Black Hills State University College of Education, Spearfish, SD 57799

ECE 228
Observation and Participation in Early Childhood Education
Semester Hours: 2
Black Hills State University
College of Education, Spearfish, SD 57799
Spring Semester 2007
Tuesday/Thursdays 2:00 – 2:50 plus 30 hours
observation/participation in a preschool setting TBA
Teacher Learning Center at West Elementary
Dr. Cynthia C. Chandler
College of Education
Jonas 230
1200 University – Unit 9039
Spearfish, SD 57799-9039
605-642-6858 (Office)
605-642-2825 (Home-Spearfish)
605-641-4401 (Cell)
Office Hours: Tuesday/Thursday 9:30 – 12:00
Monday/Wednesday 12:00 - 2:00
The College of Education is committed to preparing professionals for the 21st
century who are caring, competent, and confident teachers.
We seek to develop caring teachers by demonstrating care and concern for our
education students. We strive to treat each student with respect and dignity, to value
diversity, to honor all students’ ideas, beliefs, and individual differences, and to
establish a learning community of understanding and open communication in the
We aspire beyond the pedagogy of traditional teaching approaches to design
more effective learning environments, with the goal of preparing competent teachers.
These teachers can create classrooms of active and reflective learners. Competent
experiences, and use multiple methods and strategies to promote learning.
We aim to develop confident teachers, who believe they can profoundly affect
students’ lives in a positive manner, who persevere in the face of obstacles and failures
to excel in the teaching profession, and who eagerly embrace the challenge of being life
long learners.
Catalog Description: Observation and participation in a preschool setting under
supervision of a professional practitioner.
Course Prerequisites: None
Instructional Methods: We will meet on Tuesday/Thursday afternoons face-to-face at
the Teacher Learning Center at West Elementary across the street from campus.
Course Requirements:
Text: Nilsen, Barbara A. (2004) 3rd ed. Week by Week: Documenting the development of young
children. New York: Thompson Delmar Learning. ISBN: 1-4018-7092-9.
Class attendance policy: You are expected to attend and participate in every class
meeting. In addition, you will be placed in a preschool to observe and participate in the
program for 30 hours. This placement will be documented on a time sheet that the
cooperating teacher will be required to sign. Your grade will be lowered 2 points for
each unexcused absence. I will assign make-up work for excused absences.
CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM POLICY. The BHSU Student Code of Conduct concerning
acts of dishonesty to include cheating and plagiarism will be followed.
MAKE-UP POLICY. In the event that situations require more time to complete
assignments or tests, the student needs to advise the instructor. For reasonable
requests, accommodations may be scheduled within the grading framework established
by the university.
Course Goals:
Principle 1: Understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry and structure of the
disciplines taught, creates learning experiences that make them meaningful to students.
Princiiple 3: Understands how students differ in their approaches to learning; creates
instructional opportunities adapted to diverse learners.
Principle 6: Uses knowledge of communication techniques to foster active inquiry,
collaboration, and supportive interaction.
Principle 8: Understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies.
Principle 9: Reflects on teaching.
Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by
IIC. Teachers apply current research to teaching and learning with technology when
planning learning environments and experiences.
Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation
IVA. Teachers apply technology in assessing student learning of subject matter using a
variety of assessment techniques.
IVB. Teachers use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results,
and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student
Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice.
VB. Teachers continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed
decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning.
Student Learning Outcomes:
The students in this course will:
Use and understand methods for observing and documenting young
children’s development
Observe and participate in a preschool setting for children ages Birth to 8.
Read and discuss current issues and research about observation and
assessment of young children
Class Dates/Topics: The follow schedule is subject to change.
January 18: Introduction to Course
January 23: Visit Teacher Learning Center
Assignment: Read Chapter 1Introduction in the Text, Search the WEB for
information About Early Childhood Professional Organizations and helpful sites.
Post your thoughts about the Introductory Chapter and a couple of links that
you found helpful.
January 25: Video: Ten Things Every Child Needs (Jonas)
Assignment: Read Chapter 2 “Learning to See”.
January 30: Chapter 1 Separation and School Adjustment/Using Class List Log
Assignment: Read Chapter 2. Post reflections in your double-entry journal.
Contact the preschool of your choice and set up an observation
February 1: Chapter 2 Anecdotal Notes
Assignment: Read Chapter 3. Post reflections in your double-entry Journal.
February 6: Chapter 3 Using Checklists/Physical Development
Assignment: Read Chapter 4. Post reflections in your double-entry journal.
discussion for these pages.
February 8: Chapter 4 Using Running Records to look at Social Development
Assignment: Read “5 Reasons to Stop Saying Good Job” You can read this article
by going to .
February 13: Video: Temperament
Assignment: Read Chapter 5. Post reflections in your double-entry journal.
February 15: Chapter 5 Frequency Counts/Emotional Development
Assignment: Read Chapter 6. Post reflections on the WebCT.
February 20: No Class
February 22: Chapter 6 Using Conversations/Language Speech
February 27: Looking at children’s writing – Katie Wood Ray video
March 1: Assessing young children’s writing – Katie Wood Ray/Mammoths
Assignment: Read Chapter 7. Post reflections in your double-entry journal.
March 13: Chapter 7 Time Samples/Attention span
Assignment: Read Chapter 8. Post reflections in your double-entry journal
March 15: Cognitive Development/Number
Assignment: Give the Conservation of Number Task to at least 2 children.
March 20: More about math
Assignment: Read Chapter 9. Post your reflections in your double-entry journal.
March 22: Chapter 9 Rating Scales/Literacy
Assignment: Read a book to or with a child one-on-one
March 27: Reading Workshop - Sharon Taberski video
Assignment: Read Chapter 10
March 29: Chapter 10 Work Samples/Creativity
April 3: Creativity video (Montessori School)
Assignment: Read Chapter 12
April 5: No Class/Easter
April 10: Chapter 12 Child Abuse/Self Concept
Assignment: Read Chapter 13
April 12: Chapter 13/Program Assessment
Assignment: Read Chapter 14
April 17: Portfolios again/Talking to parents
April 19: Visit Rainbow Preschool
April 24:TBA We will use this day and the next 3 for school visits or guest speakers.
April 26: TBA
May 1: TBA
May 3: TBA
Course Grading
Weekly Assignment Responses
25 points
Documentation of Observation Hours
20 points
15 points
Final Exam (Text Chapters) – 4 short answer
questions (open book)
25 points
10 points
Total Points
100 points
Grade Scale: 94 – 100 A, 80 – 93 B, 70-79 C, 60 – 69 D, less than 60 F