M.I.T. LIBRARIES - DEWEY DEWEY; ?> working paper department of economics A LIQUIDITY BASED ASSET PRICING MODEL Bengt R. Holmstrom Jean Tirole June, 1998 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS A LIQUIDITY BASED ASSET PRICING MODEL Bengt R. Holmstrom Jean Tirole No. 98-08 June, 1998 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 02142 50 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SEP 1 6 1998 LIBRARIES LAPM: A Liquidity-based Asset Pricing Model" Bengt Holmstrom^ April 6, Jean Tirole* 1998 Abstract CAPM The intertemporal predicts that an asset's price is equal to the expectation of the product of the asset's payoff and a representative consumer's intertemporal marginal rate of substitution. This paper develops an alternative approach to asset pricing based on industrial and financial corporations' desire to hoard liquidity to fulfill future cash needs. Our corporate finance approach to market finance suggests new determinants of asset prices such as the distribution of wealth within the corporate and between the corporate sector and the consumers. Also, leveradequacy requirements, and the composition of savings affect the corporate demand for liquid assets and thereby interest rates. The paper first sets up a general model of corporate demand for liquid assets, and obtains an explicit formula for the associated liquidity premia. It then derives some implications of corporate liquidity demand for the equity premium puzzle, for the yield curve, and for the state-contingent volatility of asset prices. Finally, the paper looks at some macroeconomic implications of the theory. It shows that government may be able to boost aggregate liquidity and enhance economic efficiency by promoting job and asset price stability. On the liability side, long-term deposits and equity investments, which depend on the consumers' endogesector age ratios, capital nously determined liquidity needs, contribute to creating a feedback effect between employment prospects and equity-like investments. On the asset side, orderly sales of real estate by liquidity-squeezed institutions may generate a Pareto improvement. 'The authors are grateful to Olivier Blanchard, Seven Busar, Mathias Dewatripont, DouDiamond, Peter Diamond, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Jean-Charles Rochet, Stephen Ross, Jeremy Stein and Xavier Vives for helpful discussions. This research was supported by a glas grant from the National Science Foundation. 'MIT, Department of Economics 'IDEI and GREMAQ (CNRS UMR 5604), Toulouse, MIT CERAS (CNRS URA 2036), and Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/liquiditybasedasOOholm Introduction 1 (CAPM, Starting with the capital asset pricing model derived by Sharpe 1964, Lintner 1965 and Mossin 1966), market finance has emphasized the role of consumers' time preference and risk aversion in the determination of asset The prices. intertemporal consumption-based asset pricing model binstein 1976, Lucas 1978, Breeden 1979, Harrison-Kreps 1979, Hansen-Jagannathan 1991) predicts that an Cox asset's current price is (e.g., et al. Ru- 1985, equal to the expectation, conditioned on current information, of the product of the asset's payoff and a representative consumer's intertemporal marginal rate of substitution (IMRS). While fundamental, this dominant paradigm for pricing assets has some well-recognized shortcomings (see below), and there is clearly scope and complementary approaches. This paper begins developing for alternative one such approach based on aggregate liquidity considerations. 1 Our starting point is that the productive and financial spheres of the econ- omy have autonomous demands for for financial assets and that their valuations these assets are often disconnected from the representative consumer's. Cor- porate demand order to fulfill for financial assets is future cash needs. driven by the desire to hoard liquidity in In contrast to the logic of traditional asset pricing models based on perfect markets, corporations are unable to raise funds on the capital market up to the level of their expected income, and hence the corporate sector will use financial assets as a cushion against liquidity shocks (Holmstrbm-Tirole, 1996, 1998). will command There is liquidity premia. Financial assets that can serve as cushions 2 substantial evidence that firms and banks hold liquid assets as a partial or full guarantee of future credit availability (see, e.g., Crane 1973 and Harrington 1987). Companies protect themselves against future credit rationing by holding securities and, especially, by securing credit lines and loan commitments with banks and other financial institutions. Lines of credit cover working and back up commercial paper sales. Commitments provide longterm insurance through revolving credits, which often have an option that allows the company to convert the credit into a term loan at maturity, and through back-up facilities that protect a firm against the risk of being unable to roll over its outstanding commercial paper. Companies pay a price for these insurance services through upfront commitment fees and costly requirements to maintain capital needs 'Liquidity in this paper does not refer to the ease with which assets can be resold. While transaction costs (stamp duties, brokerage fees, bid-ask spread) have an important impact on the pricing of individual assets, their implications for aggregate liquidity have not yet been elucidated. 2 This theme and other close relates to Hicks' notion of "liquidity preference" for substitutes. He monetary instruments defines "reserve assets" as assets that are held to facilitate in economic conditions and thus not only for their yield. For an on the developments following Keynes (1930)'s and Hicks' contributions to liquidity preference, see the entries by A. Cramp and C. Panico in the New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance. adjustments to changes historical perspective compensatory balances. Turning to the supply side, the provision of liquidity is a key activity of the banking sector. Banks occur a nonnegligible credit risk, as the financial condition of companies may deteriorate by the time they utilize their credit facilities. Furthermore, the rate of utilization of credit substantially over time) increase when money to meet demand. events. On is is facilities 3 not independent across time. tight, forcing banks to scramble (which varies Credit use tends to for liquidity in order Banks themselves purchase insurance against unfavorable the asset side, they hoard low-yielding securities such as Treasury notes and high-grade corporate securities. On the liability side, they issue long- term securities to avoid relying too much on short-term retail deposits. Within the banking sector, liquidity needs are managed through extensive interbank funds markets. A corporate finance approach to asset pricing has several potential bene- it enlarges the set of determinants of asset prices. In contrast to consumption-based asset pricing models, in which the net supply of financial assets is irrelevant for asset prices because they are determined exclusively by real variables, our model features a feedback effect from the supply of assets to the real allocations. The corporate sector is not a veil and the distribution of wealth within the corporate sector, and between the corporate sector and the consumer sector matters; in particular, the capital adequacy requirements imposed on banks, insurance companies and securities firms, and the current First, fits. and nonfinancial institutions affect corporate demand for and thereby asset prices. Second, government influences the aggregate amount of liquidity through interventions such as open market operations, discounting, prudential rules and deposit insurance (see Stein 1996) and this impacts liquidity premia and asset prices. Consumption-based asset pricing leverage of financial financial assets models, provided they exhibit a form of Ricardian equivalence, have little to say about the impact of such policies. Because the consumption-based asset pricing model is entirely driven by consumers' intertemporal marginal rates of substitution (IMRS), it has several empirical limitations. 