Council of Academic Advisors Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Present:  Jane Coplan (UAASC), Sue Dagit (Registrar’s Office), Jeanne Gage (COEHS), Jennifer Grimm 

Council of Academic Advisors
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
8:30 AM, UAASC Conference Room
Present: Jane Coplan (UAASC), Sue Dagit (Registrar’s Office), Jeanne Gage (COEHS), Jennifer Grimm (Communications), Molly Homer (Honor’s College), Kim McDaniel (Study Abroad), Lisa Melz‐
Jennings (Athletics), Kathy Meyers (VRC), Caryn Morgan (CAS), Jinny Page (BA/BGS), Estelle Plewa (UAASC), Chris Ramsey (CBT), Lydia Quiñones (SGA), Jennifer Sandrik‐Rubio (Physical Sciences), Theo Schultz (Pre‐Nursing), Michelle Terry (CBT), Phoebe Wilson (COEHS), Michelle Yager (UAASC) Guest: Sarah Jewell – NSR Walk Through 
Check‐in is at 12:00 in the Heritage Room, not the Grand Ballroom. Other locations used in the past will again be used.  The Opportunity, Involvement, and Resource Fair will be held in the Prairie Lounge.  Molly will speak to Honors students at 1:15 in the Capital Room and afterwards take the students to the Fair in the Prairie Lounge.  IDs will be taken in Seal Hall (IDs will not be taken in the Union during this registration). SDO is working on a process of how to do IDs out of their office for registration programs with confidentiality issues addressed; they are doing IDs on a walk‐in individual basis now during the school year.  Both a campus and virtual tour will be available for parents and students.  Students and families will be able to go through a housing tour in Corbin‐Olson, if they choose to do that.  Patty Mason will be in the Capitol Room  There were 51 students registered for the program as of last night, with a close split between freshmen and transfers (heavier on the transfer side). Overall numbers are down, which may be due to military registration since military students have the opportunity to register early (but it is optional). Veteran Resources tries to contact students to let them know about early registration.  Caryn, Boris, and Jane will be doing math placement for freshmen the morning of registration.  Freshmen will have orange folders and placement sheets … transfer students will have green folders and placement sheets.  OAS and UA students will be pulled first … Linda Thomas will take both groups.  The survey link in an alias has been developed and Sarah will send it to Michelle, who will send it out on the listserve. I. NSR Registration Password – Michelle Michelle gave out the password for the November 21 registration date; call Michelle if you need the password again. II. Change of Major Form Vote – Michelle Thanks were extended to Sue Dagit for developing a tentative Declaration of Academic Program form. It was suggested that a line indicating the name of the previous primary advisor be included under the checkmark, with a line for the secondary under that checkmark, as well. The incoming advisor will send a note to the previous advisor, with a place for a checkmark and date when the notification went out (it was recommended that an e‐mail be sent to be used as documentation). A motion was made by Michelle Terry, seconded by Jennifer Grimm, that we accept the new form as amended (with a line under checkmark for previous advisor and a checkmark under secondary advisor) and that it be used immediately as soon as it is approved. Passed unanimously. Once amended, Sue will send to Michelle and then she will send it out on the listserve. Sue asked that advisors don’t copy it on dark paper (white paper preferred) or not to use anything but a yellow highlighter on the form. It will also be available under ‘forms’ on the Registrar’s website. Suzanne Litchfield is looking to see if AIMS can be by‐passed on some electronic forms. Most schools still use a paper form for Declaration of Major. III. NACADA Presentation – Michelle Thursday, December 18th 10:00‐Noon Multicultural Center’s Multipurpose Room IV. Pre‐Registration Check‐In Classes are closing. Estelle has some OAS students who still need to talk to their major advisor before she can lift their advising hold. Jennifer Sandrick‐Rubio will see students in either office, Tillman in the morning or Currens in the afternoon, regardless of major. V. Enterprise Task Force Michelle represents advisors on the IT Task Force. The committee is looking at the mainframe and trying to determine how to move forward with that. They want university input .. do we need to change our mainframe and how it is set up here on campus, do we need to go outside the university and utilize a mainframe that is completely off campus (rent offsite), or any other different options. They are considering bringing in an outside consultant to do a needs study on what would be best for our university; however, it was felt that a needs assessment and where areas want to move forward I n technology should be considered before bringing in an outside consultant. A needs assessment for the entire campus will probably take place and offices should be considering what they presently do and what they want to do in the future. Advisors should start talking about this within their groups. Bandwidth and accessibility are important issues on our campus. The proposal that every student be required to have a laptop has been rejected. There is a problem with students who can’t access the textbook code for classes with their personal computers. Some communities are going toward a whole community wi‐fi system; however, this was not addressed at the meeting. The IT Governance Committee is looking into changing passwords to a 12 character code where training would be provided and that they be changed only once a year. VI. Standing Committee Reports Professional Development and Networking The committee held a workshop with Michelle Howe from the Career Development Center that was well attended. They were able to connect to the Quad Cities and those advisors also participated. The committee is continuing with the career advising theme tomorrow with a Webinar dealing with integrated careers in advising at 1:00 in the MCC. The committee applied to ILACADA and was awarded a site license to show the webinar. ILACADA awards 2 site licenses, which will be shown live to the nation. As part of the award, WIU will receive licensing for a DVD so it can also be shown at a later date. The committee was notified late so the