DYNAMICS AND CONEROL OF NUCLEAR ROCKET !NGINICS by H. P. Smith A. H. Stenning Nuclear Engineering Department Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts August, 1960 Final report on contract DSR 8246, performd for the Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Division of the United Aircraft Corporation I r~J DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OF NUCLEAR ROCKET EN11GNES Page 24, line 2: "H should be "Po2 IO2 "Po2/vro it Page 26, 2 lines below equation (3~12): "a a" Page 37, line 8: "40 Pressure should be ... Page 43, equation (4-1): "P * Page 44, equation (4-2): "G T " x I " ac =" - should be "H. Pressure 1 + P*" x should be "P should be "G IT should be "1G integral sign for i is x 1+ P*x " j 2p Page 45,9 equation (4-4): Page 4.7, equation (4-6): "G170" n= fe omitted should be n*(t)dt 0 Page 54, line 4: " p*t should be Page 69, figure 11: Page 85, lines 1 & 3: "from pole at ... " should be "from zero at 000"' "a," Page 88, equation (4-48): PC* G "p should be " -r * The equation should be (9 - *)dt + G (G -G*) - 2 Page 89, line 13: "The limit of Gi*..." should be "The limits of G*" Page 113, lino 9t "as rapid a response as the should be .. The ... " "as rapid a response as possible. """ and "p'" Page 141, equation (1-5) & (1..6): "' Tp = " and " Tp Page 141, 3rd line from bottom: should be = a "'resigned" should be "'designed" " Page 144, line 11:' "'O = 29.7 ... Page 153, equation (11.17): (1/2)(1.06) should be "oc = 29.7 ... " should be fsurface, entrance) + T(surface,exiti T(surface, exit) Page 165, line 12:- Between lines 11 and 12 inject, "'to core inlet pressure" DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OF NUCLAR ROCKET ENIE by 1. P.-smith* A. H. Stenning ABSTRACT The dynamics and control of a nuclear rocket engine with bleed turbine or topping turbine pump drive is studied. Throughout the thesis, the attempt is made to retain a physical understanding of the mathematics and to attain results which can be applied generally to present concepts of nuclear rocket engines and which do not depend on a specific design. In accordance with this purpose, identification is made of the important characteristics of each component, and its behavior is described by the simplest possible model consistent with reasonable engineering accuracy. A system of non-linear equations, based on a lumped parameter analysis is derived to describe the dynamic performance of the engine. A stability criterion for uncontrolled operation, formulated from linear approximations of the dynamic equations, is derived. that the engine is stable to small perturbations if cient of reactivity of the empty core is negative. It is shown the temperature coeffiThe stability criterion is not dependent upon the magnitude of positive reactivity feedback that results from increase of hydrogen (propellant) density in the core. A parameter is defined which measures the margin of stability. A more general and thereby more complex criterion of stability is presented. An analysis of the transient response is made and is verified by analog computer simzlation of the non-linear dynamics. The system is remarkably insensitive to changes of the major coefficients and is able to safely A5 0 0C. Fellow, Department of Nuclear Engineering, M.I.T. *Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering, M.I.T. i withstand large perturbations. It is shown that the asymptotic response depends directly on the mechanical inertia of the turbopump and that reduction of the thermal inertia of the core does not improve the response The insensitivity and sluggishness is explained from physical considerations. A feedback control system is proposed and found satisfactory by analytic investigation and analog simlation. The results of simlation of controlled rapid transition from a low power level to full power operation is presented. A successful method of startup is proposed and investigated with the aid of an analog computer. Response and methods of The topping turbine system is control at full power are presented. favorably compared with the more common bleed turbine system. ii ACKNOWLEDGNENT The work described below was carried out at M.I.T. under the sponsorship and with the financial support of the Pratt and Whitney Division of the United Aircraft Corporation. The authors would like to thank Mr. P. Bolan for his valuable suggestions, Professor Elias Gyftopoulos for his advice, Professor Henry Paynter for his assistance in the operation of the Analog Computing Facility, and Mr. Yotaka Yoshitani for his assistance in many phases of the analysis. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page IN1TRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - -. Section I: .- 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A. Nuclear Rocket Proposals B. A Comparison of Chemical and Nuclear Power for Rocket Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2 C. Possible Dynamic Problems of Nuclear Rockets . . . . . . 5 D. Problems of Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 E. General Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Section II: DESCRIPTION OF THE ROCKET . . . ..... .. .. .. .. . A. Overall Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 B. A Comparison of the Bleed Turbine and Topping Turbine Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 C. Component Description . . . . . . . . *. .. Section III: DERIVATION OF THE DYNAMIC EQUATIONS . . .. .. 14 . . . . . . . . . 17 A. Lumped Parameter Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 B. Fluid Inertia and Compressibility . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 C. Neutron Kinetic and Precursor Eguations . . . . . . . . . 18 D. Thermal Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1. Core Temperature Variation at Steady State 2. Core Pressure Variation at Steady State . . . . . . 22 3. Expression of the Mass Rate of Flow as a Function of the Core Inlet Stagnation Pressure and Maxiim Surface Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 . . . 20 4. Formulation of the Time-Dependent Maximum Surface Temperature as a Function of the Neutron Density and Core Inlet Stagnation Pressure E. . .. . . .. . . 24 Reactivity Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 F. Temperature Control Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 iv Page G. Pressure Equation . . . . . 28 . 31 . . . . 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Topping Turbine System with Control Valve in Front . . . . . Pressure Control Equations I. Scaling of Equations Section IV: . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . Topping Turbine System with Control Valve after H. D. . 2. the Turbine C. 28 Bleed Turbine System .. 3. B. . . . . . . . . . 1. of the Turbine . . . . A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 ANALYSIS OF THE DYNAMIC EQUATIONS . . . . . . . . . . 43 Open Loop Stability- . ....... . . . . . . . . 1. Development of Linear Equations 2. Elimination of the Precursor Equation 3. Stability Analysis of the Open Loop by means of .*. . . .. the LaPlace Transformation .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . 43 . . . . 43 . 45 . . . . 46 4. A Physical Basis for the Stability Criterion . . . . 48 5. A More General Statement of the Stability Criterion. 52 Open Loop Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 1. Location of Roots 2. Prediction of Open Loop Response . . . 3. Analog Simulation of Open Loop Response 4. Discussion of Open Loop Simulation . . 5. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . 60 . .. . 60 . . . . . . . 65 . . . . . . 72 . . 80 Variations of Open Loop Response . . . . . . . . . . 81 Closed Loop Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 . . . . . . 1. Temperature Controller Limits . . 86 2. Pressure Controller Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Closed Loop Response 1. 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Comparison of Root Location for Open and Closed Loops 100 Comparison of Pressure-Valve Response of the Suggested Turbopump Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . v 101 Section V: NUCLEAR ROCKET ENGINE STARUP . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 107 A. Proposed Method B. Proposed Model . . . . . . 108 C. Results of Analog Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Section VI: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRANSITION TO FULL POWER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Limits of Feedback Signal Amplification B. Results of Simlation C. Results of Coefficient Variation for Full Power Transition . . . ... . . . . . . *. .. *. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . 113 . . . . . 114 . . . . .. . 114 . 117 Transition to Full Power Using an Oversized Turbine E. A Comparison of Transition for the Two Turbopump Systems FULL POWER CONTROL 112 . . . . . . . . D. Section VII: 107 117 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119 Response at Full Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 B. Full Power Control with Constant Control Rod Position. . 120 C. An Optinim Thrust Program for Nuclear Rockets 122 A. D. Possible Malfunctions at Full Power Section VIII: SUMIARY AND CONCLUSIONS ... . . . . . A. Stability B. Uncontrolled Response C. Controlled Response D. Startup . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 123 ........... . 125 ............ 125 128 .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 . . . . . . . 131 . . . E. A Comparison of the Dynamics of the Proposed Turbopump Configurations . . . . . F. . . . . . . Recommendations for Further Study . . . . . . . . . . List of Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi .. . .. . . . . . . . ... .. 132 133 134 Table of Contents (concluded) Page Appendix I: A. Calculation of Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Calculation of Time Constants Associated with Fluid Inertia and Compressibility . . . . . . . . - . . 136 . 136 B. Calculation of Temperature and Pressure Time Constants 14o C. Computation of Reactivity Coefficients . . . . . . . . D. Specification of Arbitrary Design Parameters . . . . . Appendix II: Appendix III: Appendix IV: Appendix V: Pressure Ratios Across the Turbine and Control . . . Valve of the Topping Turbine System, Case I 154 Pressure Ratios Across the. Turbine and Control Valve of the Topping Turbine System, Case II 158 Development of the Dynamic Pressure Equations Under the Assumption of Choked Flow in the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Formation of the Open Loop Stability Criterion by . . .. . . . .. Photograph and Description of the Analog Computer . . - - - - . - - - . Facility . . . . . . . Appendix VIII: Pressure Response to Valve Motion at Constant . . . . . . . . . . . -. a. .. Temperature A. Bleed Turbine System B. Topping Turbine System, Case I C, Topping Turbine System, Case II Bibliography 145 148 Application of Routh's Technique Appendix VII: 143 Relation Between the Mean Core Temperature and Maximum Surface Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . Topping Turbine Appendix VI: .I . . . . . . . . Biographical Sketch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii . - - o . .. . . . - . . . . - - 163 168 171 174 181 183 LIST OF FIGURES Page 12 1.0 Schematic Diagram of a Nuclear Rocket Engine . . . . 2. Coolant Flow-Chart . . . . . . 13 3. Reactivity as a Function of Pressure and Temperature 27 4. Stability in the Temperature-Pressure Plane 49 5. Stability Margin in the Temperature-Pressure Plane 6. Root Locus at Idle Condition as a Function of / n 7. Root Locus at Full Pover as a Function of 8. Root Locus as a Function of Power Level 9. Root Locus at Idle Condition as a Function of . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . .0 63 64 67 . . . . . . . 68 Root Locus as a Function of 12. Root Locus as a Function of Thermal Inertia ( . . . . . . . . . p 62 T 11. Simple Reactor System . . . . . . . Root Locus as a Function of '7 53 * n 10. . . . )for . . . 69 . 73 - 75 a . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. General Analog Flow-Chart 14. Detailed Analog Flo-Chart 15. Open Loop Response . . . - - . - - . 16. Open Loop Response (continued) 17. Root Locus as a Function of Temperature Controller, Gi* 91 18. Root Locus (Bleed Turbine) as a Function of Pressure Controller, G3 * . . . . . . .. . . . * * . . . . . . . 93 Root Locus (Topping Turbine) as a Function of Pressure Controller, G 3 * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Root Locus (Bleed Turbine) as a Function of Pressure Controller, G2* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 19. 20. 21. 22. ... 0 . * . 76 0 . . . . . . . . .0 . . . . . . . . . 79 84 . . . . . . . Root Locus (Topping Turbine) as a Function of Pressure . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . . . 0 Controller, G 2 * . . . Root Locus (Bleed Turbine) as a function of G3* for various Values of G/G3* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii . . 97 98 Page 23. Root Locus (Topping Turbine) as a Function of G * for ' . . various Values of G2 */G 3 * ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . .. ......... . . ' ' .. .. 99 105 24. Pressure-Valve Response . 25. Power Density and Pressure During Startup . . . . . . . . . 110 26. Temperature and Pressure During Startup . . . . . . . . . . 111 27. Normal Transition to Full Power . . 28. Rapid Transition to Full Power 29. Full Power Control .-... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -. . . . 115 . . 118 *. 121 LIST OF TABLES Page I. II. III. IV. V. Specific Impulse Values and Gas Properties of Propellant Combinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Specific Impulses for Various Nuclear Propellants . . . 10 List of Coefficients and Constants . . . . . . . . . . Time Constants Associated with Fluid Inertia and Compressibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Symbols and Constants Employed in the Analog Flow-Chart 77 Section I: INTRODUCTION A. Nuclear Rocket Proposals During the last years of World War II, technological innovations were presented that greatly enhanced the possibility of space exploration. The German V-2 rocket provided a convincing proof that long-range rockets could be built and operated. Moreover, the United States introduced the first application of nuclear energy by exploding the atomic bomb at AlamoIt gordo, New Mexico. was obvious that a marriage of these innovations Projects, such as gaseous core reactors and atomic bomb should occur. blasts (Project Orion), energy directly. were and are being proposed to use the huge nuclear Practical considerations relegate projects of this sort to the next decade. However, more conventional means of using the power of the nucleus for rocketry have been proposed in the literature as early as 1948 by Shepherd and Cleaver The United States Government has instigated Project Rover at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico to develop a nuclear powered The primary result of the project has been the construction and rocket(2). operation of a nuclear 'ocket core, which has been dubbed Kiwi-A after the flightless bird of Australia.0,04) forward on a similar project (5). secrecy, so that little Nonetheless, Undoubtedly the U.S.S.R. is also moving Both countries have veiled their work in factual knowledge can be found in the literature. independent work has been done and published as well as some publication by companies who are sub-contracted to the Rover Project. The available information indicates that the first nuclear rocket will have a graphite-uranium core that will be used as a high power density heat exchanger. In this design, (See Figure 1) the propellant is stored as a cryogenic fluid in a large tank that comprises the bulk of the entire rocket. During operation, the propellant is pressurized in a pump, heated *The numbers in parentheses refer to the bibliography. -2to high temperatures as it passes through the core and is accelerated in Some or all of the propellent gas drives the turbine which a nozzle. provides the power needed by the pump. tions have been proposed. Various turbopump drive configura- Two are considered in this thesis. B. A Comparison of Chemical and Nuclear Power for Rocket Engines The superiority of nuclear fission energy as the primary power source for rocket propulsion rather than the energy released by chemical combustion of oxidizer and fuel can be shown by considering the kinematic performance of a single stage, rocket vehicle. It is assumed that the rocket rises vertically with zero drag and constant specific impulse in a The basis of comparison is the vehicle velo- constant gravitational field. city achieved when the engine has stopped. This is termed the burnout That engine which yields the highest velocity for the same ratio velocity. of payload weight to initial weight is adjudged superior. Under the conditions imposed by the above assumptions, the following expression can be derived for the burnout velocity.(2) vb Igo n m - goth (1~1) mb where vb = velocity relative to Earth at burnout I = specific impulse of the propellent jet relative to the rocket mass of the rocket at burnout mb m = mass of the rocket at takeoff t = time to burnout 0 If one assumes that chemical and nuclear rockets would operate for the same time to burnout, then it is clear that the highest burnout velocity will be attained by that vehicle which has the highest value of Igo ln mo . -3First, a comparison is made of the specific impulse of the two types of engines and then the entire expression is considered. If the expansion of the propellant in the nozzle is adiabatic the following expression for specific impulse can be and isentropic, derived. (6) where R Z / 2 go -1)-R T M- 1 (1-2) = ratio of specific heats = universal gas constant To= - nozzle stagnation temperature M = molecular weight of the propellant PR = pressure ratio across the nozzle The value of is approximately the same in either type of engine. p Since graphite has good mechanical properties for temperatures up to 5500*R, the propellant stagnation temperature at the exit of the core is in the same range as that produced in a chemical rocket combustion chamber. The same pressure ratios are possible. Therefore, that engine which utilizes a propellant of lower molecular weight has a greater specific impulse. Molecular combination of the oxidizer and fuel molecules must occur in the combustion process. This combination is not required in the nuclear rocket engine since the fission of uranium provides the energy rather than chemical combustion. The molecular weight of the nuclear rocket propellant can be as low as two if pure undissociated hydrogen is used. The lowest molecular weight that has been attained in chemical rockets has been nine. significantly.( It It does not seem possible to reduce this value is evident that a nuclear rocket, utilizing hydrogen, will have a specific impulse more than twice that of a chemical rocket. -4The phenomenon of dissociation of molecular species further adds to the advantage in specific impulse of the nuclear rocket. Since the reactor core is temperature limited rather than energy limited, as is the chemical rocket, dissociation can occur without lowering the stagnation In chemical rocket combustion chambers, temperature. dissociation causes a drop in stagnation temperature and has the net effect of lowering the specific impulse. Specific impulses of chemical and nuclear rockets are presented in Tables I and IU. These figures demonstrate convincingly that nuclear engines can clearly double the highest specific impulses attained with present fuels. Tormey(7) has shown that an upper limit of approximately 420 seconds exists for any chemical fuels that may be considered. Although the nuclear rocket can develop a higher specific impulse, it does so at the expense of carrying a heavier engine and structure to Thus, the parameter of merit suggested earlier the burnout altitude. (Ig o ) is not as large as might be expected from consideration only in E mb of specific impulse. the nuclear engine, weight is The core and reflector, which are major components of greatly increase its weight, while the added structural primarily that of the large tanks needed to contain low density liquid hydrogen. If we assume that the specific impulse of a nuclear rocket is double that of its chemical counterpart, the mass ratio, M of the nuclear rust be equal to or greater than the square root of the mass ratio rocket of a chemical rocket if attained. an equivalent or superior burnout velocity is to be If a burnout velocity of 30,000 ft/sec is desired, a chemical rocket whose specific impulse is 400 see would require a mass ratio of 10.2. This value approaches the maximu (39 design. that can be attained with any practical The same burcout velocity could be attained by a nuclear rocket -5whose specific impulse was 800 sec and whose mass ratio was 3.2. ratio is possible even with the heavier engine and structure. This Future developments should permit even higher mass ratios for nuclear powered rockets.(l4) C. Possible Dynamic Problems of Nuclear Rockets The decoupling of power produced and the flow rate of propellant in a nuclear rocket engine is an inherent and fundamental feature not common to the dynamics of chemical rocket engines. It is obvious that if more power is required in a chemical rocket, then more fuel, thus more propellant, mtst be brought to the combustion chamber per unit time. A nuclear rocket can conceivably operate at any power level, including a catastrophic one, without any propellant being present . This is the primary reason for its high capabilities and inherent dangers. Atomic energy has been successfully used in reactors for almost two decades. The problems of control have been examined, the solutions applied and found satisfactory. Conventional reactors are easily controlled because rapid changes of power level are not necessary. if ever, made prompt ci'itical.( 8 ) However, They are rarely, in a rocket engine, slow change of power level causes a large wastage of propellant, making the rocket inefficient to the point of being useless. If nuclear power is to be satisfactorily applied to rocketry, rapid, but controllable, charges in power level must be possible. In order to achieve this, the reactor must be prompt critical. The power level would then have an e-folding time measured in milli-seconds or less. This precludes instantaneous control by mechanical motion of control rods, reflectors or poisons. For short periods of time when the core is prompt critical, the rocket must be inherently stable without controls, if it is to be used with any reasonable degree of safety. -6If the core has a prompt negative temperature coefficient,( 8 ) the problem of dynamic instability will not be as severe, but it is not necessarily solved. An increase in the amount of hydrogen, an excellent neutron into an under-moderated system reduces the fast leakage, moderator, increasing the reactivity. reactor if it thereby The phenomenon would not exist in the rocket were over-moderated rather than under-moderated, but this cannot be avoided. The ratio of moderator atoms to fissile atoms must be small in order to insure a high power density. Furthermore, only graphite, a poorer moderator thaz hydrogen, can maintain satisfactory mechanical properties at the high temperature of a nuclear rocket. problem is Thus, the dynamic further complicated by positive reactivity feedback induced by increased hydrogen density in the core. did not include it Felix discussed the problem but in his analysis of nuclear rocket dynamics.(11) The above phenomenon can conceivably cause an instability in a nuclear rocket engine using a gas turbine, driven by heated and compressed propellant, to drive the propellent pump. An increase in system pressure increases the density of hydrogen in the core, causing a positive react ivity. If uncontrolled, the core power level would increase as would the turbine output power. Therefore, the initial increase in pressure can cause a further pressure increase. The system would then be unstable. Consideration imzst also be given to instabilities introduced by equipment malfunctioning, such as pump failure, stoppage in a coolant channel, erosion of the graphite, etc.. D. Problems of Control The proposed control system mst be capable of making corrections of thrust and specific impulse while the engine is in operation. more, it Further- mist not only be a stable system, but mzst yield a rapid response -7without dangerous overshoot. Feedback control of the core temperature and pressure should be able to meet these criteria. two zones of operation. Zone 1: It will be examined for An initial startup zone is also investigated. Subcritical to intermediate power (idling condition) Since introduction of hydrogen to the bare core yields a positive reactivity, the reactor can be taken from subcritical to supercritical without control rod movement. As the power level of the reactor increases, following the introduction of hydrogen, the turbopump mist be started. At the intermediate power level, the turbopump should be self-sustaining. A core pressure and temperature of 200 psi and 1000OR should be sufficient for this operation. Since the control mechanisms are not needed for the original reactivity increase, they will be positioned for the intermediate power level. A negative temperature coefficient of reactivity should insure that the intermediate state is attained rather than a catastrophic one. Zone 2: Intermediate to full power It is unlikely that the control rod setting corresponding to full power would also correspond to an intermediate power level. Some part of the change from intermediate power to high power will requaire control rod motion. Once the idling condition has been achieved, the rocket propellent tank furnishes the propellant. In order to utilize the tank hydrogen as effectively as possible, the time between idling and full power should be reduced to a miniimum. Therefore, the control mechanisms must be repositioned as q~uickly as possible without causing dangerous overshoots of pressure and temperature. -8Zone 3: Full power control Wang(10) has saown that the thrust of a nuclear rocket should be varied for an optimum burnout velocity. Even if his program for thrust should prove impractical, some change of control mecbanisms will probably be necessary during full power operation to achieve the desired trajectory or to counteract the effect of carbon erosion or other component wear. E. General Attack a more detailed description of the rocket is given. In Section II, Two turbopump systems are presented and compared, although not from a The design is chosen only to provide approximate dynamic point of view. values of parameters. The analysis is general and applicable to any nuclear rocket which uses a reactor as a high power density heat exchanger. A model, based on the design parameters of Section II, proposed in Section III. is Equations are derived for the model which describe the transient behavior of the engine. In order to keep the analysis general, a lumped parameter model is used, and the number of equations is kept to a minimum. A physical understanding of the system is thereby maintained for the analytic work as well as the solutions obtained by analog computers. A linear analysis of the equations of Section III for both the controlled (closed loop) and uncontrolled (open loop) engine is presented in Section IV. From this analysis, conclusions can be drawn concerning stability, speed of response, damping characteristics and oscillatory behavior. The turbopump systems are compared from a dynamic point of view. The various zones of operation are discussed in Sections V, VI, and VII. The d-scssion is based primarily on the results of the solution of the dynamic equations by a Philbrick Analog Computer. Finally, conclusions and suggestions for further work are presented in Section VIII. -9TABLEI* SPECIFIC IMPULSE VALUES AND GAS PROPERTIES OF PROPELTANT COMBINATIONS. OXIDIZER PC = 500 PSIA FUEL Tel *F M P= / 1000 PSIA Is Hydrogen Peroxide Gasoline 4830 21 1.20 248 273 Hydrogen Peroxide Hydrazine 4690 19 1.22 262 288 Nitric Acid Gasoline 5150 25 1.23 240 255 Nitric Acida Aniline 5100 1.23 235 258 Nitric Acid Ammonia 420 21 1.24 237 285 Oxygena Alcohol 5560 22 1.22 259 261 Oxygena Gasoline 5770 22 1-24 264 290 Oxygen Hydrazine 5370 18 1.25 280 308 Oxygen Hydrogen 4500 9 1.26 364 400 Flourine Amonia 7224 19 1.33 306 337 Flourine Hydrazine 7940 19 1.33 316 348 Flourine Hydrogen 5100 9 1.33 373 410 a Liquid propellant systems now being used in the U.S. Te = Combustion Chamber Temperature, M = Average molecular = * F eight of combustion products Ratio of molar specific heat at constant pressure and volume. * Taken from Reference 7. -10* TABLE II SPECIFIC IMPULSES FOR VARIOUS EUCLEAR PBRPELLAIqTS PROPELLANT DENSITY as stored, lb/cuft THRUST CHAMBER SPECIFIC IMPULSE (Sec) at indicated Gas Temperature, *F 3,000 4500 6000 7500 9000 4.4 627 761 890 1041 1216 Helium 18.0 395 473 540 599 653 Ammonia 43.0 307 370 499 577 Water 62.0 222 272 Hydrogen * Taken from Reference 13. -11- Section II: A. DESCRIPTION OF THE ROCKET Overall Desiga Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the rocket engine, which is similar to one presented by Stenning and Smith (32). Licuid hydrogen is stored in insulated tanks and pressurized by helium. Leaving the pump at high pressure, the hydrogen regeneratively cools the nozzle and reflector and then enters the plenum for the main pass through the core. A small amount of the hot propellent gas is bled off from the gas mixing region in front of the nozzle and drives the turbine. A valve between the mixing region and turbine determines the flow to the turbine and thus provides system pressure control. After leaving the turbine, the gas exhaust is used for thrust recovery in small auxiliary nozzles. This system is referred to as a bleed turbine system. Rather than using a small amount of gas at high temperature to drive the turbine, the entire flow at a lower temperature could be used to drive a topping turbine. In this system, the hydrogen is regeneratively heated in the nozzle, reflector and outer regions of the core, then passes through the turbine and enters the core for the main pass. controlled by a valve i The flow is front of or immediately behind the turbine. The flow charts of these systems are shown in Figure 2. B. A Compari7son of the Bleed Turbine and Topping Turbine Systems Both turbopimp drives have been used in chemical rockets and proposed for nuclear rockets. Although the bleed turbine drive has been preferred in the past, the topping turbine has two advantages. (1) Lighter weight. Because of greater flow through the turbine, less work is extracted per unit flow. The blade speed is less than the bleed turbine, and there 12 CONTROL PLENUM VALVE CORE NOZZLE FROM TAN K A. BLEED TURBINE SYSTEM E R O L VA LV T NCO P O PN TURBINREFLECTOR B.\T PUMP B. TOPPING TURBINE CONTROL C. FIG. I TOPPIN G SCHEMATIC SYSTEM, CASE I VALVE TURBINE DIAGRAM SYSTEM , CASE OF A NUCLEAR If ENGINE BLEED TOPPING TURBINE TURBINE SYSTEM SYSTEM (CASE I) C,) TOPPING TURBINE FIG. 2 SYSTEM COOLANT (CASE II) FLOW -CHART -leis no need for speed reduction gears between turbine and pump. This results in a lighter system. (2) Slightly higher specific impulse. Although thrust recovery nozzles are used for the bleed turbine exhaust, there is a reduction in the specific impulse attained due to the large pressure drop in the turbine. Since all propellant passes through the main nozzle in the topping turbine system, there is no loss in specific impulsefor the same nozzle stagnation pressure. C. Component Description (1) Core Various authors have proposed that the rocket core should be a graphite matrix, impregnated with uranium-235.(13, 14, 15) Graphite is a good neutron moderator and possesses excellent mechanical and thermal properties at high temperatures. is taken as 500. The atom ratio of carbon to uranium-235 Reynolds( 16) has investigated atom ratios from 150 to 1500 with corresponding buckling of 25.5 x 10-4 cm-2 to 17.5 x 10- 4cm2. The atom ratio choice of 500 ensures criticality and retention of graphite thermal and mechanical properties in the matrix. Lower values of atom ratio would jeopardize these properties. Various methods of core construction have been proposed..(l3,1)4) 5) One of the most feasible is a right circular cylinder approximately 5 ft in diameter and length, composed of a homogeneous graphite-uranium matrix in which 1/4 inch holes are drilled parallel to the axis for coolant flow. A void coefficient (coolant volume fraction of total core volume) of 30% seems suitable. This design would insure criticality, good heat transfer characteristics, and high thrust and specific impulse.(l7) -15Erosion of the graphite along the coolant channels by the hot gas might cause severe damage to the core. It has been proposed that the channels be clad with tungsten or a ceramic, which would introduce criticality and heat transfer problems. Since it should be possible to stay below a critical erosion temperature, the cladding proposal is not considered in this paper. (2) Reflector A reflector around the core flattens the power density and lowers the necessary critical mass. suitable. Either pure graphite or beryllium oxide is Most papers(14, 15) on this subject favor a six inch radial reflector of BeO, with 10' void for regenerative cooling. (3) Reactivity Control Although control rods have been mentioned in the previous chapter, they present serious problems of cooling and of pressure seals for the drive mechanism. For a high power density rocket reactor, reflector control should be satisfactory and alleviates the problems inherent in control rods. The design offered by Newgard and Levoy(15) is suitable. (4) Pump A centrifugal pump pressurizes the propellant. A volume of 10 ft and length of 3 ft is chosen to compute charging time and acoustic time of transit. (5) Turbine A multi-stage, axial-flow bleed turbine and a single-stage, axial flow topping turbine provide the power needed to drive the pump in the various turbopump systems proposed. The time constants mentioned in (4) are computed by setting the volume and length equal to 20 ft respectively. 3 and 4 ft, 3 - (6) 16- Controls The reflector (reactivity control) and control valve (flow control) are positioned according to feedback signals based on core temperature and pressure respectively. Since choking exists in the nozzle, the core exit temperature can be computed from pressure and flow measurements rather than from thermocouples rocket engine control. the standard manner. hich are too slow for satisfactory The stagnation and static pressures are measured in Of course, many parameters are measured in flight, but we are concerned only with those associated with control. As mentioned in Section I, the design has been chosen only to provide approximate values of the parameters necessary to describe the dynamics of the system. A more detailed design than presented above would reduce the generality of the analysis. Some of the details are mentioned only for purposes of description and have no effect on the derivation of the dynamic equations. These details will be obvious in the derivation, which is presented in Section III. -17.17. DERIVATION OF THE DYNAMIC EQUATIONS SECTION III: A. Lumped Parameter Analysis In order to make the analysis simple and meaningful, a lumped parameter model is proposed, in accordance with the philosophy mentioned in Section I. Under this assumption, one value characterizes the value of a parameter throughout the system. Of course, the assumption is not strictly true, but the simplicity and resultant physical intuition justify the Furthermore, a distributed rocket core temperature inaccuracies introduced. study of Yoshitani(12) has shown that the lumped temperature dynamics of the rocket core deviate little from those of distributed temperature. Since the design is chosen only to provide approximate values of constants which appear as coefficients in the lumped parameter equations, the coefficients are assigned a range of values and the effect of the variation is investigated. B. Fluid Inertia and Compressibility The compressibility of hydrogen is considered only to derive steady state equations of fluid flow and heat transfer in the engine. The transient effects of fluid inertia and compressibility are neglected. Consequently, the resultant time constants are associated with core heat capacity and turbopump inertia and are of the order of seconds. (See Table 3 at the end of Section III). If fluid inertia and compressibility are considered, constants arise which are associated with the time necessary for charging the components with fluid and for acoustic propagation. Since the fluid properties and component configurations are known, these constants can be calculated and appear in Table 4. in Appendix I, Their actual calculation is presented as well as various other constants which appear in the course of the derivation of the dynamic equations. -18Table rV Acoustic propagation time Charging time Pump .02 sec .003 Bleed Turbine .02 .0003 Topping turbine .003 .0007 Main pass through core .003 < sec .003 * The constants in Table 4 are orders or magnitude smaller than those time constants associated with the thermal inertia of the carbon-uranium matrix or the mechanical inertia of the turbopmp. For this reason the high and low frequency transients of the fluid dynamics can be decoupled. This has Since the high frequency dynamic behavior been pointed out by Felix.( is not peculiar to the nuclear rocket engine, but occurs in many applications, only the low frequency fluid dynamics are considered, with the justified assumption that charging and acoustic transients will have no effect on the low frequency system. C. Neutron Kinetic and Precursor Equations The standard neutron kinetic and precursor equations are employed. (8) dn +.( - * Since the Mach number in the core is kC(3-2) always less than one, time constant is less than the charging time constant. the acoustic C19where: n 01 = neutron density = reactivity = total fraction of delayed neutrons = precursor group fraction of neutron yield = effective neutron lifetime = precursor group delay constant = precursor density The effective neutron lifetime, 1, is computed by Westcott's method. Although his teclhnique applies primarily to well moderated, thermal reactors, the results, presented in Table 3, agree with more sophisticated computations of Sams and Newgard.(14,15) The precursors diffuse through the graphite rapidly at the high temperature of a rocket reactor. Many diffuse into the coolant channels and are swept out of the core before releasing delayed neutrons. dynamic effect is a reduction of of 0.065. The net from the experimentally measured value Since no data is available in the literature on this subject, an effective value of .0050 is assigned. A part of the analysis of the dynamic behavior is an investigation of the effect caused by a change in the precursor yield fraction. Precursor groups which decay more slowly have less chance of contributing neutrons to the core than the faster decaying groups. values of are assigned accordingly and presented in Table 3. The For analytical work a standard technique is adopted whereby all precursors are assumed to behave as one group with average properties.( 8 ) Although all six groups can be simulated on the analog computer, the same accuracy is obtained by using two fictitious groups whose constants are derived by approximating the exact reactor transfer function.(2) A D. Thermal Equation 1. Core Temperature Variation at Steady State Stenning(17) has shown that the following relation exists, provided the power density is constant and the heat transfer-friction analogy is applicable: T (3-3) 2 S TO 01 '0 2 +1--- 01 where N at Stanton number T = maximum surface temperature T = stagnation temperature of the coolant at the entrance to the core " T0 2 f " " exit of the core friction factor L P length of the coolant channel D = diameter of the coolant channel In the region of interest, a constaat poler density distribution causes a higher maximum surface teerature than a sinusoid distribution for the 4ftL 02 (7 same values of and T . ) Since the temperature of the carbon uranium matrix is the limiting factor, the assumption of a constant power density is the derivation. ore conservative and is adopted throughout The Prandtl number of hydrogen is approximately one under all conditions of temperature and pressure. Thus, the heat transfer- friction analogy is valid and equation (3-3) is applicable for temperatures in the rocket core. -21Hydrogen enters the core as a pressurized cryogenic fluid and reaches the core exit at the highest possible temperature thast the core can withstand. Conseguently, T.1 T0 2 01 01 For this reason, equation (3-3) can be accurately approximated by T s 2 T0 2 ( -' -- ( 3 -4) is assumed constant, the maximva surface If the friction factor, f, temperature of the core is proportional to the coolant exit temperature. T < (3-5) T02 The average temperature of the graphite-uranium matrix is proportional to the maximm surface temperature. This can be shown by solving the tim independent heat conduction equation as shown in Appendix II. 2. Core Pressure Variation at Steady State By assag that the vall shear stress in the core coolant channel increases linearly with distance along the channel, Stenning (17) has shown that the following relation exists between inlet and outlet stagnation pressures: PO01 (3-6) 2 P0 2 X-7 where M -LV = ratio of specific heats = Mach number -- - subscripts 1, 2 = Entrance, outlet of the channel. The assumption of linearly increasing vall shear stress has been justified by the agreement of the above result with numerical integration of the differential equations of one dimensional compressible gas dynamics. In rocket operation the Mach number at the entrance of the channel i 1% by small and equation (3-6) can be approximated to within 23- 1 + / P01 2 M2 2M (3-7) )A2 2 1 022 ) D 1+ 2 2 In the same paper, Stenning points out that if the expansion in the nozzle is isentropic and adiabatic, which is an excellent approximation, the Mach number at the exit of the channel is constant so long as choking exists in This is the throat of the nozzle. the situation in all cases of interest. Thus, the inlet and outlet stagnation pressures are proportional. <P P01 3. (3-8) 02 Expression of the Mass Rate of Flow as a Function of the Core Inlet Stagnation Pressure and Maximum Surface Temperature If fluid compressibility and inertia are neglected, as mentioned in subsection B, the mass flow rate, system at any given instant of time. drive in the bleed turbine system is W , is constant throughout the (The mass flow used for turbine less than 2/ of the total flow rate and is neglected in the following formulation.) It is convenient to replace the flow rate by an expression involving only temperature and pressure. Since choking occurs in the nozzle throat, the following condition exists: __t_ = constant = stagnation temperature at the throat = stagnation pressure at the throat (3-9) PO where T ot P0 The expansion of the propellant in is passing from the core exit to the throat assumed adiabatic and isentropic. Consequently, /0Il/' = 7 and Tbo = To. By substituting the above equalities into equation (3-9), the flow-rate is proportional to the ratio,. we can show that and To 2 and (3-8), and / are eliminated by substitution of the expressions of (3-5) the following expression is formed. ej (3-10) 01 c>< S 4. Formlation of the Time-Dependent Maximum Surface Temperature as a Function of the Neutron Density and Core Inlet Stagnation Pressure Conservation of energy dictates that the heat generated within the core by fission must either be removed by the coolant or be stored in the form of thermal energy. Energy transfer from the core by radiation and conduction is negligible in comparison to the convective cooling of the propellant as it passes through the core. The time derivative of the conservation statement yields a power balance which is stated below. power released by fission time rate of change of thermal energy of the core heat carried away by the coolant per unit time . The power released by fission is proportional to the neutron density. a constant of proportionality, K 1 , is introduced, the above statement can be expressed as dT dt MC where M = C Tag K /p n If - .c (T -T ) 02 co01 mass of the graphite-uranium matrix = specific heat of the graphite-uranium matrix = average temperature of the graphite-uranium matrix. -25- It has been shown in Appendix II that the ratio of the maxinrum surface temperature, T., to the average core temperature, T Consequently dT can be replaced by T a , In the third term of dTs Ts is constant. dt the power balance, To, is insignificant in comparison with T0 2 and is The proportionalities neglected. and T0 2 . (3-10) and (3-5) are substituted for 4-'a Thus, the heat carried away by the coolant per unit time is proportional to .F If a second constant of proportionality, K 2 , Po 1 is introduced, the above equation is expressed as MC T dT T8 dt K n 1 - K2 2 P1 017TS (3-11) The constants K, and K 2 are eliminated by a scaling technique presented in subsection I of this section. The single constant formed by this technique is calculated in Appendix I and presented in Table 3. We have now succeeded in expressing the time-dependent maximum surface temperature as a function of the neutron density and inlet stagnation pressure. In accordance with a lumped paramenter analysis, the maximu surface temperature and core inlet stagnation pressure are defined as the charateristic parameters of the rocket engine pressure and temperature distributions. E. Reactivity Equation Reactivity is a function of core temperature, hydrogen density, and control rod position (or reflector position, depending on design). Control rod position offers no problem of formulation, since the position is expressed in units of reactivity. A Fermi-age model of neutron interaction is assumed in order to calculate the reactivity effect of core temperature and hydrogen density. -26Reactivity decreases linearly with increase of the square root of core temperature if the hydrogen density is constant. The primary effect is the increase of thermal diffusion length as a result of decreased absorption at higher temperature. The effect is explained in detail in Reference 9, pages 487- 489. Increase of hydrogen density Hydrogen is an excellent moderator. reduces the fast leakage proportionately and increases the reactivity. Since density is proportional to the ratio of pressure to temperature, density in the core is proportional to . the These considerations lead to a reactivity equation of the form 01(3-12) + T S where C = Of C= = control rod reactivity bare core temperature coefficient of reactivity hydrogen density coefficient of reactivity Figure 3 i*s a plot of reactivity as a f'unction of the square root of temperature for various values of pressure. from this graph. o' and are calculated The calculation is presented in Appendix I and is in good agreement with that of Newgard and Levoy.