i.T. LIBRARIES -DEWEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/pollutionpermitsOOIaff HB31 .M415 fiewey no. working paper department of economics POLLUTION PERMITS AND COMPLIANCE STRATEGIES Jean-Jacques Laffont Jean Tirole 95-9 June, 1994 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 POLLUTION PERMITS AND COMPLIANCE STRATEGIES Jean-Jacques Laffont Jean Tirole June, 1994 95-9 MASSACHUSETTS US'!'; rUTG OF TECHNOLOGY MAR 2 9 1995 LIBRARIES 95-9 Pollution Permits and Compliance Strategies* and Jean- Jacques Laifont^ June Jean Tirole* 1994 16, Abstract The paper analyzes the impact of spot and futures markets for tradeable pollution permits on the potential polluters' compliance decisions. Polluters can else stop buy permits, markets induce excessive market reduces invest in pollution abatement, or We show that stand-alone spot investment. The introduction of a futures production or source out. this incentive to invest, to control pollution. A menu coupled with intertemporally bundled Because of its but is not the optimal way of options on pollution rights, possibly focus on long-run sales, yields demand higher welfare. elasticities and rent ex- a variety of situations such as demand-side management, public transportation, bypass in telecommunications, or forward sales by a private monopolist. traction, this paper can be applied to 'The authors are grateful to Lans Bovenberg, Carlo Carraro, Paul Joskow, Peter Klibanoff and Y.H. Farzin for helpful discussions and to Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei for financial support. tIDEI and GREMAQ, Toulouse, France *IDEI, Toulouse, France; CERAS, Paris, and MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA Introduction 1 Most developed countries have been experimenting with taxes, subsidies and markets for pollution example, command approach permits to replace the old title IV US Clean of the 1990 Amendments has Air Act emissions of sulfur dioxyde cutting pollution by to pollution control. 1 more than a set a For cap on global half from 1995 on; it defines a system of one-year spot and futures permits that are tradeable on the Chicago Board of Trade. 2 The and more generally the design of pollution control futures price, will determine the polluters' incentives to build new plants or adopt alternative, pollutionreducing technologies, namely investments in scrubbers or in boilers using low-sulfur coal or in other forms of fuel-switching (investments in gas or nuclear plants). Because such investments are in part sunk, penalties on pollution so it is important for the polluters to correctly foresee future as to plan their compliance strategy. existing tradeable emissions permits program We affects incentives to how study first the reduce pollution, and then derive the optimal mechanism. While our primary motivation mind that the in over to any lies with the control of pollution, form of bypass side side some long-term investment* and that involves take the long-run elasticity of demand demand management facing rational customers demand for the fuel or electricity effect of when They is into account. good produced by the in Among other forms, for, 4 demand the key decision an alternative technology that reduces utility. For example, customers heating or manufacturing equipment is therefore to Consider for instance the topical in the electricity sector. whether to invest expectations on bypass carry power (the government, a private firm) must management programs have an important dynamic component; their must be borne ideas developed in this section have wide applicability. situations in which a party with market issue of it also illustrated if may switch to they foresee high gas prices. The by customers purchasing automobiles anticipating a deterioration in the quality of public transportation, by firms building direct access to a long-distance telephone company if they extrapolate high access charges to the local loop, by the possibility of banks developing private clearing houses at home or abroad when concerned about a high usage cost of a Central-Bank-controlled settlement 'See, e.g., 2 (1992). 3 Hahn-Noll (1983), Our (1994a) paper In a previous paper OECD NRRI For details, see, e.g. ( offers (1993), and Tietenberg (1985). and Wessler on the US reform. (1992), Public Utilities Report (1993), Rose-Burns (1993) a (brief) industrial organization perspective Laffont-Tirole (1990)), degree price discrimination by a regulated firm we studied how bypass interferes with optimal secondbecause the model was static, it abstracted from the ; commitment and intertemporal price discrimination. management aims at providing, through, say, residential energy conservation audits, information and advice to customers on how to take advantage of peak load pricing and how to select issues of 4 (Pure) load the most efficient energy. 1 system, as well as by many private sector applications. Our framework also applies to the case of forward sales by a private monopolist. Because of the wide applicability of our analysis, we want to abstract from the economy and regulatory cinating) political functioning of 50 2 issues that are having pollution permits markets in the US, question of intertemporal pricing vis-a-vis a long-term a deep impact on the and instead focus on the general demand function. For some of our conclusions apply more straightforwardly (fas- this reason, to the other situations described above than to the SO2 pollution permits markets. The of spot first part of the paper (sections 2 through 4) analyzes the properties of a system and futures markets government for pollution permits. Stand-alone spot create excessive incentives for investment. pollution permits market that is number sets at the beginning of each period the is The reason markets (in which the of permits for that period) for this excessive that the optimal price of pollution permits is bypass of the a Ramsey price, exceeds the marginal pollution cost in order to contribute to the reduction of the overall budget deficit. Agents do not internalize the loss of revenue they create by bypassing the market and therefore invest too much. [The other applications of our model may help clarify this point. Consumers of electricity who invest in self-generation or in energy-switching equipment do not internalize the loss of revenue they impose on the power company, which balance its is forced to charge electricity above its marginal cost in order to budget. Similarly, firms which install a direct link with long-distance telephone companies to bypass the local exchange do not internalize the local telephone company's wedge between its price and marginal cost. Last, the not internalize the monopoly mark-up of the when they customers of a private monopoly do invest in order to forego consumption monopolized good.] This incentive to overinvest can be reduced by the introduction of a futures market. Suppose for example that the government at a price slightly period welfare loss sells in period 1 permits to pollute in period 2, below that that prevails under stand-alone spot markets. The secondis of the second-order. But the commitment to a lower second-period price for permits discourages investment, yielding a first-order gain because of the up on second-period permits. We then show that the allowance program is mark- not by itself time consistent, and discuss ways of establishing time consistency. The second part of the paper (sections 5 and 6) derives welfare-improving reforms by considering the optimal instruments. Under mechanism under two alternative assumptions about regulatory "overall regulation", the regulator monitors not only the agents' pollution, but also their investment in bypass then consists in offering a menu and their production. The optimal control of options on pollution rights, the purchase price of which decreases with the striking price (these options take the form of a bilateral contract OTC between the regulator and the agent similar to those offered on markets.) Under "pure pollution regulation", the regulator (an environmental protection agency) monitors only the agents' pollution. It then may become optimal to the purchase of options tie with a lower price for current permits, giving rise to bundled sales of pollution permits. Section 7 concludes by listing some desirable extensions. From the Ramsey-boiteux Technically, our paper builds on four literatures. we borrow the idea that pricing must participate to the