4 First, it tends to underpredict both equity premia (see, 5 e.g., Mehra-Prescott 1985) and Treasury bill discounts. Second, changes in Calomiris (1989) argues on the basis of a survey of US market participants that the Central is sometimes forced to inject market liquidity during credit crises because of bank loan Bank commitments. We view these complement it with 5 facts less as critiques of the theory As Aiyagari-Gertler (1991) note, "reasonably parametrized versions [of the intertemporal asset pricing model] tend to predict too low a risk and do not account than as indicators of the need to liquidity considerations. premium and too high a risk-free rate," annual real return on stocks and 1 percent secular average return on Treasury bills. A number of papers have used nonseparable preferences to address the equity premium puzzle (with mixed success; see Ferson 1995 and Shiller 1989 for reviews), while the other puzzle — the low risk-free rate — has been largely ignored as pointed out by Weil (1989) and Aiyagari-Gertler. for the 7 percent secular average marginal rates of substitution (discount rates) induce asset prices to covary. Shiller (1989, p. 346-8) notes, "prices of other speculative assets, such as bonds, land, or housing, do not show movements that correspond very much But as at all to movements in stock prices." Third, the consumption-based asset pricing model does not properly account for to the facts that the yield curve medium term is on average upward sloping bonds), that government intervention affects that long-term bonds feature substantial price volatility (see, often argued that the term premium up and (at least its slope, e.g., Shiller 1989, from the price risk of long-term bonds. However, this argument is not supported by a complete market model like CAPM, because price risk per se only entails a reshuffling of wealth among investors and involves no aggregate risk that would deliver a chapter 12.) It is results premium. Fourth, the consumption-based asset pricing model has not guided the im- portant advances ARCH in Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) models. 6 models and their generalizations allow the covariance matrix of inno- vations to be state-contingent in order to reflect observations by Mandelbrot Fama (1965) and Black (1976) that variances and covariances of asset change through time and that volatility tends to be clustered across time (1963), prices and across A assets. proper treatment of these empirical discrepancies of the consumption- based asset pricing model lies outside the limited scope of this exploratory paper. Let us briefly indicate though how the liquidity approach could help to bridge the gap between theory and empirics. First, concerning the equity premium puzzle we find that Treasuries and other high-grade securities offer better insurance against shortfalls in corporate earnings and other liquidity needs than do stocks. To highlight this point, we assume that consumers are risk neutral, so that stocks and bonds would trade at par in the standard model; yet in our model bonds command a liquidity premium and trade at a discount relative to stocks. Second, by assuming risk-neutral consumers, we eliminate consumer IMRS's as drivers of asset price movements. Instead prices will be responding to changes in corporate IMRS's, which in turn are influenced by corporate demand for For instance, unlike liquidity. The theoretical implications are different. the consumption CAPM, our model implies that an increase in the supply of In liquidity drives bond prices down at the same time as stock prices go up. empirical work, we also believe that the corporate sector may offer a better measure of changes in the marginal purchaser's IMRS than do corresponding attempts to study partial participation among consumers. (For a recent effort, deliberately alike see Vissing-Jorgensen, 1997). 6 See, e.g., BoUerslev et al. (1992), Engle et al. (1990) and Ghysels-Harvey-Renault (1996). methods, though, have been used on an ad hoc basis (for example by allowing the betas in a CAPM model to change over time) in order to improve the fit of the intertemporal asset pricing model. ARCH Third, in our model the yield curve maturities as liquidity buffers, assets and by the anticipated and is is determined by the value of various by the availability of other also affected institutional liquidity needs. This generates richer patterns for the yield curve than in a consumption-based theory. is state contingent and exhibits serial Under some conditions, the price volatility of fixed-income securities Fourth, in our model price volatility correlation. covaries negatively with the price level (as Black 1976 notes, volatilities, which covary across assets, go up when stock prices go down.) income securities embody an option-like liquidity service. probability of a liquidity shortage, the option will be sensitive to news about the shortage is future. is "in When Intuitively, fixed- When there the money" and is a high its price the probability of liquidity sufficiently low, the price of the option goes to zero and will not respond much to news. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 illustrates the determination of premia through a simple example. Section 3 sets up a general model of corporate liquidity demand. This model shows how departures from the ArrowDebreu paradigm generates liquidity premia. Sections 4 and 5 demonstrate that the liquidity approach delivers interesting insights for the volatility of asset prices and for the yield curve. The final section 6 studies two examples with endogenous date-1 asset prices to illustrate the possibility of multiple equilibria and the role that policy measures can play in ensuring that the better equilibrium gets selected. The first example (section 6.1) suggests that unemployment insurance can provide liquidity that supports long-term investments. The second example (section 6.2) illustrates the problem with real assets as sources of liquidity: such assets have a low value precisely when the aggregate need for liquidity liquidity 2 is high. Liquidity premium: an example There are three periods, = and a continuum (of mass 1) of one project. Entrepreneurs are risk neutral and do not discount the future. They have no endowment at date and must turn to investors in order to defray the fixed date-0 set up cost, /, of their project. At date 1, the project generates a random verifiable income x. The realization of x is the same for all entrepreneurs and so there is aggregate uncertainty. The distribution G(x) of x is continuous on [0,oo), with density g(x) and a mean greater than /. At date 1, the firm reinvests a monetary amount y > 0, which at date 2 t 0,1,2, one good, identical entrepreneurs, each with generates a private benefit by — 2 ^ f° r the entrepreneur, with b private benefit cannot be recouped by the investors; The only noncorporate its financial asset is it is > 1. This nonpledgeable. a Treasury bond. 7 At date the The only feature of a Treasury bond that is going to be relevant for our analysis is that payoff is exogenous. It could equally well be the output of some similarly exogenous asset government issues in every state. L bonds that mature at The date-0 price of a bond and one unit of the good of the Treasury date 1 is q. The repayment yield bond is financed through taxes on consumers. Consumers (investors) are also risk neutral and do not discount the future. They value consumption stream (co,Ci,C2) at cq + Cj + c^. A key assumption is that consumers cannot individually commit to provide entrepreneurs with funds at date 1, because they cannot borrow against their future income. 8 The consumers' preferences imply that they will hold only assets whose expected rate of return is nonnegative. This implies in particular that q > 1 If q > 1, consumers hold no Treasury bonds and we will refer to q — 1 as the liquidity premium. The liquidity premium can be strictly positive, because consumers cannot commit to date-1 payments and hence cannot short-sell assets. A contract between a representative entrepreneur and the investors specifies a quantity L of Treasury bonds to be held by the firm and an income contingent reinvestment policy y(x). Because consumers cannot commit to provide more funds at date 1, the reinvestment policy must satisfy . y{x) <x+ L. (1) For notational simplicity, we will assume that investors receive easy to show that this is indeed the case if x + L — y. the expected date-1 income is It is not too large. 9 Investors expect a nonnegative rate of return, and so E [x-I-y(x)-(q-l)L}>0, (2) a date-0 expectation, and expectations are taken with respect to the A competitive capital market guarantees that (2) is satisfied with equality. Because investors break even, entrepreneurs receive the social where is random variable x. surplus associated with their activity. Figure Figure The optimal 1 1 summarizes the timing. here. contract between a representative entrepreneur and the in- vestors maximizes the social surplus generated by the entrepreneurial activity, like land. 8 One can rationalize this assumption by assuming that individuals can credibly claim that The tax authority in contrast has information about individual they have no date-1 income. An alternative interpretation is that unborn generations of consumers cannot make See our 1998 paper for a commitments, but the government can do so on their behalf. more extensive discussion of the theoretical foundations and for the empirical validity of these earnings. assumptions. 