(15) F. -< = 0.001 *R of = 0.3 *R/psi 1/2 Temperature Control Equations Integral feedback is employed for temperature control. Since the square root of temperature is measured, the feedback signal is computed directly from the square root rather than temperature itself. rod is positioned according to the feedback signal. The control Because the rod 27 .20 I I I .16 .12 mean coolant 0 0 A) pressure .08 .04[ O 25 30 40 35 50 45 -/Mean Coolant Temperature FIG. 3 REACTIVITY AND AS A FUNCTION TEMPERATURE OF PRESSURE 55 -28response cannot be instantaneous, a first order lag is introduced between the desired rod setting and the actual setting. Equation (3-13) indicates the formation of the signal; equation (3-14) indicates the first order lag. t G - dt (3-13) (3-14) Cdt where / = desired control rod reactifity G = integral signal amplification T = desired maximum temperature = time constant of control rod motion The control rod cannot respond rapidly to proportional feedback control because of its large inertia. It is shown in later chapters that integral control is satisfactory. G. Pressure Equation 1. Bleed Turbire System The primary principle in the derivation is conservation of energy which is expressed as time rate of change of kinetic energy of the rotating machinery = turbine power (OT) - pump power (Op) (3-15) Kinetic Energy = IN2 2 where I = Moment of inertia of the rotating parts N = Speed of rotation in radians/sec (3-16) -29- (4-/ 0, (3-17) 7TO* 7T where = 4T turbine efficiency flow rate through turbine = PR T pressure ratio across the turbine noszles m stagnation temperature in front of turbine #p -t PT = where 7 (3-18) tank storage pressure pump efficiency p density of hydrogen in pump The problem is to reduce equation (3-15) to terms involving only the core inlet pressure, the core surface temperature, and a valve setting. In order to eliminate the turbine flow rate, the valve characteristics are examined. The valve is in front of the turbine and controls the pres- sure to the turbine. The valve flow equation can be expressed as Roy where T /(3-19) stagnation temperature in front of the valve stagnation pressure in front of the valve Po3 = P04 w stagnation pressure behind the valve Av M area of the valve ~-1- = a fanction of the indicated pressure ratio That point of a core coolant channel from which the propellant is bled to drive the turbine is tized by the design. Consequently, %3 may be assumed proportional to the coolant exit stagnation pressure, Po2, and T o3 'my be assumed proportional to the exit stag ntion temperature. -30The flow through the bleed turbine is choked. _ AT - _17_-__ W constant (3-20) is the cross-sectional area of the turbine nozzles. temperature on either side of the valve is the same. The stagnation Consequently, division of the above two eqations yields AT P o4 0o4)(2l -) (3-21) 03 A unique value of P 0/P 03 3 is determined by each valve setting and the following fictitious valve setting may be defined: Y(Av) (3-22) = P04/Po3 If the proportionalities of (3-5) and (3-8) are employed, the flow-rate through the turbine is expressed by (3-23) r The pressure ratio, PR, across the turbine nozzles remains constant because of choking in the nozzles and in the exhaust ducts. is constant, the turbine power is proportional to /AJ If turbine efficiency T since the stag- nation temperature remains constant across an adiabatic valve Incorpora- tion of the proportionalities (3-5) and (3-23) yields the following expression for the turbine output power. 76 <> (3-24 Similarly, a reduction of the pump power equation can be made. hydrogen density in the pump and the pump efficiency are constant. The It has been shown that the flow-rate through the pump is proportional to P Finally, the tank storage pressure is neglected in comparison to the pressure developed by the pump. Thus 8 01 /7 It is assumed that the pump operates on the flat portion of its Consequently characteristic. P K, where (3-26) (3-27) 2 N P T = pump constant 01 - P us to replace the PT is neglected', as before. Equation (3-27) enables square of shaft speed by core inlet pressure in the kinetic energy term. kinetic energy I = (3-28) 0 2K are replaced by terms involving The terms in the original equation ( -15) only core inlet pressure, core surface temperature, and the fictitious valve setting. In particular, equations (3-24), (3-26) and (3-28) are utilized. I 2 K d P dt 01 K V P K 4 1 s 5 P 2_0(3-129) K4 and K are constants of proportionality which are handled in a manner similar to those which appeared in the temperature equation. Again, the single constant formulated after scaling is calculated in Appendix I and presented in Table 3. 2. Topping Turbine System with Control Valve in Front of the Turbine The same attack as pith the bleed turbine is applicable here. However, in the analysis more local pressures and temperatures are considered and reference should be made to Figure 2 for an understanding of the subscripts. We first consider pressure drops encountered by the coolant in The pressure rise across the pump is flowing from the tank to the nozzle. expressed satisfactorily by the pump power equation. The pressure after the first pass through the core is assumed proportional to the pressure at the Since this drop is small compared to the drop beginning of the pass. across the valve, the assumption is < 02 justified. (3-30) "03 The pressure drop across the valve is (-31 Z 04 03 The pressure drop across the topping turbine is small and the flow can be treated as incompressible. Thus, the incompressible flow nozzle eguation describes the pressure drop across the turbine. (3-32) 04 05 A o Flow through the core and nozzle is the same as derived previously. By considering the above equations, it can be shown that the 05/P04, across the turbine is a constant and does not press re ratio, depend on the valve area, In order to show this we first consider the ,2 The heat transferred per unit time to the temperature ratio, coolant during its AV. first pass must be proportional to the heat transferred during the main (second) pass since both depend on the neutron flux level or the powe:: density in the core. C(T O C 03 T0 )2 r( cancels from both sides of the equation. 06 T0 5 ) T 0 2 is neglected in in comparison to T0 6 . Under these assumptions, comparison to T0 3 , as is T 0506 M33- Since T0 6 is , is constant. th e ratio, the core exit temperature, it To6 is proportional to the maximum surface temperature, Ts. Consequently, T This consideration, (3-34) T 3 application of the perfect gas law, and equations P (3-31) and (3-32) are sufficient to show that manipulation is presented in Appendix III. on.ly on valve setting. P is constant. P0 4 03 "---m Furthermore, As before a fictitious valve setting is 04 The depends satisfactory. (3-35) v(AV) - p0 3 The definition of V(Av) 05 V is extended to include the pressure ratios encounL- tered between the pump outlet and core inlet. Since the ratio across the first pass is assumed constant, the ratio across the valve depends only on valJve area, and the ratio across the turbine is constant, the following dcefinition can be made: P P 05 V(AV) (3-36) P02 Development of the pump power equation proceeds along similar line s. '- S02) The flow-rate is sure, P P0 1 ) (3-37) replaced by core temperature and pressure. is neglected in comparison with P o. The tank pres- Finally, P 0 2 is replaced by the core inlet pressure, P 0 5 , by means of (3-36). p0 5 2 ep< 010 ~ ---- V_-TY' (3-38) -34Since the pressure ratio across the turbine is Therefore, ad.iabatic. of (3-10) Substituting for T T0 4 = T0 3 . the The valve is again assumed .) T o. turbine power is proportional to constant, and (0 by means and (3-34) yields Or=< P05 T",(3-39) The kinetic energy term -is -formulated in a manner similar to that of part 1. IN kinetic energy = I P 2 02 2 K(3-4) - P replaced by P 5 P0 2 is I05( kinetic energy 2 K Equations (3-38), conservation statement, P (3-39), V and (3-41) are substituted into the (3-15) and constants of proportionality are intro- dOuced, which are treated in the usual manner. The pressure equation of the topping turbine system is now I 2K 3. d dT P05 V K 0 K6 -/ 05 K P 2 (3-42) 052 Topping Turbine System with Control Valve after the Turbine The same equations as in parts 1 and 2 are sufficient to describe the flow through the various components. Some changes in subscripts occur; these can be noted in Figure 2. The ratio of pressure developed by the pump to the core inlet pressure is a fuction only of valve area. (See Appendix IV) the ratio is set eqaal to a fictitious valve setting. As before, = ---. 02 (3-43) v(AV) With this definition, the kinetic energy term and the pump power term are exactly the same as in Part 2. However, in the present system, a change in the pressure ratio causes a change in turbine output power. This may be seen by the following derivation: The usual expression for turbine power is presented below. , - (3-44) In order to express variations of pressure ratio more simply, the term [1 ( 4)] Since is expanded in a Taylor Series about Po3. P0 3o. is small in a topping turbine, only the first term of the series P03 is retained. This approximation is then incorporated in the expression for tu.rbine power. c 77 -TCP T .~ (--03 (3 (P 0 3 '0P0 4 ) (3-45) (P03 - P04) is eliminated by substitution of the turbine pressure drop equation. P03 04 =2 - The perfect gas law is applied in order to eliminate is now expressed by: (3-46) Turbine power -36- T2 Or 7 137- C The usual substitution is made for to R,(3-47) ~ T1,0 03 TT r To3 is replaced by the core surface temperature, TS' 2 c 05 P057 (3-48) Ts P03 It has been shown that P03 may be taken as proportional to P02 the ratio L9.5 Therefore, appears in the turbine equation and may be replaced by the Po2 valve setting, V(AV). Thus, the expression for turbine power for this turbopump configuration is 2 P05 T With the above equation, the pressure equation for the topping turbine with control valve behind the turbine may be stated. I 2K p d dt K K P K8 V2 05 - 2 P (3-50) / Again, the constants of proportionality, K 8 , and K9 , are replaced by a single constant. Calculation of the constant is presented in Appendix I. The derivation of both topping turbine systems assume that the flow through the turbine can be described by incompressible flow equations. The opposite extreme of this is choked. to assume that the flow in the turbine is This is done in an analysis presented in Appendix V. In the topping turbine system with control valve in front of the turbine, the -037In the second system, (valve behind the resulting equation is the same. turbine) the equation is not the same, but is similar to the bleed turbine However, Thus, one might question the range of applicability. equation. for reasons of system dynamics, which are given later, only the first topping turbine system will be fully analyzed. The result of the analysis indicates that the pressure equation for the first topping turbine system has a large range of applicability. 4. Pressure Control Equations The same technique is used for pressure control as for tempera- ture control. The control valve is positioned according to a feedback signal which is the sum of the proportional and time integrated difference between the desired system pressure and the measured pressure. Again, instantaneous valve response is impossible and a first order lag is introduced between the desired valve position and the actual position. These conditions are described by the following equations: V x = G (P - P) dt x + G 3 (P x - P) (3-51) 0 7dV vdt where v x -v V = desired valve setting G2 = integral signal amplification P = desired pressure P = system pressure (core inlet pressure) G3 = proportional signal amplification (3-52) -38I. Scaling of Equations The equations which have been derived and are to be used in the T and P analysis are repeated below. without subscripts refer to the maximum wall surface temperature and core inlet pressure. neutron kinetics dt precursors n n dc dt MC T temperature reactivity (3-5) + dT K 1 n - K2 P T M "P c e HT t desired control rod reactivity (JY I - G dt ') s0 control rod delay pressure, bleed turbine pressure, topping turbine (1) -0 dt I A fX0 d P dt - Id 2K ~dt - /C K4 VP /T P) V )- () K 6 a P /-'T K P 5 /- - 2 K7P2 P/ -39- I 2K pressure, topping turbine (2) d dt P) V 2 V2 P/' K - K 8 P. / 9 t desired valve V setting (Px - P) -MG2 P) dt + G2 (Px 0 valve delay TV dV dt V x V The above equations are scaled by the following substitution of variables: n k - T n k - n o T n * T * P - k , C - k P P P 0 (0 k// T - V t x k -k - To T T x * V V V k C (3-54) * Vxrn ke 0 IMV kyV r f * V V V* t /t The zero subscripts ( n0 variables. C etc.,) denote steady state values of the After introducing (3-54) into (3-55), its corresponding steady state term. each term is divided by Those terms which contain a time derivative are divided by whichever steady state term forms the most convenient time constant. dn* neutron kinetics * dt d C,* dt kk Sn t kkt n ei i -k /t n k -kt L n kt k n C( * .7 i. - 7) A temperature T 12 * X dT* np n t kq t * reactivity * * 9 P 4A kp + k, G,' /To - ~0 p k kT To T t * k kt k desired control rod reactivity x control rod delay d t 1/ * kt -oe (9 x - )dt * /Oce dt* pressure, bleed turbine P dt p dt* P - kgk P V*- 11 *9* G* kk * pressure, topping turbine (1) dt * pressure, topping turbine (2) -tptp kvktkq P* 6 V 3 ** dt * *2 kk kL (V) k~kk P e P k V t desired valve setting kt k kV * G2Po (P * P )dt - 0 0 k k valve delay OrvdV dt - k t (V G3P0(P~ V 0 toV) - P) * + * *2 * * -41where ^ _TO TO . MC T K2 and K2Po Q PO 0~' MC K2 Tavg T0 7/OV P0 total power = I P 2K K P p 5 0 2K p 5 2 K5 The time constants, P 0 2 K7 P0 7 T and conditions in Appendix I. K P0 2 K9PO0 p, are calculated from design point Since they are proportional to the ratio' they can also be calculated for any steady state condition. the scaling constants (kn>P , etc.) are set equal to one. For analysis For analog computer simulation, they are assigned a variety of values, depending on the desired range of each corresponding variable. which appear in (3-57) are shown in Table 3. Values of all constants TABLE III List of Coefficients and Constants T1hrust 1,500,000 lb. Specific impulse 640 sec. Mass flow rate 2300 lb/sec Core size 5 ft. (diam.), Total power 25,000 m w Power density 12 kw/cm3 Void coefficient 30% Core weight 9700 1b. Reflector weight 8000 lb. Total propellant weight for 300 second of operation 700,000 lb. Mechanical inertia of turbopump 62 Pump speed 8,000 RPM Length of coolant channel 5 ft. Diameter of coolant channel 1/4 inch Friction factor in coolant channel .005 1MNeer of coolgat channels 17,000 Marium core temperature 5000*R Core exit stagnation temperature 3600*R Core inlet stagnation temperature (BT)* 100*R Core inlet stagnation temperature (TT*) 45oR Core inlet stagnation pressure Core outlet stagnation pressure Pressure ratio across BT Pressure ratio across TT *(BT) refers to bleed turbine. (TT) refers to topping turbine. lb ft sec 2 1500 psi 900 psi 50 1.1 5 ft(length) -42aTable III (concluded) Core exit Mach number o.62 Core entrance Mach number (BT) 0.05 Core entrance Mach number (TT) 0.115 Buckling 2 x 10-3 cm-2 Thermal utilimtion (±f 1 2.10 7 Resonace escape (p) Fast effect Age (E ) 1 252 em2 ( 7) Diffusion length (L 16 cm Neutron lifetime (4) 10 Precursor yield (ft) .005 Precursor yielA, group 1 .0025 Precursor yield, group 2 .0025 Decay constant, group 1 .046 seec1 Decay constant, group 2 .742 sec Density - reactivity coefficient (..f ) Therml time constant ( Pressure time constant ( Control rod time constant Valve time constant ( T) ) - l .3 R-l/2 *R/psi 0 .55 see 2.3 see /p) ( ) 1 0.1 sec-1 Decay constant, one group approximation Bare core - reactivity coefficient (-o(4 see 7) 0.2 see 0.2 see -043SECTION IV: A. ANALYSIS OF THE DYNAMIC EQUATIONS Open Loop Stability Open loop refers to the dynamic behavior of the engine when controls are inoperative (i.e. , Since the and V are constant in time). power level can change dangerously fast in a nuclear reactor system, it is a necessity that the engine be stable without the use of control mechanisms. In order to investigate open loop stability, a linear model, based on the previously derived, non-linear equations, is proposed. formation is applied to the linear equations. The LaPlace trans- Routh's criteria and the root locus technique are then applied to the transformed equations in order to determine the root location of the determinant of the coefficient matrix. The system is defined as stable if all roots lie in the left half of the complex frequency plane. If a root occurs at the origin, the system is defined as stable provided the root is of first order. still The condition under which the open loop system is stable is shown to have physical significance and to be reducible to a simple criterion. Development of Linear Equations 1. The following substitutions are made in equations (3-57). 1(4-1) k nn n =k ci n n0 n+n no - n0 no _ non-n - n0 + + n* no1 n0 similarly C = 1 + C - 1 + T * T * T+T* S * P - 0 + - 1 + P - 1 + P - 1 + V - 1+V * P * 0 + /4= 0+/Oc* V * * -44- into (3-57), After substitution of (4-1) = y = The definition of open loop implies that = V = terms of order greater than one are neglected. (i.e. Second order terms such asjo n Therefore, parison to first order terms such as n* ) are neglected in com- the analysis is This applicable only for small variations from steady state operation. technique is 0. standard and is presented in detail by Newton.(19) The fol- lovwing linear equations result: dn* (4-2) dt * dC - CC n* dt Tj* - dT *- * 7'dt Hk1 + - -2 T* * + P, + fc d /0 c //lx dt /OC* t - (TX* - T*) dt T G 2/? 0 p dt = TT - P V* P + V* + (bleed turbine) dV*' (topping turbine, valve before turbine) P dV* P dt - T* P* + 3V* + 7p dt (topping turbine, valve after turbine) -45-' dV* V dtx * t G2PO VX (P * P*) dt + G3P 30(P 20 If V, = - P) 0 0, which is in accordance with the definition of the open loop, the three pressure equations of (4-2) are equivalent, and the analysis of the open loop is applicable to all systems considered. 2. Elimination of the Precursor Equation Gyptopoulos and Devooght(27,2 8 ) have shown that if a nuclear reactor system is stable with all neutrons emitted promptly, the system is stable with delayed neutrons. Since we are presently concerned with overall stability rather than response, we may advantageously apply the above statement. The analysis is simplified by eliminating the precursor equation and replacing the neutron density equation by (4-3) dn* (See Reference 22, Chapter 10, for the derivation of the above equation.) The following definitions are made to simplify the notation: -- 7-6 (4-4) n o(cT 0 + O H P0 2/ TO 0 CH PO T O GITo G1 6 G2 V0 . 0( (o * Gl 0 G2 * G3 P 0 V 0 * = 3 -046Reactivity, neutron yield, , is scaled in relation to the fractional delayed , which appears in ' , . , and This is not a violation of the hypothesis that all neutrons are emitted promptly since could. be canceled from each equation in which the above constants appear. If the resulting equations are stable, we conclude that the open loop ro cket system is stable for small perturbations from steady state operati on. The open loop equations are rewritten below. *n n n (4-5) dt /1* dTr - T cit* p -- -dt i dP* 7 -P T* P * T* * - + P If the bare core reactivity coefficient is negative, each constant which appears in (4-5) 3. is positive. Stability Analysis of the Open Loop by means of the LaPlace Transformation The LaPlace transformation of equations (4-5) 'M T ~ 7Am P (4-6) n S / is S + 1-) - 2+ T -47where -St E= 0e n* (t) CC dt n (s) etc. This system of equations can be rewritten in matrix notation.(23) s ' 0 -i (rs + 0 -1 0 0 -1 n perturbation ) 1 0 T vector T s + 1)0 P T CMO<P (4.7) - The roots of the determinant of the coefficient matrix are the denominators of the partial fraction expansion of a transfer function used to describe any perturbation of the above variables. The determinant of the coefficient matrix, set equal to zero, is 53 ( S T p S2 + n ) +1/ r2,n 7T + 1/'/ ^n), + S (3/27 + 7~p) + (4-8) ( (p + If o(r- 0 p is greater than zero, the roots of the above polynomial lie in the left half plane. The proof of this statement is contained in Appendix VI and follows from the application of Routh's criterion. the definitions of v(7 and of, is greater than zero provided It can be seen from as given in equations (4-4) that cy - "{, 6(c is positive. Since o(7 is preceded by a negative sign in the formulation of the reactivity equation, the stability criterion can be stated as follows: If the rate of change of reactivity with temperature for constant hydrogen density is negative, the open loop system is stable. It is convenient that the open loop stability of the bleed and topping turbine, nuclear rocket engines should rest entirely on a condition as simple as this. -48It would seem possible that inclusion of the delayed neutrons in the formation of the transfer function would result in a less restrictive The above analysis was repeated with the condition for overall stability. addition of one group of delayed neutrons, but the result is the same. 4. A Physical Basis for the Stability Criterion Investigation of the steady state characteristics of the engine yields the same criterion for stability as that of the above technique. Examination of the non-linear, open loop, pressure equation of (3-57) indicates that the time rate of change of system pressure is zero if The power level is constant in time if the open loop reactivity, T* = P* which is a function only of pressure and temperature, is zero. Therefore, the states at which the power level remains constant is along a line in the T*, P* plane, described by the equation c * H /PT O 0 P T* This line is a boundary between regions of supercriticality and subcriticality. Intersection of the zero reactivity line with the constant pressure line is a point of steady state operation. If any movement in pressure and temperature away from this point is returned to the intersection, the system is stable. removed, Conversely, the system is if any movement away from steady state is further unstable. Two gossible configurations exist at the point of intersection. T The slope, ""* , of the turbopump (constant pressure) line can be greater dP or less than the line of zero reactivity. shown in Figure 4. These two configurations are In Case I, a slight increase of temperature and pressure along the turbopump line moves the point of operation into a zone of 49 CASE STABLE turbopump steadystate line . zero reactivity -state operation perturbations to steady-state CASE U ( el*/ el,)pO( A**/ ( ,* )pto UN STABLE reactivity steady-state line operation small perturbations are divergent FIG. 4 TEMPERATURE - PRESSURE PL AN E -50subcriticality in which the higher pressure and temperature cannot be Consequently, operation must return to the point of inter- maintained. Similarly, a movement to lower pressure and temperature is into section. a zone of supercriticality where the pressure and temperature increase, and the point of operation returns to the steady state intersection. The same result occurs for any movement away from the point of intersection. In Case II, movement towards higher pressure and temperature is into the zone of supercriticality, where the pressure and temperature further increase, and is therefore an unstable situation. A decrease in pressure and temperature causes the reactor power to go to zero which is also an unstable situation. The criterion for stability formed from these considerations can be expressed by the following inequality: (4-9) The left hand term is =0 -0 P the slope of the constant pressure line, while the right hand term is the slope of the zero reactivity line. term must be greater if is the stable situation, depicted in Case I of Figure 4, is calculated by setting the time rate of to exist. * change of P The left hand d;P P. = 0 equal to zero and performing the indicated differentiation of the closed loop pressure equation. This yields (4-10) ( T P =o To compute the right hand term of (4-9), zero in the reactivity equation of (3-57) and are set equal to and the differentiation executed. -51Since the slope at the steady state intersection is desired', P* and T*, which occur in the expression for the slope of the reactivity line, are set equal to one, their steady state value. /< T-P *T) 0 \P 3/2 ' * T -P *2 O<1H The inequality of (4-9) is satisfied if o{ 9 P0 is a positive constant, which is the same criterion as derived from the LaPlace transform technique. The quantity To 4 is a measure of the stability (H P If 4 of the system. (metastable). if 4 > < 1, the system is on the verge of instability Accurate and fast controls are necessary. On the other hand., 1, the system is very safe and less sophisticated controls are In order to express satisfactory. 4 as a function of the usual bare core temperature coefficient which is correlated with temperature rather than the squaare root of temperature, the following substitution is made: c/ where for constant hydrogen density. of With this substitution 2 O(H P0 -52- For the design chosen equals 0.4 at ftll 6 power which is intermediate between the condition of very safe and metastable. a In Figure 5, states of constant a good control system is necessary. in the temperature - pressure plane are presented. With exception to startup from a suberitical core to the idle condition, 4 greater than 0.1. Certainly, is always The exception is investigated by means of an analog computer, and the results shown in a later section. A More General Statement of the Stability Criterion 5. It has been tacitly assmd throughout the derivation of the open loop stability criterion that the reactivity coefficients and Org were positive constants. 