n(H5 I wnn vry b`?,rry *`> bnvo tho onpctmUy oJ - JDC

- Mccsre.
745 Fifth Avonuo,
}uno 23, 1074
NVC, 10022
30 B, <0 'tfcftt, rvC.10016
I wnn vry b'?,rry *'> bnvo tho onpctmUy oJ meeting wiC» you, o-,;'.ir »*r,
nml to t'>tV on f.h'? *phrr,••,.;? wllh Mr« .Mrrjcr, and S Uiouyhi tt":
to ciarliy
ocmo of tiiS" iKlrA:.idi5i;ilari(Jiivfj-3,
If'itr.yliciniy upon tha ictuin to
i/.r, i'Dpir, &ni:5
orrJval cI
/.''.•;:rry, Clntbiu-g cind ijttbc'i-, v.-o oU i^iot anfl cUfxu.iO'-c} the varlciii
riUrr:J diirirn cur c".jnvcr«r.tlonr;v /-t ti^o f,ncl cf tlat ricoting (v;hU;h t'
, It flffcmci
to oill ci us that wo knfw tho vz/^y'lo rw . v
Ihc! olatQclc'S.
)t wan th-M'Ci'rsi v;Uh giv.'nt yvrpri^o and rc^;rot ihr't wo r-colvocl ^^r.
i •
c<i I'Uh Juno to W>r,
(cc-rlca c i v,'hich lV;c'J->
v J,
f U r t (:( nil, bf<QMr? It
vis i h z t it v-*!? r'v U^r^
to v.tUo tn ysu
tlio jnc'.nn^ v:o v.-.Tvi S'>in3 to
;'n :r? ' ads n':> n-::!';! for tlr. I'U.-v.r 'jt iottcr. rfc-:^n '.'ly. In yciur i~'Li.rr.
ynu fical v;Kh rucrvjy lc'r,uca tlvnit «ot only havo net boon cc
ty nr. i npfr cr l;y iTjysKlf, bi^t wjjich havo not cvta Leon ralotd In t'.o
f<r -.Ungs v.'iti) ii3,
<"^n I told ynu in Ucw V'^k, r.nil ro \7.3n reiterated by ?'r. f ot ir (n hJa
crnvrf;u.it!c n;3 thcjo,
t 'l" v 'lo.lnct « very
fvt full or'-od, it
ici':r <1 cv:
i -n;;
Irroc'l frn.'' tho ji-'O crn.'^f.'' r
v;.-r.n.t to
rsh-r/i vaJ'i its
tu it Iro cof>t if c<:n£:tfuct«rr. ir;
I mv I --,-
Ja !•••••• I
F.ol J<i tho X' ''»•
cl yur eh^r.T of
L'f'o!;(k!lo Inctltuta'fl ccrUiUiU-n,
VvvU utr. l-cUcvl."»fj t». it in tin £uM'ro
v-« clv^ll be oble to coopr'icit:^ '.vH'a ycju oa c-klitlon^i
at o VMy hii'h rato, but v,-c h: li'-vi:? v.*o rcn
a v •^y to
r-lyJ'Vjj, cf ccurc«, firivt o* aU '-n Cm lr !i ;-ic:ncnfatlon
^^ c do not wndt-TRtmcl tVi'^ ro- •
i11r-x:li''n i:1cs"cri}>:Kj in Mr,
-vr f-'-r ri vL.li:r. cf tho . i'rnc.r.'-nt In XhQ
lotl'/r of i'tth Juno.
l. •-.-.o of tho
which tiio Avfcc'irnt v-vna
1 ihcroforo request tJx^S, Co cl-ar up tJio v^hcCc plctucf^, a
bo Pot up. If possiblo around 3GlU ]yiy (vvh^^r. Sr. copir v/lil 1 o
CiriTjC:' rocoitn-n'MU'lcfJ unUcrriJno tl.o tctsis on
In Kcw York)*
with Ui« participation of i/»r, licar/ fchv.Mirtz, prrsrnnlly.
/ . . 2
llcrbf^rt M. i^lnger
Hnrcld Hcenlk
fogo 2«
Juni 23, V.74
the tvo of you, Mr. fapir, I'r, Cinnberg and Mr. lUber, -- and. If
portfUblo, 1 shall coma specially (ten loraol with Mr. Goldman to
I ^v?»nt to t!»ho tlUs fpportunUy to Jnfcrra you" thuit pj<'gr.»rs i« L-.'Snoi
in th'; c•rt':^bll^^^ont of t>'o JnotUuto, n? v.xU as in pl.inr.Sna
P ;uttng UnitB for thp t\rio6. I v.-on vrry hoppy to tico that v/o tliin!;
r^Ilkc on
boat way of Ivaofn^j tho Aos'J. an:l v/h^-n v/o niaol
I rUill phoiv you tomo of tho pl-ins *.VP cro following IN OiVl'ttant pirts
of Vlia ccvintry,
Urprctlnij to hiJVi! yi-uv C'.'nf1rr,-,T*Jc:n Cit cv.sr nr^ot.'.n*;? Ct your carlK-nt
convtrnrncn, and rriUoniUnj '..ur hope tint wo
nil coop^rK'j tn
fjiuUn'j ilio bci)t mutual way to linplc.nvrnt & hletorlo ©ndwavour,
I rcrirtln,
rtiKOfx^ly ycuro
Aviftd Yfifoh
f . ' r , rinhiffl Coplr
Mr. Cdv/ard Glnsborg