coverage of the and therefore that the prices of pollution permits must exceed marginal will borrow from the durable- good literature the government 5 when we introduce analysis, overall deficit, cost. We then futures markets; for, then a monopoly issuer of long-term pollution permits. Our analysis is generalizes the standard durable-good one because the willingness to pay of the buyers of futures permits can change over time, and, mainly, because the buyers can bypass through a private investment. Accordingly, we such as the nonoptimality of "leasing", that under commitment. It differs from agents' second-period willingness to pay. two respects. First, the model investment increases Our model, is mechanism as a simple menu investment stochastically the besides having a different economic technically simpler. Second, the particular context of our us to view the optimal Besanko's model Section 5.1, on overall of spot markets. their analysis in eliminates pollution (bypass) while in their is is obtain results of independent interest on Baron-Besanko (1984)'s pionneering analysis of mechanism design regulation, builds interpretation, will model leads of second-period options (Baron and couched in a regulatory framework.) Last, we use insights from the theory of options in finance. The model 2 . Valuations for pollution: • of agents/potential polluters. period. profit An The model has two periods, Each agent can consume agent's valuation for polluting one unit is 6t 6 t or € = 1 1,2, and a continuum unit of pollution in each [0, 1]. For example, 9t is obtained by producing one unit of output, thus creating one unit of pollution. Alternatively, it is the firm's opportunity cost of sourcing out for a short-run input that the agent knows her date-1 valuation 6 X but economizes one unit of pollution. At date 1, not yet her date- 2 valuation $2 which learned at date 2 and is , is distributed according to the conditional cumulative distribution function GjC^I^i)) with density ^2(^2^1)- assume that a high likely, in 5 6 the first-period valuation makes a high second-period valuation more the sense of first-order stochastic dominance: ^- < See Fudenberg-Tirole (1991, chapter 10) for a review of this literature. analysis can be generalized to an arbitrary number of periods. The We 0. In addition to being change realistic (the in 6 reflecting for example changes in demand or outage of a plant that forces greater use of dirtier plants), imperfect correlation also provides a rationale The for second-period trading of pollution permits. first-period valuation according to the cumulative distribution Fi(8\), with density fi(Oi). — assumption that /i/(l welfare function. technology. At cost the usual agents' individual valuation, and i, each agent chooses whether to invest in a pollution-eliminating 1, the agent can obtain utility of investment, the agent must 2 without polluting. 7 In the absence (as in period 1) pollute one unit Note that we assume that the investment pays valuation. We make pollutes. At date • Investment: distributed nondecreasing in order to ensure concavity of the social is The government does not observe the who only observes Fi) is off in order to obtain her only in period 2; it is straightforward to solve the alternative case in which the investment can be used in both Note periods. last that the investment not transferable (at least at a low cost) from is one agent to another. The private and social discount factor • Pollution we let damage political welfare. public of pollution, Normalizing the mass of agents to be one, who of agents where D t (0) S. = 0, pollute at date D't > 0, D" > t. 0. D Let We t (n t ) denote will abstract economy considerations and assume that the government maximizes The government money denoted welfare criterion: n t denote the fraction/number the social from damage and is faces a costs society $(1 -I- shadow cost of public funds A > 0; that is, social raising $1 of A) because of the distortionary taxation. Alternatively, the taxes on pollution or the proceeds from sales of pollution permits could be used to finance the fixed costs of public utilities, in which case A would stand for the of their budget constraints. principal is 8 a private party. shadow cost [The analysis applies equally well to a situation in which the What matters for our analysis is that the principal does not fully value the agents' rents.] In the 7 absence of investment and in a static context, the optimal mechanism consists, is modeled somewhat rigidly. There are several extensions worth considone could allow a more continuous choice in abatement (in this model, say, through a costly choice of a probability that the investment succeeds in eliminating pollution). Second, the abatement cost could vary across agents (and possibly, in the overall regulation context, be unobserved by the gov- The investment technology ering. First, might also depend on the agents' first-period type. Third, investments create purely private we discuss investments which generate innovations in depollution technology which are public goods. d This second possibility is, for example, relevant when allowances are freely allocated to utilities before being traded. [We would not expect the shadow costs of all utilities' budget constraints to be equalized, but this does not alter the nature of the argument.] We should also point out that there is an intense debate in the US about who should benefit from the sale of emissions allowances (see, e.g., Burkhart (1993)). ernment); it benefits; in Laffont-Tirole (1994b), as n known, either well is so as to in setting a price maximize the and price mechanisms think of the p or in social welfare function. in mechanism choosing a number of emissions allowances (There our model because there as a quantity is is no distinction between quantity no aggregate uncertainty. mechanism when we introduce the We will sale of future = allowances.) For an arbitrary distribution F(6) with density f(6), let n N(p) = _1 denote the static demand function and p = P{n) = iV (n) the static inverse l — F(p) demand Given a pollution damage function D(-), the optimal number of allowances function. is given by: max {_£(„) + + x)nP +J\o- P)f{e)de) = denote the elasticity of demand, the optimal price for allowances /jpf^ given by the standard Ramsey formula: Letting is (i 77 The marginal to D'/(l + A). social cost of pollution, W l+A,' p when expressed in cost of public funds, We equal Equation (1) says that the Ramsey index for the "good pollution" sold by a social welfare maximizing regulator subject to budget considerations Ramsey is fraction (A/(l + A)) divided by the elasticity of is equal to a demand. conclude that in a static context, the social optimum can be implemented by a market for pollution permits, with the price or the number of permits set at their Ramsey level. We could extend (although Note that we have adopted a partial equilibrium approach. we have not done so) our analysis to about partial equilibrium for inputs that may the agents might market in fire is that it a general equilibrium situation. 9 The main concern may ignore the effect themselves be taxed. some of pollution taxes One mainly has of their employees when the tax affected. If this is must be replaced by (presumably higher) is raised. possibility that In a perfect labor not the case, the elasticities of our analysis This correction is 10 which reflect a) the layoff demand and supply functions. superelasticities, responsiveness to a pollution tax and b) the global labor 9 mind the which the employees could find a similar job elsewhere, the tax income levied on labor would not be 10 in on the demand of course irrelevant in the case of a private principal. 