4 C A useful stability criterion can be developed with less restrictive assumptions concerning temperature and pressure reactivity feedback. - * *C + A more general formulation is given below: * f (T)+g(P/T P* /* ( f and g represent general functions of their respective variables. * use of T The * and P* rather than T and P is in no way restrictive since T can always be replaced by T (ie . To T A similar operation replaces P by P . A more general formlation than (4-14) would lose the physical significance of the phenomenon that is described by the equation. f (T ) refers to the variation of the reactivity with temperature for constant hydrogen density in the core, while g (P */T ) describes the variation of reactivity for changes in hydrogen density at constant core temperature. 0 3 1000- 0Q METASTABLE REGION 10 0 1 10 I Pressure FIG. 5 STABILITY I|| I 100 l I l I I 1000 (PSI) MARGIN IN TEMPERATURE- PRESSURE PLANE I In order to transform the more general reactivity equation into a form compatible with the method of LaPlaces tran'sforms, we must express reactivity as a linear function of temperature and is set equal to zero and the equation To do this, pressure. is expressed in differential form in order to investigate small deviations from steady state. * * + (4-15) T * * are easily calculated. and T P (4-16) df * T \** * dT * 2 (T*) * d(P*/T*) * SP* d(P*/T) T (4-17) Since investigation of small deviations from steady state is desired, are set equal to one. y * and T * The following definitions are introduced in order to simplify the notation: f1 - df dT' g1 -( - d(P /T ) -P ) f(14-18) I -l f T (2,-19) T -P -(1 The differential term are replaced by the previous notation. (i.e. * * -A -55The linear equation (4-15) can now be written in the following simplified fashion: The LaPlace transformation of (4-20) is substituted into the coefficient matrix of (4-7). f (T*) and It has been assumed that the reactivity functions g ( */T. ) are not functions of time; consequently, they remain unchanged under the transformation. Expansion of the new coefficient matrix yields the following polynomial in s: (4-20) If the system is to be stable, all coefficients of s must be of the sam sign. We are then led to the immediate conclusion that / / (4-.22) z2z Further restrictions of stability exist. The application of Routh's technique yields the following inequality: 3 (4-23) -56If g' is assigned a valne of - -" 2 '"0* + f , as indicated in the Ineguality of (4-22), and substituteJ into the inequality of (4-23), it can be seen that satisfaction of (4-23) implies satisfaction of (4-22) provided the inequality of (4-21) is satisfied. A more general criterion of stability can now be stated. (a) The rate of chage of reactivity with temperature at constant hydrogen density mst be negstive. This conclusion was stated previously in part 3 although it could be interpreted as a violation of the tacit asmption of a constant CO( . (b) The rate of change of reactivity with hydrogen density at constant core temperature should be positive. Only slight negative values can be tolerated. The exact amount of negative density feedback which can be tolerated is given by (4-23). Some physical basis for the latter condition can be seen by examination of the temperature-pressure plane presented previously in Fige 4. -Negative density-reactivity feedback reverses the fields of sub- and supericality for zero . Application of the some reasoning as presented in part 4 indicates that instability is likely under these conditions even though temperature feedback at constant hydrogen density is neative. However, the likelihood of negative hydrogen density-feedback is remote. Throughout the rest of the thesis, the assumption is made that only positive density-reactivity feedback exists. More general statements can also be made concerning the open loop temperature *ad pressure equations. * dT* * IF (n , P ,T * ) -57- (4-25) The following restrictions must be made on the functions F and G. (4-26) 1._ (4-27) (4-26) (4-29) 0 .& . (4-3o) < These restrictions are entirely consistent with expected rocket engine behavior. (4-24) and (4-25) are expressed in differential form where dn*, dT*, dP* are replaced by n , T, * P ** (4-31) __p7. _ -; -. (4-32) ' For small deviations from steady state, the partial derivatives which appear in (4-31) and (4-32) are defined as constant. by and (4-32) by Division of (4-31) yields (4-33) (4-34) where 2- -Y 4 07R CT -58- Each coefficient is positive provided the restrictions of (4-26) through (4-30) are upheld. The LaPlace transform of (4-33) and (4-34) are sub- stituted in the coefficient matrix of (4-7) in place of the previous temperature and pressure equations. Expansion of the new determinent yields the following polynomial: (4-35) f1 < 0 It is assumed that and g ) 0 Consequently, the roots of the above polynomial lie in the left half plane if > The quantity ' G, / / 7 (4-36) is merely the reciprocal of the slope of the turbopump line in the temperature-pressure plane for zero time rate of change of pressure and is defined as R. easily seen. The physical meaning of (4-36) is The open loop pressure equation derived previously predicted that R was always eqtual to one, and there is good reason to believe that this is the case. Hoever, the more general formilation above indicates that the system will remain stable at all points of steady state operation where the slope of the turbopump line exceeds the slope of zero reactivity line. This is the same conclusion as before. The only generalization that needs to be made over the previous statement is to recognize the possibility that the slope of the turbopmp line need not be exactly one in the T*, P* plane. A new parameter, z ' , which measures the stability of the system is defined below. -59- (4-37) 1) The same conditions that applied to (i.e. 4 ' > < / I dA can now be applied to z implies a metastable situation, while implies a very safe situation.) It should be noticed that the above derivations are based on a linear approximation of the dynamtic equations. only apply to small deviations from steady state. The results The stability theorems of non-linear dynamics are difficult to apply to a system such as the rocket engine. Analysis of the non-linear equations is performed with the aid of an analog computer. -60B. Open Loop Response 1. Location of Roots Although the rocket engine is stable without controls, it have satisfactory response characteristics as well. nst Examination of root location is helpful in determining the response, and is accomplished by applying the root locus technique, as described by Truxal. 24) The delayed neutrons effect system response. Consequently, the LaPlace transform of the one group precursor equation is included in With this addition, the determinant of the coefficient equations (4-6). matrix, set equal to zero is 1/ 'S 62~5 C4 3 a 0- L- (4-38) . where 171 Z. 7;07; = Z~ ~ ~~7- QI = ):, (C-e, - C; , ) * 0e, -,- * ./ -,- -0'/Z -;:/ X average decay constant for the one group precursor approximation. The conventional nuclear reactor transfer function contains the ratio of steady state neutron density to neutron lifetime, usually the only coefficient dependent on power level. -. This is The rocket reactor transfer function is more complicated and has a number of coefficients that vary with changes in power level. ( ' V(( ) Furthermore, as a result of the scaling tchnique described in Section III, the coefficient that is a function of neutron lifetime, steady state neutron density (or power level). difficulty, three root loci are presented. first is , is not dependent on the In order to circumvent the (See Figures 6, 7, and 8.) The a graphical presentation of the paths that the roots describe as is varied from zero to infinity with the system operating-at an idling condition of T = 1000*R and p = 300 psi. The second Is a sinqilar presentation with the system at full power (T = 5000*R and p = 1500 Psi)The third, Figure 8, graphically presents the variation of root location as the power level rises. Since both To and P, increase as the power level rises, a restrictive relationship between the two steady state values is needed in order that only one path exist for each root. The ratio of steady state pressure to temperature remains constant during open laep operation. Conseguently, Figure 8 depicts the variation of roots as the power level increases with the restriction that the ratio of pressure to temperature remains constant . situation. The root locus technique is not applicable in this The location of the roots must be rather laboriously calculated for each given value of pressure and temperature. Only the range of interest is investigated, rather than the usual range from zero to infinite power. 30 i 0.6 i 20i 0.4 i 10 i 0.2i -0 =O~sec. M (=l-2s ec. -30 -20 -10 -0.2 -0.4 -0.2 i -10 i -20 i -0.41 x -0.61 -30i FIG. 6 ROOT LOCUS AT IDLE CONDITION AS A FUNCTION OF Tn 40 i --4 0. 8 i x fu II' power =1 20i idle condition x -10.4 i / - -20 -0. (~) -Q4I -0.8 id le condition fu I l power x 20 i I x -40i FIG. 7 ROOT LOCUS AT FULL POWER AS A FUNCTION OF Tn - -0.4 i -H --0.8 i 60 i 0.3 i P= 3000 PSI 40i 0.2 i T 20i T= 10,000* R 1000* R 0.1i T = 10000 R P= 300 PSI P = 300 PSI -60 -40 -20 -0.1 10, 000 * R P = 3000 PSI -20i FIG. 8 ROOT LOCUS -0.1i -40 i 0.21 oi -0.3i AS A FUNCTION OF POWER LEVEL -65A fourth root locus, a function of c( T, is included since the previously derived stability criterion is heavily dependent on this variable. (See Figure 9). Root loci which are functions of the temperature and pressure time constants are presented in Figures 10 and 11. They are included in order to understand the dynamic change to the system caused by their variation. 2. Predicftion of Open Loop Response The term in the time domain, corresponding to the root of the transfer function lying farthest to the, ightin s-plane, -the'complex dominates after a long period of time following a perturbation. If the system is stable, this term decays exponentially in time. The recip- rocal of the real part of the root is indicative of the time necessary for the system to reach a new steady state following the perturbation. The above has been effectively stated by Truxal, "Clearly, the settling time is directly related to the largest significant time constant in the step function response." He has defined the settling time as "the time required for the oscillation of the response to decrease to less than a specified percentage of the final value. criteria." Five per cent or two per cent are common (See Reference 24, page 80.) One should recognize that there is no one-to-one correspondence between the frequency and time domains, but certain trends and indications can be inferred from one concerning the other. In order to discuss the response of a system in the time domain by considering the location of the roots in the frequency domain, the concept of damping is required. complex root is The usual evaluation of the damping of a the cosine of the angle between the negative real axis and the vector from the origin to the root. If one considers the inverse LaPlace transform of a partial fraction whose root is complex, the concept of damping is obvious. Further explanation can be found in Reference 24. -66It can be seen: from Figures 6, 7, and 8 that the dominatig root off the open loop system lies on the negative real axis and has an absolute value in the range between 0.02 and 0.10 sec. . Consequently, the rocket system is expected to reach a new steady state in a period of time of This is a slow response and should present aprximately 10 to 50 seconds. few problems of control. One might expect that the sluggishness would limit the power level at vwhich the reactor remains stable. However, it has teen shown in subsection A that the system is stable at any power level. Althougha stable at high power, the system is more difficult to control. Damping of the complex roots is is greater at higher power. less while the speed off response (See Figure 8.) The phenomenon of faster response at higher power level can be found in heat exchanger dynamics.( 3 Since the rocket core can be compared to a high power density heat exchanger, the phenomenon is not unexpected. The actual problem of control is best studiAed by analog simulation and is presented in later sections. The sluggish asymptotic response does not precluxde the presence of rapid transients. High frequency roots exist. Pulses or oscillations of the order of hundred2ths of a second are possible, but the damping is sufficient to prevent dangerous oscillatory behavior. can be noted from the root loci of Figures 6 and 7 that It iirease of the effective neutron lifetime beyond the calculated value of 10 seconds has an unfavorable effect on the response. impoosibly long lifetimes ( /> 10-2 seconds), With exception to damping of the complex roots e.ecreeses while the speed of response is only slightly changed. ing for values of = / 0-3 see. is permissible, and it The damp- is unlikely that larger will be encountered in a rocket reactor system. A2.though the coefficient varied in Figures 6 and 7 is (i.e. ), the precursor yield fraction must be considered as asymptotic root locus i aT= 19 (calculated value) 20 i 0.2i .0. 1i 10 i aT ( a .- -40 -50 -0.2 -30 -0.1 0.1 ay aT = a Poo FIG. 9 ROOT LOCUS AT IDLE CONDITION -101 - 0.1 i -20i -0.21 A S A FUNCTION OF aT .12 i +60 i Locus is a TT + circle with radius at s =-2060 at poles (x) - +40i - .08 i - .04 i Design point roots TT= Isec. 4 Zero at s - +20 i = -2060 -60 -4 -20 -. 12 Design point roots -. 08 .0 .04 i -20 i TT = 1OO sec. - 40i --60 i FIG. 10 ROOT LOCUS AS A FUNCTION OF TT --. 08 i - -. 12 i design point root + oat poles (x) - -10.08 i 40 i --120 i from pole at s=-3.6 -4 0.04 i 0% %.0 -00 -40 -20 -0.08 root LOCUS AS A FUNCTION OF -0.04 i -- J -0.08 i -40i ROOT 0.04/ design point -20 i FIG. I - Tp -70constant since it also appears in other coefficients which, for the moment, are assumed invariant . The root locus as a function of the temperature coefficient (Figre 9) yielas little additional information. mentioned earlier, is again demonstrated. half plane for of, < f, ). The stability criterion, (i.e. A root occurs in the right Poorly damped oscillations occur at high values of a(r , but such values are unlikely. The root locus for variation of the thermal time constant is significant. (See Figae:'e 10). At the design point, the two roots lying closest to the origin are near the zeros of the root locus. Further reduc- tion of the thermal time constant from the calculated value would not change the position of these roots significantly. TT However, reduction of would seriously change the position of the two other roots lying at s = 25 - 20 1. A decreased r T would decrease the damping of these roots and. in.crease the initial oscillations of the response. An interesting conclusion can be drawn. An increase in the value of the thermal time constant, which is proportional to the thermal inertia, improves the system response in two ways. (a) It increases the damping of the complex roots lying farthest from the origin. (b) It moves the domina.nt root away from the origin, and thereby reduces the settling time of the system. This point is somewhat academic since an increase of one hundred is needed to double the Obsolufte value of the dominant root. There is no advantage in system response to be gained by keeping the thermal inertia below a certain point which is analogous to the point of critical damping. Since the thermal time constant of the rocket engine is a factor of one hu&drd below this point, the system should be insensitive to charge in its value, except for increased short term oscillations which accompany a reduction of the time constant. -71Since this phenomenon is unexpected it is well to examine a simpler system where the same phenomenon occurs. Consider a reactor with no delayed neutrons, independent of pressure for either cooling or reactivity feedback, and with negative temperature feedback. The system of equations needed to describe the kinetics of this system are presented below. dncn dt ( If - an -h T I'lC. T dt - fT + constant these equations are scaled and linearized as before, we obtain dn - * dt dT* 2 ~j~- -~ ,0~ where n, g.J) T O( T, - 41 2. = m thermal inertia. The equations can be combined by eliminating Le~7/ wr 7A, n * and ,,0. 9 -72- It is readily apparent that 71 in this system is completely analogous to mechanical inertia which would appear in the differential equation of a mass on a spring with linear damping. Values of r2 The condition of critical damping is give a non-oscillatory and slower response. less than (i.e. The settling time is greater.) applied to equations (4-40) or (4-41), If the LaPlace transformation is the root locus for variation of 72 is qualitativel"y the same as the corresponding root locus for the open loop rocket system and is presented in Figure 12. Consideration of the simpler reactor system indicates that reduction of thermal inertia or the thermal time constant beyond a point of critical damping does not improve the response. Since the rocket reactor is well below that point, further reduction offers no dynamic improvement and leads to high frequency oscillation. The final root locus for the open loop system is a function of the pressure time constant. In this case, the variation is more in accord As is decreased the dominant root moves away with intuitive thought, from the origin. Consequently, the settling time is reduced. The same variation has little effect on the damping of the complex roots farthest from the origin. We can conclude that the dynamic performance of the rocket improves as the pressure time constant is decreased. 3. Analog Simulation of Open Loop Response Although the root locus technique is suitable to evaluate the partial fraction denominators of the transfer function, the numerators, which depend upon the specific perturbation imposed on the system, remain unknown. The added information obtained by their evaluation for a variety T2 -,00 at poles (x) T2 = (critical damping) -T2= 0 IA - FIG. 12 a / T-, ROOT LOCUS AS A FUNCTION OF THERMAL FOR A SIMPLE REACTOR T= oo SYSTEM INERTIA (TC2) c14 -74of perturbations and system coefficients is not justified. Recourse is made to the analog computer in order to study the system response for a variety of conditions without the restriction of linear equations. Simulation was performed on a Philbrick Analog Computer. A photograph arid description of the computer is contained in Appendix VII. Figures 13 and 14 present the flow chart or wiring diagram used for programming the computer. Table 5 gives a list of the multiplicative constants and an explanation of component symbolism. An excellent presentation of analog computer construction is given in Reference 30; an explanation of its applications is presented in Reference 31. In order to perturb -the system, the reactivity is changed instantaneously (step change) from zero to 27, which is a factor of four greater than that needed for prompt criticality. An input of reactivity of 27 with the rocket operating at full power and without control mechanisms is sufficient to melt the core. This can be calculated by consideration of the new steady state that would be attained if the equations were applicable. The point of the large perturbation of the open loop is not to simulate an expected event at fu2.l power, but to impose a severe test on the system. If the response shows no dangerous oscillations or overshoots, we conclude that the open loop response will be safe for the reactivity changes that are expected. The same philosophy is applied in choosing a step change of reactivity rather than less drastic and more practical reactivity inputs. The severity of the perturbation is sufficient to excite the non-linear terms, and furnishes a decisive test of open loop response. temperature, 15B., and 15C. The effect on pressure, and neutron density is presented in Figures 15A, 9* PRESSURE P* PRESSURE CONTROL OPEN FIG. 13 GENERAL PRESSURE KIN E T IC S I LOOP ANALOG BOUNDARY FLOW CHART NEUTRON AND TEMPERATURE KINETICS al) P PRESSURE FIG. 14 DETAILED ANALOG FLOW CHART KINETICS 77 + ELEMENT INTEGRATION * SUMMATION ELEMENT MULTIPLICATION DIVISION TABLE 5 5 ELEMENT ELEMENT -78 - r AK v _ l /4~~ _ "<, f"'4 "7#" d6< = ~1 /3 C1, O~,2. t<ldf a k~ 413 ~ 44 Lt ="~-Alt 06 r V / 7 v &/69 e~ a;I~ I A. TEMPERATURE 2 To RESPONSE B. PRESSURE 2Po k- Po To 0 10 20 0 30 10 sec 2.0 3.0 4no 3no 2no 2no 0 30 RESPONSE 3no -J 20 sec C. POWER DENSITY (4 = IO-4sec) 4no no RESPONSE It no 1.0 sec 2.0 FIG. 15 OPEN 3.0 LOOP 0 RESPONSE 1.0 sec -80Discussion of Open Loop Simulation 4. The neutron density exhibits a sharp pulse as a result of the step change of reactivity, but it its guickly returns to a value near that of previous steady state and then rises slowly to the new steady state. The burst causes a pulse in the temperature response, but is less than the eventual steady state value. which is significant Pressure rises slowly, with no noticeable short term transients, to a new level. The result is encouraging and indicates that the open loop dynamics of the ruclear rocket will not present an insuperable problem to its eventual operation. The safe response which follows step inputs of reactivity greater than prompt criticality is primarily a result of the system's inherent ability to reduce the reactivity quickly, which is accomplished by negative reactivity feedback. This is attributed to the following reasons: (a) Rapid temperature response. For large changes in power density, the heat removal term of the temperature equation may be neglected during the initial transient. Temperature then responds as the product of the reciprocal thermal time constant multiplied by the integral in time of the power density. Since the time constant is much smaller than that of conventional graphite-uranium reactors and the change in power density is large, the temperature rises quickly. Fortunately, the process of integration reduces the severity of the response. (b) Slow pressure response. occurs in the pressure response. The same effect Since the temperature rise is rapid, the initial pressure increase may be approximated by the product of the reciprocal pressure time constant and the integral in time of the temperature. The initial pressure response is less severe than the temperature since the integration process again takes place and the time constant associated with the turbopump is larger than the one associated with thermal lag. -81- (c) Negative contributions of reactivity-density feedback. A substantial part of the negative reactivity-temperature feedback is contriurted by change in hydrogen density. Since pressure rises slowly, its positive contribution to reactivity is insignificant during the initial transient. The sudden cha:nge in temperature causes a drop in reactivity by increasing the thermal diffi.sion length in the carbon-uranium matrix and, more significazntly, by reducing the amou=nt of hydrogen moderator in the core. Thus the supposedly unstabilizing influence of density-reactivity feedback improves the short term transient of the open loop. The open. loop stability criterion was verified by computer simu- lation. The system diverged if the bare dore reactivity coefficient was positive and remained stable if it was negative. Graphical presentation of this is unnecessary an2 is not included. 