Issues regarding artificial neural network modeling for reactors and fermenters

Bioprocess Engineering 22 (2000) 85±93 Ó Springer-Verlag 2000
Issues regarding artificial neural network modeling
for reactors and fermenters
V.C.P. Chen, D.K. Rollins
Abstract In recent years researchers in many areas have
used arti®cial neural networks (ANNs) to model a variety
of physical relationships. While in many cases this selection appears sound and reasonable, one must remember
than ANN modeling is an empirical modeling technique
(based on data) and is subject to the limitations of such
techniques. Poor prediction occurs when the training data
set does not contain adequate ``information'' to model a
dynamic process. Using data from a simulated continuousstirred tank reactor, this paper illustrates four scenarios:
(1) steady state, (2) large process time constant, (3) infrequent sampling, and (4) variable sampling rate. The ®rst
scenario is typical of simulation studies while the other
three incorporate attributes found in real plant data. For
the cases in which ANNs predicted well, linear regression
(LR), one of the oldest empirical modeling techniques,
predicted equally well, and when LR failed to accurately
model/predict the data, ANNs predicted poorly. Since real
plant data would resemble a combination of situations (2),
(3), and (4), it is important to understand that empirical
models are not necessarily appropriate for predictively
modeling dynamic processes in practice.
Arti®cial neural network (ANN) models have recently been
used to model a variety of complex nonlinear physical relationships. Empirical techniques that have been employed
to predictively model a dynamic process include radial
basis function models for a continuous-stirred tank reactor
Received: 11 February 1999
V.C.P. Chen (&)
School of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, Georgia 30332
D.K. Rollins
Departments of Chemical Engineering and Statistics,
Iowa State University,
Ames, Iowa 50011
The authors wish to acknowledge partial support for this research
by the National Science Foundation under grant number CTS-945
3534. We are also grateful to Kristine Bendixen, Charlotte
Schulze-Hewett, Aletia Van Brocklin, and Parisa Taravati for
collecting the data from the continuous-stirred tank reactor and
®tting the neural network models. Finally, we would like to thank
Dasaratha Sridhar for writing the neural network code.
(CSTR) [1], autoregressive moving average with external
input (AR-MAX) models for a distillation process [2], an
ANN for a continuous-stirred tank fermenter [3], and the
recently introduced semi-empirical technique (SET) demonstrated for a CSTR [4]. ANNs fall into the class of purely
empirical methods since their structures are seldom, if
ever, phenomenologically inspired, and their coef®cients
are determined strictly by the data and seldom have
physical meaning. As an empirical technique, ANN models
are ¯exible, relatively easy to ®t, and typically perform very
well in applications suited for empirical modeling. However, due to the ease of obtaining accurate ®ts to data sets,
they can be misapplied and misused just as easily.
This paper demonstrates important limitations of empirical models in accurately predicting model outputs (i.e.,
responses) to changes in inputs (disturbances) for real
data taken from dynamic chemical, or biochemical process. In addition to ANN models, linear regression (LR),
the most common empirical modeling technique, is tested.
Both ANNs and LR predict well under steady state conditions, with data sampled at every input change, and
under dynamic conditions, with constant time intervals
between input changes and data sampled at very input
change. However, under more complex sampling conditions found in real dynamic plant data such as infrequent
sampling and variable sampling rate, empirical methods
will likely predict poorly. When process data are sampled
infrequently, input changes (there could be several) that
occur between sampling instances have to be ignored by
the empirical model because of its inability to predict
without a complete set of input and output variables. With
variable sampling under dynamic conditions, having the
predicted response match the next measured response in
time is a matter of fortuity and not control. Thus, we
conjecture that an empirical modeling approach will not
be successful under complex conditions of sampling.
To evaluate our suppositions, we consider situations
when: (1) the process nearly reaches steady state before the
next sampling; (2) the input change period is much smaller
than the time to reach steady state, but the sampling rate is
constant; (3) the data are sampled infrequently; and (4) the
sampling rate varies signi®cantly. The distinguishing feature between ANNs and LR is that in situations when
predictive ability is poor, ANNs are able to interpolate the
training data, while LR can perform poorly in ®tting the
training data. Thus, (as commonly known) when working
with ANNs, one must employ model validation on a test
data set, so as not to misinterpret a good ®t to the training
data as good predictive ability.
