Framework for potential systems and nonlocal symmetries: Algorithmic approach

Framework for potential systems and nonlocal
symmetries: Algorithmic approach
George Blumana兲 and Alexei F. Cheviakovb兲
Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
Canada V6T 1Z2
共Received 30 June 2005; accepted 17 October 2005; published online 22 December 2005兲
An algorithmic framework is presented to find an extended tree of nonlocally
related systems for a given system of differential equations 共DEs兲. Each system in
an extended tree is equivalent in the sense that the solution set for any system in a
tree can be found from the solution set for any other system in the tree. Useful
conservation laws play an essential role in the construction of an extended tree. A
useful conservation law yields potential variables and equivalent nonlocally related
potential systems and subsystems for any given system. Nonlocal symmetries for a
given system of DEs can arise from any system in its extended tree. We construct
extended trees for the systems of planar gas dynamics and nonlinear telegraph
equations, and in both cases obtain new nonlocal symmetries. More importantly,
due to the equivalence of solution sets, any coordinate-independent method of
analysis 共qualitative, numerical, perturbation, etc.兲 can be applied to any system
within the tree, and may yield simpler computations and/or results that cannot be
obtained when the method is directly applied to the given system. © 2005 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2142834兴
The potential symmetry approach1–5 is an algorithmic procedure for seeking nonlocal symmetries of systems of differential equations 共DEs兲. To be directly applicable, this approach requires the existence of a conservation law of a given system. Each conservation law allows the
introduction of one or more auxiliary potential variables which are nonlocally defined with respect
to the original dependent variables.6–8 The resulting 共extended兲 potential system yields nonlocal
symmetries of the given system of DEs if it admits local symmetry generators that do not project
onto local symmetry generators of the given system.
A symmetry of a system of DEs is any transformation of its solution manifold into itself 共i.e.,
a symmetry transforms any solution to another solution of the same system兲. Hence, in general,
symmetry transformations are defined topologically and are not restricted to point or contact 共more
generally local兲 transformations acting on the given system’s dependent and independent variables. However, to perform calculations, a nonlocal symmetry transformation should be a local
transformation acting on the space of variables of an auxiliary system equivalent to the given
system. As has been shown in many examples, local symmetries obtained directly by Lie’s algorithm do not include all calculable symmetries of a given system. However, the application of
Lie’s algorithm to related auxiliary systems systematically yields a search for nonlocal symmetries
of the given system.
Further extensions arise. Starting from a potential system of DEs, one may continue to obtain
a grander potential system resulting from any conservation law of the potential system. Furthermore, starting from a potential system, one may obtain nonlocally related subsystems 共in addition
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to the original given one兲 by “excluding” dependent variables from the potential system. For
example, the 共1 + 1兲-dimensional system of planar gas dynamics equations E兵x , t , v , p , ␳其 = 0 in
Eulerian coordinates with independent variables x = position, t = time, and dependent variables v
= velocity, p = pressure, ␳ = density, gives rise to potential systems G兵x , t , v , p , ␳ , r其 = 0,
W兵x , t , v , p , ␳ , r , w其 = 0, and Z兵x , t , v , p , ␳ , r , w , z其 = 0 with auxiliary potential variables r , w , z and
to various subsystems with fewer dependent variables 共Sec. III兲. This allows one to introduce the
notion of a “tree of nonlocally related potential systems and subsystems” originating from a given
system of DEs. It is important to note that a given system, its related potential systems and
subsystems contain all solutions of each other, i.e., any solution of a related potential system or
subsystem yields a solution of the given system and, mutatis mutandi, any solution of the given
system yields a solution of any related potential system or subsystem. But the solution relationship
is nonlocal since it is never one-to-one.
In general, the admitted point symmetries of a given system, its related potential systems and
subsystems can be very different 共e.g., Ref. 9兲. It can happen that a point symmetry of a given
system is a nonlocal symmetry of a related potential system and, conversely, a point symmetry of
a related potential system is a nonlocal symmetry of the given system. Moreover, it can happen
that a point symmetry of the given system which is a nonlocal symmetry of a related potential
system reappears as a point symmetry of a grander potential system.9,10 Within a tree of potential
systems, a “grand” system may exist that incorporates all point symmetries of the related systems
with fewer potential variables as point symmetries in the grand system. Moreover, the grand
system could admit point symmetries that are nonlocal symmetries of all related systems.9,10
The problem of finding trees of potential systems is particularly important when a given DE
system contains arbitrary 共constitutive兲 functions where one is interested in the question of symmetry classification with respect to specific forms of such functions. For different forms of the
constitutive functions, the sets of conservation laws and consequent trees of related potential
systems and subsystems can be different. Here, isolating useful systems and subsystems is of great
If a given system of DEs has one of its equations written as a conservation law, then the
conservation law equation is a natural way of leading to a related potential system and subsequent
tree. In general, for any system of DEs the algorithmic direct construction method11,12 yields its
conservation laws. In particular, this method obtains factors multiplying each DE in the system so
that the resulting linear combination of equations leads to a conservation law whose conserved
densities are found from an integral formula. A resulting potential system 共and subsequent extended tree兲 is found by replacing one of the DEs in such a linear combination by the conservation
law. The factor multiplying the replaced DE must have the property that the solution set will not
be modified when the conservation law replaces this DE. A useful conservation law for obtaining
a potential system from any given system has at least one factor with this property.
The outline of this paper is as follows. In Sec. II, we present the general framework for the
algorithmic construction of trees of potential systems and subsystems for a given system of DEs.
In Sec. III, as a first example we consider the 共1 + 1兲-dimensional system of planar gas dynamics
共PGD兲 equations5,14 in detail within the potential system framework. Some nonlocal symmetries
for the PGD system were found by Akhatov et al.14 through a heuristic approach. Here, we use the
systematic conservation law/potential symmetry framework to derive an extended tree of potential
systems which includes the PGD systems in Euler and Lagrange coordinates. Our work clarifies
and extends the work presented in Ref. 14. In particular, we obtain new nonlocal symmetries for
PGD systems by a direct study of systems of the extended tree. In Sec. IV, as a second example
we consider the nonlinear telegraph 共NLT兲 equation.9,13 Here, we show how to extend the results
in Ref. 9 by introducing further potential variables. Using conservation laws for particular forms
of the constitutive functions,13 we construct extended trees for each such form. Further remarks
are presented in Sec. V.
