Management Board summary 05 November Quarter 2 Business Report The Head of Corporate Planning and Risk Improvement Officer stated that Management Board is asked to note the half-year status (and year-end delivery projection where given) of (1) Corporate Dashboard indicators (2) Investment Bid projects and (3) 2014-15 Business Priorities. The Head of Corporate Planning and Risk Improvement Officer took the Board through each of the reports in turn. The Director of Information and Services advised that a number of key individual’s contracts needed to be renewed in order to facilitate projects being completed to schedule. Management Board noted the half year Business Report. September Financial Update The Head of Finance explained that Management Board were being asked to note and approve the September financial performance update. The Head of Finance advised that the September results form the basis of the 6+6 forecast. The Chief Executive and Keeper advised that The National Archives was in a good position and was seen as a well managed organisation that performed well. Management Board noted and approved the financial update. 6+6 Forecast The Head of Finance said that the Board were being asked to note and approve the 6+6 forecast. The Head of Finance presented the Forecast. DS advised that final confirmation of our outurn, including our administration versus programme and capital revenue requirements will take place in December with the supplementary estimate submission. This will be based on 6+6 forecast. Management Board noted and approved the Forecast. New Strategic Objectives and Goals, Proposed structural realignment The Chief Executive and Keeper updated Management Board on progress advising that the second round of workshops had seen continued high levels of engagement and outlined the planned structural realignment. A Non Executive Director noted that the priorities and goals read very well. Page 1 of 2 It was suggested it would be beneficial to seek a review by a ‘trusted friend’. The Chief Executive and Keeper stated that there was a necessary flexibility built into the plan due to a lack of certainty regarding future funding. Non Executive Directors requested Non Executive Directors be consulted further ahead of circulating the plans more widely. Management Board noted progress and supported the plans. Technology Review The Interim Technology Director presented the findings after one month of being at The National Archives. The Interim Technology Director stated that planning was underway and was confident improvements would follow once changes were implemented. Management Board noted the review. Reforms under the Public Bodies Act 2011 The Chief Executive and Keeper noted that the Board had read the supporting paper and were being asked to approve the preferred option. Management Board discussed the options. Management Board supported the preferred option. PSI update This agenda item was presented for Management Board to note and approve. The Head of Information Policy advised that the team had been exploring the options regarding statutory responsibility for the investigation and resolution of PSI complaints. The Head of Standards updated Management Board on progress made and the current position. The Chief Executive and Keeper requested the team push on and attempt to meet deadlines. Management Board noted and approved. Any Other Business There being no other business the meeting was drawn to a close. Page 2 of 2