College of Arts and Sciences Committee on Academic Programs (ASCAP)

College of Arts and Sciences Committee on Academic Programs (ASCAP)
Minutes for Meeting of December 7, 2015
A meeting of ASCAP was held on Monday, December 7th at 3:00 p.m. in Holden Hall 129. Committee
members present were: Abigail Swingen, Martina Klein, Scott Baugh, Hal Karlsson, Matt Olson, Luis Ramirez,
and Pratheepa Jeganathan. Stefanie Borst conducted the meeting in David Roach’s absence. Presenters: Dr.
Webb and Dr. Velasco (Philosophy), Dr. Collopy, Dr. Cattell, and Dr. Whitmore (Classical and Modern
Languages and Literatures).
Pending minor revisions, the committee voted to recommend approval for the following proposals from the
Department of Philosophy:
 Add PHIL 5312, Seminar in Logic.
 Add PHIL 3321 Philosophy of Law to the Arts & Sciences General Education List (Social and
Behavioral Sciences).
Pending minor revisions, the committee voted to recommend approval for the following proposal from the
Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures:
 Add LING 5311, Foreign Language Teaching.
The committee voted to recommend approval for the following proposals from the Department of Classical
and Modern Languages and Literatures:
 Multicultural Proposal for GERM 1310, Survival German Language and Cultures.
 Multicultural Proposal for SPAN 1310, Survival Spanish Language and Cultures.
 Multicultural Proposal for CLAS 2305, Ancient Technology? Archaeology, science, design.
 Multicultural Proposal for CLAS 2335, Archaeologies of the Classical World.
The committee voted against recommending approval for the following proposals from the Department of
Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures:
 Multicultural Proposal for CLAS 2302, Classical Mythology.
 Multicultural Proposal for CLAS 2303, Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World.
 Multicultural Proposal for CLAS 2304, The Ancient World, Prophets, Warriors Poets.
 Core Curriculum Proposal (LPC) for GERM 1310, Survival German Languages and Cultures.
 Core Curriculum Proposal (LPC) for SPAN 1310, Survival Spanish Languages and Cultures.
The next scheduled meeting of ASCAP is set for 3:00 Monday, January 25, 2015 in HH 129. Proposals for this
meeting need to be emailed to the Dean’s office by Monday, January 18, 2015.