The analysis of systems of DEs through consideration of trees of potential systems and
subsystems has evident practical value. First, it allows one to calculate systematically nonlocal
symmetries using Lie’s algorithm, which in turn are useful for obtaining new exact solutions from
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Algorithmic framework for potential systems
J. Math. Phys. 46, 123506 共2005兲
known ones, for constructing invariant and nonclassical solutions, for discovering and constructing linearizations, etc. Second, and perhaps more importantly, any general method of analysis
共qualitative, numerical, perturbation, conservation laws, etc.兲 that is being considered for a given
DE system may be tried again on nonlocally related potential systems or subsystems, since all
such related systems contain all solutions of the given system. In particular, since the systems are
related in a nonlocal manner, new results may be obtained for any method of analysis that is not
coordinate dependent.
Consider a PDE system of m equations R兵x , t , u其 = 兵R1兵x , t , u其 , . . . , Rm兵x , t , u其其 = 0, with two
independent variables 共x , t兲, and n dependent variables u = 共u1 , . . . , un兲.
Suppose that the first equation R1兵x , t , u其 = 0 of the system is written as a conservation law,
DtT兵x,t,u其 + DxX兵x,t,u其 = 0.
Definition 2.1: The PDE system S兵x , t , u , v其 = 0 given by
vx = T兵x,t,u其,
vt = − X兵x,t,u其,
R2兵x,t,u其 = 0,
Rm兵x,t,u其 = 0,
is a potential system with a potential variable v = v共x , t兲 for R兵x , t , u其 = 0 related to the conservation
law R1兵x , t , u其 = 0.
The potential system S兵x , t , u , v其 = 0 given by 共2.2兲 is equivalent to the given system
R兵x , t , u其 = 0. In particular, if 共u , v兲 = 共ũ共x , t兲 , ṽ共x , t兲兲 solves 共2.2兲, then u = ũ共x , t兲 solves
R兵x , t , u其 = 0. Conversely, for any solution u = ũ共x , t兲 of R兵x , t , u其 = 0, there exists a pair of functions 共u , v兲 = 共ũ共x , t兲 , ṽ共x , t兲兲 that satisfies 共2.2兲, with ṽ共x , t兲 unique to within a constant.
Suppose the system S兵x , t , u , v其 = 0 admits a Lie group of point transformations 共point symmetry兲,
x* = x + ⑀␰S共x,t,u, v兲 + O共⑀2兲,
t* = t + ⑀␶S共x,t,u, v兲 + O共⑀2兲,
u*i = ui + ⑀␩Si 共x,t,u, v兲 + O共⑀2兲,
v* = v + ⑀␨S共x,t,u, v兲 + O共⑀2兲.
X = ␰S共x,t,u, v兲
+ ␶S共x,t,u, v兲 + ␩Si 共x,t,u, v兲 i + ␨S共x,t,u, v兲
is the infinitesimal generator of the point symmetry 共2.3兲. 共Throughout this paper, we assume
summation over a repeated index兲.
Definition 2.2: A point symmetry 共2.3兲 is called a potential symmetry of the given system
R兵x , t , u其 = 0 related to the potential system S兵x , t , u , v其 = 0 if and only if 共⳵␰S / ⳵v兲2 + 共⳵␶S / ⳵v兲2
+ 兺i=1
共⳵␩Si / ⳵v兲2 ⬎ 0, i.e., the infinitesimals ␰S, ␶S, ␩Si essentially depend on v. Any potential symmetry is a nonlocal symmetry of the given system R兵x , t , u其 = 0.4
Definition 2.3: An equivalent system S兵x , t , ui1 , . . . , uip , v其 = 0, p 艋 n − 1 that can be obtained by
excluding one or more dependent variables uk of the potential system S兵x , t , u , v其 = 0, is called a
subsystem of the potential system S兵x , t , u , v其 = 0.
Definition 2.4: A tree of potential systems and subsystems for a given PDE system
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R兵x , t , u其 = 0, with some equations of R兵x , t , u其 = 0 written directly as conservation laws, is a set of
PDE systems composed of R兵x , t , u其 = 0, all resulting potential systems, and all possible subsystems. We will refer to the number of dependent variables in a subsystem as the level of that
Remark 2.1: If a potential system, as it is written, includes conservation laws with an essential
dependence on potential variables, a higher potential system can be obtained, as will be illustrated
by examples.
Definition 2.5: A subsystem S兵x , t , ui1 , . . . , uip−1其 = 0, obtained from a system
S兵x , t , u j1 , . . . , u j p其 = 0 by excluding a dependent variable u␣, is locally related to
S兵x , t , u j1 , . . . , u j p其 = 0 if u␣ can be directly expressed from the equations of S兵x , t , u j1 , . . . , u j p其 = 0 in
terms of x , t, the remaining dependent variables and their derivatives. Otherwise the subsystem
S兵x , t , ui1 , . . . , uip−1其 = 0 is nonlocally related to S兵x , t , u j1 , . . . , u j p其 = 0.
For example, the system
S兵x,t,u, v其 = 0:
vx − u = 0,
vt − 共L共u兲兲x = 0,
has two subsystems,
S1兵x,t,u其 = 0: ut − 共L共u兲兲xx = 0
S2兵x,t, v其 = 0: vt = 共L共vx兲兲x ,
where S1兵x , t , u其 = 0 is nonlocally related to S兵x , t , u , v其 = 0, and S2兵x , t , v其 = 0 is locally related to
S兵x , t , u , v其 = 0. 共Throughout this paper, subindices denote corresponding partial derivatives.兲
Definition 2.6: A tree of nonlocally related potential systems and subsystems is obtained from
a tree of potential systems and subsystems by removing all locally related subsystems.
Remark 2.2: It is important to emphasize that a given system R兵x , t , u其 = 0, its related potential
systems and subsystems, contain all solutions of each other. This directly follows from the way
potentials are introduced in the potential systems and the way dependent variables are excluded in
the subsystems since the integrability conditions always hold. Therefore, one may successfully
apply a method of analysis 共qualitative, numerical, perturbation, symmetry, conservation laws,
etc.兲 to a potential system or a nonlocally related subsystem, even if it fails to be of use when
applied to the given system R兵x , t , u其 = 0.
A. Example 1: A tree of potential systems and subsystems for the nonlinear diffusion
For the nonlinear diffusion equation, the given PDE system is the conservation law
R兵x,t,u其 = 0: ut − 共L共u兲兲xx = 0,
where the constitutive function L共u兲 is related to the diffusion function K共u兲 = L⬘共u兲. Consequently,
the related potential system is given by
S兵x,t,u, v其 = 0:
vx − u = 0,
vt − 共L共u兲兲x = 0,
and the subsystem S兵x , t , v其 = 0 is given by the equation
S兵x,t, v其 = 0: vt = 共L共vx兲兲x .