11 See Laffont-Tirole (1993, section 3.9) for an extension of regulatory models to general equilibrium. See Laffont-Tirole (1993, chapter 3) for an exposition of the computation of such superelasticities in the context of multiple outputs. n Or in case of a (nonbenevolent) regulator who does not internalize the revenue from other taxes. For example, the regulator might internalize the revenue from the pollution tax because this revenue is earmarked for specific environmental projects, but not the revenue from the other taxes which are used to reduce the budget deficit. A related point concerns the specific application of our In the US, 70% A constraint. of S0 2 pollution is produced by regulated to the S0 2 market. subject to a budget utilities reduction in the pollution tax relaxes the budget constraint and should therefore be valued at the shadow cost of the budget constraint. US note that the extreme subsidy implied by the lump-sum model transfer from taxpayers to regulated [Incidentally, let us grandfathering approach amounts to a utilities, a policy that in principle is ruled out by regulatory statutes.] Residual second-period • second-period period 1 demand demand curve when and the others do not to invest.) The residual demand curve = is /'/i(0i) (1 + > 6 choose to invest in valuation agents have more incentive - G2 (p2 \01 ))dei. [1 Jo P R (6) denote the Ramsey price given by R 12 is, P {6) solves: maxj-I> 2 (n 2 (p2 ,0)) + introduce the residual then given by: Let That we the agents with valuation 6\ we will see, higher (as n 2 (p 2 ,0) For future reference, curve: AJnjfo.flJpa + (1) for (2) the residual demand curve n 2 (-, 0). f Wi) [/Va -PakfcC^i)^] dOA . Q (3) We of assume that the Ramsey price increases with 8 (which demand is not too sensitive to cost price for the residual 6). demand For future reference, if the elasticity will also define the marginal 9 have invested, TA commitment and knowing R the government would choose price P {9) in the This marginal cost price increases with > the case curve: 1 that agents with 6t we is 6. In the absence of second period. Remark rise to : Agents have unit demands for pollution in this model. Multi-unit demands give second-degree price discrimination and, possibly, to marginal prices below marginal costs in the presence of bypass (Laffont-Tirole (1990)). Multi-unit demands also make allowance markets suboptimal even in a static context. In this sense our model depicts the best case for markets. 12 We assume that the second-period welfare function is strictly concave in P2. Incentives to invest under a trading 3 program Stand-alone spot markets and the introduction of a futures 3.1 market The Clean Air Act Amendments up a market set already fixed. 13 abatement, we for them of 1990 created sulfur dioxide emissions allowances, and Chicago Board of Trade. The number of allowances at the To analyze the will first effect of is a market program on investment in pollution assume that the government is commit able to to the number of allowances (nj, n 2 ), or equivalently (in this situation of perfect information about demand) market prices {pi,p 2 ) to at date the government of issuing for 1. We will then consider the implications of the possibility new permits or of buying back existing ones at date 2. Whether the government can commit or not 2, the government optimally chooses in period demand curve ni(pi) = 1 — to modify the Ramsey the 1 number of permits F\(pi) (see equation (l price corresponding to the The )). in period focus of our analysis will naturally be the choice of the second-period price P2. Consider first the agents' investment decision at date period price P2, an agent with valuation 8E{62 \0X ) 6\ invests if -i> 6E[max(92 Given an expected second- 1. and only - p2 , 0)|0 X J. Using first-order stochastic dominance, we see that equation such that the agent invests if and only if > 9t 9 (p2 ). u m nonincreasing: the higher the expected price, the higher market. We will assume that in the relevant do not), and therefore the cutoff is range < if m ( .4 ) defines a cutoff 9 (p 2 ) Furthermore, the cutoff < (some bypass and others 1 strictly decreasing. Including the investment costs, the second-period welfare can be written Wa(ft, **(*)) is the incentive to bypass the is 9* (4) = -D 2 (n 2 (p2 ,9'(p2 ))) + ^)n 2 {p2 ,e + (l + [^ /i(*i) as: (5) m (p 2 ))p2 JO* - p2 )<7 2 (02 |0i)<W2 ] <Mi [JPa 1 + 13 In fact, the bill O'M*^-* states that an allowance The motivation is d6x . not a property right and can be "limited, revoked and such ill-defined property rights seems to be the desire to government to react to macroeconomic news about demand and supply (Hausker (1992, p. 556)). There is no unanticipated macroeconomic shock in our basic model, and we will accordingly assume that allowances carry a clear and irrevocable property right. See also the discussion on aggregate shocks in this section and the next. 14 The derivative of the difference between the left- and right-hand sides of equation ( 4 ) with respect otherwise modified." leave flexibility to the to 0j is equal to -*/„"' ^d02 > 0. for granting Let us define rf = P R (0'(p?)) and p The Ramsey price p* is MC _ pMOpigO )} show that by committing gives lease pollution to a lower second-period price of pollution permits commitment can be complemented by selling pollution rights on a futures market. is and would 2. the government can improve welfare. Such a p2 1 the gov- p^ would use marginal cost pricing at date 1 in period if That is, p2 is the price that would prevail if only spot markets were c would obtain if it were known that the government (suboptimally) rights each period. We now rfe the rational-expectations price that would obtain ernment could not commit to a second-period price set up. Similarly, < We denote the futures in period price 8p2 so that , the period-two price of the advance pollution permit. Equivalently, the government away to all agents options to pollute at price these two interpretations breaks see section p2 in period 2 [the equivalence down when the government's credibility is between in question: 4]. Proposition 1 Under commitment, second-period price p\ the optimal emissions allowances € (P^'P?)- In program particular, the introduction of a futures yields a market lowers the second period price from p 2 to p\ and reduces bypass. Proof: Let us differentiate (5): dW dW dW2 d9' dp2 dp 2 36 dfa 2 where (a) f£ > p, < P*(0'(p2 )), «fr < if p2 < P MC (e*(p2 )), and j£ < 0. < pfc Then 0'(p2 > 9 m (j%c ) and so ^(^(ft)) > P MC {6" = P2°- Hence pa < P MC (0'(p2)) and therefore > 0, a contradiction. Suppose first that ft (P2°)) (b) if 2 Suppose next that P2 increases with 6, . ) ^ > p?. From our > p? = P*(r(p?)) > So p2 also exceeds the Ramsey price ^< assumption that the Ramsey price we have p2 Therefore earlier 0, and ^^ < for the (since **(*•(*»)). corresponding residual demand curve. p2 > P MC (0"(p2)))- D . Intuitively, the of commitment government commits to a lower second-period price than in the absence investment and limit inefficient bypass. Because in order to discourage > pollution permits are sold at a price exceeding the marginal social cost (pf a reduction in bypass increases welfare. The 10 P? ), be best grasped by intuition for this can looking at the rational-expectations equilibrium of a stand-alone spot market system. The and regulator then optimizes over the spot market price in period 2, (this is the envelope theorem). Because, furthermore, the cutoff type is 8W /dp2 = so 2 indifferent between bypassing and using second-period permits, the only effect on welfare of a change in the cut off 6 — = Welfare increases with the cutoff Let us damage the direct effect on goverment revenue and on pollution is now come back [{ 1 + X )P2 : -D>]— because p* > g&a&Lpg)) to the case of a futures market. . With a futures market, the regulator can always duplicate the stand-alone spot market solution by committing to price pf. But he can do better by lowering the futures price p? below p£ in general order to lower the cutoff 6* fa). He however does not go as far as selling permits at price equal to the second-period marginal cost, because at this point there to lowering the cutoff. This yields the intuition for Proposition It is sometimes suggested create excessive bypass. side in the regulatory 1. arena that prices above marginal cost that "the fact that electricity prices throughout parts of the United States currently are above marginal costs by that consumers are overconserving." Our dynamic The same point is made analysis further points at The government can organize a this context: no longer a gain is For example, Costello (1992), discussing the value of demand- management programs, argues pollution allowances. in and many in itself suggests here in the context of a way of limiting bypass futures market for permits and sell in a large enough number of permits so as to somewhat discourage investment. Discussion 3.2 Our treatment • deserves a number The spot market as a guide Our spot is to investment in pollution abatement. on the number of advance allowances n 2 to be put number of allowances n has no at its ment focus of comments. x Ramsey in the