FINANCE PHOTO 70 Finance Highlights of Financial Operations For the Five Years Ending May 31, 2002 (Dollars in Millions) Operating Revenues Tuition and Fees Sponsored Research & Training Grants Government Grants & Student Aid Auxiliary Enterprises Other Revenues Total Operating Revenues Nonoperating Assets Used for Operations Total Operating Revenues and Other Support Expenses Instruction Libraries Sponsored Research Student Services Student Aid General Administration Auxiliary Enterprises Other Total Expenses Excess of Operating Revenues Over Expenses 1998* 1999* 2000* 2001* 2002* $239.8 19.6 4.5 87.2 7.6 $252.2 23.8 4.6 90.4 7.1 $270.2 29.1 5.0 90.7 9.5 $277.0 32.0 5.1 93.1 9.1 $290.9 35.0 5.5 101.9 9.4 358.7 378.1 404.5 416.3 442.7 14.6 17.3 25.2 39.5 41.8 $373.3 $395.4 $429.7 $455.8 $484.5 $131.9 17.2 10.7 17.3 57.4 51.9 85.4 0.5 $140.2 17.2 13.6 19.4 62.8 53.9 88.2 - $154.3 17.7 17.2 23.0 67.7 60.1 89.7 - $167.1 18.4 17.8 25.2 69.2 63.7 94.4 - $177.2 18.9 19.7 26.1 74.0 68.4 100.2 - $372.3 $395.3 $429.7 $455.8 $484.5 $ $ $ $ $ 1.0 0.1 - - * Costs associated with the operation and maintenance of plant facilities are functionally allocated. These costs totaled $26.4, $26.7, $28.0, $29.7, and $30.0 million for fiscal years 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002 respectively. Source: Office of the Controller Total Operating Expenses Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Student Services 5% General Administration 14% Sponsored Research 4% Instruction 37% Student Aid 15% Auxiliary Enterprises 21% Libraries 4% - Finance 71 Condensed Statement of Financial Position For the Five Years Ending May 31, 2002 (Dollars in Millions) Assets Investments Trustee Deposits Receivables & Other Assets Physical Plant Depreciation Total Assets (Net) Liabilities Payables and Accrued Liabilities U.S. Government Loan Advances Bonds, Notes & Mortgages Payable Total Liabilities Net assets Endowment Net investment in plant Other Total Net Assets Total Liabilities & Net Assets 1998 1999 2000 2001 $883.3 5.1 104.1 627.6 (177.6) $985.4 62.1 116.1 677.8 (185.1) $1,136.5 29.3 139.1 763.4 (220.2) $1,128.2 35.2 176.1 849.4 (242.4) $1,143.0 28.9 200.5 934.7 (272.7) $1,442.5 $1,656.3 $1,848.1 $1,946.5 $2,034.4 $73.6 29.2 295.0 397.8 $86.5 29.8 380.0 496.3 $90.6 31.0 386.6 508.2 $94.0 31.9 430.1 556.0 $97.4 32.8 469.6 599.8 813.5 161.5 69.7 910.9 173.8 75.3 1,070.2 188.5 81.2 1,103.7 214.5 72.3 1,126.0 219.0 89.6 1,044.7 1,160.0 1,339.9 1,390.5 $1,434.6 $1,442.5 $ 1,656.3 $ 1,848.1 $1,946.5 $2,034.4 Source: Office of the Controller Total Assets and Liabilities Fiscal Years 1998 through 2002 Total Assets Total Liabilities Total Net Assets $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2002 72 Finance Tuition and Fees For the Ten Years Ending May 31, 2003 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 $15,570 $16,640 $17,890 660 704 750 270 288 308 $18,820 790 324 19,770 830 342 20,760 872 360 21,700 912 378 22,680 954 396 24,050 1,002 416 $25,430 1,054 438 Undergraduate Schools Arts & Sciences, Education, Management, Nursing Advancing Studies (per course) Summer Session (per credit hour) Graduate Schools Arts & Sciences (per credit hour) Education, Nursing (per credit hour) Law School