57 me tine" f0<:leral standArr:ls OE :1:'1tn prd in nat:J'n~l productive C:1.nc,cit~r J.na 9_ ,-~l1i;.1cline ~_ -l":",le:11pntc.tion. Ja~a[e will not use C2E "Ub::~8C:ll.E'nt o',~idcnc0d Ct':1er difficulties are \)8j_'1 - t~e e of auto ac,- ,c;I12.rp dec1ine in 1:;"e ~crl1aps C~lse -Sl-;C nothine to remed7' ~s C2se "f 2.~ltOS, accident Guits have ·~re In Court of hir)lHD.y snfcty, ~ctions in ('m~lo~ler i~ been done the uce of \:.ort action for ioinilaT reaction I,rith eo...ch productive carr~rin~ dG.ma,:-~;e suits insurance il.cninst pollution. ~,]ilJ. contribute virtuo_ll~~ control. ~hc decade, llowcver, ~ast a~renr to be omens of future indiscril"1ina tc Ilama;:r:e su.i ts that 1:Jill result in t.ht? citec~ t',-~; :·7 billion a!lnual biJ 1 for ...".t the Sat1e time, C-1 '~as o:.~ 1nd y8t this COGt contributes almost ~ublic. every individual environnent~l 0:[ C!1i'orCcJY]en t le···~J_ -12mage could rosult in ";unine.s8 aTl:l in the 2re suits as , to hif,'lp:lay saf'1t;v. pollu·:~ior:. lemrrla t:lrec, -:)ollutinr.. control efforts id0nt~-'. liability insurance on the j _'1 ,:~rticle "~o~'i?fnlly, virtually r::logged tlle courts and. imnosed (. nothin~ seen in n;3 of' livine. Gt8r~a:'j f~tu~e ior::s, in the preceedin 'inGur;:l.~(;C \~:ci- nr.lra[T(lph. in i)uluth, l"ir.ne,'3o-l::a. t··'ined that the facility forcing Gore ~,~OO ~,qC ~er~ons b::J.tencn·': cOEtr; re':]uire6. tn ~l~ea:l:r nut '·'~c':;t o~ nonco!:'-:~etitivl? work, i.f "3t:t~',:; ~orced and ",.'ould .~~hut lO'.'Tll, to aRsurle J1011ution G- nnd federal standards. '':'he court recently l~~rin'" incrco..se froL'? cm inc:reJ.ce of :'.1. to cut the It.5 follcus'~ incroa~e ~ ~~r TlliLoiE to one of I.•.r:::: ':d th t.l:.e 2dc;.ed -provisior:. nff so~c in half if t~e sc~e~uled ~~)atemel:t pro~rarl ic not • out ncracs the nAtion. in:.lur:triec '",rh0n the feasi1)ilit: r of r!12.n;r of the; recent stanJ8ruci is considered. l!n:ler t1-18 197 7 in 2e·,To.i~e '-1u(l7,et, .~ reGi:~ent ~'ix()n bas a. i'lrrro}Jri~ltedA ,·'~0 ;'lil"!.:iJ'l n })lant constr11ctio[l [,T8.nts to I'aic--:o t>le total to current le"inla tive trcnc~s, 1:.rill Y'f.u:~ul t in Ie :i;-.:;la t:-Lon of lovol of i'1 :.'ore ;-"r' _cticc'_l na tU:::--8, incluCl.ing reasona 1ile standardG 3nc'! a Dro2:rC'..F1 nee CD:::! i t::l tine nent anJ i[liu~trial emphn~i,~ ~e:Ln5 bein- ~l~ced conccntrate~ control. in~crdel'endency on leca1 in cortrol ~evplo~ement in the area of early in ovcr,:"!- ef~orts. res~ect ~rQvention to the environment rather than 111ti'~ate 59 section, irr-pler:(.~n ta tion. ,t t'19 ]. 0 C :-,.1 c ~'a7~0 (-:t. ,'-; time, i;he c!~~n ln~ rclati0nGhin of various r. e1 r :fiT'm.s move- JutiOD control. i,on ~eet ir Jl0i.'ht and the come withj.n ?~n ~e8t of flny ~rio]~e I:rlcreof ~hnll under 110 circuMstanceD ~rivate • .,7,,/, residence within t'le vlll.:1C e .' _' r Go t>.e en~.~, of in~titutecl i~~la II there w~s a ~Qrticvlar rise in ~olJution on a state level includinr the Jevelopncnt 0.~ l.ezisl~tj.on ~'ecific tures. ·)]''"'on - level cl~Lcc~nin:' nnllutinn ~nntl·ol. i,'~t-,nn t:)(~re i~ Iittlc or no cnt::'l:- 61 :n tho o-:}19r : 2.n _'-, ot~'1er ~~t:'te:--~ (_-·u:~' 2r fr,~\:l :In over'-1"h 1J.lVlanCe of control. ctatss creC.tn acencies tpreaucrRc~' [1 ~)0fore scttin; a ~or air ::>.. D0. ',,rater :rol 'ution control. loc~tion Cor future rower ,'or JQuthcrr;. ~lant2. over '<"letter pollution, :-'lir ;-;o11u t::Lon, fish nn:1 G'amc, "Fa tel' tu: ,; )arl::::;, u til- of ities, qnd atomic they rerform ex~ an~ tl18 Juties is in numerOUG stnteD. 'cion-n1c::J,:inr, rec;ula tion-en forcinr, Vnles8 of considerahle :,'_ountin- a~encies siz~, ~nd "ollu tiO:'1-~olicing -:JONer. localities effective ;Jron,J-scCl.le pro· ranf; of ,tnte 0r~ nf cr h~IV8 ccnGi~cra~le ~lolluti0n 10c01 control. Gubsi~ieG t~,: c:'0~ptinnc or leaven tho+; find t"eir l'ro rans of ~o11uti"" control to "0 co' t1~' dif:icult~ _.t .:-, ~'lin- or :inuDci:_l cre~it line~) ;3tate . ro~r~ms [or InJustrial ollution Control In~-~uG trial ,evclo-,:,r:lcn t. ~ ovef"tber. 1S'-7C. p. C,. _. lake:l from " ,; I -, l'(~',r ercc;,r, ,'l,n',' -Til' ,iri,n. Ir Million ~-eErl:F ~li~Qtin~~ a: e in re:~dil~' Chaptor~; mninten~ncc of such -F'und b:r lc~islatinn a~~crent. '~1~8 7ive and ';ix. nnd :-,he sub~e~uent c:·:C\ct :-'-:u'clBn of ju~ici~l ~olllltj_on action cnn::.rol t~ inJustry 'J:'lic~'. C:--llr: j 1.-, i: 1 i ~_T -~ . t n 'C C' ," 66 .i...d".~~ • . -, T' -, j 1'" , ': J -'.'er n1 ,--., 1, n r.c'.