Bioprocess Engineering 22 (2000)
Empirical dynamic modeling of a response variable
requires discrete-time past input and output measured
data. The ideal situation is frequent data sampled at a
constant and equal sampling rate for inputs and outputs.
However, the typical real process is far from this ideal
situation. More likely, several critical variables will be
sampled infrequently and at different rates.
The presentation in this article was motivated by the
work of Normandin et al. [3] who modeled biomass and
substrate responses to changes in the inlet/outlet ¯ow
rate with an ANN. We commend them for demonstrating this powerful application of empirical modeling in
the context of biochemical engineering. The main purpose of their ANN model was its inclusion in an iterative optimization routine intended to determine, for each
sampling point, the inlet ¯ow rate which maximizes a
steady-state objective performance criterion. Recognizing
that one purpose of their work was to obtain an adequate ANN model under the conditions of their study
(at which they were successful), our purpose is to supplement their work with cautions when empirically
modeling data with complex sampling attributes. In
addition, we also want to highlight the ¯exibility that
modelers have in choosing a particular empirical method. We demonstrate this by bringing a represented
empirical method, LR, into our study and demonstrating
that LR and ANN are successful and unsuccessful together. Thus, in situations well suited for empirical
modeling, the selection of a particular approach will
likely be just a matter of preference. Our objectives,
stated above, will be accomplished through a study
involving the four situations stated above.
For these four situations, model prediction performance is tested on a simulated continuous stirred tank
reactor (CSTR) with ¯ow rate …qc † as the input variable
and concentration of species A…CA † as the output variable. The CSTR and the two empirical modeling techniques (ANN and LR) in the context of the CSTR are
described in Section 3. Section 4.1 discusses the situations in which the ANN and LR models performed well,
and Section 4.2 presents the situations in which they did
not. Finally, closing remarks are given in the last section.
LR performance on the data in Normandin et al
As our only comparison to the ANN used by Normandin
et al. we ®t LR to the 50 substrate samples forming their
test data set. Neither their training data set nor their ®nal
predictive ANN model was available. Using the notation of
their paper, the LR model we employed was:
Fig. 1. Linear regression ®t to the substrate test data in Normadin
et al. paper
The CSTR process model
Since Normandin et al. did not provide all the necessary
information needed to replicate their process, we generated data from a different, but similar process. The CSTR
in this study is similar to the one used by Pottmann and
Seborg [1] except for the inclusion of an energy balance on
the jacket contents to account for the jacket content
temperature (which here is the same as the outlet coolant
temperature) varying with process changes. The dynamics
equations describing this process are given below and the
coef®cients and other quantities can be found in Table 1:
dCA q
ˆ …CAf ÿ CA †k0 CA eÿE=RT ;
dT q
…ÿDH†k0 CA
ˆ …Tf ÿ T† ‡
qCp eÿE=RT
q Cpc qc
‡ c
‰1 ÿ eÿhA=qc pc Cpc Š…Tc ÿ T† ;
qCp V
dTc qc
ˆ …Tcf ÿ Tc † ‡ ‰1 ÿ eÿhA=qc pc Cpc Š…T ÿ Tc † :
Model development follows Pottmann and Seborg very
closely. Speci®cally, model development used current and
past input and output values to predict the output value of
the next sampled output. That is:
Table 1. Nominal conditions for the CSTR
Tank volume
Feed ¯ow rate
Feed temperature
Feed concentration
Coolant volume
Ss‡1 ˆ b0 ‡ b1 Fs ‡ b2 …Fs ÿ Fsÿ1 † ‡ b3 Ss ‡ ;
Coolant ¯ow rate
Coolant temperature
where S denotes dimensionless substrate concentration, F Densities
denotes dimensionless ¯ow rate, s denotes dimensionless Speci®c heats
time, b denotes the LR coef®cients, and denotes random Pre-exponential factor
error in the data. As shown in the Fig. 1, LR ®ts well with Exponential factor
Heat of reaction
similar performance as the ANN ®t obtained by NorHeat transfer characteristics
mandin et al. Thus, our belief that, with proper ®tting,
Concentration of A
when one empirical approach predicts well others will
Stamping period
predict well is supported by the results in Fig. 1.
