October 4—Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Please pray for

October 4—Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Readings for the Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Wis 7: 7 – 11  Heb 4: 12 – 13  Mk 10: 17 – 30
Please pray for
Sunday, October 4, 2015
10:00 a.m.
Frank Nemeth
12:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m.
Isaac James Houston
5:30 p.m.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Joe De Castro
5:30 p.m.
David J. Barksdale
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
Mary Dafarra
5:30 p.m.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Claire Compermolle
5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Stephen Carlisle
5:30 p.m.
Capobianco-Casaletto Family and
Judge Margaret C. Scott
9:00 a.m.
Constance Minci
4:00 p.m.
Letter from the Pastor
Dear Parishioners
While I was on retreat this summer, I was reading Pope
Francis’ encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si!.
Before the retreat, Paul Melley had "jokingly" suggested
that a song might come out of the experience. This had
happened once before with the composition of the song
You Will Know. I was so moved by Francis' words that
the lyrics to a song did come. Paul has composed it. It
was premiered this past Monday at the BC conference
"Our Common Home". I am also told that one of our
parishioners hand delivered a copy of the lyrics to Pope
Francis during a meeting she had with him in Rome :-)
This weekend, on the feast of St Francis, we hope to
highlight Laudato Si!. There will be a gathering of parishioners who wish to share their thoughts on the Encyclical at 11:15 in the Choir Media room. We also are
co-sponsors with other churches in the area of a conference on climate change that will focus on Laudato Si!
Fr. Bob
Answering the Call: An Interfaith Gathering for Climate
Action in Response to Pope Francis’ Laudato Si!
Monday, October 12, 7 - 9pm (6:30pm Welcoming Reception/Sign-In), Temple Beth Elohim, 10 Bethel Road,
If you are interested in attending, please let Fr. Bob
Jóvenes de Loyola
Si quieres conocer mejor el mensaje de Jesús junto a
otros jóvenes de la comunidad y poner tu fe en acción, el
grupo de jóvenes adultos “Jóvenes de Loyola” se reunirá
semanalmente. El grupo realiza un estudio de la Biblia
además de actividades sociales y de servicio en la comunidad. Para más información, contactar a Marilú Del
Toro, deltorom@bc.edu o (305) 562-6289.
La Pagina Hispana
Queridos Parroquianos,
Hoy felicitamos a Andrés Vall-Serra quien fue ordenado
como diácono ayer. Como saben, Andrés ha trabajado
con nuestra comunidad durante tres años y nos da mucha alegría verlo tomar este paso en su camino hasta el
sacerdocio. Estamos afortunados de que estará predicando y haciendo los bautismos en nuestra comunidad
en los meses que vienen.
Hoy es la fiesta de San Francisco. Estoy seguro que ustedes, como yo, están muy agradecidos que en nuestra
época hay un Papa del mismo nombre quien nos muestra la misma compasión y cuidado por la creación. Espero que sepan que el Papa Francisco ha escrito una encíclica sobre el medioambiente. “Laudato Si’” son las
palabras con la que comienza una oración de San Francisco y el título de la encíclica sobre la creación, documento que es una exclamación de alabanza por la creación y también un llamado a la armonía, la responsabilidad de todos hacia el medioambiente y la conversión.
Les recomiendo que vayan al sitio de web rezandovoy.org y escuchen La Oración por la creación.
He estado muy entusiasmado por la participación que he
visto en las clases de inglés. Esto es un servicio que nos
complace como parroquia ofrecer a la comunidad. Hasta el momento tenemos cuatro profesores y 15 estudiantes. Si quieren aprender, mejorar o dominar el idioma,
vengan a las clases que realizamos todos los domingos a
1:30 p.m. en la oficina parroquial.
Padre Bob
Upcoming Commission Meetings
Liturgy Commission – Tuesday, Oct. 6, 7:15 pm, Garden
Faith Formation
Faith Formation for our 2015-16 program year has begun! All of our catechists are ready and excited to start
our new year. Please refer to the Faith Formation page
of the parish website for all of the calendars, schedules
and sacramental preparation information. If your children are registered you will receive an email from Susan
Stuart or Anabella Morabito with specific information
about class locations.
Fall Confirmation Retreat
October 23-25, Craigville Retreat Center, Craigville, MA.
This retreat is mandatory for anyone in Confirmation I
or II. For more information, please contact Susan Stuart
at 617-552-6105.
Pasta and Prayer - Continue the Journey!
Get more insight into the readings you hear at Mass.
Join us for PASTA & PRAYER, a prayerful conversation with friends over dinner to discuss the Sunday
scriptures. Feed your body, mind and soul!!
The next session, “Leading In Joy”, discussing the readings for Advent, will take place on Thursday, October
15, 2015 in the Dining Room at the Parish Office from
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Prior registration required: Call Catherine at 617-7825812 or e-mail to cfdesq@hotmail.com, to reserve a
place at the table.
Reconstruction of Handicapped Ramp
Construction on the wheelchair ramp on the parking lot
side has begun and will continue through to mid October. The ramp and stairs at that entrance will not be
available for use. Please plan to use the Commonwealth
Avenue side during this period. We appreciate your pa-
tience and understanding during this necessary renovation.
Laudato Si: A Discussion of Pope Francis' Encyclical
All are welcome to join in a discussion of Laudato Si, the
Care for God's Creation, today, Sunday, October 4, at
11:15 am in the Choir Media room. We will explore and
dialogue about our faith in light of this rich document
from Pope Francis. With over ten thought provoking
themes, Laudato Si has much for us to discuss. To get
the text of Laudato Si, go online at www.vatican.va.
You can also order a copy from http://store.usccb.org/ or
pick up a copy at Pauline Books in Dedham, MA. If possible, please RSVP so the resources can be ready for you
to diana.gaillardetz@bc.edu or call 419-290-7101.
Nativity Prep Volunteer Opportunity
Nativity Preparatory School in Jamaica Plain is looking
for volunteers to join their evening program which provides students with dinner and a safe, quiet space to
complete their homework with the help of supportive
adults. Persons interested in helping to provide a nutritious meal should contact Pat Benedosso at
pbenedosso@nativityboston.org or (857) 728-0031.
Foundations of Ignatian Prayer
Come explore and encounter the prayer forms that are
used in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. These sessions provide an introduction to the themes of Ignatian
prayer as a starting point for those who may be considering the Spiritual Exercises. Our fall sessions begin on
October 18th and are held Sunday afternoons from 3:305:00pm in the Choir/Media Room. All are welcome.
For more information, please contact Kathy Maher,
Spiritual Life Coordinator at 617-552-6112 or katherine.maher@bc.edu
Living the Spiritual Exercises
Have you experienced the 19th Annotation Retreat?
Join us as we gather for prayer and faith-sharing to
deepen and renew our experience of the graces of the
Spiritual Exercises. Fall 2015 gatherings are on Sundays
(October 4th, November 8th, December 6th) from 3:305:00 in the Lannon Chapel. For more information, please
contact Kathy Maher, Spiritual Life Coordinator at 617552-6112 or katherine.maher@bc.edu
Choir Rehearsals have begun
It comes as no surprise to anyone who has sung in a
choir that scientists have shown that not only does singing in a choir make you feel good; it’s got health benefits
too. Researchers found that choristers’ heartbeats synchronize when they sing together, bringing about a
calming effect that is as beneficial to our health as yoga.
Our 10AM parish choir is a committed group of about 35
singers who come together on Wednesday nights for music and fellowship. We express our faith through music
and serve the parish by lifting our voices in prayer. It’s
a great way for new parishioners to break into the parish, meet some fine people of all ages, and make some
beautiful music. New members are welcome if they have
had some previous choral experience and have some music reading ability. All voice parts are needed. More information on the choir and all our music ministry ensembles is posted on the church’s bulletin boards and on
the website under ministries. Contact Michael Burgo
552- 6108 or burgo@bc.edu
Boston College Home Football Schedule
We will continue to publish the home football schedule
so that parishioners can plan accordingly for Mass and
other scheduled events during the fall.
Oct. 10
Wake Forest
Oct. 31
Virginia Tech
Nov. 7
NC State
3:00 pm
To be determined
To be determined
Catholic TV
Watch The Catholic TV Network on Charter channel
101, Comcast channel 268 (183 in some areas), RCN
channel 85, and Verizon FiOS channel 296.
Children’s Carol Choir
RIDDLE: What has approximately 22 arms, 22 legs, 11
voices and likes to learn new music, sing at liturgies,
play games, meet new friends, and have parties? Meet
us in The Choir/Media Room on Wednesdays from 4:30 –
5:30 pm, to find out.
Another Question: Who will you be for Halloween, this
year? It’s never too early to think about that. It will be
important when you go PUMPKIN CAROLING with
us at Halloween time. For more information, contact
Mr. Z at 617-552-6114.
Please do not park in Staff or Handicap Parking
Parking at St. Ignatius is challenging. Because of limited staff parking spaces and a need to accommodate
disabled parishioners, we must limit parking in the
driveway behind the church to vehicles with parking
permits only. Please allow a few extra minutes for parking deeper in the campus in spaces along Campanella
Way- the road that goes through our small lot. There are
also larger lots right past the Robsham Theater. Parking
on the construction side of More Drive is not permitted.
Thank you for your consideration- especially on Sunday
Sunday Morning Book Discussion – A Nun on the Bus
On October 18th at 11:15 am, there will be a discussion
of the book A Nun on the Bus by Sister Simone Campbell. In 2012, the author, with several other nuns,
boarded a bus in support of health and social justice issues. In the book, Sister Campbell, a practicing attorney, shares her own personal background and provides a
compelling report on how the road trip was organized
and the intentions that sparked it and kept it organized.