5. Variations of Open Loop Response Open loop simlation was repeated using a value of neutron life- time equ-al to 10-3 sec., a factor of ten greater than the calculated value. The resvult is presented in Figure 15D. As predicted by the root locus of Figures 6 or 7, the system became more oscillatory. The frequency predicted by the linear model is 1.8 cycles per second (cps); that calculated from the graph is The agreement is excellent if 2.0 cps. one considers the size of the perturbation and the non-linearity of the simulated system. Although the short term trazsent was changed, the overall effect on temperature and pressure response was insignificant. that variation of origin. I It has been shown in the root loci does not change the position of the roots near the Consequentl1y, it is expected that the long term system response should be relatively Lnsensitive to changes in the value of neutron lifetime. -82The precursor yield f'actions / and were increased to their experimentally rieasured values and then decreased to 1/4 of the measured value. In each simulation the reactivity input was two per cent. Thus, the reactor was prompt critical, and the original neutron density change did not depen contribut ions from the delayed neutron precursors. o'on For this reason, variation of effect. If / 1,1 2Y and/d caused no significant the delayed neutrons were neglected completely, the response would certainly be different, but this situation would not be realistic. Variation of the precursor group decay constants, over an order of magitude also had little given in . and a2 effect for the same reasons as the above paragraph. Variation of C. H altered the height of the temperature and neutron density pjlses, but had no other significant effect. The change in pulse height is expected since the speed of negative reactivity feedback depends on the reactivity coefficients. Variation of O( c did not change the pulse heights as significantly since its contribution to negative reactivity-temperature feedback is less. Its variation did change the eventual steady state values of the pressure and temperature. is easily explained. The variation If the valve is unmoved, the ratio of pressure to temperature ust be the same at the initial and final steady states. can be seen by investigation of the open loop pressure equation. This Since reactivity-density feedback is proportional to the ratio of pressure to temperature, variations ofO( H cause no change in the eventkal steady state. This is not the case with the bare core-reactivity feedback. in 0(, should cause a Thus, a change hange in the final steady state although the final pressure to temper'ature ratio remains the sane. Increase aznd decrease of the thermal time constant by a factor of five yielded a response that was in good agreement with the predictions -83made from consideration of the root locus for variation of iLcreased value of . An caused no visible change in either the short term or long term response, but a decreased value caused a noticeable change in the initial neutron density transient although the long term response remained uneffected. To a lesser extent, the initial variation could be noticed in the temperature. (It has been pointed out that the temperature response is less severe than the neutron density response.) Figure 15D is a presentation of the neutron density transient generated by decreasing the value of the thermal time constant. The high frequency oscillations find their origin in the poorly damped, high frequency roots associated with low values of thermal inertia. The frequency calculated from the simu lation result is 16 cps, which is in good agreement with the 12 ops frequency predicted by root locus technique. We can conclude that reduction of the thermal time constanat below the point of critical damping, as mentioned earlier, will not improve the dynamics of the engine. The value of the pressure time constant 7, decreased by a factor of ten from its calculated value. s.muation was increased and The results of nder these conditions is presented in Figures 16A and 16B. The time needed for the open loop system to reach a new steady state is heavily dependent on the turbopump time constant. A change in its value is porpor- tional to the change in the response time. An increasing pressure causes as increasing reactivity. Therefore, it is not surprising that temperature as well as the pressure of the system depends on the choice of pressure time constant . Little change occurs in the short term transient. This is expected since the initial pressure response still depends on the integration of the temperature increase as explained earlier. Consequently, the positive contribution of pressure to reactivity remains insignificant in comparison to the contribution of temperature for any value of the pressure time constant within an order of magnitude of the calculated value. I 2To B. PRESSURE RESPONSE FOR VARIATION OF PRESSURE TIME CONSTANT A. TEMPERATURE RESPONSE FOR VARIATION OF PRESSURE TIME CONSTANT -rp = 0.23 se c 2.32Po Po To 0 10 sec 20 30 1.0 0 sec 2.0 3.0 C. TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE RESPONSE FOR VALVE PERTURBATION 2To 2Po 2To To Po To 0 1.0 sec 2.0 3.0 0 2.0 FIG. 16 OPEN LOOP RESPONSE (continued) sec 4.0 6.0 -85The results of sirmlation for various values of o( p collaborates with the predictions made from root locus consideration. response of the system is insensitive to changes of C P, The initial but the long term response is proportional to the change. The ope,. loop system has been perturbed. by introducing a step change of reactivity. This method was chosen since it imposes an abrupt change of a critical variable and can be performed experimentally. A second method of perturbation, waich can also be performed experimentally, is a change of valve position. The result of simulation for the open loop bleed turbine response for a step change of valve setting is presented in Figure 160. Since the speed of response of the turbopump to a new valve position is far slower than the response of neutron density to changes of reactivity greater than the precursor yield fraction, the valve perturbation does not impose as severe a change. small initial transients. The response is much more smooth with very There is no deviation in overall response time. The same perturbation was simlated for the topping turbine system. In this case, a step change of the valve causes a step change in the pressure .* A change of reactivity follows imediately because of pressure-reactivity feedback. i1nitial method. Thus, the perturbation is similar to the No additional information is obtained. Analog sinlation of open loop has been performed using coefficients which were evaluated at the full power design point. If the coeffi- cients are evaluated for operation at the intermediate power level, the long term sim.lated result is slower, while the initial transient is practically the same. Variation of the coefficients has an identical effect. A comparison of the i-esponse at idle and fatll power is presented in Fig. 16D. *Explanatioz of this is postponed for the moment. -86C. Closed Loop Stability Although the open loop system is stable, introduction of feedback control of pressure and temperature (a closed loop system) can cause instability. The conditions under which this occurs are examined analyti- cally by application of Roufth's criteria and the root locus technique. Three controls have been proposed. Each control is (a) temperature integral control (TIC) (b) pressure integral control (PIC) (c) pressure proportional control (PPC) investigated separately in order to find the limits that must be imposed on the signal amplification in the event that all other controls are inoperative. If the gain of each controller is below the limit specified for idividual operation, elimination of other controls in the event of malftnetioning will not lead to instability. The alternative situation of relying on proper itntioning of one controller to prevent instability being caused by operation of a second controller is not as safe a situation and should be employed only if the first method is unsuccessfil in controlling the system. Since three controls are proposed, investigation of the combined control stability limitations is too complex for analytical techniques, but 1s investigated in later sections in which the analog computer is used. 1. Temperature Controller Limits An exact value of the temperature controller limits can be obtained analytically if the following approximations are made: (a) All neutrons are emitted promptly. Inclusion of delayed neutrons would not lower the limit and could raise it. (b) The pressure remains constant. Since the pressare time constant is large conrpared to the other time constants, the assumption-is -87reasonable, but pressure variation should be and is considered in a more sophisticated model. (c) There is no delay between desired control rod position and the actual position. (i.e. = x) With these assumptions the closed loop equations are n 0 - ' + 1/2 T 0 G 0 /2 1 0 0 0 1 -1 0 S perturbation T vector The controller e uation * ** where G 1 - G ' - rT0o has been linearized as described at the beginning of this section. The scaling constants, k kT, -- etc ., are set equal to one (1). Expansion of the determinent of the coefficient matrix yields * T'fT 5 + 1/ 2 j n2 + G1 / 2 of S + The roots of the above poly.omial all lie in the left half plane if the Routh criteria are satisfied: (a) All coefficients have the same sign, (b) No coefficient is zero, (c) The following grouping of the coefficients is positive. 1/2 ' '~ 1/2 G, n T > 0 (4-43) -1 -88The above conditions are sufficient to determine the range of values of G 1 for which the closed loop system will be stable. *T Evaluation of the constants at the idle condition yields: < 0 G* < 20 4-4) The results of analog simulation in later sections indicates that Gj* should be of the order of 1.0. Evidently, the rocket temperature controller is well below the instability limit. Proportional control (TPC) manner: * can be incorporated in the following t rG ( 61v + (9 G After application of the LaPlace transformation to a linear approximation of the above equation, we obtain * * G* 40G T C1s 0 9 where T - T (4-49) e % - (T * -1) dt If both TIC and TPC are incorporated, the stability limits for Gj* are increased in proportion to the value of'G #I < G *C T + * G450) 4 1/2 - The above technique can be applied to show that the only stability restriction of G * is that it must be positive. 4 .' The assumption of constant -89pressure is not needed for this proof since the pressure equation is included in the matrix. The use of TPC to prevent instability caused by the following range of values of G1 * violates the ide of safety previously mentioned. T T Furthermore, control rod inertia prents the rapid response needed for effective TPC. Its use is discusse4 only to point out its stabilizing influence, although it is unlikely that unstable values of G1 * will be needed for effective control. The limit on solitary operation of G,* is based on the assumption that pressure remains constant. In order to investigate the effect# the open loop pressure equation is included in the transfer function matrix, and the technique is repeated. S0 O -/ -0/ 0 O (4-9 0 ub Perbuiba -7 0 -|T o O Cot 0 0 0 The determinant is expanded and Routh's criteria applied. are the same if << 1, and is equal to 0.004. of > of, . The limit of G% At the idle condition There is no reason to expect that the ratio would ever approach an order of magnitude of unity. Therefore, we conclude that the pressure response is too slev to effect the temperature controller limit. -90The inclusion of delayed neutrons increases the upper limit of G-, In order to demonstrate this, the pressure is assumed constant and the precursor concentration equation is included in the matrix. The dominant term in the limiting equation for the temperature controller is This assumes that (a) 0.05 (b) ' ( 0.05 d 10see l (c) The above restrictions are far from severe, and will probably be satisfied for any nuclear rocket engine of the type discussed in Sections I and II. Inclusion of pressure variation does not change the stability limit if the < restriction of 1 Thus, a more accurate estimate is observed. P of the temperature controller limit is numerically It 0 < 0 < < < Gj* C (4-53) 1000 may be concluded that the gain necessary for temperature feedback control should be far less than that which would cause instability. The root locus for variation of G, between zero and positive infinity is presented in Figure 17. The coefficients are evaluated for intermediate power operation. Instability occurs at Gi - 1650. Thus, the algebraic limit is conservative 2. Pressure Controller Limits Application of the same technique as described above is sufficient to show that the system remains stable for any positive value of the proportional controller for either the bleed turbine or topping turbine 7y G* = 1650 x for G*= 1, no variation from can be seen +20 i --10.4 i 10i -10.21 pole / / -00 -00 -50 -40 -30 -20 \ -10 -0.2i -101 -20i FIG. 17 ROOT LOCUS AS A FUNCTION OF TEMPERATURE no variation from pole seen for G1= 1.0 CONTROLLER, -0.4 G* -92system (control valve in front of the turbine). lag are neglected. analyzed. Delayed neutrons and valve Consequently, the system is third order and is easily The coefficient matrix for the bleed turbine system is shown below: 0 o -/ 7 /Z perturb- L 0 4.54) ation vector 0 -I G, O0 C 0 ""7- The polynomial formed from the coefficient matrix satisfies the Routh criteria for any positive value of G3*, provided the open loop system is stable. (i.e.O(T > of p ) A similar matrix for the topping turbine system is o S -/ 0 7- o z. o oT / -/ -/ -(7,s/) 0s+ O = perturbation o o O 0 cl)vector Ga - 0 ~ (4-55) e~ /j Again, the system is stable for any positive value of G3*, provided the 3 open loop is stable . Root loci as functions of G 3* for the two systems are presented in Figures 18 and 19. Investigation of PIC is not as simple since the system becomes fourth order and instability is possible for certain values of the C) --1 201i -- 0.2 i no voriation from pole seen for G =0.25 --A0.1 i -101 root position for G*= 0.25 -00 -00 -40 -30 -20 sec FIG. 18 ROOT LOCUS -10 1 -0.2 c .x x..- -0.1 1 (BLEED CONTROLLER, G* TURBINE) -- 101 H -0.1 i -- i-20 i -1-0.21 AS A FUNCTION OF PRESSURE '0 c~) 20 i -- 10i -- 0.1i 0.2 i 7root position for G*=0.25 |I -30 | -20 -0.2 -10 root position for G*=0.25- -1-0.21 -20i FIG. 19 ROOT LOCUS (TOPPING PRESSURE TURBINE) CONTROLLER, -0.1 i AS A FUNCTION OF -95coefficients. Although the precursor equation is omitted in order to simplify the analysis, the application of Routh's criteria becomes too complex for useful algebraic manipulation. Furthermore, the equations formed by the application of the technique have many terms of comparable magnitude. It is not possible to neglect a majority of the terms as it was in finding the limit for TIC . If the delayed neutrons are neglected and the temperature is assumed constant, the system can be easily analyzed. is found that the It bleed turbine system is unstable for any value of G2 , while the topping turbine system has roots which lie of the imaginary axis. However, inclu- sion of this assumption oversimplifies the system. Evidently, it is not possible to obtain a convenient algebraic expression for the limits of G * (PIC). Numerical values can be obtained by a combination of the root locus technique and Routh's technique. Figure 20 is the root loci of Ga* for the bleed turbine; Figure 21 is for the topping turbine. The coefficients are evaluated at the idling condition. Instability occurs in the bleed turbine system for G2 * > 8.75 sec.~1 while the topping turbine system remains stable for any value of G2*The results of analog simlation, which are presented in Section VI, indicate that the gain on PIC will be limited to values less than 0.005 sec. . Since this value is three orders of magnitude less than the predicted limit, no problems are envisioned. However, it should be noticed that the topping system seems to be the more stable of the two proposed systems in regard to integral pressure control. A family of approximate root loci as a function of G3* for 33 in Figure 22 for the bleed turbine various values of Ga*/G3 * is presented system and in Figure 23 for the topping turbine system. It can be seen from Figure 22 that a sufficiently large PPC gain is capable of preventing bleed turbine instability which results from exceeding the individual PIC 0.21 201system becomes unstable at G = 8.75 -, IO01 - 0. 11 crossover occurs at ± 1.98 i -40 -30 -20 *0 -0.2 -10 se c-i root position' -10i for G -0.11 =.005 -0.2i 20i - FIG. 20 ROOT LOCUS (BLEED TURBINE) PRESSURE CONTROLLER, G* AS A FUNCTION OF x +0.4 i + 20 i H+ IOi -1 +0.21 '.0 -4 x -40 -30 -20 -10 H-1Oi (5 FIG. 21 ROOT LOCUS (TOPPING CONTROLLER, G* -- Root position for G* = 0.005 20i TURBINE ) AS A FUNCTION OF PRESSURE 98 x me x G /G*=0 same as G* only -00 .x . x -xOKa.2G* /G*3 =0.01 G*/t 2 3 =0.05 (pro bable design point ) -00 G*/G30.11 -00 G* G2 / G*= 3 =.0.2 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 Sec' FIG. 22 ROOT LOCUS (BLEED 1TURBINE) AS A FUNCTION OF G FOR VARIOUS VALUES OF G*/G* (Root loci near - 23 ± 20i are similar to Fig.17) 99 G /G C 4 =0.01 G*2 /G*3 = 0.05 (pro boble design point) x G* /G'*= 0.11 G* /G *= 0.15 * G* -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 / /G3 0. 20 -0.1 Sec. ~ FIG.23 ROOT LOCUS FUNCTION OF G* /G* (TOPPI NG TURBINE) OF G5 FOR AS A VARIOUS VALUES (Root loci near -23 ± 20 i are similar to Fig.18) -100stability limit. which it is It is, of course, stable for zero PPC. safer to operate the PIC at a level at In these root loci the coefficients are evaluated at the idling condition, but no significant change occurs for full power operation or for operation between the two levels. D. Closed Loop Response Closed loop response is best studied by analog simulation. results are presented in Sections V, VI, and VII. However, remarks can be made from consideration of the root loci. The some preliminary Furthermore, analytic considerations show that the topping turbine system with valve behind the turbine can be disregarded from a dynamic point of view in comparison to the same system with valve in front of the turbine. 1. Comparison of Root Location for Open and Closed Loops The root loci presented in Figures 17 through 23 depict the path described by the roots as the controller gains are increased from zero to positive infinity. For zero gain the roots of the closed loop system are the same as those of the open loop, with exception to the pole introduced at the origin by the integral controllers. This is a mathematical point with no physical significance for the gain equal to zero. The pole at the origin serves only to indicate a starting position for an infinitesimal integral controller gain. If the controller gains are small, the deviation from the roots of the open loop is not significant. The results of analog simulation indicate that suitable transient response can be achieved with small values of the controller gains. root location of the closed loop deviates little loop. Consequently, the from that of the open The new position of the roots which result from closing the open loop is presented in each of the root loci of Figures 17 through 23. - It 101%- then can be expected that the closed loop response will present many of the characteristics already noted for the open loop. (a) The rocket should reach desired new steady states of operation in a period of time of the order of ten seconds. (b) Short term oscillations will be present, but should damp out quickly and not effect the long term response. (c) Variation of the values of the system coefficients should not signifi- cantly effect the response. Exceptions to this are the pressure time con- stant which should be directly proportional to the time necessary to reach a new point of operation. A second exception is the thermal time constant. T should increase the initial oscillations, but should Reductions of not have much effect on the long term response. Analytic predictions which are based on a linear model cannot be carried too far, and analog simulation is necessary to thoroughly investigate the transient response. 2. Comparison of Pressure-Valve Response of the Suggested Turbopump Drives The pressure equations of the suggested turbopump drives are presented below. Bleed turbine 7'dP ** * (P) (4-56) Topping turbine (Case I, valve in front of the turbine) P dt 2 * VV (4-57) -102- Topping turbine (Case II, valve behind the turbine) P *(V S(P) )2 (4-58) (P V The differentiation, indicated in equations (4-57) and (4-58), and the resulting equations are multiplied by V*. is performed These operations yield: Topping turbine, Case I dP2 p M P dtG V e *+ p - * V (4-59) dV* d d Topping turbine, Case II p 7 P* -t *(V)* 3 P * )2 (P ) * (V )? * + 9 * ''p p -- V * dV* d dt (4-60) Equations (4-56) and (4-59) are the same with exception to the extra term in the topping turbine equation which is proportional to the time rate of change of the valve position. Consequently, the pressure of the topping turbine system rises more quickly than the bleed turbine system pressure as the valve is being opened and decreases more quickly as the valve is being closed. This indicates that a more rapid response to changes in desired system pressure may be obtained with the topping turbine system. The same term occurs in the second topping turbine equation, but the term which is proportional to the output power to the turbine ( P* (V*) 3 * ) is a stronger function of valve position than either of the first two turbopump drives. compare the two systems. Consequently, it is difficult to -103If temperature is held constant in equations (4-56), (4-57), and (4-58), pressure and valve position are the only dependent variables. There- fore, the pressure response of the three suggested turbopump drives can be is assigned its steady state value If T compared for a given valve change. of one, the following eguations result: Bleed turbine 7- d * P V (P*) 2(4.-61) Topping turbine, Case I ** P* 'fp 262 (4-62) W P ( V VV Topping turbine, Case II pP d * P ((-63) *2 * *(V*) V V Although these equations are non-linear they can be solved exactly for a step change in valve position. Only the results are presented; the actual manipulation is demonstrated in Appendix VIII. Bleed turbine * P (t (-4 ** (V * -1) e V t/ - /rp + 1 Topping turbine, Case I p* (t) - v* (t) 1'4-65,) Topping turbine, Case II * 3 Pf()) 1+ r(I * ) 2 -(V = 3. t/-7 (N--66) Solutions obtained by solving a linear approximation of equations (4-61), (4-62), re presented below: and (4-63) Bleed turbine , v( ) (A-67) P Topping turbine, Case I P (4-68) (t) = v, (t) Topping turbine, Case II (4-69) ( 3-2 A V P (t where P = P- V = V* - 1 The linear and non-linear pressure-valve response of the three turbopump drives are graphically presented in Figure 24. The step change in valve position has been adjusted in each case to give the same value of P*( C). ) The bleed turbine response is closely approximated by a first order lag. The time required to reach a new steady state is proportional to the pressure time constant . excellent. The response of the topping turbine (Case I) is The only delays involved are associated with acoustic propaga- tion and charging times which are very small as mentioned earlier. response of the topping turbine (Case II) of the first two turbopump drives. The is a combination of the response The step change of valve position 105 2.0 .8 1.6 0. 