Management Board summary 20 February Third quarter business report Management Board is asked to note the third quarter status (and year-end delivery projection where given). The Director of Finance and Corporate Services advised that the three reports had been noted and agreed at the Executive Team meeting held on 11 February 2015. Corporate Dashboard indicators The Head of Corporate Planning and Risk Improvement Manager noted that no elements were of particular concern. Management Board noted the report. Investment Bid projects The Head of Procurement and Senior Project Manager took the Board through the report that tracked 30 projects. Management Board noted the report. 2014-15 Business Priorities The Chief Executive and Keeper advised that PSI delivery dates had been discussed during the pre meet. The Commercial and Digital Director informed the Board that a piece on Digital was planned for the Management Board. Management Board noted the report. Business Plan – update The acting Head of the Chief Executive’s Office advised that the first draft of the portfolio of suggested business priorities for 2015-16 was tabled for review and discussion by the Executive Team at its meeting on 11 February. A more substantive discussion is planned for the March Board. A Non Executive Director suggested that the new Business Plan should sit in a prominent place on our website. A Non Executive Director urged that there was no dilution in ambition and aims as The National Archives is and is rightly regarded as being an efficient, well run organisation. Page 1 of 2 December Financials / 9+3 forecast The Director of Finance and Corporate Services advised that the Board was being asked to note the December Financials and the 9+3 forecast that had been noted and approved at Executive Team. The Head of Finance took Management Board through the Financials / 9+3 forecast. Management Board discussed. The Chief Executive and Keeper explained that work was currently underway on resource planning. Management Board noted the December Financials and the 9+3 forecast. Review of Release of Files from 1985 and 1986 In 2013 we were able to hold an additional file release in the summer for the 1983 files as well as the ‘normal’ file release in December for the 1984 files. Management Board discussed the paper outlining the planning and our learnings from our first “double” release and how we dealt with them and how we plan to go forward to gain even more coverage. The Marketing Manager explained that the possibility of having file release events aimed at the academic sector or the general public was being explored. The Director of Information Policy and Services and advised that we worked closely with other government departments and provided advice and guidance on all aspects of record transfer. Management Board noted the paper. Education update The Head of Education and Outreach explained that this is an update on activities of the teams within the Education and Outreach Department and was for information. The Head of Education and Outreach advised that we lead on the development and delivery of services to audiences within formal and informal school education, History teacher education and communities which do not traditionally engage with our collection. The range of methodologies and techniques which are used in our delivery were outlined. The Head of Education and Outreach noted an increasingly important area was adult and lifelong learning and sparking curiosity in those not traditionally targeted. The Chief Executive and Keeper noted that Education was now being brought into our core activities and would feature prominently in our new Business Plan. Any Other Business There being no other business the meeting was drawn to a close. Page 2 of 2