Review into the Quality of Care & Treatment provided by 14 Hospital Trusts in England George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust Key Lines of Enquiry The table below sets out the key lines of enquiry for the Trust. Area of focus Key Lines of Enquiry Governance and leadership 1. Clinical and operational effectiveness 2. What governance arrangements does the Trust have to monitor clinical and operational performance data at a senior level? What processes does the Trust have in place to support monitoring mortality data and clinical effectiveness? Has the Trust data identified any issues? What actions is the Trust taking to address issues noted? Can the Trust clearly articulate its governance processes for assuring the quality of treatment of care? Are the leadership roles and responsibilities clearly defined for the quality processes? Can staff at all levels of the organisation describe the key elements of the quality governance processes? 3. How does the Trust manage medical and surgical patients? Has the Trust identified any issues with the management of surgical patients? What actions is the Trust taking to address issues noted? 4. How does the Trust manage deteriorating patients? Has the Trust identified any issues with the management of deteriorating patients? What actions is the Trust taking to address issues noted? 5. What actions are the Trust taking to address safety thermometer issues? Patient experience 6. How does the Trust review patient experience data and engage with patients to seek views about their experience? What are the key themes from patients on their experiences? What action is it taking to address the key themes emerging? What do patients say about the quality of care in the Trust during our observations/interviews? Workforce and safety 7. How does the Trust approach workforce planning to ensure that patient safety is managed effectively including skill mix? Is there effective provision for surgical and medical consultant input following admission? 8. How does the Trust support its staff including with adequate training?