9 When expected income is very large, that themselves, the results below apply with fi = 1. is, when firms generate substantial liquidity 21 - Eo by(x) (</(*)) subject to constraints (1) and (2). Letting /z constraint (2), this optimization amounts to > 1 denote the shadow price of 2 max iEo (y(*)) \by(x) + n[x - I - y(x) -( 9 -i)l]J subject to the liquidity constraint y(x) <x + L for all x. For fixed L, the solution of the unconstrained program y* = b- n, and the solution to the constrained program y(x) = is min(y*,x (3) is + L), (4) so firms are liquidity constrained in low-income states. Let us turn to the date-0 choice of zation, L is liquidity. From our previous characteri- chosen to maximize g{x)dx . Assuming L > (y') - + y* + (q- n[I the first-order condition \)L - x] g(x)dx. is rv'-L -"jf [^f^- 1 g(x)dx. (5) Let 6" (I+L) m(x) - 1 for for x < y* - L x > y* - L. Then q- = 1 Eo[m(x)]. (6) The liquidity premium equal to the expected marginal value of the liquidity (a; < y* — L), an extra unit of liquidity is service. In states of liquidity-shortage its reinvestment by 1 and the private benefit by This marginal private benefit, expressed in monetary terms, is equal to [b — {x + L)]/fi. The increase in reinvestment has monetary cost 1. This yields the expression for the liquidity premium (6). We have looked for an equilibrium {<7,/f} in which Treasury bonds command a liquidity premium. Such an equilibrium satisfies the break-even constraint (2) allows the firm to increase b — (x + L). (with equality) and the asset pricing equation (5), for L = L (because q > 1, do not hold Treasury bonds), and for the optimal reinvestment policy investors y(-) defined by (3) and (4). is free, firms It is L< easy to show that L*\ and If the solution to this system yields q that is, even command no liquidity premium (q = 1); may not hold all available liquid claims. Treasury bonds i) > there exists an L* such that q 1 if < if 1, then liquidity and only if the value of the marginal liquidity service m(-) and the price of liquid claims q are monotonically decreasing in L. These results are illustrated in figure 2, where Tnr,(-) denotes the marginal liquidity service for bond supply L. ii) When L = liquidity L3 > L* the economy has surplus liquidity, and there is no premium. 10 Hence, bond prices are low. The cases L = L\ or L<i , depict the interesting case of scarce liquidity. Figure 2 here. Remark: Note that the value of liquidity m(x) is linear in x in this Linearity requires that the date-2 payoff be nonverifiable, that is, example. the payoff is purely a private benefit. Alternatively, the date-2 payoff could be verifiable but not fully pledgeable as in Holmstrom-Tirole (1998), for instance, because moral hazard problems require the entrepreneur to keep a stake in the final payoff. Under mild conditions, the value of liquidity m{x) would then differ from that depicted in figure 2 only in that the decreasing part would be convex rather than linear. 11 LAPM 3 Let us now develop a more 0, 1,2. At date 10 To endogenize 1, general framework. a state of nature L we would have to w There are three periods, t — economic agents. in fi is revealed to all introduce a cost of issuing Treasury securities, such when debt is retired. See our 1998 paper for more as a deadweight loss of taxing consumers detail. '^The assumptions are: The reinvestment y produces date-2 income /(y) with probability p and with probability 1-p. The entrepreneur can work (p = pn) or shirk (p = pi, = P//- Ap). Shirking generates a private benefit Bf(y). Letting po = p//(l - (S/Ap)] we have m"(x) > if3 P0 (/") 2 + (l-M/')/'">0. There is a further resolution of uncertainty at date 2, but in our risk neutral framework, only date-1 expectations matter so we need not specify the date2 random events. The state of nature u) may include the date-1 profits of the various industries in the corporate sector (as in the example above), their date-1 reinvestment needs (as in our 1998 paper ), news about the prudential requirements or government policy, or signal/prospects about date-2 revenues. 12 As • Investors. example, and in order to highlight the departure from in the the canonical asset pricing model, we assume that have an exogenously given discount rate, investors are risk neutral normalized at zero. That value consumption stream (co,Ci,C2) at cq + C\ + c<i. is, and investors One could assume more generally that investors have endogenously determined and possibly stochas- Similarly, the implicit assumption that investors face no be relaxed (see section 6.1). • Noncorporate claims. At date 0, there are noncorporate assets, k = l,...,K such as Treasury securities or real estate. The return on asset k at date discount factors. tic liquidity needs could K that 1, is, the date-1 dividend plus the date-1 price, The mean 0. where Et[-] return on each asset is is equal to 0% normalized to be one: = 0fc(u>) > = 1, Eo[9k[y>)\ denotes the expectation of a variable conditional on the information available at date t. Let Lk denote the supply of asset k. At date 0, asset k trades where qk > 1 from the nature of consumer preferences. The at price qk per unit, premium on asset k is equal to qk — 1. Note that the returns {9k(u>)} are exogenously given. In section 6 we will analyze two examples with endogenous returns. Note also that claims k = do not include claims on the corporate sector (shares, bonds, deposits, 1, liquidity . . , . K CDs,...). We will later provide valuation formulae for these. Our model • Corporate sector. treats the productive and financial sectors The Appendix The corporate sector as a single, aggregated entity, called the "corporate sector." provides sufficient conditions validating this approach. invests at dates and 1 and receives proceeds at dates 1 and 2. Let I denote the corporate sector's date-0 gross investment (or vector of gross investments) in productive (illiquid) assets. Its date-0 net investment, N(I), is equal to the difference between the gross investment and the productive sector's capital contribution at date had no The initial (in the example above, N(I) = I since the entrepreneurs wealth). net investment N(I) is only part of the investors' date-0 contribution to The corporate sector also purchases noncorporate a t date 0. The investors' date-0 outlay is thus the corporate sector. {Lk}k=i,...,K N(I) In equilibrium all claims + J2 k qk L k commanding a held by the corporate sector (Lk = assets . liquidity premium (qk > 1) must be Lk), because consumers are risk neutral. For a more general representation of consumer preferences, could also include shocks to investors' rate of time preference. At date 1 D(u>, L(uj)) , state w. , the corporate sector selects a decision d where The L(u>) is decision vector d includes all real d(u>) from a feasible set decisions within the corporate and production decisions sector such as reinvestments itly, it — the net liquidity available to the corporate sector in among for every firm. Implic- support financial contracting between also includes reallocations of liquidity firms, required to This presumes fully efficient For instance, scarce liquidity these real decisions. may be allocated Holmstrom-Tirole 1998 for more detail). If the corporate sector does not pay insiders (entrepreneurs) anything at date 1 (see below), then firms in the corporate sector. efficiently at date 1 by financial intermediaries (see Recall that investors cannot commit to bringing in new funds at date the amount that is held in liquid assets L(u>). Assumption For all u), 1 1 beyond (opportunity-enhancing liquidity) L\ and L2: if L\ < Li-, then D(lj,L^) C D(w,Z,2). In general, an increase in liquid reserves strictly enlarges the set of feasible corporate policies when financial markets are imperfect. earlier example, ui = x, and D(u>, L) — y For instance, in our < x + L}. {y For a given state u, let R(I,u,d) denote the total expected intertemporal (date 1 plus date 2) payoff from illiquid corporate assets (in the example, R = x+\by — \ \\— y)- R includes pledgeable and nonpledgeable returns on illiquid assets, but excludes the return ^2 k 8k(u)L k on noncorporate securities. Let r(I,u,d) denote the corresponding pledgeable income from illiquid assets, that is the expected intertemporal income that can be returned to investors (in the date 0, = — y). Accounting for noncorporate assets purchased at the corporate sector can return at most example, r(I,oj, d) x r{I,u),d(u})) + ^Ok {w)L k k to investors. Let B(I, v, d(w)) = R(I,u>, d{u>)) - r{I,u, d(w)) The fact that B > is critical for demand for liquidity in our model. Let t(u>) denote the amount of pledgeable income that is paid out (at date 1) corporate insiders (entrepreneurs) in state u>. The net liquidity available for denote the nonpledgeable portion of income. generating a corporate to reinvestment in state The corporate u> is then ^2 k 6 k (Lo)L k sector solves: 10 — t(u>). max {Eo[R(I,u, d(w))] - / - V (g fc - l)L k \ , subject to the investors' break-even condition: E [r{I,u,d(v)) - and to date-1 decisions being d(w) G Assuming that the t(u)] + J2 k Lk ^ N(I)+^2 k qk Lk (7) , feasible: D (w, J2 k Bk{v)L k - t(w)) investors' break-even constraint is (8) . binding, this program can be rewritten as max {/ {Eo [B(J,w,dM) + t(w)] +N(I) - 1} )} subject to (7) and (8). Let n > 1 denote the shadow price of the break-even constraint in this latter program, and define d \- I (B(I,u,d)+nr(I,cj,d) max < (9) d£D(u>,L) [ /i L=L(u>) as the marginal liquidity service (expressed in terms of pledgeable income) in w assuming state tion 1 that the available liquidity implies that m(w) > Assume that there is L(u>) = ^2 k 6 k (u))L k Assump- . for all w. one state of nature exists at least in which there is excess is in the interior of the feasible which the is a mild assumption and is satisfied in all our examples. implies (see the Appendix for more detail) that pledgeable income is never that liquidity, is, decision d(ui) in decision set D. This It redistributed to the corporate sector in states of liquidity shortage if m(o>) > 0), and so the available liquidity in equation (9) is (t(oj) — appropriately defined. 