Reconciler FOAP Allocation – Mass Mass Update

Reconciler FOAP Allocation – Mass Update
From Financial tab >> Transaction Management >> Advanced Transaction Management,
Management you
have a choice of entering search criteria or using the Quick Link which will list any reconciling
groups that you have access to. Note: Search criteria must contain at least four characters (can
use spaces)
Select the appropriate Reporting Cycle from the drop down box
box.. Optional Filters allows you to
search for specific fields such as FOAP elements, splits, mercha
nt name, Reviewed, Not
Reviewed, etc. Click on Search
Mass Update Controls allows you to enter Account Allocation elements and apply them to
selected or all transactions in your search results. Note: Application will not work unless all
required (*)) fields have a value in them either in the Mass Update fields or in Accounting
Codes Information.
From Search Results, you may:
o Click on the Select All link to apply changes to all transactions from mass update
o Select the individual ttransactions to apply changes from mass update
o Review Transaction Detail (use this to add split purchases) Note you will have to click
on Advanced Transaction Maintenance to get back to search results after applying splits
Click on the Split Transaction
to add split accounting information.
n. Choose the
Number of splits, click on Add and choose by Amount or Percent. Save, Click on
Financial Detail tab to enter accounting.
Click Save to apply updates
Reconcile by individual Cardholder
From Financial tab >> Account Summary you may search by individual or the group that you
reconcile for
Choose Reporting Cycle or date range
Click on the Account Number link to open up an ind
individual’s transactions
Click on the Accounting Detail
to view individual transaction or Expand All to open all
transactions listed (Note: split transactions will not open with the Expand All feature)
Enter or change accounting data. You may also Copy to all on Page which will put the same
information in all transactions listed (from expanded data). Save.
Click on the Split
it Transaction
splits, click Add and choose by Amount or Percent. Save, Click on the Accounting Detail
tab to enter accounting for each split
to add split accounting information. Choose
se the Number of
Run Expense Report for Cardholders after Allocatin
Allocating all transactions
Click on Reports tab >> Schedule Reports
Choose Expense Report
You have the option of choosing by individual or by account group
Make sure TTU Cost Allocation is checked and click Next
You have the option of choosing Reviewed in Field filter. Leave blank for all and click Next
Under Additional Options check Include Splits and Next
Check Reporting Cycle and choose the appropriate statement cycle
Click on Save
Once the report has completed, it will show up in Completed Reports and also oon
n your Home Page under
Click on the Expense Report
Choose Open, Save or Cancel
If you ran the report by selecting your account group, you will receive a page for each cardholder
that you reconcile for. The signature line does not show up until the last page; however, each
Cardholder Expense Report will need to be signed by the Cardholder, Organization Financial
Manager and Reconciler.
Send the signed Expense Report along with original receipts to the Pcard Office, MS 1094 or 347 Drane
Change Default FOPs
Click on the Accounts tab >> Cost Allocation Management >> Default Accounting Code
Maintenance >> Default Maintenance
Enter Search Criteria
o Search By: (Account Name Starts With) Note: must be at least four characters and spaces
count as character
o Recently Viewed – drop down will show previous searches
Click on Search
Click on Cardholder’s Name
You may change Chart, Fund, Organization and/or Program defaults
Click Save
Transactions posted after saving a default FOP will appear in your account code allocation.