announcement went out late and many advisors can’t work it into their schedules. If a DVD is received, a 2nd showing could be held. There will be a small group discussion afterwards (part of the requirement from ILACADA is to do an activity associated with the webinar afterwards) and areas outside the university have been invited to attend. Campus Affairs and Public Relations The committee held a meeting on November 3. The first advisors luncheon was held in the Union and on Tuesday, November 18, advisors will eat in Thompson Hall. This will be sent out to the listserve. They are working on a possible plan to give students hot chocolate on December 10 in Morgan Hall and on December 11 in Simpkins Hall. They will keep you updated as work progresses on that. Send any public information announcement to Ellen Poulter who is working with a University Relations rep for coverage through the Courier and University Relations. AOM information should also be sent to Ellen. T‐shirts and polo shirts update: a t‐shirt logo is being designed. Once the design is set, they will circulate information for people who want to order. For polo shirts, they will identify a logo that has an academic advising logo and the tower potentially on it and make that logo available at one or more local stores so advisors can choose the piece of clothing they want the design to be put on. Kelly is working on the possibility of having representation at a basketball game. Assessment Julie sent out e‐mail to the listserve. The committee is looking at doing small group setups in order to get feedback from areas about what they are looking for in assessments. Surveys will continue as a way of gathering information. The committee is trying to expand into other areas and is looking for feedback and volunteers. They hope to develop more directed questions in order to gain more specific quality of data that can be used. Please send information you think would be good to gather based off your areas … or volunteer as an ad‐hoc representative on this committee. Awards and Recognition The October AOM award will be presented on Friday. The November information is out. Technology Phoebe sent e‐mail about technology needs. Send your responses back to Jean Bird, chair of the committee. The committee is struggling about what things need to go to IT Governance and what things can by‐pass that process. Going through the IT Governance could take some time. Additional items the committee is working on: 1)
Electronic change of Major Form Pull‐down menu about why students are not returning (geared toward students who still have an advisor encumbrance, indicating why holds haven’t been removed) A suggestion was made to make a 3rd code (yes, no, other). Dawn Sweet (COEHS) is checking about the types of coding which would violate FERPA or HIPPA guidelines. VII. CAGAS Report … Jane Coplan ElEd curriculum changes were discussed. ElEd 110 is changing to C&I 110, will become a graded class instead of S/U, increased to a 2‐hour credit class, and will become a 2nd semester required class for upper division students, regardless of whether students come to WIU as freshmen or transfer students. Appeals were heard. The more support from advisors and faculty and the more documentation of actual circumstances included with the appeal, the more likely the appeal is to be approved. VIII. News from the Registrar’s Office a. Monday, November 24 – Open Registration begins for SP15 b. Monday, December 8 – Final grade reporting is available on WIUP c. Monday, December 23 – Final grades available to students IX. College/Area News – Council Members UAASC Michelle is on the Calendar Committee and will let the committee know about the time constraints with grades being posted so close to the university holiday closure. Advisors will probably get e‐mails from the Provost office about students who have not pre‐
registered for classes, so it may be wise to start developing a list now. Study Abroad Emily has taken a position at another university and will be leaving WIU at the end of the semester. It is unclear what will happen with her position. Kim will give updates as she gets them. There will be an evening informational meeting on December 3 and 4 for students going abroad spring semester, either all semester or during the break. Students can pick which date works best with their schedule. Ehren was elected president of International Educators of Illinois. This information should be sent to Ellen so that it can be publicized. Study Abroad is now located in Horrabin Hall, in the area where Social Work was previously located. Veteran Affairs Veteran Appreciation Week finished yesterday with the veterans ceremony. The reading of the roll call will be done again next year. Student veterans (or others who can mentor them) are invited to join the veterans support group. The group wants to bridge that gap between student veterans who may feel isolated and non‐
veterans (this process may begin with programming). Veterans Affairs has partnered with English/Journalism to host an open house in the Art Gallery entitled, Veteran Voices in Combat and Peace. All student veterans will be solicited to submit pieces about their military experiences. There will be other projects in the spring. Kathy has received positive feedback from students about their interactions with their advisors. There is open house today in the Art Gallery. COBT G‐COM has been approved as a comprehensive major. If you have anyone who is looking at engineering, please have them to go the department as soon as possible to get the basic information. G‐COM lower level courses have had pre‐reqs lifted. The college is the process of searching for a new dean. Some classes are closed, especially on the business side. Geology 113 is closed; the department is looking at this. If you have a student who needs this class, send the students themselves or their name and e‐mail address to Diane in Geology. X.
New Business Financial Aid is trying to get every student to submit their FAPSA by the first of the year. The first 100 people who submit their form will get a book voucher. Michelle will send this information to Stacey Macchi to give to U100 teachers to announce in class. Even if parents haven’t filed their tax return, they can still fill out their FASPA and adjust it later. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:40. Respectfully submitted, Debbie Carithers 