- fir-'-:s, )' o .; , 'J_' / ,,,,Of' _ JP .. , e t. . -, -, ''"1 t (1" '1·, 1 1 T" :~ c; ,. f • "P- I"!" -- (;C c ... c ; 1 '," to ,t II c: f'1 $ --; , Ci' 'D (~) " , 'r r ,, " " r , " e' r C ":-, C i-: , ',' , ," C ( ," " 4' 'c' r' G..' ',' 4' ( 0,-, . (: ,: " " " 4> C ',' " " '1' '- " rl ,[. '! \tI CO' .:: 4-- L'iI '" I b " , c ',' , ( i " (:1 , , , r " ' Ui , .. I." or; " , :' " t, l " 4 C , " l t, , C ( >;.: " " " i" " " ", , 4 r " ,"I, , l C G , ,. r " " a; -:-" c, ,o. ~l. "( ' " ( .. C , " ( ,:t , '~-, r. , r r:' 1 " 'n r .. ,' ·~c r + C " , " 4; , ;. ," ( l "( to; '0 "' r < ", " ( ~ ~ '- r ~. J 'Ii 'r~ C ":-' ~. r (' ( r " ( C 'r " ,-, 1""1 C ( " , ( l.. r r C ',' ( " '- 1 r " , " ' 'I' C 1 , ' C t. ( < !l -r-: , ," ( " ,- " C , r ' 70 r-' 1 r ., p: . 11 , , r-' + "1 eo. .-, c ,,_I " r ,, 1 .<' ., : ' " ( !'"r 'T • 'f"- " , " . - ~, . ~ +:...- 1_1 • .; '-~: .' ,_ ., "1 .' +.-~ " .. • , -, ..! (' -. '""! ,~.' -. ,-. • 1 -. "1 -{- ," 1 , r· :- ,,' , ,~. ,- .,-, '-'" r'.,~-'+· -.. • ,, --i ... 1, r .. ,,"",!1 , ",-.--' '"\.' .., , j'i Lp ' { , .-' .. -' ~ , , .' h· ,, .' ... ,-. - . ! \ 71 ','" . , ~- ~! " . , , " -' -, , .. , ." ." 1 .. - ,-> r, '0 '- \ ,~ , ~-' " , , . "1;V<? " These ". , " , ".- ,-.,.'. 1 , ., 'C ,. "" , " -, ,~' , r~ '- -, -I~t ,- . , ,.... • " ., .' ........ , 72 - ,1 -,~' '-.' ,---I-- F , .. C oC.'- " ,. . i • T' _~ • J __ ' , .~ "! 1 (,-, ,;: ~ ,. 1 .. r., to -' ., ("' " ., , _1 "! -' .. . ("' - ~ . . '-. t , l' -'-' - r- 1 f ' ,..., ,. 1--· : r; (; .'- ," '.., - S 1 -, - ", [~.~ -, 1 - , ., ..-~ '. " -' i -' , ' ._,··n-' .#--: V":: , '(' ~. 73 ,-:; ... , .~ - L, .,>,,-, ... ·r r .. _ I ,~ , .-, ., , . ,-, , ,- ,,' I . -!- .; T'f"' (' -,'" . ,_'"- ~"'t-l"Gl" , ,-,:, '-, p"'Db\e.W\~ ~ ~ r r;"". -~, . -~ \.\t'"e. 'i"v't:. N,.1iJt, ,"" , r ,cte.d ('--,.., 1\ \'" ., e. • 1 .. Co~ 1","" r:-' - , 1 ,-, , •. -1- " , '." ; 7~ '..110 '- '- , . r' . :"'1 .-,1" + '- ---. '- '1 I" p ~ ,c· ," " " ) ,_' '. 1 , , ., ,- ~. ., , n' ~ '-•.'"' "'! , ., ·f--; , .. . , 9, \ ' , ~ .' r_ .., .' .. , " { • , 1 ,._" , -,., 1- ._ , . , ... .-,' ... 1: 1 -, " ; : - ro , "C,' reJo.t,o., ~ l' . !-,: "'!.., " , -'.~ , . , - -:-,-'- " ..~()r r, 7,- " ~~(~ . , ~. , c'ln~3ic'ler '" ., ' , : ~. .. ,. ' : ,. .., 1 ., ; . .. . " + , ,. , r', " ~: ,~ ~. . , 1 1 _. 'J" , , \ . "" ~ ....- r 75 -.' f' V ~.ve E\ac~rod~ \;.;;;y....().o':-- C\""'..... "'~ S~"'ke... ' - - Co\Ie.d..edD".,t. "',- _C ~_~'_ _ l -------- -----'" .. '- . c ".-' ( 1 -~- -, 1 ,. " ',. ,"'" J . ", ~j : • ., '~ ----------" '- ,-4- .. ~ .' 1 .,-, ('~ r ., , " , '. ''-r,', ,'-- ' "on r..-., , . .____ ;1_,/· ,. .. , ,. ,.., -,1 _ I,. , t· -, ,-, " - '/-" ,' .; 1 '"'! .. ,. ~ "''':) (' I 0~-' ;::, ;', ,. " ! , -.."., '.' 0--:: . '. ,', c ,'1 ", 'f' ~' ~ '- I ,- ('-'" i' ,_! .! , 1- __ _ .'- r. ., ... - "' '': ,'," ~ ,- ~'. l- " ~ ;" ,.' ," .f' ~ , -, ' ," ., , ,-," , - ~ .. ' r' , "+ ", 1 ~ , :' - , -: , , , :1' " 1 ,~ {.~ , .., ., " r\ -," <~. ; '. -, !' .; " .1 .. ., .., ...... -, (> -, , f· 1, "[~ +, l' ,', i Ij) c -'-. l:: ':;., :. ":- c r " 'r c ·ri ,c " " + t c, , ~ , " ~ i... L ~) " l \~ .;! . (' r " " r ..L C' r " ( -:..) '.: c r (\ () ' " :~ " " +, + ~ , " C L )~ " ',' C' :t' ;, '- ·T~. " "''-'. 'r-, -4,,: . f, ,c (. ~) f If' , , " c '" , H ~, r.:, :> ( ( " '( (.' , ( c , c :c' (, ''-1 \ c " c r' ( C i·' , rC , , ,. ; ( r' /""' . t ( C f' " r r ; <:I C' ( ..p ( r r, \ ~i' , "I", r c, ,", ( r ( t c " c C h ',"- r r ,.,, \, ..,-- ~ + '- c :-~ ( c , ' +, + " " 'r; c f, " " , ·d -\- 't-! t, " r {t' c " , or', " r, C' " " .: ; or; <,1;: ,r C; + ':'.' 'r , c" ( (. f, ( ~, ~, :~ ( , 'r: r' C. ( .. "1" ' c' ;c " c l . ( .,-; (, r '" c •( , (, ,,:,'l (' c r ( , c ",'-'. " r' C r r r ( ; () ·d ; t ," C .,-\ ", < r 'r ,r:, " r' (;., C, (' ',' ( " " *;. c' i-- e or: r c" or': -,-' ( r " I:' +' ~ ( " " ? "r: ,;', (;" l, ( iI., .r( 'c ( c ~ c , " "j + C " C " r f I (" c c ( (' " • ~' " ( ~~ c . " , ( 'r c ~ ; '~ " ~- (' ..;. c C ,F -1-~ " , L~ , 'r ~ c r' , (j ( f ( I t' L '" "c..:' n +' f·. c r~ "' (' 'r C' r' , c r + " , .' ',~' " (;. c , c' ( ( o c ~ ; ~ " r" C' . r r (i -(- c i: ( :: ,") r ,.;. , c r' , r" .. r' " ;.) c, r c. , f' " ;' r + , I c t' ~ C ,-: c C L'· c " ~ ~ C, t, or. ," c + c c· ,", 'r, ( u r r .) 1"', , (~ !~ " +' T'! ,(" ;. , (' r ~l " ( ( " " r , c .~ ( c' .' ( <: '" \;, ~, • " ~.) c- +' U I r ( .,' h , ,: v " '" ' \~. ~, , r ( " "r ( <, " ;, '- r \, r ( () c c C ( (;:' '- ( ( " G r c' o '- [" ( " ~ ., " • ( r' (; ( "c C' :.:.' ~ " ( ;, , ; , ( C ( <~-! c ( r ~ T, c (1 C' r C ( "~ ) ( 'C , , , , ." ; .' J ' c ( - .,; , l , r '- c " ,,' C' , (' ( l!. ( ( , C r G. o c .!,.~ + l c ~ co C'-- ,c' ~- ; , ,. c .~-..: " 'r', ;. r" , () " " ,. 'tI? \:. _L " ; ~'. ~ , -' . +.:> 1- t. 'i ,. r" ;., ( , 1.; " " " ,, '( c r , 4' , c " 1"'.' " ,." , ,. h c c' ~ ,- c c ,j 4. !- : i· ';, ,. co ( " l:: , C (; ,.' r " , r:: " , " :,. " ~"'i c , r. r +' ,u r + , ':.- , ( " , c , '" ., 0 CI.- :> ~- !....J t.' " , C 'M e (' r '!It r Ci ;: ,~ , \ , II) ,,., ..Q ( , , <. v , 1,[: G.. .J-' 4l r ri ( +' , '-~ , '!~ U) "r. ~:: r ( " . ~- C H " , -+-' ;J: , \. ·d ., CO ',. ,- o c. --c' ( { ,. ,~ ,:,.: l ( '-1 r r " 'r'! + ,. C ,c. r ;n. c· c , : 1 .