ P~c%~4 c--4LA r-.c0 C414 r4 co x0 0,40 ID-i1 -4- -. %C %-400 00) -" 0-0 coci CCP1 00 %0 O -cv-. oON4N 0en4 - 14- rCD0 W~.- 0 0 o k'T-700 , A 0 f-A CD-4- 0 0)0 *r4 .~ ~L4 -('a c .0 u 0 0) '44 .J' -4 -r-) -L A a .4 4J N 04 cn Ln -% I 04 -1- Co o -H 0 - t Ln CIS H1 H Co H Co -. eq H I4 -H 4-i + -r 4o 0W4 10 H Cn Coq H/ C) r-4 V3 Nn N Cl H p C -0' to + H H( 0Y 0 Ir t N C14 0 NY C1 14 M Cl C14 ^- e Cl cn 0 cq I 0- cyl + 0 N 0< N Cl cO00 r0 0 ONO 000 o 0 C o 00 TD D C % 0 -. O N U 00 H N "0 04 i N li o N 0 M 4.4 0 44i -1 0 0 -4 4~4 0 (0 P $4 t 4m CoOe Hl 1. Cl -r- AI - 4 00 ON C o4 0 -1 E44 0 -H O 4) m FC "o -< - p~~ ~ 0O r-HI-LA 0) 0T -T C40Z.- n 00O MC 0<tN 4Ao M -CK co w co E-4 04 0 o ~0 X NCo 4 -:- o0 Cl N D _. 000 ALA L LA Cl L o 0 I0 V-4 00 LA L .- 4 LA L Ln H- f rl- \O H- 0 N P- r aO HI Cl LA 1 N 1 N N LA LA LA LA' O FN LA 0 $4 CO) ca .0 C. 0 -44 CO 4 'H -, .! - 4 CO N1 LA u Table VT - A cG.mparison of contributions (T = 1.2 keV) for dielectronic recombination satellites to the total line strength for Mo 2p-3d transitions for three cases: Mo 32+, B) including Mo29+ - Mo31+ 31+ 29+ - Mo 3 spectator electrons; C) including Mo A) collisional excitation only, Mo28+ satellites belonging to n satellites belonging to n Figure = - 3 and n = 4 spectator electrons. ieys (Figure 6) Ath (A) 1 4.625 2 4.628 4- 633 3 A 22 6.7 - B 25 C 25 6.7 - 6.7 26 4.643 1.8 2.4 4 4.648 1.8 2.2 5 4.659 10.4 17 19 6 4.665 12.2 13 14 7 4.674 - 4.675 18.7 24 25 8 4.689 9 4.693J 10 1.2 6.8 9.3 4.699 3.3 5.5 6.7 11 4.705} 3.5 5.0 6.5 12 4. 7 0 8J 4.715 5.4 13 4.723 1.0 1.0 14 4.726 4.3 4.3 4.3 15 4.740 - 4.751 2.5 3 5 16 4.802 24 24 17 4.813 7.1 7.1 18 4.820 7.2 7.2 19 4.833 4.2 11 13 20 4.842 10.7 16 22 21 4.840 14 20 20 22 4.855 23 4.858 3.4 7 7 24 4.866 10.8 20 22 24 4.880 26 4.887 7.2 6.1 4.874 25 11 - 4.883 2.4 3.8 4.2 2.8 2.8 4.5 8.5 4.893 .17 4.899 3.1 4.2 5.4 28 4.905 1.6 2.5 7 4.910 5.3 29 4.931 2.3 2.3 2.3 30 4.940 2.1 2.1 2.1 Table VII - Comparison of the calculated radiative power from states excited by electron collisions and dielectronic recombination for An=1 transitions -in the wavelength region A = 4.3-5.3 A in plasmas of Te = 0.8, 1.2, and 2.0 keV. Mo Charge State 2p-3d Transitions 28 Spectator nI + 0.0185 29+ 29 29+ +0.0301 29+ + 30 Te = 0.8 keV (coll) (diel.rec) 3p,3d 4s,4p,4d,4f +0.0459 31+ 31 0.0452 0.0876 0.100 0.083 0.054 0.031 0.035 0.030 0.0737 3s,3p,3d 30 +4s,4p,4d,4f 30~ Radiated Power (W/cm ) Te = 1.2 keV Te 2.0 keV (coll) (diel.rec) (coll) (diel.rec) 0.144 0.183 0.149 0.096 0.045 0.050 0.041 0.113 3s,3p,3d 4s,4p,4d,4f 0.120 0.032 0.222 0.096 0.035 0.060 0.029 31 0.0572 0.142 0.278 32+ 0.0420 0.102 0.196 32 ) 0.194 (28+ - 32 ) 2 p-3s 0.007 0.016 0.029 (2+ 0.026 0.069 0.140 (28 - 0.511 0.476 0.448 0.928 2p-3d - 2s-3p 32+) 0.310 Page 28 Figure. Capt ions Fig. -nission intensity variations from S14+ (s-2p) 1 rdifferent electran densities, Fig. bottom show: (I ) current resolution X-ray. expansions of The traces from Plasma density N,: 125 kA/div, the Soft The and 0.58 x 10 X-ray 14 emission two lowest third for N 2 Time evolution of a typical plasma shot. th'e (2 p- 3 s) and Mo32+ traces fourth cm traces to top -3 /fringe, (h are the >1 Plasma keV), 25-fold show the to High temporal sawtooth instability. Fig. 3 A spectrum different Fig. over the detector full wavelength settings. range. Wavelengths Composed and indicated