Document 11171621

The purpose of these Design and Construction Standards and Procedures is to provide guidelines for designing and
constructing facilities for the University of South Alabama. It is intended to set design, construction, maintainability,
and operational parameters, as well as summarize information that may be unique to the University either by choice
or by the specialized nature of the facility.
These standards are for use by architects, engineers, and interior designers (thereafter referred to as Design
Professionals) and contractors and sub contractors to ensure the successful delivery of projects for the University of
South Alabama.
It is recognized that all standards indicated herein are not universally applicable to every project. They are intended
to represent a cost effective application of preferred materials and systems that provide facilities that satisfy the
University’s program requirements and are efficient to operate and maintain.
These standards do not replace professional design analyses. It is not intended that these standards be used directly
as contract specifications. Consultants are expected to conduct independent evaluations, consider beneficial
alternatives, and discuss recommendations with the University Project Manager and associated professional staff.
Deviations from indicated preferences must be approved in writing by the Project Manager prior to implementation.
Designers and contractors are to become familiar with and are responsible for all sections of the Standards, and are
to incorporate information early in the design and construction process. In so doing, designers should be able to
save time in preparing plans and specifications as well as shorten the review time by University of South Alabama
Much of this publication is directed to the development of contract documents. A firm or individual providing
consulting services to the University will be the Consultant of Record and will incur the usual professional
responsibilities and liabilities for the specific project. The consultant should be familiar with the contract terms and
content of this publication with respect to pre-construction and post-construction responsibilities. The University
normally includes these Standards and Procedures by reference in each consultant agreement.
The University of South Alabama Design and Construction Standards and Procedures Manual is divided into the
following sections:
Section 1
The Design Process describes the general business relationship between the Design
Professional and the University. Lists University standards and design review
requirements to assist the Design Professionals in planning and estimating work effort in
addition to that described in the ABC contracts.
Section 2
General Design Guidelines are to be used in the preliminary design of University
Section 3
Specification Guidelines are to be incorporated in the consultants' specifications and
construction documents.
Section 4
Standard Specifications are University templates to be used as a part of the Contract
Provides additional information supporting this document.
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