Research Publications 2011-2013 2011 238. Zhong-da Zeng, Sung-Tong Chin, Helmut M. Heugel and Philip J. Marriott Simultaneous deconvolution and re-construction of primary and secondary overlapping peak clusters in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography Journal of Chromatography A, 1218 (2011) 2301–2310. ERA Ranking A* 239. Seung-Ok Yang, Yujin Kim, Hee-su Kim, Sun-Hee Hyun, So-Hyun Kim, Hyung-Kyoon Choi and Philip J. Marriott Rapid sequential analysis of essential oil compounds using heart-cut multi-dimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry Journal of Chromatography A. 1218 (2011) 2626-2634. ERA Ranking A* 240. Xin Gao, Xiang Yang, Blagoj S. Mitrevski, and Philip J. Marriott, Headspace solid-phase microextraction combined with GC× GC-TOFMS for the analysis of volatile compounds of Coptis species rhizomes Journal of Separation Science 34 (10) (2011) 1157-1166. ERA Ranking B 241. Blagoj Mitrevski, Biljana Veleska, Erwan Engel, Shin Miin Song, Paul Wynne, Philip Marriott Chemical signature of ecstacy volatiles by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography Forensic Science International; 209 (2011) 11-20 ERA Ranking B 242. Zeying Wu, Christian P.G. Rühle and Philip Marriott Liquid chromatography fractionation with gas chromatography, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of nonylphenol polyethoxylates Journal of Chromatography A, 1218 (26), (2011) 4002-4008. ERA Ranking A* 243. Hee-su Kim, Shin Jung Park, Sun-Hee Hyun, Seung-Ok Yang, Jaehwi Lee, JoongHyuck Auh, Jung-Hyun Kim, Soo-Muk Cho, Philip J. Marriott and Hyung-Kyoon Choi Biochemical monitoring of black raspberry (Rubus coreanus Miquel) fruits according to maturation stage by 1H NMR using multiple solvent systems Food Research International, 44 (2011), pp. 1977-1987. ERA Ranking A 244. Sung-Tong Chin, Bussayarat Maikhunthod, and Philip J. Marriott Universal method for on-line concentration of target compounds in capillary gas chromatography using in-oven cryotrapping Analytical Chemistry, 83 (17) (2011) p. 6485–6492. ERA Ranking A* 245. Sung-Tong Chin, Graham T. Eyres, and Philip. J. Marriott A comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography approach for identification of potent odorants in wine and coffee beverages (Special Issue: Food Analysis) Journal of Chromatography A 1218 (2011), pp. 7487-7498. ERA Ranking A* 246. Zhong-Da Zeng, Helmut M. Hugel, Philip J. Marriott Chemometrics in comprehensive multidimensional separations Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry, 401 (2011) pp. 2373–2386 ERA Ranking B. 247. Blagoj Mitrevski, Paul Wynne, Philip J. Marriott Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography applied to illicit drug analysis Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry, 401 (2011) pp.2361–2371. ERA Ranking B. 248. Carin von Mühlen & Philip J. Marriott Retention indices in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry, 401 (2011) pp. 2351-2360. ERA Ranking B. 249. Ze-Ying Wu and Philip J Marriott One- and comprehensive two-dimensional high performance liquid chromatography analysis of alkylphenol polyethoxylates Journal of Separation Science, 34, (2011) 3322-3329. ERA Ranking B 2012 250. Blagoj Mitrevski, Renee Webster, Paul Rawson, David Evans, Hyung-Kyoon Choi and Philip J. Marriott Multidimensional gas chromatography of oxidative degradation products in algal-derived fuel oil samples using narrow heartcuts and rapid cycle times Journal of Chromatography A; 1224 (2012) 89-96. ERA Ranking A* doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2011.12.051 251. Hae Eun Park, Seung-Ok Yang, Sun-Hee Hyun, Shin Jung Park, Hyung-Kyoon Choi and Philip J. Marriott Quantitative Preparative Gas Chromatographic Studies of Isolation of Menthol and Menthone from Peppermint Oil, with GC/MS and 1H NMR Assay Journal of Separation Science. 