April 10 — Third Sunday of Easter

April 10 — Third Sunday of Easter
The Readings for the Fourth Sunday of Easter: Acts 13:14, 43-52 ! Rev 7:9, 14b-17 ! John 10:27-30
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Province names Rev. James K. Coughlin, S.J. as
Associate Pastor of St. Ignatius
Please pray for:
Sunday, April 10
Robert J. Crossen, Jr.
Gerald Dabelle
Jack Christopher Myers
Gertrude Resteghini
8:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 pm
5:30 pm
Tuesday, April 12
Joseph Louison
5:30 pm
Thursday, April 14
Rita LeBlanc
5:30 pm
Friday, April 15
Margaret Kenney
12:15 pm
Saturday, April 16
Dorothy Crossman
4:00 pm
Sunday, April 17
Henry Antonellis
Winnie Breathney and Kathleen Forde
Margaret Donnelly and Eugene Doherty
10:00 am
12:00 pm
5:30 pm
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Recital with Choir Member Wes Hunter
Our favorite choir tenor, Wes Hunter, in collaboration with pianist I-Ying, will present a vocal recital entitled “Colors of Love”
on Saturday, April 16th at 7:30pm in the church. The program
will include songs by Schubert, Schumann, Rossini, Beach, and a
collection of Spirituals. Please come to hear this fine up and
coming tenor. It will be an opportunity to support Wes’s fundraising efforts to attend the prestigious OperaWorks program
this summer. Visit http://www.jameswesleyhunter.com
St. Ignatius Women’s Retreat
There are still a few spaces left…..don’t miss out!
The 8th Annual St. Ignatius Women’s Retreat will be held April
29 – May 1st at the Connors Retreat Center in Dover, MA. Treat
yourself to a weekend of prayer, quiet reflection, and conversation with other women of the parish at this beautiful location.
The theme of the retreat is: “Eastering in the Garden”, and our
director will be Dixie Burden, who is known to many of us
through her years as a staff member at Eastern Point Retreat
House in Gloucester. The cost for the weekend is $290. A deposit of $100 is due at the time of registration.
For more information or to register, please contact:
Mary Dailey, 617-332-6987, supple_dailey@mac.com
Martha Sullivan, 508-668-7268, marthasull@verizon.net.
Parish Spring Day of Renewal
Join us for prayer and reflection in this Easter season at our
Parish Spring Day of Renewal: For the Beauty of the Earth.
Saturday, April 23rd from 9:30am-5:00pm
The day will be held at St. Joseph Retreat House in Milton.
Cost for the day is $40. To register, please contact Kathy Maher,
Spiritual Life Coordinator at katherine.maher@bc.edu
Rev. John Cecero, S.J., Provincial of the Northeast Province, has
nominated, and Cardinal Sean O’Malley has accepted, Fr. James
Coughlin, S.J., as the next Associate Pastor of St. Ignatius.
Fr. Coughlin was born and raised in Rochester, NY. One of eight
children, he and five of his brothers
attended McQuaid Jesuit where he
first met the Jesuits. After graduating
from St. John Fisher College with
degrees in chemistry and German, he
entered the Society of Jesus in 1987.
Always interested in education, the
Jesuits afforded him generous opportunities to study in this country and
abroad in the Dominican Republic,
Israel, and the former Soviet Union.
He holds an MA in Philosophical
Resources from Fordham University, an MDiv from the former
Weston Jesuit School of Theology, and an MS in Mathematics
from NYU. After ordination to the priesthood in 1998, he
taught math, science and foreign language at Regis and Xavier
High Schools in New York and most recently at McQuaid Jesuit
in Rochester where he served seven years as principal. During
this time, he was always involved in weekend parish work and
Spiritual Direction. Serving both at Xavier Parish in New York
and St. Mary’s Parish in Rochester, he worked to provide some
stability and a familiar face as pastors and administrators
changed. As pianist, organist, and choir director, he has, from
time to time substituted at various parishes as musical director.