Nominal value
q; qc
C; Cpc
100 l
100 l min)1
350 K
1 mol l)1
25.76 l
100 l min)1
350 K
1000 g)1 K)1
1 cal g l )1
7.2 ´ 1010 min)1
9.98 ´ 103 K
2.0 ´ 105 cal mol)1
7.0 ´ 105 cal)1 K)1
0.0137349 mol l)1
0.1 min
V.C.P Chen, D.K. Rollins : Issues regarding arti®cial neural network modeling
CAi‡1 ˆ f …qciÿ2 ; qciÿ1 ; qci ; CAiÿ2 ; CAiÿ1 ; CAi † ‡ i‡1 ;
where i is the current time instant and i+1 is the error
term for the prediction of CA at the (i + 1)-th sampling
instant. Notice that Eq. (4) is not a continuous function of
time. Thus, three drawbacks of empirical approaches are
immediately seen from Eq. (4): (1) one cannot obtain
prediction between sampling times; (2) a variable sampling time could have a negative impact on accuracy; and
(3) inputs (i.e., the q's) and outputs (i.e., the CA's) must be
sampled at the same time to provide the most accurate
prediction of CA.
We employed three-layer (input, hidden, output) ANN
models using a hyperbolic tangent activation function. Our
ANN model equation was:
CAi‡1 ˆ Tanh…c ‡
xj1 Zji‡1 † ‡ i‡1 ;
Zji‡1 ˆ Tanh…dj ‡ m1j qci ‡ m2j qciÿ1 ‡ m3j qciÿ2 ‡ m4j CAi
‡ m5j CAiÿ1 ‡ m6j CAiÿ2 † :
The statistical model discrimination technique called ®nal
prediction error (FPE) [5] was used to help obtain the
``best'' ANN model. In the cases that ®t poorly to the test
data based on the FPE result, we also used cross validation to determine the best model. In these cases the
FPE-based ANN usually recommended a very large
number of nodes in the hidden layer and the cross validation procedure determined a smaller number of nodes
in the hidden layer. Note that the FPE-based ANN provided an upper bound on the number of nodes in the
hidden layers that we investigated. For example, when
FPE gave 22 nodes as the optimal number, we evaluated,
by cross validation, models with 1 to 22 nodes in the
hidden layer. The one that we accepted from cross validation was the one with the smallest prediction error.
Thus, we are con®dent in our conclusions of ANN's inability to accurately ®t in these cases. Our LR model
equation was:
CAi‡1 ˆ b0 ‡ b1 qciÿ2 ‡ b2 qciÿ1 ‡ b3 qci ‡ b4 CAiÿ2
‡ b5 CAiÿ1 ‡ b6 CAi ‡ i‡1 :
Table 2. Correlation r between estimated and true
concentrations for both the
training and test data sets.
Coef®cient of multiple determination R2 for the empirical ®t to the training data
Prediction performance of empirical models
Four cases were considered in this study: (1) steady state;
(2) large time constant; (3) infrequent sampling; and (4)
variable sampling rate. For each case, the training data set
consisted of 200 samples and the test data set consisted of
50 samples. The input sequences for the training and test
data sets were generated randomly from a uniform (90,
110) probability distribution. The same input sequence of
1000 values was used for all four training data sets with
case (3) requiring all 1000, and cases (1), (2), and (4) requiring only the ®rst 200 in the sequence. The same input
sequence of 50 values was used for all four test data sets
with all 50 required for all cases (since the goal was to test
how well the models predicted the true process).