1.4- 1.2 10 O. W 0.4 1.2 0.8 1.6 2.0 2.0 1.8 L TOPPING (CASE * 1.61 L I) v*= 2 *~* 1.4 TURBINE 2 pressure I- step perfectly in both linear and non-linear models 1.2 1.0 0 follows valve 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.0 1.8 *L 1.6 1.4 - 1.2 1.0 0 t /Tp FIG. 24 PRESSURE- VALVE R ESPONSE -106causes a corresponding step change of system pressure, but it also changes the pressure ratio across the turbine and therefore increases the turbine power. The increased turbine power output slowly increases the pump speed and thereby the pump output pressure. first order lag response. This secondary rise is similar to a Since an exact response is preferred to a first order lag or even an exact plus first order lag, the pressure-valve response of the topping turbine with valve in front of the turbine (Case I) is superior. For this reason only the first topping turbine system is fulUy analyzed. Since the bleed turbine has been the more common of the two turbopump drives in current rocket engines, it is also considered fully although its response is not as suitable from a dynamic point of view. -107Section V: A. NUCIEAR ROCKET ENGINE STARTUP Proposed Met-.hod In this phase of rocket operation, the neutron flux .ist be raised to a power level sufficiLent to maintain a self-sustaining turbopump system. An explosion cartridge Is employed to drive the rocket turbine or an auxiliary turbine whic h in turn drives the rocket pump. gaining speed, the core is core but is subcritical. recycled. through the pump. 200 psi had been achieved. in Hydrogen is While the pump is. not introduced to the When a pressure of the order of the recycling system, a valve (not the control valve) between the pump and core is opened topemit pressurized hydrogen to enter the core and to cause supercriticality. Negative reactivity-temperature feedback will bring the core to a new just-critical state at some higher temperature. The control rods and control valve are maintained in a constant position determined by the desired pressure and temperature of the intermediate power level. By positioning the rods and valve for full power operation, it might be possible to proceed directly to fall power rather than the suggested intermediate power level. However, the use of feedback control for the transition from intermediate to full power is safer and does not require as great precision in the knowledge of the system coefficients. Once the idling ccndition has been attained, the explosion cartkidge is no longer needed to drive the turbopump since heated, pressurized hydrogen from the core is available. Thus, the turbopump would be self-sustaining and the rocket engine readay to proceed to full power as quickly as can be safely and efficiently achieved. Introduction of hydrogen in this manner can cause prompt criticality. In order that only a small amount of the propellant is consumed during startup, it is necessary for the system to be able to with- stand a sudden increase in the hydrogen and the ensuing burst of power. The purpose of analog simulation is to learn how fast the core pressure -108can be increased without harmful thermal effects produced by the sudden power burst. If propellant is the hydrogen is provided by an outside source, no longer a problem. wastage of The engine can be brought to the inter- mediate power level more slowly and without dangerous thermal effects, but problems of switching from the auxiliary source of hydrogen to the rocket tank hydrogen as well as handling of an auxiliary source are introduced. In ei t her case, a knowledge of the tiortest pdssible time brought safely to idling is B. for'the engine to be important. Proposed Model The previously derived equations and methods of simulation are suitable for startup with only minor modifications. is (a) The pressure equation not necessary since the core pressure depends only on the position of the valve between the pump and core. (b) The time dependent pressure appears in the temperature and reactivity equations is analog by an electronic function generator. which simulated on the (See Figure 14 ) (c) During the initial instant following the introduction of hydrogen to the core, the coolant inlet temperature -mynot be negligible in comparison to the outlet temperature as assumed in the derivation of the temperature equation. However, no modification of the temperature equation is made. Before startup, the. core will be at am ambient temperature which is a factor of five greater than the entering hydrogen temperature. Within milliseconds after the hydrogen enters the core, the coolant outlet temperature rises rapidly. The brief instant, during which the hydrogen lowers the core temperature, is too small to have a significant effect. If the control mechanisms are set for an idling temperature of 1000*R and the core hydrogen pressure is stepped from zero to 300 psi, a reactivity increase occurs of the order of 10% for values of the reactivity coefficients listed in,. Table 3. If the reactor were just critical for zero -109a huge burst of neutron flux would ensue. pressure, possible by increasing the pressure linearly in (a ramp in pressure). A less sudden change is time from zero to 300 psi Both cases are investigated by means of the analog computer. C. Re sult s o f Analog Simulation In order to simulate as severe a test of startup characteristics as might be possible, the reactivity was assumed to be zero rather than The results of simulation are negative with no hydrogen in the core. A step change in pressure greater than zero presented in Figures P5 and 26 . to 48 psi caused saturation in the neutron density amplifier. The change in pressure of 48 psi is limiting only for the analog and not necessarily for the rocket. As can be seen from the graph, a spike in power density occurs causing a step change of temperature. limiting factor is No overshoots can be noticed. The the thermal shock caused by the sudden temperature Prediction of thermal stress or thermal shock limitations is not increase. included in this thesis. Three ramp inputs were simulated. In each case the final pressure was 300 psi; only the time needed to reach that value was varied. results are also presented in Figures 25 and )6 shoots in temperature occur. . These Again, no serious over- As expected, the oscillations in neutron density and temperature become more severe as the steepness of the ramp is increased. These results are encouraging. Fast startup using the proposed method should be satisfactory. The limiting factor of transient thermal stress and thermal shock will need extensive analytical and experimental work. n/no psi 500 300 400 240 300 180 200 120 100 60 0 0 1.0 sec 2.0 0 3.0 n/no sec psi 1001 300 psi 300 240 240 180 180 120 120 60 60 0 0 1.0 sec 2.0 3.0 0 1.0 sec FIG. 25 POWER DENSITY AND PRESSURE DURING STARTUP 2.0 3.0 0 01 psi 1300 0 1.0 0 1.0 sec 2.0 3.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0 L.O sec 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 3000 2000 1000 0 sec FIG. 26 TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE DURING sec STARTUP A -112- Section VI: TRANSITION TO FULL POWER Once the idling condition has been achieved, the engine should be brought to full power operation as rapidly as possible. Less than maximum thrust operation reduces the burnout velocity since the propellant mst be carried to a higher altitude before being fully utilized. Variation from maximm thrust can be advantageous if the effects of atmospheric drag and dissociation of the propellent molecule are significant, but the effects are of secondary importance. Since the burnout velocity also depends on the specific impulse of the propellant, efficient engine operation demands that the specific impulse attain its maxim= value as quickly as possible. These demands on rocket performance are translated to engine performance by requiring rapid achievement of maximum pressure and temperature. (17) The desired pressure can be rapidly attained if the valve and turbine are designed to have a maximum power output higher than the output needed for the designed point of operation. In this case the turbine output is below its maximm for a majority of its operation time. A compromise between the longer time needed for attainment of maximum pressure versus a heavier turbine m,st be made if the engine is to operate at an optimum point. In simlating the transition to full power, the corresponding problem is to decide upon a value for the ratio of the maximum valve setting to the full * power setting ( V m full power ). A value to 1 33 is reasonable. There is no extenal restriction on the speed at which the valve can be moved since a first order lag has been postulated between the desired and actual valve setting. If the control rods have sufficient worth and can be moved at any speed, full power temperature can be attained as rapidly as desired, but rod worth and maneuverability are limited by practical considerations. Values of control rod worth greater than 15% will be difficult to attain, while control rod velocity will be limited to speeds less than 0.6%/sec. -113Pressure and temperature overshoot mst be limited to 5% since the rocket will be designed to operate close to the maximm pressure and temperature that the engine can withstand. It will be shown that this consideration imposes limitations on the speed of transition to full power. Further restrictions, which are based on materials consideration, are not included in the thesis. Investigation of the transition to full power is performed in a manner similar to the simwlation of the open loop response. The values of the various controller gains are adjusted to attain as rapid a response as the system coefficients are varied in order to investigate the sensitivity of the system to each of the coefficients. Finally, an oversized turbine is assumed and a more rapid pressure response is simlated. A. Limits of Feedback Signal Amplification The system pressure and temperature for idling and full power operation are given below. A range of practical values could be employed for the idling condition, but the results are similar. (a) Idling condition: T = 1000*R, (b) T m 5000*R, Full power operation: = 275 psi P e 1500 psi The limitation of rod velocity places a limit on the temperature controller gain, G*, of 0.876 sec~1 for the temperatures listed above. This can be seen by examining the initial control rod velocity as given by the temperature control equation of (3-55). proportional controller gain, G3 , mt Similarly, the value of the be less than 0.365 if the restriction on maximum valve setting is to be upheld during the initial valve change. Pressure integral control is incorporated to insure zero steady state error. The primary means of pressure control is left to the proportional controller. An example of this is the creation of transient thermal stresses greater than the graphite core can withstand. -114Consequently, the value of G2 * is small and is adjusted to insure that the limitation of value setting is not acceded. B. Results of Simulation Figure 27 is a graphical presentation of the temperature, pressure, control rod position, and valve setting simulated for full power transition. The system coefficients were assigned the calculated values that appear in Table 3. If the temperature controller gain, G ,we assigned its aximum permissible value, the ensuing overshoot in pressure and temperature Vas too severe. A value of .464 se .- , 53% of the maximum, reduced the overshoot to the acceptable value presented in Figure 27. A value of G3 * equal to 0.07, which is 20% of the maxinum, reduced the overshoot in pressure to an acceptable value without violating the restriction on maximum valve position. In order to eliminate steady state error between the desired full power pressure and the actual pressure, G2 * was assigned a value of 0.002 sec.-l As mentioned before, p::oportional feedback is designed to be the primary means of control. A period of 17 seconds was required for transition to full power. The maximum control rod velocity was 0.4%/sec. which is within the acceptable limit. The required. valve motion presents no difficulties. A deviation between the response of the two turbopump systems can be noted and will be explained in a later part of this section. C. Results of Coefficient Variation for Full Power Transition Closed loop transition to full power exhibits the same insensi- tivity to coefficient variation as the open loop response. The following coefficients were varied: ( Only the pressure time constant, transition. The time require , had any significant effect on the varied proportionatelfwith the va3:ue of the B CONTROL ROD POSITION G* =0.464 sec-' .032 _ A TEMPERATUR 5000 4000 - ti.024 3000 t 2000 - cuvsapa dentrcurves identical >.01 6- two turbine t identical appeara .008 1000 0 1500 -- 10 sec 20 0 30 C PRESSURE 1200 topping turbine bleed turbine 900 3Vo 600 2Vo - 300- Vo 30 20 10 sec D EFFECTIVE VALVE POSITION G*=0.002 sec~ G 0.07 3- two turbine appear 0 0 FIG. 27 10 sec NORMAL 20 30 TRANSITION 0 TO FULL POWER 10 sec 20 30 -116-~ If the restriction on maximum valve position is pressure time constant . eggal to 3 upheld the time required is A+ 10%, '1, is computed for where Evidently, rapid and efficient transition to fll the idling condition. power depends heavily on reducing the inertial lag of the turbopump. A change of the value of the precursor yield fraction is compen- sated by a proportional change in the value of G1 * which is scaled in relation to Since the value of Gi* is well below the limit predicted in Section IVr, (G* ), reasonable reduction of / any stability limitation on Gl*. = .006 5, does not impose No visible deviation occurs for .0050, and 0.0020. If the neutron lifetime, , is increased, the initial oscilla- tions are not as well damped., as expected from previous root locus considerations. Change of 4 response. by an order of magnitude does not effect the overall Even in the case of increased lifetime, the initial transients cannot be seen after a period of 0.5 seconds. The effect on the initial temperature response is negligible. Increase or decrease of the reactivity coefficients, cYe and C<', change the amount of reactivity that must be provided by control mechanisms. However, the effect is small and easily compensated by change of the temperature controller gain. The insensitivity of the system to change in the thermal time constant has been demonst:ated previously. simulated for changes of occurs for decreased /7 I The transition to full power was by a factor of four. Some initial oscillation , but the effect is small. The system is remarkably insensitive to variation of the thermal time constant. The time lags associated with control rod and valve positioning, J and J. are too small to have much effect on system response. Variation of these coefficients produced no significant change. -117D. Transition to Full Power Using an Oversized Turbine If the allowable maximum value of is V*max V*fall power increased to three, the transition can be accomplished in a shorter time than shown in This corresponds to using a much larger turbine which operates Figure 7. at capacity for only a few seconds . The results of simulation are presented graphically in Figure 28 for both turbopump systems. By increasing the limit on maximum valve setting to 3, the time required for transition was decreased from 15 to 10 seconds. E. A Comparison of Transition for the Two Turbopump Systems It has been shown in Section IV that the only difference in the equations that describe the two systems occurs in the time dependent pressure The topping turbine equation has an extra term which is propor- equation. tional to P* d.V* . Consequently, deviation of the two responses occurs when the valve velocity term is non-zero. The effect is easily seen in the pressure and valve sirmlation of rapid transition to full power presented in Figures 2tCand F9. The topping turbine pressure increases more rapidly than the bleed tu'.rbine pressure as the valve is being opened and increases less rapidly as the valve area is being reduced to its designed point of operation. However, the deviation is small and contributes little to judging which system h.s the better dynamic performance for feedback controlled transition. 50 400 c300 0 4- Q) cr 2 I 1 500 900 bleed 0 10 sec 20 30 20 30 turbine ng turbine - 3Vo 600 2V o 300 Vo 0 10 I | PRESSURE 1200 (0 D. 0 0 10 sec 20 30 FIG. 28 RAPID TRANSITION TO FULL POWER sec -119Section VII: A. FULL POWER CONTROL Response at Full Power Once full power has been attained, small corrections of pressure and temperature are necessary in order to achieve the proper trajectory or to follow a given thrust-specific impulse program. An example of the latter is given in subsection C of this section. During transition to full power, the deviation between the desired temperature at the full power level and the actual temperature at the intermediate power level is much greater than the deviation between desired and actual temperature encountered at full power operation. Consequently, the value of G," has to be lower during transition than at full power in order that the desired rate of change of control rod position does not exceed practical limits. (i.e. 0.6% per second). * and G2 A similar situation exists with the value of G 32 deviation between actual pressure and desired pressure is power. The small at full The gain of the FPC can be increased without attempting to exceed the maximum possible valve position. The same reasoning applies to the gain of PIC. Increase of the controller gains speeds the response. Analog simulation showed that the response to a step change of desired pressure (So psi) or temperature (100 0 R) can be decreased from 15 seconds to 5 seconds by a corresponding increase of Gi", G2 , and G3 * from the values used for transition. For the increases cited above, any attempt to reduce the response time beyond five seconds resulted in unacceptable overshoots of either pressure or temperature. The trend is intuitive. The smaller the desired change, the faster can be the response if the controller gains are increased. However, corrections which are faster than five seconds probably do not justify large in-flight increase of controller gains. 120= Also, stability limits exist for some of the controllers. It is difficult to imagine a more rapid response being required for the thrust and specific impulse of the primary rocket engine. A feasible method of control operation would be to keep the controller gains for full power operation at the same level used for transition. An improvement over this plan would be to increase the value of the gains at full power, but the increase should be less than a factor of five . Increase beyond this point would introduce the possibility of dangerous overshoots and would not greatly improve the ability of the engine to maintain the desired thrust and specific impulse. B. Full Power Control with Constant Control Rod Position Examination of the pressure equation of either turbopump system indicates that the ratio of core pressure to core temperature at steady state is a function only of the valve setting, V*. P* (steady state) a (7-1) T* (steady state) t It was shown in Section III that steady state operation of the engine occurs at the intersection in the temperature-pressure plane of the line of zero rate of change of pressure with the line of zero reactivity. If the control rods are hel in a constant position only one line is needed to describe the dependence of zero reactivity on pressure and temperature. The point of steady state operation can be moved along the zero reactivity line by varying the value of V*, and thus changing the ratio of steady state pressure and temperature, (See Figure 29A)- Thus, both the pressure and temperature of the system can be varied by adjustment of only the control valve. However, this method of control does not allow an indepen- dent choice of both pressure and temperature. It is questionable whether the ease of control justifies the inefficiency of operation which must 121 * * 3 V4 tines of zero zero * = reactivity points of steadystate operation increasing values of V* P A. PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE NOT NE INDEPENDENT V* 4 increasing values of P*C; p** ,..Pc li o* e lines of zero p* lines of zero increasing values of V* B. PRESSURE FIG. 29 AND FULL TEMPERATURE INDEPENDENT POWER CONTROL result. The guestion can only be answered after the following information has been obtained:. (a) precise knowledge of the dependence of reactivity on pressure and temperature at fall power operation. (b) a knowledge of the variation of engine thrust and specific impulse that will be required The above information is beyond the scope of during full power operation. the thesis, but it is doubtful that valve adjustment itself will be suffiThe independent control of pressure and cient for effective control, temperature obtained by combined valve and control rod adjustment seems to be more satisfactory. C. (See Figure 29B.) An Optimum Tht Frogram for Nuclear Rockets C . J. Wang(26) has shown that operation at maximum thrust is not necessarily the optimum method of thrust programming. hydrogen molecule increass Dissociation of the as the pressure of the hydrogen is reduced. Therefore, a decrease of system pressure at constant temperature causes an increase of specific impulse with a consequent decrease of flow rate. The increase of specific impulse increases the efficiency of the engine, but reduction of flow rate decreases the efficiency since the propellant must be carried to a higher altitude. Evidently, an optimum variation of thrust exists which will yield a maximu burnout velocity. Wang develops a simple relation between specific impulse and flow rate, in which dissociation is considered as a function of pressure as well as temperature. By substituting this expression into the differential equation obtained by application of the variational principle to the rocket velocity eguation, he concludes that the specific impulse should be increased linearly in time . This is accomplished by holding temperature constant and reducing the pressure in accordance with the conditions mentioned above. This thrust-specific impulse program is slowly varying and the proposed control system should have no difficulty following it. -123- The model which has been proposed for simulation of nuclear rocket dynamics is be suggested. D. suitable to study the above program and others that may However, such studies are not included in the thesis. Possible Malfunctions at Full Power A study of all possible malfunctions of a nuclear rocket engine is not included. A few of the major problems are considered and predictions made as to their seriousness. Erosion of the graphite at the coolant channel wall increases the coolant void with resultant increase of hydrogen in the core for a given pressure and temperature. If the core is undermoderated, which will be the case in a nuclear rocket engine, the additional hydrogen causes an increase in the value of and a decrease of $c/ . A sign change of o< c is not possible. It has been shown that these changes will not cause instability and that significant changes of the reactivity and reactivity coefficients can be controlled without dangerous pressure and temperature transients. If a coolant chamel becomes stopped., the graphite around the channel is no longer cooled. weakening of the material. Its temperature increases with resultant Under these conditions, it would be possible for large pieces of the graphite to be ejected from the core, this would cause significant damage to the reactor, it sarily catastrophic. and large erosion. Although, would not be neces- The ejection would be felt by the system as a sudden Stoppage in the channel is more serious than erosion, but if the core is not severely damaged., the system would still be stable, and the engine could continue to operate at a less efficient level. Control failure should not be disastrous if set below the point of instability, each controller is Hopefully, the controller which malfunctions can be removed, and the rocket engine should continue to operate at a high power level although one of its control mechanisms is inoperative. Certainly, malfunctions exist that are catastrophic. failure would stop the flow of coolant to the core. Pump Even if the reactor were scrammed immediately, the core would vaporize as a result of delayed neutron induced fission. The proposed control system should be capable of controlling the engine accurately for normal operation and satisfactorily under adverse conditions. -125Section VIII: SUARY AND CONClUSIONS The attempt has been nade throughout the investigation to obtain a general understanding of nuclear rocket engine dynamics. Although the equations that have been derived to describe the dynamics are not elaborate, they incorporate the important features of each co onent and enable one to retain a physically intuitive understanding of the coefficients and perameters. Analytical solution of linear approximations to these equations has yielded (a) general criteria concerning the stability of the controlled and uncontrolled engine, engine, and (b) predictions concerning the response of the (a) iiications of the sensitivity or insensitivity of the engine response to varitions of the major coefficients. In order to solve the non-linear equations, recourse has been mde to analog computer simulation, but again the imporbant conclusions have not been obscured by overelaborate analysis. A. Stability The criteria for stability of the uncontrolled (open loop) engine can be stated concisely if one accepts the following conclusion based on the open loop pressure equations of each of the proposed turbopump systems: In open loop operation the ratio of core temperature to pressure at states of zero time rate of change of pressure is equal to the same ratio at steady state. equations. This conclusion is easily seen by investigation of the The generality of the conclusion is a result of reduction of the pressure equation for each turbopump system to a form that differs only in closed loop characteristics. criteria are the following: With this restriction, the open loop The open loop system is stable if (a) the rate of change of reactivity with temperature for constant hydrogen density is negative, and (b) The rate of change of reactivity with hydrogen density -126for constant core temperature is positive. than necessary. The latter is more restrictive Euation (4-23) gives A negative value can be tolerated. this value exactly. However, any conceivable nuclear rocket which is similar in nature to the one proposed would satisfy condition (b) above. In practice, therefore, the stability of the open loop rests only on condition (a). If conditions (a) and (b) are both satisfied, a quantity A is defined which measures the margin of stability of the system. 