13 Optimization with respect to qk - 1 Lk = , at equilibrium Eo[O k (u)m{u)l market prices, yields 14 (10) or, equivalently qk = Eo[ek {cj)[l+m(u})]]. 13 By the same reasoning, we will be able to ignore state-contingent liquidity withdrawals the other programs in the paper. 14 Note that we assume that the corporate sector as a whole takes prices as given. Price taking presumes that there is competition for assets within the corporate sector. In section 6.2 we consider cartel behavior. £(•) in 11 Like risk premia, liquidity premia are determined by a covariance formula, but time involving the intertemproal marginal rate of substitution 1 + m(w) this of the corporate sector. income An asset's liquidity premium is high when it delivers which liquidity has a high value for the corporate sector. For completeness, we can finally introduce external claims on the corporate sector (shares, bonds, etc.). Let Lj be the date-0 supply of claim j paying Oj(u) at date 1 in state of nature u. The set of external claims, j = 1, J, in states in . must . . , satisfy J^ Oj^Lj The = r{I,u,d(u>)) + ^ date-0 prices of such claims, {qj} =1 e k {w)L k - t(w). fc , , will be given by Single state of liquidity shortage. Suppose liquidity is scarce in a single state, u>#, which has probability /#. According to (10), the liquidity premium on asset k is then proportional to the asset's payoff conditional on the occurrence of the bad state: qk - 1 = jH0k{u H )m H (11) . This linear relationship yields the following Qk-l qe-l __ OkjUH) , OeM K 2) ' which implies a one-factor model of liquidity premia. We can take the bond That is, if g& is the date-0 price of a bond delivering one unit of good at date 1, the liquidity premium on asset fc perfectly covaries price as the single factor. with the liquidity premium on the bond: 15 qk- 1 =6 k {u} H ){qb - 1). With more than one state of scarce liquidity, (10) results in a multi- factor model where the factors can be chosen as the liquidity premia of any subset of assets that spans the states in which liquidity shortages occur. The Arrow-Debreu economy. Assets do not command a liquidity premium under the following additional assumptions: This assumes that the asset's payoff 6k does not vary conditional on then 9 k {u>n) should be replaced by E{f>k i^h) in tne formula below. \ 12 a;//. If it varies, (fully pledgeable income): For all /, u, d, R(I, w, d) = r(I, u, d). Assumption 3 corresponds to the absence of agency costs and private (non- Assumption 3 pledgeable) benefits. Assumption 4 (efficient contracting): For max r(I,u),d) = d£D(u,L) all max w and L, all r(I,u>,d) d€D(w,0) According to this assumption, liquidity is valueless when it comes to maximizing pledgeable income. To understand its role, suppose that the corporate sector hoards no liquidity, and so L = 0. Suppose that in state of nature u>, there exists L such that r(I,w,d*(<J,L))>r{I,w,d*(cj,0)), where d*(u,L) denotes the maximizing pledgeable income decision in state w given liquidity L. The corporate sector could at date 1 borrow L and pledge r(I,u),d*(tJ, L)) — L + L > r(I, w,d*(w,0)), a contradiction. for all u, since Given Assumptions 3 and 4, m(u)) is equal to \ max = max B(I,uJ ,d)+nr(I,uJ ,d) \ {r(I,uj,d)\ d£D(w,L(w)) = max deD(w.o) Thus, all liquidity {r(I, u),d)\ l v ' premia are zero in . an Arrow-Debreu economy. Information filtering and volatility 4 in the introduction, many recent advances in empirical finance were motivated by the observation that conditional variances and covariances change over time. It is well-known, for instance, that volatility is clustered, As we noted that asset volatilities (stock volatilities, and that stock bond volatilities across maturities) move with bad news. 16 This section does not attempt to provide a general theory of the impact of liquidity premia on volatility. Its only goal is to suggest that a liquidity-based asset pricing model has the potential to deliver interesting insights into state-contingent volatilities. together, volatility increases 16 Black (1976) attributes the last fact to the "leverage effect" (equity, which is a residual, ratio increases.) However, this leverage effect does not seem to account for clustering of volatility and comovements between stock and bond volatilities. moves more when the debt-equity 13 Example 4.1 Let us first return to the example of section 2. In this example with nonverifiable second-period income, the liquidity benefit of the Treasury bond is a put option, income x until it hits zero. We also observed that with verifiable second-period income and under some mild regularity conditions, m(x) decreases and is convex until it hits zero. Suppose now that news arrives intermittently between dates and 1 containing information about the realization of x at date 1. Specifically, suppose that there are TV news dates between and 1 (the first distinct from date and the Nth equal to date 1). Assume further that the realization of x is given by either an additive or a multiplicative process since m(x) decreases linearly with first-period = Xq+^2 Vm 771 (13a) =1 N m=n+l = = x where the increments The early r\ m x [x" =1 Vm] (13b) x n [x^ =n+1 r]m ] for all n, are independently distributed. accrual of information about the state will lj have no impact on the and hence no retrading of financial contracts occurs between dates and 1. Yet, we can price Treasury bonds by arbitrage at each subdate n. Contingent on the available information at subdate n, summarized by x n optimal decision rule d(-) , qn (x n ) - 1 = En [m(x) \ xn ], (14) where Z5n [-|-] denotes the conditional expectation given information at subdate (Formula (14) is derived formally for the general framework in section 4.2.) It can be shown that, provided m' < and m" > 0, for either the additive n. (13a) or the multiplicative process (13b), — [En [[qn+ i(x n+ i) - we have 17 qn (x n )} 2 \ x n }] < 0. (15) 17 The proof for the multiplicative process follows from that for the additive process by taking logs in (13b). Indeed if m(') is decreasing and convex, m(e x ) is also decreasing and convex in x, where x = logo:. 14 bond In words, the volatility of the Treasury price state contingent, is and the The simple logic the money and low when it is out higher the volatility, the worse the prospects for the economy. is that volatility high is when the option is in of the money. Remark: example with nonverifiable second-period income, the Blackbond price if a continuous time geometric Brownian motion. In the Sholes formula yields an explicit formula for the volatility of the the process 4.2 is General LAPM Let us investigate more generally the impact of news about the state of nature in the LAPM are subdates framework of section 3. As = 1,...,./V between dates in n accrue about the date-1 state of nature the example, we assume that there and 1, at which informative signals Thus, the market's information about the state of nature at date 1 gets refined over time. Let a n denote the market's information at subdate n with o> = w. We let E[- cr n ]denote the subdate-n expectation of a variable conditional on the information available at time n. The corporate sector purchases quantity L k of liquid asset k at date 0, and can u>. | afterwards reconfigure quantity Lfc(cr n ) its portfolio so that at subdate n. Asset holds (information contingent) it equilibrium price given information A;'s an denoted qk{on )Consider the problem of maximizing the corporate sector's expected payoff subject to the investors' date-0 break-even condition and date-1 decisions being is feasible: 18 {E max [B(I,u, d(u))\ + N(I) 1} subject to E [r(I,w,d(cj))] > N(I) + ^qk L k N +E 53 X^ qk . —Eq k n=l (16) ^ [M £)Mw)L fc a") - L k ( ff n-l)] (w) L k and The maximand of this program is the same as constraint. 