-' r-..1 III + ~ ( C .;~ " + > , +' H r r r " , ('. V! .... '- C " '-' '- ..': , , r " "'tS t <:l (, " H ~u .. "r-' " " , ~>-. c, c r< ( '- r " ~ E " '- '. , (: " r C " (. "1", , ... ) c, c ,, c.~ ..j" 4· ( \ .,,; + + ec' ( Ii. r " ~' ,, ~, o '- C c '"' \"". ( ,. " -: . 'r' <. ~' +' c (,0, ,••' r c- III f-' (' ( ,. ,{ , ,~ i/J t"· +. , ( r +~ " (. ,-": ',1 ...;. l ,. r ,. 'r, r e .~.- C' r--: ; ( • .. 1 h ,r-'" (,: " -f-" '- " \. ..;' (: 'n 'r-' ~ " " , " . i <. " " r '- " .;' ( , " '. '-, r r c ( . '- c '"'j r <J) ( ~. ( <r " : r. ( ,. , ,p r ~ , (. ; \, ',. , I c. " , '( (-' ~.' , (; r c... ;:; -:--..:> ~ - ' c " , '0 , C " r +, CO r '.' , ;' ( \ ,, ,- + C· ,;,,' i 'c ,·,1 , , , , ~) .p r ~ H CO C' ( ~. " .,'~ v' + C 79 ,'""':.n:y )\1.C1.y _nics ::erCl'tin .such r:~ in ir; ill t for T'olJ.uti0r c~ntrol. 0: Gtrcsr: (lr u.l..:iliz·,ti;)n of tl18 ;-;0oi:,ilo.tive ~t -- ~ - ' ;,-, ,~ would C~\l~Sa an 1 or .iruent . t:.:c ne co;-'-: ~~ .• L, ele ,~,;:; F.l, i~l~ ti1e: ; '); ',r,'!G ~_:'l C'~ _'0; of ~1J.lr:,':-in ,: v ,:;ir :~n~:_ :>.11. 2( '_'.'lu:c H~. th nn ~"ilLl_tivc ':_':,.t',-,'r t:U:3 n'8 ;'_-Jt~l. t····e--citi:e~ COl" c r-' unit~· ~--'ortunc in cnrror~ '- 01' c ti vcl:r - 1l or (? ) "".;. e:,:'v c .':1"cI1 -Cion. 80 C e:·~·8c:ltiY8~; (1 ) '2zist in t,:::c·tr;, (7, ) D. ;;rol TO Jf-si; :nin or; , (' ),eleCi:1 ~.-)ro ".1 Of::::: ':.'i t;1 - ov .,~ le;·;nc~ (lU) :O~ ~-;. clo~-;cl~," -:it~l .) O·~ilf':;:C ',n lie l"'~,;l :Ci:,:L' :-:;t:i.~ c- st tHO L c<, :.Tol - 'j ·C. iE rc- ·ne (, r;: r; tO'l in its irrol},ution force. r, e of ~.~ice·· • :oiders . t'~QC ej~ 'cctl Vi:: : '8'::·Tt~IC~ltfj.cL :'J,n 21 ------- -- . ..::Y-__ .. A di '.", c· , ' , ;~ . ,Q...... ~. l - '! -. --, .; l ., -~ l l \ \ , .. $ \ 28 to . , c' ,- " '-- \ - , " .:... p '" , , o ,- "'1' ., -', "~'" , d .' r-,",\ . c' \ T .1... , 84 r 1 n - ..., - r ',r ',-; , ,-'- .~ r ..., 1 n' i v G f' .. \ 1 d: , ~ "'1 l rr uo l \ \ i.ts o ; ) ,, ('- -,, b t " , l' .L ; ; o 1 nn 00 en c r:-' . n C(),ct c -', (l Based on averaGe cost fir~rcs, operation costs ~er year exceed capital and installed costs of equi-;.lr.lent in most industries. In most instances, yearly cost of Haste disposal "·JaG 27 to ~~O. of yearly operatin0· CODtS. In }~ of 10 industries :rearl:r operatinc; costs have become a major ~xpense source. ~~t the same time, llowevor, most re~orts in the past decade have overlook.ed yearly operating costs as Et major problem. I , '''' ''f t , ~~ • :I-~'---" J:Y..OUbt .. 'e::. ..... . Che",.(.c..1s ~-- Rcd:.lo % T""t,,\lc.t'Q., to 0.-13'''''\ c.,,;t 1 AII~~~ ... 81 ..,...-.., ~, ~q ~"".-.'"-.'''''''"''' Averarse . . lan t -.lDencling in 1971 Canital ~~au:iDment Cost Installation Cost ~. .L .... C}Jcrating COGt rot,].l 00GtS '. 2.2., 'fOO 73,200 .' ~·C , 5 .~-)o .1!~8, 150 (:pera ting Costs: i-oT/ler, .I1uel, 'later Fiaterial.s, :..J}}are ~ artr; Laintennnce Labor Collected ·jaste ~iGPosal .lS,840 :'.,100 7,100 14,510 ;lt6,550 ')0 " , -- -i , ill t· c c [' " ('f .,-- l' _ ~ollution is of r .t~ :I I c 91 r()£:~ 1 , d 1' \ .. 92 po p \ c' . on 93 s " . , ic-d co t ,·- . , r r 'v!as tes te c :1.' ,. C; ..'_...:.. "..i..' . n!~ln~CL'rlent bill is held do~m. cc: 'r :. c. c: J. '1 and is ;,vorkine dili,""en tly on ch emicals and rccovcrin' - fib :;:rs fro):] packac;in:3' itl3.stes. ,;ith complete success t~e project may eliminate the need to raise prices in or(er to of ,'set pollution control costs. PcrhapG one of the most unavailable means of transferrin~ costs of pollution is federal subsidies in the form of tax deductions or direct loans for poIlu -:ion aba temen t equi}!r1en t purc~1as es. :JUCll pro,";rams exist on a sta to and local level, but usually cio not hold sufficient funds to co"')e Hith existant pollution problems effectively. Cpera tint; Qno. main tenance expenditures are clirectly deuuctible under federal incentive procrams, but excess treatment over natural assimi- lative levels causes a direct reduction in taxable income o.nd therefore a 10SB of revenue to federal and state governments ding no additional benefits to ttlC enviroJrnent. ~t w~ile "rovi- the same tine, however, the federal government is the only body laree enou~h to pro- vide adequate financial aid to encourage pollution control expenclitures on the part of industry. This fact is made evident in a _U'ortune poll concerning pollution financing: ",Ihat cio you think \'lOuld be the single most effective--and least effecti ve--incen ti ves to business to do .something' about r,ollu tion? ,I Foc;t :~ffective ----" -,,---,--- Leas t ':f:fccti ve .-------.--- Tax credits for pollution control costs 2., Industry \Viole action Government ~rants 11.· 7 10. 5,.J matc}linC company expenditures Government 3ubsidies oosts to the conGumer Improvement in the ""lorking environ:nent An;;r mea:~s of transferring 16 , C()C;t;:·:, :hm·.rever, cou1.::1_ not iJe as ef.:ective as .:J.. com!Jren.ensive pollution nro£::ran involving an interdependency of S'overnnent and induRtr~y in standard setting, enforcement, and fin2.ncial backin.'.::; if such a program vIere available. In chal'Jter ":,ir-;ht, I have tricJ -Co uesign Bueh a :prol3'rDm ",hile takin,; in co conside::'a tion the cost factors, public and industrial desires, and the preoent dc.·-ree of the pollution problem pr(~sented in the first seVen chapters of this paper. c .~ it f)'rYrisi It c c CO" , :-;.' f-? lo, '~l 0: Ui :~_re c_~ " ~ ,~: ~ l'- va '," .0 ,-'.i. t ;:,0 v c s' , ".., .",. c L. '.' • '" ., ) , 'C:, "r:':.C:. CO C ;-.8 c v:;r.t' =: ~. e ('. .(" l' l.:' , :i.n , -,-, J . 'v T , (, • .c 'I~ C '- -; ,'. __ c: 1 • \,- ,~,.: c::;. .'c -, vc ~rc ,,1 -,' ,. ·c c (;: r (>: '_~n, , c J'i' c; [, , 1 . ~ :.1", rc; 1.:-, 0'-' / ( , c . .C , ' ( ' 1- ,CO> '1'(, C· i: '_"I ,() ',' c Ci i' 1 ! '- ." L t " ''.'P , ,~, J level -'-.: '" \ c' 'cc -~. - ,:re ,~, c c (). :; c , c .'.1 ti f' . , -, y- - " , c ,; (; lj: c ..•.. C ' 1 I. . . . " c; .. "0 cJ 1 c '~ 'i'. ) (1(' , ~ l -'- • v " " ( c , ',; --, . -" c c , , - -c.-=:. ._' (" 1 c OC "i' c ,-. } ',' (' C J. , erT;'er c ., v '.; :1. I' ~ t ;~1 1 l , (' ,'.'. ~' ., ,-' '~', ' 1, vO\\)"t\\::.Q,t"~ - --1 -1' , ~' v:~ c .' -,~-' .. -' j'-' (,-, 'i: i .1 r' ,il ,n, V_'_ :, Vi '. -. c ': " , , , 1. 1" " °9 , 1 -, , J ~ :i ' 1 c '"'I -'- , -c c' n. :i " i -~~ " J. coo :;1' (',ull be 'tiv 1 :) , c With the current system 1 or l~rge ; 1 0. 1 L-: 1 ,,. 100 ., r' i . ,.. , .' ,(;, struction of the five yenrc), and --lants anl operating exrenses, durin~ • Tl18C8 ~rants the re~--ional s~rstem (first tl:cse yenrs lone term finRncinc could be arran- t11is point on the nroject WQul·1 ~'rom ef~luent treat~c0t lurin:~ early implemcntatioll 0 1;[oulJ continue ,-.:. _, t ) 1 l' " v ~:e tllrou~;h finunced entirel, cbarses. ~espitE current criticism, J1uch can be caid for the establisjment of re:'ionaJ standarJ.: by a joint Government/industry control Group. To achieve ef -, ecti ve refiul ts, lee-isla tion must involve a neces·';ary ie:-;ree of cooperation octvJeen legislators and those ultimately affected b~T the Ie - islation to jointly Jeter':ine the objectives ,;hich ("ust be achieved if the PU]~Dose throuGh a of the legisl"'t1_on is to be ac,;oflplished. rer-~ional ~t the saMe tiMe, 3'lan a major obstacle to the effectivenef.;s of present legislation ':lould 1JC r-er.1oved. TIl is factor i;-; the fact that nain air and 1;later basins overlap Eeveral states; '.':lile the flot·! of air not reco~;n:~ze -(loliticDI boun'~lries, state la't\ls do. an(~ lFJ..ter __,oe.c It is not ef ective for onG locality to centrol industrial "(',ollution Hhen its efforts are ~ullified llY its inability to induce locali'ties. overla~~in,~ an] fu~Js A rG~ion~l of political to other si!:lilar actions from other nearby plan, on tl1e otller hand, proviJes control for an ~)oundries re~ional and a trans~er control croups. ~Jequate of authority The re'"ional control could Glso provide an opnortunity [or inCuntry ana overnDent to ~roup ~et ta- ~h~","d.c.. (- d s gether and discuss pro111ems and their solutions. I~e\,.r ~;oals ard "coul,l be Gstablishe,i throuch conference techniques and would be clear, fairly expresseJ, aJld predictable for all concerned. 101 Ideally, standards would be GUC'~ t:'nt fixed tine limits durin?, which standards ir.1posed cannot be ~-~ltered. ~1ould exist Values 0; credit ar- ransements HGul:.l be seriously G~f::ected if the borro1'Ter iB conpelled by standar(~s to yurchase neH abateMent 8C}ui?I;1ent, incidence of l:!hich is unl:nm-m at tile time of ta}::.inC credit. guent iritervals, they ~ill affect credit tures of til e -poIlu tiOD ridlLen :"'irns. environmental measures affect d88}!ly. ~;uch If standards are altered at frc- factors .'3.re ' f liS well ~B the capital struc- Lenl.Lers could become critical if cor~orate ~.)EJ.rticular economics too often or too it:l:,ortance to Med.ium and 81'1[1. 11 sized inuuEtries which lack financial resources of Plajor, science companys. Cther confllsion woulJ b2 elirninated since rresent state re[- ulations oi'ten result in a -plan, [itanc~ards ~ixture of Rtandards, while in e re ional "'QuId be uniform on a recional basis. facine the same river have set conflictinr; stanclards; tucky has established Q. inequj_~'_es ·."Gcl'l~7 Gome states ex[~r'l~le, ;or i:~en- ,naxi:-:mn therl:13.l stanllnrd of 93° for industrial 2ards at g('~ lJhio at S3~ and the ba~5ecl lest ~ith 2nd the conlpetitive iioadvantaces un~er a reGional plan, tIle present syste~ of var:rinL, standards ':!Quld be effectively elininated. on a joint in~ustr:r and joint 5_ndustry/municipality ba,~is. COOl)eration through joint c, mpo.ny resea:r'ch or mutual uc;e orcani:?ations i/licle, C[1_11 Interindustry O~: industrial cut costs and help solve pollution problefrls industry thus mutually benefit;~in.