Table 2 presents the correlation r between the true CA
and estimated concentrations for A using LR and ANN
models. Also included are the R2 values (the percent of the
total variation in the data explained by the model) resulting from the ®t of the empirical models to the training
data sets. Accurate prediction was achieved by both LR
and ANN models for the steady-state and large time constant cases while poor prediction resulted for both models
in the infrequent sampling and variable sampling rate
cases. Each case is examined more closely in the following
Cases with accurate prediction
Steady-state processes
In the steady-state setting, each input change essentially
reaches its full effect before another change occurs. Thus,
the response is the same for identical inputs. This relationship between output and input without time dependence is easily modeled, given the complete set of input
changes, by ®tting a purely empirical technique to a representative data set of responses for different input
For our steady-state CSTR data, the process time constant was one minute (s = 1), input changes occurred
every 5 minutes, and data was sampled at every input
Data set
ANN (Test)
Training r
Test r
Large time constant
Training r
Test r
Infrequent sampling
Training r
Test r
Variable sampling rate
Training r
Test r
Bioprocess Engineering 22 (2000)
Fig. 2. Steady-state case, training data (®rst 500 minutes): a input
sequence, b concentration responses
change. In Fig. 2 the ®rst 500 minutes (out of 1000) of the
training data input sequence is shown with the true process and the ANN and LR ®ts on the 200-sample training
data set. The FPE-based ANN model selected four nodes in
the hidden layer as the ``best'' ANN structure for this data.
Figure 3 shows their performance on the steady-state test
data. Both LR and the FPE-based ANN model ®t the
Fig. 3. Steady-state case, test data: a input sequence,
b concentration responses
training data and predict the test data very well (the shortdashed lines for the ANN are not visible because they lie
directly under the long-dashed lines for LR). Note that the
dynamic transitions between samples cannot be captured
by either empirical model. In Table 2, both empirical
models achieve correlations over 0.99 on both the training
and test data.
V.C.P Chen, D.K. Rollins : Issues regarding arti®cial neural network modeling
Large time constant
To simulate a basic dynamic condition, the process time
constant was increased to ®ve minutes, with input changes
occurring every minute and samples taken at each input
change. In Table 2, as in the steady-state case, both LR
and ANN achieved correlations over 0.99 on both the
training and test data. In Fig. 4, the ®rst 100 minutes (out
of 200) of the training data input sequence are shown with
the corresponding true process and the ANN and LR ®ts
on the 200-sample training data set. The FPE-based ANN
model selected three nodes in the hidden layer. Figure 5
shows the results on the test data. Again, both LR and the
FPE-based ANN performed very well, but this time their
predictions on the test data were dissimilar enough to be
able to distinguish the short-dashed from the long-dashed
We can gain additional information from the coef®cients for LR. For the steady-state case, only last input
change qci was required to accurately predict the next
concentration CAi‡1 . The large time constant case additionally requires the last concentration CAi . The ANN coef®cients are unable to provide this insight. Note that for
the ``best'' ANN model structure, the steady-state case used
more nodes in the hidden layer than the large time constant case. This seems counterintuitive to us since the large
time constant case is clearly more complex than the
steady-state case.
In contrast to our results here, a paper by Chen et al. [6]
found that LR and ANN models exhibited time lag in the
case with a large time constant. We suspect these contrary
results are due to the nonconstant time intervals between
input changes/samples in the data used by Chen et al.
Thus, the accurate predictions produced in Fig. 5 are
Fig. 4. Large time constant, training data (®rst 100 minutes):
a input sequence, b concentration responses
heavily dependent on the constant one-minute time interval between samples/input changes.
Cases with poor prediction
For the remaining two cases, neither ANNs nor LR were
able to predict accurately; although ANNs were able to
interpolate the training data well. The results include two
ANN ®tted models, one whose structure was determined
by the model discrimination technique FPE and one whose
structure was selected to minimize the test data prediction
error sums of squares (SSPE):
^ Ai †2 ;
…CAi ÿ C
where the CAi is the measured concentration of A for the
^ Ai is the prediction
i-th sample in the test data set and C
using the trained model. This ``test-based'' ANN structure
represents the best prediction that an ANN model, based
on the given training data, could achieve. In Table 2, the
FPE-based ANN models have high correlations on the
training data for the infrequent sampling and variable
sampling rate; however, LR and both ANN models all
result in low correlations on the test data.