15 in (3) upon substitution of the budget , . d(w)€D(w,]£0 (w)Ma;))- (17) fc A few comments are in order. First, a so the set of feasible decisions is measurable with respect to is uj, and indeed a well-defined function of the state Second, the date-0 contract with investors specifies some portfolio adjustment at each date. We ignore the possibility that contemplated portfolio adjustments may require a net contribution by investors at subdate n — Lk (crn _i)] > 0). While such a contribution could occur if (5Zfc Qkipn) [L k (<Jn ) the portfolio adjustment raised the investors' wealth conditional on a n it would not occur if the adjustment reduced it, since the investors would be unwilling ex post to bring in new funds, and they cannot ex ante commit to do so. However, if in equilibrium qk > 1, then L-K (o n ) = L k for all a n is an optimal policy, and so investors do not have to contribute at intermediate dates. The fictitious subdate-n reshuffling of liquid assets between the corporate sector and the rest of the economy is, as in Lucas (1978), only used to price financial assets at an of nature. , intermediate date. As before, we let be the multiplier of the break- even constraint in (16) and define the marginal liquidity service m(uS) as in (9). Taking first-order conditions we find that for each liquid asset k £ {1, ..., K} and for each subdate nG{l,...,7V-l}: /j, qk qk = 1 + Eo [0k (w) m (w)] = E [qk{<Tn )\ and 9fcK) = En [0 k (u) [1 + m(w)] | a„] (18) Asset prices (or liquidity premia) form a martingale because there is no liquidity service within the periods where news arrives. Only at the last subdate (date 1) will the liquidity premium disappear and hence the martingale property fail. reflects the fact that firms are indifferent Note that the martingale condition regarding the timing of the purchase of liquidity, as long as the purchase is made before the final date. The martingale condition stems from arbitrage within the budget constraint. Define a "generalized fixed-income unchanged as news accrues, that is, investors' En [Ok (u)\an = ] security," as l, For simplicity, we focus on these securities then write (18) as 16 for all in one with expected return n and a n (19) . the rest of this section. We can , qk{o n ) -l = En [Ok (w.) m(uj) an | (20) ] Condition (19) rules out volatility stemming from news about the assets' dividends. Such volatility must be added (with a correction depending on the covariance with the innovations about liquidity needs) to our price formulae when expected Asset payoffs change over time. a single state of liquidity shortage. volatility in the case of Assuming that there is a single state (state u>h) of liquidity shortage, let ///(<?„) denote the posterior probability of the bad state of nature at subdate n, conditional on the information available at that subdate. Let 3(<7„) ///(Cn+l) -/tf(On) = En l2 ///(<7n) denote the relative variance of the posterior probability. 9(er7V ) the informativeness of the signal accruing at subdate n + 1. is a measure of Note, from (20), that the ratio formula (12) continues to apply with qk(c n ) in place of qk- So at subdate n and - 1 qtipn)- i gfc(gn) for _ ~~ any two assets k and Ok (uh) Ot(u H ) I, . ~ k (12') ' Under the (strong) assumption of just one liquidity constrained state, and with a government bond on the market, all assets with constant expected dividend are priced according to a linear formula involving the liquidity premium on that bond. This is a close analog to the CAPM. Contingent volatilities and clustering. Let Vk and Vk denote the absolute and relative volatilities of the price of asset k conditional on information a„: Vk {a„) = En \[qk {an+ i) - qk{on )\ (21) and Vk(?n) gfc(On+l) ~<?A:(On) = En <7„ (22) <Ik{On) With only one liquidity-constrained state, the price in information state an of an asset k with constant expected dividend is, as we have seen, <7fc(tfn) - 1 = fH{On)0k (uh) 17 %• (23) This immediately yields our main formulae: Vk {an = 9(<7B ) ) Vk (an = 9(a.) 2 {an ) - l] 9fc(CT„) - 1 [qk (24) , (25) ) (26) Ufc(0n)=A Equations (24) and (25) state that, in MU € (<T n ), (27) absolute as well as relative terms, the an asset's price is proportional to the square of the asset's liquidity premium. Because prices move slowly, an immediate corollary is that an asset's price volatility is serially correlated; that is, we predict temporal clustering of an asset's volatility. Equations (26) and (27) state that the volatility ratio of two assets is constant over time. Assets volatilities move together because they are driven by the same news concerning the likelihood of a liquidity shortage. Returning to formulae (24) and (25), we note that volatility is also proportional to the informativeness S(cr n ) of the signal accruing at subdate n+1. With two states, this informativeness measure is generally state-dependent, rendering these results less useful. To illustrate a case with constant informativeness, suppose that information accrues according to a Bernoulli process: At each subdate n, with probability A G (0, 1), the market learns that the economy will not be in the bad state of nature (///(<7n ) = 0). If that happens, the economy becomes an "Arrow-Debreu economy," in which assets command no liquidity premium and hence qk{&m) = 1 for all m>n. In this absorbing state, informativeness may be taken equal to 0. With probability 1 — A, the economy remains an "LAPM ~ economy" and ///(<7 n ) = (1 — \) N n A simple computation shows that in this volatility of . example: If There is price volatility as long as the liquidity premium is strictly news accrues that the economy will be replete with liquidity, the premium goes to zero as will the volatility of prices for expected payoffs. 18 all positive. liquidity assets with constant The 5 yield curve 5.1 The The theoretical slope of the yield curve and price risk and econometric research on the term structure of interest rates traditionally views the corporate sector as a veil in the sense that the yield curve is management (ALM). Many not influenced by asset liability that corporate liquidity demand affects the term structure. believe, however, First, while debt markets are segmented, there is enough substitutability across maturities to induce long and short rates to move up and down together (Culbertson, 1957). Duration analysis, stripping activities and more generally financial engineering and innovation (answering the question of "who is the natural investor for the new security?") provide indirect evidence for segmentation. A number of factors such as fiscal incentives, the creation of pension funds, new accounting and prudential cial sectors rules for intermediaries, are likely to affect the influencing the term structure. and the leverage of the demand real and for maturities differentially, finan- thereby Second, the maturity structure of government debt seems to play a role in the determination of the term structure, a fact that 19 is not accounted for in Ricardian consumption-based asset pricing models. is most commonly upward sloping, although it may occabe hump-shaped or inverted or even have an inverted-hump-shape (see, Campbell et al., 1996, Campbell, 1995, and Stigum, 1990). The substantially higher yield on 6 month- than on 1 month-T bills has been labelled a "term premium puzzle." 20 It is often argued that an upward-sloping yield curve re- The yield curve sionally the riskiness of longer maturities. Investors, so the story goes, demand a discount as compensation for price risk (which presumably is correlated with consumption if the standard model applies). This argument is based on an flects CAPM. would be worthwhile, though, to provide a precise defCAPM is about the coupon risk of assets. Coupon risk relates to uncertainty about dividends, or, more generally (to encompass uncertainty about preferences and endowments), to uncertainty about analogy with It inition of the notion of "price risk." the marginal utility of dividends. Price risk may stem from coupon risk, but it need not. Consider an intertemporal Arrow-Debreu endowment economy (as in Lucas 1978). In this economy, early release of information about future endowments is irrelevant in that it affects neither the real allocation nor the date-0 price of claims on future endowments. On the other hand, release of information affects asset prices, inducing price risk. In an Arrow-Debreu economy, the date-0 price of claims on date-2 endowments can be entirely unrelated to the variance of their date-1 For example, the Clinton administration has begun to shorten the average maturity of government debt to take advantage of lower short term yields. There are a number of other stylized facts: short yields move more than long yields; longterm bonds are highly volatile; and high yield spreads tend to precede decreases in long rates. Also the yield curve tends to be natter when money is tight. 