WHY AND HOW TO USE MORE LOCAL CONTRACTORS IN AFRICAN - ARAB PROJECTS Dr. Willard R. Johnson M.I.T. Jan. 1980 WHY AND HOW TO USE MORE LOCAL CONTRACTORS IN AFRICAN - ARAB PROJECTS Dr. Willard R. Johnson M.I.T. Jan. 1980 Copyright ( January 1980 by The Business Management for Economic Development Project Center for International Studies Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Mass. PREFACE The Business Management for Economic Development Project documents cases of sincere attempts, whether successful or not, to achieve a level of external contributions to the general development of the host economy optimal to the internal benefits a business must have to succeed in a developing society. Internal benefits are those that accrue to the firm only, and external contributions are benefits to other parties. Examples of business activity that might combine internal and external benefits include 1)spreading technical knowledge and innovation, 2) creating commercial linkages that promote new business development and/or structural improvement in the economy, 3) generating foreign exchange earnings or savings, 4) creating local employment, 5) creating local management capability, 6) contributing to greater income equality, 7) facilitating credit formation and saving in the host economy, 8) promoting products and projects that meet the development priorities of the host government, 9) reducing to a minimum the local external costs of company operations. Local conditions will determine which of these activities should have the highest priority. We look to several organizational settings for relevant examples: indigenous businesses, subsidiaries of international businesses, parastatal agencies that own or promote business operations, and of course, public policy-making agencies. These studies should be most useful to management training programs for people who will operate in underdeveloped economies, whether they be "Third World" countries, or dependent and lagging sectors of industrial societies. Directors and instructors of management programs in underdeveloped areas, as well as government officials and some business leaders, have indicated a need to train management personnel to be more sensitive to the economic development needs and opportunities of the host environment. An expansive view of management education, that includes a concern for the external effects of business operations,might reinforce the commitment of individuals and enterprises to promote economic development on a general basis, and might facilitate public policy-making and administrative effectiveness on the part of those who have to define and defend the national interests with respect to both the domestic and international business sectors. I wish to acknowledge my gratitude for the financial support which has been rendered to the project by the Technology Adaptation Project, the International Business Project, the Center for International Studies and the Department of Political Science, all at M.I.T., the African American Scholar's Council of Washington, D.C., and the Ford Foundation of New York. The Rockfeller Foundation has supported my work on African Arab Cooperation. M.I.T. Willard R. Johnson Principal Investigator AND WhY HOW TO USE MORE to the Cairo Presentation LOCAL CONTRACTORS Symposium Cairo, Jan. Dr. 21-25, Willard R. M.I.T. Cooperation African-Arab on PROJECTS IN AFRICAN-ARAB 1980 Johnson Introduction Once Now, rich. and it was has it development uine development increase distinct for Arab generosity, economic assistance or or borrowed transnational corporations, someone else's capacities from even the to capacity cannot productivity, faster. under most or windfall resources, be the basis At best such things can only help development. ed or move country's are of production that factors that gen- appreciated under Selling oil or other finite extractive resources high prices, even a wealth financial that It is of countries developed recognized the expansion productivity from its th-e call phenomenah. entails its own control. to to be come widely are to sufficient thought Ultimately, of terms advanced or playing host of economic real a country get real development is, to start- some extent, reliant development. self how Thus, as important ation or a as'whAt is carries out its development program may be contained in it. Whether it involves forest- administration, or whether it promotes health or harvest, where there are disappear. local country local resources they should be If a, conscious effort is not made enterprise,national managersrthey will not organizations, come into being. used, or they will to promote indigenous the use of technicians After billions of and dollars 2 and will have been spent to build roads and bridges, schools -and railways, ports offices, lacking road builders, and what construction Africa not, companies, be still will technical experts, and people with the managerial know-how to keep development going serve and make it local needs and interests. seems to be terribly obvious, but it is the most All this neglected aspect not only of the Arab Cooperation, but by almost all the other development promotion going on in Africa, and for that matter, operations Arab world as well. As we Arab elites likely to perpetuate the are throughout ent peoples They while the who come the world will and technical elites real the African and to and their descendfind themselves are taking the in from the already developed world. showpiece partnerships After another leisured figureheads, with foreign peo- -ranteed jobs in either statal, no longer be sustainable and all the university graduates clamoring cracies. By then ten or and the Arab world will have a well ple and institutions providing the only assurance of productivity, easy way and the experience belongs to those technical work entrenched aristocracy of hope the dependency and underde- continue are all going on commission twenty years of thisAfrica bind the in much of to abuse. The political out. are presently proceeding, that now characterizes their economies, velopment exposed development promoted by African- parastatal the debt burdens of the for gua- or even private bureau- "Third World" (there will any pretense at calling it a "developing".world) will underclasses to a low grade existence without realistic of- eventual relief. Grand opportunities will have been lost. What Use Is Now Being Virtually The Arab Bank sources have the in And, as a is a isted until for at that additional now, a not single made some I will involve mented by local agencies. an African or firm-.+ The two -ed Uganda. A Both the donors and the return. is For as now scale unless there that has ex- will have been a result. it is not warranted. large them. and recipients. This important to note Twentyseven of complex operations, enterprises to perform, at least to some and or- degree. The seem amenable to being completely impleBut to date, despite a near-connects, the late and falter- ABEDA has yet to use first two ABEDA financed projects that will even a regional only very recently, enterprise that existing African competent effort and one African co-finance implementation competitive rather functions are committed Other Arab that money, more existing pattern remaining twelve projects utilize $930m to help pattern of project the Africa has $100m to these same projects, from the to which ganizations ing Development in internationa1fdevelopment-assistance community least an these projects but have the fault is this? a point only Economic development projects in Africa. expanded or Whose is Enterprise? result of the expenditure of all change created, Local committed an additional rest of will put of none. $283m to thirtynine and Made firm or expert in charge in late 1978, and textile mill will be have been approved are both located in devastat- implemented by an Egyptian firm and an Arab agronomist will head a poultry project. It does not disparage Arab Technical Assistance experts for European or the significant contributions of the Fund to point out that substituting Arab American ones does not advance African de- velopment as we are existing resources to expand defining it here. Opportunities or to help create them are being missed. should clearly note that the ABEDA is not alone We in this failure. The African Development Bank had almost as dismal a record in implementing the first onehundredten of its When I examined that record in 1976, ed since on its time, that I found that only projects. and perhaps it has not changsix of the twentytwo firms roster(of over two hundred)that seemed to be African owned Only one had a contract in the had received any contract. mentation five were The other phase. feasibility studies and the been awarded before 1975, like. involved in imple- pre-investment None of these six contracts had eight years after it began its investment operations. The record is also alarmingly poor among the development or- iented institutions and programs Nations. A study done that are associated with the in 1976 by the UNDP concerning Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries revealed that ly United fivethousand firms and institutions that are on of approved bidders for contracts among the near- the rosters from the major UNDP financed agencies only threehundrednineteen were from developing countries. Of these only twentynine had actually received any contract, even on a no-bid basis (with a collective value of only $lm) and only four (perhaps included among the twentynine) had won competitive bids (for a value All these are countries of only about $.5m). capital sources that are controlled by the of the Third World. J.G. Odero-Jowi Senior Consultant. *UNDP Doc DP/229. 19 Nov. 1976. "Technical Co-Operation Among Developing Countries" 5 Why Have Any one factors are of three 3) realistic. 1. Psychological: recipients the izational needed to the types donors Both the the that of and and organ- human development projects implement their efficiently,and quickly,do not exist locally or withregion. broader the to believe conditioned resources competently, in are and procedural, of important nonetheless. but important involved, factors least the is This 2) The result. this could produce psychological, 1) types: Organizations? Local of Use Little factors of complex mix a of Such Made Investors Arab Their bias is not one of placing no value, philosophically, on African and once humiliation conditions again becoming the political the ed world, think to a number expl6itation similar terms of about However, history. technocratic the to share they believe the officials of ties the to develop- competent to level and training is crucial to successfully region, these companies their projects, technically trained people and that if the qualified people in- companies will assign only and experienced personnel are inexperienced, that a very high or within the favor ones from the that the international all highly competent, that these such African companies and ed, in their own of local enterprises and to dustrialized world; highly intrusion, common and share also a number of very basic beliefs that work to disadvantage are even tend development agencies them subjects and elites external of and Arab experience the Indeed, resources. local up and/or building using that as exist of formalized education doing the tasks involv- and companies existed locally officials would already know about them. K) When I have why they -to award more fail lending institutions asked officials of these tutions, after proclaiming the non-existance they often talk of such resources about the colonial complex that made Africans and other ex-colonized people have little faith in their own in- stitutions. ABEDA officials have even stated to me great row that was made about funds through and insti- experts to local contracts that despite the the Arabs not distributing their the African Development Bank, many delegations of African officials express to them a preference that the funds not ADB,which they'claim is too slow, too inefficient, go through the and too politicized. An official of the Arab League mentioned to me strong sentiments among Arab as well as African But they have period. exist at the that take a lesson ing colonial institutions Arab states should said, who made many moderniz- and achieved enough power to alter the world bal- acquired advancedtechnology by hiring individual He logists, in the small Perhaps the from Mohammed Ali, he innovations ance. little confidence national level. leaders to regain remember the They control over their own resources. that there are not whole organizations. Officials of the African Development Bank, like those about ABEDAhave spoken to me influences too many decisions. Dr. Ayari, about the techno- "an at inferiority complex" that still President of ABEDA, has also expressed concerns attitudes and perspectives that dominate African develop- ment programs, and perhaps also his own institution, which may be retarding progress toward genuine development, but he relates this more to the types they are the way of projects implemented. he has stated to me, what we we learned that in "There same the (Western) education." factories cement to the receivers, and the like, all of us universities.. The operate makes perts the applying leads them to emphasize complains Ayari, and "from the donors are biased by what we consider as the one idea is to look like a North This is a worldwide fact. It The way in which not only the Arab but most international on any grand scale. implementers. system, only .the elite with whom financing institutions it difficult to utilize local insistence on whatsoever," is a fact." Procedural Factors: and the African, than they come from the same sources, American city or a European city. 2. rather no innovation, This orientation mode of consumption today...the is wrong, but it is supported "we are reproducing the are talking in Africa today, with the are institutions and ex- The most important aspect of this is "arms-length" relationships with the project It is rare that capital sources other than the transnational companies themselves provide direct management or ot'her technical services during the implementation phase.At that point they emphasize monitoring and evaluation almost exThe contracts clusively. through to implement the projects are international competitive bidding. to certify awarded The procedures used the bidders never involve any outreach effort to iden- .tify and certainly not to help create qualified competitors from the developing world. The Bank, or the lists of firms approved by the World Caisse Centrale, or U.S.A.I.D. or even Chase Manhat- tan Bank are the same as for the UNDP, the ADB or the ABEDA. 8 The preference to invest only in projects and not in more general development programs may also bias Program support would presumably operations against local allow more flexibility in carrying out from the firms. documented experience of the of their contracts small--less 5%. obstacle to the sufficient volume of demand." of the picture that the and UNDP systems can study concluded that formation vices in developing countries by the if they get share of the market has been quite It is noteworthy that the UNDP est single UNDP financed programs that through non-competitive bidding, In any case their than the program. It is clear from developing countries will get almost all local contractors them at all. the implementation "the great- and growth of consultancy ser- is probably the irregular and in- It is precisely lending agencies influence with the the demand side such as the ABEDA, ADB least amount of interference industrialized world. I.wish to quote another passage from the UNDP report because it reveals what is both a cause and a result of tunities for contractors in the limited oppor- the developing countries: (Para.152) The international organizations normally use either rosters...or directories of consulting organizations published by professional associations or private firms to prepare a "long list",pf firms which may provide the type of consultancy services required for a specific assignment. Published directories are usually available for consulting organizations in deA roster of consulting organizations is the veloped countries. only means, for practical purposes, of identifying consultancy services in developing countries. (Para 153) The data available organizations from seven agencies indicate that consulting from developing countries account for only 6.6 per cent of a total of 4,840 consulting organizations on the roster.. .The importance of being on the roster is far more important for a consulting organization of a developing country than for individual experts or training institutions...No conscious and systematic efforts have yet been made to identify consulting organizations in developing countries by major international organizations." 