Constitution Article I NAME Student's Health Club Articlell PURPOSE The purpose of this Club will be to plan activities, events, and presentation which will promote Health Education and raise awareness on various health issues on campus. Article III MEMBERSHIP Anyone interested in Health topics is eligible for membership. No person shall be denied membership or office in the Health Club because of race, color, religious beliefs or non-belief, national origin, sex or political beliefs, veteran or handicapped status. Article IV Section 1 OFFICERS AND DUTIES The officers shall attend all meetings of the Club and appropriate QSA meetings for the President and Senator. 1. PRESIDENT. The President will preside over meetings, implement the plans and policies adopted by the Club, represent the Club on Campus, and assist in the management of its funds. 2. VICE PRESIDENT. The Vice President will serve in the President's absence. 3. SECRETARY. The Secretary will be in charge of correspondence and records and the keeping of minutes at the meetings. 4. TREASURER. The Treasurer will co-mange funds with the President and keep records thereof. 5. SENATOR. The Senator shall attend meetings of the QSA Senate as will the alternate-senator in the event of his/her absence. Section 2 Elections take place at the beginning or each term. Voting for each officer is by majority vote. Article V MEETINGS The minimum number of meetings varies and depends on the program program each term. A quorum would be more than one half of the membership involved. Article VI AMENDMENTS Any amendments take two meetings to pass. 51% of attendees must vote. Article VII RATIFICATION QSA Student Senate must approve this Constitution and all Amendments. Article VIII CONDUCT OF MEETINGS Most meetings are conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order, although moderate rather than strict parliamentary procedures are normally followed.