19 , price (or to the covariance of price Price risk per se is and some measure of aggregate uncertainty). not an aggregate risk and thus need not affect asset prices. Returning to the yield curve, Treasury bonds are basically default-free. Uncoupon risk (for nominal bonds), which in turn affects prices. Inflation uncertainty clearly plays an important part in explaining the price risk of long-term bonds. But for short-term bonds the connection is less obvious. A bond that matures in less than a year is quite insensitive to inflation, at least directly. Indirectly, swings in the price of long-term bonds will of course influence short-term prices as long as maturities certainty about the rate of inflation, however, creates a are partially substitutable. explain the term premium Even so, inflation-induced price risk can hardly puzzle. Our point is to caution against drawing hasty conclusions about the link between price risk and the slope of the vield curve. A theoretical justification based on the standard CAPM logic cannot be provided, because in a complete market, price risk stemming from early information release will not carry any risk premium. This opens the door for alternative theoretical approaches to analyzing the yield curve. Our liquidity-based asset pricing model offers one possibility. 5.2 Long-term bonds and the Hirshleifer effect In order to obtain some preliminary insights into the effects of liquidity on the Assume term structure, let us again return to the example of section 2. 21 that the government at date issues two types of bonds: I short-term bonds yielding one unit of the good at date 1, and L (zero coupon) long-term bonds yielding 6 units of the good at date 2. We allow for a coupon risk on longterm bonds, so let 6 be a random variable with support [0,oo), density h(6), cumulative distribution H(0), and mean Eq(6) = 1. As discussed above, 8 can be interpreted as the date-2 price of money in terms of the good. The case of a deterministic inflation rate (which can be normalized to 0) corresponds to a = 1. We let q and Q denote the date-0 prices of spike in the distribution at short- and long-term bonds. A long-term price premium corresponds to q > Q. Treasury bonds are the only liquid assets in the economy In the example the date-1 income x is assumed to be perfectly correlated across firms. Let g(x) and G(x) denote the density and the cumulative distribution of income x. Assume that 6 and x are independent. In this economy, 22 Therefore, if there is no coupon firms have no liquidity demand past date 1 before date 2 (so risk (0 = 1) or if there is no signal about the realization of that there is a coupon risk, but no price risk at date 1), short-term and longterm bonds will be perfect substitutes and so q = Q. Suppose instead that the Now the price at which long-term bonds realization of 6 is learned at date 1 . 21 The analysis in this section is valid for any concave private benefit function. 22 This example is meant to illustrate a situation in which most of the liquidity to be employed in is expected the short run with long-term liquidity needs expected to be less pressing. 20 E can be disposed of at date 1, namely 6, will vary. The coupon risk in this case induces a price risk. Let £ and L denote the number of short-term and long-term bonds purchased by the corporate sector (in equilibrium, — I if q > 1 and L = L if at date (. Q> 1.) The corporate sector solves max {vMM (V(*)Y Eq by(x) s.t. Eo[x-I-y{x)-(q-l)e-(Q-l)L]>0, and y(x) Let <x + £ + 6L for all x. again denote the shadow cost of the investors' break -even constraint and /* = b — denote the optimal unconstrained reinvestment level. Because = I ^and L = L in equilibrium, equilibrium prices are characterized by: let y* j.L r q-1 y*-e-8L b-(x + l+0L) -r\i Jo r Q-i =f z'{6) < 0. g{x)dx h(6)d0, (28) b-{x + e + 6L) g(x)dx h(e)d6. (29) Jo fi integrals in (28) and (29) by It is easily verified z(6). that Consequently, Q-1=E The y*-l-6L 9 Jo Denote the inside -1 M Jo [Bz(B)\ <E \z{B)\ [9] price differential between short- more general theme, namely that the =E [z{6)] = q-l. and long-term bonds here (30) reflects a approach to asset pricing implies a skewness in risk tolerance. What matters is the average coupon delivered in states of pressing liquidity need. The term premium stems from the fact that a short-term bond delivers 1 unit for sure in such states, while the date-1 price of the long-term bond is negatively correlated with the marginal liquidity service m(-). The difference q — Q measures the cost of hedging against the date-1 coupon/price risk on long-term bonds. Non neutrality of price risk. service (namely the same tainty about inflation or liquidity Long-term bonds would provide a better liquidity if there were no uncerThis no information about 6 arrived at date 1. service as short-term bonds) if 21 contrasts with an Arrow-Debreu economy, in which early arrival of information endowment economy, a production economy because of improved decision making. Our model features a logic similar to Hirshleifer's (1971) idea that early information arrival may make agents worse off. Our model differs from Hirshleifer's, in that in his model information arrives before entrepreneurs never is harmful. Such information has no impact in an and may generate social gains in and investors sign a contract. In our model to bringing in funds at date 1 Put tion leakage problematic. it is the investors' inability to commit that constrains contracting and makes informadifferently, investors cannot offer entrepreneurs insurance against variations in the price of long-term bonds. long-term bonds is the price of If negatively correlated with the firm's liquidity needs, as is the case here, long-term bonds become inferior liquidity buffers to short-term bonds. Neutrality of pure price risk. Let us follow section 4 the date-1 state accrues between date that is, at each subdate n, a signal and date and assume that news about 1, an accrues that at subdates n = l,...,N; informative about the is date-1 income and/or the coupon on the long-term bond. Then, the prices of and long-term bonds adjust from their date-0 values q and Q to q(crn ) and Q{an ). This price risk, however, has no impact on the date-0 prices q and Q which remain given by (28) and (29), since the corporate sector in equilibrium short- does not reshuffle its portfolio of liquid assets (this is the point made earlier that capital gains and losses on financial assets have offsetting effects.) In other words, price risk has no impact on the slope of the date-0 yield curve. other hand, news The On the affects the slope of the yield curve at subdates. may upward sloping even in the absence of a coupon risk. In risk, q = Q. Let i\ and i-i denote the yields on short and long bonds at date 0. These yields are negative in our model because the yield curve be the absence of any coupon consumers' rate of time preference q is normalized to zero. 1 -n Q -l+h- We have 1 (l+i 2 f and so ii = <7 This trivial ~ K h = —m VQ example makes the point that a necessary condition for 1. riskiness of long-term the existence of a term premium. bonds The is not yield curve can be upward-sloping, as here, simply because the corporate sector has no liquidity demand at date 2. This suggests that an upward slope is associated with relatively more pressing short-term liquidity needs, perhaps because the firm has less flexibility to adjust plans in the short term. 22 Other shapes of the yield curve. Suppose the income shock x and reinvestment and the private benefit accrues at date 3. Investments and financing still occur at date 0. In this temporal extension of the model, date 1 is just a "dummy date," at which nothing happens. Suppose that the government still issues short-term bonds (maturing at date 1) and long-term bonds (maturing at dates 2 and 3). Short-term bonds offer no liquidity service and so q = 1 Hence the short rate (equal to 0) exceeds the long rates, and we decision y take place at date 2, . obtain an inverted yield curve. This example makes the simple point that pect to face liquidity needs in the short run, on short-term securities, and so they the corporate sector does not ex- if it does not pay a liquidity premium more than long-term securities. will yield Coordination failures in the creation and 6 uti- lization of liquidity The analysis so far has assumed that the corporate sector makes of liquidity, but has no control over the aggregate supply. assumption for assets such as Treasuries whose This is efficient supply Lk and (i) use a reasonable (ii) state- contingent payoffs 9k(u>) can be considered exogenous. We now show by means of simple examples that the corporate sector's date-1 policy can affect aggregate liquidity in ways that are relevant for policy making. In the first example, the aggregate supply of liquidity can be directly influenced by the corporate sector. In the second example, the effect decisions. In is indirect as asset prices both cases, coordination may failures we continue to assume that the corporate sector depend on corporate occur despite the fact that makes optimal use of its liquid assets. Throughout this section, there are no bonds or other forms of external liq- uidity. 6.1 Precarious employment relationships hurt long-term savings and equity investments In this section only, assume that consumers, whose mass some "subsistence level" (food, education, housing, etc.) date. That is, we replace the utility Co + Ci + c2 from consumption flow (co,Ci,C2) by the co utility + u(ci) + c2 where 23 , is 1, must consume at the intermediate 1 11(d) = if cj J { > Cj > (31) otherwise. C Consumers thus care about the consumption path as The As representative firm's investment cost at date well as its level. is normalized at I = 1. assume that consumers have enough of the nonstorable good at date to help finance the initial investment /. The firm's income at date-1 has two possible values: high income xh with probability fff, and low income xl with probability fi = 1 — fn where before, , xH > xL Continuation at date A (31) and will Continuation yields a private benefit As well, 1 (33) . imply that consumers do not value liquidity at date (33) provided that they know that they (pledgeable) income (32) . one worker / worker must be paid an efficiency wage w, w>c 1 c1 requires, in addition to entrepreneurs, 1 consumer per unit of investment. where 23 Assumptions = X. Assume have a job at date B 1. to the entrepreneur, B+X > w and a so that continuation is verifiable optimal. 24 assume that X - w < 0, (34) + X - w > 0, (35) + fH (xH+X-w)>0. (36) xL and -I With these parameter and the maturity liquidity • A restrictions there a feedback between aggregate long-maturity, high- liquidity, high-employment equilibrium. Suppose, first, that all firms continue at date consumers then have a job at date 23 is of savings such that multiple equilibria can arise. 1 and We 1 receive a in both states of nature. All wage w. By (31) and (33) can invoke the standard efficiency wage model: The worker receives some private none when working. Suppose for simplicity that the work/shirk decision is perfectly verified ex post, that the worker is protected by limited liability, and that shirking has disastrous consequences for production and must be prevented. Then firms must pay at least w to their workers. 2 24 In the notation of section 2, y = or w, B = bw 2 - [u> /2). In section 2, we assumed = 0. Here X is assumed positive. benefit w when shirking and X 24 , they have no demand for liquidity and are thus willing to defer all payments on their date-0 investment to date 2. Since the corporate sector need not meet any short-term payment obligations, from X >w always has enough liquidity to pay the date-1 wage w, as Xl + that the firms can repay date-0 Conditions and then imply (35). (35) (36) it investors out of X since —I + [Jh^h + Il^l] + X — w >0. In this (efficient) equilibrium the corporate sector issues long-term claims and does not lay off workers. A short-maturity, low-liquidity, low-employment equilibrium. Suppose instead that firms are unable to continue in the bad state of nature. Consumers become unemployed and because they have to to consume c x they Therefore, they will insist on receiving at least c x in this bad state of nature. want to hold short-term claims on firms. Condition (32) guarantees that this is indeed feasible, while (34) and (36) imply that given that workers are paid Cj firms no longer have any cash to finance the reinvestment. Firms continue only in the good state of nature, and equation (36) assures that such a plan can be • , financed at date This in 0. (inefficient) 25 equilibrium exhibits a coordination failure. It illustrates a stark manner that the liquidity available to the corporate sector depends on the liability side as well as the asset side. In this respect, it is interesting to note that a recent speech by the French finance minister 26 called for "well-oriented meaning a switch by households from short-term market investments towards long-term, equity investments that will benefit the productive sector. 27 savings," A First, the government can unemployment insurance. Unemployment here eliminates the consumers' demand for liquidity and couple of additional remarks can be made. create aggregate liquidity by offering insurance (above Cj) restores the efficient equilibrium. Second, the multiplicity of equilibria could not an Arrow-Debreu economy, because in a perfect capital market, firms would be able to pledge their entire date-2 income which would be enough to pay workers at date 1 in both states. arise in One might wonder whether this coordination failure could be avoided if workers invested own firm at date and signed a contract with their employer specifying that solely in their will be withdrawn at date 1 as long as they are not laid off. This arrangement is not robust to minor perturbations of the model such as job mobility or idiosyncratic liquidity shocks. Suppose for example that with a small probability each firm receives no income at all at date 1 Then the workers, who want to secure £j must diversify their portfolio (have claims at least worth Cj in other firms), and the coordination failure may still occur. [Technically, one must assume that xl exceeds c.jslightly so as to offset the absence of income in this small number of firms and allow all consumers to "survive" in the bad state of nature.] Jean Arthuis January 14, 1997 speech at the parliamentary meetings on savings. The speech discussed several ways of encouraging equity investments, such as the creation of pension funds and the reform of the tax system (equity investments in France are taxed at the personal income rate; this implies an overall tax rate of 61.7% for the highest tax bracket. In contrast, money market funds are taxed in a lump-sum fashion at a rate not exceeding 20%). no cash , . 1 25 6.2 In Liquidity creation through price support policies: the example of commercial real estate. many countries the recessions of the late 80s and early 90s have left nancial institutions burdened with depreciated commercial real estate. the fi- While banks, badly in need of liquidity, would have liked to divest their real estate holdings, they realized collectively that dumping real estate assets on the mar- ket simultaneously would have a disastrous impact on prices in a state of low demand commercial real estate. In some countries (e.g., in France), cartelon the disposition of real estate prevented prices from falling 28 further. To an industrial organization observer, this behavior has all the attributes of a price-fixing case. This section argues that there is more to it than just collusion and that price stabilization may actually have helped to improve economic efficiency. To illustrate the point, suppose that, as in section 6.1, continuation at date 1 requires paying for an input, but this time, let the input be commercial real estate rather than labor. In case of continuation, one unit of commercial real estate is needed. with The date-0 investment yields date-1 income x^ = probability fi and Xh > with probability fjf = 1 — fz,- As in section 2, reinvestment yields a private benefit B at date 2, but no pledgeable income (X = in the notation of section 6.1). The reinvestment cost is p + e, where p > and e is the price of commercial real estate. Letting ei and e# denote the commercial real estate prices in the bad and good states, the overall liquidity need is then for like restraints p + ei in the bad state (probability ji) or p + en — xh < in the good state (probability ///) Commercial real estate construction is part of the initial invesment. Each firm buys one unit of real estate per unit of investment. Firms invest this amount in because they want to stand ready to produce commercial real estate at date at least in the good state. On the consumer side, we return to our basic paradigm in which preferences are linear: Co + C\ + C2- Divested real estate is costlessly converted into residential real estate on a To make our main point in the starkest way, suppose that (residual) demand at price v\ the absorption capacity of the one-to-one basis, say. there is a fixed residential real estate market is z. real estate is converted, the price more than z is converted, there drops to 0. Assume that is than z units of commercial market is v; if excess supply and the price on that market That on the is, if less residential real estate Such cartels are sometimes organized by the Central Bank. 26 v>(l-z)(p + v). (37) Again, there are two possible equilibria: • Low-price, low-production equilibrium: Suppose that in the bad state the corporate sector real estate onto the residential market. The no other liquid asset besides real estate all firms the commercial real estate now is free, dumps all its commercial and since there is are liquidated. Even though price drops to 0, firms are unable to continue. • High-price, high-production equilibrium: Suppose instead that only a fraction z of the assets are liquidated, where v= (1 - z)(p + v) Conditions (37) and (38) imply that z < z, and so the market price of real is v. The corporate sector thus has total available liquidity per unit of estate investment equal to v, and can finance the shortfall p + v on a fraction 1 — z of its assets. In this equilibrium, consumers pay