1V) 4 > For A << (See Section 1, the system is on the verge of instability, while for 1, the system is very stable . tions show that full power Owr operation of the proposed design for the rocket will yield a va3ne of that is intermediate between these two extremes. Linear approximations of general equations of temperature, pressure, and reactivity were used to formulate the above criteria. The only restrictions to the equations are noted in Section IV and are consistent with physical intuition. The criteria for open loop stability cannot be stated as concisely if the conclusion based on the pressure equation does not apply. A quantity R mast be defined which is the slope of a line connecting states of zero For R > 1, the time rate of change of pressure in the T*,P* plane. previous criterion for stability is too restrictive. ture-reactivity feedback can be tolerated. For R criterion for stability is not restrictive enough. < Some positive tempera1, the previous Small values of negative temperature-reactivity feedback will not be sufficient to prevent instability. A mathematical formulation of the criterion is presented in equation (4-36). In a qualitative sense, the steeper the slope of the turbopump line the more stable the- system and conversely, the less steep the turbopump line, the greater the possibility of instability. -127The criteria for stability of the controlled (closed loop) engine are more complex. The assumtion is made that the open loop system is stable since the engine can be designed to met the open loop criteria. A controlled, but unstable, open loop, is too dangerous to be considered feasible. The control system which has been proposed relies on integral and proportional feedback control of pressure and temperature. It has been shown that control of these parameters is synonymous with control on rocket thrust and specific iamlse. Proportional control of either of the parameters for either of However, solitary the turbopyap systems proposed causes no instability. operation of proportional control introduces steady state error and, in the case of teqperature control, requires faster control rod response than is physically possible. For this reason, proportional feedback control of temperature has been rejected although it increases the range of stability of the temperature integral controller. For for o G* o < GL* < ( the system is always stable; , the system in stable for values of the coefficients in the same range as those calculated. G0* The suggested operational value of is a factor of 20 below the calculated value of 1000 below the calculated value of - . - and a factor of Consequently, no difficulty is expected and the stabilising influence of temperature proportional control will not be necesary. The stability limits on the pressure integral controller were based on root loeus techniques. statemnt. It was impossible to form a simple algebraic No stability limit exists for the pressure integral controller of the topping tutrine system, provided the coefficients are in the same range as mentioned above. The stable rage for G * in the bleed turbine system is a factor of 100 greater than the suggested operational value. Since the inertia connected with movement of the control valve is small, means of pressure control is the more stable proportional the primar control. error. Integral control is incorporated only to remove steady state For this reason, only small values of G2 * are required. The amplification limits of the above paragraphs were by assumng that only the one controller was operating. a a If the gains are below the limits mentioned, combinations of the controllers cause no instability. If the controlled system is designed to operate in this manner there will be no reliance on one controller to maintain an instability introdnced by single operation of a second controller. The inherent safety in this procedure is obvious. B. Uncontrolled Response - Analytic investigation of linear approximations to the dynamic equations of open loop operation in the complex s-plane indicated that the doinnt root of the open loop transfer finetion lay close to the origin on the real negative axis. Although a one-to-one correspondence between the frequency and time domains is not possible, ve can conclnde that the asymptotic response of the system will be slow since the dominant root has a small absolute value. A period of time of the order of ten to fifty seconds was predicted by Investigation of the actual value of the root. This prediction was verified by analog silation. The open loop system required approximtely fifteen seconds to reach a new steady state following a step chag in reactivity. The step change of reactivity was sufficient to bring the to prompt criticality. Conseuently, a slow response was unexpected. reactor The sluggishness of the entire system finds its origin in the comparatively large time constant of the pressure equation. Since reactivity is dependent on pressure, the slow response of the entire system is related to the slow response of pressure. -129One wouA expect dangerous short term transients in the response to large changes of reactivity. Investigation of the roots of the transfer function indicated that high frequency roots exist, but they are sufficiently damped so as not to be dangerous. A physical basis for the system's ability to safely withstand large changes of reactivity has been given. the initial temperature response is In brief, faster than the initial pressure response since temperature depends directly on power density (neutron density) while pressure depeals only indirectly on power density through temperature. (a) Hydrogen density-reactivity feedback contributes in two ways, positive pressure-reactivity feedback and (b) negative temperature- reactivity feedback. Since the temperature initially responds faster, the supposedly unstabilising influence of hydrogen density-feedback is a significant factor in stabilising dangerous short term transients. Each of the major coefficients of the system were varied over a considerable range. It was found by means of slaLtion that the system was remarkably insensitive to these variations with three exceptions. (a) The initial oscillations increase for increased neutron lifetime. frequency becomes slower. The (b) Reduction of the thermal time constant (thermal inertia) increases the short term oscillations and slightly increases the overall response time. (c) The overall response time is directly proportional to the pressure time constant, while the initial transient is =neffected by its variation. The basis for the sensitivity or insnsitivity is predicted by consideration of root locus plots as fnctions of the coefficients and is explained from physical considerations in Section IV. It is apparent that the nuclear rocket should be designed with as small mechanical inertia of the turbopmp as possible and that decrease of the thermal inertia does not improve the dynamic response. From a dynamic -130- point of view, the thermal inertia should be considerably increased from that calclted for the proposed design. However, increase of the thermal inertia will reduce the efficiency of the engine. The thermal inertia is directly proportional to the heat capacity of the graphite-uranium matrix and inversely proportional to the heat transfer coefficient betveen the coolant chanel and the fluid. Consequently, increase of the thermal inertia increases the tengeratre &op from the maximu core temerature to the coolant teperatVure Since a limiting factor of engine operation is the marbmm core tengeratre, an increase of the therml inertia must deeese the coolant exit temperature and thereby the engine efficieney. C. Controlled Respoase Analog simulation of transition from a low pover level which is capable of maintaining a self-sustaining turbopump to fall power by =*no of proportional and integral feedback of pressure and temerature indicated that the gain of the various controllers should be small in order to avoid dangerous overshoots and to meet practical restrictions on maximum control rod velocity and maxium valve area. If the gains axe small, the deviation of the location of the roots in the s-plane from the open loop location is small. Consequently, the transition response should and did present similaities to that of the open loop response. attaiment of tll The overall time needed for pow",r as approximtely fifteen seconds. oscillations were quickly damped and were not dangerous. Short term The sensitivity * Integral control introduces a root at the origin for zero gain. This root moves to the left as the gain is increased. Since it is the dominant root of the system, the gain of the integral controllers Rust be sufficient to yield the desired asymptotic response. The small values used in simulation did not increase the amount of time needed for overall response from that of the open loop. However, reduction of the integral controller gains below the values used in similation could significantly retard the overall response time. -131of the response to variation of the major coefficients was the same. Relaxation of the restriction on the maximum valve position enabled a faster response, as expected. At full power, the gain of the controllers can be increased without causing dangerous overshoot or violating practical restrictions on the control mechanisms since only vernier control of pressure and temperature is required. Response time for changes in temperature of 100*R and pressure of 50 psi can be increased by a factor of three without dangerous overshoot by increasing the controller gains. A thrust-specific impulse program has been suggested. The proposed control system seems to be capable of meeting the control requirements of this program and any others that may conceivably be suggested. Although ful power control by valve manipulation is possible, it has been pointed out that a consequent loss of efficiency must result and that the feasibility of this method of control depends on the actual variation of reactivity with temperature and pressure at full power as well as the magnitude of vernier control needed. D. Startup A method of startup has been proposed that utilizes an auxiliary power source to start the rocket pump. After sufficient hydrogen pressure has been attained in a recycling system, the propellant is admitted to the core and causes positive reactivity in the reactor. The control mechanisms are set for an intermediate power level that is capable of sustaining turbopmp operation by itself. was successful. Simulation of this method on an analog computer Although large amounts of reactivity are introduced in a short amount of time by this procedure, the transient behavior is satisfactory from a dynamic point of view. The limiting situation seems to be -132the ability of the core to withstand large transient thermal stress and thermal shock. Attainment of the intermediate pover level within a second by this method does not seem impossible provided the core can withstand the thermal effects. E. A Comparison of the Dynamics of the Proposed Turbopump Configurations The system pressure developed by the first topping turbine system* responded exactly to changes in valve position for constant temperature, while the second had an approximately first order lag superimposed on the exact response. For this reason, only the first was completely investigated. The pressure response of the bleed turbine system was approximately a first order lag for the same conditions Furthermore, the stability of the closed loop of the topping turbine system was insured for any value of controller gain. This was not the case with the bleed turbine since a stability limit exists for the gain of the integral controller. In the simulation of transition to full power, the bleed turbine response was slightly faster. However, the added speed was not significant enough to justify its use over the topping turbine. The superior controlled response of the topping turbine as well as the apparently greater margin of stability indicate that it is the better system from a dynamic point of view. Furthermore, advatages of the topping turbine system in specific impulse and vehicle weight were mentioned in Section II. * The first topping turbine system refers to the configuration with control valve in front of the turbine; the second refers to the configuration with the valve behind the turbine. -133F. Recommendations for Futher Study The results of the simplified and general approach of this thesis indicate that the dynamics of proposed nuclear rocket engines will be satisfactory. Further study of the dynamics is, of course, a necessity. More sophisticated models will have to be proposed which will take into consideration such problems as transient effects of fluid inertia and compressibility. More complex pump characteristics must be studied. Distributed paraimeter studies are needed to account for variations of neutron flux and temperature distributions. These studies will require more detailed and specific designs with consequent limitations to the generalities of the results. However, actual experimentation with nuclear rocket dynamics is expensive and difficult. Consequently, theoretical analysis should be carried to as great an extent as possible. In this regard, this thesis is a first step tovards the solution of the dynamic problems . -134LIST OF SYMBOLS (i ai = 1, 2, unspecified constant that is used in a number of deivations. In each case, its specific meaning is defined. . . . A = cross-sectional area of the control valve (V subscript) or the turbine (T subscript) B2 = buckling Ci C (i precursor concentration = 1, 2) specific heat of the graphite uranium system (without subscript) specific heat at constant pressure of the coolant D = diamter of a coolant channel f friction factor in a coolant channel f general reactivity function of temperature for constant hydrogen density in the core. thernal utilization F - = general temperature function of power density, pressure, and temperature general valve function of the pressure ratio across the control valve of the bleed turbine system general reactivity function of hydrogen density for constant core temperature g teerature integral controller G2L GP - pressure proportional controller G3 G4 pressure integral controller = temper&ture proportional controller G general pressr~e function of temperature and pressure h heat removal coefficient for a simple reactor system I moment of inertia of turbopump k scaling constant -135= constant of proportionality S analog computer setting, used only in Figure 14 and Table V. = pump constant = neutron lifetime L = length of coolant channel L = thermal diffusion length m = mass of simple reactor system M = mass of graphite-uranium core N = number of coolant channels (i = 1, 2, . .. (i = 1,2, . . K . neutron density. When an asterisk superscript is employed., n* is dimensionless neutron or power density. The two are n the same in value . p = pressure PR = pressure ratio p = resonance escape factor = universal gas constant R = gas constant for hydrogen R = slope of the turbopmp line in the temperature-pressure plane = frequency variable of the LaPlace transformation t = time T = temperature TIC = temperature integral control TPC - temperature proportional control PIC = pressure integral control PPC = pressure proportional control V = valve setting -135a- OH = negative value of the bare core reactivity coefficient = hydrogen density reactivity coefficient pressure reactivity coefficient 23 = 1Y T temperature reactivity coefficient precursor yield fraction /4 (i = 1., 2., = yield fraction of a particular precursor group = ratio of specific heats of the coolant parameter of stability margin '7p (i //0 = j, 2, . . .) = fast effect factor = turbine efficiency - pump efficiency = square root of temperature - precursor decay constant for one group approximation * decay constant for a particular group = reactivity (with no subscript or with alphabetical subscript) = density (with numerical subscript) precursor time constant rn p T 7 = neutron time constant = pressure time constant = temperature time constant age xump input power 56) turbine output power mass rate of flow -136Appendix I: A. Calculation of Constants Calculation of Time Constants Associated with Fluid Compressibility and Inertia. Throughout the derivation of the dynamic equations, it was assumed that the dynamic effects of fluid inertia and compressibility could be neglected. This is equivalent to assuming that the various components of fluid machinery and fluid transport can be charged instantaneously and that pressure disturbances are probagated with infinite speed. It is recognized that this is not the case, but the assumption has been made that the high frequency transients associated with charging and transport time constants can be decoupled from the low frequency transients associated with core heat capacity and turbopump inertia. In order to justify the assumption, the time constants must be calculated and compared. The information needed for the calculation of the charging and acoustic time constants are the length and volume of the component and the average state of the fluid in the component. The charging time constant is the amount of time necessary for a particle of the fluid to flow from the entrance to the exit and can be calculated from the following equation: 7-(I-H1) -137- where t0 - charging time constant - density of the fluid - mass rate of flow through the component - volume of the component For the pump 2-'.. 10 ft 3 - 4.2 lb/ft 3 - 2300 lb/sec - 0.02 sec For the bleed turbine - 20 ft 3 - .060 lb/ft - 46 lb/sec - .02 sec For the topping channel - 20 ft 3 0W .38 lb/ft )- 2300 lb/sec - .003 sec -138- For the coolant channel m -- ft 3 18 N -1 .0676 lb/ft 3 lb/sec - sec .003 - where N - number of channels In order to calculate the acoustic probagation time constant, only the temperature of the fluid and the length (in the direction of flow) is required. The assumption is This assumption made that the perfect gas law is applicable. can be questioned in the case of the pump. Investigation of temperature. -entropy charts of cryogenic hydrogen shows that the assumption of perfect gas behavior is not too bad. The value calculated by the perfect gas law assumption will be larger and thus more conservative. The pertinent equation is (1-2) L A where c - 71 T - average temperature L - length of the component Rg T - speed ,of sound -139- For the pump T - 800 R L - 4 ft A 0.003 sec For the bleed turbine T - 25000 R L - 4 ft *'A - .0003 sec For the topping turbine T - 600 0 R L - 4 ft - .0007 sec A No calculation is made for the main pass since the charging time constant, which is small, must be greater than the acoustic time constant since the Mach number in the core is always less than one. The figures employed in the above calculations are only approximate, but accuracy within an order of magnitude is sufficient to justify the assumption of decoupling the high and low frequency transients of the fluid dynamics. -140B. Calculation of Temperature and Pressure Time Constants It has been shown in Section III, equations (3-57) that MC K2 T p T avg T -To_. - 2 p -To Po K5 (1-3) (1-4) Po where M = mass of the case C - specific heat of the graphite uranium matrix Tavg - average temperature of the graphite uranium matrix maximum surface temperature at a point of steady T0- state operation P0 I K p - coolant inlet stagnation pressure = moment of inertia of the turbopump - pump constant (See equation (3-24) for specific meaning of K p K2 KS = ) constant of proportionality It can be seen from the above equations that both time constants are dependent on power level in that they are proportional to the ratio of If the constants can Po be calculated at one point of operation (ie. designed point of operation), they can be calculated at any other point. All the quantities in (1-3) and (1-4) are known with exception to K2 and K5 , but they can be calculated from known values of total power output and pump power input. The equations are rearranged. T _avg -MC To, T - p P 2Kp K 2 PoI/"T But K5 (I-5 To total power output pump power input or turbine power output Po The resigned point of operation is chosen K2 Po Cp (To2 - Tol) <e) To- P Po 2 7p /p ) (I-6) Po 2 K - To (K2 Po - - 25,000 m &r 137,000 Horse power -142- where - CP(To2 -Tol) mass flow rate - enthalphy rise of the coolant in passing through the core 7P - efficiency of the pump - density of the fluid in the pump (lp 7/ , and T To compute 7- M - 10,000 lb C. - .454 TTavg To To I 1 1.4 we take BTu/lb 0 R (See Appendix II) - 5000 * R - .55 sec - 62 ft lb sec2 (at full power) * P * - 2.14 x 10~- - 1500 psi - 2.3 sec psi sec2 8000 rpm for a K, is computed by letting the pump speed equal pressure rise of 1500 psi. -143C. Computation of Reacticity Coefficients Figure 3 is a plot of reactivity versus mean core The temperature for various values of mean core pressure. calculations, based on a Fermi Age model, indicate that reactivity varies linearly with the square root of core temperature for constant hydrogen density and also with hydrogen density for constant core temperature. - H C The problem is now to compute values of and The quantities 7) T < op< H and can be computed from the graph for any value of P and T within the range calculated. The following partial differential equations can be formed from (1-7): 0 + 2 (1-8) T Since T and computed from (I-9). P, T, and H can be can be taken from the graph, Substitution of numerical values of into (1-8) yields the value of " C "f'H -144- A number of points were chosen to calculate T - 3970 *K T - 3360 T - 2700 H YH MH - .232 - .224 - .225 0 o< H K psi If the assumptions concerning variation of reactivity with pressure apH would show no and temperature were exact, the value of H However, the results are accurate enough for our deviation. purposes and a mean value of c2( - .226 *K/ psi Similarly, T - 3000 *K is chosen. of points. C was computed at a number P 29.7 x 10 - 0 - 400 - 28.0 - 800 - 26.4 - 1200 - 24.8 psi 0 - * K011/2 Again, the accuracy is satisfactory, and a mean value is chosen for C - 27.2 x 104 oK -1/2 The above values must now be changed to coincide with reactivity correlation in terms of maximum surface temperature and inlet coolant stagnation pressure. They must also be put in units of degrees Rankine. This is a simple matter of algebra since steady state temperature and pressure distributions have The values chosen for already been described. o/C and H are 6f (H D. 1/ 2 - 10-3 *R- - 0.3 *R/psi Specification of Arbitrary Design Parameters In every design, decisions must be made concerning design goals. Among these are usually size, power, etc.. Those parameters which must be specified for the general design of a nuclear rocket are noted below. A short explanation is also given explaining the reason for the choice. (a) Thrust - 1,500,000 A large thrust will be necessary to carry the heavy engine and propellant. Consequently, the first nuclear rockets will be in the one million pound thrust class. (b) Maximum core temperature - 5000 *R At 5500 *R graphite is unable to retain the mechanical properties necessary to hold the engine together. (c) Geometrical friction factor, Stenning 4 fL D - 5 has shown that a value in this range is a good compromise between thrust and specific impulse. (d) Void coefficient - 30% A value in this range insures criticality and good heat transfer properties. (e) Diameter of the coolant channel - 1/4 inch The cross sectional area of each channel should be as small as possible in order to reduce the temperature drop from the maximum core temperature to the maximum