35 (2012) 416-423. ERA Ranking B. DOI: 10.1002jssc.201100670 252. Philip J. Marriott, Sung-Tong Chin, Bussayarat Maikhunthod, Hans-Georg Schmarr, Stefan Bieri Multidimensional gas chromatography Trends in Analytical Chemistry – TrAC. 34 (2012) 1-21. ERA Ranking A. doi:10.1016/j.trac.2011.10.013 253. Blagoj Mitrevski and Philip J. Marriott A novel hybrid comprehensive two-dimensional – multi-dimensional gas chromatography for precise, high resolution characterisation of multicomponent samples Analytical Chemistry, 84 (2012) 4837−4843. ERA Ranking A* doi: 10.1021/ac300429y 254. Philip J Marriott, Grace Wu Zeying and Peter Schoenmakers Nomenclature and Conventions in Comprehensive Multidimensional Chromatography – An Update LC-GC Europe, 25 (2012) 266-275. ERA Ranking C 255. Zhong-da Zeng, Helmut Heugel, and Philip J. Marriott Component correlation between related samples by using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography - time-of-flight mass spectrometry with chemometrics tools Journal of Chromatography A, 1254 (2012) 98-105 ERA Ranking A*. DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2012.07.032 256. Sung-Tong Chin, Graham T. Eyres and Philip J. Marriott Cumulative Solid Phase Microextraction Sampling for Gas Chromatography-Olfactometry of Shiraz Wine Journal of Chromatography A. 1255 (2012) 221-227. ERA Ranking A* doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2012.03.084 257. Konstantinos A. Kouremenos, Mikael Johansson and Philip J. Marriott Advances in gas chromatographic methods for the identification of biomarkers in cancer Journal of Cancer, 3 (2012) 404-420. ERA Ranking 258. Sung-Tong Chin, Graham T. Eyres and Philip J. Marriott System Design for Integrated Comprehensive and Multidimensional Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry and Olfactometry Analytical Chemistry 84 (21) (2012) 9154–9162. ERA Ranking A* 259. Philip J Marriott, Sung-Tong Chin and Annie Xu Zeng Multidimensional Gas Chromatography - a Technology for Today’s Analytical Challenges Separation Science, 4(13) (2012) 17-21 260. Yada Nolvachai and Philip J Marriott Gas Chromatography: GC and GC-MS in Environmental Applications AWE International. December 2012/January 2013, p 50-57 2013 261. Yada Nolvachai and Philip J. Marriott Gas Chromatography for Flavonoids Analysis: Past, Current and Prospective Trends Journal of Separation Science 36(1) (2013) 20-36 ERA Ranking B 262. Renée L. Webster, David J. Evans, Paul M. Rawson, Blagoj Mitrevski, and Philip J. Marriott Oxidation of neat synthetic paraffinic kerosene fuel and fuel surrogates: quantitation of dihydrofuranones Energy & Fuels, 27 (2) (2013) 889-897. ERA Ranking A 263. Annie Xu Zeng, Sung-Tong Chin and Philip J Marriott Integrated multidimensional and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography analysis of fatty acid methyl esters Journal of Separation Science 36 (5) (2013) 878-885 ERA Ranking B 264. Ai Ling Choy, PhD; Paul D Morrison; Jeff G Hughes; Philip J Marriott; Darryl M Small Quality and antioxidant properties of instant noodles enhanced with common buckwheat flour Journal of Cereal Science 57(3) 281-287 ERA Ranking A 265. Xiangping Liu, Blagoj Mitrevski, Jiequan Li, Dengkun Li, and Philip J. Marriott Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with flame photometric detection applied on organophosphorus pesticides in food matrices Microchemical Journal. 