The second equation of 共2.8兲 is a conservation law, and hence it gives rise to another potential
variable w, and higher potential system T兵x , t , u , v , w其 = 0 共Remark 2.1兲 given by
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Algorithmic framework for potential systems
FIG. 1. The tree of potential systems and subsystems for the nonlinear diffusion equation 共2.7兲 for an arbitrary constitutive
function L共u兲.
vx − u = 0,
T兵x,t,u, v,w其 = 0: wx − v = 0,
wt − L共u兲 = 0,
and subsystems T1兵x , t , u , w其 = 0, T2兵x , t , v , w其 = 0, T2兵x , t , w其 = 0 given by
T1兵x,t,u,w其 = 0:
T2兵x,t, v,w其 = 0:
wxx − u = 0,
wt − L共u兲 = 0,
wx − v = 0,
wt − L共vx兲 = 0,
T2兵x,t,w其 = 0: wt − L共wxx兲 = 0.
Since the subsystems S兵x , t , v其 = 0, T1兵x , t , u , w其 = 0, T2兵x , t , v , w其 = 0, and T2兵x , t , w其 = 0 are
locally related to the potential systems 共2.8兲 and 共2.10兲, they are not of any interest.
This tree of potential systems and subsystems is illustrated in Fig. 1 with arrows showing the
origins of elements of the tree, with dashed lines used to denote locally related subsystems. The
group classification of this tree of potential systems and subsystems is given in Ref. 5 and
references therein. In particular, for certain forms of the constitutive function L共u兲 the level two
system S兵x , t , u , v其 = 0 yields nonlocal symmetries of the level one system R兵x , t , u其 = 0, and vice
versa. The point symmetries of the “grand” level three system T兵x , t , u , v , w其 = 0 include all point
symmetries of the lower level systems. Moreover, the “grand” system T兵x , t , u , v , w其 = 0 includes a
constitutive function L共u兲 that yields symmetries that are nonlocal for the level one and level two
B. Direct construction method for finding conservation laws
A direct method for finding conservation laws using factors was presented in Refs. 11 and 12.
This method follows from the fact that a function f共x , U , ⳵U , . . . , ⳵ pU兲 is a divergence expression
if and only if it is annihilated by the Euler differential operators,
Ek =
k + D iD j
k + ¯ + 共− 1兲 Di1 ¯ Di p
k − Di
⳵ Ui
⳵ Uij
⳵ Uik ¯i
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G. Bluman and A. F. Cheviakov
associated with each dependent variable Uk in f共x , U , ⳵U , . . . , ⳵ pU兲, k = 1 , . . . , n. In 共2.12兲, Di is the
total derivative operator for the independent variable xi and Uik ¯i = ⳵ pUk / ⳵xi1 ¯ ⳵xip.
For a given PDE system R兵x , t , u其 = 0, when additional conservation laws are found within its
tree of potential systems and subsystems, the tree can be extended. Here x1 = t , x2 = x.
The procedure to find additional conservation laws is as follows:
共A兲 Take a linear combination of the functions Rk兵x , t , U其 associated with the system
R兵x , t , u其 = 0, with unknown factors ⌳k共x , t , U , ⳵U , . . . , ⳵lU兲 共for some fixed l兲,
M = ⌳k共x,t,U, ⳵ U, . . . , ⳵lU兲Rk兵x,t,U其.
It is essential to note that in 共2.13兲, U is an arbitrary function. 关U = u共x , t兲 is a solution of
R兵x , t , u其 = 0.兴
共B兲 A set of factors 兵⌳k共x , t , U , ⳵U , . . . , ⳵lU兲其 yields a conservation law 共2.1兲 of R兵x , t , u其
= 0 if and only if it satisfies the linear system of determining equations,
E1M = 0,
EnM = 0,
holding for arbitrary values of x , t and the components of U , ⳵U , ⳵2U , . . . .
共C兲 For each set of factors 兵⌳k共x , t , ⳵U , . . . , ⳵lU兲其 satisfying 共2.14兲, there is an integral formula
to find the density T and the flux X of the corresponding conservation law 共2.1兲.11,12
Remark 2.3: The procedure outlined above can be applied to find conservation laws for any
potential system or subsystem in a tree.
C. Construction of extended trees of nonlocally related potential systems
and subsystems using additional conservation laws
Definition 2.7: If for some additional conservation law, a factor ⌳k does not vanish or vanishes
only on solutions U = u共x , t兲 of the given system R兵x , t , u其 = 0, then the resulting conservation law
共2.1兲 is a useful conservation law and can replace the kth equation Rk兵x , t , u其 = 0 of the system
R兵x , t , u其 = 0.
Consequently, the resulting system
R̃兵x,t,u其 = 0:
R1兵x,t,u其 = 0,
... ,
Rk−1兵x,t,u其 = 0,
DtT兵x,t,u其 + DxX兵x,t,u其 = 0,
Rk+1兵x,t,u其 = 0,
... ,
Rm兵x,t,u其 = 0
has the same solution set as the original DE system R兵x , t , u其 = 0. In particular, the system 共2.15兲
explicitly contains a conservation law that leads to a related higher potential system. In determining conservation laws by the direct construction method for the related higher level potential
system S兵x , t , u , v其 = 0 arising from 共2.15兲, for completeness it is essential to consider the potential
system S兵x , t , u , v其 = 0 together with the replaced equation Rk兵x , t , u其 = 0, i.e., the system
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Algorithmic framework for potential systems
S̃兵x,t,u, v其 = 0:
J. Math. Phys. 46, 123506 共2005兲
R1兵x,t,u其 = 0,
... ,
Rk−1兵x,t,u其 = 0
Rk兵x,t,u其 = 0,
vx − T兵x,t,u其 = 0,
vt + X兵x,t,u其 = 0,
Rk+1兵x,t,u其 = 0,
... ,
Rm兵x,t,u其 = 0.
If a conservation law is not useful, then one would be too restricted in considering subsystems
共with the same solution sets as R兵x , t , u其 = 0兲 that result from elimination of one or more dependent
By incorporating the direct method for finding conservation laws, we are now able to outline
the algorithm for constructing the extended tree of nonlocally related potential systems and subsystems for a given DE system R兵x , t , u其 = 0. Since u = 共u1 , . . . , un兲, the level 共number of dependent
variables兲 of the given system in the tree is n.
