Council of Academic Advisors Thursday, May 15, 2014

Council of Academic Advisors
Thursday, May 15, 2014
8:30 AM, Multicultural Center Board Room
Present: Susan Dagit (Registrar’s Office), Monika Eskridge (COEHS), Jennifer Grimm (Communications), Molly Homer (Honor’s College), Ehren Kuzekov (Study Abroad), Caryn Morgan (CAS), Kelly Morris (UAASC), Julie O’Brien (UAASC), Andi Potter (CBT), Chris Ramsey (CBT), Andrea Riebling (CBT), Colin Rogness (BA/BGS), Jennifer Sandrik‐Rubio (Physical Sciences), Renee Simpson (UAASC), Jocelyn Simmons (Military Science), Vicki Walters (Biology), Tammy Wilson (COEHS), Michelle Yager (UAASC) Guests: Tishley Herrington (Admissions), Patty Mason (Admissions) I.
Transferology Demonstration A computer demonstration about Transferology was shown. 
Advisors don’t view the same screens as students, which can be a problem. Students can enter courses and see how they transfer. Advisors can open sites on both the student and lab sides by logging into the lab side, not the student side. Advisors can still use the articulation website; however, it only gets updated once a week as opposed to Transferology, which is updated daily. If a class is not listed as having an equivalency, it has not been evaluated. If it has been evaluated and has been found not to meet an equivalency, that will be stated. All Iowa schools, except Scott, are still under Southeastern. If you choose a school and it defaults to another school, let Patty know. Use SECC for Iowa schools. For a math replacement course, pick the course first and then select “distance”. This only shows ‘equates’, not if a school offers the particular course. If it is a distance class, it will show “0” miles. When advisors refer students to transfer admissions, make sure the student knows the class(es) they need to take since they can tell students the equivalency, not what they need to take. Western is at the bottom of the list of schools so students may find it difficult to find Western. Tim Adams (TJ‐ and Tishley have administrator rights. Call Tishley if you have problems. II. SOAR Walk Through Password Call Michelle if you need the password. Guidebook Sarah is purchasing Guidebook, a program app for smart phones. The app will include schedules, campus maps, events, etc. For those students not having smart phones, there will be a hard copy available. Advisors are encouraged to download Guidebook on their smartphones to access program information. Michelle will let everyone know as soon as the app is available. Learning Outcomes Survey These were sent with the agenda via email. Sarah is working on an alias for the survey. As soon as Michelle receives it, she will send it out. The survey and registration screens should be pulled up for students. Advisors are responsible for addressing questions #6, #7, and #8 at the major meetings. It is not known when parents will be taking the survey. Next year, consideration is being given to include a satisfaction survey to be completed during different parts of the day. There was a concern about the wording of Question #8 “students should be able to differentiate ... all classes should pertain to their student degrees” … this is not an important distinction unless students are changing majors. All students should leave SOAR with a schedule, even if they haven’t paid their deposit. Those students unable to register due to an enrollment deposit encumbrance, should still meet with their advisor to draw up a TENTATIVE paper schedule with advisor contact information. Instruct the student to call their advisor once the deposit is made. Michelle will re‐send the e‐mail about the enrollment deposit. Credit cards aren’t accepted at the SOAR event. Only cash and checks will be accepted during the SOAR program. Students taking a summer class do not have to pay the deposit. Major Meeting Room Assignments CAS‐ Morgan 109 CBT – Stipes 121 COEHS – Library 3rd Floor COFAC – Library 2nd floor computer classroom UA – Stipes 304 OAS – Stipes 107, 106, 112, 115, 120 & 122 Registration Room Assignments Rooms are to be set‐up no earlier than 1:30 pm Orange folders are distributed in the Grand Ballroom at 1:00. There will be a sticker with their major meeting location. As students are dismissed, they will get their orange files and go to their major meeting. Gen Ed handbooks went to Admissions. These will be distributed 1 per family, not per person. Tim Johnson will be meeting with his students during the COFAC meeting and then will pull his students out … COFAC and Tim will register students together. All OAS students will be involved in major meetings next year but will be advised by OAS advisors. The goal is to have students feel a part of their major. Logistics need to be determined before next year, since room capacity will be an issue. Other rooms for major meetings will probably be used. Be thinking about this because it is a change that will happen next year. III. Advising Audit The Advising Audit is for informational purposes only. By this time everyone should have read the report. Work on the advisors’ response to the audit report will begin on May 30th and continue through July 25th. The self‐assessment team has been broken into 4 groups and are writing a response, recommendations, and an action plan for each of the four original areas. IV. CAGAS Appointment Jane Coplan will serve as the CAGAS Representative V. COAA 2014‐15 Voting Members Representation – Michelle The Admissions rep will be Andy (if it needs to be someone different, please let Michelle know) VI. Standing Committee Reports Professional Develop The committee is finished for the year. Hopefully everyone had a good time at the retreat on Monday. There were lots of prizes, the speakers were excellent, and the room was decorated nicely. Evaluations were mostly positive. It was hoped everyone left feeling rejuvenated and with good information. Campus Affairs No Report Assessment The advisor survey will be active from June 2‐August 1. The student survey is in, with about 398 students responding. This is about the same response as last year. The committee will spend the summer looking at the survey and eliminating specific names. Craig Tollini will run the data before it is disseminated in August. Awards and Recognition The April AOM was Theo Schultz. The committee is finished for this year. VII. CAGAS There was no report because CAGAS has not met since the last meeting. VIII. News from the Registrar’s Office A special appeal meeting will be held on August 19 for students who want to be readmitted for the fall. To be on the agenda, CAGAS must have all materials by August 14, the Thursday before the meeting. IX. Program Change Announcements None X. College/Area News Allen Koen is the new athletic advisor. He will have the same telephone number and office address as Claire and will be contacting all areas this summer to talk about programs. Psychology has several changes coming (maybe Kitty will be invited to a future COAA meeting to explain the changes). There will be a new forensic chemistry option. Graphic Communications is changing to a more comprehensive major. Andi sent an e‐mail about ordering t‐shirts, with orders to be in by Monday at noon. The more ordered the less the cost. There being no further changes, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 AM. Respectfully submitted, Debbie Carithers 