directly at the strong peaks. spectrum were Ne = 2.5 x 101 4 cm~ and Te = 1.3 keV. Plasma from three identifications are conditions the for 4 A comparison of experimental and theoretical spectrum in the region Mo 2s-3p and 2p-3d. The observed peaks are keyed with letters predicted ones with numbers referred to in Tables III (2p-3d). The experimental plasmas conditioLs of N insert spectrum ee = 1.7 x 10 14 is cm -3 an and T and the (2s-3p) addition of and IV of 2 shots at - 1.4 keV. The shows the spectrum from a single plasma shot with only emission from chlorine present. Fig. 5 A comparison of experimental region of Mo and 2p-3d emission. have been ke-yed with letters and 2eferred to im Table IV. mwrmalized to the peak X-ray spectra in the The peaks in the experimental spectrum the calculated peaks with numbers The experimental wavelength scale has been (h) at 4.804 A. ad.Aition of 12 shots at N Fig. theoretical = The experimental 3.0 x 10 1 cm~ and T e spectrum is an 1.4 keV 6 A comparison of experimental and theoretical spectrum in the region of Page 29 Mo(2p-3d) (Table IV) and (2p-3s) (Table V) experimental spectrum is an addition of 20 shots at N and T e transitions. = 1.7 x 10 1 cm 3 1.6 keV. Fig. 7 A comparison of experimental and theoretical spectra in the No The 2p-3s transitions. region of The observed peaks have been keyed with letters and the theoretical predicted ones with numbers referred to in Table V. The experimental 10 1 4 cm Fig. 3 is an addition of 5 shots at N = 2.3 x m 1.4 keV. and T 8 A comparison of experimental and theoretical spectrum in the region No 2p-3s transitions. shots at N Fig. spectrum = 10 14 cm- 3 and T The experimental spectrum is an addition of 3 2.0 x 10 1 4 cm-3 and T e 9 Three consecutive plasma of shots a 1.4 keV. with 1.4 keV. similar parameters 'N = 2.9 x Mo 32+ (2p-3s) v0 300F z z 200[ + S14+(Is-2p) 0 + + +0+ + + + 0 100 - 8 \0 __ _ I I__ I 2 3 ELECTRON DENSITY (10+14 cm~ ) U- I 100 100 200 200 I / 200 204 300 -(msec) 3oo (msec) I "'I I""\ 208 212 (msec) Z( ~( ~o s)'J' N I .4 0 z z 0 0 It z D 00 0 0 04 o 4 100 04 I 01~ On '~ .4 ~ .404 ID c'J ~ ~~ 440 ' 40 C,000 ~ o-x ~0 00 4 D 04 4 ~ ~404 4 404 q 0 +f~ In CD 4 ~ 4 4oi~ o o< 4 4 In 600 400 800 CHANNEL NUMBERS 400 0- 800 CHANNEL NUMBER 200 I 400 600 800 a I 1i 5 C15+ C <0 501 -j ad z z e () 4.40 4.601 0 X(A) -I z Z) 0 25 a c c b j.j z 2p-3d Mo (2s -3p) 8 56 5 3 4 2 7 4 I6 4.30 4.40 4 4.50 X(A) 4.60 CHANNEL NUMBER 400 800 .00 f 600 z 600 a SI z m de 0 - k b 0 20 n 0 Ir 9 C I 7 z 16 Mo 2p-3d 20 15 Lii z 24 21 201 6 w '9 lo 2 8 I 10 12 23 13 I 9h~111 it 34 a 4.64 22 1718 I 4:68 4 4.72 25 6 27 1 28 4.76 4.80 X(A) 4.84 4.88 29 II 4.92 CHANNEL NUMBER 600 400 200 I f I I 1 4+ IF II1 1000 Ii 8001*H -J w 9 z z 3: 600 1- z 0 0- 0 4001 mn 7~ qr h.. 200 a I Mo (2p - 3d) 20 21 24 - Mo (2p-3s) 20 z I- z 19 F' -22 -23 26 25 27 28 2930 w L 4.62 I IIILI 4.90 ,L 234 .. 4.98 x(A) 5 I~ 5.06 CHANNEL NUMBER 200 400 600 300 I S800 I I I 11 I s14 + 200 1-J w z z 0 a d 0 100 C g eh b If p~ 0 ill z Mo*(2p-3s) w z 2 6- w 4 25 4.94 5.02 5.10 X(A) 5.18 S14 CHANNEL NUMBER 600 400 I I 9 h II + rF 800 I 100 I- -J z z r z 0 0 50 F- j 4 ~ *S* S S ~ '* J.l%4~ *. *.. * .... :~ 4 ~t * I I Mo (2p -3s) z w Z 67 2 w 8 1 9 <: w 5.16 5.20 (A) 5.30 WAVELENGTH (A) 4.60 4.70 4.80 4.90 ALCATOR #0730.26 60 20 #0730.27 0 00 20 - #0730.28 * 20 200 400 600 CHANNEL NUMBERS 800