Council of Academic Advisors Wednesday, December 10, 2014 Present:  Julie Brines (UAASC), Sue Dagit (Registrar’s Office), Jeanne Gage (COEHS), Jennifer Grimm 

Council of Academic Advisors
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
8:30 AM, UAASC Conference Room
Present: Julie Brines (UAASC), Sue Dagit (Registrar’s Office), Jeanne Gage (COEHS), Jennifer Grimm (Communications), Molly Homer (Honor’s College), Ehren Kuzekov (Study Abroad), Lisa Melz‐
Jennings (Athletics), Caryn Morgan (CAS), Estelle Plewa (UAASC), Andi Potter (CBT‐Engineering Technology), Chris Ramsey (CBT), Colin Rogness (BA/BGS), Jennifer Sandrik‐Rubio (Physical Sciences), Phoebe Wilson (COEHS), Michelle Yager (UAASC) I.
Guests: Lexie Woodward, WIU Recruiter, & Karen Mauldin‐Curtis, Manager, Peace Corp Fellows Program Informational sheets on the Peace Corps Prep Program were distributed, which listed core requirements and examples of approved courses by section. The Peace Corps Prep Program reaches out to undergraduate students to identify courses and to build competences. It is not a major or minor program but serves as an opportunity to align courses that students will take along with leadership and professional opportunities in order to prepare them for what Peace Corps service will require of them. Although the Prep Program prepares them for global service, students are not obligated to go into the Peace Corps after completion. Advisors were asked to tell their students about the program and to give Lexie and Karen feedback in regard to courses that would meet the core competencies. Some courses were identified as not being available to all students, so it was suggested that a disclaimer could be put on the sheet that some courses are only available to majors. Another suggestion was a different symbol for gen ed courses As far as the application process, classes can be retroactively applied to the program. Students can apply at any point; however, the 50 hours of service related to their sector and the foreign language requirement might be a problem. Karen will send an e‐mail to Michelle with an expanded list of approved courses to be sent to advisors, asking them to look at the list then send any revision to either Karen or Lexie. For those students about to graduate but who are potentially interested in the Peace Corps, Lexie also serves as a recruiter. If someone is interested in applying for the program but is not interested in doing the Prep, contact her. Both Graduate students and community individuals can go through the Prep Program. II.
III. Transfer & Freshmen NSR Review – Michelle Yager No discussion SOAR Adjusted Schedule – Michelle Yager SOAR is now more closely aligned to Discover Western, administered and implemented through the Admissions Office. The Provost wants to move forward with OAS students in major meetings, which was piloted through COFAC last summer and will be expanded across the board this year. Expanded time was built into the schedule after feedback was sent to the Provost that advisors didn’t have enough time to work with students, there was not enough time for registration, and that following SOAR students don’t know how to do a course search. This is a partial proposal, approved by Dr. Biller, Andy Borst, and Sarah Jewell. An expanded version will be presented once individual areas have been consulted. The Centennial Honor’s College meeting will be pulled from the pre‐registration time and instead will have a Centennial Honors Breakfast. Molly will contact Sarah about locations for the breakfast. LEJA would like to stay in the Grand Ballroom for their major meeting after the academic check‐
in and announcements at 9:40‐10:00. It needs to be worked out if just LEJA or all education will stay in the Grand Ballroom after folder dissemination. Locations need to be determined so that folder dots can be discussed and rooms secured. Lunch will be in Corbin‐Olson. Orange OAS files will have to be coded with a second dot in order for those students and parents to be pulled out for the pre‐registration meeting. Ideally, course search and registration will be in the same room. Parents will not be at course registration. O‐Team members may need to be posted at the entrance of Stipes and students may need to be delivered to their major meetings. It was hoped that the 1:00 parent meeting would be a topic of interest so that parents won’t want to go with their child to registration. Honors would like to address the whole group in case students will be eligible later. In the major meetings, a slide could be created that would detail music and ROTC. Lots of details need to be worked out … this is just a major overview. Travel time has been built into the pre‐registration timeframe. Lunch will be staggered … that is why there is a 1 ½ hour lunch time span. Stipes was used in the past because check‐in was at Thompson Hall; since check‐in is now in Corbin‐Olson it might be a good idea to look for registration space on that side of campus. Michelle will set a meeting with Shannon Cramer, Gayle Heller, Sarah Jewell, Chris Ramsey, Missy Phillips, Molly Homer, Sharon Evans, Caryn Morgan, and Ray Diez to discussion computer labs in Knoblaugh and elsewhere on campus. Placement details are still in discussion. IV. V. VI. Foreign Language/Global Issues Update – Caryn Morgan The foreign language changes were approved by the Foreign Language/Global Issues Sub‐ committee, but it still needs approval from the Council of Education, CAGAS, and Faculty Senate. Hopefully the changes will be in the 2015 catalogue and will be retroactive. Highlights from the 2014 NACADA Conference Presentation Reminder‐ Michelle Yager Presenters: Julie O‐Brien‐Brines, Tim Johnson, and Michelle Yager When: Thursday, December 18th, 10:00‐noon Where: Multicultural Center’s Multipurpose Room Standing Committee Reports Professional Development and Networking Tara Buchannan, DRC, will lead a discussion on Wednesday, December 10, from 1:30‐2:45 in Horrabin Hall 1 on how DRC and academic advising can work together to better serve our students with disabilities. Campus Affairs and Public Relations Campus Affairs and Public Relations will coordinate serving hot chocolate in Stipes and Simpkins Hall this week. Approval has also been received for Knoblaugh Hall to serve hot chocolate on Monday. Assessment The committee is putting together an assessment plan, taking comments where assessment was mentioned from the external reviewer report and the advising report. Focus groups will be held next fall and spring. At the beginning of next semester, a google doc with 3‐4 topics listed will be sent to advisors asking for positive feedback, suggestions, and ideas. The committee is working on student and advisor surveys. Awards and Recognition Michelle Terry was recognized as the AOM for November. The next AOM will be in February. Technology The committee has not met since the last meeting. There are three advisors from the Macomb campus and one from the Quad Cities campus on the committee. VII. CAGAS Report ‐ Jane Coplan No report VIII. News from the Registrar’s Office – Sue Dagit
 The updated Change of Major (Declaration of Academic Program) form is now on the web.  Grades o GRRP (grading screen) opened Monday, 12/8, and will close at noon on Monday, 12/22. o Final grades will be available on Tuesday, 12/23.  Graduation 1/09/2015 (Friday) is the deadline for degree requirements to be met for 2014FL. 1/13/2015 (Tuesday) Fall degrees will be conferred overnight.  CAGAS o Tomorrow, Thursday,12/11/2014, is the next meeting and the last regular meeting of FL14 o Tuesday, 1/13/2015, is the meeting during which special appeals will be heard. 
1/08/2015 (Thursday) is the deadline for appeals to be submitted for the } January 13 meeting. Special appeals are for suspended or dismissed students who want to return next semester. College/Area News – Council Members Jean Bird will be leaving in March. The paperwork for her replacement has been submitted. They are hoping to review applications by February 1. o
New Business None Reminders: The next COAA meeting on January 14th at 8:30 am in the Union Board Room There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 AM Respectfully submitted, Debbie Carithers 