level. More on investment and therefore is The optimally set generally, the spot price for allowances could affect invest- same way current in electricity conservation. effect in the market. electricity prices are often thought to guide investments This effect could operate through two channels in our model. First, investments might pay off already in period plements a low second- period price in the A 1. low first-period price then com- Second, the government fight against bypass. might have private information about the social cost of pollution or about the aggregate demand In a situation in which the government for permits. second-period prices, the government may unable to commit to is try to signal a low second-period price through a low first-period price. Time pattern of pollution and permits • We can easily analyze the temporal evolution of pollution the case in which the pollution agents' E demand G2{0\0\) for 6l damage is As we all 6. that (under commitment and That pollution decreases over time demand agents with high in pollution for all n, and the also constant, F(9) is = for > A small) nj n\ and p\ > p\. a logical consequence of investments in pollution- is for permits disappear due to the is facts that, from the market because they invest abatement, and, second, that a commitment to a low futures price reduces excessive bypass. While we time-decreasing price may The reason why we ance assumptions pollution may raise the demand find these two reasons compelling, their implication of a not necessarily be appealing. feel time-increasing prices may be may be desirable violated. Consider the pollution is GNP per capita may Second, scientific advances or observations may increase over time for three reasons. First, growth in for pollution control. that the time invari- damage. The marginal cost of bring bad news about environmental damage. And, perhaps in prices in not necessarily good assumptions. That permits become cheaper over time abating technologies. = D 2 (n) absence of investment will discuss, these are and permits levels time- invariant, Di(n) for pollution rights in the One can then show first, price. more cynically, an increase environmental awareness or the organization of powerful environmental interest groups may force otherwise well-informed governments to (in this view, the politicians tion damage function and not as the t (-) is to be interpreted as the cost of pollution to social cost of pollution). Third, for damage depends on the stock pollution, D pay more attention to the environment some pollutants the pollu- rather than the flow, and the marginal costs of current namely the present discounted value of the associated future pollution ments, increases over time. Last, we note that the assumption of a time-invariant for pollution permits (absent investment) over time, and there is is also strong. incre- demand The composition of GNP changes no reason why the environmental impact of production remains constant. • Aggregate uncertainty about the cost of future pollution damage. We have assumed that the social cost of pollution tomorrow 10 is known, and more generally that the government can perfectly may tomorrow. In practice, the government to adjust the number compute today the optimal is much and may want face substantial uncertainty of permits once the uncertainty show that the pollution damage level of pollution is resolved. Scientific advances may greater or lower than one expected. Similarly, the price of clean technologies (such as gas) may fluctuate. This uncertainty does not invalidate the general point that the government wants to sell forward permits in order to guide investment. section does exacerbate the time-consistency issue, as we discuss in [It 4.] Suppose that the second-period pollution damage variable k number is is £> 2 ("2i«)i The optimal publicly revealed at the beginning of period 2. of second-period permits, ti 2 {k), must as and that the random contingent in the noncontingent case trade off the second-period welfare and the effect on investment behavior. Let p2 (n) denote ' ne secondperiod price that will prevail (clear the spot market). Given the equilibrium cutoff 0*, p2 (n) and n 2 (n) are linked by the following relationship: n 2 (p2 (K),0 m ) = nl(K). Let the government commit to intervening in the second-period spot market (by buying number or selling) in order to support a total cutoff is where the and n 2 (it) in state of nature k. first -i= expectation in (6) is The E[max(B2 -rf(«),0)in (6) with respect to 6 2 and the second with respect to Price pl(n) contributes, for each k, to the determination of the investment behavior as summarized by the cutoff Let W 2 ( P2 ,0',k) 6'. = -D2 {n 2 {p2, 0*),k) +{l + \)MP2,9 m )P2 + ff /i(«i)[/i(*» - P2)92(e2 \e + S}.M0i)[E(62 \6 denote the state-contingent second-period welfare. constraint (6). The 1 2 (p;(*c), dp2 *-,«) 1 )d02 ]d0 1 )-i]dO1 And first-order condition with respect to dW As it. then given by E{e2 \P) 62 of permits let p 2 (it) fi denote the multiplier of is: = li[l-G2 (p;(K)\6-))>0. in the case of certainty, the second-period price in each state of nature is lower than the ex post optimal (Ramsey) second-period price, in order to discourage investment. 11 Assume further that a higher k raises the marginal pollution Then a standard 0). damage (d2 .D 2 /3n 2 3/c > revealed preference argument applied to the Lagrangian shows that the second-period pollution nj decreases with k. Last, note that price reductions below the ex post optimal price are damage the lower the pollution — is, the lower is.) it The point is effective, that the probability on not investing, the cutoff type uses a second-period permit, namely that, conditionally [1 (that more The G^CpSC*)!^")] decreases with k. cutoff type remark price reductions in high-pollution states. This therefore is will more appreciative have implications of for the next section. 4 Is Even if the allowance program time consistent? the agents' property rights are well specified, the government number alter the = of allowances nj n 2 (p2 ,#"(p2 )) °y either selling may in period 2 new ones or buying back existing ones. Even though the number period residual The reason is demand of allowances n 2 exceeds the Ramsey curve, the government has level given the second- no incentive to buy back allowances. that ex post capital gains created by a reduction in the number of allowances goes to the owners of allowances, while those linked with ex ante reduction of the number raise the price received by the government. To see allowances at price p£, the government buys back nj satisfying n2 = n 2 (p2,0*(P2))- The marginal change [~D'2 The first term — n2 suppose that, after issuing n"2 allowances at a price p^ in welfare is equal to in this expression is the efficiency effect and, for P2 The second term is > P2 i ls strictly the distributional with the transfer from the government to the owners of allowances. So, Second-period welfare after a buy back of n 2 w(p2) — n 2 allowances at the new market price pi = -d 3 (n 2 (p2, *•(!$))) + a P; n ; [ +•/ + mmp,, r(A)) - •»;]] e 2 g 2 (e 2 \e 1 )de 2 de l fiWi) JO /0 Jp, Jvi with n2 = n a <p,,*-(p5)) = / ' /,(*,)[1 - C(p>|«,)]«0i. Jo At date 2, P2 op* buybacks are suboptimal. I5 > 15 + (1 + A)*] p- - \(n; - n,). negative as price exceeds social marginal cost. loss associated this, the cut off type 9'{p 2 ) The marginal change is and the regulator optimizes over p2then given by the formula in the text. fixed in welfare *jj£ is 12 is : number In contrast, a small increase in the period welfare. resist As in the of allowances at = r*2 n\ raises second- standard durable-goods model, the issuer of permits cannot imposing capital losses on the owners of permits. So, the allowance program is not time consistent. How can the government restore confidence that The standard solution allowances in the future? consists of leasing instead of selling, does not invest in bypass technologies. spot market. But, as work it will not flood the market with to the durable-goods problem, in a context in which which some consumers Here, "leasing" amounts to selling allowances only on the we have seen, the absence of a futures market induces excessive bypass. In contrast, a price support policy (the equivalent of a "money-back guarantee" or "most-favored-nation clause" in industrial organization) allows the government to solve its time consistency problem. Suppose that the government promises to reimburse the n^ owners of allowances for any capital new issues of allowances. For p? decrease < loss {p\ P21 * ne that they incur as the result of marginal change in welfare due to a unit price is -[-D'2 + as p\ — p?)