THE CONSTITUTION through interaction with the faculty, community, and the student body,... involvement in the theatrical progress.

Article 1 - The name of the organization is "The Drama Society"
Article 2 - The purpose of this organization is to provide personal growth for the club members
through interaction with the faculty, community, and the student body, and bands-on
involvement in the theatrical progress.
Article 3 - Any student may become a member by contacting the President or club officers. No
person shall be denied membership or office in this club because of race, color, religious beliefs
or non-belief, national origin, sex, political beliefs, veteran or handicapped status.
Article 4 - To hold office a student must have a GPA of at least 2.0, be enrolled in 6 college
credits and have completed 12 college credits.
Article 5 - Officers and their duties:
President - Oversees club meetings and plans the events for the semester. They also consult
with the faculty advisor.
Vice President - Assists the president in all duties and can serve in place of the president on
Secretary - Takes the minutes of all meetings and will consult with the senator. May have to
attend senators' meeting in place of the senator.
Treasurer - Consults with the president on the club funds. Also keeps a record of the expenses
spent by the club. May have to attend senators' meetings in place of the senator.
Senator - Attends all QSA senate meetings and acts as liaison between the club and the QSA.
Officer Election Procedures
1. Nominations are put forth and must be seconded. Officers must be elected by a majority
of the club. There is only one election for the year, unless an officer is not performing
their duties and needs to be replaced. In that case, a second election will be held.
2. The club meetings will take place during the club hours in the Humanities building, room
204. At least five members will constitute a quorum. This constitution may be amended
any time by a majority of members. The amendments should take effect immediately.
Most meetings are conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order although moderate
rather than strict parliamentary procedures are normally followed.
Article 6 - The Amendment procedure is a two-step process.
At the first meeting there should be a quorum of 50 percent plus 1 at the meeting. At this
meeting, amendments should be put forward. At the second meeting, a minimum of one week
later, again 50 percent plus one members should be present and amendments voted on.
Article 7 - Drama society is to be conducted in a friendly, informal, and efficient manner. This
constitution was revised in 2007.