surface temperature. A value of D - 1/4 inch is as small as practically possible. In order to attain the desired thrust with a friction factor of f - .005 and a void coefficient of 30% , a core 5 ft in diameter and 5 ft in length must be chosen. This is close to ideal from a criticality standpoint. (f) Inlet stagnation pressure - 1500 psi Sams (14) has shown that higher pressures do not yield an improvement in overall rocket performance. -147(g) Pressure ratio across the bleed turbine - (h) - " " (i) Turbine efficiency (j) PuMp (k) Pump speed 7 - 85% 80% "- " topping 50 8000 RPM These values are consistent with current rocket designs. Using the above variables in the standard equations of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, neutron reactor theory, etc., fL4 sufficient to determine the design point condition of the proposed nuclear rocket. The paper by Stenning determine the pressure distribution in the core. 17 ) is used to Appendix II: Relation Between the Mean Core Temperature and Maximum Surface Temperature. A lumped parameter analysis implies the assumption that the core temperature distribution remains in a fundamental mode. The mode which is most consistent with the assumption is the temperature distribution that occurs for steady state operation. In order to develop the dynamic temperature equation, the ratio between mean core temperature and maxim= surface temerature was required. This ratio is calculated from the steady state temprature distribution and is assumed constant in accordance with the philosophy of a lumped parameter analysis. The standard equation for isotropic heat conduction with a distributed source is assuned and the following assumptions are made: (a) The power density (heat source) is constant. (b) All heat generated is conducted to the nearest coolant channel. (c) Axial conduction can be neglected in comparison to radial conduction. (d) There is no angular variation in temperature about any coolant channel. -149- A unit cell is defined as the circular cylinder, surrounding each coolant channel coolant channel. that is cooled by the In accordance with assumption (b), the heat flow across the outer boundary of the cell is zero. At any radial crosssection of any unit cell, the following equation describes the radial temperature distribution, k r d dr r dT dr - 0 (II-1) where: k - heat conductivity of the graphite-uranium matrix. r - radial distance from the center of the cell. T - temperature in the matrix. S -' power density. The boundary conditions are: dT dr / R (11-2) 0 outer radius of the unit cell where RT(RI) - T where R - radius of the coolant channel. (11-3) -150- Equation (I-1) is put in non-dimensional form by the following substitutions: (11-4) R, p r (II- 5) T -T I e The resulting heat conduction equation is 1 p d + 2 d2 dp + dp dp /p- -- + s - 0 - 0 (II-6) (11-7) (II-8) &(l) . where k T R R/ - The solution to the homogeneous part of the equation is In H 9H C1 2 p + (35) C2 M homogeneous temperature - arbitrary constants. The duplication in notation is mpade to provide a mnemonic meaning of the variables. with preious nota appendix. There should be no confusion f~t~since the above refers only to this -151- The particular solution is (35) 2 P (II-9) 4 Since the heat conduction equation is linear, the two solutions may be superimposed to yield a complete solution . of the boundary condition at r R - Application yields 2 C 2 - Application of the boundary condition at r R1 yields + s C2 4 p P - 0- (II-11) 22 In p + 1 The mean radial temperature ( 6 + - 2 2 (II-12) ) may be compatdA by thi following integration: 2 77 p & (p) dp (II-13) 7 (/%2 m After manipulation, we obtain 1 + s Po inpo Po - 1 Po2 (po+ + 1 +2 1) 4 8 (II-14) The equation is consistent since (a) s - 0 or (b) po - 8m reduces to one for If the void coefficient of the reactor is taken as 30%.o - - /.82 - Substitution of this value of po yields &m - - 1 + 0.11s TI we assign To compute a S- 109 BTU 3 hr ft k - O/25in - 58.1 BTu hr T (II-15) - 3200 ft 0R *R 2 S -Mk Thus T 1064 T .582 (1-16) Since only a 6% variation occurs between the surface temperature and the mean radial temperature at the same radial cross-section, deviation from the steady state distribution is not very significant. The surface temerature of the unit cell increases linearly along the length of the channel since (a) the power density is constant, (b) the heat transfer coefficient between -153- the surface temperature and the bulk temperature of the coolant is assumed constant, and (c) axial heat conduction has been neglected. Consequently, the ratio of mean core temperature to maximum surface temperature is (1/2) (106) avg Ts9T(surface, T(surface, entrance) -T(surface, exit) exit) (11-17) Substitution of these temperatures yields the value of the desired ratio. T T1.4 (11-18) -154Appendix III: Pressure Ratios Across the Turbine and Control Valve of the Topping Turbine System, Case I. First we consider the pressure ratio across the turbine. The necessary equations are 2 P -P -- (III-1) g AT '0 P (04 (111-2) R T0 4 aI P 6 a P a2 _06 (III-3) 06 T03 - a3 Toi. T0 3 w T0 4 (111-5) -- 4a (III-6) P0 5 where PO4 - stagnation pressure in front of the turbine. P0 5 - stagnation pressure behind the turbine. mass flow rate through turbine. /-4- AT /04 R - cross-sectional area of turbine nozzles. - stagnation density in front of turbine. -gas constant for hydrogen. T4 PO6 T03 -> - stagnation temperature in front of turbine. - constant of proportionality - stagnation pressure at core exit. - maxinn surface temperature of a coolant channel. - stagnation temperature at core exit. - stagnation temperature in front of control valve. - stagnation temperature behind control valve. are removed from (III-1) by substitution of (004 and (III-2) and (IIIa2 PO4 * 2 2 R T04 (III C5 T0 6 AT -6) PO4 Equation (III-6) is divided by P0 5 to form the desired ratio. P0 P05 a 2 R T P6 P (111-7) A T0 6 P0 4 P0 5 T04 is replaced by T0 3 , (III-5) ( C - 1, 2, ... ) will be used throughout The symbol a; Appendices III, IV, and y as constants which can be calculated but the calculation is unnecessary. The use of a ; allows us to use equalities rather than proportionalities. -156- can now be written as Equation (III-7) P0 aT P05 R AT T0 06 P0 P04 P0 P05 P06 (1,11-8) P05 It can be seen from equations (III-4) and (1II-6) that T 03 0O6 and 06 are constant. Consequently, the ratio 04 P05 P0 5 be constant since all other terms appearing in must also (111-8) are We may now conclude that the pressure ratio across constant. the turbine remains constant0 Next we consider the pressure ratio across the valve. The only equations that need to be added are: P A) 04 03 - (111=9) A v 03 P03 (111-10) R T0 3 03 where stagnation pressure in front of the valve. P03 - T03 m As before, stagnation density in front of the valve. stagnat ion teMerature in front of the valve. and 60 03 are eliminated from (III-9) by substitution of (III-10) and (111-3). divided by PO *5 Equation (111-9) is -157- a 22 P 2 2 06. P P Q3. Q4 . P0 5 P0 5 R T 03 T06 v 03 (III-l1) 05 Regrouping (11-12) yields 22 P04 P0 5 P0 The ratios, 5 S06, 04 P0 5 P0 5 Consequently, AV 03 R P 6P P0 and P0 3 5 03 P T03 P0 5 T0 6 IN2 (I1 are all constant. T06 must be a function only of A . 04 Since V0 P0 5 5 is constant, we can define P0 4 where V(A,) - V (A) (11-13) is defined as a fictitious value setting that is dependent only on the actual value area. Appendix IV: -158Pressure Ratio Across the Valve and Turbine of the Topping Turbine System, Case II. In order to show that the pressure ratio across the valve and turbine is dependent only on the valve setting, the following equations must be considered: pressure drop across the turbine 2, 03 04 AT /003 (IV-1) pressure drop across the valve 2 P04 ' 05 (WV-2) - perfect gas law - 03 RT 0 { A'0 (IV-3) 3 P04 R- 04 (IV-4) 04 temperature ratio across the valve T0 4 - 1 - aa1 (IV-5) 05 flow rate 0 (IV-6) T06 ratio of coolant exit temperatures at the end of the first passes through the core and secd - T06 constant (IV-7) -159- core pressure ratio P0 5 P06 - constant - stagnation pressure in front of turbine M stagnation pressure behind turbine - stagnation pressure behind valve - stagnation pressure at core exit - stagnation temperature in front of turbine - stagnation temperature behind turbine - stagnation temperature behind valve - stagnation temperature at core exit - stagnation density in front of turbine T T04 - stagnation density behind turbine AT - cross-sectional area of turbine nozzle& - valve area - mass flow rate through turbine valve - gas constant for hydrogen (IV-8) where P P04 0 5 P0 6 T0 5 /03 AT A R The two pressure drop equations, (IV-1) and (IV-2), are transformed in the same manner as in Appendix III, flow-rate, &-, The is removed by substitution of (IV-6); the -160- density is eliminated by applying the perfect gas law. Both equations are divided by P0S to form dimensionless ratios. These operations yield P03 P04 P 05 P05 0 0 05 a 2 AT2R 06 P06 T03 P05 P03 T06 T 06 06 04 P05 04 T0 6 P06 06 T05 T03 05 P0 5 03 06 -- Av2 The above equations are regrouped , r_ - 03 a 2 R 05 05 P P 05 P05 0 03 Av2 06 2 0505 _ AT a2R P (IV-1) P 04 05 T T T03 T06 (IV-12) 03PP4 Since P 5and R P T0T T6are cosnstant, the above two equations can can be written as Z- 05 a2O4 (IV-13) A05 03 0 04 3 3 05 T04 05 Av2 P4 T03 (IV12) -161- is the temperature ratio across the turbine and may be replaced by a function of the pressure ratio. If we assume that the turbine is adiabatic and isentropic (i.e. 100% efficient), then (IV-15) T P constant - A polytropic expansion can be assumed that is consistent with an efficiency less than 100%. In this case L'n P where n < n Y1 T - constant < T for (IV-16) 100% The polytropic expansion is a good approximation to the actual turbine performance, T 04, T3 Consequently, 04 P0 3 n n-1 n-1 n-1 P - 04 P0 5 n -05 P0 n 3 (IV-17) The temperature ratio To4 is eliminated from (IV-14) by T0 3 substitution or (IV-17). are now The two major pressure ratio equations -162- a2 P0 3 P05 P0 5 P0 5 (IV-18) 03 a83 P0 4 P05 - 2 A P0 5 P0 4 n-i 04 n P0 5 n-1 n P0 5 P0 3 (IV-19) We now have two equations for two pressure ratios, and P0 5 04 Equation (IV-18) can be solved for 05 04 05 function of . is then eliminated from equation (IV-19) 03P 05 and an expression for P0 5 P03 - function of A V results. stitution of this result into (IV-18) shows that P0 4 Submust also P0 5 be a function of A We may define a fictitious valve setting P0 5 (Av v This expression is (IV-20) then substituted into the turbine power equation of Section III. -163Development of the Dynamic Pressure Equations Appendix V: Under the Assumption of Choked Flow in the Topping Turbine If the topping turbine is a sonic turbine, the previous equation for flow is replaced by the equation for choked flow. In Case I of the proposed topping turbine drives, the equation is S04 P0 4 (V-1) constant - A similar equation describes the flow at the exit of the core. (V-2) constant - P06 Consequently, the following ratio may be formed -P 06 06 constant (V-3) T P It has been previously demonstrated that is constant. Furthermore, T0 4 equals T0 3 since the flow through the valve is adiabatic. Thus, the following ratio may be formed by substitution into (V-3):, P0 4 P05 06 05 Tn03 constant (V4) -164- Considerations presented in Section III have shown that T03 T0 is constant. Thus 6 04-- constant P05 (V-5) Therefore, the pressure ratio across the turbine is constant and the turbine output power must be proportional to 60 T03' but this is replaced by P 06, The expression for T s is therefore the same as before. The pressure ratio across the value depends on the value setting. P03 04 - (V-6) - 2 V A 03 The same manipulation as shown in Appendix III yields the following expression: Since P0 4 a P0 5 p0 5 A 2 v 04 p0 5 that P 02 p0 5 P0 5 T0 3 , 1 R and P0 P05 P0 3 (V-7) P03 02 are constant we conclude p0 3 depends only on value position. Therefore the -165- expression of time rate of change of kinetic energy and pump output power will be the same as before. The dynamic pressure equation for Case I of the topping turbine drives is the same for sonic flow in the turbine as for incompressible flow. In Case II of the proposed topping turbine drives, the turbine flow equation is - constant (V-8) 03 Under this condition, the following ratio may be formed as a result of choking in the rocket nozzle P3 03 P 06 Since _0 S06 PO I T606 constant (V-9) 0 03 P 7 and P03 T _03 -s-n are constant, -er l--o the ratio of T06 P02 is constant. Therefore the ratio of pump output pressure P0 5 does not depend on the control valve setting. This is similar to the bleed turbine system where the two pressures were synonomouse. Consequently, the time rate of change of kinetic energy and pump power terms are the same as the bleed turbine system rather than the original topping turbine system. -166- It can be shown by a similar procedure as presented in Appendix IV that the pressure ratio across the turbine is a function of only the valve area. Po4 (V-10) P05 Av 2/004 a P0 4 - 1 P0 5 But Since T04 --- 4 T T0 3 is P06 P06 P05 P0 4 a1 R P06 P0 6 P05 T0 4 T0 3 AV P0 5 P0 5 P04 T03 T06 P0 3 must depend - -g 4v n-1 n P04 equal to P03 T P0 3 P05 R and are constant, - 05 T06 P04 only on valve area. The turbine output power is proportional to ~4 /,,O 0 If the following definition is made /1 P0 4 V (AV) (V-11) P0 3 the turbine power output is expressed by IT P0 5 'Ts V (AV) (V-12) Therefore, the dynamic pressure equation is the same as the bleed turbine rather than the equation that results for incompressible flow in the topping turbine (Case II). -168Appendix VI: Formation of the Open Loop Stability Criterion by Application of Routh's Technique Routh's technique is employed to investigate the location in the complex plane of the roots of a polynomial If the polynomial is of whose coefficients are all real. first or second order, the location of the roots can be computed directly. Direct computation of the roots of a third order polynomial is tedious. If the only question is to determine whether the roots are in the left or the right half plane, there is no need to compute the exact roots. Routh's technique is easily applied. Consider a general third order polynomial with real coefficients. a s3 a 2a 2 + a3s + + a4 - 0 (VI-1) All roots of (VI-l) lie in. the left'half plane if (a) all coefficients are the same sign (b) no coefficients are zero (c) the following grouping of coefficients is greater than zero: a2 a3 - a1 a4 > 0 (VI-2) -169- In the case of the polynomial formulated by expanding the determinent of the coefficient matrix, (a) and (b) are satisfied if > C< fT . (VI-3) (c) is satisfied if If (VI-4) is expanded we obtain Since each constant is assumed positive, (c) does not impose any additional restrictions. The rootsof a fourth order polynomial, with real coefficients a Is + a 2 s3 a3 s2 + + a S + ag. (VI-5) lie in the left half plane if the above restrictions are satisfied as well as an additional restriction oh a second grouping of coefficients. a2 a3 a4 aI a 2 a2 8 2 a5 > 0 (VI-6) Higher order polynomials have further restrictions concerning grouping of the coefficients. Routh's criterion -170- becomes increasingly difficult to apply if algebratic symbolism is to be retained, but is very useful if nurmerical coefficients are permitted. References 19 and 36 should be consulted for further details. -171Appendix VII: Photograph and Description of the Analog Computer Facility The Philbrick Analog Computer, pictured on the following page, was made available through the courtesy of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is under the direction of Professor Henry X. Paynter. The computer was newly installed at M. I. T. during this past year. It is versatile and accurate although somewhat limited in capacity. Since it was attempted to maintain a simplicity and generality in the analog study, a large machine was not necessary. The above computer suited these purposes exactly. The main componeat, , or building block, of the computer is the "K5-U Universal Operator." are available. Twenty of these This is a linear component capable of summing or integrating four inputs, Each input can be individually inverted in sign and amplified over a wide range. a constant can be added to the output. In addition, The additive constant simulates the initial boundary condition for the integration process. Since integration must start at a definite point in time, a clamping mechanism that can be controlled from a central unit or from each K5-U holds the integrators at a -172- constant voltage until integration is desired, At the end of the integration, the same mechanism returns the output voltage of the K5-U to its initial value. thereby be obtained. Repetitive solutions can Consequently, the effect of varying any of the coefficients is easily visibie by poetraying tha output voltage of the repetitive solution on an oscilloscope. Warning lights on each component indicate saturation (i.e. an output voltage greater than the capacity of the component) The range of voltage output for the K5-U and all other components of the computer is negative fifty volts to positive fifty volts. Four K5-M multiplier-divider components are available. These are capable of multiplying two voltages and dividing by a third. The variable voltages may be replaced by an adjustable scaling constant. In addition, a constant voltage can be added to the output if a scaling constant is not required. accurate. These components are quite versatile and Unfortunately, four K5-M components were not sufficient to simulate all the non-linearities of the nuclear rocket dynamics, Six older and less versatile multiplier or divider components are provided. There were sufficient to simulate -173- all the remaining non-linearities. They are capable of accepting only two voltages which may be either multiplied or divided. The scaling constant is set 'at twenty-five volts. Step function, ramp function, arbitrary function, and randem noise generators are included in the facility. Only the step function generator was required for the rocket problem. The results were recorded by photographing the oscilloscope screen. Since a Polaroid camera was employed the results could be viewed within minutes after the photograph was taken. Thirteen K5-U components are visible in the upper half of the central panel. The other two components in the central panel are K5-M units. The older multiplier or divider components are the unpaneled electronic units in the upper half of the right hand panel. The unpaneled unit in the lower half is the randem noise generator. The left hand panel contains more K5-M and K5-U components, the, function generators and controls. The oscilloscope and camera are visible to the left of the computer. ANALOG COMPUTER FACILITY OF THE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT M.I.T. -174Pressure Response to Valve Motion at Constant Appendix VIII: Temperature A. Bleed Turbine System The equation governing the pressure response to valve motion for constant temperature has been shown in Section IV, equation (4-37) . P p V It is repeated below. (P ) = (VIII-1) The equation can be put on non-dimensional form by substituting (VIII-2) t Throughout this appendix, the asterisk superscript will be omitted. Equation (VIII-l) is - If V (t) now PV - P2 (VIII-3) is a step change from V (0) - 1 to V (0+) - V, the above equation can be integrated. dP p (V dx + (VIII-4) p) where C is an arbitrary constant which may be calculated from the following boundary condition P (0) - V (0) - 1 (VIII-5) Integration of (VIII-4) yields ln P - In (V = P) = Vx + C (VIII-6) in (VIII-7) Or - Vx+ CI -175- Or C Vx+ -P whereK Vx (VIII.8) 1z . C - Taking the reciprocal of both sides of equation (VIII-8) yields V V -PVx K + 1 (VIII-9) The boundary condition of (VIII-5) is K sufficient to determine K. (VIII-10) V-1 - Thus, the expression of the time dependent pressure to a step change in valve position is P ( / p ) (VIII-ll) -V (V-1) 1. -Vt/ 7' p + 1 A linear approximation to this expression may be found by solution of the following equation: v*- P - (VIII-12) dx- where * P - P * 1 -1 If V* (x) - step change, the solution is straight forward and may be computed by any of a number of methods. method of LaPlace transforms is easy to apply. The -176* -Vt/ V* (l * where V* (0) - (VIII-13) 0 V* (+ B, Topping Turbine System - Case I The equation to be solved for this system is repeated below. d -~ * * 2 * V )V 'pM~,t V* (VIII-14) As before, the equation is put in dimensionless form and the superscripts are omitted. (VIII-15) d The indicated differentiation is performed. The dot tk&itibn for derivatives with respect to x is introduced to simplify the expression. P V V P V P 2 2 Rearranging yields 2 * PV + Pi - 2 P V + PV (VIII-16) (VIII-17) It should be noticed that the left hand side of (VIII-17) is the same as the right hand side if P and V are interchanged. -177- The boundary condition for (VIII-10) is P (0) - V (0) - (VIII-18) 1 The symietry of (VIII-17) indicates that since V (Q) * P (0) $ (0) then P (0) - If the time derivative of (VIII-17) is taken,.we obtain PV2 + 2** P + P 2+ + P + (VIII-19) + 9 Again, the two sides of the equation are symmetric with respect to pressure and valve setting, P (0) - Since we know P (0) - V (0) and V (0), then P (0) - (VIII-20) (0) This procedure can be extended to any order with the equivalent result. P and its derivatives at x - 0 (i.e. t - o) are always equal to V and its corresponding derivatives. If both P and V are expanded in a Taylor Series. about x o, it is clear that P - V for any value of x since their derivatives are always equal. Furthermore, if P - V at some time x, , which is greater than zero, the entire argusment can be repeated at x - x rather than at the x - o. Consequently, we conclude that P ( t t/ ) (VIII-21) -178- The same result occurs for a linear approximation to (VIII-14). C. Topping Turbine System, Case II For this system, the d ** - pertinent equation is P(V 2 * dtV (VIII-22) V After the usual simplifications we obtain d- 2IMP mo '(VIII-23) Unfortunately, this equation is not symmetric in P and V. In order to obtain some knowledge of the pressure response to.-a step change in the valve position, a linear approximation of (VIII-23) is solved. dP* 3V* + dVP* (VIII-24) dx The method of LaPlace transforms is suitable here. P, - V* (3 - 2 . P* - P-1 where V*(O) -0 0~O~ -* t / p ) (VIII-25) -179- This response is presented graphically in Figure 24 for V - It should be noticed that the step change 0.26. in valve position causes an immediate and equal step change in pressure. We expect the response of the two topping turbines to be the same during the initial transient, since the only difference between the two is the increased pressure ratio that appears across the turbine of the second system for an increase in valve setting. equation (VIII-23), Consequently, in solving a boundary condition is imposed which is consistent with the initial step change in pressure. * * V (0) - V P (0) - V (rather than one, which is its value before the step change.) is heuristic. It is recognized that the above argiument However, the result obtained is in go9d agreement with the linear model and with physical intuition. The difficulty arises from the dV term. The derivative of a step change is not an analytic function. This problem was dV does not occur. avoided with the bleed turbine since In the topping turbine, Case I, the solution was general and did not depend on a specific valve change. - Let 180- = P r This variable is substituted into (VIII-23) r V3 - r 2 V dr (VII 1-26) the boundary condition is r (o) - 1 (VII 1-27) Equation (VIII-26) may be solved in the same manner as that employed for solution of the pressure response of the bleed turbine. r - V2 3 1 + (V -V1 (VIII-28) In terms of pressure, we have P - V3 3 1 + (V21), (VIII-29) -V This response is correct provided the initial change of pressure is equal to the step change in valve. The con- clusions that are drawn from this solution could also be drawn from the linear model. The lack of rigor in the non- linear solution of this turbo-pump system is not critical in comparing the dynamics of the various turbo-pump systems. y -181BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. L. R. Shepherd and A. V. 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