^ > + {\ < P R (0*(pD). By insuring owners \)p^-\n <V (7) 2 against capital losses, the government internalizes 16 the cost of devaluing existing property rights. An alternative commitment device pollution permits at price p\. That is, striking price pj. Agents then do not is to give away in period 1 free options to purchase each agent receives at price pay for R= an option with an asset that the government tempted to "expropriate" by flooding the market with new copies of this asset. Ex the government would actually like to raise the permits price from pj to P^i^iPi)) However, this move is opposed by agents who were granted in period 1 be will later post, > P2- the right to pollute at price p%. We summarize the analysis of this section Proposition 2 The allowance program would like to sell new permits in the is in: not time consistent in that the government second period. The standard method to achieve the commitment outcome, namely leasing (stand-alone spot markets) is ineffective because of the possibility of investment. The commitment outcome, though, can be achieved either through a price support policy or through a first-period giveaway of options to pollute at striking price 16 p!J. Another commitment mechanism might, as usual, be a reputation 13 for not issuing new allowances. • Time consistency in the presence of aggregate uncertainty. Suppose now that the second-period pollution damage D 2 (n 2 ,tz) state contingent is and that the realization of the random variable k occurs at the beginning of period 2 subsection 3.2). It is straightforward to obtain time consistency instance, the government can give buy pollution permits to nature at price away P2 {k) « is verifiable. For in period 1 options that will enable the agents (see subsection 3.2 for its definition) in state of Alternatively the government could /c. if (see commit to a state-contingent price support policy. Time consistency pose that k is is harder to achieve when the state of nature is to understate the pollution new permits. One may then think about patibility for the not verifiable. Sup- The government may then be tempted learned by the government only. understate k, that is damage in order to flood the market with price support policies that restore incentive government. Suppose that in period 1 the government to sells n2 = comnl(R) futures permits, where k corresponds to the highest possible pollution damage. Let the government P? < P21 set a price p2 and commit to a refund policy rfa) per permit for any price with r (p2) = (The h 2 futures permits are sold say. market given the refund policy and the want to sell new permits at a at a price that clears the fact that, in equilibrium the government must market clearing price p 2 (k) in each state of nature k.) Can a refund policy implement the commitment outcome? Using the notation of subsection 3.2, in state of nature /c, the government chooses pi so as to maximize: W 2 (P2, The 0', «) - A[r(p2 ) + p 2 ]n 2 . analysis in subsection 3.2 suggests choosing r(-) such that \[r'(p2 ) + l]n 2 = n[l-G2 (p2 \d-)] or r'(ft) = ^[1 - GMP)] ~ I- Recall that in the absence of aggregate uncertainty, the price support rule satisfied r'(p2 ) — 1. Here more it is in high- concave in p2 because a second-period price reduction deters investment , than Last, for the price support policy r(-) just in low- pollution states. obtained to yield the commitment outcome it second-period objective function be concave. sufficiently = concave in P2 (say, because D2 is must be the case that the government's Because (— r(p 2 )) very convex.) 14 is convex, W 2 must be Comparing markets and optimal pollution con- 5 trol: overall We saw regulation that the introduction of a futures market reduces inefficient bypass and improves on a setting of sequential spot markets. Yet, and unlike yield optimal pollution control. It The second-period optimal. pollution level, it it investment. Perhaps to give the intuition price pi plays several roles: allocates (in guides investment. may be useful Clearly, an ex post it in the static case, efficient it markets do not why markets are not determines the second-period way) the pollution among agents, and would be useful to have another instrument to control more instruments can less obviously, also help extract the agents' rent. To it see why a futures price p2 is a poor rent extraction instrument, us let first recall that corresponds to a free option with exercise price p2- At the very least the government could sell this option at price Rq = o\E[max(0 2 buy the option and welfare would increase by uniform striking price of willingnesses to menu offering a is not optimal. — AiZo- P2>0)|0] 17 Still, > 0- AH agents would charging for an option with a The government can exploit the temporal correlation pay by practicing a form of (intertemporal) nonlinear pricing and Agents with a high first-period valuation reveal their type of options. by demanding an expensive option with a low striking price; because they are have a high willingness to pay invested), they are eager to Section still in period 2 and therefore to use a permit pay a low striking 6 will derive the optimal (if likely to they have not price. (commitment) mechanism under the assumption that the environmental regulator observes only the agents' pollution level, and not their investment or production. This case corresponds to pure environmental regulation. Pure environmental regulation is directly comparable with the market system studied in pre- vious sections, because both posit that pollution levels are the only control instruments. This section analyzes the simpler case of overall regulation in which the regulator can observe the agents' pollution abstract 17 to level, investment and production. 18 We first mechanism design problem and then give a simple interpretation Actually, Ro + 6R it is clear that such that type increases welfare by second-order 6\ by decreasing p? = XSR because is still present the of our findings. and raising the price of the option R from Ro between buying the option and not buying it, one pi around the optimal commitment price has only a slightly indifferent the change in effect. 18 In our model, the observation of period- 2 production and pollution would give the relevant information about investment. So, one might as well assume that both or none of the two are observed. The overall regulation case is simpler to analyze because the investment choice does not introduce an extra incentive constraint. 15 Mechanism design 5.1 At an abstract the government sets up at date level, makes announcements and X of his first- 2 1 a mechanism, in which each agent and second-period valuations, and 2 respectively. The agent's second-period announcement 8™ (' ne The mechanism agent did not invest). probability Xi(0i) of being allowed to produce/pollute in period investing, probabilities 2 and and superscripts "i" and I?'(^ii^?') fr° m "ni" refer to the fact that the agent invested in period - Ti(e 1 Ji)}g2 (e2 \$ 1 )dB2 ] - T^ i {e 1 ,^ i on the B\, principle implies that there is no + 1 We or not. an agent with type X : - A) Wo !^? A. *T) 1 (i if )]g2 (e2 \e1 )de2 )} where the first-period announcement contingent on in period 2. a) Agents' behavior. Let U{9\) denote the utility or rent of is a probability y(#i) of 'he agent to the government, where the adopt the convention that transfers are made in period ment 1, B\ specifies a x 2 (6i,0 2 ) and xJ'A.fl™) °f being allowed to produce transfers 7^(^i, ^2) 1 contingent on whether is The second-period announcement can thus be denoted investment actually occurred. (investment took place) or in periods is contingent on 0\, and the second-period announce- realization of the investment loss of generality in focusing and on 62 . The revelation on mechanisms that induce the agent to reveal truthfully. Using the envelope theorem and an integration by parts, the slope of the rent function uWx) = is given by: 19 x l (e 1 )-s[y(e 1 )Jo -^-(e2 \e 1 )x2 (e 1 ,e 2 )d0 2 (8) x + The agent is (i - ,(*)) ^i(e2 \e Jo willing to participate in the 1 )xT(e1 ,e2 )de2 ). program only the agent's rent increases with his type (see equation 19 The second-order 2 . This obtains in #i for all 2 2. (which as well (which holds The second-order Appendix all 0\ it is Because the individual rationality To guaran- necessary and sufficient that x"'(0i,02) and x'2 (0i,8 7 ) be A _ 2 increasing in 6 2 for for all 0\. if . is ))> > conditions of incentive compatibility of this problem are complex. tee truthful revelation of 6 2 in period 2 nondecreasing in 8 ( U{6\) if ' is if 1 1-W-^W) +A fx (B x ) the case for instance ^//jffl is ft(«s|0i) if A is not too large) and nondecreasing nonincreasing in 6\ and conditions of incentive compatibility in period . 