November 1—All Saints Please pray for

November 1—All Saints
The Readings for the Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: Kgs 17: 10 – 16  Heb 9: 24 – 28  Mk 12: 38 – 44
Please pray for
Sunday, November 1, 2015
8:00 a.m.
Dominik Pettey
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
John Lund
5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Carol Drislane
12:15 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Ann Glennon and Richard J. Grant
4:00 p.m.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Helene White
12:15 p.m.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Mary Fernandes
5:30 p.m.
Carolyn Lynch
5:30 p.m.
10:00 a.m
Jane Halko
12:00 p.m.
Robert McKenna
5:30 p.m.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Capobianco-Casaletto Families and
Judge Mgt. C. Scott
5:30 p.m.
Faith Formation News
The 2015-16 Faith Formation Program year is in full
swing! We currently have 461 children and youth enrolled with 15 parishioner catechists, 25 Boston College
catechists, and 11 high school parishioner catechists. We
are still in need of catechists for our middle school program and younger grades in our 8:45am-9:45am session.
Contact Susan Stuart if you would like more information about becoming a catechist. Please refer to our
website and Faith Formation webpage for specific program and calendar information or contact Susan Stuart
or Anabella Morabito with any questions.
First Reconciliation/First Eucharist Information Meetings
On Sunday, November 8th, from 8:45-9:45 and 11-12,
there will be an information meeting for parents whose
children are preparing to receive the Sacraments of First
Reconciliation and First Eucharist in the spring. Please
join us to learn how the preparation happens at St. Ignatius and bring any questions you may have about how
to be involved in this celebration in your child's life. If
you are not able to participate in either of these meetings, please be in touch with Susan Stuart.
Seeking Justice in El Salvador
On Thursday, November 12th at 6:30pm in the Upper
Church, join us to learn more about and support Tutela
Legal Doctora Maria Julia Hernandez, Lawyer
Alejandro Diaz and SHARE El Salvador Executive Director Jose Artiga. Alejandro Diaz and Jose Artiga will
share their work to release the files of human rights vic-
tims locked by the Archbishop of El Salvador; seek
truth, justice, and reparations for the relatives of those
massacred in El Mozote, Rio Sumpul, La Quezera, El
Carrizal and others; and to obtain national and international justice for the murder of Archbishop Oscar
Romero. See for more information about dates and locations on their five-city tour.
Contact Susan Stuart for further information or with
any questions.
Let's Talk About the Synod on the Family
Talking about "The Family" is messy, contentious, and
confusing. That is what the Bishops discovered these
past few weeks at the Synod on the Family. What has
come out of the Synod? What were the issues addressed?
Come join Diana as she offers a short summary on the
Synod followed by an open discussion on what effects
this Synod will have on the family. Join us on Sunday,
Nov 1st at 11:15 am in the Old Choir Room. For more
information, email Diana at
Sunday Morning Book Discussion
On November 15 at 11:15 there will be a discussion of
the book Abounding in Kindness: Writing for the People
of God by Elizabeth Johnson. As one reviewer states,
“This collection of essays and lectures given by Elizabeth Johnson covers many of the theological topics that
she has studied and taught over the past decades and as
recently as the past two years, i.e., a theology of creation in relation to the Creator. Each of the essays is
thought provoking and pushes the readers to expand
their understanding of God beyond the classical, patriarchal conceptualizations of past centuries…. the essays
in this book make a concise summary of themes which
could lead the reader to seek out her other books for
more extended study.” If you missed the discussion of
this book with Frs. Bob and J.A. (or even if you didn’t),
you have another chance for discussion on November 15
in the living room of the parish center. Please join us.
trumpet music to our ensemble. New members are welcomed throughout the year. At this time, there is a special need for sopranos and tenors.
Foundations of Ignatian Prayer
The Foundations Program meets this Sunday afternoon,
November 1st from 3:30-5:00pm in the Choir/Media
Room. Fr. Peter Folan, SJ will be presenting, "Listening
to God". All are welcome. For more information, please
contact Kathy Maher, Spiritual Life Coordinator at
Want to receive the Bulletin by email Each Week?
You can have the bulletin emailed to you every Saturday morning. To sign up, go to
Music Ministry Spotlight: The 10AM Liturgy Choir
The 10 o’clock choir is the largest singing group at St.