Construction of potential systems: Suppose R兵x , t , u其 = 0 includes explicit conservation
laws as written. For each of these conservation laws 共2.1兲, introduce a potential and
construct a potential system of level n + 1. For each of the potential systems of level n
+ 1, repeat this step to obtain all potential systems of level n + 2, etc., until higher potential
systems include no more explicit conservation laws. Let T1 denote the resulting tree. 共If
R兵x , t , u其 = 0 does not include explicit conservation laws as written, then T1 = 兵R兵x , t , u其
= 0其.兲
Construction of subsystems: For all systems of the tree T1, exclude where possible, one by
one, dependent variables, to generate all subsystems of the systems in the tree T1. Eliminate subsystems that are locally related to it. This yields a possibly larger tree T2.
Additional conservation laws: Tree extension: For each system in T2, find multipliers that
yield useful conservation laws via the direct construction method. Use these additional
useful conservation laws to obtain higher potential systems and corresponding subsystems. Eliminate locally related subsystems. Continue until no further useful conservation laws are found for any nonlocally related potential system or subsystem. This yields
an extended tree of nonlocally related potential systems and subsystems.
D. Construction of nonlocal symmetries from an extended tree of potential systems
and subsystems
The extended tree obtained by the above procedure can be used for different methods of
analysis. In particular, it is useful in the search for nonlocal symmetries of the given DE system
R兵x , t , u其 = 0. Since each potential system and subsystem within the tree is nonlocally related to the
given system, as well as other potential systems and subsystems in the tree, it follows that point
symmetries of potential systems and subsystems may yield nonlocal 共potential兲 symmetries of the
given system, and/or other systems in the extended tree. Now we outline the algorithm to construct nonlocal symmetries.
Construction of extended trees of potential systems and nonlocally related subsystems:
For a given DE system R兵x , t , u其 = 0, construct the extended tree of nonlocally related
potential systems and subsystems. 共If the given system contains constitutive functions,
different extended trees may be obtained for particular forms of constitutive functions.兲
Point symmetry analysis: For each system in the extended tree, use Lie’s algorithm to
obtain its point symmetries.
Isolation of nonlocal symmetries: From the set of point symmetries of each system in the
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G. Bluman and A. F. Cheviakov
extended tree, isolate nonlocal symmetries of the given system R兵x , t , u其 = 0.
An example of the use of this algorithm follows.
E. Example 2: Nonlocal symmetries and linearization of a nonlinear reaction-diffusion
We apply the above-described algorithm of construction of nonlocal symmetries to the
reaction-diffusion equation
R兵x,t,u其 = 0: ut − u2uxx − 2bu2 = 0.
First, we construct an extended tree of potential systems and subsystems. The equation 共2.17兲
is not written as a conservation law. We look for multipliers of the form ⌳1 = ⌳1共U兲 that yield
conservation laws of 共2.17兲. Here the determining equation 共2.14兲 becomes
E1关⌳1共U兲共Ut − U2Uxx − 2bU2兲兴 = 0,
and has solution ⌳1共U兲 = −1 / U2, with corresponding conservation law
+ 共u + bx2兲xx = 0.
The multiplier ⌳1共U兲 = −1 / U2 does not vanish. Hence the conservation law 共2.18兲 is useful and
equivalent to the PDE 共2.17兲. We let u1 = 1 / u and denote the resulting PDE by
R̃兵x,t,u1其 = 0: u1t +
+ bx2
= 0.
We introduce potential variables v and w and corresponding potential systems,
S兵x,t,u1, v其 = 0:
T兵x,t,u1, v,w其 = 0:
vx − u1 = 0,
vt +
+ bx2
= 0,
vx − u1 = 0,
wx − v = 0,
wt +
+ bx2 = 0.
The subsystems are
S兵x,t, v其 = 0: vt +
T1兵x,t,u,w其 = 0:
T2兵x,t, v,w其 = 0:
+ bx2
wxx − u1 = 0,
wt +
= 0,
+ bx2 = 0,
wx − v = 0,
wt +
+ bx2 = 0,
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Algorithmic framework for potential systems
FIG. 2. The tree of potential systems and subsystems for the reaction-diffusion equation 共2.17兲.
T2兵x,t,w其 = 0: wt +
+ bx2 = 0.
The tree of potential systems and subsystems is illustrated in Fig. 2 with arrows showing the
origins of elements of the tree. Locally related subsystems are outlined with dashed lines. For the
analysis of nonlocal symmetries of the given system R兵x , t , u其 = 0 共2.17兲, only systems
S兵x , t , u1 , v其 = 0 and T兵x , t , u1 , v , w其 = 0 need to be used, since all other subsystems are locally
related to them.
One can show5 that the level three potential system T兵x , t , u1 , v , w其 = 0 admits an infinitesimal
X⬁T = eb共w−xv兲 共F1 − bxF3兲
+ 共2bxu21F1 − u21F2 + bu1共1 − bx2u1兲F3兲
⳵ u1
+ 共vF1 − 共1 + bxv兲F3兲
⳵ F1共v,t兲
= F2共v,t兲,
⳵ F3共v,t兲
= F1共v,t兲,
⳵ F3共v,t兲
= F2共v,t兲.
The point symmetry generator 共2.22兲 is infinite dimensional; it projects to a point symmetry of
T2兵x , t , v , w其 = 0, induces a contact symmetry of T2兵x , t , w其 = 0, a Lie-Bäcklund symmetry of
T1兵x , t , u , w其 = 0, and a nonlocal symmetry of R兵x , t , u其 = 0, R̃兵x , t , u1其 = 0, S兵x , t , u1 , v其 = 0, and
S兵x , t , v其 = 0. Consequently, T兵x , t , u1 , v , w其 = 0, T2兵x , t , v , w其 = 0, and T2兵x , t , w其 = 0 are linearizable
by invertible mappings, and the other systems in the tree are linearizable by noninvertible
We now use the algorithmic approach described in Sec. II to construct trees of potential
systems and subsystems for the 共1 + 1兲-dimensional system of planar gas dynamics 共PGD兲 equations. The point symmetries of some of these systems have been extensively considered in Ref. 14.