Most recently he has enjoyed a sabbatical where he devoted his
time to a study of music at Nazareth College in Rochester. He
looks forward to his first full-time parish appointment and is
very happy to be back in the cultural center of Boston.
Con la aprobación del Card. Sean O’Malley, el Rev. John Cecero,
S.J., Provincial de la Provincia del Nordeste, ha nombrado el P.
James Coughlin, S.J. como el nuevo Pastor Asociado.
El P. Coughlin nació y creció en Rochester, NY. Uno de ocho,
conoció a los Jesuitas cuando atendió McQuaid Jesuit junto con
cinco de sus hermanos. Después de graduarse de St. John Fisher
College licenciado en alemán y la química, entró en la Sociedad
de Jesús en 1987. Siempre interesado en la educación, los Jesuitas le proporcionaron amplias oportunidades de estudiar tanto
en los E.E.U.U. como en la Republica Dominica, Israel, y la antigua Unión Soviética. Tiene MA en Recursos Filosóficos de Fordham University, MDiv de la antigua Weston Jesuit School of
Theology y un MS de NYU en la matemática. Después de su ordinación al sacerdocio en 1998, enseño la matemática, la ciencia
y las lenguas extranjeras a las secundarias Regis y Xavier en NY.
Por los últimos 7 años ha fungido como el director de McQuaid
Jesuit en Rochester, NY. Durante este periodo, ayudó también en
la parroquia durante los fines de semana y como director espiritual. Dado al constante cambio de pastores y administradores,
proveía estabilidad y una cara conocida en las parroquias de Xavier en NY y St. Mary en Rochester. Como pianista, organista y
director del coro, a veces ha fungido como el sustituto del director de música en varias parroquias. Tiene muchas ganas de iniciar su primer puesto de tiempo completo en una parroquia y es
feliz de estar nuevamente en el centro cultural de Boston.
Welcome New Catholics
Letter to Parishioners from Timothy Zimmerman
Congratulations and Welcome to our new Catholics Deborah,
Yun, Yi, Amy and Ryan.
Dear Parish Community of St. Ignatius,
At the Easter Vigil, Yun, Yi and Deborah were baptized, confirmed and received First Eucharist. Amy Moolten and Ryan
Brenneman, who were already baptized in another Christian
church, were welcomed into full communion into the Catholic
Church. They have all spent several months in preparation
through the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) gatherings, attendance at various worship experiences, and had direct contact
with different parishioners. For the next year, Yun, Deborah and
Yi will be called "Neophytes" and continue to learn what it
means to be Catholics through a process called "mystagogia".
We, the Parish, the disciples of Christ, will continue to support
them through this process. Special thanks go to the parishioners
who have been Godparents/sponsors for Deborah, Yi, and
Yun: Eileen Connor, Dan Brennan, Lina Lee and Tomasz
Please continue to pray for the other Catechumens and Candidates who will continue in our RCIA process: Bethany, Justin,
Liz, Jenny, Vannepha, Brian and Eric.
New seekers are always welcome to join this year-round RCIA
process. If you are agnostic, question your faith, want to learn
about the Catholic tradition, you are welcome to be part of our
inquiry process. No matter where you are in the process of growing in your faith, we welcome you "With Open Arms". Email
diana.gaillardetz@bc.edu for more information.
Easter Flower Donations
It is not too late to remember your loved ones by making a donation for Easter plants in their name.
If you would like to donate, please out the form below and return
to the Parish Office by April 11, together with your donation.
Please mark on your check “For Art & Environment”.
I write to you thinking about the last
twenty-five years of being here and my
ministry among and with you. It was not
until I surveyed all the events we have
shared, that I realized how meaningful
the time and scope of my time among you
has been.
I recall the words of the little closing song of Carol Burnett, sung
at the end of her shows: "I'm so glad we had this time together".
