Document 11238070

SIMONA GIORGI Boston College | Carroll School of Management | Management & Organization Department Fulton Hall 432 | 140 Commonwealth Avenue | Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 Phone: 312.502.5977 | Email: ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Boston College | Carroll School of Management • Assistant Professor, 2010-­‐present (maternity leave in academic year 2012-­‐2013) EDUCATION Northwestern University | Kellogg School of Management • Ph.D. in Management and Organizations, minor in Sociology, 2010 • M.S. in Management and Organizations, 2004-­‐2006 Università Bocconi • B.S. in Business Administration, summa cum laude, 1997-­‐2001 University of Pennsylvania | The Wharton School • Exchange student, Spring semester, 2000 RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS • Giorgi, Simona and Klaus Weber. 2014. Marks of Distinction: Framing and Audience Appreciation in the Context of Investment Advice, Administrative Science Quarterly (forthcoming) • Giorgi, Simona, Christi Lockwood, and Mary Ann Glynn. The Many Faces of Culture: Making Sense of 30 Years of Research on Culture in Organization Studies, Academy of Management Annals (forthcoming) •
Giorgi, Simona, and Mary Ann Glynn. The Aesthetics of Data: Qualitative Analysis of Visual and Other Non-­‐textual Forms of Data. In K.D. Elsbach and R.M. Kramer (eds.), Doing Innovative Qualitative Research in Organizations: Paths to Cool Ideas and Interesting Papers, Routledge, Taylor, and Francis Group, Organization and Management Series (forthcoming) Giorgi, Simona, Margaret E. Guider, and Jean Bartunek. 2014. Productive Resistance: A Study of Change, Emotions, and Identity in the Context of the Apostolic Visitation of U.S. Women Religious, 2008-­‐2012. In Nelson Phillips, Michael Lounsbury, and Paul Tracey (eds.), Religion and Organization Theory, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 41, 259-­‐300 Media mentions: 1 o
Dawn Cherie Araujo, Sisters met Vatican visitation with ‘productive resistance’, National Catholic Reporter, June 6-­‐19, 2014 Dawn Cherie Araujo, An academic look at the Apostolic Visitation, Global Sisters Report, May 19, 2014 Glynn, Mary Ann and Simona Giorgi. 2013. Taking the Cultural Turn: Reading Cultural Sociology. Academy of Management Review, 28, 466-­‐470 o 16th out of 50 most read articles in the journal in the month it was published (July 2013) Glynn, Mary Ann, Simona Giorgi, and Christi Lockwood. 2012. Organization Culture. Oxford Bibliographies in Management (Editor: Ricky Griffin). New York: Oxford University Press,­‐9780199846740/obo-­‐9780199846740-­‐
0059.xml Glynn, Mary Ann, Simona Giorgi, and Andrea Tunarosa. 2012. Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization. Encyclopedia of Management Theory, SAGE Reference project, 440-­‐444 Rao, Hayagreeva and Simona Giorgi. 2006. Code Breaking: How Entrepreneurs Exploit Cultural Logics to Generate Institutional Change. Research in Organizational Behavior, 27, 279-­‐314 UNDER REVIEW • Giorgi, Simona and Stefania Palmisano. 2014. Sober Intoxication: Fending Off Stigma in Day-­‐to-­‐Day Life, Organization Studies (revising to resubmit) • Giorgi, Simona and Edward Zajac. 2014. It Ain’t Over ‘til It’s Over: Practice Contests in the Early Evolution of Automobile Safety in the U.S. Organization Science (revising to resubmit) • Giorgi, Simona and Brayden King. Cultural skills and the formation of collective action, Research in Organizational Behavior (under review) WORKING PAPERS • Giorgi, Simona. Wild by Design? Agency, cooperation, and values in a Chicago community of environmental non-­‐profit organizations (target journal: Administrative Science Quarterly) • Giorgi, Simona and Klaus Weber. Out of Place? The Situated Role of Framing in Institutional Analysis (target journal: Journal of Management Studies) 2 WORK IN PROGRESS • Mary-­‐Hunter McDonnell and Simona Giorgi, Who's Asking? The Impact of Activists' Identity on Audience Responses in the context of shareholder resolutions, 1996-­‐2012 (data collection near completion) • Giorgi, Simona and Boram Do, On the Road to a Robust Identity: The Roles of Practice, Institutional Bricolage, and Emotionality (data collection in progress) • Klaus Weber and Simona Giorgi, Worthy Rhetorics: Analyst Discourse and the Valuation of Biotech Stocks (data collection completed) PRESENTATIONS •