~~ all firrls involved; for example, ,--1n 8n;:;ine emin,sion research project jointly performed by ?orJ, Lobil Uil Corporation, Sta.ndard Cil ~-=O!?l'\,-~ny, .I~tlD.ntic ,~ichfield Conpnny, harathon Cil Compan:r, and Sun Cil Company at a cost of :~7 f1ili.ion. 5 -:~ime combined trer_tment 0: indur-;tr~_c.l <-',:rl, municipal T;J<'lBte At the .same \-TOuld be en- 102 courar';ed l'esul ting in [3harin e ' ()'~ troe'.- tl"_cnt costs, minimization of Lhe ;.1 number of points of final (:if;cl:ar,~'e, a.nd the enlar::ement of treatment plan t f: '~h(; izen. ~ual:~ ty j~ct of 1965 develoI)ed 2, stud.y to in- ia tel" vesticate the interest in cem ined se,'er nrojects between cities and in~~ustries; interest 1-/8.8 ~1.i~:h ~;,ut nothinc ,-vas done to apply existin;-; tecllno1o'J to the idea. d.11 exanple of tl~,e success of re::,'ional control can be found in the story of l;he ctio niver Valley ',iDter _l3.nitation ComwisRion (,,'~:,--, .. LC(j) Hhich 1,NlG :Lni tia ted ,-:urin -:hc in terG to. te ':'l"uman aclF:inis trn tion. tl--te and was be un with a emaIl staff of five (three encineers, one biologist, and OTIe /~t pu-blic relo..tion.s man:. its beGinning, the project had. no lab c~n(l a buCiCet 'Ghat ClP10unted to less tr:an l¢ per r>erson in the Valley £or its first ci~hteen the record. of ~ ~{;JL\I~CC years 0::- . eX1S tancc. ( J phenof:1in[,~l. has been In 194-:) '1.v~~ccn the sto.ff HaS tre0. tr.len t) and in'lus tria.l ',.fast e trcct tncn t Hac, virtuall:.r nonexistan t. 'ithiL thE first five years (,qt 3. time 1.:1.:1en federal 'T'_:nts for munici- r)a1 ",:)l,:::,.nt construction r-rere nonexiGtant) ~he rectI? to coor:ercl.tion bah·reen of inc~uGtrial manasefl1cnt an::'_ of EUCCeG:J in;)_u~~tr~r i~ec·'1nical. l)6.! :~;)~'~I:CC an \1e]~e can be attributed d.i- S'ovGrl1l'1ent. '1':18 a8:~ istance rcpresent:'l_tivec fro!:1 l'irr15 the volle:' was enlisted at 3n early Line. atives of the }io:rJula.tion had £i- \-,'it'~1in ?hecc inductrial represent- cornbincJ into teams with federal ane state a[ency 10.1) Jiroc- tore ;7.nd -:;echnici·J_ns from indus tr~y. 1';.ccor-~_inc: to Jehn __ J. tinney, c: La -ter a. tear1 0 f .5C'_ait,~.ry QUc'.e2,:;'; e-f ( ('J.·.I~CC J.qllD. tic cn~;'inC:2"rinG biolo:~'iG tB consultant :.'or liee: in it: co pera.tive 103 caution f, '1ith BaC~l party reco[{;nizinr :)n:-~ ~cce':-'tin,~' persr'nc:.l responsi- lJility; ~1ith each ~oul jUGtifie~; with the means of implementation jointly investi :;ated anci full;.'" apl;rai~:;cd ;':18 to r.1eritG ••• AII :parties knev-l \<Illy they VIere involvpd ane:_ ':.'hat t:l ~r Here attemrtinc-:: to accomplish be:ore they 2:ot involvt)d on hOl.: to (:0 it.!f~,7 ~e~;rec anQ of success ~re nat evident in the nresent federal approach to air anf water polJ_uticn. rent activities with little the persolle of ;'Tan t controllin~; f~:.n·,~~s the Tolay's f .. Joral procraTI involves concurinter(~e~endency; pro~rarn unQ an enphasis is placed on inl~iscrihlin~te rather tl-:nn broa,,;_, COO})8ra ti ve of ort.s trol stRndE.rds and means of L~'n:y l~-,--,_'L:::CC'S pattern of dey lonment of t1_8 rrcsent li1 di~burGencnts ~:o es tablisll con- impl~~entation. canr3 of financin pollution control ,dill not be ttcl;ertable if a reE'ional :!lan i:-=; inGtitutccl. ProsenL t~:rpcs of ';ov- ernment as;;istance }Jrc:,:-rams inclul:e: (1) Investment crcclit--investr:1cnt inv()lve~ credit ca~ita: the The cost tC) the nrovision of ye~rs~ covernment is the actual credit allowed, method renresents a I'apid The cost to '-overnr~ent the r3ho!"te1l0Q cleprecie.tion tir.le, selectivit~r cre'~1it, i~ ~rrite C:;) Grants--such no precedent is set in ta.x b~r ~overnmcnt (2) Jlc,_elorateJ off, usually one to is the intcrc3t on tl_e money over of rccirJipntc; thr)u --:h the cost i:'_: Lho therefore preferred sary, credit for a rerccnta_e of cost in the year of conGtruction of abatement ecui,ment. a~ortizati()n--t~is five ~-overnment ~rOGraM Game O-G ~11ows for inve;::;t~'1cnt G;-:;ulation,s. econo~ists if tax reJ.icf is neces- (i:_) lJOU in terGst rttte:-~--lo'}[ered in erest rates in re,r'nr':' co -:-101- lution con.'::rol are of little [tid to in\:i.u;3tr~,T ~-;incc tltey 1'2,lf3C the tain anlountE of dischar~es. c for £1 fi vo year t:-;.x ar"ortiza tion 0 {' ~~olJuti0n control facilities. a3c~i~_:tar:ce, visions for S TIost need2d tance z~n('thel' seans of -t]~.C s~Tster:1 tax alone lets the 'llant C ~,!here Olssif:;- I~ie. financin~ the hu~e pollution bill which ~as thuc- far proven to te inadequate is found in the i~~i'.