Management Board summary 24 March 2015 Governance Review Management Board was being asked to comment on and note the Review of The National Archives’ governance arrangements. The Acting Head of the Chief Executive’s Office advised that Management Board had agreed the terms of reference of the review on 8 October 2014. A key aspect of the review had been comparison to other similar bodies’ governance arrangements. A Non Executive Director said that the governance required was intrinsically linked to the job the organisation was doing, the governance needs to address the atypical position of The National Archives as a non ministerial government department and executive agency of the Ministry of Justice. The Director of Information Policy and Services suggested that it would be beneficial to have an external person siting on the Audit and Risk committee to provide another layer of scrutiny. A Non Executive Director advised that there should be an open and transparent system in place in order to deal with a divergence of views between the Lead Non Executive Director and the Chief Executive Officer and Keeper. Any difference of opinion could then be recorded in writing. Management Board noted the Review of The National Archives’ governance arrangements. January Financial performance update The Director of Finance and Corporate Services advised that the Board was being asked to note the December Financial Report. The likely year end outcome is being closely tracked. The Head of Finance took Management Board through the Financial Report. Management Board discussed. A Non Executive Director commented that good relationships had been maintained with suppliers. Management Board noted the January financial report. 2015/16 Budget Management Board are asked to note and approve the 2015/16 Budget. The Director of Finance and Corporate Services advised that this is the first year of the new four year business plan, and also the last year of the current Comprehensive Spending Review. As such the budget reflects our determination to progress our strategic goals, whilst ensuring we are able to adapt to the future funding climate. Page 1 of 3 Management Board discussed the Budget. The Chief Executive and Keeper noted the importance in Government of our role in helping OGDs manage records and providing assurance and best practice advice. Management Board noted and approved the 2015/16 Budget. Tech Reboot – update on the past six months and look ahead to next year The Chief Executive and Keeper advised that Management Board was being asked to note this report on the progress made over the last 6 months and on future plans for the next 12 to 18 months. The Commercial Director noted that from next week she would be taking on the digital teams as outlined in the re-alignment and that the implementation of a target operating model was of key importance. The Chief Technology Officer explained that morale was good even though this was a time of change and generally there was a supportive environment where employees could rely on assistance in achieving objectives. The Management Board noted progress and future plans. Business Plan 2015-16 Management Board approval was being sought for the 2015-16 Business Plan. A Non Executive Director noted that it was important to clearly show the responsibilities The National Archives has in the new Business Plan. The Chief Executive and Keeper said the Academic audience priority had to be realistic as this was a new directorate and new area of focus, plans needed to be affordable and deliverable. A Non Executive Director suggested that having tangible, potent targets in place would be beneficial. Action: The Chief Executive and Keeper advised that the metrics used for measuring performance would be explored and advice received taken. Management Board approved the Business Plan subject to a number of changes being incorporated. Proposed improvements to the management of Board papers and agenda Management Board is asked to note and approve the proposed measures to improve the range and quality of papers submitted to The National Archives’ Management Board. A Non Executive Director said that the late tabling of papers should not occur and highlighted the need for papers to be distributed in good time to allow thorough review. Page 2 of 3 It was noted that there would be monthly Financial Updates and a quarterly full Financial Report with forecasts. Management Board supported the measures set out in the paper. Any Other Business Annual Report Management Board were being asked to note progress ahead of the final draft being presented for sign off at the May Management Board. The Chief Executive and Keeper stated that this report was atypical as it looked back over the previous business plan ‘For the Record : For Good’ in its entirety. A Non Executive Director advised that it was important to look at all the great work done, particularly at the First World War 100 centenary programme. Progress was noted. There being no other business the meeting was drawn to a close. Page 3 of 3