Management Board summary 05 December Customer Service Excellence

Management Board summary
05 December
Customer Service Excellence
Customer Service Excellence (CSE) is a government standard which assesses delivery of customer
service within government. The formal assessment process focuses on areas that CSE research has
shown are of greatest priority to customers. CSE is the successor to the Charter Mark.
The Service Quality and Complaints Manager took Management Board through the recent successful
assessment process.
The Director of Public Services and Human Resources stated that this positive result should be used
as a spur for further improvement and to reach out to new audiences.
Management Board noted the retaining of the CSE standard and the work of the team
throughout the assessment process.
Civil Survey People Survey 2014
The Board was being asked to note organisational results, top level analysis and the next steps.
The Head of HR and Organisational Development outlined the results to Management Board adding
that this year the PCS union had actively encouraged members not to take part.
A Non Executive Director advised that Leadership and Managing change results were consistent with
what could be expected during a period of change at the top management level and we were
currently in a period of planning for the future.
The Chief Executive and Keeper noted that The National Archives remains a civil service high
Management Board noted the results of the survey, analysis and next steps.
October financial performance update
The Head of Finance explained that Management Board were being asked to note and approve the
October financial performance update.
Management Board were taken through the October Financials.
Management Board discussed the update.
Management Board noted and approved the October Financial report.
Realignment discussion
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The Chief Executive and Keeper advised that following discussion at the last Management Board we
have now made final changes to the Strategic Priorities and Goals and would like to share this with
the Board and explain what the next steps are. Management Board ratification is being sought.
The Chief Executive and Keeper advised that he had presented the plans at an all staff meeting on
Monday 1 December.
A Non Executive Director stated that there would be much work to be done by the new Research and
Collections Directorate in order not to be left behind the curve in terms of research.
Management Board ratified the Strategic Priorities, Goals and realignment plans.
First World War 100
The Head of Marketing and Communications advised that it is a year since we brought our plans for
our First World War public programme to Management Board. We would like now to report back on
the progress and learnings from our first year and to set out our approach for coming years.
Progress, learnings and future plans were outlined to Management Board.
The acting Head of Advice and Records Knowledge advised that staff from across the organisation
have given assistance to the programme.
The Management Board noted progress made and supported the planned approach.
Site Development of former Inland Revenue Site by Taylor Wimpey
The Head of Estates and Operational Security briefed Management Board on Taylor Wimpey’s
development plans for the former Inland Revenue site which is located adjacent to The National
Archives Kew location.
A Non Executive Director noted the importance of briefing staff on plans.
Management Board noted the plans.
Prisoner of War LIA package
In consultation with records specialists over the past 6 months, the licensing team have put together
a package of records for which we have invited expressions of interest from publishers to license,
digitise, index and make the records searchable online.
Management Board were shown a selection of the documents.
Any Other Business
The Director of HR and Public Services noted that the Document Services Department had won an
award for their work with Spark! helping young volunteers.
There being no other business the meeting was drawn to a close.
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