\ (.:t;nvironmental Financin::; ~'lut:10rity) l:J11ic11 buys u"0 tax free state and 10c0..1 ~lollution bonds ',.T~1er'2V r pu ts its O1.Tn taxable obli 'R tions cJn th(: J"!larket in large blocl: sellinr ~~reQ.sury and. the provj dec a subsidy to make up the interest ra to differ- _:,n nome o.re8s, hOi-rever, rn8.sonable ra teE:: on loc2.1 mal"l;:ets arc entials. ran~:,'ing far too lou, from [itate to state bet'Heen the '~.-n h:;nJ, there if) cOTIGidf:rable consi:rilctinn fe~eral hi :~w ':Jml11 -3.1 action. ~ Yjol~uti~"in to increase to 90 , ar:~ue i • OUSlnen:., t'lC t~;,--lc::ral re~,ultin::: c,n the otilcr share of r2"ti,-:-: useJ to fina:'_ce the ThaD e state aTTrarriationa Gincc state fiscal of- tl:,'l.t it . ."oul':~_ cost :=; ta teE-; cram, on the other hand, th~ ret:~oactive to wait for feJer- that ":ere eager to initiate an woul~ want a ~cderal cbmpenDa ted retroactively. such a ti:lC ~ 01 and 10, -~rsterl. ohtainin~ n~~! have t,rouble ~icial:3 for Cf);:ts pres.'~ure ~art ~ ,~ov8rnment a~aterlent ~roMise Federal authoritiec payment since there would be turmoil ov~r prothat op~ose how far bae]'." ::he rE:troactivity i'loulJ streJ\~ch. Inc;te~d type c:~ 811 of ~einc ~roviied an economic )sidy, nore ef.-ective financins ~ould place n stress on de- velopomcnt of 2ll econcnic incentive to ~:;ollt~ tion, on environnen ta.l I:lake it ';ift in the form of some ll2.. ·~ural 11, l.eter po11 Jtion proce.sGes. 1 'l!:lis e :must rely u"':'on econo:uic inc en ti veG to for each poIlu t er cen:.'. :or each employee of a -:ollu t er " such i:lcen-:'ives. 1C ?h~o'l;it ¥. economic incentive plan :;uch QS c~lClr;sin:_' An c.n cffl.:ent char:;e for --c;olluti0n a;iOV2 as inilativc leve:",'; lJoule'_ force tho to come to termG 1,·.rith the private coct,-: as '..rell as t.he r:ollut'~r social eo:;ts of 2'ollution. -'0vcrn~cnt pollutin~ industrys. edict the ScUl~ could t:_ereb~r Q -che nu.mber incentive rate would not lllantitie~ n:~ emrlo~Tees, re~uire (1) a f;olids, -!.DC: ra~;c i~(LSE'li sOFletimeG into char,:'es for the :,olluter, and (l:,) all users 3.nd non-U3ers 1"':0 :'ain G~uare extensive information on a~~roach) where ,'~~uspended wit~ o~ller flat~ rate invol- or ,some other method. or analy:-ical characteristics of the waste, ification ··rhieh entail.::., :). flaT .Jer1 aneJ., continue tine, nu.merous me.tns of establishinc cfi'luent rate Jetermine.l on Gome type of criteria such as f,'1ctory area, ~o nollution as n cooperative e 'r'rt ~j.G charf,es CG.:1 be ar::'an,:-ied includinc the folloHine: vin decide Hithout u.. or not it waul) be 'lore economical ~hether 'Jr to clean up ~lt ~olluter The t'i0 feet of ,..iuch an ;i8char~;e (2) vulumn mod- on the volulrcn of cli,sc1.J.:J-r.:.;e, waotes in c~.llo:,_~ine ter~s of bio oxy~en deoanJ arc ractorej joint croup ap::,roach in ;,Jhich benefit 0:::' a treatr1ent pln.?1t ";lro- vile nccesc1ary revenU8 anrroxinately in proportion to t11e cost of 106 providin~ ~rhe tIle bencfitn of tIle '1ork. interHorkings of an econoMic incentive pro .T:?;. f:'l can be observed in the existant system involviu',: throu~l;. iest ~'}ermany's t~'le ~{uhr 1,rc:l1cy ~!lan. most inJustrious r'::;';'ion an.1 yet the 1'iv(:1' 1',Jetter remain2< clEar for s'ltJ'im:nin,- ,-Ll1,l 00e_ting. '~his retention 0:: :'. y:ollution free envirCllmcnt in the face 01' ex:ranclinc industry i3 Juhrverban , :18 ~."Jho ~ cooperative societ-- --,ollutes "".:1-:-er, pays ificc"tion "L,,,t~ since rCte ;{uhr f10'. . "5 c~ ~~~30 lal"~_'01~r Municipalities an.} :.or t 1•. <: cost ')1 purification. due to 2,~nO in- ~lSS c~>smen ts 1948. '."Jater circulation systev,s in nlantc: ',i:1ich nm:! clrc:P'! ,':"'.6 cubic yards of water :Cor ]lroQuetion of every ton of steel. 11 imate 130 cu';ic yards 01 '!Tater [leI' ton of Gtecl.-- Suet re;::;ult::-; ae~ieveC:. re ~ula tion and 8CO- throuch :'l pr0rer cO;'1bina tion of '-'overnnen t nomical incentivos. :)!~allnr coop?rative 2,T8 Qc~nciati0ns Gchaft,~n involve industry' and. municipalities combined to coordinate 1:later '.'fasteo. '.rhrou·h [38H8.Ce an cide for tl~er'"!Gelvec Hater char=es, polluters are inducec.l to de- 1:J}"en it is better to ra~.r t'~lG .sG,,·raze char,.;e or l"lhe~1 In r,(:st instances 3c3.1e :nakt; i t own 'Ja~tes :Lor the "'enosr;enschaf r·t~;n to procest:; the H3.ste,rj se?erately. to fin'll1ce t;'l e of the ~ossible oper.~_t.::_l1g oper~tion ~re COGtc c,f tLe coorera tive fc:-,cili ties. r€vie~Jed. 107 i tEl tributaries are not l'0uch l~lore than ;: -t 11e ~iver, all flm:! of t1,-c 16tomac the Ruhr liver ~Jasin i~ ,:1ble to 118.n;\le pollution fron I!