Document 11165962

August 23—Twenty-­‐first Sunday in Ordinary Time The Readings for the Twenty-­‐second Sunday in Ordinary Time: Dt. 4:1–2, 6-­‐‑8 ! Jas 1: 17-­‐18, 21–22, 27 ! Mk 7:1-­‐8, 14-­‐15, 21-­‐23 The Readings for the Twenty-­‐third Sunday in Ordinary Time: Is 35:4–7 ! Jas 2: 1–5 ! Mk 7:31–37 Sunday, August 23, 2015 Eleanor Borneman
8:00 a.m. Stanislaw Szlachta
10:00 a.m. Humberto Lemus (Spanish) 12:00 p.m. John F. Cooney, Jr.
12:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 26, 2015
James Stoneman
5:30 p.m.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Vera and Anthony Taylor
5:30 p.m.
Please pray for Friday, August 28, 2015 Andrew Lauder
5:30 p.m.
Saturday, August 29, 2015 Mari-Jo Harney
4:00 p.m. Thursday, September 3, 2015 Richard Breen
5:30 p.m
Sunday, September 6, 2015 Catherine Marie Doyle
8:00 a.m. Sunday, August 30, 2015
William Francis Shields
8:00 a.m.
Edmond Mockus
10:00 a.m.
Jackie Foley
12:00 p.m.
Mary Dafarra
5:30 p.m.
Reconstruction of Handicap Ramp The handicap ramp on the parking lot side will be under construction from the end of August until the end of September and
will not be available for use. Please plan to use the Common wealth Avenue side during this period. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this necessary renovation.
Come and Journey With Us – The Ignatian Way We hope you will join us as our parish community comes together after
each liturgy on this weekend in September. We will take the pilgrim
journey together, to get to know our parish, the people, and how we can
share our faith and serve one another.
Faith Formation Faith Formation Registration has begun for the 2015-16 program year! We have created a new online registration form that
allows you to register your family for Faith Formation and pay
your registration fee for classes. If you are not yet registered as
members of the parish, you can do so when you sign up for Faith
Formation classes. Information about all of our program options
is included. To register, go to:
There will be fun activities for person of all ages, including a community
wide art project led by a talented textile artist, performances by some of
our own parish artists, face painting, bread-baking and wine-making
demonstrations and tours of the stained glass windows...and of course,
wonderful food and an opportunity to meet and greet your fellow parishioners! Grab your passport and check out all the stops on the way,
from Pamplona to Rome...finish the pilgrimage at the Chiesa el Jesu and
pick up a prize!
Want to meet your fellow parishioners? Help with this weekend long
celebration! Contact Catherine Downing at or at
617-782-5812 for more information or to volunteer.
There is a wonderful article about our parish ARRUPE program
in the latest issue of Jesuits magazine. Don’t miss it! Copies are
available at the church exits.
For Faith Formation questions, please be in touch with Susan
Stuart at or 617-552-6105. If you need assistance registering for the parish, please contact Kyle Crosby at or 617-552-6119.
Important Dates for Confirmation Confirmation is Friday, April 8th at 7pm.
Confirmation Retreats are:
Fall: October 23-25, Craigville Retreat Center, Craigville, MA*
Spring: March 4-6, Connors Retreat Center, Dover, MA
*The Fall retreat is mandatory for anyone in Confirmation I or
II. There will be an informational meeting with parents of Confirmation students in September.
St. Ignatius Priorities Survey At our Pastoral Council meeting in June, there was a desire expressed for parishioners to fill out a brief survey on pastoral priorities, especially with the advent of a new pastor in June 2016. If
you could take a few moments and fill this out online, we would
be most grateful. The link is: Online surveys are much easier for us to tabulate than paper ones. However, if you do not have access to a computer, paper surveys are
available in the back of the church. Please submit your survey
responses – either online or on paper – by August 26. For the Greater Glory of God, Video Premier – Sept. 10 For the Greater Glory of God, a dance/ theater piece inspired by
the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, was created by
Fr. Bob VerEecke for the Ignatian Anniversaries of 1990. The
first performance took place in the Sanctuary of St. Ignatius parish and was subsequently performed at many Jesuit Universities
and Parishes across the country and in Canada.
