Differentiating neural distributions: How neural geometries can impact neural firing patterns Max Henderson, Luis Cruz Department of Physics, Drexel University Introduction to neurons and neural networks • The brain’s essential function of thought is carried out at the most basic level by neurons. • Neurons are specialized cells which convey information through electric currents. • When the membrane of the neuron reaches a certain critical electric potential, the neuron will release a burst of current called an action potential. • These action potentials are used to convey information in large networks of neurons, called neural networks. Figure 1. Example of a neuron’s geometric structure. Figure 2. An example of a neuron firing, called an action potential. Methods Results • Ideas concerning synaptic loss and more detailed neural structures. • Step 1. Create i n i t i a l microcolumnar and random networks. Microcolumnar networks are constructed using previous methods. Figure 5 (top). Original crystalline network. Figure 6 (bottom). The final network with microcolumnar geometry. Figure 10. Results from computational experiments of ‘aging’ brains using different spring constant values in the x, y, and z directions. The average RMS displacements (shown in Figure 11C) follows theory extremely well according to the equation: Explaining microcolumnar structures in the brain • The neocortex is divided up into six different layers due to the different neural densities and characteristics in each layer. • An interesting feature of the neocortex is that within these layers, vertical arrangements of neurons form, called microcolumns. • While the existence of microcolumns has observed by biologists for a long time, very little is still known about the purpose of the structures in the brain. • Many believe that microcolumns are simply an artifact of evolution while others believe that the microcolumnar structure of the brain is vital for information processing. • The goal of this project is to better understand the effects of aging in terms of microcolumnar loss. First, we present a method for creating both ‘young’ and ‘old’ microcolumnar networks. Secondly, we investigate the differences between connectivity and firing dynamics of neural networks based off of microcolumnar and random lattices. • By measuring several parameters of the neural networks including synchronicity and phase transitions, the goal is to explain the microcolumnar structure of the brain using a argument for functionality. • S t e p 2 . D e t e r m i n e connectivity of the neurons in the neural network for the ‘young’ brains. In our experiments, we chose two different connectivity methods with biophysical significance. The first is based off a distance dependent relation neurons exhibit wherein neurons are more likely to be connected if their intersomatic distance is small. The second is based off of a novel method which reorganizes connectivity iteratively based off of the number of common neighbors shared between neurons. This also has been observed in biological systems. Future research r 2 = x 2 + y2 + z 2 = kBT kBT kBT + + kx ky kz Figure 11. Adjusted microcolumnar strength, F, as a function of age, shown in terms of inverse spring constant strength as well as average RMSdisplacement. Allowing particles to undergo Brownian motion while constrained by a harmonic force produced a curve that shows a decrease in microcolumnar strength as a function of age, which matches experimental data. Figure 15 (top). Synaptic loss attributed to moving neurons. We believe that another loss of functionality could be related to the loss of synapses torn or damaged due to neuronal drift. Figure 16 (right). One particular realization of a neuronal structure generated using a random process that should create randomly structured neurons within a particular class of neurons. References Figure 12. Visualization of the microcolumnar system mapped onto 2D grids. Figure 7 (top). Experimental connectivity of neurons in the brain as a function of interneuronal distance (Perin et al 2011). Figure 8 (bottom). Connectivity as a function of common neighbors for the iterative reorganization of the common neighbor connectivity algorithm (Perin et al 2013). Papers • 1. Luis Cruz, Sergey V. Buldyrev, Shouyong Peng, Daniel L. Roe, Brigita Urbanc, H.E. Stanley,1, Douglas L. Rosene. “A statistically based density map method for identification and quantification of regional differences in microcolumnarity in the monkey brain.” • 2. Andrew C. Felch, Richard H. Granger. “The hypergeometric connectivity hypothesis: Divergent performance of brain circuits with different connectivity distributions”. • 3. Ashwin Vishwanathan, Guo-Qiang Bi, and Henry C. Zeringue. “Ring-shaped neuronal networks: a platform to study persistent activity.” • 4. Luis Cruz,⁎ Brigita Urbanc, Andrew Inglis, Douglas L. Rosene, and H.E. Stanley. “Generating a model of the three-dimensional spatial distribution of neurons using density maps.” • 5. Perin et al. “A synaptic organizing principle for cortical neuronal groups.” • 6. Perin et al. “Computing the size and number of neuronal clusters in local circuits.” • Step 3. Using the connectivity matrices, we use the software program NEURON to simulate neural networks with varying random stimulus and analyze the network effects. Figure 3. The different layers of the brain. RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATION DESIGN © 2012 www.PosterPresentations.com Figure 4. An example of a vertical microcolumn in a layer of the brain. Figure 9. Examples of neuronal firing patterns, called raster plots, obtained by various networks. Additionally shown are two potential metrics for measuring network dynamics, the interspike interval (ISI) and SPIKE. Acknowledgements and contacts Would like to thank my advisor Dr. Cruz for help guiding these endeavors and always adding creative and practical suggestions for improving the project, as well as the NIH grant AG021133 for making this research possible. Figure 13. Results from connecting neurons using distant dependent and common neighbor connectivity. While random geometry results in isomorphic results, microcolumns clearly favor the axis parallel to the columns. Figure 14. SPIKEG-distances within microcolumns for the various neural networks before (BCN) and after (ACN) the common neighbor law is applied, as a function of stimulus for (A) microcolumnar and (B) random lattices. While connectivity varies as a function of geometry, the dynamics have changed little. Contact: Maxwell Philip Henderson Graduate Student Department of Physics Drexel University Email: mph58@drexel.edu Phone: 484-288-9833