·O,~ of ,~eE;t S(2rJTl.c'1.n inc1.ustry 1-Ji th eaGe. of th0.i:::' 'I'rater supportinG ference ·'n::.. syste~, Cl emr~~in:~ to that oTlGratc(, t:1axir0.um oronin:: of ti:is at 101:l intCll~·,~. ',rj.t]: :'lCl.jor ob[~ t.2~cle ~'~oI-eful~:r ~~rogral[~ t'l,C al1alysis. -Jould be encountered in C~~tcn tir'es ,:.n·,..: derived ~Jurely .1:'rom a era vJil1 come Ehackles of ill conceived of control 2.ncl is retur'ned tCl t:.:G econor~c the ;luhr ;clan nolit:ic2.1 c3U3Yilort froJ11 ::,1:c·-·ticG HIlo ;;clieve tLat cerninF nn ecoY.. omic incentive t~(! :overnment in-c.er- In My oT>inion, econon:'.c con troIs are E0 t 1..'oz'l:a. 1)lc. e3C~~es 'The end result; a '!Gclf a l'1ininum of 0: c~la}Jter. \"J~_l1 .steel indu;:;tries in the area re- '1tJ~l.cn le~:isl;lt~cn re.~~lr1 :::ollution control ~ni~ of financial 1,J,cL:: :In overabunJencc re2c;on~.n, anu Fcrotnotes-_-Chapter One IHerbert F. Lund (ed.), Industrial Pollution Control Handbook (New York, 1971)" p. 9. 2"The Trade-offs for a Better Environment," Business Week" p. 73 (April 11, 1970). 3Restoring the quality of Our Environment, Report of the EnTironmental Pollution Panel of the President's Science Advisory Committee, (Washington D.C., 1969), p. 25. 4"corporate Organization for Pollution," The Conference Board, Inc. (New York, 1970), p. 2. 5Ronald M. Linton, Terracide. America's Destruction of Her Living Environment (Boston, 1970), p., 85. 6 Ib id." p. 87. 7~., p. e9. 8 11The Economics of Pollution," Nation, 203:4 (July 4, 1966). 9"How to'Think about the Environment," Fortune" 81:100 (February, 1970). 10Lund, p. 12. 11"How to Think about the Environment," p. 98. 12Thomas Kelsch, "Problems of Pollution Blamed on Profiteering," The South Bend Tribune" February 6, 1972, p. 63. 13"How to Think about the Environment," p. 104. 14Restoring the Quality of Our Environment, p. 75. 15Robert S. Diamond, "What Business Thinks," Fortune 81:118 (February, 1970). Footnotes--Chapter Two lRestorinq the Quality of Our Environment, Report or the Environmental Pollution Panel of the President's Science Advisory Committee, (Washington D.C., 1969), p •. 25 .. -- 2Gene Bylinsky, "The Limited War on Water Pollution," Fortune 81: 105 (February" 1970) ~ 3Herbert F~ Lund (ed.)" Indilstrial Pollution Control Handbook (New York, 1971), p. 25. 4Restoring the Quality of Our Environment, p~ 32. 5~." p~ 45. 6Ib:id., p •. 46. 7~.,,, p. 46. 8Rona1d M. Linton, Terracide, America's Destruction of Her Living Environment (Boston, 1970), p. 105. 9"The Economics 6'f Pollution," Nation, 203:4 (July 4, 1966). 10Gene Bylinsky, "The Limited War on Water Pollution," Fortune 81:105 (February, 1970). llRestoring the Quality of Our Environment, p. 45. 12Marshall I. Goldman, Controlling Pollution; the Economics of a Cleaner America (Englecliff, N.J., 1967), p. 123 •. 13"Leg:islation on Environment Becomes Gut Issue," Engineering News, 183:18 (July 10, 1969). 14Linton, p. 235. 15Goldman, p. 125. 16Restoring the Quality of Our Environment, p. 53. 17The Corporate Organization for Pollution, The Conference' Board, Inc. (New York, 1970), p. 53. 18Goldman, p. 225. 19Linton, p~ 136. 20Ib id"" p. 139. 21 Ibid ., p. 140. 22Ibid. 23 Ibid ., p._ 212. 24"Industry Cleans Up," Nation's Business, 56:75 (September, 1968). Fbotnotes--Chapter Three IThe Corporate Organization for Pollution, The Conference Board,. Inc. (New York, 1970) ~ p. 1. 2"Industry Cleans Up," Nation's Business, 56:64 (September, 1968). 3112i9.., p. 72. 4"Pollution Abatement Report," Pipeline and Gas Journal, 197:53 (July, 1970). 5"Industry Cleans Up," p_ 65. 6 Ibid ., p. 67. 7 "Air Po·llution; Federal Standards Likely Unless States and Localities Take Early Action," Science, 150:467 (October 22, 1965)~ 8The Coroors.te Organization for Pollution, p. 4. Footnotes--Chapter Four lRestcrring t:he Quality of Our Environment, Report o·f the Environmental Pollution Panel of the President's Science Advisory Committee, (Washington D.C., 1969), p. 301. 3"Industry Cleans Up," Nation's BUsiness, 56:57 (September, 1:968). 4corporate Organization for Pollution, The Conference Board, Inc. (New York, 1970), p. 20. 5Robert S. Diamond, "What Business Thinks," Fortune, 81:118 (February, 1970). 6"ECOlogy G:~oups Hit New Advice on Phosphates," The South Bend Tribune, September 19, 1971, p. 7. 7Herbert F. Lund (ed~), Industrial Pollution Control Handbook (New York, 1971), p. 65. 8112i9.., p. 72. 9"Air Pollui:ion; Federal Standards Likely Unless States and Localities TaJce Early Action," Science, 150:467 (October 22,. 1965). 10Lund, p. 73. llMarshall :C. Goldman, Controlling po·llution; the Economics of a, Cleaner Aroerica (Englecliff, N.J.,. 1967), p •. 17. 12Lund , p .. 75. l3~ •. , p. 77. l4"Air and Water," The New Republic, 152:6 (April 24, 1965). l5 Ibid • l6~., p. 7. l7"Air Pollution; Federal Standards Likely Unless States and Localities Take Early Action," p. 468. 18 Ibid ., p.467. 19"Air and ,~ater," p. 7. 2 OLund , p. 76. 21~. 22~. 23~., p. 85. 24~., Appendix II. 25 "Environm!mtal Bill Goes to Congress," Engineering News, 184: 35 (February 19, 1970). 