We have shared many moments of joy, sorrow and growth. To
consider that I have spent approximately one third of my life
here is an amazing revelation. When people comment on my,
and our, Music Ministry here, I always tell them we could not
offer what we do, were it not for the generosity and talent of so
many. I believe this applies to all the ministries here. The depth
and scope of them is inclusive and wide reaching.
After much prayer, discernment and thought, I have decided to
move on to the next phase of life and career: a state of semiretirement. While I know this adds another aspect to the transitions already underway, I decided it is a good time for me to do
the same. The plan is that my last day here will be July 31. I suppose that is appropriate and especially meaningful because it is
the feast day of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
I will remember you in my prayers, as I hope for a good transition and times to follow, here. I would ask for your prayers, as
well, as I move on. I close with another quote, from a familiar
Irish Blessing: "And may God hold you in the palm of His
Associate Director of Music/Organist
Celebrate Father Bob
Easter Flower Donations
Let’s celebrate Fr. Bob and his time at St. Ignatius. Here are some
important dates to note and ways to say thank you to Fr. Bob for
his service to our parish community:
Attend Mass with Fr. Bob and Fr. JA
May 14 and May 15: Fr. Bob will celebrate at all the upstairs Masses,
and Fr. JA will preside over the Masses in the Lannon Chapel.
May 21 and May 22: Fr. JA will celebrate all upstairs Masses and Fr.
Bob will preside at the Lannon Chapel Masses.
Yes, I would like to donate $____________ to remember:
Name of person to be remembered
Donor: ________________________________________
Celebrating the Journey Tent Farewell
May 14 and May 15 - Join a parish-wide tent celebration after every
weekend Mass. Lots of fun, food, friends and opportunity to say thank
you to both Fr. Bob and Fr. JA.
Support the Fr. Bob Legacy Fund
Make a gift to the Fund
Support and attend the April 30 Fr. Bob Legacy Fund Reception
Please visit www.celebratefrbob.com for details.
Address: _______________________________________
Request for Help
An Iraqi refugee, living in Brighton, is looking for a part time
job. He attends school on weekdays, but could work weekends
and in the evenings. If you can help, please contact Sr. Eleanor
MacLellan at 617-864-2765 or elmac185@yahoo.com
Faith Formation News
Faith Formation will be held during spring school vacation. On
Sunday, April 17th and 24th, there will be faith formation sessions even though it is public school vacation week. We understand that some may have vacation and travel plans for those
Sundays and trust you will make the best decision for your families.
Make-Up Date for First Reconciliation
If your child was unable to make their First Reconciliation on
March 13th, they will be able to do so on Sunday, April 10th
following the 8am Family Mass. After Mass, Susan will meet you
near the Reconciliation Room.
Congratulations to our Confirmandi!
The Sacrament of Confirmation was held on Friday, April 8th,
and celebrated by the Very Reverend Brian R. Kiely, Regional
Vicar for the West Region. Please join us in congratulating our
young parishioners and members of the Boston College community on their full initiation into their Catholic faith.
Boston College Community:
Christian Babin
Alicia Brienza
Daphnie Figueiredo
Jason Figueiredo
Katherine Hendrickson
Juliana Hillis
Brianna Hopkins
Rebecca Horton
Sam Jennings
Jackie Kelleher
Madison Kiefer
McKenna Kiefer
Kenny Kim
Arielle Mitropoulos
Stephanie Palencia
Olivia Passy
Alex Ricciardelli
Lily Smith
Emma Yagaloff
St. Ignatius Community:
Caroline Barry
Sophie Beney
Emelia Blessington
John Blessington
Emily Bulczynski
Rory Casey
Sophia Cataldo
Nicole Chung
Isabella Cotney
Ambar Cox
Grace Donovan
Liam Downey
Cameron Dubin
Niamh Eileen Duffy
Isabella Faggiano
Nell Fredericks
Hannah Freehill
Nicholas Gallo
Thomas Gross
Schuyler Grygiel
Daniel Hincks
Alexandra Iannella
Talia Kee
Alexandra Kouroriez
Maximilien Kouroriez
Maisie Lake
Teresa Lancastre
William McCormack
Marjorie O'Connor
Tara Palacino
Cameron Parker
Dominica Pechan
Jillian Pollard
Alison Poussaint
Cameron Quadra
Brendan Reynolds
Maeve Reynolds
Sophia Yerardi
Eli Zibello
Pastoral Transition Team Invites Conversation
As we come closer to June 1, we remind parishioners that members of the Transition Team are open to continued conversation.