The two fundamental systems of differential equations that describe nonstationary
共1 + 1兲-dimensional gas motions are Euler and Lagrange systems. In the Eulerian description, x is
a Cartesian coordinate in a fixed coordinate frame. The Euler system is given by
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G. Bluman and A. F. Cheviakov
␳t + 共␳v兲x = 0,
E兵x,t, v,p, ␳其 = 0: ␳共vt + vvx兲 + px = 0,
␳共pt + v px兲 + B共p,1/␳兲vx = 0.
Here v is the gas velocity, ␳ is the gas density, and p is the gas pressure. In terms of the entropy
density S共p , ␳兲, the constitutive function B共p , 1 / ␳兲 is given by
B共p,1/␳兲 = − ␳2S␳/S p .
In many applications, however, it is more convenient to use Lagrange mass coordinates s
= t , y = 兰xx ␳共␰兲d␰. In these variables, the system 共3.1兲 takes on the equivalent form
qs − vy = 0,
L兵y,s, v,p,q其 = 0: vs + py = 0,
ps + B共p,q兲vy = 0,
and is called the Lagrange system. Here the coordinate y essentially enumerates the fluid particles;
its domain does not change with time. The partial time derivative ⳵ / ⳵s = ⳵ / ⳵t + v ⳵ / ⳵x is the material derivative. The use of Lagrange mass coordinates often significantly facilitates the formulation of boundary conditions.15–17
We show that the potential system framework provides a direct connection between the Euler
system 共3.1兲 and the Lagrange system 共3.2兲. Moreover, further extensions arise, and in particular,
one can obtain other nonlocally related equivalent systems of equations.
We now construct a tree of nonlocally related potential systems and subsystems, with
E兵x , t , v , p , ␳其 = 0 given by 共3.1兲 serving as the given system, through the algorithm described in
Sec. II.
Since the first equation of 共3.1兲 is a conservation law, a potential variable r is naturally
introduced, and the resulting level four potential system has the form
G兵x,t, v,p, ␳,r其 = 0:
rx − ␳ = 0,
rt + ␳v = 0,
rx共vt + vvx兲 + px = 0,
rx共pt + v px兲 + B共p,1/rx兲vx = 0.
An obvious subsystem I兵x , t , v , p , r其 ⬅ G1兵x , t , v , p , r其 = 0 is obtained by excluding the density
␳ from 共3.3兲,
rt + vrx = 0,
I兵x,t, v,p,r其 = 0: rx共vt + vvx兲 + px = 0,
rx共pt + v px兲 + B共p,1/rx兲vx = 0.
In Ref. 14, 共3.4兲 is referred to as the intermediate system. However, this system is locally related
to G兵x , t , v , p , ␳ , r其 = 0.
Another subsystem is G2兵x , t , p , ␳ , r其 = 0, obtained by excluding the velocity v. This subsystem
is also not of interest since it is locally related to G兵x , t , v , p , ␳ , r其 = 0.
Consider a local coordinate transformation of the system G兵x , t , v , p , ␳ , r其 = 0 with r = y , t = s
treated as independent variables, and x , v , p , ␳ as dependent variables. Without loss of generality,
␳ ⫽ 0. We let q = 1 / ␳, and obtain the system G0兵y , s , x , v , p , ␳其 = 0 given by
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FIG. 3. The tree TPGD of nonlocally related PGD potential systems and subsystems, for an arbitrary constitutive function
B共p , 1 / ␳兲; E兵x , t , v , p , ␳其 = 0 is the Euler system 共3.1兲, L兵y , s , v , p , q其 = 0 is the Lagrange system 共3.2兲.
G0兵y,s,x, v,p, ␳其 = 0:
q − xy = 0,
v − xs = 0,
vs + py = 0,
ps + B共p,q兲vy = 0,
equivalent to the potential system G兵x , t , v , p , ␳ , r其 = 0 and locally related to it.
A subsystem of G0兵y , s , x , v , p , ␳其 = 0 obtained by excluding x through xsy = xys is the Lagrange
system 共3.2兲, L兵y , s , v , p , q其 ⬅ G0兵y , s , v , p , q其 = 0. Thus the Euler and Lagrange systems of PGD
equations are connected through a common potential system 共see Fig. 3兲.
We continue the construction of the tree of potential systems and subsystems for the PGD
equations for a general constitutive function B共p , 1 / ␳兲. We first find possible higher potential
systems arising for the potential system G兵x , t , v , p , ␳ , r其 = 0 given by 共3.3兲.
The Euler system given by 共3.1兲 with multipliers ⌳1 = V, ⌳2 = 1, ⌳3 = 0 yields a useful conservation law,
共␳v兲t + 共p + ␳v2兲x = 0,
which also holds for the system G兵x , t , v , p , ␳ , r其 = 0. Hence we use the conservation law 共3.6兲 to
replace the equation rx共vt + vvx兲 + px = 0, and introduce a potential variable w to obtain the level five
potential system W兵x , t , v , p , ␳ , r , w其 = 0 given by
W兵x,t, v,p, ␳,r,w其 = 0:
rx − ␳ = 0,
rt + ␳v = 0,
wx + rt = 0,
wt + p + vwx = 0,
rx共pt + v px兲 + B共p,1/rx兲vx = 0.
The third equation of 共3.7兲 is written as a conservation law, and accordingly we introduce a
potential variable z to obtain a level six potential system,
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G. Bluman and A. F. Cheviakov
Z兵x,t, v,p, ␳,r,w,z其 = 0:
rx − ␳ = 0,
rt + ␳v = 0,
zt − w = 0,
zx + r = 0,
wt + p + vwx = 0,
rx共pt + v px兲 + B共p,1/rx兲vx = 0.
The only nonlocally related subsystems of 共3.7兲 and 共3.8兲 arise from excluding r 共see Fig. 3兲.
The Lagrange system 共3.2兲 has a nonlocally related subsystem obtained by excluding v,
L兵y,s,p,q其 = 0:
qss + pyy = 0,
ps + B共p,q兲qs = 0.
The tree TPGD of useful 共i.e., nonlocally related兲 potential systems and subsystems 关for an
arbitrary constitutive function B共p , 1 / ␳兲兴 is illustrated by Fig. 3. Note that either the Euler system
E兵x , t , v , p , ␳其 = 0 or the Lagrange system L兵y , s , v , p , q其 = 0 can be taken as the given system. Each
of these systems gives rise to the same tree of potential systems and subsystems.
All systems in the tree TPGD are nonlocally related and equivalent 共i.e., contain all solutions of
each other兲. Therefore any general method of analysis 共qualitative, numerical, perturbation, symmetry, conservation laws, etc.兲 may yield new results for any of these nonlocally related PGD
systems. In particular, this is the case for the symmetry analysis given below.