Measuring culture in the context of investment advice, presentation for the Professional Development Workshop, How to Measure Meaning at the Collective Level Measuring Collective Meaning, Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA, Saturday, August 2, 2014 How to Do Things with Words: Connecting Words to Actions in Organizations, All-­‐Academy Theme, organizer, Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA, Sunday, August 3, 2014 What’s in a Frame? Cultural Barriers to Collaboration between two Environmental Non-­‐Profits, invited talk at Dartmouth College, Tuck School of Business, Department of Business Administration, Hanover, NH, May 1-­‐2, 2014 What’s in a Frame? Cultural Barriers to Collaboration between two Environmental Non-­‐Profits, Center for Cultural Sociology Anniversary Conference, Yale University, New Haven, CT, April 25-­‐27, 2014 Culture and Capitalism: Reconsidering capitalism from a cultural perspective All-­‐Academy Theme Symposium, Session Chair and Co-­‐Organizer, Academy of Management, Orlando, FL, August 11, 2013 Joining forces for environmental change: an exploration of values and valuing, Academy of Management, Boston, MA, August 7, 2012 Does culture really matter? Reexamining the role of culture in organization studies, Session Co-­‐Chair and Organizer, Academy of Management, Boston, MA, August 7, 2012 Ethnicity, Culture, and Spirituality: Implications for Entrepreneurship, Session Chair and Facilitator, Academy of Management, Boston, MA, August 6, 2012 Values, Ideology and the Social Construction of Environmental Action, Session Chair and Discussant, Academy of Management, San Antonio, Texas, August, 12-­‐16, 2011 Culture 101: Interpreting and Using Culture in Organization Studies, Summer Camp workshop, Management and Organization department, Boston College, June 2011 3 •
Worthy Rhetorics: Analyst Discourse and the Valuation of Biotech Stocks, Showcase symposium, Markets and symbols: capturing value through meaning making, Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada, August 6-­‐10, 2010 Culture in Action: Cultural Competence and Influence in Institutional Environments, Arthur Stinchcombe Dissertation Award, SION, Northwestern University, May 7, 2010 From the balconies to the barricades: cultural foundations of joint action mobilization for ecosystem restoration in Chicago, Culture and Society workshop, Sociology Department, Northwestern University, Evanston, October 15, 2009 Trading in Good and Evil? Challenges and Opportunities of Market Solutions to Environmental Problems, All-­‐Academy Symposium Theme Session on Markets and the Environment, Organizer and Co-­‐Chair, Academy of Management, Chicago, August 9, 2009 The Logics of Politics: The U.S. automobile industry's struggle with safety regulation, paper presentation, Academy of Management, Chicago, August 10, 2009 Perspectives on Governance, Session Chair, Academy of Management, Chicago, August 10, 2009 Wild by Design? Environmental Entrepreneurship, Conceptions of Value, and Allies Mobilization in a Chicago Community of Non-­‐Profit Organizations, The University of Alberta Second International Conference on Institutions, Innovation and Space, June 2009 Nature Talks: Language, Values, and Identities in Cooperation, DePaul University, Environmental Science Program, Institute for Nature and Culture, Chicago, May 22, 2009 Worthy Rhetorics: Analyst Discourse and the Valuation of Biotech Stocks, Academy of Management, Market Devices symposium, Anaheim, CA, August 11, 2008 Marks of Distinction: Style as a Source of Status among Security Analysts, 1986-­‐2005, Informs, Organization Science workshop, Seattle, November 3, 2007 Managing Political Life: How the U.S. Automobile Industry Re-­‐Constructed Product Safety, Strategic Management Society, San Diego, October 17, 2007 Marks of Distinction: Style as a Source of Status among Security Analysts, 1986-­‐2005, American Sociological Association, Section in Economic Sociology. New York, August 14, 2007 Code Breaking: How Entrepreneurs Exploit Institutional Logics to Generate Institutional Change, Academy of Management, Symposium on Code Makers and Code Breakers: Food as a Field of Cultural Contestation, Philadelphia, August 2007 Constructing Politics: Organizations as Systems of Political and Cultural Influence, OMT Dissertation Proposal Workshop, Academy of Management, Philadelphia, August 2007 4 •