Please join our discussion of this book on October 18 in
the living room of the parish center.
Wednesday Evening Book Discussion
Our fall discussion group is now forming. We will meet,
as usual, at the Jesuit residence, 130 Beacon Street, from
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM, starting on Wednesday, October 7
and ending (most likely) on November 11. (We say most
likely because if the group feels it necessary we can add a
final session on November 18.) The one day we will not
meet is Wednesday, October 21.
Frs. Bob and J.A. will host the meetings. This season’s
book will be Abounding in Kindness: Writings for the
People of God by Sr. Elizabeth A. Johnson, C.S.J. (New
York: Orbis Books, 2015).
This is a very recently published series of articles and
lectures ranging over the many years of distinguished
theological reflection that Sr. Johnson has offered the
As always, space is limited. To reserve a place please
contact Reenie Murphy in the main office
(Ignatius@bc.edu or 617-552-6102) s soon as possible.
Any questions? Contact Fr. JA. (ja.loftus@bc.edu
Be Part of Our RCIA Team
If St. Ignatius Parish is important to you, WE NEED
YOU. If being part of a faith community is important,
WE NEED YOU. If the Eucharist, scriptures, prayer
and acts of service (doing good) for others are important
to you as a Catholic, WE NEED YOU!!!!
We need you to sit at Mass with an RCIA candidate, or
talk to a RCIA catechumen about your service activities
or help the RCIA with hospitality or be a sponsor to
someone wanting to be baptized or become Catholic
through the RCIA process.
Contact Diana Gaillardetz, Pastoral Associate for Adult Faith Formation/ RCIA at (419290-7101) Diana.gaillardetz@bc.edu
Outreach Ministries
At the door collection: Thank you for your outstanding
generosity in last weekend’s at-the-door collection to
underwrite our Habitat Builds for the coming year.
Winter clothing drive - October 17/18. This clothing
drive will benefit the male Guests at St. Francis House
Day Shelter in Boston. The new and gently
used clothing that you donate will help to
clothe over 150 poor and homeless guests
per week who seek clothing assistance.
Men’s only items in highest demand:
Men’s Socks & Underwear (only NEW undergar-
ments accepted) Backpacks/Duffel bags
Men’s Suits / Sports Coats
Items to avoid:
We do not accept donations of children’s items
We do not accept used socks and underwear/undergarments
We do not distribute items that are damaged or
discolored. To ensure that our resources efficiently
reach those in need, and to limit sorting time, please
donate items in good condition that are only gently
Men’s Pants (especially jeans – given out daily )
Men’s T-shirts
Men’s Coats & Jackets
Men’s Footwear new or very gently used - sizes 9-
14 (ex tremely important during winter months
Men’s Sweaters & Sweatshirts & Hoodies
Men’s Hats, Gloves, and
Dear Parishioners,
Every year at this time we give you an annual report so that you will know how we are doing fiscally as a
parish. I am more than grateful for the work of our Finance Council, my assistant Paul Melley, who has
taken over many of the responsibilities of Business Manager and Ron Pawlicek, our accountant. Our fiscal health as a parish is what enables us to have such a vibrant community life. Along with the “numbers”, we ask you to reflect on how you experience the Joy of the Gospel in your participation in the life
of the parish. I believe that our revised mission statement captures the essence of who we are as a parish
Our mission: As a Jesuit parish community, animated by the spirit of St. Ignatius, we welcome all to share in the
joy of the Gospel and to come to "know, love and serve" God and one another.
 The Joy of the Gospel is expressed through our liturgies, especially the wonderful music, preaching and
the other arts.
The Joy of the Gospel is reflected through the ministries of service within the parish community and in
care for the poor and underserved.
The Joy of the Gospel is experienced in the faith formation program which offers children and young people the opportunity to learn, grow and deepen their faith
The Joy of the Gospel is touched in the many spiritual opportunities available, especially the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius.
The Joy of the Gospel is felt in the dedication of staff, Jesuits and lay persons, volunteers and the whole
parish community.
One of the challenges that always confronts us is enough space to meet the needs of our many activities. We are
more than grateful to Boston College for the space that it offers us, especially the School of Theology and Ministry
building. In an attempt to meet the needs of our parish, we undertook a renovation of the lower level of the parish
office last year. This expansion project became much more complicated than we had originally planned for. In addressing energy issues, we discovered there were many other problems with this building that dates to 1926. To
make a long saga short, the cost of the project was three times what we had anticipated! This has substantially affected our reserves, which we hope to be able to build up again. If you haven’t yet, I hope you’ll take a tour of the
downstairs now that the project is finished.
As you know, this is my last year as your pastor and I am so very, very grateful for all you contribute. For me, you
are the “Joy of the Gospel”!
Fr. Bob
Finance Committee
Paul Meaney, Co-chair
Pete Levangie, Co-chair
Chris Durbin
Amy Larson
Bill Miracky
Matt Sliwa