16 1 -£- nonincreasing in #i). are complex and are dealt with in constraint can be written as: U(0) The agents'' total rent 0. (9) therefore: is = /* u(e 1 )f1 (e l )de 1 f u (<M[i - F (e )]de 1 The government's Welfare maximization. 1 1. Jo Jo b) = optimization program -8D 2 {ti\\ - y ($M xr(e /oMWflj) + 1 ,e2 ) 92 (e 2 \e l )de 2 ]f1 (e 1 )de 1 ) + * J? *2*j(*i, «2)*(*»l«i W) +(1 + +(1 - yiOiWti ^T(6 U 62 )g2 (62 \6 1 )d62 ]f A) is: y(0i)(~i 1 (6 1 )d6 1 1 -\fo U(61 )[l-F1 (6 1 )]d0 1 )}, where U (&i) is given components: by equation ( 8 Note that ). the social cost of pollution + of production (weighted at 1 received by the government if damage because A, it in social welfare is divided into three both periods, the expected value would be equal to the monetary transfer the latter could fully capture the agents' rents), and the cost of leaving rents to the agents (proportional to A.) Let d t = D[(ni) and d2 = D'2 (n 2 ) denote the social marginal costs of pollution. Pointwise maximization of social welfare yields the following first-order conditions. The maximization with (a rewriting of equation ( respect to x\(6i) gives the ^ 1- )): „(„ = „ , = + now standard monopoly formula j^-l^i do, otherwise. Let ^-TTA + TTA-^rFor types who do not invest, the maximization over = We 6\ is x™ (61,62) yields: otherwise. assume that the function 62 (which (11) the case for instance — if A ^^"^N —rjfcjgy 62 — is not too large), and increasing in 6\ as 17 *s increasing in 62 for well. all [These conditions will be used to ensure that agents' second-period second-order conditions are satisfied.] We can then define a single-valued nonincreasing function p 2 (-) by: who do For types l-fi(flO(-ffr(P2(gl)|g|)) m) ! 1 +A l ^(ft^,)^) /,(*) maximization over x 2 (6 l ,62 ) yields the same condition invest, the = We Last, =1 an agent invests S[r if if A and only is if 62 > ^2(^1) (in the absence of investment) or i9l) e2 g2 (02 \e 1 )de2 + ^T (l-G 2 (p2 (e 1 )\e l ))} T (16) if extract the agents' rent. Note that condition ( 16) is increasing in 6\ (which his type exceeds 6*. is, The reader will check that the cutoff the regulator restricts investment in order to better 20 in ( 16) has cost (besides the > p2 {6\) side of the condition in not too large.) Then there exists a cutoff 9* such that best level. That its first those types 62 (15) - otherwise. the case in particular On and only if assume that the left-hand and one P!(9i) respect to the investment decision y(0i), using the fact that the -i + if = efit * *(*«.)i».> the agent has invested): (if y{9x) exceeds — l-F,(»,)HfrteWI'.)) m-7iw we optimize with 92(^1) We otherwise. A agent produces in period 2 > cost: define a new, nonincreasing function q2 (-) by: „,,,_ feW) #2 j ' under no investment, except that production no longer entails a pollution as is A = JL- + ~ 1+A (0\ P2(l) a simple interpretation. The investment has one ben- monetary investment that polluted; and it cost i). It eliminates the pollution of allows production by types in [92(^1 )»?2(^i)]- the other hand, an agent's rent grows faster with 8 t in case of investment because second-period production becomes more We still need to tion program is likely. check that the global second-order condition for an agent's maximiza- satisfied. Last, let I{92 \6x) = We will do so when we describe the implementation. —^nra y denote the informativeness of B\ about the second- period needs for pollution rights. As the informativeness of 6\ goes uniformely to zero for 20 See appendix 1 18 every 6\ (the types are intertemporally independent in the limit), the optimal mechanism converges to a mechanism which can be implemented by a sequence of spot markets with a supply of pollution rights determined each period by the regulator. Furthermore, either all firms should invest or none. When the uncertainty about future needs post efficiency of period 2 spot markets large it is intuitively clear that the ex very attractive. Alternatively one can study is when the existence the design of policies is of spot markets each period a constraint. is This constraint implies ex post productive efficiency conditionally on the number of pollution rights. It excludes the price discrimination involved in the optimal mechanism. Consequently we can expect too much rent to be given up to firms in period vestment is less (costly) 2. controlled by the regulator, investment will be decreased in period production in period 2. When investment is 1 When in- to induce not controllable, investment can be similarly decreased indirectly by committing to a larger (than ex post optimum) level of pollution rights (and a smaller price of pollution rights). See section 6. 5.2 Implementation In the optimal mechanism the regulator uses the correlation of types across periods to decrease the cost of asymmetric information by committing to period-two allocations which are not ex post efficient (since p 2 (0 and g 2 (-) In contrast markets yield ex post efficient allocations the optimum. The optimal mechanism depend on the first-period type). and therefore cannot implement price-discriminates for the period-two rights to produce and to pollute on the basis of the first-period type. In period 1, the optimum can be implemented by a market for first-period pollution permits at a uniform price p* given by (11) and a set of options markets who commit not to invest, the regulator offers a menu of options {p?, : For the agents Rfa}, where p 2 is the striking price to be paid in period 2 for polluting in period 2 and R(p 2 ) price (in period 1) of an option with exercice price p? (where R{.) a decreasing function defined below). For the agents where q2 of options {q2 , 5(92)}) in period 2 is and S(q2 ) is who commit is is is the purchase to invest the regulator offers a second menu the striking price or usage tax to be paid for producing the purchase price of an option with exercice price q2 (where S(.) a decreasing function). Agents with higher likely to today. 0j value know that (conditionally on not investing) they are more need a pollution permit tomorrow, and buy better (lower striking price) options Similarly, agents with a higher willingness to pay in period 1 buy lower usage taxes. The purchase price of options to pollute is 19 computed so that an agent who does not q invest (namely, with type #i < with exercice price pi{6i) defined 6') picks the option by (13). Let us compute the first-period price R(p2) of an option with striking price p 2 and that induces Assuming that the this choice. first-period allocation by the spot market of pollution permits with price pj, the agent's (discounted at period 1) is, for Utf x jx = ) The I' if we - is 2 (p 2 (e 1 )\e1 ))]i/2 (e1 ) define 9\(p 2 ) as the inverse function of = = . o. p2 {Bi) defined by - G2 (p3 \e1 (p2 ))) < -6(l : : «Mh)) - *(i - G R'(p 2 ) 9^ (O 2 -P2(Oi))92(02\ei)de 2 . first-order condition of incentive compatibility [ Or, +6 implemented utility level in period 2 a type-#i agent claiming he has type -R(P2(0i)) is (13), 0. (17) Note that the second-order condition of incentive compatibility amounts to 'dG2 '{^MOiWi^pWi) > or pWi) < The £/(0,0) function R(.) = is 0. obtained from (17) and the binding participation constraint 0. who commit Similarly, the "second-period" utility of those type a > 6") is to invest (that is, who have : 1 v2 (e u h) = -siqM) -i + s f (e2 . - 2 {h))92{e 2 \e x )de2 leading to S'{q2 ) = -S[\ - G3 (q2 \ei(q2 )j\ with <fe(0,(<fe)) = q2 with the "pasting condition" m v(e ,e The optimal mechanism is m ) = u(0\e m illustrated in Figure FIGURE 1 ). 