COURSE OVERVIEW Operations Management is part of a business organisation responsible for planning and coordinating the use of the organisation’s resources to convert input into output. Production planning and control is one of the core activities of operation management as it involves both the design and operations decisions in operation management. The design decisions relate to capacity planning, product design, process design, layout of facilities and capacity planning while the operation decisions relate to quality assurance, scheduling, inventory management and project management. WHO SHOULD ATTEND Production Managers Executives and supervisors Production Planners Warehouse controllers Others involved in manufacturing. PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL OBJECTIVES Develop efficient and effective business processes and production models to improve productivity Apply effective techniques on key operation management decisionmaking to improve and integrate production planning and control activities Transforming production processes to improve forecasting, capacity utilisation, product quality, operation efficiency, supply chain strategy, and etc. Apply Total Quality Management principles to continuously sustain excellent manufacturing quality and its competitiveness If you have any enquiries, please contact +60 (3) 56213630 or email: