^•*„,^.1>.C«^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/regulatoryfailurOOjosk HB31 .M415 1 i REGULATORY FAILURE, REGULATORY REFORM AND STRUCTURAL CHANGE IN THE ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY Paul No. 516 L. Joskow January 1989 REVISED DRAFT January 25, 1989 REGULATORY FAILURE, REGULATORY REFORM AND STRUCTURAL CHANGE IN THE ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY By Paul L. Joskow MIT have benefited for comments from Doug Bohi, Frank Gallop, Peter Reiss, Martin Baily and Cliff Winston. Financial support from the MIT Center For Energy Policy Research, the Department of Economics Energy Research Fund, and the Olin Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. This paper was written while I was a visiting scholar at Harvard Law School. I REVISED DRAFT (3) (brookings.end (rev) 1/25/89) REGULATORY FAILURE, REGULATORY REFORM AND STRUCTURAL CHANGE IN THE ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY By Paul L. Joskow ~~" " MIT become ...Utility rate litigation has Each contest sport, a vent monient, then fuels the appetite for further fight. We shrink from the thought of the season ending.... I am hard pressed to imagine a more inefficient, haphazard approach to utility rate making than our state has witnessed in recent years... Our Public Service Commission presents an innovative and promising... way out and we deliver a stiff left to the jaw. for passions. satiates for the (Justice Robertson (Dissenting), Mississippi Supreme Court, January 4, 1989)^ INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW In the deregulation increased include past the role financial electric power utilities are still changes or And agencies. have the structure and regulation of the the increasing the resulting regulatory largely unaffected price and industry has significant At gas on entry yet deregulation in that are of surface, the the Electric experienced by state the other and dramatic industries. changes that have and are taking place electric de- integration which and deregulation. these has production regulation not entry industries in least by and prices natural economic virtual a power industry. Of most importance of competing wholesale suppliers of power to gradual changes several sectors. followed there role other the Nevertheless, are telecommunications, and of resources allocating in extensive to deregulation partial forces been has subject that economy has gone through U.S. railroads, services industry regulatory structural market of trucking, airlines, the Complete revolution. transmission, federal decade, the electric promoting competition for power future utilities industry, supplies of for in is resale, and the generating -2- by acquired capacity for utilities resale commercial residential, to and industrial customers. During the attracted relatively exhibited a formal high rate and little attention and "voluntary" smoothly with relatively the regulatory rate were and makers. and the and Major and structural be to The or political few formal worked system numerous While on few prices, performance the focused proposals industry were controversy. in The real there norm.' the industry regulatory little increases, power of the modest relatively more cooperation and coordination among of desirability and nominal political reform policy electric policy falling for file regulatory public associated reforms scale. public performance, to the 1960s, growth, many of which were deemed utilities of from decreases rate little the government studies identified imperfections academic and industry, had rarely hearings of financial excellent Utilities most productivity of rate cases, controversy.' 1950s regulatory too small were reforms on high not economies available exploit to the political agenda. Economic growth Productivity profitability. As utilities filed for filings lead formal and rate 1973, costs regulatory for by supplying and regulatory gradually and key input result, rate the in to Requests exert the costs, regulation, for state These resistance to and rate rate largely requests rate changes for increases in increases these and and interest to falling These increases regulatory followed uncontrollable higher fuel 1970s. commissions. regulatory for early growing number of 1970s a resist and lead costs rising their larger particular in and early much 1960s late 1960s pressures unanticipated electricity. political in groups to organize to interest large, late with increased and by fixed prices process structures. triggered of a various hearing changed disappeared With rose. rates, conditions rates created changes that would deal with "the problems" caused in the procedures quickly after increases further political in the intensified pressures by rapidly rising -3- performance that with of series the the of seeds supplying changes and Probably the were the in taking the can affecting in 1980s to the costs of how prices. performance perceive with growing the development of importance of competitive independent generating sector made up of power supply entities that power wholesale distribution to and entry for utilities most markets, resale importantly without being distribution opportunities utilities first wholesale for emerged naturally trade in the primary capacity in generators in fuels used most regions (NUGs) was reactions of the that occurred in the competitive the sell price traditional to of the electricity, then encouraged with regulations state political utility/regulatory traditional past fifteen years, the structure potential to unleashed both by the performance the prices, non-utility after issued 1978 (PURPA). to PURPA of a economic changes opportunities independent generating sector revealed by the forces the as generating excess unintegrated of by federal and 1980s and natural gas oil combined Entry country. and early 1970s coal, integrated traditionally accordance with the Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act of The a generate to between late consequence of the unanticipated difference between 1980 subjected a regulations. Increased the the a and determined 1980s are associated early 1930s.'* electricity in the to been not early 1970s the changes responses and historically that into had found primarily be during collapse, virtual that 1920s environment translated financial utility of state a late today institutions 1970s and power the responses term long in controversies since economic be to was long led and early 1980s, the system 1970's late place utility regulatory increases price political industry the important problems that emerged so and and in supposed most for are that legislative, electricity the utility changes of By regulatory electric regulatory, to smoothly so changes the interaction cost work to resistance precipitously. enormous by associated The decline to appeared plagued Regulatory costs. electricity rely more on experience, traditional and system when faced with economic shocks and by PURPA, changes in generating electric utility and arrangements, encourage increase them. generation the importance the generation In and regulated partially integrated distribution The purpose consequences and structure early in of the "traditional" of the changes the have markets generating sector regulatory paper and examines stimulated purchases the in the with power to electricity making sales of discussion a industry as it of and regulatory structure. place take the had discussion to and forces in on the in This that have then leads led much more development of an growth the to detail independent and causes nature, brief particular. suppliers, and substantially wholesale to the to these the of a likely "traditional" by evolved rationale decade with particular emphasis and evaluates from independent a generally in likely regulation the discuss have begun political rapid to industrial last accommodate of suppliers transmission utilities. begin by are price traditional electric that power wholesale economic, the developments major seeing practices, to for and acquisition now are regulation competing is I followed is power industry independent of of overview electric changes. these This paper this regulation 1970s. performance an of of we the procurement rate these by govern to result, capacity independent of a state future, unencumbered service As capacity. federal in arrangements structural new of operation and regulatory alternative demand the political increased I and for next turn structure the of to the on developments an unintegrated discussion generating the The rest policies that changes. public of sector, utility and the growth and importance of competitive wholesale power markets. THE STRUCTURE AND REGULATION OF THE ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY a. Industry Organization Residential, commercial and industrial customers (referred to in what follows -5- collectively Over 3,000 However, between Since share investor-owned focus many common lOU has and of definitions transactions, As etc.). to are subject utilities also take of as customers electricity rates serve same electric is entities by over 100 generated and/or vary widely that an for within located at played by geographical to the state their areas an is de within reliable service in extremely at distribution Distribution regulated rates to What economists think of retail franchisees phenomenon rare territories. determination the Multiple years. by commissions.* territories. role little charged exclusive facto service their and commercial de or for wholesale transactions, jure rates generation, Appendix the residential, regulatory service fifty last a retail provide relatively the least either and I retail to customers franchise, obligation Figure The 1). the into they size, Figure (See integrated electricity have discussion the limit I characteristics (See retail regulation to has the to sector distribution, of typically exclusive on competition the rest customers. million provided is 1987.^ in While lOUs vary widely in vertically electricity distributors lOU the regulatory transmission, service this utilities on is been of utilities provide for and structural generation, franchise retail 100 The (I0Us)7 utilities paper this distribution customers return of traditionally industrial all supplied electricity and regulation of lOUs. structure transmission In over to retail electricity and ownership form.* the the typical the at on billion by nearly 3,000 publicly or cooperatively-owned in size, structure to of $150 over spent electricity 80% and 75 private distributed here distribute entities independent customers)^ "retail" as authorized today in to the power industry. ^° lOUs Historically, transmission and customers. As early joint 1970s typically distribution the capacity average size ownership owned of and required of generating generating operated to serve facilities facilities of all the grew operated needs in the the of late generation, their retail 1960s by one of the and owners -6- common became economically owned and formal power the between pooling are defined the passage arrangements as sales by one utility the Federal Power of The "coordination sales of through reliable joint contracts that operation recent resale wholesale 1935, in utilities. ^^ transactions Since customers. retail to been have transactions exchanges By and of of power contracts.^' generation utilities these years to capacity transactions This facilities. encompass category virtually purchasing the energy pooling and and capacity arrangements, large transmission These utility. of lOU's facilities as well as traditionally in longer have anticipation and transaction bilateral wholesale provide for to both involve economy and loads, economical seller to capacity their wholesale transactions of their meet voluntary all reasons for for facilitate to possible utilities to order in utilities provided traditionally generating "coordination" of integrated owned by proximate plants sufficient and encompass the short term purchases to interconnected is, The transactions. "coordination" so-called do not involve an open ended obligation by the "requirements" including of term in by in That ownership short expanded emerged of generating use purposes.^' reliability on term engaged electricity relying encompasses transaction" make economical the Act for East, economically Wholesale transactions. facilities the in and reliability owned by independent another to of operation especially increased to transactions fall into two broad categories. category first term has enhance to wholesale of and, utilities, order in variety a Power Commission). These needs proximate several and own. their led also exploit to on facilities have planning joint small too by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC, formerly the Federal regulated for lOUs, independent make also generating and coordination technology generating and transmission capacity lOUs were they that station central art by operated found utilities transmission in interconnection to exploit of state Developments many as and short reliability, and term purchase not built "stand-alone" making 'coordination of sale -7- with contracts" transactions of generally are excess to holding company The to provide service to second broad "requirements" transaction. or integrated partially ownership demanded by area vertically customers) or municipal selling for their cooperative or utility anticipated the FERC regulated by by regulatory state transactions account revenues. ^^ The has become wholesale using commissions regulating for specific within coordination principles services have service been the control purchasers similar are contract a heavily those used requirements 5% roughly and long relied are to Wholesale rates. medium and power requirements (full transactions 10% of lOU generation and between through requirements of the buyer Requirements retail a the requirements a of the "net" all fuzzy over time as increasingly supply to as unintegrated to customers) Under cost-of-service rigid roughly for utility to provide not operate generally requirements contract.^* in do sufficient utilities. supply the fairly distinction contracts of public or lOU's Most of these unintegrated distribution duration currently is referred is integrated which which (partial to by sales capacity utility. must stand ready that utility transaction companies and integrated partially to transmission integrated distribution wholesale refers customers capacity coordination requirements customers. of distribution retail generating integrated its type This and generation of a an by wholesale Rather, utilities. with associated needed capacity the investor-owned other of requirements lOU service term non-requirements upon by both integrated distribution utilities and unintegrated distribution utilities. In with the required arrange some cases, help of to for move one or power jurisdiction is is more from or transmission power transaction and FERC's an economical wholesale third buyer wheeling subject limited. to It transaction parties to can In seller. service. the that control these jurisdiction the rates only be consummated transmission the cases Transmission exclusive regulate can service of is FERC. charged for facilities buyer a must wholesale However, transmission -8- except but service, such provide capacity produced by was over 25 percent primarily and self-generation fallen 3 the percent generating" part of produced; to local both transmission in favor and of the (NUG) the capacity generally had were to of not in the designed to provide unintegrated power plants needs of state nor built independent to unaffiliated federal wholesale power abandon to had self-generation about to provide to where the additional companies owning all or electricity was to help electricity serving utilities for other customers. and operating provide generation service under contract to meet some of the distribution regulatory utilities policies were have encouraged, their development until recently.^* b. State utility Most of the "non-utility exclusively establishment the large-scale production electricity U.S.. almost built 1925, as power supply contracts through provided supplied "non-utility," were induced long-term domestic from of their power industry, As recently came been for utility to cost customers negotiated total been between always also electric U.S. the as industrial produced needs the meet the generation capacity needs of proximate Truly the alternative in electricity relative electricity total electricity they 1978, transmission exclusively almost of history However, individually By absolutely has electricity attractive most fell, of utility. early supplied plants. of to voluntary, cooperation and large commercial customers. electricity power industrial, generation with the utility antitrust sanction. establishments economically industrial of the a are availability historical utilities, commercial During an many for electricity and the loads, by production to arrangements the incentives, order cannot it transmission and the threat of recently). self-generation most financial utilities industrial (until circumstances, non-requirements addition In use and serve to proximate integrated own Thus, service. regulatory reflecting extraordinary in and Federal Regulatory Processes virtually traditionally non-existent contemplated, and let neither alone -9- Public authorized sales. terms and the Retail typical distribution generally sales, is ^nd because same the the are subject states also before review electric to no is the in has transactions, receives vast bulk integrated data or A date, utility any enter the specified in go into its effect entry, FERC industry.** And business. no authority and of regulation utility issue to This bulk retail owned by of of A separate utility's a majority and of necessity many and capacity is FERC's and terms requirements, if the of the conditions of case convenience public authority for of establishment the or no authority has unlike even true planning, supply certificates transactions. related states a authorize to interstate and in utility is facility limited interstate uniform gas necessity question to the wholesale system of utilities, etc. Regulation of Retail Rates must submit proposed ownership the Because distribution typically convenience of The from and authority. ^^ transmission accounts, approvals of mergers between electric b.l State are subsidiaries, certificates and planning procedures.** federal filing obtain to facilities revenues its common are law. state transmission regulatory federal generating wholesale rates than rather new (G&T) power bulk through by assets and commissions. utility of generation, into than rather public and distribution transmission facilities.'" in of regulation utility electric to power engages only determined utilities major utility electric also state require FERC pipelines, are and utility construction There an franchises entity, to building construction retail the law state to which they have state generation, distribution in by vertically corporate corporate costs of states regulated are rates conditions pursuant organized are do business by the individual to make companies utility changes filed tariffs. or disallow to state its in the commission, level or in structure The Commission then may them in whole or in advance of their effective of either part its existing rates as allow such changes to subsequent to regulatory 10- A review.'^ the commission on and structure of level proceeding administrative of conditions specify cases the service the To commission. new until are tariffs adjustment automatic provide example, for state their are they not consistent approved called rate by to under and are that rates more use of fuel progress in rates, however, the development rulemakings. activity state by define details of In state of last restrict for criteria in few legislatures years, have also power purchased however, there rates. of statutes appears well. For in order only costs They may By and etc. defined have to restrict work construction provide to non- that regulatory of and useful"'' specify been have reviews state in as criteria or which mandates reasonable, determination, court revise to and cases rate tariffs statutory specific inclusion procedures law, case rates in approved by are certain "just, rates, the base rate regulatory regulatory the clauses, approved in large, through the decisions, and been increased more "guidance" to commissions, however. The electricity utility or, adjustment The and non-price price must be "used and facilities incorporated be to law. some vague fairly elaborate that state between But fuel with as these input prices change. set may for to tariffs fixed are commission. the generally is new until prices utility the in change the Tariffs which have been "prudently incurred" may be included the order cases. must charge operate statutes costs are approximation, first may provide associated also move up and down State law can if utility commission the discriminatory." a commissions state that made provisions, expenses, so that prices Most initiative which proposals for changes in that a rates its are prices own its as basic rates a cost is whole, alternatively, average principle so that that prices prices are, that of supplying the it. currently should in theory, average guides reflect set revenue state the so per that "cost total unit commission of regulation For service"." revenues equal of electricity sold For specific services provided by the total the costs equals utility of (such the as -n- times and commercial, residential, day) of prices industrial generally, service theory, in the reflect and seasons different in providing of costs different at the individual services based on a variety of different cost allocation schemes. Commissions and materials) and theoretically capital power purchased from from the a past capital in this accounting system if investment century are estimate of stock depreciation "rate estimated fairly While base". on the set depreciation to easily plus a cost quantity latter is of this utility's employed, with asset lifetimes that are is costs in year" is the return" "fair utility's to to original which cost of Straight-line base". "rate earlier by multiplying an quantity by the depreciated the "test on return" "fair directly of actual future a if obtained was considerable debate there capital called and the costs of be basis method for computing the proper nominal utility's This assets.'® or are rates can purchases)'*, labor, (fuel, costs materials labor, most commissions now obtain entitled,'^ the equal the to be is cost as can they or Capital utilities its (wholesale year," employed. Fuel, parties operating both that covered. are costs so third utility's "test rates set some extent arbitrary--and thus the subject of debate from time to time. approach This continuously, present cost value of the investment incentives or equal according equal then the to these the book accounting its to of is of capital alternatively, invest (present also ratemaking the market value of a cost value of equity. so that if that the of rate utility common are equity flows a utility greater its cost exactly than charged being continuously will its approach provides from earns as and original the on return cash consumers rates exactly this has that asset rate) theory, in protects utility's each of expected value case formulas expected Thus, and cost) for exactly applied if discount the the of capital. would, cost earnings as cost investment It capital stream a cost Or utilities initial determining utility asset.'^ profits. to the (using for to monopoly exactly, is give to adjusted of capital equal the -12- There could be used return on investment of virtues the inflate incentive is capital the capital equal type and primary used verification of artificially to designed disadvantage charged rate retail of particular been has that ease (b) The from (aside any one point at in economic cost or rental rate associated with true, point that at the or cost the transfers asset The chaining). (daisy that of of capital. that expected the that cost of simplicity deterrence property the utility's ratemaking accounting (a) and generally not firm's the cost base effects) does original the to have formulas accounting cost capital which purposes equal costs rate possible exactly is primarily are investment actual time ratemaking for depreciated traditionally many course of are accounting time; in and economic ratemaking principles capital costs carrying charges are equal only by chance at any point in time.'* exactly either ratemaking through worth time as or the company hearings. commission unchanged for years referred of to by earned electric return increase profits were rates "regulatory as at may adjusted costs, so on only commission the of during the 1950s and 1960s for slowly Due be to filed changes to regulatory Moreover, when prices all may remain tariffs) some actual frequently is of are rates fixed, return utilities would be no such incentive costs The utilities. costs incurred by a the lengthy often held in of commission-determined the that prices the below there adjust lag, above or while utility motion the has provisions adjust electric continuously not the instant. by cutting continuously to do of features practical changed are after precisely, lag." utilities any and did the as regulated of rate more (or, important Rates simple these commissions First, change. costs Prices tendency noting. follow not Two continuously. or are does regulation practice, In utility if fair can prices would be recovered at every instant. Second, commissions are by regulated firms. Regulators not bound have the to set rates authority to that cover 'disallow' all costs both incurred capital and -13- operating were "imprudent" disallow have certain at While with consistent a Constitutional more of effect commission a because inefficient cheaply the guarantees was utility did or not could require those regulatory to define the application of these rules against the taking of for units can it flexible considerable has the the that principle, In expenditures associated the that useful." services state apply, will it and believes it find they if "used corresponding the all. that rules if utility a not are or costs obtained services by incurred costs must be property private without just compensation.'* addition In for (prices structures commissions also equipment; supervise sometimes, These non-price terms and necessity deeply customers and conditions and allow to supply in of quality approve mergers planning side as line issue attributes; new of and rate services), such service, addition the and sold) different much more from vary regulation all and service and refranchising; involved of attributes price of procedures, franchising get classes billing convenience of (average levels other establish certificates rate specific requirements, extension and, setting to plant and and acquisitions; operating to state issues. state that does the basic structure of price regulation.*" (FERC) Regulation Of Wholesale Rates b.2 Federal very Until of wholesale wholesale become with associated driven another to and the required transactions coordination increasingly market recently to transfers not make seller a is the has to regulatory been "accounting regulatory of proximate and of negotiate the sell. contracts, driven buyer as is Although this has integrated sellers transactions utilities are with one compete under no obligation sellers frequently have been for has this utilities, coordination between regulation However, service". Wholesale service to of FERC governing unaffiliated capacity utilities; under no obligation cost-justify cost fiction. energy cost principle between transactions accounting sales basic to generally buy been accomplished 14- through the FERC staff ex post unencumbered by This between contracts the rigid approach development of an active wholesale built facilities temporarily serve to excess accounting rules the and been for energy expected requirements needs. Cost these to market has lengthy of loads of capacity the would have facto set retail with which are but on based made the associated seller regulation service reviews regulatory and to de encouraging for critical satisfactory used are that decade, past are that utilities principles the mutually accept to integrated accounting cost regulatory flexible willing increasingly Over mechanisms.'^ allocation cost been has coordination negotiated rates. of variety a cost rigid of evolution the such a market almost impossible. FERC between allocations ratemaking service setting and principles made is very are that An similar upon the on the system, including peak load, voltage A factor. depreciated original cost rate depreciation taxes, etc. are This Utility lOUs charge under coordination didn't even state the same way and federal Company Act that wholesale developments much in entire Holding integrated "captive" added are of requirements affecting PURPA the and transactions contemplate, the (see has evolved FERC taken, and is in respective their O&M in the and regulatory FERC regulatory from Aside never rules small flexibility context of service to the load costs, that Public vertically retail relatively has and accommodate evolved until and recent producers p>ower developed, to the (including business of providing cogenerators implicit explicit of Fuel and non-fuel structure regulatory the below), states between costs which power at the as they are at the retail level. customers. prices cost nominal cost of capital, and straight base, 1935) primarily in by used characteristics used to determine capital costs. are those to of accounting allocation based approves and service companies using embedded cost of holding interstate customers. retail jurisdictions retail loads line for rates of affiliates requirements wholesale for rates sets can for recently unintegrated -15- contract unaffiliated lot of generating build to power producers which would compete with one another wholesale ("stand-alone") distribution encouraged neither historically generating competition facilities in a under sale FERC wholesale to I>espite regulatory a policies investments entrepreneurial competitive contract power markets. markets accommodated service for wholesale wholesale in nor provide to power produce competitive in utilities about rhetoric and plants to in market. generation THE RATIONALE FOR AND THE PERFORMANCE OF THE "TRADITIONAL" SYSTEM The appropriate discussion and economies of the primary debate to a of transmission functions, geographical areas; electricity for an a electric transmission level firms. viewed the savings natural is Regulated efficient are as integrated monopoly response production do we know about integrated That over between serve competition with separate single to provide is. the monopoly; even larger generation distribution a retail and utility's Thus, the "optimal" organizational form well. completely of monopolies scale, provide to natural a is integration required vertically regulation. area of integration of the academic of economies of franchises price to natural vertical generation institutional firm subject incompatible a monopoly geographical of monopoly with or the emergence promoting subject the combination the legal defined, economies make utility competing cost and effectively efficiencly as broadly for area, any in for and economies of vertical facto geographical specific load de been has The years." rationale with firms environment regulatory electricity production, interest" distribution transmission many for "public of pricing multiproduct supply electricity service and production efficient and structure to without generation the the at distribution sector distribution made utilities are up or of then obtain the perceived costs of monopoly characteristics of electricity desire incurring to the pricing. What the natural monopoly 16- and the performance of regulated integrated supply "public evidence? It (encompassing have rationale interest" the for acknowledged generally is monopoly natural and are of scale at the generating unit and plants levels economies multiplant facilities meet to demand and loads signal to with customers retail not in of whose product a be to generating dispersed for reliability prices electricity There also appear and where an economical storable, spot transmission some economies least at coordination maintain to widely from hour to hour, varies technology fluctuating economical with associated clearly the Is en.pirical of functions) well.'^ as the and distribution reliability There characteristics.*^ with consistent the that coordination, transportation, system traditional monopolies?'' electricity not is available balance to supply and demand in real time. The however, more is and transmission while of extent and cost economies distribution investment technical components of electricity transmission utility on uncertainties significant costs decentralized result, of (time the economies (vertical both supply with associated and generation conventional demand and has common with In associated with areas, economies an that there ownership addition, AC issociated investments through systems been load of because of are likely generation network horizontal of there three and generation supplied by a and etc.), may there that in and these factor, bilateral economies transmission with suggest sides, efficiently transmission between products the reliability, level, linking wisdom integration).** geographical voltage of nature generation, segments, three characteristics the level, processes, separate interdependencies Furthermore, about talk these into firm the at se to completely broken often multiproduct the the were economical supply. common is it per generation in they if are and delivery, associated reliability as data investments, scale While controversial. important are of be and operations of As contracts. to and be important transmission coordination extend integration, a over or and large extensive 17- between cooperation likely be to recognize in are system the effects are In significant have time real consequence a regard this of of and free or interconnections, and laws physical not are to behavior rider interconnected demand at AC interconnected an are important an of pieces throughout capacity, especially is it individual effects transmission externalities generation, in and generating potential operation changes network; of well. as decentralized power electric These there with associated point significant that owners proximate any system. with coincident ownership boundaries or contractual transmission paths."' believe I the distribution implies that service) by While of electric distribution of of electricity competitive important natural monopoly be to distribution public service some form of to growth of suggests for serve the As a continues customers (retail to regulation. price competition for customers, geographical areas provided paper this by or I in the been has there competing in least This encouraging result, be to regulation wholesale same very the at characteristics. subject industrial in that final to possibilities interest prices. price companies large policy to distributed of discussion electricity retail evidence especially electricity, distribution subject be to empirical continue monopoly contemporary serious has should continues of available electricity electricity there deregulation the of franchised distribution little the that suppliers broad in assume that monopolies franchised and focus on changes associated with the power markets and generally an independent generation supply sector in particular. As changes that (lOUs) that I discuss have and suppliers provide the more detail below, we are seeing structural and regulatory would increase opportunities and incentives for investor-owned transmission to in requirements historically generation of of been integrated vertically electricity to rely more into on the competing distribution, third them with long term supplies of generating capacity their retail customers when these sources are utilities to party satisfy more economical •18- than utility-owned monopoly the that generating and/or benefits These between arrangement integrated with current competitive wholesale of properties economical system should between tradeoffs of regulated arrangements etc.) horizontal relying associated far in too believe in fact with that and consumers, the through of are What What with one another? efficiencies of the associated "second of properties cooperative the with associated inefficiencies arrangements, theoretical the institution of associated issues about questions really segments three these organizational and the development of with associated arrangements.'" which of fundamental generation between integration efficient most other to most the integration vertical horizontal the are some order more on comF>etition are or pools so including indirectly that Probably potential What sacrifice integration I there (power might that the view imperfections through potential monopoly? customers the markets integrated and companies distribution retail regulated cost, final to given organizational form the affect de-integration generation be efficiently represents electricity toward organization economic total service conventional the plants alternative the reflect be to utility's costs. monopoly.** trend continue rates retail transmission/distribution supplying regulated will changes these generating for that electricity challenge and generation the of costs changes interconnected supply providing on the distribution their effects prices distributor's of costs, Assuming capacity. of the electricity nature the is the best" bilateral efficiencies of of the monopoly integrated with most the is the institution organizational contracting, vertical and reduce some of the inefficiencies of regulation by to allocate generation resources?*" from a purely technical or engineering economics perspective important economies of scale and economies of vertical integration the many supply of electricity. utilities transmission/coordination in the involved United Indeed, in States. from this generation However, perspective and how there are (especially) these technical -19- struture for the and statically efficiency Given of cost As a on focused great a regulatory and regulatory processes. it only is natural and costs in practice. passes that and consumers costs the provide from competition and subject hypothesize to efficient or (first they that regulated the that regulatory minimize way a to insulated from the most depart face they rates second-best) are prices. of the scholarly analysis of the electric power industry has deal of effects the are in on performs it regulation to rates set production utilities minimize to may charge result, electric subject regulators firm regulation incentives to Do firms how on and industry optimal the depends industry single that service diminished allowed of benefits about monopoly dynamically? consumers? to power electric integrated vertically I>o views ones influences characteristics changes structural Most on regulation of reduce to this and costs literature inefficiencies has examined caused by prevailing and elsewhere*^ discussed is and prices will I provide only a brief selective summary here. By interacts not and large with minimize studies current the between the marginal of the biased is toward biased the of structure neoclassical examined the sense the find industry that that regulation electric minimization cost Some prices. of fuel or labor At inputs. as one and the ratio electricity that for looks study do equality Other studies find that least it utilities implies evidence find studies toward the use of capital inputs. use of effects of transformation of one input for another rate input associated production the in costs have that it is and finds evidence of "X- inefficiency" as well^'. The study to uncertain. long run capital nature These facilities magnitude however. study, cost and a these inefficiencies static Furthermore, the accuracy must rely on necessarily studies functions, of questionable undertaking ex for of ix)5t an varies the cost results data industry and uncertain and changing input prices and demand. from widely to with very is estimate long-lived There is also -20- much the indicia work variation real less are that in state used typically environments. regulatory similar does literature with associated and inefficiencies know these if a supply of reliability of and not some of in Empirical regulation. in the inefficiencies are results very that inefficiencies of causes the we do Furthermore, uncertain. magnitude of greater are and magnitude the under believe I some are there performance While arrangements. that electricity, compare to exist regulatory presumption support the do E>ata fundamentally different structural not variations reflected is based on data for firms that have very similar structures and operate in ery is the up pick to than procedures regulatory would be found by than applying the same techniques to unregulated industries. Studies close rates examine that the to of cost service late 1950s and the 1960s regulatory on investment greater than their throughout and dynamic static better exactly costs that than off try to this cost period of However, and continuous.*' that lag worked below the suggests, that electricity I utility to cost because this regulatory increased in lag the am not and and costs lag returns prices encourage can were actually match revenues and aware of any empirical studies As 1970s. to tried During earn to customers that was "optimal". 1970s the in I real regulatory conceivable is it utilities Since capital. and time minimization, nominal costs changed dramatically supplying of cost allow to keeping in conclusions. consistent fairly worked lag regulation rate state would have been had regulators they show yield also the declined of effectiveness the the early The of real and nominal real 1980s pattern (see below) costs and of regulatory keep prices below the accounting cost of service and earned returns of believe Some capital.** correctly, incentives to that invest the in of the work regulatory new focusing process generating had on the latter become capacity under so period punitive prevailing regulatory arrangements had been sharply diminished.*' To the extent that there is any general consensus that can be drawn from -21- scholarly the toward largely structured, to the performance the aimed reforms regulatory to guard on literature of desirability developing inefficient production and horizontal mergers, deregulation of consider any in and entry way detailed even or markets that are now taking place. *^ the difficult that issues arise and than few a is it AC producers into a synchronized interconnected the dimensions. The next leading in In The wholesale generation markets in Figure 2 lOU the medium utilities and than the sale. the was it obviously at also East the have and with other to side West. for Thus, follow of due and forces are that changes taking place development we can 1 engaged energy and between increasing than I refer see of competitive with drawn is is the another relying lOU lOUs, domestic trade The Evolving obvious changes. as involving transactions capacity 2 to several wholesale in transaction sales rather the important several detail. the to in political discuss the As Figure ago. contract expanded that Figure heavily years and diagram of what schematic 2 changing is regulatory processes contracts fifteen addition In transactions term overview of the nature of those changes. much more much more is long but both a By comparing Figure lOU." First, contains an sections procurement generation lOUs economic, the UTILITIES: of provide I examines changes. these utility regulation section this section to and structure power pyower system. THE CHANGING STRUCTURE AND REGULATION OF ELECTRIC OVERVIEW The with dealing for not power wholesale in for does literature decentralized integrating efficiently in prescriptions helpful particularly are cooperation, increased changes the prices mechanisms incentive simple to points it electricity to exceptions, anticipate Nor way the regulatory better rather power industry electric decisions, With prices. the improving at against coordination of with lOU a is that these Canadian on wholesale integrated other is buyer, making wholesale utilities transactions in with -22- proximate with generating excess contracts allow to uneconomical trade primarily utilities other involves utility's requirements we reflects see and prices capacity was that The emphasize, built effort capacity from existing generating capacity. to meet to exploit to The capacity the and utilities term long or displace to however, that most of trade that relative fuel supplying of with associated in electricity was not trade this this integrated wholesale differences cost an of needs the inter-utility in minimize to medium additions capacity increases an primarily generating excess want I customers. defer to utilities purposes, reliability signing increasingly are capacity. far) (so term economy and short capacity generating date to for generally built explicitly to serve unaffiliated buyers in the wholesale market. The second change 1 introduction the is referred to cogeneration treatment subject type of internally the new "IPP" (see categories suppliers. production paid are supposed service made |>ower few are seller that I reflect offered More generation of suppliers QF refers to qualify for special term rather to will the discuss than utilities importantly, QFs in more the from supplier's QFs utility) are (plus has expected are not presently, the cost of cost QF of the service. power increased to regulatory entities detail service independent opportunity purchaser's reduce demands on the to years. The facilities As to available of These independent generating below). of service regulation. by the last and PURPA generation of Supplies in cost to two of and small power under they prices "QP as by the differences between Figure 2 and Figure reflected used significantly contribute a large fraction of future generation requirements over the text ten or twelve years. The "IFF category refers explicitly their long-term capacity needs. cost of service unaffiliated utility "stand alone" producers supply power to unaffiliated distribution built to to or profit buyers in of utilities generating to service meet some of These producers would not be subject to traditional regulation, competitive but rather generation would markets. negotiate IPPs contracts differ with from QFs -23- in PURPA's power ways. technology, of plants depend procurement compared that the and practices they meet stand alone that simply be would there no be special Whether or not they do so from IPPs. regulatory environment advantages that ownership integrated traditional to federal economic the Second, purchase and state They would choosing. utilities requirement no be limitations. size developer's the on or would there First, fuel, requirement statutory will two least at and IPP governing can suppliers offer generation of operation utility or purchasing from QFs. At some developers, potential currently facilities of the simply standard QFs. greenhouse Spending order in would wholesale without having and making the suppliers to are distribution The possible to utilities increase to make QF for increases move power in money more by interconnected with one another. it possible compete cost of and to a the really to heat a developers at "barely" interest in independent power for rate on generation growing provide service not loads become to is are to the such generation service These regulation. detail presently. trade transmission from to energy supply to clearly QFs steam contrived expenditures make to large inefficient is few developments are wasting enter to There PURPA or obviously is status. necessary wholesale minimal unnecessary unencumbered in found opportunity the QFs under not status like will be discussed in with associated QF changes regulatory that developments qualify have potential environment number of increasing unnecessary obtain to projects cogenerators which plants these of An of Technically, regulatory There evolution. eye the in regulators. current the further gleam a some and purchasers their to power primarily are IPP market, however. fringes as IPPs Furthermore, exist. conducive particularly qualify time present the supplier that or to we wheeling purchaser are observing arrangements when they has also which are not been make it directly -24- Table wholesale of transactions between rising summarizes 1 and 1985 and oil in and oil types have 1 prices gas dramatic decline the various 1986. changes the periods and gas prices between 1985 and consumption increased by roughly 32% between 1973 and kinds all leading much more increased larger a to mix used resource relative between declined lower as to rely of role wholesale electricity to domestic utilities and costs made and oil gas reflecting term longer trends more on wholesale trade to cover the period of response to market Total 1985 during After term short the to term wheeling service, transactions less continued to increase, Overall, meet the needs of period short 1985, interchanges market. time this associated NUGs electricity contributing customers. and and Wholesale trade of . in Canada, the 1985 transactions retail in and 1986. consumption total Longer term contracts and purchases from economical. however did supply to interchanges than to and 1973 wholesale competitive the see between place time these consumption electricity total took that chosen to in have come customers since utilities their retail have also 1973. addition In changes regulatory linking the the governing good to regulatory past rapidly review costs involvement industry. utility the to regulatory years. Prior to increasing a the relatively early passive loads activist and in and regulatory operating utility little with performance, planning, the utilities heavy frequent introduction rapidly to It has been regulatory cost new over a loads, capacity transformed involvement disallowances, of incentive process expanding in an dramatically presided invest arrow through goes which prices, the regulatory the process controversy. political process 1970s 2 changed has important been Figure naturally process declining productivity, and 1 customers retail That was there Figure both In process. utilities meet expanding very changes, structural performance, strong incentives for financial a into fifteen electric of period the in distribution intervening over these to in the regulatory mechanisms*^ designed -25- to efficiency, new productivity, poor increase declining invest to utilities new in Whether controversy. power generating compact regulatory and substantial broken" been has prices, disincentives strong themselves, capacity increasing processes, performance, financial utility "the procurement supply or for political not, has it certainly changed dramatically, and not always for the better (see below). A competition toward noting utilities that sensitive he sort a chooses switching economically is demand likely be attractive, in have changes moderate been has de as rates for charge can't customer a of suppliers exclusive facto movement any if little of any Even monopolists serve customers whose consumption do. Electricity economically regulatory retail However, even an exclusive supplier price. to the at importance increasing the is changing the status of distribution price shifted worth is There service.^* fuel that level. of retail to change final to and economical, response to increased the certain changes of classes large in where and self-generation cogeneration is can be Economic prices. electricity end uses where production of location the in of threat elastic industries in where industries in price particularly is has this customers. industrial is and tended may have It lead to higher rates for other customer classes, however. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL PRESSURES FOR STRUCTURAL AND REGULATORY CHANGES The industry problems WW after the cannot or be the II. specific None of strong "deregulation" a in general solutions existed. ipecific to While electric conclusions or and regulatory for found performance of the kinds of motivation regarding regulatory that has industry the change evolved electric performance about with along power industry the been substantial academic analysis of in effects reforms the in consensus intellectual them there utility structural as of the it has not led regulation and the desirability the has U.S., been the case in to industries -26- such as these changes set airlines.trucking, Kennedy School do consequence Rather, the public and structural shocks experienced changes regulatory by the turmoil are clear a the at economic real and power electric to taking regulatory political to classrooms the in responses policy uncoordinated individual response policy Only economic, regulatory and the to economic several comprehensive of series a responses fighting" by of public upon performance problems. rational emerge. problems comprehensive coherent a agreed generally of of part Nor telecommunications. (perhaps) and, railroads, place are political "fire primarily caused during industry a the last fifteen years. Changes rising costs However, concerns led about shocks economic and Figure plants fired (a) 3); (d) an 1970s effects of the of in and the in nuclear early in economic increasing 1970s capital costs period, costs is the led that These change. for It to shocks 1979/80 (see and water emissions from power building of power and operating plants (see Table fossil- 2) and power based on economic, environmental and safety concerns; the general and in shocks in air nuclear costly rate substantial fell 1986. As of inflation unanticipated (e) excess heavily supply which accounted for roughly of the post- 1973 growing and environment. the as and formal hearings.*® 1974/75 and again in in on constraints unexpectedly 1980s; resulting prices 1960s late inflation to pressures resulting fuel on the particular in fossil responses the in increases rate generation electricity turmoil for place take to modest fairly 1970s, increases (c) increase and were new environmental (b) plants;^" demand,'^ These large to more and more requests political beginning opposition to the economic include regulatory changes these began procedures in a changes have focused on generation. on 75% result, and high reductions generating the interest in the capacity generation rates rate (see component the in of growth Figure of pressures for regulatory and of 4).^' electricity of operation and maintenance costs and the late 65% structural -27- Prior compensated between systems, productivity real by 1970 growth due to fuller innovation Kwh we per of supplying kwh a of To prices It reflect especially rising Rather falling than increases large approvals by affected customers, and utilities ultimately directly) and real led cost utilities resisted their by oppose to by responsible to administrative but choice appointed by legislatures. In the approval. were to set large surprisingly, seek for and legislative (or end, in rate commercial residential, governors the nominal forum for those adversely representing in in repeatedly applications Not them. agents political regulators requiring These groups changes to turn provided a in such a way in response no had increases. rate increases aggressively industrial branches, price the in increases price to The formal hearings were increases large upward and rates, in for nominal and real naturally increases cost and coordination nominal and the in accelerate, to with state and federal regulatory agencies. resistant costs formal hearings. elected These downward sticky are is regulatory and of scale large see electricity. of economies generating technological began argued many years ago,** that the regulatory process works I costs. stagnated.'"'* of other increases price exploitation to and than coordination increased efficiency thermal the technology, input as began to file for large rate increases that increase to economies, more were generally costs scale to steam-turbine However costs due savings cost input rising opportunities or technological average 1968 conventional changes.*' and by for using units roughly to executive few a utilities found states that they had a very difficult time recovering the costs that they had expected would be afforded traditional cost of service treatment through the ratemaking process. We that hit can the responses to approved by a get electric them, state feeling for power industry by the examining regulators, and nature in the patterns industry and magnitude of the economic shocks 1970s of and 1980s electricity financial and prices, the rate regulatory increases performance before, during and -28- economic shocks that after the The average nominal period the for and residential for series Figure in almost jump show prices began similar a decline, to inflation declined way Another increases 7 displays Until roughly jumps big sharply after 1985 after were as and 1973 state of net interest again and of nominal increase rate between cases, little and public reliance reductions. designed real requests 1907 extensive not and electric cost of after since 1920.^^ state In intervention on the Rate 1979. deal with large and there inflation to is, in rise and then of rate 1963 indeed there began an end. been consider by was rate regulators cost increases pass on introduced rate requests, and bring had evolved over that period continuing to period few formal increase to utilization widely relatively off fell sustained hearings rate rate increase, requests a 1987,^* were to came rate Figure to capacity to base time. abated, formal had of from increase regulation to suasion that time of electricity general over then increases rate repeated cases moral The regulatory process to past A the deflator) pattern authorities increases; rate commission rate in informal and 5. stabilized power industry had never experienced increases for Real electricity the the increased, and utility generating capacity construction programs The modern and began 1979. prices increases rate declined, rates kWh prices real rates, regulatory base approvals per after examining base net GNP whole a as to increase. by is by no and interest the price jump Figure in Nominal 1970. began this at value there Applications decreases. with 1969 prices, utilization approved annualized the average groups, using By 1985 nominal and look decreases) (or real and 1960 fuel fossil to $1982 1973, and another big pattern. and capacity (in electricity between found be U.S. the for consumer all can separately, of after as of electricity over The nominal and 6. continuously 1970, took a big averaged classes prices real Kwh per price 1987, to industrial the Displayed fell 1960 Let's start with electricity prices. just discussed. 1 that tbout of time occurred rate was after -29- 1973 and the over controversies the proceedings administrative associated initiated in response to utility requests to pass these costs along in higher prices. The increases "regulatory and 1968 increases. We should pressures abated or examine common the proportion of book information for several The price/book high, to debt, dramatically, rate of generally 1974 After capital. failed on to 1960 of all of earn the that large the levels, the earned the did their cost that we can investments are calculated) of a utility's and invested,^* Table the provides 3 performance for the financial 24 1960-1987 period. was of era a than one, the average cash coverage interest financial excellent were reported earnings indicators, rates financial stock not the and after these ratio equity of as equity return of behind cost cost of earnings, were ratios performance of the industry was already starting by these Common equity on earnings.^® 1968 to greater financial with 1973, however. return cash during, return value 1984 indicators of return on equity were far above measured before stabilizing a as book indicators significantly the of rates coverage are that roughly virtually By 1968, etc. share these rates were ratios deteriorate of from Earned utility allowed electric utility average over the period performance. earnings of roughly in of lagged increases variety a rate interest per the are way the capital, to beginning earned the with of price new suggests to performed financially before, include cost Moody's There utilities stock utilities in subscribe I 1973 as price after recovery a reversed. These to see also symmetrically (calculated relative particular in how infer to shocks. cost that nominal costs should have been accompanied by reduced profitability for in after utilities view resistance" although of return keep system approximately performance price/book the of ratios up with changes in equal below interest allowed rates of return on equity (see growing fraction of earnings were non-cash accounting one, credits the to the to industry the fell appeared cost deteriorated earned the utilities rates, Figure basis be 9), for and which -30- was assumption the given of capital earned. cost economic and treatment base rate generating that the more favorable would construction and again eventually investment associated performance only began Financial became conditions on return a under plants equal 1984 generating utility the to improve after to be as capacity construction programs came to an end.^ Public and capital long operating run, the How an historical state are It to year",^' "test two years electric in a that to new put Many decision. The old.®' hearing rate on equity actually earned by supposed utility's to reflect the electricity the in rates over industry the last might rates utilities a in rate year. cost of on on costs be seen on equity allowed of return and the The allowed equity to rely still based effect into year particular that current go commissions of regulatory lag per se can effects in state and together filing first, conventional into built rate a At increases? price inertia by examining the relationship between the average by regulatory agencies of utility "resist" natural year a least at render process on relied takes so the regulatory simply process least at the of determinants While system. cost-plus a as not a pure cost plus system, however. is it characterized primary the experience did commission a often is are clear that procedures. get that it exactly regulatory regulatory costs financial twenty years makes the regulation utility is and earned so capital, return of rate return of rate allowed rates of return should be approximately equal. Figure return rates equity 1985 provides 9 and earned rates information on of return between the between relationship 1974 and 1987. is It allowed clear rates that of earned of return are substantially below allowed rates of return (and thus the cost of capital) as generation fuel during prices construction most of this period of time. decline, inflation and programs come an 1974 period are not available. to However, my The gap disappears only interest end. earlier rates Comparable work" and decline, data suggests for that the after utility pre- the earned -31- of rate was greater than return The 1970s. completely (See Figure came understand to requirements. interest revenue of rates common mid- the to return also is price/book stock ratios and rates, were requirements cost plus regulation. the use of to the to incentive of when original state mechanisms, rapid is A response shock."^^ regulators applied designed to of to "phase smooth resulting also from to experiment with to generating unit begin primarily high regulators State a revenue inflation, disincentives efficiency not plus base variety a regulators "front-load" additions.^ "rate did that rate also with to example, cost to there regulatory potential For tends capital avoid some led return reasoned a stream This formal "lumps" as sensitive of subjected innovations" principles. depreciated a were they "regulatory shocks" "rate big applied of Regulators increases. rate that regulatory rate to delays sensible use based leads much more become quite the that This mechanisms the often cost-of-capital nominal prior capital earned utility pressures the to from established significantly nominal in" and simply course respond modest of depart of of cost and allowed behavior the of lag to tried variety with the to 8). Regulatory initially between relationship consistent equal or performance.®* However, political and pressures early 1980s anticipation generating in size cost to future facilities.'^ anticipated, plant the of rate had base, of the rate of regulatory these insulate to continued utilities been none innovations consumers from cost increases. increases and build nuclear capacity needs associated or and coal to displace These plants turned out Kw rate to responded fully And increase much more than the average and when completed would have led to per base costs on which far greater capital charges are oil costly if as in gas-fired and than embedded significant based 1970s plants generating uneconomical late escalated requests burning be the in the to had cost of increases in cost of traditional -32- service principles service after 1979 fuel rising new other inputs in rates inflation in fuel under on of and an increase and 3 were that operating to As the of of rate these implied rapidly costs rapidly Giving 2). large response in to commissions regulatory result, a general often increasing including resist Table enter to capacity, the in treatment also costs. and 4 base/cost-of-service pressure considerable Figures prices other and rates, (See rate top most costly plants began the growing surplus of generating a interest conventional increases of face rising prices, plants came the in affecting inflation Some of had been applied. these plants in rates. Many post commissions responded by subjected new power plants regulatory Between "prudence" reviews.^ prudence component been of fraction could the the compensation would only be provided than accounting its possible selectively changes has less in than the probably ate amounting the disallow to a utility economic on the for value order of of the 20% response determinations to a political and useful "excess of my and of since some cases Where regulatory cost that of service All plants with together, investments (Kahn and Perl (1985)). rather and capacity" their associated This concept. made it unanticipated knowledge no regulatory agency operating plant.) problem majority position the on best of completed plants disallowed.^" and used building the In routine a economic value of the plant was greater based costs nuclear all become were "imprudent" they sometimes have taking the so-called to tens of billions of dollars Prudence political — if economic conditions (To the rewarded yet cost was plants were fewer than a dozen now have reviews. game, there reviews investments that of rules these 1975 Virtually "prudence" of show not prudence process. to cost total changed simply subject the commissions regulatory the of have 1980 However, cases.^' 1945 and ex to in accounting utility nuclear cost disallowances than the application stockholders power were of costs plants, largely clear a well -33- regulatory established repeatedly half has led by permanent disallowances process economic of fixtures for of 1970s the of regulators and decade Many and of while early 1980s, changes disallowances have incentives created a these particular In process. routine risk that past process. become increased the regulatory regulatory have the during turmoil the facilities account to the in requirement the increases rate changes the generating for large for profound motivated become ratemaking requests rather to while changes, have with deal However, principles.'* cost the in been not forthcoming. behavior Utility has experience of the post- 1973 generating plant investment their would process by cost in is willing build to additional have underinvesting in Absent capacity are they suggested they in the economically quite looking are and utilities in response conventional built regulatory unattractive. the Higher term that station electricity costs of be of the smaller capital less conservation, demand penalties generating and recently capacity." in behavioral and reduced to Several investments. this to experience make investments implications appear the financial the central environment long to utility plant of underestimating are investment areas in customer in traditional that capacity viable, with the justified fully utilities parties, investments ratemaking generating even of third to are recover fully the that new Few light not generating facilities, in new of major on they built a large risk sort a generating needed, is associated risks new when changes clearly be to the increases those if by would significant return load base technologies, financial commentators experienced expected capacity Instead, generating the appears if they that a even increases result new large past.'' intensive was that perceived to be below the cost of capital. where country rate chance there is, The effect. investments reduce The increases. minimization recent large good the to learned Utilities very a That it. resist period. was there responded naturally generating response reliability would -34- be the consequences. The economic were changes with the was subject not the largely of structure to. environmental and was the industry Input price early it and cooperatively Exactly the distribution for affecting though not of that burdens the distribution. necessarily fundemental failure the in entirely, of higher As a with associated and costs the result, electric provided firms the in way government countries. did affect mechanism political was of the system or costly the or other largely, than rather failure it occurred regulated a administrative utility have in is it that growth, integrated utilities "failure" and associated industry the affected and U.S. political a of and the way that industry the problems failures principles would etc. structure the structural economic declining capacity, same the regulatory theoretical increases, utilities However, the structure of the whatever 1980s owned or performance inherent of and behavioral regulatory, generating excess regulated. that stimulating consequence a regulations, 1970s late "problems" a principles theoretical governing the way that they thought that they would be regulated. Nevertheless that existing incompatable the system demand for the electric in and investors with to deal a better utilities, while to so rising of set of the in other invest in cushion the new is need these to The facilities. interest space capacity fix economic particular in groups to come was a system to govern the up with in that as a some was regulation "hold alternatives supply parts broken up" of gave of utility before ihortage. has latent situation capacity to a of of investments regulation the inability created opportunity revealed disappearing The clear it politically are shocks excess an made has electricity.'* arrangements future, 1980s arrangements institutional of supplying with rapidly and early 1970s institutional generating and the costs satisfactorily breathing that of administrative some capacity however, rapidly power industry disincentives excess and industrial OF>eration regulators, experience the the the The country, become more -35- While urgent." but 1978, late intellectual consensus existed provide to and structural reforms, experience with Title regulatory for no not implemented really until the passed turned out has 1980s, early PURPA, of II framework natural a in have to provided both a positive and normative framework for some potential solutions. THE PUBLIC UTILITY REGULATORY POLICY ACT OF ENTRY INTO GENERATION November In was one of several pieces of energy Administration Carter Congress enacted the Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act 1978, PURPA (PURPA). ^^ with deal to were of particular importance of regulation time-of-day including marginal state more than implemented gradually is the fair determine" desirable and consider whether had little that on effect PURPA's requirement that state PURPA The second primary section with deals to companies heat for use utility that in obligations install to or of sources and a variety to states think that new it and 'consider would principles adopt have states I do to be structure rate of relevance to electric utilities (Title purchase power from and provide backup services equipment industrial of lines.^* ratemaking decisions PURPA waste to processes power from certain small power production energy individual each many the of of no current policy importance. cogeneration commercial innovative regulatory is not although alternatives, reforms of methods, application the or the directs It were under no federal obligation these introduction the whether with the deals I) ratemaking rates, along principles and this section of II) the ratemaking retail however, say, states evaluate life-line rates, PURPA of portions (Title first traditional to determine to However, the adopt them. will alternatives and principles Two management services." load interruptible rates, pricing cost of The promoted by the legislation crises". utilities. and rates variety a energy "the electric to electricity consider to states retail AND COMPETITIVE 1978 produce (cogeneration)" facilities**' fuels, electricity including that make garbage. and use jointly purchase to of with renewable PURPA requires -36- utilities (referred facilities power from qualifying cogeneration and small power production purchase to backup service generally to FERC directed independent supplier had used be meet to QF be a to which at defining rules issue to determine that rates to provide them to with supplemental and "non-discriminatory" rates. at PURPA to "QFs") and as the specific and specifying the methods that were utilities would be obligated power from them and provide backup and supplemental services guidance specific and reasonable purchase rates, "exceeds that from aside statute, non-discriminatory rates at the in the that is cost The only provisions could not the utility to purchase to them. to boilerplate utilities incremental the an criteria be for just, required of to alternative electric energy."** FERC 1980 In The determined.*' principles in individual state rules is costs that the independent meet to regulatory the that utility supplier some estimate of subject price to that price, contracts with contracts, the costs how and deliver The the to are "avoided or cost market Given financial electricity. of genera! cost obligated the and performance FERC regulation. for price QF depends largely left to incorporated in the reflect the should to from QFs as are the the an utility to its states themselves not obtain to in specified a bilateral in the to control tpecify exactly ability to equal rates at specified provisions on from purchasing They can seek entirely it the suppliers electricity non-price ratemaking to QF by be to rules these available purchase to of pay a principle") Thus, service value to were prices general principle alternative best costs." relevant establish to obligated is the implementation the "avoided (the utilities their utilities. delegate utility compared the QFs a was took commissions. avoids profit reflects FERC to price Thus, load.*' its but how specifying rules approach rules, its 1980 issued they would implement this principle. As with any statute, the intent of Congress embodied in PURPA is difficult -37- efficient for a The determine. to of electric use consumers, broad etc.*^ vision service the clear is it clear, regulation enter to in electric conservation, and markets, unencumbered an alternative reflect encourage to nearly so opportunity significant first generation not anything or industry, provide does statute generation provided the of suppliers the that wholesale utility market the however, PURPA that independent "entrpreneurial" for of energy to reduced reliance on imported fuels, equitable rates fairly is It refer history legislative promote competition to However, exciting. the facilities, de-integration vertical and statute by cost of utility-owned to generation. SUPPLY SIDE RESPONSES TO PURPA We now useful of year for non-utility fall U.S. from available generation, then. generating By including well as as were that NUGs 1986, capacity rapidly. increase to declined NUGs than they The a from PURPA fraction 1983 much of was slightly U^. and smaller however. The mask three conflicting trends. the kinds that privately-owned The passed.** until about pattern slightly of total is 1983 capacity increased proportion 1966, all generating has in did 1986, to producers'^ conventional declined until 1966 power small and before capacity provided generation of supplies therefore is These figures include and cogenerators significantly still NUGs operating available.** NUG It Table 4 shows the amount of capacity operation that on had has cogenerators older in numbers show began then with associated which data are currently plants aggregate since PURPA that effects generation PURPA under generating and the by "non-utility generators" (NUGs). Kwh latest of examine to provided and have roughly five years of experience with PURPA.*^ similar U.S. for generation. These period a aggregate significant figures amount of pre-PURPA conventional During industrial this time generating -38- which provided some or capacity transportation PURPA supply NUG along NUG and (iron feeling better a for mining steel), MW Approximately 15,000 which with with NUG of expected current additions uncertain, but licensing pipeline, accounts for ignore projected third to a to Table 5 small generation, the generating 1979 and 1986, almost much categories that in still fraction larger of are Projections are that "other"). course construction the of and from cogeneration and small power production capacity half a capacity. nuclear plants in this capacity represents a very small represents it About Most of 1986. power production NUG industrial category. (included capacity was added between or of types each in generators industrial Finally, although domestic to we if a utility additions other 1979 had been retired by conventional would qualify under PURPA. fraction and retirements cogeneration the into falls of and responses quantity the power producers, and smaller capacity operating in was associated capacity of get metals regard 1979 (pre-PURPA) and 1986 (post-PURPA) by type of capacity for plants-- of the all We industries.** primary the in source--cogeneration, generating 40% plants have been especially true with to by disaggregating the figures into pre and post-PURPA capacity. down breaks This appears retired. power private to was users industrial of the electrical needs of certain types of large all of anticipated electricity requirements capacity over the next ten years.*** It is also utilities. Prior to meet or all As capacity. own sale to use, to the retail part I useful PURPA of the examine to a great deal of the electricity PURPA utilities. rates NUG requirements at have the gave utility's probably utility, NUGs of the increased industrial NUGs and their local user owning that supplied power for their but did not produce additional power for the opportunity to marginal NUGs capacity was tised exclusively to have already discussed, by and large reducing demand on the utility between relationship the supply incentives cost. for sell all Despite of their production the cogenerators fact to that use rising internal -39- production — there utility that Table sales 4 been has sold is "back-out" to to the to dramatic a NUG generation In 1978 only utility. — in consumed to NUG of NUG of PURPA since internally output their sell proportion the down between broken 5% than rather increase than rather utilities displays purchases utility NUG total generation went to the to generation was passed. and production By 1986 utilities. was 36%. the figure PROBLEMS WITH IMPLEMENTING THE AVOIDED COST PRINCIPLE The experience the the several last the that "avoided and party suppliers are states non-price terms fact in and NUG higher to supplies QF is utility of capacity electricity and environment leading It to higher to the "right" prices useful to start purchased sets power like that retail why we need power of potential problems that at may have suppliers, whether QFs or independent suppliers more generating Regulated facilities distribution rather than and utilities way the third promotes that high encourage too discourages rates. special Why all. economical by are low too this Is costly less regulatory integrated utilities required distribution govern to input? There are regulatory utilities three intervention from third to party generall>': may have had purchasing regulations not treat utility procurement procurement of any other utility a specifying This wastes resources and electricity promote (1) that Prices are in for and quantities? by asking purchases between contracts electricity. Prices rates. leads of But how do price. choose regulators significant that when they implement price right be built and operated. to decisions vis a vis purchased primary clear it whether the system works an economical and reliable supply of unnecessary costly the that conditions determines largely setting The process principle? cost" price leads makes years be forthcoming from independent suppliers at some supplies will we know of power from private third incentives parties to even own when -40- more buying was passed through provided automatically incentive profit little in power purchased Because economical. retail purchased power transactions are more or utilities to power purchasing or less historically on purchases from third parties to meet capacity rely needs;*' avoid more are process regulatory the rates, expenses from party third This wash. a less may have and suppliers lead discourage to self-generation.'' Since (2) connected may have therefore and levels, one only to commercial a utility party third restrict wants that only one buyer to deal has it firm industrial monopsony power, pay classical artificially or cogenerate to with. The local is utility below competitive market prices purchases of favor in internal production." Prior (3) the run long provided to 1980s early retail supplying of costs wrong the the signals central station below generally of estimates Retail electricity. whether customers considering industrial to were rates rates thus buy from to the utility or to self-generate. The buyer's requirement "avoided Assuming that estimates in if these supplies are however. when or at these a would It's third lower otherwise than avoided utilities parties cost than build. price a the reflecting can the from avoided fashioned a is standard pricing by developen and selected by primary strength electricity, be principle cost costly The can contracts offered less utility. supplying of attributes^ owns the to avoided be at have been a response to these perceived problems. to purchase the to weaknesses, parties practice, supplies available costs appropriate from QFs purchase utilities apf>ears QF encourage only cost" that the alternative approach cost conceptual. is should supply utility other be willing generation has Furthermore, the and options strengths purchase to with optimal both if utilities will and order to minimize the In can supply from that generation in cost from equivalent generating supply of third non -price facilities third it party -41- production be will forthcoming avoided cost evaluated The primary implementing gave often can be the easily impression that calculated and accurately the except compensate the at conditions real delivery rates," provide diverse FERC QF — with which provide that the supplier spot pricing in addition to reflecting to enter duration dispatchability, of supply that into agrees shortage to costs at time of utilities offer to cost term contracts long in technologies, fuels, formulas, Such long term adjustment formulas. price commitments, determination price contractual supply and demand energy require calculate to simply and operating often and difficult utility "avoided terms particular a the that be paid for capacity and energy delivered based will of prices and set with opportunity the very number the establish is system rules objective to run short of difficulty single it where . the is utility's avoided cost principle must be signed with suppliers that vary widely contracts dates, a the regulatory state suppliers on a Dre-determined on However, and reality associated cost" based time. In balance in the to of the a is regulators circumstances those supplier by contracts. time of supply the in in cost" is equal is principle cost Early discussions avoided "the avoided "true relationship avoided avoided the utilized power of purchased conditions of properly in practice. it margin the where suddIv and demand at the point weakness on price the if of allocations terms of initial characteristics, reliability risk delivery buyer between and seller, etc. Unfortunately, avoided prices cost" that diverse in set advance measure a host of a can that utility be is no single objective measure of a calculated should delivery utility's simply agree in and then advance term supply relationship. of long of there the best applied to pay When we we can do even to determine estimating theoretically expected avoided cost at the time a contract assumptions about future supply and demand is is conditions. the to "true "proper" pursuant cogenerators are utility's to a avoided costs calculate some executed given Even a a utility's -42- experted specific cost contracts and and (utility We avoided can imperfectly. It quite is initially understood through administrative between buyers and and very capacity meet expected be suppliers with in Figure with initially to 10. the a simply then is no that one the annual contracts utility As more QF capacity improved The reliability the utility additional and is to demand deferral of subsequent run party function third for have a slope that parties third build to additional experiences purchased capacity the own and sloping otherwise purchased, eventually to own its third otherwise derived would the and from Power purchased from that as long utility's downward utility's suppliers supply costs would gross would the in a generating with needs run has take Let's of conceptual own party purchased utility cost-minimizing a measure capacity reflected is their future all average its generation needed of generating capacity. to of principle cost future. the meets calculated of is demand. longer agencies principle basic the group of third in utility quantities capacity displaces capacity related and operate period the calculation This build amount of capacity acquired. electricity value replace avoided The AVCj function has purposely been drawn expected surplus We can "simple" heterogeneous a where situation Such supplies. varies either particular a increasing order itself. AVCj party in can by determining how much reduced very cases cost conditions some of illustrate to FERC's that utilities in resources. cost of>erate the case, generating avoided loads avoided the contract. regulatory state and terms the help will power from purchase or reference problems that most many in cf supply electricity term of the the imperfectly; nor conditions °^ example simple of future over implementing of determination only FERC neither that about conditions formulas difficulties sellers. assume Let's clear the implementation into. mechanical using it demand with and terms non-price assumptions alternative and non-utility) estimate A with numerous with vary will initially capacity a meet utility growing has some additions. -43- At some capacity additional point, no has capacity value at and serves only all to displace the operation of existing utility generating capacity. The be generally thing first function a The second value. period that typically where AVCj actually actual avoided and slower end up looking of thing note could end lower that since the into we must make future, fuel expected The the we can do best that value for the avoided cost function, recognizing that Third, is the generation A function.** course could avoided cost and Pj. If QF pay supply schedule If (S3). functions Assume assuming that supply However, if there 10, the optimal Quantity is that AVCj function. functions and as considerable AVCj and the not Sj Sj, Figure in uncertainty certainty then AVCj the is regulator the turns It or are the as however that the actual He wrong. guesses cost AVCj be either P, and Of well. It relevant QF price supply of nature P,. As I always Q^, however. relevant avoided out, could prices third valued optimal states that 10. the that two other possible of single a AVCj price right supply the is that a utility offered to buy at this price, then a competitive (AVCj/Sj and AVC5/S3), then the optimal have drawn Figure depicted is we knew with were certainty what avoided cost since prices, could function uncertain. knowing requires is come up with some expected administratively known only with is supply would be Qj. response QF lower or (Sj) to various at hypothetical higher would be be will supply schedule this be offer to a about uncertainty cost we knew with if determining function, cost required are utilities party avoided "true" be obvious that even should it is it is for demand growth If avoided actual single a higher than expected, the AVCj. like not will it calculation the great is are prices up looking more than there certainty, acquired, supply party third for example, If, AVCs. like far lies. costs is we knew AVCj with if amount of the to even that is extends costs fuel note to sets function and avoided S^ or cost Sj Pj S, are functions. as the is the the By offer price relevant actual setting QF supply Pj, a -44- QF competitive should that supply be out now is QF competitive there different Optimal set begin the reflect QF actual frontier of current contractual with to and align ten third for be have incentives different supply the party 'simulation' conditions. the very initially of the Several that variety a fixed price and of 1988b). (1988a, attributes, is there price, properly to and reflect properly would look This supplies. economics little right states of equilibrium used fairly is to like if there a formidable go beyond the term long sensitivity simulating involves task regulators' do so accurately, regulators would have was who buyers and the sellers (a discussion of supply contracts regarding suppliers complex fairly a At at (Joskow perform, to specify capacity for are thereafter. includes negotiated inefficient generally QFs with years generally may be Thus, third the mistakes of power and years." Contracts future party allowing costly contracts twenty to negotiated with below). knowledge regulatory terms delivery will contracts market There relationships. associated of follows Indeed, first would this contracts of optimal set before the it supply responses. supply of very to but supply competitive and Pj, sets functions, prices term of risks between the allocation competitive undertaking. that properly value the contracts what a diverse a supply to The Setting QF different into supply While contracts could specify a single believe to provisions in years five QF long contracts several the them can lead to regulator that AVCj/Sj. Qj. periods for of in time.'* term long differences were delivery in reasons non-price to time, the years five least at and cost is than further, schedule points good are nature respond to matters beyond roughly needed of rather payment particular to avoided true state sector complicate and delivery the output supply negotiated generally promise actual assume Alternatively, (Qi). are zero Qj or Qj, much more than the optimal quantity is uncertainty over avoided costs and is To any the that response when supplied AVC3/S5 assuming that turns response contractual to the problems price and non-price mechanical estimation -45- approaches conditions dangers of available of attracted have making been prices long contracts" Costly mistakes Probably fixed-price These response The that of costs these Other and the lead will to QFs fuel is were too prices and that payment payments higher utilities electricity New Maine, Texas, (e.g. the conditions excessive the or of for contracts" changing contracts, states terms and payments reflect buy them out or defer them, customers.*"' offer resulted, example worst the specified to and terms fixed have been made by those the "standard quickly with simulate to contracts adjusted not supply. to other for term supply large much too offer approach.*^ California. in unanticipated the suppliers.** this payments were these high, QF "standard on administrative procedures available experience with all taken relying generally the up to have that states come to York, Connecticut) faced similar problems, although they generally found a way to allocate the excess The has inefficiently all with experience contracts offered supplies has or It . we had us on go to contracts, the blush have much effort how to the an on impacts approach increase suppliers electricity with standard and sector and offer system the into costs PURPA power independent consumers. electricity through party third experience early develop recommend to integrate to unnecessarily will was adverse the regulation" "price the shown reduce to If prices. standard would not offer first at it. COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND NEGOTIATION SYSTEMS AS AN ALTERNATIVE Happily, prices (and more which contracts) at requiring utilities this an standard efficient proceeding to offer QF as generally utilities sign (the they the will be contracts price generation did and terms obligated with regulation procurement California, in all to conditions set approach) is who not One the to only alternative term long from third offer the administratively standard of take supplies of those system. to parties supply based way is to to and on structure set target -46- ouantities example for . supply bids to (the quantity these Figure in Qj quantities, and 10, choosing competing solicit to utilities most economical mix of bids submitted the approach). *°' bidding regulation/competitive require The regulatory the sets quantities and the market sets the prices. Another approach would be primary the regulatory with contracts simply other wholesale coal production for their future be more efficient could convince Information regulators derived provide region projects. utilities to fail to distortions QF of suppliers needs. ^"^ generation Since power supplied than third removed, are other by third approach as the by to as some internal parties, utilities but only are not utilities evaluate with such inputs least supplies utilities along suppliers, at parties third which against party by removing make economical generating capacity themselves, yardstick this matter with from contracts signed with to the competing more economical that refer will I as own new natural a do they just of these with negotiate suppliers, could also be permitted to can to lead Once heart the to may that suppliers. expected be provide to party third would distortions go to utility they if available. in a given construction negotiation/yardstick competitive approach. There are good reasons approach negotiation/yardstick performance regulation). of it attributes It how much is for offer is contracts supply at often this to that much easier posted starkly. The optimal uncertain states the yield price. price of nature is that (quantity a specify will believe than capacity a utility them to is offer regulators likely to bidding competitive regulation) standard for a have will to make competitive much approach offer contract or better (price a fairly precise estimate need over a reasonable time horizon than and non-price terms and conditions of standard price an efficient supply response from suppliers willing Figure could be realized. 10 Pj, has Pj been or drawn Pj, to make depending The optima! quantity Qj on is this point to quite which of three invariant to the -47- of state however. nature, from being optimal. far to determine specifying too proper the much whatever for the quantity right is, and non-price terms and conditions of contracts. risks of buying too capacity much acquired is are that price the quantities, quantities to it and use a bidding or negotiation system quantities target to lead we know approximately what Since makes much more sense wrong price can the Setting or too paying two approaches These minimized. are capacity and little By also fit in naturally with utility planning procedures. The approach negotiation/yardstick the utility through scrutiny. '°* ameliorated be market, a The consequence. •well and as the conditions of economic and supplier's own needs with their subject are then bids to the suppliers helps supplies. If to the to free review of attributes fuel The a prices, utility that does the not utility get in docs enough economic of supply turn is by bids to pay meet non-price and the to meet interest and utility, the and the its capacity between third too its much as terms technology free utility, self-dealing, non-price Competition not and inflation and announced particular utility against the in preferable the is price general price the mix of supply offers made. ensure guard to weights the reflect capacity capacity characteristics evaluating for structure to regulatory on a system that allows the weights regarding clearly diverse rely regulatory preferences. best to specify assumptions technical risk have suppliers to approach negotional mechanical generating generating to contracts detailed to future all of through owning against given is conditions specified subject or buy to makes sense regulator, suppliers toward agrees utility potential planning The rates. a competitive conditions, its mechanisms incentives therefore It than rather or flexible approach. terms regulatory If be competitive the flexibility and terms the how much must evaluation contract and and bidding how much on primarily projects and negotiation bilateral competitive the turns specific select to "self -scoring" can between difference third capacity party party needs or -48- more economical to needs as well, the offers made to determines of its provide that is it benchmark natural a evaluated and, in theory, upon generation can be made. In market competitive regulatory for and rules which either party third incentives that experience with which against compensation or all of supplies the lead objective to and choose stimulate to is be utility-owned for generation utility can decision this arrangements regulatory the case, some satisfy to itself through a competitive solicitation process it yardstick or capacity build introduce to the a mix best of supply options. Only can give further competitive scoring facilities more of However, programs. believe I that for from supplies for bilateral and more becoming already and strengths the programs is it systems room little regarding bidding structured bidding leave that evidence empirical combinations various to firm us procurement generation alternative negotiation weaknesses that be built" of negotiation flexible clear "to approaches rigid self- generating work quite poorly compared flexible competitive negotiation systems. BIDDING AND NEGOTIATION SYSTEMS IN PRACTICE A utilities the use to several than another requests for increasingly have wisely regulation bidding or based listed in bidding Table proposals capacity 6. (RFPs) from In for non-QF on A general, specified wholesale standard negotiation suppliers of of involve (IPPs) QF as In extended utilities systems of facilities contracts. ^°^ been have programs quantities qualifying offer list required or system to determine PURPA selected these permitted negotiation systems negotiation competitive or either from purchases supply sources, not just QFs.^'* competitive are states bidding or competitive price competitive all introduced of of governing conditions relying cases encompass competitive a and terms rather number growing that one capacity well. have type utilities to or issuing (and These -49- proposals of levels contain the detail. In RFPs), scoring" of conditions screening some device select to used evaluation and rank to of negotiation other the cases, of set propose utilities specifies directly In small a the limited the to contract. final a RFP the be only subject that criteria cases can responses that detail evaluation criteria RFP initial sufficient in used is the that ("self- and terms detailed the various in winners select suppliers target use, to as a then utilities negotiate with further to arrive at final selections and specific contracts. So introduced QF with attractive and price "mom generally non-QF and non-price and generation terms and to some or fill contracts of their capacity appear that companies major but all have to The winning bidders conditions. operations, pop" negotiation meet the supply needs put up for to (IPP) and bidding competitive Table 6) and have generally been able (see needs have that utilities all have found abundant supplies offered systems bids far with very not are substantial experience designing, building and operating generating plants. ^"^ has It facilities to period of supply power to time on reliance integration utilities generally cases, term contracts very be "relationship theory of been to two if QF built investments a are and the the an power utility to contract. imperfected) Investments of in Independent be sold to In the a suppliers are not to likely in the to be the single cases, literature or, the in a buyers. in on have a few independent which the plant other have facilities utility the vertical to facilities generating latter which serves the area path generating in find don't I alternative discussed type the utilities. transmission purchase power over a long to the in (perhaps contracts. ^°* proximate contractual sunk, advance attributes" provide three supplier most rely on provide specific to as in utility build to purchases are supported by these if willing generally are suppliers and only surprising. firm the or specified prices at long to important to that clear term purchase contracts that obligate the long the become also is Once particularly located these attractive -50- bargaining with position behavior ex of opportunistic hazards and investors customers their post Even . want they norm.^^ get to it While can regulation in principle be like concerned about the New England, where independent power suppliers to customers, preferreo their to areas in wheeling service has generally been made available must term long the hazards, contractual these mitigate are contracts if suppliers generally recognize that regulatory protections are necessarily limited. The reliance contracting term of issues. built, and efficient from each for investments, that contingencies ability integrated different of This the rely should incentives will put easy on with once more than between vary. It fuel, perform generating to been obtain to The when price uncertain the seller, the into facilities (or and reliability, and buyer the difficult is have arrangements. to efficient power supplies come The competitive market value will make to long and structure level necessary capital, have difficult such in facilities is Independent financing individual integrate to risks suppliers different sellers the setting decisions task. different of allocation for but and larger avoided cost) of quantify variations these and unambiguous way. already try when not an determination price efficient paying incentives power system. have from interesting several to involves production technologies supply arrangements freely not is the economically negotiate that consumers affects in value in a precise regulators efficient different arise, I leads encourages that characteristics, electric As contracts of issues set contract protects chosen structure buyer to first supplies.^*" dispatchability the The term encourages that variety a long Some mechanism must be found contracts. prices on to monopsony power rely their create together discussed, a as is bias much reasonable against on possible as confidence third party suggest complexities contracting these allowing that the regulatory suppliers, will that parties rules encourage to and the an efficient supply mix, and competitive conditions are such is not a serious source of distortion. ^^^ Efforts to create a -51- environment regulatory on options to an equal maximize the and suppliers regulation is Despite repowering of traditional supply tight of cost generating service money with committed to under of structure the suppliers, an believe, quite believe the looking I of some the where area perception a that is leads symmetrical wholesale of gain. and New England present time under credible redefinition building major new a to instructive. capacity and the at absence the peaking Massachusetts, in regulation any of the to that service prospect first I any major power plants In cost little utilities is, from aside regulation."^ compact, projects facilities, build to Massachusetts in situation, generating old regulatory losing experience recent have no plans generally, diverse likely to be especially imperfect. very a party third possible it with contracts into supply all makes se bilateral intervention evaluate to utilities negotiate to and utilities for ownership per to regulatory direct between regard have utilities minimize to The of the flexibility incentives without footing negotiated contracts provides that significant of therefore are Utilities risk market (including Canada) for additional generating capacity to meet future needs. In regarding parallel systems. approved The amount of new capacity RFP and specifies future, standard the weighting criteria utilities at bidding fuel that require with price, the avoided approach utilities inflation, utilities costs and propose for QF for Department the except state, systems Public each of rate to largest, Utilities for post- specified a required were regulator a room for two under using bids are Utilities of the little seek to use for left regulations operate capacity that interest to now They once each year. least projected the in new implementing began PURPA.^^' bidding regulations contract buyer's underlying the competitive "self-scoring" negotiation. under competitive introduce to QFs of All Massachusetts in utilities from purchases required bid 1987, to file (DPU) an that years into the assumptions, and the twenty evaluate competing bids. -52- were Utilities number of DPU. and and RFP the then Opportunities on severely permitted to continue by bids, with the in suppliers approval by of however. the final Utilities were bidding the amount of the against group. the of outside count not award the in conditions QFs with way did this large a rank the bids, select an award process, contracts for factors ultimate to and terms bidding the negotiate purchased capacity seek price-related limited to subject attributes, utilities weighting define to contracts final negotiate are but approved, is contracts process, contractual negotiated to freedom considerable supplier Once group given capacity they were required to put up for bids. The largest from the bidding from utility QFs using supported is requests commitment purchasers New in to sell opportunities MECO agreed and bidding regarding 7 contracts negotiation the for that would purchase than rather first Two power from under the highly The company by the commission. parties "wheel to when QF out" located sellers not work utilities all the expected 1987. third willingness the consummated in proposed from about for results own choosing to in its offered the supplies territory to most the other had well. In return for and evaluate data on contracts consummated collect views continue to good prior experience with negotiation with QFs, its so be given an experimental exemption it it exemption experimental an sought utility competing view that self-scording bidding systems affording limited its negotiation lists its negotiation to their The Table for allow system on England and to, would purchasing supply sources, attractive proposed that bidding based to (MECO) state system of their negotiation a "self-scoring" buyers which rules structured its MECO rules. bidding the the in real by sets and strengths year of levelized the in prices of prices are to survey weaknesses of the Massachusetts the Massachusetts and state this exemption through QF both developers different experiment are systems. now in. and the capacity offered for the 23 utilities listed. through either In each case the bidding or price indicated -53- the is levelized provisions escalation Boston using The second Table 8 lists price things several are Tables in and 7 The mean prices Second, of projects capacity the contracts. ^^^ operating 40% of rank the fuel MECO's interest assumptions. fall within of variety of from with national and sizes Mw 100 supplied capacity.^** of Finally, narrow fairly cents/kWh 5.6 involved projects Of data. rates, project the chosen. Mw 100 that assumptions NUG 2,449 possible makes one that projects accounted for not is it 23 the in to about For example the project that had the lowest etc. assumptions Similarly, clear is it were fuels and more account for about 70% or the underlying the BECO's under a cents/kWh and 5.2 information the had the highest that had the expected third price under price under lowest assumptions had the ninth lowest price under BECO's assumptions. provisions provides 8 contained plus escalation and a vary changes (oil, in for information 23 the in (BPE) formula provisions indices prices are from note to 58 projects with capacity greater than interest assumptions. Table to be independently prices, interesting contracts wide a consistent is NUG total price MECO's MECO's the values and prices fuel using calculations expected the capacities will the 1987, in expected that This projects future future these calculates series given contract the and 5.73 respectively) with standard deviations of 0.61 However, the 5 projects with of 23 the for are that First, 8. (median 5.01 respectively 0.64.*^* about makes these series price first assumptions of life other attributes of the contracts and the associated projects. There band. the The contract. (BECO) Edison's rates. reported the in over price exp>ected real adjusting gas CFI and or provisions; that price from contract the coal) the Most contracts. adjustment significantly the about in GNP the the over to nature of the contract time. contract. deflator. adjustment Others of contracts specifies The Some formulas. have an price initial price index various The base adjustment specific contracts include adjustment price the fuel specific prices price price -54- adjustment contracts. ^^^ supply fuel adjustment price concerns probability that agreement to the hypothesized of importance are the associated to not intensive buyers, being built seller with buyer significant a performing stop to is clear on the much over allocate will the These on most of take and possible is it risks implicit that for in larger that projects the performance the more of the construction and of more operating that textbook cost "ideal" from regulation. generally project the While time. service sellers of costs allocation from different of cost of suppliers different far is appear contracts independent contracts these The term long new by textbook contracts. facilities that of construction the projects is it the Schmalensee,^^* nature with plus cost with of availability) capital the investments the associated pure contracts and securing in contract implicit (i.e. of market a like create that own their in consistent are provisions pricing interest Joskow by However, service. risks provisions pricing anything has contracts the provisions reflect sellers economic conditions change over time.^^* as generation the in the of have not be will it one of These contracts As be Only provision. the that by some chosen provisions are risk now of service regulation. This benefits experience of negotiation highly helps also bidding structured systems. Utilities that no evidence they can way. build Buyers wheeling service half of the also to that appear move contracts wheeling arrangements. third are utilities themselves. to systems party trying there If have contract signed some had is light bias it aggressively exclusively . utilities utility in to There parties is so probably goes the other so difficulty and costs competitive flexible moved almost here power from one by Massachusetts relative avoid buying from third to little the clearly supplies a on more vs. have Massachusetts in meet pressing capacity needs with certainly shed to to 1987 far in another. arranging for More than were accompanied by This means that suppliers which are tied to a specific site. -55- can seek still This utility. otherwise for to This contracts the turn in reported were consummated through bidding expected "bid" we them can no find monopsony exercise in between difference Thus, prices real independent survey of flexibility less buy and found approach A from that they highly local might estimated prices by whether they statistical showed system less the to the the to utility local of analysis no significant characteristics.^'" contract other negotiation a the just affected be to contracts for that developers negotiation the not that fact negotiation. "negotiated" here pay QF of than rather controlling evidence the do not appear 7 vs. after power, and buyers with consistent is Table in competing to any monopsony power that diminishes certainly have. capacity their sell allows to utilities an Furthermore, QFs. preferred generally bidding structured the system, although they had numerous suggestions for improvement in both approaches. ^'^ At the very to be On approach. to to bidding a bidding with attributes such as utility on rely hand other a there systems. flexible are competitive there appears negotiation/yardstick with problems practical clear MECO's These problems may already be rigid self- coming home Boston Edison, the company farthest along with a highly Massachusetts. in structured n^ the competitive roost for reason little scoring least, system with little room for negotiation, bilateral has run into problems with several of the projects that were selected through bidding.^" THE IMPACT OF THE PURPA EXPERIENCE PURPA's long likely measured solely by looking much money Whatever suppliers. PURPA utilities has generation been supply have its a term how much QF at saved original sort stimulated on effects of by (or lost) intent, capacity by power industry cannot be electric has increasing been forthcoming or how their reliance independent and despite numerous implentation problems, experiment pricing the with partial arrangements deregulation that are not of tied entry directly into to -56 the accounting seller's performance operating electricity; PURPA into out be to entry PURPA? that Why power service regulation, supply to supply we electricity at II certain entry the contract to categories size have sellers unincumbered wholesale to to by generating of supplier of has it restrict service contracts, any to Title initiative, should or and competitive for generating technology of While expand the opportunities buyers and compete to way the wholesale classes wholesale of cost willing is not opened generating regulatory conservation competition. of wrong the energy an has thai market certain to Why or as suppliers satisfactory restrictions service power bulk utilities mutually negotiate opener" unregulated for distribution by primarily operate forthcoming.) be will economical supplies of and build and cost under the right that provide to under that supplies shown has who can shown also "can PURPA ones only construction substantial allocate come forward will passed the and generation specified seller. uneconomical originally opportunities with the the has (It conditions was turned that to not are utilities successfully. economic risks and independent suppliers conditions plants costs distribution utilities? PURPA that power independent federal policies do supply created who have an suppliers the has not that generation interest expand to utilities constituency They have opportunities efficiency, at prices for fuel that the been barriers active in reflect size the to the to of and state producers restrictions, competitive p>ower expansion promoting power independent and independent incumbent of down breaking in sector. PURPA's meet new a (IPPs) compete to market value of the electricity rather than the supplier's accounting cost of service. There party supplies generating financial are given capacity pain many the utilities regulatory subject resulting that to from cost are receptive to increased reliance on third problems they have had with building their own of service economic regulation. conditions and As a consequence of the regulatory decisions of the -57- many 1970s, generating way As parties. of utilities business in order to help reliance on power as this way a for of outside utilities in like encouraging them competitive balance compete to third interest demand and in some a large among 1990s the in Still other to other generation territories risk supply generation the into parties. supply to service traditional their entry and supply from growing a clearly is new building major to more of the financial shift to purchased them commit themselves to there result a number increased reluctant They would facilities.'" third to quite are utilities without through see utilities distribution cost traditional of service constraints. we Thus, in are non-PURPA sales under goes beyond and wholesale generating contract PURPA more gas contract, sales or on are coal make contractual large cogeneration alone generating loads fuel to obtain and of simply small the market "PURPA the in tax." arising directly status that Mw example.*'* Other This interest power suppliers Ocean FERC which received Island, the plants.*'^ power.*'* market inefficiently PURPA. "^ restrictions regulation service return, purchase have under competition In to entering efficiency power Rhode resale. independent 470 planned making facilities Power State approval for a designed burn to drawing boards and looking for buyers who are willing plants QF The for utilities sellers and market wholesale the encompass non-QF to excellent projects of cost an commitments thermal waiver is to integrated generally. in from both potential buyers and dedicated facilities combined cycle plant located novel interest traditionally to QFs under trade growing seeing on these are that other contrived But for the PURPA's qualification facilities supply for we simply really obtained are seeing small stand- process steam technology, size entry and competitive would not be cogenerators, but The developers would with Increasingly to like sources the opportunity without having to to enter pay a they are willing to give up utility obligations to purchase from PURPA. -58- EVALUATION OF CURRENT TRENDS TOWARD COMPETITIVE PROCl'REMENT OF GENERATION AND DE-INTEGRATION OF GENERATION? The that to that have of encouraging regulatory contracts has been but 1 more and rules a think results prove will pursuant utilities risks price a at We have on the to than less generating date. to It clear is independent which The standard offer be to unworkable for the suppliers larger estimate and depends and on conditions of regulation) bidding approach The benefits critically (price projects. these appear to have costs terms the of buyer's utility that competitive structured Many sellers. particular in contract term contracts long to the learned also under procedures The highly failure. to operating reliance determined. are independent an of Once operating, cogenerators records*". availability the and cost costs. excellent third supply electricity been able to supply own supply its to construction allocate suppliers of market the enter development the and regulatory conditions are right third party suppliers are willing price the if with some promising and some discouraging yielded has sector experience recent approach is better, that utilities have been allowed to use more flexible competitive negotiation approaches appear be achieving the will out turn contract have is to only greatest reinforce this one toward been already evaluation careful cooperating and success between step terminated of the the a project not led of realism buyer and as experience. early and believe I the further evidence It generating to power proposed seller is to clear also make Many This plants. the negotiating that electricity. projects accumulated is as project a it a contracts suggests well to as reality that ongoing is very important. I am allocation competitive reasonably optimistic of resources that associated current developments with providing can help to improve the electricity by market for wholesale power supplies and providing incentives creating to a utilities -59- to from provide when from purchases about the potential significant and third parties benefits of uncertainties factored and generation There contracts. are could lead to serious problems a, party more To norm.^'^ been regulatory must date issue in that efficiently of critics adequately long the run, when expansion the whether is coordination create and efficiency of changes large of utilities many with will of the multiple interconnected arrangements interconnected function of dispatch coordination pooling that exist to of a large existing have to and facilities under to reliability. rigidities and How competing imjjerfections will a relies has small, quite generation short period real of on extensively ownership, time through power extensive cooperation among well these ownership players suppliers been has "backbone" common make an interconnected number of competing wholesale power contractual and problems other hand the the still system separate agreements, independent made power under units maintain more electric generating bilateral to be existing third and distribution are is integrated sector on reliance On operating is NUG competition than rather the reliability transmission generation, cooperation of increased has not been a serious problem. this advantage take to The economic power wholesale of and transmission system, and most projects have operated for only time. recogized be continue that some are procurement of new the conditions barriers independent generating capacity that of able and there that that optimistic they are not removed. addressed will, handled quantity affecting policies terms the common ownership and where under the primary been generation are that the not has if consequences am I SY?tgm PgijabiiitY Perhaps argue of several also term of public regulation the long believe I ownership than rather While economical. changes, these their evolution the into about more are purchase through needs generating their work emerge will in the electricity arrangements system? system efficiently? as economic What with a What kinds conditions -60- change ? This There not is asymmetric investment, power system electric and problems), firms of integration cf set reasons believe to taken be uncertainty, that coordinating of complexities the should they contracting minimize costs may favor Are . transmission there and integration, vertical an integrated distribution are that rider free assuming benefits significant seriously. relationship and economically (including externality and reliably generation, and questions information, incomplete integrated the silly economic good are a that vertical to likely be to by relying on many independent owners and operators of generating plants foregone linked to partially integrated utilities with long term contracts?^'° We degree of supply precision. the is have way of answering no Extensive transmission functions. integration distributors If empirically integration horizontal Vertical earth. question this and vertical norm everywhere on generation, the least presently electricity in includes typically not are the recent experiment that experience with PURPA, world just not would make a definitive conventional empirical test the has run a at they integrated Aside tend to rely on long term requirements contracts for the bulk of their needs. from any with natural And feasible. while contractual and reliability problems have not yet emerged as a serious problem with QFs and the little the U.S., the in lack of experience to say anything definitive. The not "ideal" less that integration, (vertical does fact imply that we perfect In can't partial short, change should be complete discouraged be obtained. The its recent vintage, failures provide too world has simply not run the prove empirically which integration, capacity, contractual to would make a definitive empirical public policy changes can than QF amount of small economic shocks that may lead the natural experiment that be relatively test possible. industry organizational de-integration, until the traditional etc.) requisite mode dominates "prooP and system has proven to and the limited experience with independent suppliers, when a -61- fortunately, definitive appears it opportunities and for environment that generation and we are about talking and horizontal and distribution integration some mistakes on b. creating utilities How extent the necessary. by buy when to distortions in Most gradual for incentives is it for of independent efficient do to distribution of suppliers Even so. changes these extent the in existing monopoly the preclude to be to their for proponents change appears divest required UK,^'' or the in capacity. creating issue which to by raised wholesale of the critics extensive argue that trade we changes regulation price determination price Non-interventionists systems. CEGB) being is debate about QFs, etc. to utilities vertical regulatory right policy reforms, of a vertical to enter we make if Competitive Are Wholesale Market? leave to as opportunities Interventionists competitive integrated generating public the making without the if increase the margin, they need not be fatal and are potentially reversible. Another with (the in that economies relative the regulatory rate market the integration players assets,"^ new owning the require entity about contractual retail distribution generation/transmission other the vs. should enter And, results. changes with proceed to promising yielded has to suppliers or negotiation, suggesting feasible None of created. is from way integration bidding, utilities party one decision established, is be to third horizontal IPPs, environment regulatory suitable wholesale are wholesale of markets like myself argue and that reliance that on price transactions negotiation leads imperfectly is sufficiently or regulation even an associated is not are bidding competitive to seeing to costly competitive wholesale market will lead to more efficient outcomes. I will be elastic am quite supply attractive quite competitive. of prices. that optimistic capacity In The that addition the wholesale PURPA markets experience that indicates that independent power producers are to the supply offers obtained emerging are and are in there willing is to response a fairly offer to at utility -62- offers that buy pursuant tc excess are or areas Table purposes current country. Over have transactions (see the to the increased As 1). subject the of very fifteen earlier, FERC lose evidence markets power suggests are As sellers and intents all extensive arrangements, voluntary result markets these wheeling of a pooling that for most in and buyers of benefit regulation. and and coordination years, these emerged have utilities mutual the to agreements anecdotal integrated past discussed I coordination the etc., needs medium term power markets for short and active substantially only to interconnections, wheeling, PURPA, to quite often are competitive. evidence Additional markets can encouraged like group of a of types had constraints for prices term short effect coordination — has transactions price negative or perception 1983 FERC (more for flexibility regulatory — on FERC that been a binding not power formal of relaxation positive either In bulk an "experiment" in considerable The my own with consistent is provided unregulated by FERC. participate to transactions. obvious little This quantities.^'' which program) of competitiveness West the in utilities the experiment approved recent a in demonstration a certain the found be regarding or prices of regulation constraint in short and medium term coordination markets. c. Transmission Access and Pricing The number and generation suppliers may can very that facilities, and the regulate the rates limited legal to the from actual pricing areas for can FPA, market the suppliers of Since distribution a of the service. to from. to related competing choose where transmission under the necessarily is potential characteristics of transmission charged obligation, and utility the competitive markets wholesale distribution a remote be in of distribution size service transmission by access of competition extent will potential utility be affected As things stand now service, provide but it. utilities owns have Nevertheless, FERC only a utilities -63- voluntarily As negotiate indicated I England FERC second contract approved service in inhibits rather paths promotes than for wholesale been The time. in New of results of a transmission transmission of service appears regulation relaxed since the provided pricing regulation trade of all preliminary flexible the FERC that utilities has power. allowing suggests other service QF for experiment West'** the with "wheeling" extensive earlier, provide to arrangements transmission to lead to increased trade rather than reduced trade.'" Transmission organizational, and difficult jurisdictional, and certainly most on the increased reliance discussion of transmission make a been of the issues economic controversial well is more the wholesale with The problems wholesale service per requirements requirements customers model for future between associated easily i£ FERC with leading to comprehensive but paper, this transmission scarce and than and the with the between utilities once that and wholesale utilities let me pricing wholesale or associated requirements has distribution of for customers FERC access reflect regulated transmission to wholesale with and could serve the customers wheeling of contract power can be as a requirements wholesale with bulk associated obligations associated FERC pricing demand of conditions and "captive" problems the to asymmetric and the requirements problems to or relative wholesale terms the solutions is access customers have recently been approved by suspect integrated issues service relationships I with contracts Creative se. customers. ^'^ with power over requirements disputes associated requirements A markets. most the changes the beyond the scope of controversy wholesale transactions. power perhaps is It of aspect wholesale economic rents when transmission capacity power problems."® regulatory, technical, difficult raises here. historical with associated pricing competitive few observations Most and access relationship are solved resolved, relatively would allow for appropriate pricing and contracting for transmission -64- Reforms service. new are FERC's transmission in and state federal policies regulations pricing transmission resolve to needed clearly are line as and siting certification roadblocks. While transmission pricing, solving future, and growth changes wheeling that regulatory obligation. In obligations, trying "jump transmission policies most important target affecting entry, removed we can This market and through the reform as turn to any FERC remaining and Congress are taking so access the competitive utilities and transmission access by at starting all. regulatory Once transmission evolution special markets removing the any without progress . supply to over wholesale no the from results negotiation and procurement of generation pricing the controversies making for with in The evidence from competition of lots wholesale evolvr to continuing before competitive start" regulatory for the approach and is of light prescription a is is have will unnecessary. is provided often is to power governing policies siting abstract there that public and coordination the suggest service the in wholesale of in coherent obligations, problems pricing programs bidding more that service these competitive of believe I these and I view with the impediments impediments are pricing problems. far. OTHER REGULATORY BARRIERS TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMPETmVE WHOLESALE MARKETS AND EFFICIENT GENERATION PROCUREMENT DECISIONS a. The to seek to incentives build a in generating capacity problem. Currently the utility are itself be treated dollar To Trad itional Alternatives needs the pass-throughs to has largely regulatory Cost of Service Regulation to a process. functions of how it Simply requiring from only by buying costs of purchased rates. good contracts with third parties or negotiate third power these decisions believes utilities parties contracts There are few direct incentives provide for their to not does are to will pure pick the solve the dollar for best mix -65- of contracts, post cost cost or of all be the third supply to decade so of simply from integrated of service for carefully and regulation that has may system compare to subjecting utility been imposed in the informed imperfectly a must utility regulatory the utilities either utilities The ex for from efficient themselves building potential the parties. third requiring burden on significant a be to currently that needs with cost likely would be desirable it Similarly, kind places generating opportunities the not is it and review regulatory mandate to supplier cost option. that party construction past Furthermore, future their of threat perspective least preserve to the disallowances. reliability purchase itself from aside regulators guard to against biases toward or against distribution utility ownership of generation. generating that kind the If capacity in minimum cost different supply announced are that has it with utility-owned efficiency Commission regulation "regulatory for facilities. ^'^ the utilities also of projwsed contract" is generating with a with The cost indicated that effectively utility that if traditional plants better of point per it cost to the is service replace by negotiating a specifying the of kinds Commission has for regulation that wants it of their future needs economical most it regulation. traditional project Two se. the to wants to avoid what of make to new utility-owned of service all me to particular, incentives The Commission indicated option of meeting some or capacity In required. Massachusetts base rate seems it arrangements which suggested traditional be treatment service abandoned to generating new been to ownership of desirable. distortions has cost going utilities of be However, the Commission the independent generating continue to give provide that recently are new selecting for work well over the long run to traditional likely new utility-owned to to have facilities that required procedures negotiation regulation rate choice alternatives generating favor are I retail changes are regulatory competitive flexible that some changes changes of cost specific compensation choice. perceives What of as the service pre-approved arrangements that -66- be will ex The proposes an to being signed with expected to party bear construction This would thus costs that it A task attributes utilities risks return return revenues a utility and on those to particular, of rate project alternatives in be will would for a investment. receives from the Governor for of new costs of from third parties, an suggested has Jersey the Rather than getting into the a New power allowed supplies, for retail would be based on some index of comparable wholesale power contracts" decouple costs the purchased or utility regulatory would actual decouple the Compensation the region. new approach the by purposes, the writing In reliability expected other allocation risk region. and suitable by appointed force owned in costs the in cost a partially approach.**" ratemaking suppliers yields similar has than economical facility generating the that define will actually incurs.^" alternative whether that third that more be to contract formula contract compensation for power produced by the likely is compensation The regulatory contract plant. must convince the Commission utility incentive new particular a utility build to agree be how exactly ante determined. it with associated for compensation utility incurs for new each new for details power utility-owned supplies generating supplies these by procurement or of supply plant, from generally compensation tying this to a representative index of the cost of wholesale power opportunities in the region. The practical issues can contracts" While be used or for the be to approach addressed provide wholesale other to have put exist appropriate been either worked approach hand, scheme, market, the I as difficulties and practice numerous with any an active wholesale market in the region benchmarks either for writing "regulatory proposed, don't out into developing an appropriate index of regional Massachusetts the competitive On must neither Both require that there confidence. that of details think can that associated wholesale work without a the with New Jersey trying to power fully costs. developed approach can.*** an "ideal" write -67- regulatory contract however, most likely be to of the A time.**' of lot that so actual accounting more effort must go with the to ensure costs performance the that practical partially over to traditional rate regulation alternatives make the at utilities by are governs the least individual to utilities recognize, projects at a in markets that is provided incentives of encouraging objective by incurred finding into process generating utility financial utility the regulation service symmetrical are level the like power wholesale in power or new look approaches Both task. competitive of might contracts changes are made if purchased of costs from decoupled realized such formidable a is benefits potential fully ratemaking retail cost the that recovery market competitive hypothetical what simulate to supply efficient decisions. Regulatory Barriers To The Development of Competitive Wholesale Markets b. And Efficient Generation Procurement Mechanisms. There currently development is on obligations utility or determination to purchase requirements, criteria issued is in generation of of the from despite comF>etitive these systems are legal under FERC regulatory PURPA. avoided Notices Unfortunately, these to The markets. encouraging further of barriers set first Several states and standard costs there QFs the fact bidding still that of prices yield that several and negotiation remains continue that to contracts offer are that and states either have utilities programs too comply to some uncertainty regarding whether PURPA. of trying process to clarify bidding systems must meet to be legal under two barriers avoided costs incorrectly, and specify the terms and conditions implemented PURPA's wholesale Second, low. too successfully with relevant the other several implementation state administrative estimate high competitive with associated rely of of exist Proposed NOPRs, in Rulemaking its avoided PURPA. (NOPR) to conjunction with a related In cost March achieve NOPR rules this issued and 1988, the FERC objective."' at the same -68- which time producers among what unclear price related alternative (including in we would economical supply sources QF excess capacity production. utility reasons. QF able to they receive A wholesale charged FPA has supplier the long suppliers using does guided years. construction not tied is for wholesale FERC on under regulation from which utility term of cost and be IPPs able generating to been has Power FPA embedded of long supply options risks under power (FPA) rather supply jurisdiction of PURPA, have service term wholesale internal for two primary suppliers is contracts been subject to rate The "single been the for rates facility" regulated principles. is have and prudence reviews. from it price compensation the PURPA. traditionally power or utilities, however, than most independent non- because accounting the to competitive a contracts be especially to turn to regulatory the seem QF appear to mandate cost of service regulation, regulation third utilities forthcoming regulation. reliability Act cost an as incentives plants, theory) (in at service QF wholesale subject and accounting cost of service or to not a is it PURPA- unintegrated integration) with to QF capacity cost their Federal traditional not to of written negotiation with and energy available from proximate QF is inefficient generation alternative dealing have an obligation to buy were freed take a like this and bidding generation--vertical whether they are Substantial Utilities suppliers of FERC NOPR third a amount in the long run. array of as Fixing experiment this if and expanding opportunities in widest the construction Ideally, plants, outcomes interested among utility important. us rules. **^ power indep>endent enormous an utilities competitive for essential is and proposed allowing regulation of those proposed reforms and generated legislators the to to yield efficient is choose to happen will price to For regulators, state have FPA,*** non-QF of regulation the in the regulation party supplies have under (IPPs) controversy is changes proposes While principle the last by the that fifty -69- Absent changes non-QF independent for competitive wholesale not emerge for an because uncertainty conditions, than service has expect to service contract be 4 traditionally for cents selling equal its with 6 of do service of at seller seller an accounting will for unappealing cost prospect current market buyers value satisfied of service of being are less term a a of in 4 than its on compensated with point up whatever to supply the accounting actual its price While time. to and market maximum a in out turn the entering contracts to could cost assume buyers are not distribution the absence of an ex ante commitment cent likely the of this, able be will it see cost the When ceiling contract cost accounting To each at cost the to of seller turn to utility service there realizes a the prices, for his is potential realized less. which simply agreed The to many be 6 cent accounting costly less will alternatives, By accounting cost of service. of his capacity whichever with accounting the as more nothing recover to considers price price that market enters. that supplier a he uncertainty time, in realizes have to charge of service sell point buy potential service, the be quite the to changing and life-of-plant a before short buyers to buy at that price. interested cost free to of of Given time, in expects potential cost competition. suppliers into utility because series any at is When so. a with incentives by regulators, means that an entrant can only supplier The adequate performance, any point viable, a provide associated risks entering distribution is under any obligation to by under independent supplier cost costs not does plant at defined but regulated, independent an been a the costs, service accounting the to of are regulation incur to allows cents. output his suppliers service cents/kWh, 5 or of independent typical electricity will cost recover the that power market which includes non-utility generators simply that accounting its and production system a efficient, supplier about and condition terms and related contractual rates wholesale cost independent way the in entrant the or the costs potential entrant 5.5 setting faces accounting pay him and might cents/Kwh. -70- This would give him an expected profit of 0.5 cents/Kwh. However, such a contract would whenever accounting the violate of cost service ceiling the supplier's accounting costs are below 5.5 cents. we want and meaningful If generation utilities pursuant reforms in entities are much service necessary. regulation, with under regulation federal the FPA of these same way the unintegrated range or have will into integrated partially characteristics, with negotiated contracts the suppliers risk/reward of suppliers QFs under PURPA. are much in wide a non-QF of entry supply to particular, In as competitive competition contracts to same way the encourage to be to these treated They must be exempted from in cost of "non-dominant" long distance telephone as companies have been exempted from cost of service regulation by the FCC. FERC's and entry proposes that NOPR IPP be not will a new subject FERC the contracts negotiated by providing "relaxed give actually treatment," class provides of authority IPPs, regulatory that subject self-dealing obtain such discounted) utility's to cost the of to proposes a costs (properly FERC independent power producers (IPPs)-- regulation. Since — formally deregulate the Basically, by been have changes proposed the IPPs that To guard variety of do things, value that discounted), the against init criteria the is rates less seller in than FPA may the not terms and conditions of referred have significant and would not monopKsly ITF the or as regulatory not sn to "relaxed FERC be just and reasonable by other must have an expected avoided suppliers. service regulation. on power regulatory to restrictions independent negotiated contracts Among treatment. of treatment." service NOPR suppliers the market power would be presumed be and utilities cost to way toward removing FPA long a between contracting creating goes pricing — ~» contracts equal to «?.••» and to (properly the buying cannot have dominant control over the buyer's access to competing suppliers, and the transaction must be between unaffiliated entities (to avoid self-dealing between a regulated distribution company -71- and a wholesale thrust affiliate). While 1 do not agree makes a lot creates of sense. It environment regulatory a with possible it uncertain through by case not that makes present treatment proposed in the IPP IPP proposal, the utilities buy from to feasible it QF Although them for of non-QF and the prospects FERC **^ time,^*® consideration case of details force integrate process. the at does to utilities procurement competitive quite for the but IPPs, do to basic its it In so. between QFs and non-QF independent suppliers and particular, -it-*pr6vi3es'"symmetry makes of all sources for of applications same the kind the common NOPR IPP the accomplish can a in are results of regulatory and regulatory NOPR. CONCLUSIONS It clear is which arrangements World following emerged that the were II poorly it adapted may industry power electric While 1973. and firm the that governed War after me to to very structure dealing well be shocks mobilized the arrangements to respond it, to affected The it. became forums through which The primary about reform i>Qst and the regulatory Some of Others regulation. changes in the process these (e.g. rules regulatory the economic turmoil that no regulatory and process, alternative institutional oversight legislative of groups could extract economic rents. this turmoil has of the so provides it pernicious the help — in to turn improved to "prudence" game been traditional This electricity. reforms can of seek to of shocks. types similar system interest viability of "groups years these of effects monopoly suppliers performance. of run performance the integrated long interest 25 the with would have worked very smoothly when confronted with these during industry raise serious questions of regulated institution has led incentives to efforts to efficient for improve the incentive properties disallowances) "hold-ups" — made merely possible reflect by £i poorly -72- defined economic changing and principles legal opportunities The conditions. latter have unfortunately with associated rents reallocate to consequences adverse for utility investment and operating behavior in the future. economic This providing of incentives generating and distribution to whether capacity, turmoil regulatory requirements distribution utility though without not can suppliers economically factor provide often and without stimulated in problems, its served has a least at system reducing interest generating for market the evidence of fraction a reliability. has It supplies meet to experience, independent generation needs been major clearly development the seek to that utility's in opportunities PURPA The provide interest economical expand to capacity. to promoting in and enter to growing to most the owned, or competing independent generation suppliers for led also secure to utilities purchased has independent an of a generation market. This the an recent of institution industry regulated made up distribution/transmission been vertically integrated, created QFs does with exf>erience integrated numerous of integrated, just monopoly as the enormous by long term stresses contracts. Vertical our experience with regulated had not not vertically separation has not saved independent natural the gas industry economic conditions after in suppliers is quite still 1984. and, limited regulatory procedures have been applied, has been quite poor. The independent generator little and industry is by dominated on an industry whose primary pieces were linked together from chaos associated with unanticipated changes when bad industry gas is economic turmoil of the 1970s and 1980s would have almost certainly the Furthermore, power electric natural supply that definitively companies generating the if prove course electricity competing Even companies. of not reason to try to stuff it cat back is in. now out Where of the the states bag, however, and have allowed adopt sensible competitive bidding and negotiation systems for NUGs, the I see utilities to results so 73- far have been presence significant continuing bring and producers accommodate both independent they develop potential problems independent FERC, and There is primary regulatory a still accommodate that suppliers a lot efficient inevitable mistakes. well the task movement of generation utilities do to change and rely problems will and state capacity made have a more plenty of effective to progress institutional is to and opportunities on competing state commissions, along regulatory learn from perhaps agencies based Several significant or traditional system raise. room emerge, the many on competing regulatory both to de-integrated a to of federal sensitive is not can perform exclusively to power however, will a will that utilities are, system imperfections the create power comes it feared that There they that independent for distribution for suppliers. electric if for the to the than environment number of a costly of class inevitable is it become have suppliers opportunities environment perspective Perhaps more no The arrangements. how cost suppliers. be will new this industry more up regulatory about and open to independent that power electric a effectively reliability a create questions legitimate the in pressures to Now promising. quite these lines. environment quickly from to the -74- APPENDIX DEFINITIONS OF MAJOR TECHNICAL TERMS The of generation Electricity electricity. by refers electricity produced primarily by transforming mechanical energy into is electric energy This most frequently accomplished by using is pressure turn the turning shaft the in combustion engine may transport generating frequency and which or water Falling and the of electricity refers from generating individual utilities economical system generator. a nuclear fuel to produce high through a turbine to exhausted is in wind (hydro), an or the to use plants with of high internal load to thus coordination serves several of dispersed maintain to AC generating functions; related interconnect centers, another one conductors voltage system reliability generally throughout a synchronized facilitate transmission fossil turn in current electrical also be used to turn the shaft in a generator.*** electricity plants an create to generator. The transmission to shaft a The high pressure steam steam. producing of process physical the to and system, The facilities. not just a facilities used to is it voltage, transportation network. Tlie move electricity where locations of distribution from electricity of points refers and retail to distribution residential, may own all customers (a purchases supply of the fully utility is a commercial, generating or close utility and that voltage transmission industrial collectively as retail customers , can purchase electricity A lower with interconnection commercial, residential, the to is industrial customers, fully integrated authorized supply to customers. A (an unintegrated or partially to electricity at distribution distribution integrated to serve utility) from other suppliers of generation service for some or needs referred from the network. and transmission capacity required to the to lines distribution all or of utility). utility its retail rely its on power When a -75- distribution necessary to as serve to one electricity by of with utilities power wholesale transmission make no utilities own be capacity power may distribution be utility "stand-alone" that they Finally, they may be power the as referred a is defined is the of sale and of (wholesale electricity that distribution that also principle, in distribution the power companies) power suppliers independent as by wholesale (iointlv-owned to of companies owned jointly are which forms They may, . perhaps but different holding utility subsidiaries) which companies organized public and subsidiaries be separate or transactions, several are may They take. subsidiaries wholesale There market generating operate distribution integrated wholesale the in sell other be consummate to subsidiaries provide utilities to public. can generating may own that the to companies they or energy or specifically sales transaction wholesale transaction electricity companies direct wholesale capacity power supply to utility or a "sale-for-resale."*^° wholesale excess party third a purchased this A another utility to Suppliers from customers retail transaction. ^^° wholesale a power purchases utility power provide that . exclusively to unaffiliated distribution utilities.^'* Electricity is (manufacturing, production The site. electricity referred ways. turbine, mining, occurred industrial or internal combustion, hydroelectric opportunities to an (cogeneration) capacity may process also make »ome tales some supplies small power such in or versions of (industrial plants its of plant of all This utility. variety a at its is different ftandard power steam plants) produce electricity and heat jointly for use in or exploit economical industrial firm industrial from a distribution build sites Historically, etc.). accomplished be plant industrial at of an establishment may simply or use internal can It . U.S. companies, purchasing than rather establishments Industrial the commercial self-generation as for the in transportation primarily requirements to produced also . to An industrial a distribution firm with utility. its These own sales generating constitute -76- wholesale defined firms transaction as with making an their and, independent own my using power generating definitions, producer capacity are sales directly to other retail customers.^** when the it generally industrial supplier a utility. precluded by the sells to would be Industrial states from FOOTNOTES Mississippi of ^State Power Company Supreme Court of . Robertson, dissenting, 'Joskow, of Public Process No. p. No. Mississipi, 'Joskow, and Environmental Regulation," Price Utility Decisions "Pricing P.L., Concern: Journal Controversies electric over important the of pieces {wholesale utilities companies, federal the transactions), . rate utilities. had bases, and The second, complete emerged under first, role Justice Change this data period the Federal the . in the Vol. 17, during act the of 1920s were completed the by 'Retail customers commercial (30 of retail % are generally revenues) categories. public authorities, railroads, etc. led two to Power Act of 1935 rate bases value" transactions requirements reporting very (FPA), between development of for Most mid-1950s. holding utility of all electric Public companies reorganizations the utility a with "original Company Act of 1935 (PUHCA), 1930s. holding led that required companies SEC under PUHCA. grouped of retail revenues), time of especially utilities, the public the electric mergers, "fair Bell . of complex and Approach," regulation utility the Public Utility Holding reorganization of this and collection Behavioral Spring 1973, pp. in electric continue to be subject to regulation by the (3% 1989, 4, Structural A Firms: uniform system of accounts, the replacement of a January Law and Economics of regulation during The legislation. increased substantially and structure holding utility Regulated of Management Science Journal of Economics and to 57,740, October 1974, pp. 291-327. 2, cost" Commission and Mississippi Service Public 1. "Inflation P.L., Mississippi v. al. et. into residential industrial The (27 "other" % (40 % of retail category of retail revenues), revenues) and other includes itreet lighting, ^Edison Electric 1988a, Institute, of Yearbook Statistical the Electric Utility lndustrv/1987 . Washington, D.C. (page proofs), Table 56. 'There of are Electric wholly-owned are power wholesale investor-owned New McGraw-Hill, Utilities . that utilities 200 over technically *These municipal Bonneville), and transmission 1930s the in include entities lOU Agencies, of state generation their companies and Agencies and of distribution rely (e.g. TVA of legislation rural and generation cooperative federal electrification areas, passed and Many states. a of on the Federal Power Marketing and generation requirements, jointly-owned reduced substantially. distribution, the Directory consolidating unintegrated and authorities established by the cooperative or after small consequence a subsidize) districts utility lOU's, part or (and as is However, Marketing and cooperative distribution systems public all established facilitate of public variety the to cooperative utilities, entities entities Power Federal the very ignoring companies, the number of independent 1988. holding of subsidiaries and facilities, York, World, Electric utilities. transmission power reselling organizations for purchased from wholesale transactions third parties to retail customers. ^he Power Federal between Act unaffiliated limits utilities (as regulation federal rate defined by the Federal Power Act) and between to corporate subsidiaries of interstate holding companies. ^° Primeaux, Vol. May 51, The Competion: franchises creation exclusive that local a W.J., are The Decline pp. 144-48. 1975, Natural In Electric Primeaux. Mvth Monopoly non-exclusive, technically W. J., While . Competition," Utility economic 1986, in and Land Economics .' Direct many states regulatory Electric Utility electric utility barriers to the of directly competing distribution systems give most incumbents a de facto geographical areas. Franchise exclusivity means franchise retail utility to customer or serve at generate a specific given electricity location himself. must either purchase In a few areas, electricity utilities from the do compete one with service industrial to regulatory State on another the fringes facilities price but sites, competition this discrimination is extend to quite limited. impacts price the limit or areas service established their remote at on restrictions of any of such competition even further. ^' Energy Federal FERC-0049. December, *' Energy Federal A Producers: Commission, Analysis," Office of "FERC Power Pooling of Inouirv 31 FERC some Re Regulation Regulation when or of . Power Bulk of October Policy, Power Independent "Regulating 1987, Economic Coordination 13, 1987, 4-5; pp. FERC Transactions," most reliability transaction" the is between transactions transactions. It term Transmission and Sales-For-Resale Electricity "Coordination 61,376. sense economy that integrated FERC now makes much less is difficult industry generated lOU's are the of value purchases coordination to by whole a as attributable measure to and to other out (primarily utilities short term Calling these sense. For transactions. the that 20% Roughly zero. is so made makes more coordination balance sales transactions sold wholesale sense. Service. It uses. were utilities transactions something like "voluntary contract transactions" probably the States Working Paper, July 1984; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 1985, Notice Staff ^'It United the in 1981. Regulatory Policy W.C., Early, Commission, Regulatory other net of revenue Kwh the lOLTs) in the coordination market. ^*Such dates. contracts often have FERC However, has provisions notice often required termination for utilities to firm or continue to termination provide service regardless of contractual termination provisions. *^The one hand perspective utility of status wholesale they of takes are rate on a requirements treated very customers much regulation and a wholesale requirements utility like is large retail customers obligation supplier's customer On somewhat ambiguous. it is to difficult from serve. to stop the the Once a serving customer even that does utility and customers subject approved tariffs. been has and Raskin, D.B., and are that characterized wholly-owned make companies 19 have for owners. in So, vertically by distribution a group of three operating created Electric — a 1985 Power independent plants is (1988) of are and by which The plants. one on placed generally utilities associated the primarily owned plants by distribution are these of the joint and the remaining companies that was since distribution built to they are is. owned a joint venture between is provide the requirements of uranium enrichment plant owned by the E>epartment of energy. remaining wholesale facilities generating companies (combined capacity 21 two MW) are companies tiny and one is a company through the spinoff of excess generating capacity owned by Tucson Company. wholesale to. In power were more common. they sold power from produced Utilities Nine Six Competitive Power companies utilities. J. A. Federal the of Electric holding jointly-owned turn A In Under companies. utility distribution which own a plant hydroelectric in or Loads Directory between Bouknight, entities. Service generating transmission into One of utilities. utilities these Wholesale World's utilities in distribution take of the nineteen cases the wholesale power companies are integrated Of 1987, pp. power the to fifteen customer 8, affiliated operating a single the FERC in controversy antitrust Customer Wholesale Provide of and a competing contained provisions hand, requirements among around shop other the wholesale serve notice regulatory to which are corporations responsibility For wholesale as with entitlements ongoing Electrical in subsidiaries transactions separate short On term. to principle, generally "Planning The Obligation are in cooperatively-owned . ^®There contract franchise can, of subject the Energy Law Journal Vol. Act," sites, exclusive the to the The terms and conditions under which such shopping can publicly- Environment: facto only and lOU's an customers these suppliers, place have not of conclusion the at the early companies, They history typically generally merged of the created electric to power develop with the distribution industry hydroelectric utilities that *^If utility a owned by separate power wholesale the superficially, transmission service transactions subject '^National the power with Regulatory of them along Commissioners, FERC's authority issue to Association Regulatory of least as sites on navigable amended. Commissioners, Utility On Report . hydroelectric for licenses waterways under the Federal Water Power Act of 1920 '"National At distribution Annual 1986 . for and and state regulatory authority. and Carriers Regulation Washington, D.C., 1988, pp 537-549. ^"Except The utility rates. retail transmission, generation, Utility distribution in be regulation. state the to would subsidiaries the than costs pass to same corporation, maximizes Association between rather assets company framework, then holding a FERC to purchased as integration vertical owned by Utility and commission would be obligated state assets within generation/transmission and distribution subsidiaries corporate would appear prices transfer with organized generation of transfers is Annual Report 1986 , p. 538. '^Technically, the company new files which rates by suspended then are the commission for some period of time. ''The "used and in recent capacity" useful" principle years people have from rates. discussion Schmalensee, Regulation '*Two . with wholesale 1, allow M. a as it W., for rationale "Public this section Regulation For Electric December a use in Supreme Court must to and unusual punishment cruel to excluding "excess Private Rights," Utilities' . follows "Incentive recent commission that Vol. 4, No. tried McConnell, RgRVlation. No. 2, 1988, pp. "The been subject has from Joskow and Utilities," Yale Journal On clear a state regulatory the costs associated 1986, pp. 5-8. decisions utility drawn is to make pass power purchased pursuant it along to a fairly in retail FERC that rates approved wholesale tariff or General of Mississippi, Narragansett 1359, may prices the that however, , determines the that Commission vs. Burke . the be able to disallow it was imprudent County Thornburg are seller & Light See also Supreme Court, 381 A2d commission must assume is, "just and reasonable." of part Power state enter to Co. power costs Public A2d if contract the into 465 1983, commission state Pennsylvania vs. Court, A purchased the purchaser the for Island 1988; 24, (1986). That or all 953 Attorney June 86-1970, U.S. the Moore. Rel. Ex.. No. 476 . Rhode (1977) Commonwealth Pennsylvania . v. 972 (!979). U.S. Mississippi v. Supreme Court, Co. by Pike Co. U.S. . charged place. first 435 Light a!. Light Co. Electric denied. cert, et. & Power Nanatahala & Power Mississippi contract. it in Utility The 735. circumstances under which a state can do so are uncertain. '^ Smvth Ames V. Gas Company Natural U.S. et. al. '^National 429 and Myers, R. of Regulatory mimeo, September, 1987, and S.C. generally 1985, et.al. . "Inflation et. al. v. National et. al. v. Barasch Annual 1986 Report , p. 2., Barasch the references he cites. and Rate-of-Retum U.S. et. al. Association . ^ of Regulatory the transaction Research Regulation," and the references they pp. Under Rate of Return Profitability In cite. January Utility 11, 1989 Commissioners, 1986 Rer>ort. '^The typical approach accounting to Commissioners, Utility "A Note On Etepreciation and '^DuQuesne Light Co. him PuQuesne Light Co. (1944), Hope v. ^(January 11, 1989). Transportation Economics, Vol. Annual Commission Power Federal (1968). p. 461. Regulation," ***See 790 747, U.S. 320 U.S. 591 . Association '^Schmalensee, " 169 . costs sign a to is yield contract to a in structure price that competition is sufficiently with other in such a way as to get attractive third party to the the buyer to get suppliers or internal production that by associates it yield the prices that the buyer "Joskow, Electric and P.L. is by structuring contract the whose accounting plants so costs willing to pay. Schmalensee, Deregulation Utility accomplished be with a mix of generating output the can This buyer. the R., MIT . Markets 1983, survey Press the An Power For literature and Analysis analyze of several "deregulation" scenarios. " Ibid. , pp. 25-78, for a more extensive discussion of monopoly the natural issue. '^Ibid. pp. 59-77. '^Joskow, and P.L. Experience and Rose, N.L., Environmental "The 1985, Regulation on Effects Construction the Generating Units," Rand Journal of Economics . Vol. 16, No. Change, Technological of 1., Cost Coal-Burning of 1-27; Joskow and pp. Schmalensee, Markets For Power pp. 45-58. , *^Joskow and Schmalensee, Markets For Power pp. 59-77. , ^^Ibid.. pp. 62-77. **That is, large most efficient their full vertically organization selection properties to depart from '^Partial but potential, of monopoly form the the for combination and competition production of may suppliers of monopoly imperfect electricity insulated regulation be theoretically lead i£ the they achieve the natural from actual performance this theoretical ideal. of de-integration concentration integrated at mergers. Indeed, systems, combined pricing, may the and transmission expanding with facilitate generation distribution the boundaries of suitable provisions for economical and generation from transmission and distribution. reliable with inconsistent not is levels, horizontal wholesale for control example over transmission de-integration increased of through transmission access ownership and og *°In regard this industry have much the the that natural this number of smaller arrangements cooperative out point with inconsistent is a should I large involving current monopoly multiple story. If integrated vertically have utilities of structure the A utilities. been we would were, it power electric variety introduced to of achieve economies of scale and coordination available from electricity supply technology. There through doubt little is mergers my mind in These lOUs. of that there mergers opportunities are have not to reduce state and Practice: An because occurred costs federal regulation place direct and indirect restrictions on them. *^Joskow, Overview," Joskow R. and P.L. R. Noll, G. Fromm, ed. Studies in P.L., ^^Gollop F. in in Public Regulation . Theory MIT and Press; and Rose, N.L. (forthcoming), "The Effects of Economic Regulation," in Volume 2, Schmalensee and R. Willig, North Holland "Regulation 1981, Press; eds.. Handbook of Organization Industrial Joskow and Schmalensee, Markets For Power . . and Karlson, S.H., "The Impact of Fuel Adjustment Mechanisms On H. Economic Efficiency," Review of Economics and Vo. Statistics . November 60, 1978, pp. 574-584. *'Klevorick, Review," Bell Journal of "Greene, in a W.H., Period Performan ce Publishers, Effectiveness Behavior "The A.K., and Subject . Smiley, Changing of Public R.H., Electric 1984, "The Smiley, Utility Concepts R.H. and Regulation," To Stochastic Regulatory of Regulation . Effectiveness Economic Conditions," Enterprises: Amsterdam; 1983. pp. 65-81. Firms Economics Spring, 1973, pp. of of of in and Utility M. Marchand, Measurement Greene, Resources W.H., and . et.al. Elsevier eds, The Science "Determinants of Energy 5, . Vol. *^Federal Energy Producers," pp. Energy 1987. Regulatory 14-23 and references the A Security: Commission, Report cited To The President done early Department U.S. there; of Power Independent "Regulating United the of Energy, States. DOE/S- 0057, March., pp. 130-160. *®We can work some find For Power electric utility and Schmalensee, Markets for reorganizing the could utilities owning of instead These regulation. into generating carrier" transmission monopoly distributors the current For more Schmalensee, Wholesale and Electricity up subject the distribution of the electric regarding Golub, G. Markets," power compretition "Estimating Rand service power Economics "Incentive Regulation . industry "common interactions between model lies power Vol. in 15, behind Kingdom. United the Concentration of Journal of a wholesale Effective service with This in distribution cost sectors industry in possibilities generation to competitive facilitating the electric competing generating companies. work and R. of Joskow in unintegrated suppliers breaking and explored that that themselves capacity system so unregulated transmission reorganization recent industry (discussed 1960s the as 179-198) pp. envisioned studies generation, separate as , competing on rely being markets see E>eregulated Spring 1984, pp. 12-26. *^Joskow P.L. Yale Journal **There On has and Schmalensee, R., Regulation Volume . also been They have met with little pressure 4, No. exerted success and I 1, by For Electric Utilities," December, 1986, pp. 1-49. industrial customers for retail will not discuss this issue further here, wheeling. citations. **Joskow, "Inflation and Environmental Concern." '"Gollop and Roberts, of Technological Change." "Environment Regulations,", Joskow and Rose, The Effects '^Between and 1960 1973 compound annual the growth of rate in electricity Between 1973 and 1985, the annual compound consumption was 7.3% per year. rate of growth of electricity consumption was 2.5% per year. ''a generating uncertainty thumb its of for a a neighbors construction P.L, and maintain utility modern is periods, P.L., that utility 20%. Since and a is demand reserve capacity uncertain, by the peak nominal on load As equipment outages, unscheduled and interconnected is utility's meet exp>ected peak demands. to maintaining significant generating a high level A very able to margin. with and investments reserve actual are of reliability rough rule of coordinate lumpy, margins have will with long generally this target. "Productivity Growth The Energy Journal Schmalensee, 1, etc. the divided system the scheduled schedules, R, . and Vol. 1987, Generating Units In The United Vol. 2, No. on load between difference the to demands, uncertain be higher or lower than Electricity," peak the construction in that "Joskow, equal is Generating capacity must be built consequence reauires and capacity the system. a margin reserve utility's 8, "The States: Change Technical No. 1, January Performance 1983, of Generation the in 17-38; pp. Coal-Burning 1960-1980," Journal of Applied of Joskow, Electric Econometrics . April 1987, pp. 85-109. "Joskow (1987) '^Joskow, "Inflation and Environmental Concern." **TTiis excludes automatic price increases associated with fuel adjustment clauses. '^Nominal Edison electricity Electric prices Institute. Washington, D.C., 1974. declined Historical continuously Statistics from of at the least 1925 Electric until Utility 1970. See Industry. theory ^*In a if and allows a should equal be implies than means exactly its Due one. to the equity nominal cost of capital, typical a A on ratio tax that greater more than significantly one than less investment its significantly ratio earn to price/book return price/book utility income certain working "perfectly," the price/book is a base rate cost price/book ratio the of normalization utility. earn to A capital. original depreciated a regulation if a expects on mandatory to expected is market the for 1.1 utility of cost that earn to about be that its relies ratemaking purposes, should ratio agency utility for benefits regulatory is less than one cost its of equity capital. utilities Accounting Standards Of commissions. In most particular in utilities are the base rate allowed to or construction (AFUE>C) credits reduce book credits are it is net completed and placed *^he improvements industry as story. As a major rates utilities benefitted contemporary reflect that lower still treatment the after non-cash credits roughly capacity once regulatory costs. as SEC, FERC of allowances called and increase part of the cost of the equity it. state work used These earnings. AFUDC returns. when (and plant in However, funds for equity and book and under construction. some include Financial the construction include to to by of plant expenses interest financial generation declined, interest allowed costs the issued if) in rate base. in whole only interest by permitted are against rules treatment the not and included capitalized is are book during adopted as importance utilities accounting special (FASB) Board jurisdictions progress under operate ^''Regulated again Improved observed consistent with construction programs ended, 1984 utilization regulatory have been financial and increased, lag. quicker health electric resistance prices declined, general inflation app>car, rate universal, utility regulatory fuel require to not is the does It the for is from agencies health abated, however, adjustments however. that to Utilities have incomplete nuclear projects, or have not yet resolved the ratemaking of recently completed nuclear plants, exhibit poor financial performance as do with utilities good with customers self-generation Company Indiana Public Service Association **National amount significant a Gulf and/or capacity excess opportunities. and Utilities States industrial Northern are good examples. Regulatory of of Commissioners, Utility 1986 Annual Report , p. 417. ^'Automatic adjustment fuel of clauses cushioned course the of this "Inflation and effects regulatory lag of course. ^Joskow, Decisions "Pricing Regulated of Joskow, and Firms," Environmental Concern," pp. 305-311. ^Myers *^An "Inflation and Rate of et. al, would alternative have Return Regulation." been some allow to or of all work construction in progress in the rate base. ®^Joskow and Schmalensee, "Incentive Regulation For Electric should *^It under be that assumption the eventually some some abandoned, after 1979 in response demand, and financial construction misleading to construction back out of look were coal expensive only at and oil sunk substantial Mile and delayed nominal nuclear gas appear costs reserve generating fired were or to high Accident, units plants generation, was rather pipeline were had been have taken were that as In Most made. interest abandoned margins. higher in by 1975 were eventually utilities expenditures Roughly 80 coal cither spent expenditures construction Island they that planning/construction the construction difficulties. cycle anything announced by plants Three in substantial substantial the to keep pumping out generating plants just recover were after abandonments involving the that Roughly 100 nuclear incurred. not could they plants cancelled, did utilities that Many power rates. or noted Utilities." in the economically to It cases after declining rates, well. many than place planning is also continued justified meet of short to run capacity The needs. economic calculus significantly. ^ The Investment Prudent of collapse and oil Test natural 1980s the in Regulatory National . changed 1985 after prices gas this Research Columbus, Ohio, April 1985. Institute, ** Federal Energy Regulations Governing Independent Power Producers Commission, Regulatory Notice Re Rulemaking Proposed of Docket No. RM88-4-000, March . 16, 1988, p. 13. Energy ^"Federal Producers," A. Kahn Nuclear 13-21, pp. and Regulatory L. Department The Perl, Historical (mimeo). 1985 Plants," U.S. Power Plant Cancellations," Public ^'McConnell, "Public ''An examination makes utilities plants, of units Council. 1988 D. Bargain Security , and September 1, 154-157, pp. Treatment the "Regulatory et.al. Utilities Fortnightly . capacity generating quite clear. are building that generating Regulatory Hearth, Energy Energy, of Power Independent "Regulating Issues of Nuclear in 1988. Utilities' Private Rights." this utilities Commission, than they Electric that from Aside anything did SuppIv in and is unlicensed generally are the constructed being by nuclear much smaller Electric 1988-1997 For planned incomplete building National past. Demand or or . Reliability Princeton, N.J., October, 1988. "U.S. Department Regulatory Energy Energy, of Commission, "Regulating Security , Independent pp. Power 154-157, Producers," Federal pp. Energy 13-23 and the references they cite. '^Federal Energy Producers," pp. 9-23 Regulatory and Energy Security pp. 154-160. , the Commission, references cited "Regulating there; U.S. Independent Department of Power Energy, Low '^"Unprecedentedly Energy Daily Tripling September . What "NEPOOL Industry 1988, 7, p. Predicted," Margin Capacity Electric Worsening p. 18. ^^(PURPA) Public Law 95-617 (H.R. 4018), . Joskow, "The P.L., Public 19, ^*Parmesano, "The . Ratemaking: Hethie, A Survey," Power Electric P.L. and The Energy Journal •''Not other to Vol. 4, No. . exceed 80 qualifying D., Mw in fuels. 1, the Utility Regulatory . 1986, Chapter 5. "18 CFR 292 17, 1988, p. of 1; E>evelopment," Natural 1978," EPRI EM-5705, March Economics Simple Avoided and Marginal Power Costs November, Associates, Electric (1988) "The Research in 1987; Institute, 1988. of Industrial Cogeneration," January 1983, pp. 1-22. of garbage burners and case There Policy of Energy, "Emerging Issues in 1987, Power Act Policy Research is no restriction cogenerators and several such facilities exceed 300 ^Public From 9, 1978. of Economic Institute Jones, Nature and Role Innovative Rate Design Survey: 1986 ^^Joskow, 6.2% October Small Th^ 1979, pp. 787-809. National Research November Regulatory Utility Autumn Resources Journal Vol. More CEA," U.S. Up Peak Week. Utility Despite Warns Ahead, "Nationwide 4; Coeeneration Report April 22, 1988, " Margins Reserve Electric Act PURPA of on 30 the Mw size in of the case of qualifying Mw. 1978, Section Implementation," 210(d); U^. Department DOE/PE-70404-H1, March, CFR *'18 and statute amount the rule require to American Paper had the authority However, appeal the original individual negotiate be that to the recently equal anticipate that avoided the agency if ruled that mutually a and available rule satisfactory cannot utilities utility's QFs large exact the they In costs. Supreme Court held buying the cost avoided their to the because challenged 402 (1983) the to with were or floor, a ceiling, rules prices U.S. a whether about controversy payments up clearly rules regulatory FERC 461 require to contracts state negotiated. AEP V. as initial pay utilities ongoing cost FERC's pay. Institute been has avoided establish must utilities appeared FERC There 292.101(a)(6). be avoided leverage as contract to could pay FERC than avoided cost by the states (Orange and Rockland Utilities cost. would utilities required that to not more (1988)). "^Conference Report on H.R. 4018, Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act of 1978, H. Rep. No. 1750, 95th Congress, 2nd Session, 1978. *'While PURPA Uncertainty was passed over the key in 1978, late pricing FERC **I would estimate 1989 '^Primarily small NUG not contained provisions resolved until 1983 in American Paper Institute did v. AEP . capacity at roughly 32,000 op. issue in regulations regulations these 1980. until was not cit. MW. hydro plants, wind turbines, and steam plants fueled by wood and municipal waste. **The after and federal 1978, just estimates. government as PURPA The data cleverly stopped was passed. for 1985 and collecting Since then 1986 are data systematic we have had based on to rely on NUGs on surveys comprehensive Electric Institute (EEI) surveys and are consistent with other surveys and estimates. Edison example, *®For it Total 1986. was the was half of what industries and 1981 in used electricity Survey of Manufacturers various American *°North Bailly Coeeneration Report extent the revealed April . assuming an around the more it to integrated and these incentives. building a "l hard it decision reported as figures However, modern also in mask wide in the certainly distortions utilization integration regulation rate almost is it input vertical since state effect through than rather Better plant developments regulatory buy to yourself. to from a the in ubiquitous is there U.S., is not shoul;d be have decade past than party third effect Tliis empirical or buyer costs production. public has market of The supply elasticity, ability of the power, policy extent the buyer of attention, output, elasticity to will the primary subject a power producing The se. is money lose to confused with arising from associated with be price the purchases reducing discriminate, the demand and of the buyer's the input for various theoretical, little which over inputs This restricted. depends on derived concern received has artificially while inefficiencies efficiency that that restriction of about excited terribly get monopsony power per monopsony social The aggregate 13.. p. Base, I>ata . monopsony power. classical the Power Small Demand and Supply 1988 Averch-Johnson an is discussed, generating find utility was only 20% of what than the A-J effect. changed classical 1981 capacity and generation. preceded just I and 1988, firm. have "*As 22, NUG own/buy world between decline to 1986 in Council, Reliability there that the in Primary Metals in Cogeneration interregional differences in '^To continued It metals years. Electric RCG/Hagler, 1971. in primary the Department of Commerce, Census of Manufacturers and Annual U.S. 1971. in was it by generated electricity increases private costs (purchased purchased regulatory the of power) power, the rules and procedures, including restrictions on the use purchases of economical from buyer market power per even of are and cogenerators where or area not are The generating prior sector specific to can suppliers primary obtain barriers were 1978 to power single a wheeling service gain not service access to independent an of and economics unattractive are utility's to development the to resulting which producers within sites power that Monopsony power concerns be small. to believe I purchased of supplies likely procedures. bidding independent for tied independent purchasers. multiple are se important less competitive of regulatory disincentives and barriers. equipment ^''Capacity, risks, timing of capacity additions, except *^Actually, to specify from for FERC's or statute any and rules that "standard negotiation bilateral with willing all is very contract offer" The be OFs, small requires suppliers. to related price fuel costs, etc. contracts initial general a transmission availability, to which on based rules nothing is regulators state original preferred there they seem to utilities purchase anticipate that of specification administrative to force must the in generic contract terms and conditions that a utility must stand ready to buy under. *^While this observation may seem obvious, it many has eluded '^One supplier signing a contract today may offer to regulators. begin deliver in another 1992, in 1995, etc. •* Lets say 1995. I contract for the begin need I can for first sign 100 100 delivery in 100 a MW MW MW contract term capacity in of long today for 100 MW for of capacity to begin delivery in 1993 and deliver 1995 or in I MW 100 1993 more and another can »ign a contract today and wait a couple of years to sign a »ccond contract 1995. There is an option value value must be traded off against the prices offered today. associated in with waiting. to This "PURPA **See generally, U.S. Department of Energy, ^^ Department U.S. Energy 11, Federal Re Administrative March 16., avoided estimating to rates were that commission of delivery, not enthusiasm and estimates Implementation", Chapter only initially that that of some 6. initial ^°^U.S. Department of Energy production On other hand, energy avoided contracts many costs note 12, state capacity time at (Federal negotiation to set Department generating of plenty to This 26. approach taken by Massachusetts, for example. analogy Weitzman, them led U.S. the and regulators state costs. pay "PURPA Implementation", Regulatory Commission "Avoided Cost Rulemaking", ^°^The made mistakes regulators Energy Regulatory Commission, "Avoided Cost Rulemaking," page was the RM88-6-000, No. avoided already capacity Docket . Table Rulemaking Proposed of just of utilities term longer leaving was there that Costs power small reasonable recognized mandated around, The above far Avoided Full cogeneration "PURPA Energy, of and 5.24-5.25 pp. Notice 1988a, The problem was 24. costs. promote legislators of note Implementation", Commission. Regulatory E)etermination 11, p. "PURPA Energy, of Implentation". the to M.L., "Prices price Vs. 635-642, Federal Energy p. 11, note 24. quantities vs. pp. Quantities," Review how FERC should literature Economic of be Studies . obvious. Vol. 41, October, 1974, pp. 477-491. ^°'This appears to between utilities and large entitle 210 of **^It highly in QFs be probably the Stats & retains offer contracts. anticipated The Regulations 1980 contracts do rules Implementing not Section Regs 30,128 and 30,868. to "self-scoring" utility originally QFs would be consummated. standard makes sense structured which larger to PURPA, FERC precisely think bidding of there system considerable being a continuum and a competitive flexibility to evaluate between a negotiation individual very system contracts and various combinations of contracts and Power *°^Houston Lighting and competitive bidding system was uncertain whether of not and quantities negotiate the Maine Power, faced with Central first then competitive "PURPA competing with could country. U.S. to set suppliers. implement the Department of Energy options bid against Implentation," pp. 5.44-5.54. ^^There growing a also is new supply between a standard but allowed them problem, was permitted to the in PURPA, they deals similar a using from resulting supplies under legal best system bidding excess propose to utility first approve the bidding system, in part because not was it the with The Texas Commission did offers. it was deal to internal production. This sources. trend demand, supply, trend allow to is conservation and unfortunate consumer and reflects producer to profound a confusion Joskow, behavior. Paul L. Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Power, Committee on Energy and Commerce, "The House U.S. Role Representatives, of Programs Conservation of Memorandum from Commissioner Least *°^"At Electric in 3 Utility Week Independent Power *°*Klein, B., Appropriable Economics . November . and the "Contract Review . . Duration Vol. 77, 1988, 12; p. Vol. 1. and No. 1, No. 1. Relationship March, 1987, 1985, Si>ecific pp. 5, "Vertical Process," Journal and 168-85; Integration, Law and Long-Term Contracts: of Law. Economics Joskow, 33-80; Investments," Investments of Journal pp. 1988. 1988, p. 17. 1978, Plants," 4, Solicitation," Tripled Units . Integration Spring, Power Va. Week December A., Generating Electric March Charles, Commissioners. in "Utility Contracting "Vertical P.L., FERC Win Stalon, NOPR," Bidding Units Alchian, Competitive Joskow, October; Organization 28, and R. The Case of Coal Burning and Power in Past Year," Electric Utility Crawford, Rents The in and 1988, 31, Charles Stalon to other Independent Utility March American Williamson, O. E., P.L., Economic "Credible Commitments: Using Hostages Support Exchange," American Economic Review to Vol . 73, September, 1983, pp. 519-540. ^''^See Table 9 which I *^°Joskow, "Vertical Adjustment in ^^^As 5£ from purchase third and Contracts," Joskow, "Price Contracts." earlier, significant a is Term Long and Integration Long Term indicated I will discuss presently. think I that problem efficiency when parties unlikely is it reality in party third monopsony that are utilities if supplies more are power qsI obligated economical to than internal production. ^^^National Electric Reliability Council, 1988 SupdIv and E>emand Department "'Massachusetts of Public Appendix D. . 84-276-B D.P.U. Utilities, (October, 1986). ^^^There prices comparable in Adjustment ^^^Note base term long the is case contract the in contracts coal in than prices found Joskow, work; previous I for "Price Contracts", cases several in variance the contract capacity where projects anticipate selling than the project two or more utilities. less is to contracts are not reported because they were not executed in 1987, ^i«Edison . less Long-Term Coal This The other ^^^For In that capacity. Energv significantly is Electric and Capacity Institute, Generation of Non-Utilitv of Sources 1988. Washington, D.C., July, p. 32. example, price one of the plus escalation This escalation the CPI. the escalation provision in has a long provision that projects pricing provision the in power the supply coal term escalates supply contract. contract coal base the contract The gas is has that price mirrored fired a with by facilities with CPl mechanisms are generally supported with adjustment term long gas supply contracts with CPI adjustment provisions. ^^*Joskow, Economics "Price P.L., . Long Term Vol. Adjustment April 21, Long Term in 1988, pp. Contracts: Further Evidence Joskow, ; Adjustment "Price P.L., From Coal Markets," mimeo, Law and of Journal Contracts," in 1988. ***Joskow and Schmalensee, Markets For Power pp. 109-127. , ^'"Massachusetts Company, Electric Experiment 1988 Report," Westborough, Findings," and Barker ^''Temple, December MA, Survey: Facilities Energy pp. of 11, 1988, p. 73. . Producers", Results 1987. "'"Edison Small Power Plans Dim," The Boston Globe December ^"Federal Negotiation-Bidding March, 1988. "Qualifying Sloane, Energy "Alternative Commission, Regulatory 18-21, U.S. Independent "Regulating Department of Energy, Energy Security , Power pp 154-160 and the references they cite. "*"FERC OKAYS Ocean Electric Week Utility 61,140 (1987) and 44 *'^"PG&E, Bechtel Report January . ^'^Federal 1, January FERC Form Plant 19, in 1987, R.L Where Investors page 1; Ocean Will State Bear Full Power 38 Risk," FERC 61,261 (1988). Joint Venture For Independent Projects," Coeeneration Governing Independent 1988, page 12. Energy Power Producers," . State Regulatory p. 6. Commission, "Regulations ^'^ PURPA has Although distribution exclusive geographical generation what accounting its supplemental supplier where food chemicals, increasingly accounting cogeneration is above affected the Development and 1987, Electric Cogeneration November Retention," Week Utilitv Deferral . Contracts Cogeneration Electric Utilitv *'' White, and and January 5, Projects Week. December W.S. Technical Federal special avoided "New NRRI Rates now have accounting I>esigned Quarterly Bulletin paper, has traditional rates become of cost with Vol. service the Economic No. 8, or quite serving Encourage to . and the associated cost industries incentive called average the self-generation below rates of and from In (pulp of rates deferral the backup production feasible sometime are regardless supplies. threat self- April 2, November With 18, "PG&E, 1988; California PUC," Ed Socal Electric Utilitv File Week . 18, 1988. *'*Texas 1, see, the etc.) below or the of cost non-discriminatory of supplying reduce the costs of to excess facto 227-239; "Florida Okays Second Cogeneration Deferral Agreement For Gulf pp. Power," is helped has economically These example For Load and from charge can utility value offer rate a process. de to customers purchase to market to marginal utilities customers. and pursuant "stand-alone" provide to Cogeneration rates. discount the The ratemaking retail keep PURPA be. the service what on refining, oil service. deferral While routine. the utilities of cost to technically processing, on cannot they cogeneration is forced retail utilities reflecting cogeneration provide bound happen for rate effects self-generation. requiring service a at — upper costs by self-generation indirect franchises, natural a is utilities themselves for electricity more had also G.S. Historical 1989, Energy pp. Said to Have 95.7% Availability Factor," 12. 1988, p. 12. Vassell, Electricity "U.S. Background," Public Supply Utilities At A Fortnightly Crossroads— The . Vo. 123, No. 9-14 and "U^. Electricity Supply At The Crtossroads— The Regulatory Commission Proposals," Public Utilities Fortnightly . Vol. 123. No. 2. January 13. 1989, pp. 9-13. ^'^Where tended on rely to and generation only transmission term long requirements with contracts power bulk single a have systems distribution integrated, are supplier. ^"Forced AT&T reorganization of that realistic a is it constraints, that transactions corporate transfers primarily reflects regulators, rather regulation, it there subject over are legislation involving complexities. one firm. constraint real have turf Any Structural many complex done be not change was in industry this feel would be internal constraint and federal of state vs. federal also only one AT&T; an ratemaking, antitrust most is federal require financial, through they this would reorganization other state quality There indeed. with could It the in general deal to While between battle Among than rather jurisdiction. state think which costs jurisdiction differences real lOUs. 100 would and regulatory very a to any than is FERC to not because generation the la do I further. it restructuring over a utilities. However, discuss vertical bureaucratic a not jurisdiction subject electric possibility. a will oppose regulatory wholesale and possibility lose existing principle, in is, regulators state would they of disintegration vertical and settlement likely to take place on the margin. ^'^ Privatising For Energy, London, ^^ Acton, J.P. Exchange of Exi>eriment . ^'^Federal Eilill£. Presented Electricity . and HMSO, Parliament S.M., First Regulation. Year Results Efficiency From Rand Corporation, Report R-3301-DOE, Energy by of the Secretary and Comt>etition State February 1988. Besen, Electricity: to Regulatory Commission, Docket No. ER87-97-000, March Order 12, 1987. the FERC Santa Monica, Accepting Bulk CA, Power in the Market 1985. Exi>erimental Rates For ^'^"Participants Claiming Electric Utility Week October "6pace, No. 1987, 2, and "^ Pacific District ): Gas Frame, TRG Access Etebate Rationally." and . The Commission California Contract" with Pacific completed Diablo to competitive this 30, structured self-scoring provide "resources." planning regulatory are 1988. This process." review. additional bidding All of The would proposed Commission be require system from rules Regulatory of Mass DPU utilities to be of integrated subject seem to would that types all to proposed a extensive me to Order develop be used be supply with a and "all 86-36-F, a highly to solicit conservation complex and new time extremely "least cost consuming ill-advised. an unfortunate example of the aggegation of a couple of good ideas with some bad administrative procedures, with ^*°Report would would system "regulatory power produced by of Association framework; bidding supplies this National 1988. 12, non-traditional pricing the May 86-36-C, a into plant. regulatory competitive Irrigation 9, 1989, pp. 3-6. proposal TTiis Transmission (Modesto (1988) D.P.U. Massachusetts the solicitation" November to order, 8, Washington, D.C., 1987. 61,010 governing nuclear the Vol. . 61,403 (1988) entered Electric Canyon NERA, 1, Utilities, recently . source They Public Commissioners, Bulletin January ^''Subsequent bids of & Gas Experiment," Journal "Approaching J, FERC 44 . FERC Turlock Irrigation District 43 Department Utility Working Paper No. Law Energy Serve," to and Pace, R. Company Electric ^^Massachusetts the Obligation the 265-302; pp. Bulk-Power 24, 1988, p. 14. . "Wheeling J., WSPP with Satisfaction the latter dominating. To The Governor Findings and Recommendation of Market Based Pricing of Electricity. November, 1987. the Task Force on New **'The New The requires Task Jersey Jersey Commission Unfortunately capacity. does proposal did introduce to utilities Force enter recently competitive a the not chose state to into settlement a on rely to be system bidding agreement new for highly a anywhere. going appear that generating structured self- scoring bidding system. **'; Laffont, Journal of J. and J. Economy Political "Using Tirole, J. Vol. . 94, Cost 1986, To Observations p. Regulate and 614; Joskow of Proposed Firms," Schmalensee, "Incentive Regulation." '*' Federal Energy Regulations Governing Energy Federal Commission, Regulatory Programs Bidding Notice Docket . Commission, Regulatory Rulemaking RM88-5-OO0, March No. Governing Rules Re 16,1988; Administrative Determination of Avoided Costs. Energy ^^^Federal Producers The September Hearings 1, on the FERC Shook 1988, pp. 29-32; "NARUC Electricity Panel NOPRs" and "Future FERC Electricity Strategy Week FERC Electricity . 1988, p. Initiative Urge Policy Panel FERC Strategy "NARUC Congress," Not to Seeks 'Rush to Not to Power Fortnightly Utilities Seeks . Congressional Uncertain," Electric Representative Provides Views on NARUC 'Rush Bulletin . Judgement' to September On 19, Electricity 26, 1988. Congressional Uncertain," Representative NARUC "NARUC Congress," FERC . Electricity To Urge Week September Electricity 15; To Public Electricity," 15; p. Initiative "Senators Electric Utility FERC of September 26, 1988, 15-18; pp. '**"NARUC of Governing Independent Regulations Year Utility NOPRs," Commission, . "^"1988: 1988, Regulatory Electric Provides Bulletin . Judgement' September On Utility Views on 19, Electricity NOPRs" and on Hearings Week FERC 1988, . "Future September Electricity pp. NOPRs," 15-18; 26, Policy "Senators Elf ffic Utility Week September 26, 1988. . "^The Public federal regulatory generation are of barrier a paper. this Energy lines envisioned of Statement of Securities Exchange and (PUHCA) 1935 competitive a by FERC. Catherine and of of problems the Commission, Regulatory attachments). development discussion See Act the to market along the complex and Company Holding Utility that Cook C. Statement (with are Before the ***See "Interutility produced ^^''The Federal agency which ^^*This does have been ^^^Except Power Bulk DOE/EIA-0418, October Smythe ways, (with Subcommittee House 14, 1988. also. Energy Transactions," Information Administration, 1983. power defines act sells electrical not in other Federal attachments). on Energy and Power of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, September **^Electricity can be PUHCA beyond the scope Marianne of Commission, non-QF independent The provisions of creates it another creates exhaust an "electric energy. the list utility" as any person or state ^ of possible ownership and organization forms that utilized. perhaps to an adjacent establishment without running wires across municipal rights of way. if the sale can be accomplished TABLE 1 GROWTH IN WHOUESALE POWER TRANSACTIONS 4. TRANSACTION GROWTH 1973-85 1985-86 Short term interchange 60% -21% Longer term 56% + 2% Canada 270% -12% wheeling 290% -32% Purchases From NUGs 318% +AA% •n'PE OF Contracts *************************************************************** Total sales to ultimate customers 32% +2.0% TABLE 2 AVERAGE NOMINAL CCMISTRUCTION COST OF NUCLEAR UNITS 1968-1987 Period Units Entered Service Nominal Cost 1966-71 161 1972-73 217 $ Per Kv 197A-75 1976-78 623 1979-8A 1,3-3 1985 2.466 1986 2,765 1967 (est) 3,776 Source: Nuclear Power Plant Construction Activity Energy Information Administration, 1987. . U.S. Department of Energy, TARTF 3 ELECmiC UnLTIY FDWCIAL FERFOaWaf*^ 1560-1987 YIELD CNNEW yEm POE Um^PEBT PIPJ-IKINGE HacEywTK RAno % EAFNDCS AFIDC iNnREsrr OVEIV^ fK ARDC> I960 10.20% 4.72% 5.48% 1.73 6.55% 5.11 1%1 1%2 10.30 5.58 2.15 5.77 5.D 10.70 4.72 4.40 6.30 2.06 5.07 5.22 1963 196A 10.80 4.40 6.40 2.22 3.61 5.23 11.10 4.55 6.55 2.22 4.07 5.20 1965 11.70 4.61 7.09 2.31 1966 12.10 5.53 6.57 1.97 5.18 4.97 1967 12.20 6.07 11.50 11.40 6.80 6.13 4.70 1.98 1968 7.98 3.42 1.70 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 10.80 8.79 2.01 10.80 7.72 3.08 1.59 1.48 11.00 10.50 7.50 3.50 1.34 7.91 2.59 1.10 10.40 9.59 0.81 1.15 10.30 9.97 0.33 1.06 1976 10.60 8.92 1.68 0.93 1977 11.00 8.43 2.57 0.61 1978 1979 10.70 11.00 10.70 9.30 1.40 10.85 13.46 0.15 -2.76 1981 1982 1983 1984 12.40 16.31 -3.91 0.64 0.74 0.65 0.68 4.56 5.40 7.80 10.19 13.87 21.48 26.33 30.27 31.92 35.91 34.23 31.53 29.40 37.37 46.82 56.01 52.85 1.95 U.20 14.93 -1.73 56.06 1.92 14.30 1.60 0.65 0.84 51.35 46.99 2.57 14.90 12.70 14.25 0.77 0.89 1985 1986 14.40 11.83 2.57 0.99 2.79 14.50 9.61 4.89 1.23 1987 12.70 9.75 2.95 1.18 42.70 32.33 30.39 1969 1980 *^kxxJy's 24 Utility Average Moody's Public Utility Marual (Bite Sheets) 2.02 4.49 4.06 3.50 2.69 2.53 2.58 2.41 2.16 2.20 2.41 2.54 2.53 2.09 1.89 2.67 3.32 3.08 TABLE A NON -T7TILITY GENERATION (NUG) 1966-1986 NUG GENERATING CAPACITY YEAR (MW^ 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 18.973 18,933 19.123 19.257 19,237 19.297 18,768 19.377 19.351 19.177 19.113 19,245 19.391 17,436 17,323 17.142 16.938 16,765 17,371 22,920 25,321 NUG AS % TOTAL U.S. CAPACITY 7.11% 6.57 6.17 5.79 5.34 4.97 4.50 4.22 3.91 3.63 3.47 3.32 3.24 2.83 2.75 2.63 2.54 2.48 2.52 3.22 3.45 NUG GENERATION (mu) 105,094 102,935 106.586 110.575 108,162 103,239 104.508 102.529 101,572 85,362 87,084 87,575 78,967 71,375 67,945 64,446 61,076 57,678 71,520 94,925 112.008 Source: Edison Electric Institute (1988a, 1988b) NUG SALES TO UTILITIES (KWHI 2,837 5,079 3.560 5,372 5,722 5,744 6,267 6,768 6,617 6,022 4.678 4,032 6,670 6,034 7,576 8,401 12,004 15,649 19,395 28,300 40,719 TABLE 5 NUG CAPACITY: ADDITIONS AND RETIREKENTS 1979-1986 (MW) 1979 NUG Capacity: 17.878 Cogeneration: Small Power Production: Other Industrial Plants: 2. Apparent Retirements (1979-1986) 10.538 730 6.610 Cogeneration: Small Power Production: Other Industrial Plants: 3. Net Pre-PURPA Capacity 1986: 2.18A 46 5.025 10.624 Cogeneration: Small Power Production: Other Industrial Plants: A. Post-PURPA Additions (1979-86) Total NUG Capacity 1986 Cogeneration: Small Power Production: Other Industrial Plants: (note #1) 8.354 684 1.585 14,697 Cogeneration: Small Power Production: Other Industrial Plants 5. (note *1) 7.255 (note «1) 10,093 3,156 334 25,321 18,448 4,953 1,920 note #1: assxunes non- identified capacity is post-PURPA capacity Source: Edison Electric Institute (1988b) TABLE 6 SELECTED UTILITY COMPETITIVE BIDDING/NEGOTIATION PROGRAMS Mw of Capacity Requested Bids Received Utility (KV) Central Maine Power (1987 solicitation) 200 1 Sierra Pacific (Nevada) 125 2 ,800 New England Power 200 4 ,729 1,750 14 ,000 30 180 Virginia Power Eastern Edison (Mass.) Boston Edison (first) (second) (MW) ,444 200 400 2 ,053 (in progress ) Green Mountain Power (Vermont) 114 806 Jersey Central P&L 180 (in progress ) Delmarva P&L (Delaware) 200 (in progress ) Orange & Rockland Utilities 100 (in progress Long Island Lighting 300 (in progress) Source: Trade Press Reports ) TABLE 7 QF CONTRACTS SIGNED BY MASSACHUSETTS UTILITIES 1987 CONTRACT # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Real Expected Levelized Price (cents/kWh-MECO Aseuiup) Real Expected Levelized Price CcentsAWh-BECO 4.40 4.48 4.52 4.58 4.68 4.69 4.71 4.71 4.82 4.93 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.12 5.12 5.25 5.83 5.92 5.93 5.94 6.07 6.75 Source: Massachusetts Electric Company (1988) 6.92 4.43 5.75 6.44 5.93 4.75 5.84 4.57 5.06 5.66 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.88 5.97 5.73 5.94 6.14 6.87 Assumt)') CAPACITY (MV) 38.0 2.5 40.0 47.0 25.0 12.0 46.0 68.0 2.4 100.0 24.5 10.0 3.3 3.3 11.3 11.3 7.4 24.0 81.0 200.0 25.0 40.0 34.0 TABLE 8 1987 MASSACHUSETTS OF COWTRACT CHARACTERISTICS Contract Contract # Capacity (MW) Project Capacity KU Duration Price (Years) Wheelina Fuel Escalators 1 38.0 38.0 25 yes 2 2.5 2.5 20 no 3 40.0 80.0 15 yes gas CPl, gas, pipeline 1, 47.0 47.0 20 yes gas fixed esc, fuel cost 5 25.0 156.0 20 yes gas CPI, gas, coal, oil, pipeline 6 12.0 12.0 20 no 46.0 46.0 20 8 68.0 300.0 20 yes 9 2.4 2.4 20 no 10 100.0 156.0 20 yes gas CPI, gas, coat, oil, pipeline 11 24.5 24.5 20 yes gas CP! 12 10.0 10.0 20 yes gas CPI 13 3.3 3,3 20 yes gas CPI 14 3.3 3.3 20 yes gas CPI 15 11.3 11.3 25 no refuse CPI 16 11.3 11.3 25 no refuse CPI 17 7.4 7.4 20 yes refuse fixed \t 24.0 48.0 19 81.0 180.0 30 20 200.0 200.0 21 25.0 22 23 Source: (abandoned) gas CNP, oil waste 3X/year landfil CPI gas CPI, gas, coal, oil, pipeline gas fixed esc. ('92); 7.5X/year landfill gas CPI, oil esc, CPI no coal CPI, CMP yes coal CPI, GNP n/a no coal CPI, coal, rail 25.0 20 no watte Mood fUad aac, 40.0 40.0 25 no refuse CPI 34.0 34.0 n/a no coal CNP Plassachusetts Electric Ccapany (19B8> avoided cost FIGURE 1 CLASSICAL lOU Wholesale Requirements Customers Retail Customers A Distribution Transmission Generation Reliability Short Term Economy FIGURE 2 EVOLVING lOU Retail t Reliability Short Term Economy Captive Wholesale lOU Contract Firm A A IPP .. ..J ^- ; ___/^ C-*''^ ' <! \ -f 2 1 \ r^' J. "^ r CD 9 c \ r^ L 00 o CO 2 O O o CO O < s UJ o LJ 2 < O O <E3 <E3 <E3 <E3 <E3 <E3 (TUB uo|n!UJ/«ju*0) 3Diad V- in (O 2 or < UJ >- 00 00 3 4J cs c u w u •H 0) w c o n »-i •o w CM ^ o 'T o CO n o CO o O 'T n o CvJ n o n o CO fS o n o NlOUV»N 3AU3S3d ^ CM o CNJ «W o d S d S9 d u u g en eo CO < CO or < UJ 9 CO UJ oc oc 3 n c u V •—I < o in (MM>i/«iu»D) aowd CD CO 2 < CO k o CO W o 2 Ll! 9 CO llJ 00 CO 3 4J CO c 2 (J .-I U3 UJ c < c o cc u CM WMx/»>u»D) aoiad o co en 1/5 CD 2 (/) UJ 00 o CO < LU (^ u < o UJ 05 CO o UJ cr UJ m I- r^ < UJ CO >CO S 3 O o O CO < 5 Vi tUJ CO 2 c CI. n u o> h- (D U) ^ n pszHcnuuv •uoimg $ 04 => o (A < O O CD \ LU O on a: < 00 >- o o 0) CO > < ST o o o u u K CD d 6 d d O) amvA xooQ/aoittd >ioois eo g t/3 o a o bJ Z a < < LU >- o a: o UJ o 01 •c 3 t/5 3 c 6. u u M %aou t 1 FIGURE 10 PRICES VS. QUANTITIES S2 tn in oo T3 O) ^2 D i-i O ^^ ^^ > <: UJ d^^^^^^ P 1 >' 4-j • r— 1— ^^3 •r-t Q Purchases from QFs Figure 3 1951-1970, Edison Electric Institute, Historical Statistics of the Electric Utility Industry To 1970 Washington, D.C. 197A; 1971-1986, Edison Electric Institute, Statistical Yearbook Of the Electric Utility Industry 1986 Washington, D.C. 1987; 1987 (gas and coal). Statistical Yearbook Of the Electric Utility Industry 1987 Washington, D.C. 1988; 1987 (oil) estimated. . . . Figure A The average U.S. reserve margin is computed as the difference between the generating capability at the time of summer peak load and the non-coincident summer peak load divided by the non-coincident summer peak load. Edison Electric Institute, 1987 Statistical Yearbook p. 14 (1967-1987) and Historical Statistics of the Electric Utiluty Industry to 1970 p. 20. , . ngure ^ Edison Electric Institute, 1987 Statistical Yearbook Figure , p. 74, Table 64. 6 Data in Figure Figure 5 Adjusted by the GNP Deflator (1982 - 100). 7 Standard and Poor's Industry Studies (Electric Utilities), various years. Figure Table Figure 8 3 9 Standard and Poor's Industry Studies (Electric Utilities), various years Sources For Tabler and Figures Table 1 Computed from U.S. Department of Energy, Financial Statistics of Selected Electric Utilities 1986 DOE/EIA-0437 Washington, D.C., various years. , . Table 2 Nuclear Power Plant Construction Activity Information Administration, 1987, page 10. . Table U.S. Department of Energy, Energy 3 Computed From Moody's Public Utility Manual (1988) (Blue Sheets) for Noddy's 24 Utility Average. Book values exclude deferred taxes. Table 4 j Source: Edison Electric Institute, Statistical Yearbook of the Electric Utility Industry 1987 Washington, D.C. December 1988, p. 7 and p. 16. ; . T^b;e 5 Source: Edison Electric Institute, 1985 Capacity and Generation of Non-Utility Sources Washington, D.C, July 1988, pp. 13-14 . Table 6 Trade Press Reports Table 7 Massachusetts Electric Company, Alternative Energy Nepotiation-Bldding Experiment: 1988 Report Westborough, MA, March 1988, pages 41 and 43. . i Table 8 Massachusetts Electric Company, Alternative Energy Negotiation-Bidding Experiment: 1988 Report Westboroigh, MA, March 1988, pages 10 and 41-69, . 6 6 U ^ / "" ^\°.1n"i!mi Il-r^ -'(M-e^ Date Due ^^M 2193^ %|f 21^^ f. fern. 4 (Mi DUE 1 9 1991 m ! 8 ^5S8 DUE MAR 2 U «rj !5y m Lib-26-67 BARCODE ON NEXT TOUST PAGE