Ignatius; a union of the former 9:30 and 11:00 choirs in
2003. Members include undergraduates, young professionals, and long-time choir members. On any given
Sunday, 30 – 35 members raise their voices in song at
the 10am liturgy. For many, music is an important part
of both worship and prayer, and the choir not only takes
time for reflection every Sunday before Mass, but also
approaches singing as participation in the liturgical
Choir members have been known to socialize outside of
practice too. With our talented musicians performing in
other venues, it is not unusual to find a St. Ignatius
clutch at an opera brunch, an afternoon concert, an
evening of musical theater, or a late-night gig where one
of our own is featured. Other outside-choir activities
have included pot-luck meals; Habitat home-building;
and concerts at Framingham women’s prison, the Shattuck Shelter, and for the retired Jesuits at Campion.
Singers in this fine choir commit to weekly Wednesday
night rehearsals when they prepare music for liturgy,
work on their singing skills, and enjoy each other’s company. They serve as the core group when our music ministry combines for the larger liturgical celebrations
throughout the year. Michael Burgo conducts the group;
Timothy Zimmerman accompanies, assisted by Cathy
Grein. Fine instrumentalists from the parish often join
us, adding the richness of violin, oboe, piano, harp,
Living the Spiritual Exercises
Have you experienced the 19th Annotation Retreat?
Join us as we gather for prayer and faith-sharing to
deepen and renew our experience of the graces of the
Spiritual Exercises. Fall 2015 gatherings are on Sundays
(November 8th, December 6th) from 3:30-5:00 in the
Lannon Chapel. For more information, please contact
Kathy Maher, Spiritual Life Coordinator at 617-5526112 or
Upcoming Commission Meetings
Liturgy Commission – Tuesday, November 3, 7:15 pm,
Garden Level
Outreach Ministries
October 31/November 1: Pregnancy Help Clothes Drive
Pregnancy Help, the Archdiocesan office which helps
pregnant mothers and infants, is in need of infant Winter clothes 0-3 months, and 3-6 months. Maternity Winter clothes are also needed. Black maternity
pants and winter tops are requested. As these are gifts,
new clothes are requested.
For those who would like to give a check in support of
this important Pro Life effort, please make it out
to Fund for the Unborn which is used solely by Pregnancy Help. All donations will be gratefully accepted.
Gift tags that denote baby items and
mothers’ clothing items you might like
to purchase are available at the Outreach table. Items should be returned to the
Outreach table next weekend, November 7/8.
Support for Fair Share Amendment
Next Weekend, November 7/8 you will have the oppor-
tunity of signing the petitions to put the Fair Share
Amendment on the ballot for vote. This initiative is
supported by the Archdiocese of Boston and the US
Conference of Catholic Bishops.
There has been a 35% cut over the last 10 years to the
State Local Aid grants to our communities for our
schools, when inflation is factored in. The cost to go to
state colleges goes higher and higher. Our roads and
bridges need repair and our MBTA system needs massive repairs.
The Fair Share Amendment will raise $1.4 Billion in new
state funding to go to our schools, keeping state colleges
affordable, job training, adult basic education, and fixing roads, bridges and the MBTA.
We hope you will sign the petition so we can greatly better our education and transportation services
Returned Missioner Seeking Housing
US Catholic lay missioner, after serving 3 plus years
with a Bolivian women's cooperative, is looking for long
term housesitting or another similarly independent and
expense-reducing opportunity while she transitions back
to the Boston area. Living near the MBTA is preferable.
Email Thanks!
Reconstruction of Handicapped Ramp Complete
The railings were repainted this week and the reconstructed ramp is officially open. Thank you for your patience and understanding during the project.
Letter from Fr. Bob
Dear Parishioners,
November is a month of memory. Throughout this
month as we experience another change of season, we
remember our loved ones who have gone before us into
God’s loving embrace. November is, as well, the month
that celebrates Gratitude. Later this month we will
gather with family and friends on Thanksgiving Day,
conscious of all the blessings we have received.
As I complete my ministry as pastor of St. Ignatius during this liturgical year up until Pentecost I am moved to
remember and give thanks for the abundance of graces I
have received in my time as your pastor. I can’t even
begin to count the blessings that have come to me from
all of the parishioners whom it has been my privilege to
come to know and serve. As I said to some of you who
had gathered for a Fr. Bob VerEecke Legacy event, last
Saturday, “You are my legacy”. At the same time , the
Finance Council has asked me to create a “wish list” for
a legacy fund in my honor. Over the next four weeks I
would like to share with you my “wish list”.
On the weekend of November 14 and 15, members of the
finance council will be speaking at the Masses to say
more about the Legacy Fund as well as encouraging
your participation in the Annual Appeal. November is
not only a month of MEMORY and GRATITUDE but
also GIVING! The parish is planning a number of social
events where I will be able to thank you in person for
your support. In the mean time, here is my first “Wish”:
St. Ignatius is a beautiful building that has been my
spiritual home for 27 years. Over those 27 years I estimate that I have had the honor of celebrating Mass,
10,000 times (give or take!) Then there would be baptisms, weddings, prayer services and other liturgies.
Over those years I have seen the beauty of the church
building enhanced by a new lighting system, additional
Organ console and pipes, baptismal font and sanctuary
extension (predella), restored baptistery tower, (now
Chapel of Reservation). On the lower level we renovated
the Friary Room, kitchen and transformed the boiler
room into a wonderful choir media room. On the more
functional side, we have added a new heating and cooling system. We also added three lifts and a handicap
ramp (just recently redone) to provide accessibility for
I am aware that an old stone building like St Ignatius
will always need upkeep and ongoing maintenance.
My First Wish is for the Repair of the Buttress on the
Commonwealth Avenue side of the Church.
This section of the church is in critical need of repair as
it affects the organ chamber.
Fr. Bob
La Pagina Hispanica
Queridos parroquianos,
Hoy celebramos La Fiesta de Todos Los Santos. Quería
compartir con ustedes las palabras del Jesuita Pierre
Teilhard de Chardin que nos ofrece un camino para alcanzar a la Santidad. Espero que les inspire como me ha
Adora y confia
No te inquietes por las dificultades de la vida, por sus
por sus decepciones, por su futuro mas o menos sombrio.
esea a uello ue ios desea. frecele en medio de inquietudes y dificultades el sacrificio de tu alma sencilla
que, pese a todo, acepta los designios de su providencia.
Poco importa que te consideres un frustrado, si Dios te
considera plenamente realizado;
a su gusto. Entregate con confianza ciega en este ios
ue te uiere para El.
Y ue llegara hasta ti, aunque no le veas nunca.
iensa ue te encuentras en sus manos, mas fuertemente
cuando mas decaido y triste te encuentres. Vive feliz. Te
lo suplico. Vive en paz. Que nada te turbe. Que nada sea
capaz de quitarte tu paz.
Ni el cansancio psiquico. Ni tus fallos morales.
Haz que surja,y conserva siempre sobre tu rostro,
una dulce sonrisa, reflejo de a uello ue el Senor continuamente te dirige.
Y en el fondo de tu alma coloca, antes que nada,
como fuente de energia y criterio de verdad, todo aquello
que te llene de la paz de Dios.
Recuerda: Todo aquello que te reprima e inquiete es falso. Te lo aseguro
en nombre de las leyes de la vida y de las promesas de
ios. or eso, cuando te sientas afligido, triste, adora y
Padre Bob
Save the Date
Please reserve Friday, January 8, 2016 for an evening
concert. The world-renowned Westminster Choir of
Princeton, New Jersey will be performing at St. Ignatius. The varied program will be sung by the 40 voice
touring choir, as part of their winter tour. You will not
want to miss it!
Meet Anabella Morabito
We are happy to welcome Anabella Morabito as the Associate
irector of Faith Formation. Anabella’s primary responsibility will be Middle School Faith Formation and the Confirmation I and II Programs.
Anabella is a second year graduate student at the School
of Theology and Ministry at Boston College. She is a native of Venezuala and has lived in Miami, Florida for the
past 15 years.
Catholic School Open Houses:
Fontbonne Academy – November 8, from 1 - 3 pm
Fontbonne Academy is an all-girls Catholic high school
conveniently located in Milton. It is a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Boston. Fontbonne
has something for every young woman. Contact the
Fontbonne Academy Admissions Office for more information: 617.615.3014 or
Mount Alvernia Academy, November 8, from 11 am - 1
pm. An independent coed Catholic school in Newton,
serving students in preschool through grade 6 . We invite you to visit our beautiful campus, meet our teachers, student and parents. MAA was named a National
Blue Ribbon School for 2015 by the Department of Education - the only private school named in Massachusetts! All are welcome. Please visit our website for more
St. Paul’s Choir School - November 15, from 12:30 – 2
p.m., following 11:00am Mass at St. aul’s Church in
Harvard Square.
Open to all families of current third and fourth grade
St. aul’s Choir School is the only all boys Catholic choir
school in the United States. The choir school offers unparalleled spiritual development, small class sizes, excellence in academics and world-class musical experience.