Last summer, Jeremy Zipple S.J., a professional videographer
and media director at America Magazine, videoed the work using multiple cameras. The "Premiere" of the video version of the
work will take place on Thursday September 10th in the Robsham Theater at Boston College. It features dancers from the
Boston Liturgical Dance Ensemble as well as a musical ensemble
under the direction of Paul Melley. There is no admission charge
but it would be helpful to know the numbers of people who will
attend, so we ask you to contact the rectory to put your name on
a list if you are planning to attend. This evening will also be the
first in a series on Prayer and the Imagination offered by the
Center for Ignatian Spirituality at Boston College.
Choir Rehearsals begin Wednesday, September 8 It comes as no surprise to anyone who has sung in a choir that
scientists have shown that not only does singing in a choir make
you feel good; it’s got health benefits too. Researchers found that
choristers’ heartbeats synchronize when they sing together,
bringing about a calming effect that is as beneficial to our health
as yoga. Our 10AM parish choir is a committed group of about
35 singers who come together on Wednesday nights for music
and fellowship. We express our faith through music and serve
the parish by lifting our voices in prayer. It’s a great way for new
parishioners to break into the parish, meet some fine people of
all ages, and make some beautiful music. New members are welcome if they have had some previous choral experience and have
some music reading ability. All voice parts are needed. More
information on the choir and all our music ministry ensembles is
posted on the church’s bulletin boards and on the website under
ministries. Contact Michael Burgo 552- 6108 or
La Pagina Hispana
Queridos Parroquianos,
Les escribo durante mi retiro anual. Este tiempo de 8 días me da
la oportunidad de rezar, reflexionar y “gustar y ver” la bondad de
Dios. La he notado especialmente el la belleza de la creación.
Cada día tomo el tiempo a caminar y observar la maravillas del
mundo creado por Dios. Durante uno de mis caminos vi una
señal con un anuncio ofreciendo los servicios de un Entrenador
de Vida. (Life coach). Parece que hay personas que necesitan
encontrar a otra persona que puedan animarla y darle el consejo
para que vivieran una vida más amplia. Debo decirles que en
Jesucristo tenemos el mejor Entrenador de Vida que sea posible.
Como dice San Pedro en evangelio, ¨“Señor, ¿a quién iremos? Tú
tienes palabras de vida eterna”. Jesús es el camino, la verdad, y la
vida. Espero que nos podamos aprovechar de su amor y amistad
para que sepamos que en él tenemos todo lo que necesitamos.
También quería decirles que en septiembre vamos a volver a
ofrecer las clases en inglés para las personas que quisieran
aprender o dominar el idioma. Espero que vayan a ser varios
niveles. Si tiene ganas de participar, por favor inscríbese en el
tablón de anuncios en el Friary Room.
En el amor de Jesucristo,
Padre Bob
Children’s Carol Choir RIDDLE: What has approximately 22 arms, 22 legs, 11 voices
and likes to learn new music, sing at liturgies, play games, meet
new friends, and have parties? Meet us in The Choir/Media
Room on Wednesday, September 16 from 4:30 – 5:30 pm, to
find out.
Another Question: Who will you be for Halloween, this year? It’s
never too early to think about that. It will be important when
you go PUMPKIN CAROLING with us at Halloween time.
Hoping to see you on September 16. Have a good rest of summer, Mr. Z. (Timothy Zimmerman)
PS. Did I mention that I am Director of the Carol Choir/(Grades
3 through 6- Second Graders considered on an individual basis)?
Free Parish Collectibles We have a large Mosler safe (31x23X24) and an old Standard
Johnson electric money counter in the Parish Office that is looking for a new home. Both are free, but the responsibility of moving them lies with the new owner. Email or call the Parish Office
with inquiries, or 617-552-6102
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults ! What does it mean to be a Catholic?
! Why do Catholics do the craziest things?
! Who are those men in white dresses?
! How can I learn more?
Just ask, and the door will be opened. All adult seekers with just
a few questions or who are ready to focus on their faith questions
more deeply can get started by texting Diana at 419-290-7101 or
If you need to receive any sacrament (Baptism, Eucharist, 1st
Communion, Confession, Penance, Reconciliation, Confirmation), please also contact Diana. One to One and Groups are
forming now. Saint Ignatius Pledge Program We are pleased to say that donations made by parishioners who
participate in the Pledge Program account for 60% of the annual
budget needs of $1.5 m. To date, 25% of our parishioners participate in the program. Our goal is to have all members consider
making a pledge, however big or small, in order to help us maintain both our programs and building. You can sign up for automated donations via credit card or bank, or fill out a pledge card
located in the back of the church. For easy access to the website,
you can scan the QR code below. If you are already signed up,
please let us know when your credit card expires or your credit
card number changes. For more information, contact Database
Manager, Kyle Crosby at 617-552-6119 or
Be Part of Our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults If St. Ignatius Parish is important to you, WE NEED YOU. If being part of a faith community is important, WE NEED YOU. If
the Eucharist, scriptures, prayer and acts of service (doing good)
for others are important to you as a Catholic, WE NEED YOU!!!!
We need you to sit at Mass with an RCIA candidate, or talk to a
RCIA catechumen about your service activities or help the RCIA
with hospitality or be a sponsor to someone wanting to be baptized or become Catholic through the RCIA process.
Contact Diana Gaillardetz, Pastoral Associate for Adult Faith
Formation/ RCIA at (419-290-7101)
Catholic TV Watch The Catholic TV Network 24 hours daily in crystal-clear
digital on Charter channel 101, Comcast channel 268 (183 in
some areas), RCN channel 85, and Verizon FiOS channel 296.
For the next two weeks, the priests presiding on the televised
Mass are:
Sunday, August 23 - Fr. Murphy, Cambridge
Monday, August 24 - Fr. DeFazio, Haverhill
Tuesday, August 25 - Fr. Milik, Bridgewater
Wednesday, August 26 - Fr. Peschel, Yarmouth
Thursday, August 27 - Fr. Clifford, Braintree
Friday, August 28 - Fr. Ritt, Lynnfield
Saturday, August 29 - Fr. Reed, The CatholicTV
Sunday, August 30 - Fr. Bennett, Boston
Monday, August 31 - Fr. Sheridan, Lakeville
Tuesday, September 1 - Fr. Mcdonald, Dorchester
Wednesday, September 2 - Fr. Stamm, Needham
Thursday, September 3 - Fr. Bennett, South Boston
Friday, September 4 - Fr. Carreiro, Cambridge
Saturday, September 5 - Fr. Reed, The CatholicTV Network
2015 Catholic Appeal Update We are grateful for the contributions our parishioners have
made toward the Archdiocesan Appeal. St. Ignatius has raised
$74,104 or 95% of the 2015 Catholic Appeal assessed goal of
$77,960. We hope parishioners will continue to donate toward
the last $3856 of the Cardinal’s Appeal so that we do not have to
use funds from our operating budget. On behalf of Cardinal Seán
O’Malley and all who benefit from your generosity, thank you
for your support.
Book Discussion
Are you looking for summer reading and greater parish participation? We’re here to help on both counts. May we suggest that
you read the book Being Mortal by Atul Gawande this summer
and attend the discussion, which will take place on September
13 at 11:15 in the parish office. In this book Gawande looks at
the problems of aging and the inevitability of death. He points
out how common it is for modern medicine to fail the people it is
supposed to be helping (i.e., in striving to give patients health
and survival, their well-being can be neglected). As the end of life
approaches, Gawande insists that we look at the “Dying Role,”
which he describes as patients’ ability to “share memories, pass
on wisdom and keepsakes, settle relationships, establish legacies
and make peace with their God.” Please join us in September for
discussion of this thoughtful, well-written book.
August 23 – Twenty-­‐first Sunday in Ordinary Time.
It doesn’t get much more direct than Joshua’s words to the tribes
of Israel: “decide today whom you will serve”, and, in case they
needed coaxing, “as for me and my household, we will serve the
Lord”. And when Jesus asks the Twelve, “…Do you also want to
leave?” Peter doesn’t miss a beat, “Lord, to whom shall we go? …
We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy
One of God.” Do you believe? Are you convinced? Share this
Good News. August 30 –Twenty-­‐second Sunday in Ordinary Time
In his letter today Saint James reminds us, “Humbly welcome the
word that has been planted in you and is able to save your souls.
Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding yourselves”
Each week we come together to be nourished by God’s word in
Scripture and the Word, Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. What
difference does it make in our lives?
Change in bulletin/office schedule for the summer During the month of August, the Parish Office will be closing at
1:00 pm on Fridays. Beginning Sept. 6, the bulletin will return to
weekly publishing. Bulletin announcement requests should be
sent to at least one week prior to publication.