The Transition Team was formed last December and is planning
opportunities for parishioners to express their gratitude and say
good-bye to Fr. Bob and Fr. J.A., as well as welcoming our new
Pastor, Fr. Joe Costantino and Associate Pastor, Fr. Jim Coughlin. If you would like to host a gathering at your house, on the BC
or St. Ignatius campus, or other mutually agreeable location, we
would be happy to schedule a meeting with you. Interested?
Please email Amanda Green, amanda.green63@verizon.net
Outreach Ministries
Registration is Open for the May 1 Project Bread Walk for
Hunger. Go to www.projectbread.org and link
to Walk for Hunger. TEAM IGNATIUS is set up
and ready for members. Changes to the Walk
include a new route (10 miles instead of 20) or a
5K Run. In this Year of Mercy, you can help feed
the hungry by helping to provide a hand up for
our neighbors by walking, running, volunteering or donating.
Online donations are most welcome: go to the Project Bread
website and find TEAM IGNATIUS.
Shattuck Springtime Meal: We’ll be providing and serving a
meal for the Guests at Pine Street Inn Shattuck
Shelter in Forest Hills on Saturday, April 16. Signup materials, for food donations and kitchen prep
and serving help, are on the Outreach table; this is
the last weekend for sign-ups. Please consider being a part of this important ministry for which the
Guests are always so grateful!
Spring Clothing Drive: Our Drive for new and gen-
tly used clothing for the adult Guests at St. Francis
House Day Shelter will be on April 30/May 1. Watch
the next bulletin and wall posters for a list of needed
Habitat Build: We will again be supporting Habitat for Hu-
manity Greater Boston in its mission to provide affordable housing
for deserving families by spending a
Saturday working at a Habitat
building site in a Boston neighborhood. That date is April 30 and we need a few more volunteers!
If you would like to be part of our Build Team, please contact
Anton Finelli, afinelli@crmcx.com, or Sr. Diane Vallerio, vallerio@bc.edu.
Volunteers Needed: One of our ministry part-
ners, Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in Jamaica Plain, is
looking for volunteers. The needs are: front lobby
receptionist, mailroom, medical library and business office. For more information, contact Patsy
Williams, 617-971-3895.
Special Mass and Healing Service
All parishioners are welcome to attend a special Mass on
Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the Upper Church.
Rev. Ronald Tacelli, S.J. will be presiding. The Mass will be followed be a healing service with Frank Kelly of Boston as the featured speaker.
Oración Pascual en la Vida Diaria
Basado en los primeros encuentros con el Cristo Resucitado que
la Biblia relata, este retiro en la vida diaria ofrece una experiencia
de oración Ignaciana y la posibilidad de compartir nuestras reflexiones durante el tiempo litúrgico de Pascua. Durante las dos
semanas del 2 al 16 de abril, los participantes en este retiro serán
invitados a hacer oración personal cada día en silencio durante
unos 30 minutos y a reunirse los sábados 2, 9 y 16 de abril, de
9:30 hasta el mediodía, para hacer oración y compartir los frutos
de la oración. Este retiro se ofrece en colaboración con la
Colaborativa Jesuita.
Para mas información y para inscribirte, contacta a:
Rita M. Rodriguez: RMRodriguez1227@gmail.com, 617-4596089, Kathy Maher: katherine.maher@bc.edu
The Ignatian Way in the Year of Mercy
From Advent to Pentecost, A Journey with St. Ignatius
of Loyola
Easter Season
So the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord.”