1. HERE Let us reemphasize that pollution permits of period 2 cannot be traded as agents with different first-period valuations must face different second-period striking prices and therefore the second-period allocation cannot be efficient. We summarize our analysis in: 20 e2 t l+Jt e. no investment Figure 1 Proposition 3 Under tracts overall regulation, the depending on whether the agent chooses government two menus of option con- offers In each menu, a higher-valuation to invest. agent chooses a more expensive option with a lower striking price. The allocation of pollution is not ex post efficient. investment than in the d) when Remark pollution less first best. we have In this section : government taxes investment and induces Last, the derived the benchmark of an optimal mechanism and investment are controllable and when the regulator can commit tertemp orally. To analyze the performance of markets for pollution rights, useful to have three other benchmarks, namely the case where the regulator it in- would be still controls investment but cannot commit, the case where he cannot control investment and can commit, and finally the case where both problems occur. Unfortunately the analysis of limited commitment or renegotiation proof commitment is quite complex because of the ratchet effect (see chapters 9 and 10 in Laffont-Tirole (1993)). A thorough analysis in the case of a continuum of types scope of this paper. In section 6, we like here is beyond the mechanism when investment discuss the optimal is unobservable. Comparing markets and optimal control: pure en- 6 vironmental regulation We now assume that the pollution federal government (or one of its and has no control over investment and production. Unlike government then cannot levy a tax on production nor can vestment; it can (and options must now will) still issue in section ?? the directly control (or tax) in- it nontradeable options on pollution permits, but these play the triple role of allocating pollution rights, guiding investment and extracting the agents' lies agencies) can only regulate rents. A complete analysis of pure environmental regulation We outside the scope of this paper. concerning this situation. We set up the content ourselves with making a few points incentive problem and then look at two polar cases. The government sets makes announcements 6\ up at the beginning of date 1 a and 6 2 of his first- invest. It also splits the agents into For types 6\ to pollute in period 1 and a transfer complement of 0i), who do not mechanism two groups. £ 0i, the mechanism in which each agent and second-period valuations, 2 respectively. Without loss of generality, the truthfully. mechanism specifies elicits Those mechanism 21 and 1 the agents' information in the subset of types t a probability ii(0i) of being allowed t(6i) to the regulator. invest, the in periods For types &i € 0J specifies probabilities x\(0\) (the and 12(^1,^2) of being able to pollute in periods to the regulator. The We and a transfer T(6i,6 2 ) 2, respectively, adopt the convention that these transfers are date-2 transfers. 21 rent U(8\) of an agent with type 6\ = max{ U(0i) and 1 is: + max[0,-i + 6E(92 \91 )], mtt[x 1 (91 )91 -6t(91 )] max[xi(§i)9i + max[E(max 6x2(81,62)62 - 6T(0 fceej (18) ,6 2 )\8i), l St - i - 6ndnT(9 ly 92 )]}. SE($a\$i) h The first strategy for the agent Even though on is to apply (or not) for a date-1 pollution right only. the equilibrium path, agents who apply for a period 1 pollution right only do invest (wlog, since not investing and not producing in period 2 not investing and having an option at a striking price above 1), is we must equivalent to consider the possibility that the agent elects not to invest. The second strategy consists in claiming one entitled to choosing in {x 2 (6 x , ')iT(9 u -)} he is m is not investing (9\ € 0f), and thus be period 2. Note that the agent can claim not investing and actually invest. Let 0* be defined by 6E(9 2 \9*) envelope theorem and integrating by parts, the gradient of the rent the expected present discounted ' Ufa) = x 1 (61 ) x 1 (e1 ) - amount for is = i. Using the as usual equal to of production: M8inM, + S^E(92 \01 for ) 61 ee 1 n[6\l], ^t(91 ) + 6f^-^(92 \91 ))x 2 (9u 92 )d92 for (19) 9, 6 0f. Last, the agent's individual rationality constraint can be written U(9i) The difficulty of the > maLx{0,6E(6 2 \6 1 ) - i). (20) problem stems not so much from the apparent complexity of the incentive compatibility condition (18), which can be replaced by condition (19) together with an ex post verification of global optimality for the agent. rationality condition (20) creates trouble, as the interval is [0, 1]. As is well known the it may a priori Rather, the individual bind at different values in analysis of type -dependent reservation utilities complex. 21 The reader might be concerned that the regulator would find out in the following way whether the An agent who invests and announces he has not invested could be asked to pollute at with some probability. To rule this out, we assume that the agent can always discard the pollutionabatement investment and behave like an agent who has not invested. Conversely, can an agent who does not invest disguise as one who invests? The answer is yes since the agent can always elect not to produce and therefore not pollute. This strategy of course may have a cost, which will be formalized when we agent invested. least look at the incentive compatibility condition on investment. 22 some In order to disentangle a) effects of the non observability of investment and production from those of an individual rationality constraint binding above the lowest valuation, we first look at the case in which (20) takes the more familiar form tf(0i)>O As we we can for all X : . ignore the bypass option as far as individual rationality is con- cerned, as long as the high valuation types value first-period production enough (that is, if will see, the optimal price for first-period permits low enough) that they would not contemplate is refusing to interact with the pollution regulator. We guess (19). The the solution by ignoring some of the constraints that are implicit in (18) and ignored constraints will be checked ex post. Note that (19) implies that first for all 0! Uifix) as x 2 can take any value between x2 (0i,.) in = *i(*i) + = 1 for 0i S 0i D constraint is [0 ,l]). binding only at 0i and ^(*»l*i))*i(«i,*i)«tfa (So, 1. x 2 (0i,.) = for 0\ While (21) implies neither f our optimization program. " ( 6Jl Positing for the = moment (21) € ©i H (18) nor (19), [0,0*] and we use (21) that the individual rationality (which must also be checked ex post), we also have : 1 l/(0i ) = f" U{6)d0. Jo We can now build on the mechanism design of section 5. The objective function, the incentive constraint and the individual rationality constraint are the The only difference is we the agent invests. So, and cannot prevent second-period production necessarily have x«(0i,.) = = l *ft(0i) = O. (22) are the implications of the lack of control aver investment ? 0. Equation 3/(00 = (16), when modified, yields the optimal cutoff 0® lh) 1 -i if + S[J^ 9 2 gi (ea ]fi l }d$ i _A^°1-F1 (01 1+A /,(0,) = Note that 0® > 0" : if : the fictitious case in which the regulator can control investment but ft(0i) as in section 5. that the regulator has fewer instruments. Namely, an environmental regulator does not control y(0i) directly, What same + )^)^ 50, Jo ^j(l-G l 2| 1} 2 Let us consider is constrained to : 9 {p»(9 l )\$ l ))] ~ otherwise. (23) the fact that the regulator loses control over production investment occurs makes investment socially less desirable. 23 when We must now look for conditions under which the environmental regulator can de facto power to do control investment even though he has no statutory purposes, it move convenient to is (which follows the lines of section The ously regulator pollution permits at price p\ to agents is, who simultane- the environmental regulator bundles some The second-period -and second-period rights. 5.2. into the implementation of the optimal regulation That options. For expositional 5.2). sells first-period buy second-period so. first options {p2,R{p2)} satisfy, as in section : = -s[i-G2 {p2 (el )\e1 ))]. R(P2(0i)) Now, regulator let us assume that pj sell < 0® (tied first-period pollution rights are cheap). Let the unbundled first-period rights at price pf such that e*-pl- R(p2 (B 9 )) + S f 1 (02 : - P2 (e9 ))g2(02\0 9 )d02 = 0® -pf - i + *£(0 2 |0®). (24) P?