higher date-1 prices for residential real estate and the against restraint on sales provides insurance to the corporate sector credit rationing at date full l. 29 Such insurance raises ex ante social surplus. Concluding remarks 7 For a long time, corporate finance has been treated as an appendix to asset pricing theory, with CAPM frequently used as the basic model for normative analyses of investment and financing decisions. While standard textbooks still reflect this tradition, fluence the the modern agency-theoretic literature is starting to infinance is taught. This paper takes the next logical way corporate is to suggest that if financing and investment decisions reflect agency problems as seems to be widely accepted then it is likely that modern corporate finance will require adjustments in asset pricing theories, too. step, which — Our paper — is a very preliminary in effort to analyze this reverse influence of We have employed a standard agency model which part of the returns from a firm's investment cannot be pledged to corporate finance on asset pricing. outsiders, raising a 29 This example demand for long-term financing, that is, for liquidity. We and Moore's 1997 analysis of the dual role of and an input into production. Our emphasis differs both in the ingredients (our treatment relies on the existence of aggregate shocks while theirs does not) and in the emphasis (they stress the possibility of business cycles while we emphasize market power and liquidity creation through price support policies.). is in the spirit of Kiyotaki certain assets as a store of value 27 have also assumed that individuals cannot pledge any of their future income, so human capital is impossible. As a result, the economy is typically capital constrained, implying that collateralizable assets are in short that borrowing against supply. Such assets will command a premium, which is determined by the covariation of the asset's return with the marginal value of liquidity in different Risk neutral firms are willing to pay a premium on assets that help This is a form of risk aversion, but unlike in models based on consumer risk aversion, return variation within states that experience no liquidity shortage is inconsequential for prices. Thus, liquidity states. them in states of liquidity shortage. premia have a built-in skew. One consequence of this skew we is that price volatility tends to be higher in Another consequence sell at a discount relative to short-term bonds as we showed in Section 4. This may be one reason why the yield curve most of the time is upward sloping, a feature that does not readily come out of a complete market model. The price dynamics in our model satisfy standard Euler conditions in particular, prices follow a martingale as long as there is no readjustment in the corporate sector's coordinated investment plan. It is an interesting possibility that marginal rates of substitution for the corporate sector may be quite different, and perhaps more volatile in the short run, than the marginal rates of substitution of a representative consumer. This could help to resolve some of the empirical difficulties experienced with consumption-based asset pricing models, which appear to feature too little variation in MRSs. Our model is quite special in that asset prices are entirely driven by a corporate demand for liquidity; consumers hold no bonds or other assets that sell at a premium. It has been suggested to us that once the model is changed so that consumers also have a liquidity demand, MRSs of consumers and firms will be equalized, and we are back to the old problem with excess asset price volatility. However, if consumers participate selectively in asset markets, then the MRSs of the relevant sub-population may have high volatility and yet be hard to detect. In this case, the equality between consumer and producer MRSs can be exploited in the reverse: by evaluating corporate MRSs, we can infer what the MRS of the representative consumer in the sub-population is. This may be a useful empirical strategy if firm data are more readily available and easier to analyze than consumer data. states of liquidity shortage, as is illustrated in Section that long-term bonds, because of a higher price risk, 3. tend to — Finally, we note that violations of the martingale condition, as illustrated by the end-of-period drop in the liquidity premium, may help to explain the well-known paradox that prices of long-term bonds tend to move up rather than down, following a period in which the yield spread (long/short) is exceptionally high. 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Bi(Ii,u),di(u})) = ili(/i,w di(w))-7- i (/i ,w,d i (w)) ! i that must go to entrepreneur i. Endenote the may, however, be paid more than B{. Let ij(w) > expected transfer on top of the nonpledgeable income Bi. (^i(-) could without loss of generality be chosen equal to in the example.) So entrepreneur i denote the nonpledgeable income of firm trepreneur i obtains, in state ti(u)) u>, Bi(Ii,u>,di(ui)) from noncorporate + ti(ui). If firm i withdraws gross liquidity assets, then the net liquidity available to the firm is L?(u)=Li{u)-ti(u>). The economically feasible set for firm wants to enter negative Di{u,Li{u) NPV - U{cj)) = i reflects the fact that investments at date {di G Di | no investor 1: n(Ii,u),di(w)) - ti(w) + Li(uj) > 0} Let D{u,L n (u)) = | xSUA(w,£?M) I J>?M ^ Ln ^ \ denote the product decision set, with generic element d(u)). Consider a coordinated plan with weights {wi} i=1 n defined as the solution to the following Program I max {l.,L.,d{)A)} < Eq Y^Wi [Bi{Ii,u),di{u))) + U{u) - Ai] I s.t. Eo ^ri(Ii,u,di(u))) Z^lIi-AA+Y^fa-VLk and 32 . Letting fi respect to denote the multiplier of the break-even constraint, optimization with L k together with the equilibrium condition L k — L k yields , qk -\ =Eo[m(u})6k (<j)], where m(w) = Tl f max Ei^gilijIEiii) ] d€D(u,L) The as in equation (9). L=Y. k first-order condition e k {u>)L k -*E with respect to ti(u) t i (u,) i is: is: either or Now assume (this is m(u>) > = ti(u) > and and W{ Wi < /x [1 + m(u)] = [1 + m(u>)] fi that there exists at least one state of nature with excess liquidity the case That 0. U(ui) in all is, Then our examples). pledgeable income states of liquidity shortage. is The marginal for all ti(u>) i, = whenever never distributed to entrepreneurs in liquidity service can then be rewritten as: d l max \ dL < J=Lk d£D(u>,L) [ Thus the equilibrium is pi L=-£,e k (u>)L k as described in the text, with B = ^^iBi, and r = Remark: In Program I, we did not consider individual rationality constraints for the entrepreneurs because such constraints only affect the set of feasible weights Wi. Let us now show that a decentralized equilibrium of a market for state- contingent liquidity can be construed as an optimal coordinated plan. Suppose that the firms at date contract on their date-1, state-contingent liquidity in a perfect market. Let m(u>) denote the net cost of one unit of liquidity in state w. That £b[(l is, in order to receive Li(u>) in state + m(u)))Li(w)] at date 0. Firm i u>, for all therefore solves: {Ii,Li(),di[),ti{)} S.t. 33 o>, firm i must pay MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 01444 0777 Eo[ri{Iuu,di{u)) - ti(w)] >Ii-Ai + EQ [m(uj)Li(uj)\ and di{u)) £Di(w,Li(u)-ti(u))). Letting l/wi denote the shadow price of the budget constraint, this program, under our concavity assumptions, is equivalent to Program II Ui.-M'), <*((•), ii(-)} +r u, di (Ii, t (<j)) -U (u) - U-m (w) Li(u)]} s.t. £ Di di(w) — (w, Li(u) for all w. ti(w)) Given the existence of a state Wo suc h that m(wo) and Li(u) implies that u^ < 1 for all i, and ti{bj) = Summing over the individual programs, we = 0, optimizing over for all w if Wi < ti(u>) 1. see that the market equilibrium solves max£b Y^ Wi [Bi + ti] + Y, h - r - "»(w) t\ 2L < s.t. di{u>) FVom our previous £ Di(u),Li(ui) — tj(cj)) for all u. characterization, Y( w i- l ) t i{ UJ ) =° for all w, t which implies that the constraints di S Di can be replaced by d £ D, as defined Therefore the market equilibrium solves Program I for some weights earlier. Remarks: 1. 2. This equivalence result would not hold, necessarily, if the set of liquid instruments did not span the state-contingent claim space. In this sense, we are assuming that the state-contingent liquidity space is complete. The weights {wi} are endogenous, so one cannot conduct comparative and we do not. However, the statics exercises with this representation, analysis of price dynamics in Section 4 balancing of portfolios. 34 is valid, because it entails no re- x —Date x —Date • Set up cost / and choice • disburse / + qL. x Random income Total income of liquidity L. Investors —Date 1 is x + L. • x +L— Figure • Private benefit 2 by — y /2 for the entrepreneur. x. Reinvestment y(x). Payout to investors • 2 y(x). 1 Marginal liquidity service m(x) m Ll (x) V m L3 (x) First period income x Figure k 8 7 £ [ : I 2: L 3 > L* > L 2 > L x Date Due Lib-26-67