Earthquake Early Warnings “緊急地震速報 (Kinkyu Jishin Sokuhou)” in Japanese Forecasts of strong ground motion caused by earthquakes FFlow l o w oof f an E a Earthquake r thquake early Warni ng Early Warning 1 2 3 1 2 3 緊急 地震速 報 ピロン ポロ~ン ピロン ポロ~ン ピロン ポロ~ン ピロン ポロ~ン 緊急 地震速 報 E a r t h q uak e! Seismometer Detection of primary s e iseismic s m o m wa e tvee r E a r t h q u ak e! er Deby a seismomettection a of primary seismic wav e JMA Issuance of EEW by J MJMA A Issuance EE W TV,radio,etc Provision to the public TV・radio through etc broadcast Provisionmedia to public throug h Please note that strong tremors may arrive at the same time a s t h e Ea r t h q uake Early Warning in areas that are close to the focus of the earthquake . Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Jap a n M e t e o r o logi c a l A g e ncy Earthquake Early Warning: Dos & Don’ts Make residences earthquake-resistant and fix furniture to prepare for earthquakes und you ro a e s o th f o n o Call the attenti IfIf you you feel feel aa tremor tremor Remain Remain calm, calm, and and secure secure your your personal personal safety! safety! IfIf you you see/hear see/hear an EEW an EEW After seeing or hearing an Earthquake Early Warning, you have only a matter of seconds before strong tremors arrive. This means you need to act quickly to protect yourself. At Home When Driving - Protect your head and shelter under a table - Don’t rush outside - Don’t worry about turning off the gas in the kitchen - Don’t slow down suddenly - Turn on your hazard lights to alert other drivers, then slow down smoothly - If you are still moving when you feel the earthquake, pull safely over to the left and stop Earthquake Early Warning In Public Buildings Outdoors - Follow the attendant’s instructions - Don’t rush to the exit - Look out for collapsing concrete-block walls - Be careful of falling signs and broken glass On Buses or Trains In Elevators - Hold on tight to a strap or a handrail - Stop the elevator at the nearest floor and get off immediately For more information about the Earthquake Early Warning system, please contact the following department or visit the agency’s website. Administration Division, Seismological and Volcanological Department Japan Meteorological Agency Address: 1-3-4 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8122 Phone: 03-3212-8341 Website: The Earthquake Early Warning system has been made possible through joint technological development by the Japan Meteorological Agency and the Railway Technical Research Institute, as well as through achievements in technological development by the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention.