September 27—Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Please pray for

September 27—Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Readings for the Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: Gn 2: 18 – 24  Heb 2: 9 – 11  Mk 10: 2 – 16
Please pray for
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Mary Collins and Margaret Snow
8:00 a.m.
Louise Bourdeau Urbano (Family)
10:00 a.m.
Jeannie Ridgeway and Joan Crosby
10:00 p.m.
Dale Talkington
12:00 p.m.
Benny Clifford
5:30 p.m.
Barbara Connolly
12:15 p.m.
Inez and Primo Lorenzoni
4:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Sunday, October 4, 2015
John Harris
12:15 p.m.
Mary Cain
5:30 p.m.
Angelo Pacillo
10:00 a.m.
Frank Nemeth
12:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Friday, October 2, 2015
Dr James Reyes
12:15 p.m.
Graziella Alfonzo
12:15 p.m.
Marilyn Riordan
5:30 p.m.
Dear Parishioners
This past week was a very exciting time for the Church
in the US as Pope Francis came to visit. I hope you were
be able to follow his journey in the news and on the
many web sites that will had live screening of his visits.
Speaking of Pope Francis, while I was on retreat this
summer I was reading his encyclical on the environment.
Before the retreat began, Paul Melley had "jokingly"
suggested that a song might come out of the retreat
since this had happened when we wrote You Will Know.
Well, I was so moved by the Francis' words that the lyrics to a song did come. Paul has composed it and it will
be premiered at the upcoming BC conference "Our
Common Home" preceding Cardinal Peter Kodwo
Appiah Turkson--president of the Pontifical Council for
Justice and Peace keynote speech on Monday, September 28th at 4:30 in the Robsham Theater. I am also told
that one of our parishioners hand delivered a copy of the
lyrics to Pope Francis during a meeting she had with
him in Rome :-)
Today, on the feast of St. Francis, we hope to highlight
Laudato Si!. There will be a gathering of parishioners
who wish to share their thoughts on the Encylical at
11:15 in the Choir Media room We also are co-sponsors
with other churches in the area of a conference on climate change that will focus on Pope Francis' Encyclical.
Fr. Bob
Answering the Call: An Interfaith Gathering for Climate
Action in Response to Pope Francis’ Laudato Si!
Monday, October 12, 7 - 9pm (6:30pm Welcoming Reception/Sign-In), Temple Beth Elohim, 10 Bethel Road,
If you are interested in attending, please let Fr. Bob
St. Ignatius Symphonia
Calling all instrumentalists! If you are an experienced
instrumentalist, please consider joining the St. Ignatius
Symphonia, which plays at the noon Mass, and a few
other Masses through the season. Music is emailed ahead
of time, and we rehearse at 11 am the day of. We Begin
this Season on October 4. Please contact Timothy Zimmerman :, or
Continue the Journey!
Get more insight into the readings you hear at mass.
Join us for PASTA & PRAYER, a prayerful conversation with friends over dinner to discuss the Sunday
scriptures. Feed your body, mind and soul!!
The next session, “Leading In Joy”, discussing the readings for Advent, will take place on Thursday, October
15, 2015 in the Dining Room at the Parish Office from
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Prior registration required: Call Catherine at 617-7825812 or e-mail to, to reserve a
place at the table.
Reconstruction of Handicapped Ramp
Construction on the wheelchair ramp on the parking lot
side has begun and will continue through early to mid
October. The ramp and stairs at that entrance will not
be available for use. Please plan to use the Commonwealth Avenue side during this period. We appreciate
your patience and understanding during this necessary
Faith Formation
Faith Formation for our 2015-16 program year has begun! All of our catechists are ready and excited to start
our new year. Please refer to the Faith Formation page
of the parish website for all of the calendars, schedules
and sacramental preparation information. If your children are registered, you will receive an email from Susan
Stuart or Anabella Morabito with specific information
about class locations.
Fall Confirmation Retreat
October 23-25, Craigville Retreat Center, Craigville, MA.
This retreat is mandatory for anyone in Confirmation I
or II. An informational meeting with parents of Confirmation students is being held today at noon in the Choir
Media Room.
Laudato Si: A Discussion of Pope Francis' Encyclical
All are welcome to join in a discussion of Laudato Si, the
Care for God's Creation on Sunday, October 4, at 11:15
am in the Choir Media room. We will explore and dialogue about our faith in light of this rich document from
Pope Francis. With over ten thought provoking themes,
Laudato Si has much for us to discuss. To get the text of
Laudato Si, go online at You can also
order a copy from or pick up a
copy at Pauline Books in Dedham, MA. If possible,
please RSVP so the resources can be ready for you to or call 419-290-7101.
Foundations of Ignatian Prayer
Come explore and encounter the prayer forms that are
used in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. These sessions provide an introduction to the themes of Ignatian
prayer as a starting point for those who may be considering the Spiritual Exercises. Our fall sessions begin on
October 18th and are held Sunday afternoons from 3:305:00pm in the Choir/Media Room. All are welcome.
For more information, please contact Kathy Maher,
Spiritual Life Coordinator at 617-552-6112 or kathe-
Living the Spiritual Exercises
Have you experienced the 19th Annotation Retreat?
Join us as we gather for prayer and faith-sharing to
deepen and renew our experience of the graces of the
Spiritual Exercises. Fall 2015 gatherings are on Sundays
(October 4th, November 8th, December 6th) from 3:305:00 in the Lannon Chapel. For more information, please
contact Kathy Maher, Spiritual Life Coordinator at 617552-6112 or
Choir Rehearsals have begun
It comes as no surprise to anyone who has sung in a
choir that scientists have shown that not only does singing in a choir make you feel good; it’s got health benefits
too. Researchers found that choristers’ heartbeats synchronize when they sing together, bringing about a
calming effect that is as beneficial to our health as yoga.
Our 10AM parish choir is a committed group of about 35
singers who come together on Wednesday nights for music and fellowship. We express our faith through music
and serve the parish by lifting our voices in prayer. It’s
a great way for new parishioners to break into the parish, meet some fine people of all ages, and make some
beautiful music. New members are welcome if they have
had some previous choral experience and have some music reading ability. All voice parts are needed. More information on the choir and all our music ministry ensembles is posted on the church’s bulletin boards and on
the website under ministries. Contact Michael Burgo
552- 6108 or
Children’s Carol Choir
RIDDLE: What has approximately 22 arms, 22 legs, 11
voices and likes to learn new music, sing at liturgies,
play games, meet new friends, and have parties? Meet
us in The Choir/Media Room on Wednesdays from 4:30 –
5:30 pm, to find out.
Another Question: Who will you be for Halloween, this
year? It’s never too early to think about that. It will be
important when you go PUMPKIN CAROLING with
us at Halloween time. For more information, contact
Mr. Z at 617-552-6114.
Boston College Home Football Schedule
We will continue to publish the home football schedule
so that parishioners can plan accordingly for Mass and
other scheduled events during the fall.
Oct. 10
Wake Forest
Oct. 31
Virginia Tech
To be determined
To be deter-
Nov. 7
NC State
To be determined
Catholic TV
Watch The Catholic TV Network on Charter channel
101, Comcast channel 268 (183 in some areas), RCN
channel 85, and Verizon FiOS channel 296.
Nativity Prep Volunteer Opportunity
Nativity Preparatory School in Jamaica Plain is looking
for volunteers to join their evening program which provides students with a nutritious meal and a safe and quiet space to complete their homework with the help of
caring and concerned, supportive adults. Persons interested in helping to provide a nutritious meal should contact Pat Benedosso at or (857) 728-0031.
Please do not park in Staff or Handicap Parking
Parking at St. Ignatius is challenging, especially with
school in session and many parishioners returning from
summer vacations. Because of limited staff parking
spaces and a need to accommodate disabled parishioners, we must limit parking in the driveway behind the
church to vehicles with parking permits only. Please
allow a few extra minutes for parking deeper in the
campus in spaces along Campanella Way- the road that
goes through our small lot. There are also larger lots
right past the Robsham Theater. Parking on the construction side of More Drive is not permitted. Thank you
for your consideration- especially on Sunday mornings.
Favor de no estacionarse en espacios reservados para los
empleados o para impedidos. El parqueo en San Ignacio
presenta muchos retos, especialmente cuando los
estudiantes han regresado a clases, y muchos
parroquianos han regresado de sus vacaciones de verano.
Debido a los limitados espacios de estacionamiento para
los empleados, y la necesidad de acomodar a
parroquianos impedidos, debemos limitar el parqueo en
la entrada de carros detras de la iglesia solamente a
vehiculos con permisos de estacionamiento. Tengan la
bondad de venir algunos minutos antes para asi poder
estacionarse mas adentro del campus en los espacios que
pasan por "Campanella Way", el camino que conduce a
traves de nuestro pequen~o estacionamiento. Tambien
hay estacionamientos mas grandes al pasar el teatro
Robsham. Es prohibido estacionarse en el lado de la
construccion de "More Hall".
Gracias por su consideracion, especialmente los
domingos por la man~ana."
Sunday Morning Book Discussion – A Nun on the Bus
On October 18th at 11:15 am, there will be a discussion
of the book A Nun on the Bus by Sister Simone Campbell. In 2012, the author, with several other nuns,
boarded a bus in support of health and social justice issues. In the book, Sister Campbell, a practicing attorney, shares her own personal background and provides a
compelling report on how the road trip was organized
and the intentions that sparked it and kept it organized.
Please join our discussion of this book on October 18 in
the living room of the parish center.
Womens Writer’s Workshop
The Women’s Table, of the Sisters of St. Joseph of
Boston, will host a Writer’s Workshop for women
starting in mid-October. This six-week program inspires
women to freely express their thoughts & feelings
through writing. Held on Thursday mornings from
10:00-11:30 a.m. from Oct. 15 to Nov. 19. Each session is
held in The Penthouse at the Motherhouse of the Sisters
of St. Joseph of Boston, 637 Cambridge St., Brighton,
MA. To register, call Mary Rita Weschler at: 617-7462056 or email: Free,
donations are welcome!
La Pagina Hispana
Queridos Parroquianos,
Espero que hayan disfrutado del camino Ignaciano el
domingo pasado, especialmente la historia de la vida de
San Ignacio que les conté con la ayuda de Jim Dávila.
Esperamos que durante este año nuestros parroquianos
puedan conocer a San Ignacio más y más. Estamos planeando varias experiencias que les darán la oportunidad
de aprender la historia de San Ignacio y rezar con él.
Espero que se estén aprovechando de las oportunidades
de ver al Papa Francisco en su visita a Cuba y a los E.U.
Comparto con ustedes la oración que rezó ante la virgen
del Cobre.
¡Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, Patrona de Cuba! ¡Dios te
salve, María, llena de gracia!
Tú eres la Hija amada del Padre, la Madre de Cristo,
nuestro Dios, el Templo vivo del Espíritu Santo. Llevas en
tu nombre, Virgen de la Caridad, la memoria del Dios que
es Amor,
el recuerdo del mandamiento nuevo de Jesús, la evocación
del Espíritu Santo: amor derramado en nuestros corazones,
fuego de caridad enviado en Pentecostés sobre la Iglesia,
don de la plena libertad de los hijos de Dios. ¡Bendita tú
entre las mujeres y bendito el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús!
Has venido a visitar nuestro pueblo y has querido quedarte
con nosotros como Madre y Señora de Cuba, a lo largo de su
peregrinar por los caminos de la historia.
Tu nombre y tu imagen están esculpidos en la mente y en el
corazón de todos los cubanos,
dentro y fuera de la Patria, como signo de esperanza y centro de comunión fraterna.
¡Santa María, Madre de Dios y Madre nuestra! Ruega por
nosotros ante tu Hijo Jesucristo a intercede por nosotros
con tu corazón maternal, inundado de la caridad del Espíritu.
Acrecienta nuestra fe, aviva la esperanza, aumenta y fortalece en nosotros el amor.
Ampara nuestras familias, protege a los jóvenes y a los niños, consuela a los que sufren.
Sé Madre de los fieles y de los pastores de la Iglesia, modelo
y estrella de la nueva evangelización. ¡Madre de la reconciliación! Reúne a tu pueblo disperso por el mundo.
Haz de la nación cubana un hogar de hermanos y hermanas
para que este pueblo abra de par en par su mente, su corazón
y su vida a Cristo, único Salvador y Redentor, que vive y
reina con el Padre y el Espíritu Santo, por los siglos de los
Recemos especialmente por todos los Cubanos para que
puedan practicar su fe abiertamente y que todos los derechos humanos sean respetados.
Les deseo una semana llena de bendiciones.
Padre Bob
Jóvenes de Loyola
Si quieres conocer mejor el mensaje de Jesús junto a
otros jóvenes de la comunidad y poner tu fe en acción, el
grupo de jóvenes adultos “Jóvenes de Loyola” se reunirá
semanalmente. El grupo realiza un estudio de la Biblia
además de actividades sociales y de servicio en la comunidad. Para más información, contactar a Marilú Del
Toro, o (305) 562-6289.
Wednesday Evening Book Discussion
Our fall discussion group is now forming. We will meet,
as usual, at the Jesuit residence, 130 Beacon Street, from
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM, starting on Wednesday, October 7
and ending (most likely) on November 11. (We say most
likely because if the group feels it necessary we can add a
final session on November 18.) The one day we will not
meet is Wednesday, October 21.
Frs. Bob and J.A. will host the meetings. This season’s
book will be Abounding in Kindness: Writings for the
People of God by Sr. Elizabeth A. Johnson, C.S.J. (New
York: Orbis Books, 2015).
This is a very recently published series of articles and
lectures ranging over the many years of distinguished
theological reflection that Sr. Johnson has offered the
church. She remains the Distinguished Professor of
Theology at Fordham University. She has been called
one of the finest Catholic theologians of our time (Tom
Groome). Ron Rohlheiser says of this collection, “The
voice of Elizabeth Johnson helps make faith and the
church credible.” Sr. Helen Prejean adds, “I love this
book and carry its Galley pages with me on the road.”
Our group has already read two of her previous masterpieces, “The Quest for the Living God,” and “Truly Our
Sister: A Theology of Mary in the Communion of Saints.”
This collection will be just as provocative and nourishing.
We may not read every chapter together; it is a long and
diverse collection. But we will certainly whet the appetite for more. The book should be available in
bookstores and is on line via in paperback
or digitally.
As always, space is limited. To reserve a place please
contact Reenie Murphy in the main office
( or 617-552-6102) s soon as possible.
Any questions? Contact Fr. JA. (
Upcoming Commission Meetings
Faith Formation - Tuesday, Sept. 29, 7:15 pm, Garden
Liturgy Commission – Tuesday, Oct. 6, 7:15 pm, Garden
With Open Arms Welcomes All - September 27, 4:00 pm
Come all who are curious, questioning or wanting to
learn more about the Catholic faith. Our series begins
this Sunday, Sept 27 from 4:00 - 5:15pm in the lower
church Old Choir Room, and continues on the Sundays
in October.
We welcome all adults “With Open Arms”:
 Who seek baptism, confirmation, and first Eucharist
as Roman Catholics
 Who have already been baptized Christian and seek
confirmation and/or full communion in the Catholic
 Who wish to return to the church and seek renewal
 Who support any seekers mentioned above.
What to expect: Open environment for learning and
sharing led by Fr. Bob VerEecke and Diana Gaillardetz
with individualized attention given to your questions
and needs. For more information, contact Diana at or 419-290-7101.
Be Part of Our RCIA Team
If St. Ignatius Parish is important to you, WE NEED
YOU. If being part of a faith community is important,
WE NEED YOU. If the Eucharist, scriptures, prayer
and acts of service (doing good) for others are important
to you as a Catholic, WE NEED YOU!!!!
We need you to sit at Mass with an RCIA candidate, or
talk to a RCIA catechumen about your service activities
or help the RCIA with hospitality or be a sponsor to
someone wanting to be baptized or become Catholic
through the RCIA process.
Contact Diana Gaillardetz, Pastoral Associate for Adult
Faith Formation/ RCIA at (419-290-7101)
Outreach Ministries
At the door collection: This
weekend, we’re conducting
our annual at-the-door collection to underwrite our Habitat Builds for the coming year. Habitat Greater Boston
is very grateful for the part we’ve played in its mission
for close to 20 years. Help us strengthen that partnership! Look for the hard hat at any church exit.
Next Month: Our winter clothing drive
for St. Francis House Guests will be October 17/18. This year, St. Francis House
has asked that we limit our collection to
men’s clothing only. The list of wanted
items will be in forthcoming bulletins.