In Ref. 14, point symmetries of three systems were studied in detail—the Euler system 共3.1兲,
the Lagrange system 共3.2兲, and the “intermediate” system 共3.4兲. The authors gave a classification
with respect to the constitutive function B共p , 1 / ␳兲 and isolated the cases in which some of the
point symmetries of E兵x , t , v , p , ␳其 = 0, L兵y , s , v , p , q其 = 0 or I兵x , t , v , p , r其 = 0 were nonlocal for the
other two systems. However, their approach was heuristic—the connections between their systems
did not involve a general constructive framework.
Using the algorithmic approach presented in this paper, one directly arrives at the tree TPGD of
nonlocally related PGD potential systems and subsystems. To find nonlocal symmetries of systems
E兵x , t , v , p , ␳其 = 0 and L兵y , s , v , p , q其 = 0, one should classify the point symmetries of all eight
systems in the tree, with respect to the constitutive function B共p , 1 / ␳兲. 共The system
I兵x , t , v , p , r其 = 0 discussed in Ref. 14 is of no interest since it is locally related to the system
G兵x , t , v , p , ␳ , r其 = 0 in the tree.兲 For example, the subsystem L兵y , s , p , q其 = 0 given by 共3.9兲, in the
case of a Chaplygin gas 关B共p , q兲 = −p / q兴, admits a point symmetry with infinitesimal generator,
X = − y2
− py + 3yq ,
which yields a nonlocal symmetry for both E兵x , t , v , p , ␳其 = 0 and L兵y , s , v , p , q其 = 0. The symmetry
共3.10兲 was not obtained in Ref. 14, since the system 共3.9兲 did not arise.
Furthermore, for some systems in the tree TPGD, particular forms of the constitutive function
B共p , 1 / ␳兲 may yield useful conservation laws, which in turn would yield extended trees 共cf. Sec.
II兲. We now consider two examples.
Example A: For B共p , 1 / ␳兲 = ␳共1 + e p兲, the system G兵x , t , v , p , ␳ , r其 = 0 has a family of useful
conservation laws,
冉 冊 冉
e p f共r兲
ve p f共r兲
= 0,
p + Dx
1 + ep
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FIG. 4. PGD tree extensions for two particular forms of the constitutive function B共p , 1 / ␳兲. 共a兲 B共p , 1 / ␳兲 = ␳共1 + e p兲. 共b兲
Chaplygin gas B共p , 1 / ␳兲 = −p␳.
for arbitrary f共r兲. A conservation law of the form 共3.11兲 can be used to replace the fourth equation
of G兵x , t , v , p , ␳ , r其 = 0 to introduce a potential c and consequent family of potential systems
C f 兵x , t , v , p , ␳ , r , c其 = 0 in terms of an arbitrary function f共r兲,
C f 兵x,t, v,p, ␳,r,c其 = 0:
rx − ␳ = 0,
rt + ␳v = 0,
rx共vt + vvx兲 + px = 0,
cx + e p f共r兲/共1 + e p兲 = 0,
ct − ve p f共r兲/共1 + e p兲 = 0.
The corresponding tree extension is exhibited in Fig. 4共a兲.
Example B: For the Chaplygin gas B共p , 1 / ␳兲 = −p␳, the family of useful conservation laws
冉 冊 冉 冊
v f共r兲
+ Dx
for arbitrary f共r兲 yields a family of potential systems
D f 兵x,t, v,p, ␳,r,d其 = 0:
rx − ␳ = 0,
rt + ␳v = 0,
rx共vt + vvx兲 + px = 0,
dx + f共r兲/p = 0,
dt − v f共r兲/p = 0,
nonlocally related to the other systems in the tree TPGD. The corresponding tree extension is
exhibited in Fig. 4共b兲. One can show that nonlocal symmetries of the Euler system
E兵x , t , v , p , ␳其 = 0 only arise in the cases where f共r兲 = r, f共r兲 = const. For f共r兲 = r, the system 共3.14兲
XD1 = −
冊 冉 冊
⳵ rt␳ ⳵
t2 ⳵
+ d−
+ rt −
+ dt
2 ⳵v
p ⳵␳
XD2 = −
⳵ r␳ ⳵
−t +r −
⳵ p p ⳵␳
⳵x ⳵v
Symmetry 共3.15兲 is nonlocal for both the Euler system E兵x , t , v , p , ␳其 = 0 and the Lagrange
system L兵y , s , v , p , q其 = 0; symmetry 共3.16兲 is nonlocal for the Euler system E兵x , t , v , p , ␳其 = 0 but
local for the Lagrange system L兵y , s , v , p , q其 = 0. In Ref. 14, symmetry XD1 was not obtained;
symmetry XD2 was obtained by an ad hoc procedure.
Through the algorithmic framework given in this paper, the symmetry results in Ref. 14 can
be recovered systematically and substantially extended.
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G. Bluman and A. F. Cheviakov
FIG. 5. NLT tree for arbitrary constitutive functions F共u兲 , G共u兲.
We now construct trees of nonlocally related potential systems and subsystems for the nonlinear telegraph 共NLT兲 equation, as well as further tree extensions for particular forms of constitutive functions. This allows us to extend recent results that appeared in Refs. 9, 13, and 18.
A. The tree for arbitrary constitutive functions
As a given system, we take the NLT equation,
U兵x,t,u其 = 0: utt − 共F共u兲ux兲x − 共G共u兲兲x = 0.
Equation 共4.1兲 is an explicit conservation law and hence is equivalent to the level two potential system,
UV兵x,t,u, v其 = 0:
ut − vx = 0,
vt − F共u兲ux − G共u兲 = 0.
NLT systems of the form 共4.2兲 represent the equations of telegraphy of a two-conductor
transmission line and equations of motion of a hyperelastic homogeneous rod whose crosssectional area varies exponentially along the rod. For further details, see Refs. 9 and 13 and
references therein.
Since the first equation of 共4.2兲 is written as a conservation law, a level three potential system
is obtained,
wt − v = 0,
UVW兵x,t,u, v,w其 = 0: wx − u = 0,
vt − F共u兲ux − G共u兲 = 0.
For arbitrary constitutive functions F共u兲 , G共u兲, there are no further potential systems.