26"Regulators Getting Tougher," Magazine of Wall Street, 128:7 (September ;~7, 1971). 27 Lund , p. 49. 28"Regulaters Getting Tougher," p. 7. 29"EPA Proposes Air Standards,." Public Utilities Fortnightly, 87: 37 (February 18, 1971). 30"Air Pollution Rules Laid Down," The South Bend Tribune. July, 21 1971, p. 2. 3l"Fifty Le9islative Climates Tu= Stormy,." Industrial Development. 139:7 (November, 1970). 32~. 33 Goldman" p. IS. 3S~., 36"The Trade-off for a Better Environment,," Business Week, 73 (April ll, 1970). 37 Lund , p. 43. 38 "Regulato:t"s Getting Tougher,," p. 7. Footnotes--Chapter Five lRestoring the Quality of Our Environment, Report of the Environmental Pollution Panel of the President's Science Advisory Committee, (Washington D.C., 1969), p. 17. Footnotes-Chapter Six lMarshall I. Goldman, Controlling Pollution; the Economics of a Cleaner America (Englecliff, N.J., 1967), p. 23. 2"Facing the Cost of Pollutioh Control," Banker, 121:1180 (October, 1971). 3"Who will Foot the Cleanup Bil11" Business I'leek, 63 (January 3. 1971). 4"Regulators Getting Tougher," Hagazine of Wall Street, 128:6 (September 27, 1971). SHerbert F. Lund, Industrial Pollution Control Handbook (New York, 1971), p. 23S. 6"Facing the Cost of Pollution Control," p. 1182. 7~. 8 "Corporate, Organization for Pollution," The Conference Board" Inc. (New York, 1970), p., 17. 9"Regulators Getting Tougher," p. 6. 10"What Business Thinks,n Fortune, 81:118 (February, 1970). lIRobert S. Diamond, "Cleaning Up the Nation's Air," Business Week, 91 (july 23, 1966). 12 Lund , p., 112. 13 "Cleaning Up the Nation's Air,," p. 90. 14"Allied Chemical Head Attacks Pending Birr on Waterway Quality," The Wall street Journal, January 7, 1972, p. 3. 15 Ibid • l6 Ibid • l7"Anti Pollution Drive Costing Jobs," The Shelbyville News, March 17, 1972" p .• II. l8~. 19"Faclng the Cost of Pollution Control," p. 1182. 2 OLund , p .. 109. 2l"What Bus:iness Thinks," p •. 119. 22ltCorporabe Organization for Pollution,," p ... 21. 23~. 24"Business Fights Pollution--and the Nation Profits," Nation's Business, 5:3:29 (February" 1970). 25"The Trade-oTfs for a Better Environment," BusineE{ Week" 70 (April ll, 1970). 26"Cleanup Costs: Who Will Pay?" Magazine of I'all street, 128:28 (September 27, 1971). 27"Industry Cleans Up," Nation's Business, 56:63 (September, 1968) .. 28"The Trade-offs for a Better Environment," p., 71. 29 "Regulators Getting Tougher," p •. 7 .. 300p • Cit., p. 75. 3l"New Federal Requirements for Power Plants Spur Debate about Cost and Pace o·f Pollution Laws," The Wall Street Journal, January 10, 1972" p. 22. 32 Ibid • 33 Gene Bylinsky, "The Limited War on Water Pollution," Fortune, 81:105 (February, 1970). 34"CorporatE~ Organization for Pollution," p. 35. 35"Business Fights Pollution and the Nation Profits," p. 30. 36 0p ._ Cit." p. 50. 37"Site Hunting in '69: Rising Co'sts Make It Extra Tough," ~­ ical Weekly, 105:65 (October 29, 1969). 38"Industry Cleans Up," p. 63. 39"The Limited War on Water Pollution," p. 106. Footnotes--Chapter Seven lRobert 5., Diamond, "What Business Thinks," Fortune, 81:118 (February, 1970). 2"The Trade-offs for a Better Environment," Business Week, 63 (April 11, 1970). 3 Ibid • 4 Ibid • 5Herbert F, Lund (ed.), Industrial Pollution Control Handbook (New York, 1971l, p. 75. 6"The Trade-offs for a Better Environment," p. 75. 1lli• 7 8 Ibid., po. 56. 9 Ibid ." p .. 75. 10"What Business' Thinks," p._ 118. Footnotes--Chapter Eight l"corporate Organization for Pollution," The Conference Board, Inc. (New Y,:rrk, 1970), p. 20. ,-~rerbert iT. Lund, Incluf;trial follution Control I-To.nclbook p. 105. :)":Z~'A Looks ,-,ternly at Polluter,"), il (ITCl:J York, 1l)71), Cil, F~:,:-int, and Jru:-'; _:~(:i)ort, 198: 1; (Jecembcr l'f, 1 0 70). cne =.~ylin:=;ky, T!rr~e Limitell (?et:-,uary, 1970). Cl e2. nfi cor on ·:ater ollution,lI --;<'ortune, 81:10:~ ration's ijuoiness, , "Lun(l, p. 5'f. o \_:~., p. 6~. ,--: !l~-~ir ,0111) -'cion; Federal Jt,J..n\.1ar,_ts Likely linless Jta teE an\~ Loco.li ties ':L::'_ke ~~f.rly :',-ction,11 'Jcience, 150: 1:..S7 CCctober :':2, l~>-:'~). lO'i.:2;nvironmental :;ill (?ebTuiCTY 12Lun,_:l , 1':, 1970). -:;'OCE; cO SO!l:,-!'ess," ;n.~;ineerin~:; l:C1.V5, l·:'l:.:~~: l1 ~-ollution; ri.ir T~lk~ )tc-nc~ar(~s Lil~cly rnlcos ..ito.tcs an,.:. Localitic,c; Science, CL (\,cto~'cr ;~?, I(;'G~)), ':,'~'7-4;~~~. :?cuer01.1 ~c:l.rly .'i.ction, 'I W~ll[;iness ,TiChts ;'-olll~ tion--;-',n,-~ tJ1e LVIII ("i'ebruary, 1;(0), ('_,c. :~a tion ":-'rofi tc, 11 • . ,1. " ,----'y .,.l..~n;;y..y, _. cne liThe Li,nite' ;,'::r on .I:J.ter ,'ollution, (iebruary, 1 0 70), 10 'i-lC; 7 • " fJ rc~ tion' s _,_,usine,sG, ?ortune, Li, ,.d_ "C'"sh to :Junter Pollution, 'Cleanup Cests: "Jho ;i11 i a:y', ': j a,' azine of (SeptePI>er 77, 1971), "7_,C('. 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