Open Houses
Catholic Memorial - Sunday, October 18 from 11:00 am1:00 pm for the Middle School Program and 2:00-4:00
pm for the High School Program. Located in West
Roxbury. Visit our website at or call Admissions at 617469-8019
Xaverian Brothers High School - Sunday, October 25
from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Located in Westwood. The
day will feature a presentation and information about
our Francis Xavier Division 7th and 8th grade program
as well as the high school program. Register online at or contact the Admissions Office
at 781-326-6392
Ursuline Academy – Sunday, October 25 from 11:00 am –
2:00 pm. A college prepatory school for girls in grades 7
through 12, located in Dedham. For further information, please call 781-493-7727 or visit to preregister for the Open
Saint Joseph Prep – Sunday, October 25 from 1:00 – 4:00
pm. Located in Boston. A co-ed Catholic, independent
school for 250 students in grades 9-12. Sponsored by the
Sisters of Saint Joseph and collaborating with Boston
College and Regis College, the school provides young
men and women with an educational experience that is
both exceptional and affordable. Visit for more information. Or call
617-254-8383, x1308.
Little Rock Scripture Study
This semester we will study “The Way of Justice and
Peace” and “The Infancy Narratives of Jesus”. The Justice and Peace study helps us reflect on God’s call to holiness and our response, the requirements of discipleship
and the lasting rewards of following the way of justice
and peace. The Infancy Naratives focus on the connection between the Old and New Testaments. The studies
begin on Wednesday, September 23 at 7:15 pm in the
Old Choir Room. The cost is $20.00, which includes
commentaries, study guides and video presentations of
both studies. New members are welcome. To register,
call John Dafara at 781-899-9540.
Companions Support Group
Companions is an educational support group for anyone
in need of healing and hope after the death of a loved
one .
There will be eight weekly sessions on Sunday afternoons from September 20 through November 15 (no
meeting 10/11) in the Parish Office Living Room, from
3:45 - 5:15 p.m. The sessions will begin and end with
meditation, and focus on healing as we share our stories,
learn to embrace our grief, cope with holidays, care for
ourselves and create meaningful changed lives in the
context of our Christian faith.Pre-registration is requested. For more information, contact Maureen
Saldarini , St. Ignatius Funeral Ministry,
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
28 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill MA 02467
Phone: 617-552-6100  Fax: 617-552-6101  Email: 
The Parish Staff
Rev. Robert F. Ver Eecke, SJ, Pastor
Rev. John Allan Loftus, SJ, Associate
Paul Melley, Assistant to the Pastor, BC Liaison
Michael Burgo, Director of Music Ministry
Timothy Zimmerman, Associate Director of Music
Sr. Diane Vallerio, MFIC, Director of Outreach
Susan Stuart, Director of Faith Formation
Anabella Morabito, Associate Dir. of Faith Formation
Diana Gaillardetz, Adult Faith Formation, RCIA
Reenie Murphy, Parish Administrative Assistant
Kathy Maher, Spiritual Life Coordinator
Kyle Crosby, Database Manager
Kathy Maher, CAP Team Member, Chair
Rev. John Allan Loftus, SJ, CAP Team Member
Marc Gervais, CAP Team Member
Mary Santapaula, CAP Team Member
The Celebration of the Eucharist
The Sacraments
Upper Church: 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 Noon, 5:30
Lower Church: 8 a.m., 10 a.m. (Family Liturgy)
12 Noon Misa en Español en la Capilla Lannon
Baptism: Adults are baptized at the Easter Vigil as part of the
Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults. Infant and child baptisms are by arrangement.
Lower Church: 12:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Lower Church: Fridays, 12:45 p.m. Adoration
Lower Church: 9 a.m.
Upper Church: 4 p.m. (Vigil)
First Eucharist: Preparation begins in grade one and includes
classes, retreats and home instruction. Children receive First
Eucharist in grade two.
Confirmation: Our Confirmation program begins in grade nine.
Students are confirmed in the spring of grade ten. Young adults
who have been catechized but are not yet confirmed should contact the parish office for an alternative program.
Matrimony: Must be registered as a parishioner six months prior
to beginning marriage arrangements.
Reconciliation: Saturdays, 3:15–3:45 p.m., Upper Church or by
Anointing of the Sick: By arrangement