BSCpE Program Flowchart – Effective Fall 2014 1st Semester 2nd Semester 3rd Semester 4th Semester 5th Semester 6th Semester 7th Semester 8th Semester CH 131* (4) General Chemistry I PH 201 (4) Calculusbased Physics I PH 202 (4) Calculusbased Physics II MA 238 (3) Differential Equations EE 331 (3) Physical Electronics EE 334 (4) Analog and Digital Electronics EE/CSC 4XX (3) Technical Elective EE/CSC 4XX (3) Technical Elective MA 125* (4) Calculus I MA 126 (4) Calculus II MA 227 (4) Calculus III EE 223 (3) Network Analysis EE321 (3) Signals and Systems EE 328 (3) Feedback Control Systems EE/CSC 4XX (3) Technical Elective EE/CSC 4XX (3) Technical Elective EH 101* (3) Composition I EH 102* (3) Composition II MA 267 (3) Discrete Math Structures EE 227 (1) Circuits and Devices Lab. EE322 (3) Prob., Rand. Signals & Stat. Analysis EE/CSC 4XX (3) Technical Elective EE 4XXL (1) Senior Tech. Elective Lab EG 101 (2) Intro to Eng. and Design CIS 210 (3) Introduction to C++ Programming EE 220 (3) Circuit Analysis EE 268 (1) Digital Logic Design Lab EE 368 (1) Microproc. Sys. & Inter. Laboratory EE 401 (1) Intro. to ECE Design (W) (Fall) EE 404 (3) ECE Design (W) (Spring) Gen Ed (3) Fine Arts Gen Ed (3) Humanities (CA 110) EE 263 (3) Digital Logic Design EE 264 (3) Microproc. Systems and Interfacing EG 231 (3) Ethics and Engineering Economics EE 457 (3) Embedded System Design EE 446 (1) Embedded System Design Lab EE 454 (3) Digital Computer Architecture CSC 230 (4) Advanced Data/File Structure CSC 311 (3) Networking & Commun. (Fall) CSC 322 (3) Operating Systems (Spring) Gen Ed (3) History/SS Gen Ed (3) History/SS Gen Ed (3) History/SS FE Exam 16 19 14 16 17 Courses in the shaded boxes must be completed to obtain PCS. MA 267, CIS 211 and CIS 230 must be completed before taking any 300 level CIS courses Gen Ed (3) Literature (Prereq: EH 101 and EH 102) Courses marked with a * may require minimum ACT, placement test, or remedial prerequisites EG 101 may not be required for students transferring 15 or more credit hours 17 17 13 Solid arrow denotes prerequisites. Dotted arrow denotes co-requisites. Revised 10/22/2014 No 300 level courses can be taken without PCS FE Exam should be attempted within the 7th semester Total: 130 Credit Hours For Technical elective courses, BSCpE students must select one of the following tracks: Hardware Track Students must take 3 senior level EE courses and the remaining 2 courses can be senior level EE or CSC courses. Software Track Students must take CSC 331, CSC 333, CSC 432 and the 2 remaining courses can be senior level EE or CSC courses. Note CSC 331 requires CSC 230 and EE 268 as prerequisites. CSC 333 requires CSC 230 as a prerequisite. CSC 432 requires CSC 230 and MA 126 as prerequisites. EE Technical Electives EE 422, EE 423, EE 424, EE 425, EE 427, EE 430, EE 431, EE 432, EE 438, EE 439, EE 440*, EE 441, EE 443*, EE 444, EE 447, EE 465, EE 469, EE 470, EE 471, EE 473, EG 480. *Note: Credit for both EE 440 and EE 443 is not allowed CSC Technical Electives CSC 410, CSC 411, CSC 412, CSC 413, CSC 414, CSC 415, CSC 416, CSC 417, CSC 434, CIS 439 Senior Lab Senior Lab may be selected from EE 425 or EE 447. General Education Requirements All students are required to take EH 101 and EH 102. See the College of Engineering information sheet for details about CLEP and required letter grades to progress in the English sequence. In addition to the two English classes, Electrical Engineering students must take the following: Nine hours in Literature, Humanities and Fine Arts including: 3 hours in Literature 3 hours in Fine Arts CA 110 (3 hours in Humanities) Nine hours in History, Social Sciences, and Behavioral Sciences including: 3 hours in History 3 hours in Social Sciences and Behavioral Sciences Laptop Policy Students enrolling in CIS 210 are required to own a personal laptop computer system that conforms to the current departmental minimum published standards. This is a one machine per student requirement. Literature, Humanities and Fine Arts Literature EH 215, 216 British Literature EH 225, 226 American Literature EH 235, 236 World Literature Fine Arts ARH 100 ARH 103, 123 ARS 101 DRA 110 MUL 101 Survey of Art Art History Art Appreciation Intro to Drama Intro to Music Humanities AFR 101 African American Studies AIS 105 Encounter with the Humanities CA 110* Public Speaking LG 111, 112, 211, 212 French LG 131, 132, 231, 232 Spanish LG 171, 172,271, 272 Russian LG 151, 152, 251, 252 German LGS 101, 102 201, 202 Japanese LGS 106, 107, 206, 207 Arabic LGS 121, 122, 221, 222 Chinese LGS 141, 142 241, 242 Greek PHL 110, 121, 131, 231, 240 Philosophy History, Social Sciences, and Behavioral Sciences History HY 101, 102 History of Civilization HY 135, 136 US History Social Sciences and Behavioral Sciences GS 101 Gender Studies AIS 201 Seasons of Life AN 100, 101 Anthropology CA 100, 211 Communications ECO 215, 216 Economics GEO 114, 115 Geography PSC 130 US Government PSY 120, 250, 121 Psychology SY 109, 112 Sociology IS 100 Global Issues * Electrical and Computer Engineering majors are required to take CA 110 (Public Speaking) to fulfill the humanities requirement.