Infrequent sampling
For the infrequent sampling case, multiple input changes
were permitted to occur between samples. Similarly to
the steady-state case, the process time constant was one
minute with input changes occurring every minute, but
instead of sampling at every input change, samples were
taken every ®ve minutes (i.e., at every ®fth input
Bioprocess Engineering 22 (2000)
Fig. 5. Large time constant, test data: a input sequence,
b concentration responses
change). This situation represents the typical real plant
attribute of input changes occurring between samples. In
Fig. 6, the ®rst 150 minutes (out of 300) of the training
data input sequence are shown with the corresponding
true process and the ANN and LR ®ts on the 200-sample
training data set. The sampled data are indicated by dots
on the input sequence and the true process. The FPE-
Fig. 6. Infrequent sampling, training data (®rst 150 minutes):
a input sequence, b concentration responses
based ANN selected 23 nodes in the hidden layer and is
able to interpolate the samples comprising the training
data, while LR and the test-based ANN with one node in
the hidden layer mostly follow the average. An experienced ANN modeler would recognize that the selection of
23 nodes by the FPE model discrimination technique is
unjusti®ed. However, to a naive ANN modeler, the in-
V.C.P Chen, D.K. Rollins : Issues regarding arti®cial neural network modeling
Fig. 7. Infrequent sampling, test data: a input sequence,
b concentration responses
terpolating ®t suggests that ANNs are ¯exible enough to
represent this process. In Fig. 7, none of the empirical
models predict well. The FPE-based ANN which interpolated the training data varies wildly up and down
beyond the true process. The other two models stay
closer to the process, but none shows any semblance of
the true process in the test data. While a poor ®t is
demonstrated by LR in examining the training data, these
plots illustrate the importance of model validation of
ANNs on a test data set.
Variable sampling frequency
To simulate conditions in which sampling frequency varied from one sample to the next, we generated 199 uniformly distributed times ranging from 0.1 minutes to
1.5 minutes. This situation of randomly varying sample
times represents the real plant attribute of non-constant
sampling rate. For simplicity, we chose to have input
changes occur at the same time qc (the input) and CA (the
output) were sampled.
Figure 8 the ®rst 85 minutes (out of 170) of the training
data input sequence is shown with the corresponding true
process and the ANN and LR ®ts on the 200-sample
training data set. Similarly to the infrequent sampling case,
the FPE-based ANN selected a large number (22) of
nodes in the hidden layer while the test-based ANN only
selected two nodes. Again, we ®nd that the FPE-based
ANN is able to interpolate the training data, but none of
the empirical models predict well on the test data in Fig. 9.
Equation (4) provides insight on the poor ®t of this
case. Since CA prediction is dependent on past data sampled discretely in time, if the time of prediction does not
match the time of the next sample for CA, this alone could
cause a large prediction error. With variable sampling
rates, these two times are not likely to correspond. Thus,
when signi®cant sampling rate variability exist, empirical
modeling does not appear to be a viable choice for predictive modeling of dynamic processes.
Concluding remarks
Using four carefully constructed cases, we tested the predictive capability of LR and ANN. Although ANNs have
the reputation of accurately modeling complex nonlinear
physical relationships, these models are still data-driven
and are subject to the limitations of empirical models. In
the steady-state and large time constant cases, both empirical models performed extremely well. However, in the
infrequent sampling and variable sampling rate cases,
neither could accurately predict the test data, despite the
FPE-based ANN model's ability to interpolate the training
data. Infrequent data sampling causes the problem of
missing information and makes it dif®cult for empirical
predictive models to perform well. Variable sampling rate
data cause model predictions to not correspond to sampling times, as necessary, for discrete dynamic data. These
cases illustrated the distinguishing feature between ANNs
and LR: a good ®t to the training data implies good predictive ability for the LR model, but does not necessarily
imply good prediction by the ANN model. Thus, even
though an ANN model was capable of interpolating the
training data sets, the limitations of empirical modeling
prohibited ANNs from accurately predicting the corresponding test data set.
This interpolative ability (i.e., excellent ®ts to training
data) of ANNs may be misleading in many applications,
and ANN modelers should be aware of the importance of
Bioprocess Engineering 22 (2000)
Fig. 8. Variable sampling, training data (®rst 85 minutes): a input
sequence, b concentration responses
Fig. 9. Variable sampling, test data: a input sequence, b concentration responses
model validation using a test data set. In addition, we encourage modelers to approach modeling problems broadly.
That is, to classify them by approach (e.g., empirical) and
not by modeling method (e.g., regression) since, as shown
by this work, if one empirical method is successful some
other empirical method is likely to be successful. In contrast, if the application is not suited for empirical modeling,
no empirical modeling method will be successful. Thus,
selection of a particular empirical method should be based
more on training and familiarity, rather than a conception
of superiority.
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