Marks of Distinction: Style as a Source of Status among Security Analysts, Culture and Society workshop, Sociology Department, Northwestern University, Evanston, January 11, 2007 Marks of Distinction: Style as a Source of Status among Security Analysts, 1986-­‐2005, Academy of Management, Atlanta, August 15, 2006 Cultural Repertoires of Markets and Markets for Cultural Repertoires, Midwestern Conference for Culture, Language, and Cognition, Northwestern University, Evanston, May 14, 2005 Breaking the Code: How Actors Utilize Logics to Generate Institutional Change, Culture and Society workshop, Sociology Department, Northwestern University, Evanston, April 15, 2005 BUSINESS CASES •
Kodak, with Giovanni Gavetti and Rebecca Henderson, 2003-­‐2004, Harvard Business School o Kodak and the Digital Revolution, N9-­‐705-­‐448 (Harvard Business School Publishing’s “Most Popular”) o Kodak (A), N9-­‐703-­‐503 (Harvard Business School Publishing’s “Most Popular”) o Kodak (B), N9-­‐704-­‐456 Dell, with Jan Rivkin, 2004, Harvard Business School o Matching Dell (B), N9-­‐704-­‐476 o Matching Dell: Dell Computer Corporation, 1999-­‐2003, N9-­‐704-­‐452 o Matching Dell: The Personal Computer Industry, 1999-­‐2003, N9-­‐704-­‐451 o Matching Dell: IBM's Personal Computer Division, 1999-­‐2003, N9-­‐704-­‐453 o Matching Dell: Compaq and HP, 1999-­‐2003, N9-­‐704-­‐454 o Matching Dell: Gateway, 1999-­‐2003, N9-­‐704-­‐455 Dell, with Jan Rivkin, M.E. Porter, and F. Nabavi, 2004, Harvard Business School o Matching Dell: The Personal Computer Industry in 1998, N9-­‐704-­‐445 o Matching Dell: Dell Computer Corporation in 1998, N9-­‐704-­‐446 o Matching Dell: HP's Personal Computer Division in 1998, N9-­‐704-­‐449 o Matching Dell: Gateway in 1998, N9-­‐704-­‐450 Qubica, 2002. Trovare l’America a Bologna, Università Bocconi, SDA (in Italian) Autogrill, with Rossella Cappetta, 2002. Replicanti di successo. Il caso Autogrill. Economia & Management, 2002, vol.4 (in Italian) WORK EXPERIENCE HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL • Research associate for Giovanni Gavetti and Jan Rivkin (Strategy Department), 2002 – 2004 5 UNIVERSITÀ BOCCONI • Research fellow (Management department), 2001 BAIN • Business analyst, 2000 GRANTS AND AWARDS •
Faculty Fellowship, Carroll School of Management, 2012-­‐2013 Art Stinchcombe Dissertation Prize, Social Interaction and Organizing at Northwestern (SION), Northwestern University, honorable mention/finalist, May 2010. PhD Sustainability Academy Best Paper Award, Richard Ivey School of Business at The University of Western Ontario and the Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability, October 22-­‐29, 2009. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Grant, Targeted Watershed Project, grant for a study on stakeholders’ management on environmental innovation in Chicago, 2009-­‐2010. Dispute Resolution Research Center Grant, Northwestern University, grant for study on cooperation among environmental non-­‐profit organizations in Chicago ($5,000), 2008 • Università Bocconi Research Grant, 2001-­‐2002; Best Graduating Student award, 2001 TEACHING BOSTON COLLEGE, CARROLL SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT • MB021 (since Spring 2011), core course of Organizational Behavior, around 120 students enrolled per year o Average course evaluation (over 8 sections, 2011-­‐2013): 4.5/5.0 (90% very good and excellent) o Average instructor’s evaluation (over 8 sections, 2011-­‐2013): 4.74/5.0 (96% very good and excellent) PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND AFFILIATIONS •
Reviewer for Academy of Management meetings, since 2005 Academy of Management Review, ad-­‐hoc reviewer, since 2010 Administrative Science Quarterly, ad-­‐hoc reviewer, since 2011 American Sociological Review, ad-­‐hoc reviewer, since 2013 Journal of Business Ethics, ad-­‐hoc reviewer, since 2011 6 •
Organization Science, ad-­‐hoc reviewer, since 2007 Organization Studies, ad-­‐hoc reviewer, since 2014 Research in the Sociology of Organizations, ad-­‐hoc reviewer, since 2012 Strategic Management Journal, ad-­‐hoc reviewer, since 2007 7 