9 I can add my personal experience to the evidence that the including major internati-onal development finance organizations, those and by Africans, have not seriously at- controlled by Arabs tempted to use inquired personally and other engineering local in the and other and organizations implementation functions At the World Bank there was and the can firms, find no trouble there was the U.N. listings of African and that might be of projects relevant for supported by the usual array of directors Bottin directory of French firms. One would These also give more information on European Africa than local ones. The French language numerous than the English ones, de and l'Afrique noire," d'Afrique noire," but if you look inside I know about are not despite the firms in such as: "Afri- or "Annuaire or "Societes et four- or "Les 500 premieres societes find only information about French Firms contain titles d'outre-mer," of commerce sources were more : Ficher industriel de l'Afrique noire," des entreprises et organismes nisseurs and countries. But for non-Arab Africa only the telephone and a few chamber que Industrie of Ameri- 1966 Egyptian Stock Exchange Yearbook and a few Commercial Directories of other Middle Eastern annuals. there. these directories you firms with but few exceptions. Even for a country like Algeria, socialist character of its economy, there are local firms which go neglected in the Annuaire. The situation at the United Nations is worse. directories the these insitutions. in getting information about British firms, even the I firms. Bank, of the World libraries and the U.N.D.P. for directories Arab enterprises consulting I found at the World Bank are there. Few of the There was- 10 and Argentina on in conference were directory that gave who from the results. Ahmadou Bello would be relevant, and Directory governments from which midit. to attention One the principal or even the about Nsukka Ibadan, as hundreds the countries. the develop to low-ranking judge this even how Lagos statal or Lagos) (not even to make the contact and the one at would that businesses of universities be with the services. libraries would tell the inquirer anything structure, owners major The to can the confer- the as well. several other the Development at nothing about capital of sources of technical services-- (not even such relevant, Nothing in these the by only Ser- of something not issue the sponsored But the reveals the co- technical for and thousands of individuals who could provide about not For Nigeria, to take one important example, University Nothing Ibadan.) subject. around sent minimal Management for Center you will course, itself are only two listings as there need out by some ministry filled official that of about were that questionnaires countries, the participating but ence organizers the seriousness of' problem--lack recognized conference that for prepared vices - developing among operation has Nations United The Trade index itself. or the registry find the But Africa. Central and East for Index Commercial a or Firms, of Manufacturing Registry Kenyan a is there that discovers one directories of bibliography this In Corporations. Transnational on Center U.N. the at directories of directory a and staff the amount of and parastal of assets, any of the private organizations the experience, businesses, in the African . 4. If' an can American inquire more with information potential ABEDA. company wants the on Nigerian for formal request for 3) that Factors is a firms, starter than available of Realism: business The Commerce and you can find at institutions ural the the bulk of and industrial ABEDA has that are in the should make to businessman. an American objective investment has projects devoted about explicitly of reality of a gone is that jects, etc. rather the a and charact- nature, These types comiponent the parts by same picture Development Despite of its and even scale. loans some of involve some infrstructure of projects a single can be Bank. I infrastructCumulatively, to projects the projects work, such stations for polder pro- favor large, established firms, a whole or in very organization. seen in examined the projects in 1976 and found that the bulk relate to public utilities, the region or its sub-re- large especially if the project is carried out as African the into essentially threefourths this agricultural sector Much or such firms fishing port developments and pumping large suppliers, information oui lack of any overall development plan for the gions, receive the ADB institutions do not favor local organizations. can it development programe being supported by the Arab and Afri- er of the as abroad, importing agents, these a copy of the readily do Department of partners, whatever, Perhaps people U.S. to the experience first of the onehundredten involved projects that such as power and telecommunications, and transport