The complete point symmetry classifications of the scalar equation 共4.1兲 and system 共4.2兲
appear, respectively, in Refs. 18 and 9. The point symmetries of 共4.2兲 yield nonlocal symmetries
of 共4.1兲 for a large class of constitutive functions.
The given equation 共4.1兲 is the only subsystem of system 共4.2兲. The subsystems of potential
system 共4.3兲 are obtained by excluding u and/or v, UW兵x , t , u , w其 = 0, VW兵x , t , v , w其 = 0, and
W兵x , t , w其 = 0. However these subsystems are not interesting since they are locally related to the
potential system UVW兵x , t , u , v , w其 = 0 given by 共4.3兲.
The tree TNLT of useful 共i.e., nonlocally related兲 potential systems and subsystems, for arbitrary constitutive functions F共u兲 , G共u兲, is exhibited in Fig. 5.
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Algorithmic framework for potential systems
TABLE I. Conservation laws of the system 共4.2兲 using the data presented in
Ref. 13.
Conservation law
F共u兲 = G⬘共u兲
⌳1 = 0, ⌳2 = ex
⌳1 = ex, ⌳2 = tex
共I兲 Dt共vex兲 − Dx共exG共u兲兲 = 0
共II兲 Dt共ex共u + tv兲兲 − Dx共ex共tG共u兲 + v兲兲 = 0
F共u兲 = G⬘共u兲 + 1
⌳1 = ⌳2 = ex+t
⌳1 = −⌳2 = ex−t
共III兲 Dt共ex+t共u + v兲兲 − Dx共ex+t共G共u兲 + u + v兲兲 = 0
共IV兲 Dt共ex−t共u − v兲兲 + Dx共ex−t共G共u兲 + u − v兲兲 = 0
F共u兲 = G⬘共u兲 − 1
⌳1 = −i⌳2 = ex+it
共V,VI兲 Real and imaginary parts of
Dt共ex+it共iu + v兲兲 − Dx共ex+it共G共u兲 − u + iv兲兲 = 0
F共u兲 arbitrary,
G共u兲 = u
⌳1 = x − t2 / 2, ⌳2 = t
共VII兲 Dt共共x − t2 / 2兲u + tv兲
+ Dx共共t2 / 2 − x兲v − t 兰 F共u兲du兲 = 0
共VIII兲 Dt共v − tu兲 + Dx共tv − 兰F共u兲du兲 = 0
⌳1 = −t, ⌳2 = 1
B. Tree extensions for particular constitutive functions
The complete conservation law classification of the potential system UV兵x , t , u , v其 = 0 given by
共4.2兲 was found in Ref. 13 for multipliers of the form ⌳i = ⌳i共x , t , U , V兲 , i = 1 , 2. The problem of
finding further potential systems from useful conservation laws of the system 共4.2兲 was not
considered in Ref. 13.
Using the data presented in Ref. 13, one sees that the following useful conservation laws
共Table I兲 arise for 共4.2兲.
In Table I, we exclude the cases 关G共u兲 = u with F共u兲 = const, G共u兲 = 0 with F共u兲 arbitrary兴 for
which system 共4.2兲 is linear or linearizable by a point transformation.
The eight conservation laws in Table I are now used to obtain additional potential systems and
nonlocally related subsystems, and thus to extend the tree TNLT. In particular, each conservation
law in Table I 关except 共I兲兴 can be used to replace either equation of system UV兵x , t , u , v其 = 0 given
by 共4.2兲, since in each of these seven cases both multipliers ⌳1 , ⌳2 are nonzero and have no
dependence on dependent variables.
Case 1: F共u兲 = G⬘共u兲. For conservation law 共I兲 in Table I, one has ⌳1 = 0, and hence only the
second equation of the system UV兵x , t , u , v其 = 0 given by 共4.2兲 can be replaced with this conservation law. Accordingly, we introduce a potential variable ã and let a = e−xã. The corresponding
potential system is given by
vx − ut = 0,
UVA兵x,t,u, v,a其 = 0: a + ax − v = 0,
at − G共u兲 = 0.
Since the first equation of 共4.4兲 is written as a conservation law, a level four potential system
is obtained,
UVWA兵x,t,u, v,w,a其 = 0:
wt − v = 0,
wx − u = 0,
a + ax − v = 0,
at − G共u兲 = 0.
Note that the system UVW兵x , t , u , v , w其 = 0 given by 共4.3兲 is a subsystem of the system 共4.5兲
through excluding the variable a. The subsystems
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FIG. 6. The form of the extended tree of nonlocally related potential systems and subsystems of the NLT equations for
Case 1 关F共u兲 = G⬘共u兲, G共u兲 arbitrary兴, Case 2 关F共u兲 = G⬘共u兲 + 1, G共u兲 arbitrary兴, Case 3 关F共u兲 = G⬘共u兲 − 1, G共u兲 arbitrary兴,
and Case 4 关F共u兲 arbitrary with G共u兲 = u兴.
VA兵x,t, v,a其 = 0:
a + ax − v = 0,
vx − H⬘共at兲att = 0
共H = G−1兲,
A兵x,t,a其 = 0: ax + axx − H⬘共at兲att = 0
are locally related to 共4.4兲 and therefore not interesting.
The useful conservation law 共II兲 is equivalent to a pair of equations bt = tG共u兲 + v, bx + b = u
+ tv, and hence yields the level three potential system,
UVB兵x,t,u, v,b其 = 0:
vx − ut = 0,
vt − G⬘共u兲ux − G共u兲 = 0,
bt − tG共u兲 − v = 0,
bx + b − u − tv = 0,
as well as the level four potential system,
UVWB兵x,t,u, v,w,b其 = 0:
wt − v = 0,
wx − u = 0,
bt − tG共u兲 − v = 0,
bx + b − u − tv = 0.
of nonlocally related potential systems and
In Fig. 6 we exhibit the extended tree
subsystems of the NLT equation 共4.1兲 in the case F共u兲 = G⬘共u兲.
In a similar manner, one can show that the three pairs of conservation laws for the other cases
关F共u兲 = G⬘共u兲 + 1, F共u兲 = G⬘共u兲 − 1, F共u兲 arbitrary with G共u兲 = u兴 all yield extended trees of the form
exhibited in Fig. 6. For each of these three cases, the nonlocally related systems are as follows.