111 (2013) 25-31 ERA Ranking doi:10.1016/j.microc.2012.07.013 266. Leesun Kim, Kellie Tuck, Blagoj Mitrevski, and Philip J. Marriott Quantitative preparative gas chromatography of caffeine with nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy Journal of Separation Science 36 (2013) 1774-1780. ERA Ranking B 267. Kavitha Samykanno, Edwin Pang and Philip J. Marriott Chemical characterisation of two Australian-grown strawberry varieties by using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography – mass spectrometry Food Chemistry, 141 (2013) 1997-2005. ERA Ranking A 268. Zhong-Da Zeng, Helmut M. Hugel, Philip J. Marriott A Modeling Approach for Orthogonality of Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Separations Analytical Chemistry, 85 (13) (2013) 6356–6363 ERA Ranking A*; 269. Ze-ying Wu, Junfeng Liu, Hong Shi and Philip J. Marriott The Retention Behaviour of Amino Acids in Zwitterionic Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography Journal of Separation Science, 36 (2013) 2217-2222 ERA Ranking B 270. Bussayarat Maikhunthod and Philip J. Marriott Aroma-impact compounds in dried spice as a quality index using solid phase microextraction with olfactometry and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography Food Chemistry, 141 (2013) 4324-4332. ERA Ranking A 271. Zhong-da Zeng, Helmut Heugel, and Philip J. Marriott Simultaneous estimation of retention times of overlapping primary peaks in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography Journal of Separation Science. 36 (2013) 2728–2737. ERA Ranking B; DOI: 10.1002/jssc.201300267 272. Asia Nosheen, Blagoj Mitrevski, Asghari Bano and Philip Marriott Fast comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography method for safflower fatty acid separation and quantification using ionic liquid columns. Journal of Chromatography A 1312 (2013) 118-123. ERA Ranking A* 273. Erwan ENGEL, Jérémy RATEL, Patrick BLINET, Sung-Tong CHIN, Gavin ROSE and Philip J. MARRIOTT Benchmarking of candidate detectors for multiresidue analysis of pesticides by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 1311 (2013) 140-148 ERA Ranking A* 274. Xin Gao, Xiuwei Yang and Philip J. Marriott Evaluation of Coptidis Rhizoma Euodiae Fructus couple and Zuojin products based on HPLC fingerprint chromatogram and simultaneous determination of main bioactive constituents Pharmaceutical Biology; 51 (11) (2013) 1384-1392. ERA Ranking C 275. Annie Xu Zeng, Sung-Tong Chin, Antonio Patti, Philip J. Marriott Profiling of Soil Fatty Acids using Comprehensive Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry Detection Journal of Chromatography A, 1317 (2013) 239-245 ERA Ranking A* 276. Blagoj Mitrevski, Mohammad Amer, Alan Chaffee, and Philip J. Marriott Evaluation of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with flame photometric detection: potential applications for sulfur speciation in shale oil Analytica Chimica Acta 803 (2013) 174-180. DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2013.07.021 ERA Ranking A 277. Annie Xu Zeng, Sung-Tong Chin,Yada Nolvachai, Chadin Kulsing, Leonard M. Sidisky and Philip J. Marriott Characterization of capillary ionic liquid columns for GC-MS analysis of fatty acid methyl esters Analytica Chimica Acta 803 (2013) 166-173. DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2013.07.002. ERA Ranking A 278. Kavitha Samykanno, Edwin Pang and Philip J. Marriott Genotypic and environmental effects on flavor attributes of ‘Albion’ and ‘Juliette’ strawberry fruits Scientia Horticulturea 164 (2013) 633-642. ERA Ranking C 279. Hae Eun Park, Seok-Young Lee, Sun-Hee Hyun, Da Yeon Kim, Philip J. Marriott and Hyung-Kyoon Choi, Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry–based metabolic profiling and differentiation of ginseng roots according to cultivation age using variable selection Journal of AOAC International. 96 (6) (2013) 1266-1272 ERA Ranking C 280. Xiangping Liu, Dengkun Li, Jiequan Li, Gavin Rose and Philip J. Marriott Organophosphorus pesticides and organophosphate esters analysis in the environment using comprehensive two-dimension gas chromatography with flame photometric detection Journal of Hazardous Materials 263 (2013) 761– 767 ERA Ranking A