and other basic facilities. Many of these projects were supervised by government ministries, but all of them, with but 12 one exception to African awarded had been implemented by was firms or contracts Five firms. non-African for pre-investment individuals functions. It is not any existing clear that African firm could have han- dled any of the public utility or transport projects in their entirety. The whole African to an African firm went It does project. that firms installation of can seem handle telephone likely portions and'power that of there a number are road projects, or lines. African firms functions in each of the probably performed some of the ber processing and A lines, the marketing, number of by African al have following projects tions; rice, all subh as There were as: dairy a feedlot number are in not that situation is not not "I aware of. operations and various development, of projects Ayari, in entirely horticulturthe ADB pipe- amenable to African contractshorticultural cotton, for cocoa, opera- sugar, irrigation schemes. something the Dr. handled been farming and processing; palm, maize, salt; of 1978: at organizations, such telecommu- development programs,etc. projects might have agricultural field and processing This tions tourist 1976 that would also seem to be line in power and tim- digging and widening of canals, paper milling textile plants, projects etc. of i'nstallation and marketing, of the type of projects which the ADB had already supported by 1976: nication a to road builder who may have been given only a portion of Senegalese the contract awarded one for officials of these example, told me institu- in Nov. fully agree with you that we have not been endeavoring seeing much; can expertise I in what the African dont want to certain expertise exaggrate sophisticated the areas can offer actual us. status Probably of of production. AfriBut, nevertheless, you have medium size in Africa ready, totally a but of African list among .. I the best. or the somebody to push has all in contractors us, for am not asking them to be better reason I shouldn't do it." He up to build sure, .They fields.. Americans...but deliver good services, there is no I for one am ready, to try to act. today who would like and enterprises corporations will have to be than the Germans seriously managed... felt that a number of countries already offered a reasonably developed market for finding but he such capabilities, also asked a crucial question which I "Why should.. .an Arab banker have to go in turn pass on: fetch in Africa? Why are the Africans not coming to us themselves?" What Evidence Is There That African Enterprises Can Be They Do Not Already Exist? Most of the are functions of the run by Africans. So too are independent African governments the operations of the sub-regional and national development banks. for the Arab states, the Arab League(s) and banking institutuions But established. that Arab it was the established states to these- functions when regional, The same is have true investing and the various recently fairly wisdom of the administrations that neither Africans nor even Arabs to handle Created If colonial were ready the colonial governments were forced relinquish their control. Nothing in the prevailing assumptions of prepared one to believe Canal, Algerians the Western world that Egyptians could operate the Suez could establish and successfully operate SONATRACH, that Kuwaitis could establish a Development Fund that would match the competence of the World Bank, or that Nigerians could run 14 a Insurance Company National Tanzanian prevailing opinion The Corporation. are not that Afro-Americans debates. of None these International businesses But these the still a positions that pace had have no virtually has financial had to senior and managerial posi- evident that access although, it, to be continued sure, responsibility. started with there But functions. the In were the general, the positions dealing and come last of all relations, relations or public with personnel to control became also "window dressing" appointments to high level indigenization of it required lot of in Africa have operating so when did they countries and are pattern if have happened forced to bring Africans into more tions. to would things still foreign policy in to participate ready is States United the a Development or National in run could Tanzanians forced. not been be that Petroleum Company, or Nigerian point is that most of the Africans who have been put into positions of real responsibility were yet thought by ready for the it. international businesses in. question The actually doing the I direct Business fiot made important pre- job. for Management M.I.T. has at be Yet the performance has been good. Some train- ing and preparation is necessary, of course, but the paration is to Economic a number of Development studies Project which of African business 1. and management in development. Our study of management development Kenya found-that Africans made rapid progress where mination existed that they mid-1960s, should do so. for example, almost all the were Asians. It was Until the the deter- period of the clerks in Kenyan banks said that Africans did not have the mentality 15 for rather simple this of banks. function, But pressures the. government but one for African crucial to the success advancement convinced both and the banks that Asians should not be given a monopoly on these and Africans were