Our graduates are in high demand for the areas outstanding high schools. For more information please visit
our website or call our office
at (617) 868-8658.
Boston College Corner:
Home Football Schedule
The home football schedule is coming to an end. Last
game is:
Nov. 7
NC State
12:00 pm
Rereading the Roman Tea Laves: The Francis Effect in the
Synods on the Family
James Bretzke, S.J. and Susan Reynolds, Wednesday,
November 4, 6:00 pm, Cadigan Alumni Center Atrium,
Brighton Campus
“Mercy, and not sacrifice,” are among the chief fundamental values of the Francis Effect in the Church. In a
real sense, the two-part Synod on the Family has functioned as an extended and in- depth clinical trial over
the medicine of mercy that Pope Francis has prescribed
for the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy soon to
begin. This presentation reflects on these themes by examining the recently concluded Synod on the Family in
the context of last year’s much debated Extraordinary
Synod as well as the pope’s visit to Latin America, Cuba
and the United States.
Loss, Change, and Resilience in Communities of Faith
Annual Ministry Renewal Day, Melissa Kelley, Friday,
November 6, 10:00 am -12:30 pm, Corcoran Commons,
Heights Room, Chestnut Hill Campus, Free and open to
the public.
resilience is a critical challenge for us all. This day invites participants to reflect on the role of resilience in
our personal and communal lives, consider resilience
through a theological lens, and suggest strategies to foster and sustain resilience in ourselves and in our communities of faith.
Day of Recollection sponsored by the Catholic Daughters
Saturday, November 7, beginning with 9:00 am Mass in
St. Columbkille lower church, 321 Market Street,
Brighton. Deacon Tom Olson will speak on Ignatian
Prayer Exercises and give a demonstration. There will
be a boxed lunch followed by the recitation of the Rosary using the methods learned in the morning. The day
will end with the opportunity for Confession in the lower
church at 3:00 pm. Open to all women and men. The
cost is $15.00 to cover the lunch. Please contact Patricia
McShane at 617-782-5774 ext. 101 to register.
Seeking Eucharistic Ministers
Elizabeth Seton Residence is in need of Eucharistic Ministers. We are a Catholic nursing home in Wellesley.
Mass is celebrated daily at 11:00 am. If you have a desire
to serve, please contact: Linda Colozzi, (781) 997-1119
and reserve your seat in our next orientation session on
Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 1:30 pm.
Loss and change touch every individual, community,
and organization. Responding to loss and change with
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
28 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill MA 02467
Phone: 617-552-6100  Fax: 617-552-6101  Email: 
The Parish Staff
Rev. Robert F. Ver Eecke, SJ, Pastor
Rev. John Allan Loftus, SJ, Associate
Paul Melley, Assistant to the Pastor, BC Liaison
Michael Burgo, Director of Music Ministry
Timothy Zimmerman, Organist, Associate Director of Music
Sr. Diane Vallerio, MFIC, Director of Outreach
Susan Stuart, Director of Faith Formation
Anabella Morabito, Associate Dir. of Faith Formation
Diana Gaillardetz, Adult Faith Formation, RCIA
Reenie Murphy, Parish Administrative Assistant
Kathy Maher, Spiritual Life Coordinator
Kyle Crosby, Database Manager
Kathy Maher, CAP Team Member, Chair
Rev. John Allan Loftus, SJ, CAP Team Member
Marc Gervais, CAP Team Member
Mary Santapaula, CAP Team Member
The Celebration of the Eucharist
Upper Church: 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 Noon, 5:30
Lower Church: 8 a.m., 10 a.m. (Family Liturgy)
12 Noon Misa en Español en la Capilla Lannon
Lower Church: 12:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Lower Church: Fridays, 12:45 p.m. Adoration
Lower Church: 9 a.m.
Upper Church: 4 p.m. (Vigil)
The Sacraments
Baptism: Adults are baptized at the Easter Vigil as part of the
Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults. Infant and child baptisms are by arrangement.
First Eucharist: Preparation begins in grade one and includes
classes, retreats and home instruction. Children receive First
Eucharist in grade two.
Confirmation: Our Confirmation program begins in grade nine.
Students are confirmed in the spring of grade ten. Young adults
who have been catechized but are not yet confirmed should contact the parish office for an alternative program.
Matrimony: Must be registered as a parishioner six months prior
to beginning marriage arrangements.
Reconciliation: Saturdays, 3:15–3:45 p.m., Upper Church or by
Anointing of the Sick: By arrangement