Case 2: F共u兲 = G⬘共u兲 + 1. The set of nonlocally related potential systems and subsystems is
given by
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UVA兵x,t,u, v,a其 = 0:
UVWA兵x,t,u, v,w,a其 = 0:
UVB兵x,t,u, v,b其 = 0:
UVWB兵x,t,u, v,w,b其 = 0:
J. Math. Phys. 46, 123506 共2005兲
vx − ut = 0,
vt − F共u兲ux − G共u兲 = 0,
at + a − 共G共u兲 + u + v兲 = 0,
ax + a − 共u + v兲 = 0,
wt − v = 0,
wx − u = 0,
at + a − 共G共u兲 + u + v兲 = 0,
ax + a − 共u + v兲 = 0,
vx − ut = 0,
vt − F共u兲ux − G共u兲 = 0,
bt − b − 共G共u兲 + u − v兲 = 0,
bx + b + 共u − v兲 = 0,
wt − v = 0,
wx − u = 0,
bt − b − 共G共u兲 + u − v兲 = 0,
bx + b + 共u − v兲 = 0.
Case 3: F共u兲 = G⬘共u兲 − 1. The useful complex conservation law 共V,VI兲 in Table I is equivalent
to two useful real conservation laws,
Dt关ex共v cos t − u sin t兲兴 + Dx关ex共v sin t − 共G共u兲 − u兲cos t兲兴 = 0,
Dt关ex共u cos t + v sin t兲兴 − Dx关ex共共G共u兲 − u兲sin t + v cos t兲兴 = 0.
The set of nonlocally related potential systems and subsystems is given by
UVA兵x,t,u, v,a其 = 0:
vx − ut = 0,
vt − F共u兲ux − G共u兲 = 0,
at + 共v sin t − 共G共u兲 − u兲cos t兲 = 0,
ax + a − 共v cos t − u sin t兲 = 0,
UVWA兵x,t,u, v,w,a其 = 0:
UVB兵x,t,u, v,b2其 = 0:
wt − v = 0,
wx − u = 0,
at + 共v sin t − 共G共u兲 − u兲cos t兲 = 0,
ax + a − 共v cos t − u sin t兲 = 0,
vx − ut = 0,
vt − F共u兲ux − G共u兲 = 0,
bt + 共共G共u兲 − u兲sin t + vcos t兲 = 0,
bx + b + 共u cos t + v sin t兲 = 0,
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UVWB兵x,t,u, v,w,b其 = 0:
wt − v = 0,
wx − u = 0,
bt + 共共G共u兲 − u兲sin t + v cos t兲 = 0,
bx + b + 共u cos t + v sin t兲 = 0.
Case 4: F共u兲 arbitrary, G共u兲 = u. In this case, the set of nonlocally related potential systems
and subsystems is given by
vx − ut = 0,
vt − F共u兲ux − u = 0,
UVA兵x,t,u, v,a其 = 0:
ax − 共共x − t2/2兲u + tv兲 = 0,
at + 共t2/2 − x兲v − t
F共u兲du = 0,
wt − v = 0,
wx − u = 0,
UVWA兵x,t,u, v,w,a其 = 0:
ax − 共共x − t2/2兲u + tv兲 = 0,
at + 共t2/2 − x兲v − t
F共u兲du = 0
vx − ut = 0,
vt − F共u兲ux − u = 0,
UVB兵x,t,u, v,b其 = 0:
bx − 共v − tu兲 = 0,
bt + tv −
F共u兲du = 0,
wt − v = 0,
wx − u = 0,
UVWB兵x,t,u, v,w,b其 = 0:
bx − 共v − tu兲 = 0,
bt + tv −
F共u兲du = 0.
共1兲 The algorithmic framework for nonlocally related potential systems and subsystems has
been demonstrated to be useful for calculating new nonlocal symmetries and new nonlocal conservation laws for a given system of PDEs. It should be important to study the applicability of
other methods of analysis 共qualitative, numerical, perturbation, etc.兲 to nonlocally related systems
in extended trees, especially coordinate-independent methods.
共2兲 In a PDE system with n 艌 3 independent variables, a conservation law is equivalent to a set
of equations involving several potential variables.4 The corresponding potential system is underdetermined, and requires suitable gauge constraints 共in the form of additional equations on the
potential variables兲 to be imposed in order to find nonlocal symmetries.19
Although a potential system without constraints is underdetermined, its potential subsystems
may be useful for analysis without gauge constraints.
共3兲 In the algorithm presented in Sec. II, the nonlocally related subsystems are obtained by
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Algorithmic framework for potential systems
J. Math. Phys. 46, 123506 共2005兲
exclusion of dependent variables as written. Alternatively any point transformation
U = U共x,t,u, v兲,
V = V共x,t,u, v兲,
X = X共x,t,u, v兲,
T = T共x,t,u, v兲,
could be used to exclude a dependent variable U or V to obtain additional nonlocally related
subsystems. Indeed this is the situation within the tree of potential systems and subsystems of the
PGD equations 共Sec. III兲: the system G兵x , t , v , p , ␳ , r其 = 0 as written has only a nonlocally related
subsystem E兵x , t , v , p , ␳其 = 0. However after a local change of variables 共to G0兵y , s , x , v , p , ␳其 = 0兲,
it admits the Lagrange system L兵y , s , v , p , q其 = 0 as a nonlocally related subsystem 共Fig. 3兲.
共4兲 Using the algorithmic framework given in this paper, local and nonlocal symmetries for
the PGD equations obtained in Ref. 14 can be recovered systematically and substantially extended
共some examples of new nonlocal symmetries are given in Sec. III兲. The systematic classification of
useful conservation laws and consequent nonlocal extensions of the PGD tree TPGD will appear in
future works, as well as concomitant nonlocal symmetry analyses.
共5兲 An exhaustive study of nonlocal symmetries and nonlocal conservation laws of NLT
equations resulting from extended trees of potential systems and subsystems is in progress. Preliminary results show that for a large class of constitutive functions, namely, F共u兲 = G⬘共u兲, there
exist point symmetries of the potential system UVW兵x , t , u , v , w其 = 0 given by 共4.3兲 that are nonlocal for both the scalar NLT equation 共4.1兲 and the system UV兵x , t , u , v其 = 0 given by 共4.2兲. A
particular example is a symmetry
XUVW = v
冉 冊
w ⳵ uv ⳵
v2 ⳵
+ u+
+ uv
3 ⳵t 3 ⳵u 3 ⳵v
for the case F共u兲 = u2 , G共u兲 = u3 / 3.
The authors acknowledge financial support from the National Science and Engineering
Research Council of Canada and also the second author 共A.F.C.兲 is thankful for support from the
Killam foundation.
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