found to be functions, able to perform them well. African advancement in the banks then went Barclays had already operated a training school in Nairobi ahead. The which it then expanded to accomodate African candidates. National Grindlays Bank aggressively brought in African Junior Management Cadets through a collaboration with the local high schools. Africans moved ahead in other business sectors Mombasa Oil Refinery attained full Kenyanization at supervisory levels within a short period of time. for the on-site Kenya had ac- of the holding of Cal- quired control through nationalizing some Tex, Shell-BP and Esso. as well. The The General Manager remained expatriate some time, but he saw fit to declare that the Kenyan take- over had been "very cordial" and that those refinery are all Africans. they are We "who actually could blow up the place! They run the But, competent." found that the career paths of Kenyan senior managers, those holding the top positions of General Manager, Managing Direct- or or Departmental Heads, could learn to handle these ties as quickly as expatriatesfif not more were only slightly olderthan instead of 35, on the average. younger than their expatriate the junior quickly. responsbiliThese people level managers--40 years This tends to be about ten years counterparts and than simil'ar African managers in other parts of Africa,such as Nigeria. All the Africans 16 in our Kenyan study were the first generation of such.positions. Almost all had been to occupy their families to university but had not necessarily trained for a business career. Generally, acquired their managerial experience Africans have in government administration which does not always or even often impart entreprenurial instincts. for the natural and Kenya, entreprenurial orientations of their populations, like Nigeria, is one of these. Kenyan experience also exhibits "colonial example, complex" we have was started ial Development some in in and Commerc- expatriate expatriate who never tells his n't care less. top General from other firms." and other African managerssharply criticized international manage- The Kenyan told us, "these expatriates were rejects programs that the effort, Subsequently its management was Kenyanized and it prospered. He, KENATCO, for a cooperative bu't it brought ment under which the company floundered. Manager The Industrial from the parastatal Corporation, of the problems of the already mentioned. by Kenyan drivers support financial with are more noted than others Some countries firms established. the training "You get an junior anything. Expatriates They left you to survive or perish." could- Under the Kenyan manager of KENATCO a vigorous training program was success- ful. - Another firm which demonstrates in'African managers at a rapid pace is noted is the Bata Shoe Company which throughout Africa, indeed much of the developing world, for being one of the This the possibility of bringing real leaders in indigenizing their operations. company essentially trained its managers and wholesale tors on the job. opera- 17 The formal But craftsmen. training whose a a for success some of also schooling those Somerset and is absolutely not small A study operations-. About other business their business. or a larger of African that small proportion, type scale artisinal the continent that there was entrepreneurs develop little into respect there is some can find almost everywhere African business"...one men who have started with extremely modest means and have managed, largely by dint of their own efforts,to develop enterprises which, though small in absolute sense, are still rather impressive by comparison with Undoubtedly the percentage their modest beginnings. of Africans already engaged in business that have a real capacity for development into entrepreneurs capable of operating on a larger scale and in accordance with more If effective programs for modern methods is very small. promoting African private enterprise are to be developed, the necessary means for singling out the relatively small percentage of businessmen capable of development must be This found." 3. study noted that in Nigeria a survey done that in Lagos alone that employed over ten people, educational in 1965 showed there were nearly threehundred locally owned onehundred workers, and The those career were This entrepreneurship throughout industrial operations, even in this hope: firms of third no who had no training. published in 1971 by the World Bank did note evidence businesses businessmen who had about a third, also held up for those running industrial operations that indicates rather These were third of successful had been make to able also about running training were formal success.2 for business necessary and even other business or Marris Kenyan businessmen about 1965 in published Businessmen by African study twentytwo that employed over sixty that had capital assets over LN20th. level of this group of businessmen was quite low-- 18 only 40% about concentrated in firms The Nigerians be to local are over EN in and in the Norther Region less developed regions of Bank study found 3,000 workers undertake are In two time. used by these firms had turnover has been firms of between author of that had employed The,se were as clearly the many able World as to construction. have made development the which and contracts of out Ibadan the of contractors at one alone, state couitry, there were the contractors city the road and