When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord,
he tucked in his garment, for he was lightly clad,
and jumped into the sea.
When they climbed out on shore,
they saw a charcoal fire with fish on it and bread.
Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish you just caught.”
Jesus said to them, “Come, have breakfast.”
And none of the disciples dared to ask him, “Who are you?”
because they realized it was the Lord.
Jesus came over and took the bread and gave it to them,
and in like manner the fish.
Isn’t it interesting how after all the dramatic events of the Passion, Death and Resurrection, that the disciples return to the
place where they received the first call from Jesus, the Sea of Tiberias? They must have been exhausted by the intensity of these
events and so they return to what they know and love to do.
They go fishing. It is in this very ordinary moment that they encounter the Risen Jesus who wants to feed them and let them
know he is still with them. The beautiful thing about all the appearance stories is that the Risen Lord comes to his disciples
where they are, on the beach, in the garden, on the road, in the
upper room.
The Life of Ignatius
In the fourth week of the Spiritual Exercises, Ignatius invites us
to “rejoice and be glad” with the Risen Lord. We are to make his
joy, our joy. Ignatius is known for his way of “finding God in all
things”. He was able to encounter Jesus in the ordinary moments
of his life, the moments of intense sorrow and exquisite joy.
Questions for Reflection
Do I believe that the Risen Lord comes to meet and find me
“where I am”? Am I able to “find God in all things”, especially in
the times of my life that are most challenging and when it seems
that God is absent?
Video Reflection, For the Greater Glory
As you reflect on this question, you are invited to review For The
Greater Glory, the dance/theater piece on the Spiritual Exercises, created by Fr. Bob. View the Fourth Week of the Exercises. 1
hour and 10 minute mark.
You can access the video at www.blde.org or americamedia.org/ignatian-dance
Archdiocese of Boston – Men’s Cursillo
Cursillo is a short course in Christianity. It is an encounter with
Christ in a small community of the Church, in order to deepen
your own faith and strengthen your ability to be witnesses of
Christ in the world.
The Men’s Cursillo Weekend is: April 21-24, 2016 and runs from
Thursday evening through Sunday afternoon and is held at the
Campion Center in Weston, MA. For information and registration, go to r call the Office of Spiritual Life at 617-779-3640 or
email us at spiritual_development@rcab.org.
El Camino Ignaciano en el Año de la Misericordia
Del Adviento a Pentecostés
Una Jornada con San Ignacio de Loyola
La Pascua
Entonces aquel discípulo a quien Jesús amaba, dijo a Pedro: “¡Es
el Señor!” Oyendo Simón Pedro que era el Señor, se puso la ropa,
porque se la había quitado para poder trabajar, y se echó al mar.
Cuando bajaron a tierra, vieron brasas ya puestas y un pescado
colocado sobre ellas, y pan. Jesús les dijo: “Traigan algunos de
los peces que acaban de sacar.”
Jesús les dijo: “Vengan y desayunen.” Ninguno de los discípulos
se atrevió a preguntarle: “¿Quién eres Tú?” sabiendo que era el
Señor. Jesús vino, tomó el pan y se lo dio; y lo mismo hizo con el
¿No es interesante como después de todos los eventos
dramáticos de la Pasión, la Muerte y la Resurrección que los
discípulos regresan al lugar donde recibieron el primer llamado
de Jesús, al Mar de Tiberias? Probablemente estaban exhaustos
por la intensidad de esos eventos y volvieron a hacer lo que
conocían y amaban. Fueron a pescar. Es en los momentos
cotidianos que encuentran al Jesús Resucitado que les quiere dar
una comida y dejar saber que está siempre con ellos. Es muy
bello que en todas las historias de las apariencias de Jesús
Resucitado viene a los discípulos a los lugares donde se reúnen -en la playa, en el jardín, en el camino, en el cenáculo.