Management (per credit hour) Social Work MSW part-time (per credit hour) DSW part-time (per credit hour) Advancing Studies (per credit hour) 470 470 17,720 538 13,970 378 434 - 502 502 18,940 574 14,930 404 464 - 536 536 20,180 612 15,910 432 496 - 566 566 21,230 646 16,740 456 524 - 596 596 22,300 680 17,580 480 552 342 626 626 23,420 714 18,460 504 580 360 656 656 24,480 748 19,300 526 606 378 700 700 25,790 792 20,170 550 634 396 736 722 27,080 832 21,180 578 666 416 774 760 28,440 874 22,240 608 700 438 Upper Campus Modulars Ignacio & Rubenstein 3-bedroom Ignacio & Rubenstein 2-bedroom Edmond’s Hall Newton 66 Commonwealth Avenue Walsh Hall Gabelli & Vouté Apartments Gabelli & Vouté Townhouses Vanderslice Hall & 90 Campanella Way 3,680 4,550 4,410 4,550 4,550 3,680 3,680 3,970 4,730 4,960 4,180 3,830 4,730 4,590 4,730 4,730 3,830 3,830 4,130 4,920 5,160 4,350 4,030 4,980 4,830 4,980 4,980 4,030 4,030 4,340 5,180 5,430 4,560 4,200 5,200 5,050 5,200 5,200 4,200 4,200 4,530 5,410 5,670 4,760 4,340 5,370 5,220 5,370 5,370 4,340 4,340 4,680 5,590 5,860 4,920 4,480 5,540 5,390 5,540 5,540 4,480 4,480 4,830 5,770 6,050 5,080 4,620 5,730 5,560 5,730 5,730 4,620 4,620 4,980 5,960 6,250 5,240 4,810 5,940 5,780 5,940 5,940 4,810 4,810 5,190 6,180 6,470 5,450 5,050 6,260 6,080 6,260 6,260 5,050 5,050 5,450 6,510 6,820 5,730 5,340 6,570 6,380 6,570 6,570 5,340 5,340 5,340 6,840 7,170 6,010 Board Per Student 3,020 3,130 3,240 3,330 3,430 3,540 3,630 3,700 3,810 3,650 400 56 44 240 140 410 58 46 248 144 420 60 46 256 150 430 62 50 262 154 440 90 50 272 160 450 92 50 282 170 460 94 50 286 176 470 96 50 294 200 480 98 50 322 0 500 100 50 332 0 Room Charge Per Student Representative Fees Laboratory (Science)* Undergraduate Government Graduate Student Association Health/Infirmary Recreation Note: All tuition and fees listed are for two semesters, except for those stated as “per course” or “per credit hour.” * Fee for laboratories in Biology and Chemistry. Fees in the other sciences and in most other fields are frequently lower. Source: Boston College Policies and Procedures Manual Finance 73 Boston College Undergraduate Tuition Restated in 1982-84 Dollars* Effect of Inflation and Real Growth Academic Year Tuition in Absolute Dollars 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 $11,720 $12,700 $13,690 $14,580 $15,570 $16,640 $17,890 $18,820 $19,770 $20,760 $21,700 $22,680 $24,050 Consumer Price Index** Tuition in Constant 1982-84 Dollars 126.1 133.8 137.9 141.9 145.8 149.7 153.5 158.6 161.3 163.9 168.3 174.0 176.7 $9,294 $9,492 $9,927 $10,275 $10,679 $11,116 $11,655 $11,866 $12,257 $12,666 $12,894 $13,034 $13,611 * The Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates the CPI by setting the average index level for the 36-month period covering the years 1982, 1983, and 1984 equal to 100 (1982-84 = 100). ** December CPI for the stated academic year. Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Budget Office Boston College Tuition Increases, Restated in 1982-84 Dollars Effect of Inflation and Real Growth $14 ,000 4.4% $13 ,000 3.3% $12 ,000 4.8% $11,00 0 $10 ,000 1.8% 1.8% 1.1% 3.3% 4.1% 3.9% $9 ,00 0 $8 ,00 0 1992 -93 1993 -94 199 4-95 199 5-96 19 96-97 19 97-9 8 1998-9 9 1999- 00 20 00-0 1 2 001- 02