bridge of None 2m. federal, the could carry that Six Nigerian LN and firms There are con.struction. contractors 25,000. L500,000 in of eleven construction making, printing, like. thousands registers; one of the the level. secondary the sawmilling,furniture very active also beyond or rubber processing and garment making, said education at any had entry into the registries institutions of finance concern that to uS. What Is To Be Those Done? genuinely interested of Africa will strenuous efforts stitutions have that One needed to undertake and carry out all phases of development projects. accessible even at the local undertaking to create of indigenous of in- development projects. to compile a list useful in performing the This that can be accomplished quickly because easily developihent the step in this direction would be of existing enterprises that could be functions the promote locate and perhaps to can in promoting level will not be something the basic data is not but a start can be made. 19 A would to help firms to for the be or more general-management-service is This utilized. ment one the be made to firm of this The type! related African market possibilities some ial of starting point may be to them and to into production to in order assess the a conferenc- host other to opportunity them the to communicate federate and larger capacity units of owned manufacturing and engineering, should it and Development Bank, an African firms owned Develop- African launch construction, of existing the fully not be may Help to as well. ABEDA to international the their skills I have made a proposal subcontractors, group from and technicians the East African to and Bank to umbrella organization an from government posts where and firms themselves institutions trained managers attract to finance could be that activity possible immediately development into being bring more but reaching, far more territor- scope. The could organizational vary a consideralby--from Development Banks mental form of a to an general-management-services subsidiary independent of bne company with or more manageral responsibility fields. It would have to have business administration, fields. ists, for for project Its the govern- or without shareholding from one or more African countries. offered by such a firm would include general, of firm The services that is overall, implementation in technical staff trained and experienced in law, accounting, and specific engineering own permanent staff would most likely best be general- the most part, with more specialized people and subcon- tractors brought in as needed. The firm would have the responsibility for proper project performance that the same full interna- 20 tional firms have--to coordinate to handle and consultants, the suppliers, activities of to carry out financial trol and contract compliance operations, trol and the such a satisfaction of all legal requirements. firm may build up its own direct construction to In time and/or other start out with such. firm could enter into partnership arrangements with interna- tional firms to fill out its be to develop its ly do capability, but the objective would own capabili-ties as broadly as it can competitive- so. The advantage that such a firm would have over the existing situation derives not only from the value of having institutions are con- quality con- to assure engineering capabilities if it is unable The subcontractors directly in control of project not bound to cies. Such a the constraints firm would also be implementation that inherrent in government bureaucrato African technicians appealing who are already trained and experienced trained, who would find it more indigenous , or those currently- being attractive to work in an tion that operates in many localities, and that is not to local political pressures,as positions often are. 1) tify existing ed by so subject the government and parastatal The role of the ABEDA and other development would be: institu- determine the market potential firms finance institutions for such a firm, 2)iden- and communicate to them the opportunities their combination in this fashion, afford- 3) provide the necessary working capital to get them started, and 4) provide the initial market they need. In any case, these institutions the need to build up should begin to take seriously indigenous project implementation capacities. End Notes 1. 2. The following are monographs and papers of the Business Management for Economic Development Project, M.I.T. a. International Investment and Transfer Willard R. Johnson. of Power: Perspectives on Africanization of Management. 1974 b. Willard R. Johnson. Training 1974 Economic Development. c. Willard R. Johnson. The Financial Character and Performance 1976 of The Commonwealth Development Corporation. d. W.R.Johnson and M.M. Toby. The Commonwealth Development Corporation's Contribution to Housing Development: A Case Study 1975. From Kenya. e. Management Development James G. Karuga. East Africa. 1972. f. The Transfer of Management Technology Carol A. Bloomberg. 1974. in The Commonwealth Development Corporation. Business Managers to Promote and Business In Businessmen: A Study and Anthony Somerset. African Marris Peter of Entrepreneurship and Development in Kenya. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1971. 3. John C. de Wilde. The Development of African Private Enterprise. International Bank for Reconstruction and Devel(in two volumes) opment. October 1971.