La Vida Ignaciana
En la cuarta semana de los Ejercicios Espirituales Ignacio nos
invita a regocijar con el Señor Resucitado. Debemos hacer su
alegría, nuestra alegría. Ignacio se conoce por su manera de
encontrar a Dios en todo. Podía encontrar a Jesús en los
momentos ordinarios de su vida, aquellos de dolor intenso y
gozo exquisito.
Preguntas para reflexión
¿Creo yo que el Señor Resucitado viene a buscar y encontrarme
en donde estoy?
¿Puedo encontrar a Dios en todo, especialmente en los tiempos
que son más desafiantes, cuando me parece que Dios está
Reflexión sobre Video, Para la Mayor Gloria de Dios
Mientras meditas sobre estas preguntas, estás invitado a ver Para
La Mayor Gloria de Dios, un espectáculo de teatro y baile creado
por el Padre Bob. Revisa la cuarta semana empezando al punto
1:10 minutos
Para acceder al video, visita blde.org o
Companions Support Group
Has someone you loved died? You are invited to be with others
who understand this profound experience. Companions is an
educational support group for anyone in need of healing and
hope after the death of a loved one. Eight weekly sessions,
Thursday evenings from April 28 – June 6 in the Parish Office
Living Room, 7:00-8:30pm. We will begin and end with prayer,
and focus on healing as we share our stories, learn to embrace
our grief, cope with significant moments, care for ourselves and
create meaningful changed lives in the context of our Christian
Pre-registration is requested. For more information contact
Maureen Saldarini , St. Ignatius Funeral Ministry, mcsaldarini113@gmail.com
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
28 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill MA 02467
Phone: 617-552-6100 ! Fax: 617-552-6101 ! Email: Ignatius@bc.edu ! http://bc.edu/st-ignatius
The Parish Staff
Rev. Robert F. Ver Eecke, S.J., Pastor
Rev. John Allan Loftus, S.J., Associate
Paul Melley, Assistant to the Pastor, BC Liaison
Michael Burgo, Director of Music Ministry
Timothy Zimmerman, Organist, Associate Director of Music
Sr. Diane Vallerio, MFIC, Director of Outreach
Susan Stuart, Director of Faith Formation
Anabella Morabito, Associate Director of Faith Formation
Diana Gaillardetz, Adult Faith Formation, RCIA
Reenie Murphy, Parish Administrative Assistant
Kathy Maher, Spiritual Life Coordinator
Kyle Crosby, Database Manager
Kathy Maher, CAP Team Member, Chair
Rev. John Allan Loftus, SJ, CAP Team Member
Marc Gervais, CAP Team Member
Mary Santapaula, CAP Team Member
The Celebration of the Eucharist
The Sacraments
Upper Church: 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 Noon, 5:30 p.m.
Lower Church: 8 a.m., 10 a.m. (Family Liturgy)
12 Noon Misa en Español en la Capilla Lannon
Baptism: Adults are baptized at the Easter Vigil as part of the Rites of
Christian Initiation for Adults. Infant and child baptisms are by arrangement.
Lower Church: 12:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Mass
Lower Church: Fridays, 12:45 p.m. Adoration
First Eucharist: Preparation begins in grade one and includes classes, retreats and home instruction. Children receive First Eucharist in
grade two.
Lower Church: 9 a.m.
Upper Church: 4 p.m. (Vigil)
Confirmation: Our Confirmation program begins in grade nine. Students are confirmed in the spring of grade ten. Young adults who have
been catechized but are not yet confirmed should contact the parish office for an alternative program.
Parish Registration
We encourage newcomers to St. Ignatius to formally
register as members of the parish so we can stay in
touch with you via the Pastor’s weekly email, Faith
Formation news, special events, volunteer opportunities and more.
Registration forms are available at the back of the
church in the Gathering Space, in the Parish Office
and on our website.
Matrimony: Couples must be registered as parishioners six months
prior to beginning marriage arrangements.
Reconciliation: Saturdays, 3:15–3:45 p.m., Upper Church or by arrangement
Anointing of the Sick: By arrangement