>Pl It is shown that easily if pf < 0®, (25) no agent wants to bypass without buying a first- period pollution permit, and therefore the individual rationality constraint takes the miliar result form U(0i) > < Provided that pf for all 0i. 0®, Appendix 3 proves our fa- main : The bundled first-period permit b) We is cheaper that have examined one polar case of investment by tying the purchase price. Controlling investment is in its unbundled counterpart. which the regulator can control the level of second-period pollution rights to the first-period then costless because agents have a large stake in period 1. The other extreme case in period 1 that we can briefly consider noboby purchases permits. The is when the role of the pollution costs are so high IR contraint is then quite transparent. Suppose (without U(0) is = 0, type 0, loss of generality for this reasoning) that SE(02\O) and actually to leave a rent to those all types bypass. who purchase 22 The only way —i = 0. Then if to avoid complete bypass pollution rights. Optimizing social welfare respect to 0® and pj(0i) we obtain the two following results (see Appendix 4). There is more bypass that in the case where the marginal firm 0® can be controlled through the purchase of a first-period pollution permit (case 22 This results from the slope of U a). under bypass weakly exceeding that under any permit system. 24 To counteract this excessive bypass, the striking prices of options offered in period one are below marginal cost. Desirable extensions 7 We can summarize the way investments in private pollution abatement technologies are affected in 23 by policy instruments with the following graph giving the marginal agent engaging the bypass activity. Overall regulation Futures market + ' 1 . Stand-alone Pure environmental First best spot markets regulation (case a) The Stand-alone spot markets Futures market regulator does not observe investments. strument : The : is regulator does not observe investments. period He can pollution rights for period 2 with the 1 His only in- the supply of pollution rights each period. offer in commitment of not changing the supply of pollution rights in period First best The : regulator observes investments and has complete 2. infor- mation about the agents'. The Overall regulation regulator observes investments but has incomplete in- formation about the agents' valuations. supply of pollution rights, can offer in tions of pollution rights in period 2 He can period 1 menus of op- and can make Pure environmental The regulation plete information about the agents' valuations. : control the transfers. regulator does not observe investments and has incom- The reg- ulator only observes pollution, but, unlike under "futures market'' We , can conclude with a (non-exhaustive) offer nonassignable, contingent permits. list of desirable extensions. First, in our model the futures market guides investment by constraining the future spot price. In practice, the futures market also supplies information about this spot price. "price discovery" could formalize this by allowing the distribution of first-period valuations of agents to be ex ante uncertain to the regulator. agents' investment cost 23 One Laffont-Tirole (1990) has is known. We in the population Second, we have assumed that the could more generally allow the investment cost shown how nonlinear prices used to fight bypass lower than marginal costs. 25 may entail marginal prices to differ among agents, be particularly relevant and for also be subject to the S0 2 moral hazard. 24 market, in which about seventy percent of the pollution comes from public utilities. Third, overall regulation, be performed by a single regulator, but rather (as several agencies with conflicting objectives. Fourth, has the means to achieve political its social goals. the case for it US we have assumed is prevails, need not electric utilities) by that the government In practice, the government We hope that future research interesting extensions. As when US may have to obtain sometimes offered to defend Analyses of support- building for reform (Dewatripont-Roland (1992)) might be relevant here. 24 is support from interest groups (this motivation grandfathering.) 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(XI) negative. q%. We obtain and -^9252(92) From the second order negative. Since (Al) < condition of footnote 14 and the definition of p2 (#i), (A2) Therefore the expression (Al) with p2 is 0. increasing in 6 X the cutoff value is = P2{9\) a nd g2 = 92(^1) is is negative. higher. Q.E.D. 28 Appendix 2 : Second-order conditions of the agents' first-period optimisa- problem (section tion 5). To study the second-order conditions of the agents' first-period optimization problem, convenient to use the implementation developed in section it is P2{6l) = I K > R(p2(0*)) is chosen so as to Let if*>f. *(4) make type 5.2. 6* indifferent between investing and not investing. The agent's optimization problem boils down to : 1 max {[B x - rf]x! ft) - R{h) + S f As is . [1 - G2 {ei \e1 )}d62 \. well-known, second-order conditions are satisfied if an increase in 6 X does not decrease the derivative of the objective function with respect to & SLi§ L )^2' Sufficient conditions for this to be the case are )(^ £i(.) b) y(.) c) p?(.) d) q2 (.) nonincreasing. a) b), c) holds holds and if ^i and if d) together — +A — imply that — - p?(.) is nonincreasing.] nondecreasing is h\ s \) the left-hand side of (16) d) hold is nondecreasing, which if a 2 1 is : nonincreasing large. c) — nondecreasing 1 b) namely x x (0i) nondecreasing a) [Note that 0\, non decreasing +A i-/W) (-»(*!'»)) /,(*,) in 6 X for each 9?. 29 g2 (62 \0 1 ) is the case if A is not too An Example : G 2 (92 \9 = 1 - e"*'* F {6 = l ) p 2 (6 1 ) = 92(0i ) = 1 6X d 2 6i 2A0! = 1 ) l , + 0j - A if 1+2A 1 0i < 1+2A -- 0i 0* 1/2 1+2A Figure 2 The dotted curve in figure 2 pictures the effect of an increase in the social cost of funds. Turning to second-order conditions in period 2 A 1 1-F (6 1 +A /i(0i) 2, l ) the sufficient condition - 30, 92 (0 2 |0i) nondecreasing in B 2 takes the form 1- A (1-*,) 1+A Bx 30 > or 0i > A. For small As #1 there is a problem illustrated by the bunching obtained in figure for the second-order conditions in period 1, c) and d) always hold and a) 2. and b) hold for A small enough. Q.E.D. 31 Appendix 3 Proof that unbundled permits are more expansive than bun- : dled ones under pure environmental regulation. We look for a solution where V#i G [0,0®] the agent does not invest and asks for pollution rights in period 2, V0i 6 [0®, 1] the agent invests. V0x€[O,0®] V0 a 6 [5®, 1] okw-jf [* ( #o+*j£[-f|iw^)]#i d9x Optimizing social welfare as in section W.CIM] x . we obtain 5, ^ lW = l«».> T + ^i^ T (AI) Let pj and pi{9\) the prices denned by equations (Al) and (A2). Maximizing over 6® yields (' -*• + *[ 9) B2 dG2 {92 \9^) jf 1 +A + JJf-(l dOt™ Vo /i(^i) - G,(ft(*)|*»))] 2 ' Substituting from (A2) -* + *[ jf^ 9 dG (9 \9*) +6[p (9*)(l - G2{p»(P)\0*))] 2 2 2 2 or 1 1 {S * f JO 92 dG2 (92 \9°) -i}-6 ' f Jj>i(8 9 ) (92 - P2 (9 9 ))dG2 (02 \0 9 ) ( + f "'(-§(« |O)^>0. l 32 (A3) In terms of the implementation mechanism the indifference of agent 0® can be rewritten 0*-p\- R(p2 (9°)) + S I' (02 - P2 (9 9 ))dG2 (92 Jp,(09) 1 = 0®-p* + 6 f Jo 9 2 dG2 (92 \9 9 ) -i or P° ~ P'x = {& C 9 dG 2 2 (92 \9*) - i) - is t\ +R(p 2 (9 9 )) > from (A3) and R{p 2 {9®)) > (02 - p2 (69 ))dG2 (62 \0»)\ o. 0. Q.E.D. 33 MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 00922 6975 Appendix 4 : Pure environmental pollution permits (case b of section A Let in the 6). the (second-period) rent which is given up to type defined by (see figure 3, which depicts the agent's utility — and when he does not — flatter curve) f (£„, (- w) * A+ ( or r The cost of rents f is a+ e» , ft) r (L> a - x ll (jf (jf (" " A i ™>/» invests : dGi ( \ ( - ^«*>)**)««>> ^A))*)*)«W = is : / dG2 (e2 \e1 )d62 dF (e 1 e + + (i (1 + A)* j£ )\ 1 + \)sf JO 1 e2 dG2 (02\Ox)de 2 dF1 (0 1 ) f Jpa(«i) [ £ 6 2 dG 2 {6 2 \9,) - ^dF (0 l l ) : sd292 (p2 (0 l )\e 1 )f1 (e 1 ) - (i + x)sP2 (e l )g2 (p2 (e 1 )\e 1 )fi (0 1 ) 34 is — steeper curve *)*-jf jTC-^*"*')** n (0i) max - ^a(/* get when he (~Bf)<*W**- • The optimization problem We The marginal type 9® 0. now - ( absence of first-period -\6F1 (o 1 )(-^ye 2 \o 1 ) =o or , a , P2(Ul) = d2 7— r — +A 1 Furthermore F (e x . . 1 » 1 , 1) /o {-^{Meim ' 7TTTTT-: ^ + XMOi) g2 (P2(6i)\0i) d 2 < ~1 + A" : - Sd2 (l - (1 - G2 (p2 (& 9 )K))M0 9 ) + 1 (1 + A)* f O2 dG2 (p 2 (O*)\6®)M0®) 1 + X)S f Jo 6% - xs J^ + (1 + \)ifi(B*) e 2 dG 3 (O 2 \O*)fl (0°) d \- -^{e 2 r))d9 2 F^) = o or P3{ " 9) -i + 6j 02dG2 (e2 \6*) + 6^2j(l - G2 { ?2 {9®)\0®)) i siope J =U ^ dG2 1 » "aS slope = £ / Jp2{ei) " Figure 3 •906 b 35 ex — 7tt- d#i Date Due teas I SFP. 19 m 021997 Lib-26-67