Printing of announcements is dependent on space. Miramar Retreat Center Summer is winding down soon and before you know it, autumn
will be around the corner. In this in-between time, are you looking for some time out to take some time in with God? Maybe a
time to relax and catch your breath? Here are some suggestions
from Miramar Retreat Center in Duxbury, (781) 585-2460
Email us: or visit our website:
Healing the Heart / Tending the Emotions: life stretches us and
bruises our hearts. Through psychotherapy and a spiritual perspective you will benefit if you are experiencing anxiety, depression, or addictive/compulsive issues.
September 1, 2015 (10am-3pm and includes lunch)
Facilitator: Stephanie Bronner, MS, NCC
Stories that Help and Heal: What's your story? How does it connect with God's story? Why your sacred narrative helps and
heals you to take the next step on your spiritual journey.
September 11-13, 2015
Facilitator: Fr. Tom Umbras, SVD
THANK YOU for your outstanding generosity in our back-to-school items drive. You’ll be making life a bit easier
for parents who face the challenge of supplying their children with needed school items for the new year.
SHATTUCK FOURTH TUESDAY: We’ll be serving supper, along with our desserts, to the Guests at Pine
Street Inn Shattuck Shelter on Tuesday, August 25th. We’re always in need of desserts, so if you can donate
one, please drop it off at the Parish Office by 4PM on that day. Earlier arriving desserts may be left in the entryway of the building. Thank you for your continuing support of our ministry to the Shelter Guests.
POPE FRANCIS HOUSE CHALLENGE: This year, Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston is building a duplex (pictured) on
Woodbine Street in Roxbury, where we did our last Build. One of these homes is being built in honor of Pope Francis, in
recognition of his inspirational leadership of the Roman Catholic Church. Major funding for the
house has been made possible through a generous $60,000 challenge grant by an anonymous donor.
The Pope Francis House donor seeks to inspire the Greater Boston community to raise at least
$60,000 to support this special build. If you would like to help match the generous funding, you can
make an online donation by going to; be sure to type “Pope Francis House” in the
Dedication Field. Or you may donate by mail: Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston, Attn: Pope
Francis Build, 240 Commercial St. Boston, MA 02129.
HABITAT BUILD: We will again be supporting Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston in its mission
to provide affordable housing for deserving families by spending a Saturday working at a Habitat
building site in a Boston neighborhood. That date is September 19th and we need more Builders! If
you would like to be part of our Build Team, please contact Anton Finelli,, or Sr. Diane Vallerio,
Saint Ignatius of Loyola 28 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill MA 02467 Phone: 617-­‐552-­‐6100 ! Fax: 617-­‐552-­‐6101 ! Email: !­‐ignatius The Parish Staff Rev. Robert F. Ver Eecke, SJ, Pastor
Rev. John Allan Loftus, SJ, Associate
Paul Melley, Assistant to the Pastor, BC Liaison
Michael Burgo, Director of Music Ministry
Timothy Zimmerman, Associate Director of Music
Sr. Diane Vallerio, MFIC, Director of Outreach
Susan Stuart, Director of Faith Formation
Diana Gaillardetz, Adult Faith Formation, RCIA
Reenie Murphy, Parish Administrative Assistant
Kathy Maher, Spiritual Life Coordinator
Kyle Crosby, Database Manager
Kathy Maher, CAP Team Member, Chair
Rev. John Allan Loftus, SJ, CAP Team Member
Marc Gervais, CAP Team Member
Mary Santapaula, CAP Team Member
The Celebration of the Eucharist The Sacraments Sunday
Upper Church: 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 Noon, 5:30 p.m.
Lower Church: 10 a.m. (Family Liturgy)
12 Noon Misa en Español en la Capilla Lannon
Baptism: Adults are baptized at the Easter Vigil as part of the Rites of
Christian Initiation for Adults. Infant and child baptisms are by arrangement.
Lower Church: 12:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Lower Church: Fridays, 12:45 p.m. Adoration (September – June)
Lower Church: 9 a.m.
Upper Church: 4 p.m. (Vigil)
First Eucharist: Preparation begins in grade one and includes classes,
retreats and home instruction. Children receive First Eucharist in grade
Confirmation: Our Confirmation program begins in grade nine. Students are confirmed in the spring of grade ten. Young adults who have
been catechized but are not yet confirmed should contact the parish office for an alternative program.
Matrimony: Must be registered as a parishioner six months prior to
beginning marriage arrangements.
Reconciliation: Saturdays, 3:15–3:45 p.m., Upper Church or by arrangement
Anointing of the Sick: By arrangement